Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    My workout last night was PAP Lower, and that is it. This morning was 30MTF Plateau Buster 1 followed that up with PAP Upper, that was a good combo. Going to have a good day off, we are suppose to get some snow today and tomorrow.

    Did you all see update on the DVD's. They started going cross country on Wednesday, so they should be shipping sometime next week. Of course the weather may be a factor as to what day.

    Laurel, Great job getting through those two workouts, totally understand why you would be a little preoccupied and mix up how you wanted to do those workouts. LOL about how long ago you bought Step Heat, I think that may have been the same for me. I think my first workout was Cardio Kicks, and then I just proceeded from there. It took me forever to get the foot work down pat on this workout. Seemed like an old friend when I did it yesterday. :D The other one I remember fondly was Step Blast, and I have not done that one in a long time. I have that one on VHS, but now I can stream them. Glad to hear that you DH is going to be doing something that he enjoys, and that you are supporting him. I'm sure your sisters will understand, but that will be a tough conversation to have with them. You will just have to skype alot with them. ;)

    Tami, Dang on the cold class space. That probably was a good thing with all those people in there, it would have been way to hot at the end of class. Nice job on the STS workout also. I used to do that with Cami, I was always afraid that she was getting up to pee in the house. She was doing that a lot toward the end, so I would get up to let her out so that she wouldn't have an accident. They really don't like making messes in the house. Right now Rocket is looking at me, but I know that he doesn't have to go outside. I just let him out to do his business. :D

    Thelma, Awesome job on the workout. Hope your last day of work goes well today, and great news on your new process. That has to feel great, you can really enjoy your time off of work even though you will be doing some work when you are off. Of course that dreaded testing is happening also. LOL about the Christmas miracle, I think that you are right. That has to be why I pulled out that step.

    Becky, Hope your week is going well, and not to crazy busy with all the events that you probably have to deal with at this time of the year with children.

    Have a great weekend,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Well, I did my workout in the right order today, so apparently I am adjusting to this week's news. :) Today I started with X2 PAP Upper, then did the LIS Trisets Back, Bicep and Core premix. Really enjoyed blending these LIS Trisets workouts with the PAP workouts this week. For cardio, I did Party Rockin' Step 2 60 minute premix, which is good fun.

    Tami, glad things warmed up in the Spin room last night. I don't like working out when I am really cold any more than I do when I am really hot. I always think I am going to hurt myself if I am too cold working out! Yes, the hot flashes are so weird. I am just happy that, so far, they are confined to bed time. I would hate to be standing in line at the grocery store and break out in a deep sweat. Of course, in Florida, nobody would probably think twice since it is always so hot! Anyhow, DH's job would be for a minimum of 3 years and a max of 5. That's one of the reasons we are keeping the house.....because it is for a finite period of time. I am still all over the map about how I feel about this, but I suppose that's to be expected. I did ask DH what he had in mind when he applied for the job (because we didn't talk about it....he just applied.). He said he didn't think he'd get it so......he wasn't thinking about how this would work! That didn't help me. :o But we'll figure it out, no doubt. He really is giddy excited by this, and that is, without question, helping me come around to it as well.

    Thelma, another great workout! Hope the cold weather today wasn't too bad. At least this is a relatively short-lived cold spell. About the hot flashes, I think I might have to try the supplements. I bought some a couple of years ago, but no sooner did I buy them than the hot flashes disappeared. Last year, I only had hot flashes for about two weeks again, so I didn't need anything. But this year......they started right after the hurricane in October and, minus a few weeks, have been pretty consistent. No doubt the stress of this year is playing a role, along with cooler nights that aren't cool enough to open windows but have the AC off most nights. The lack of air flow (even with a ceiling fan) seems to be the biggest culprit. I keep notching the AC down, but noticed my poor DH is covered in about 14 layers of blankets now!! Not really.....but close. So I might need to come up with a different solution. :) Yay for your long break!!

    Laurie, hope you are enjoying your day. Great workouts. I can't believe we are turning the corner on our last week of X2! I am ready to get back to more Cathe, but I have enjoyed this rotation. Well, actually what I enjoy are the results more than the workouts. :p But, boy, is more core strong right now! That's never a bad thing. Step Blast is one of my favorite Cathe step workouts, no doubt. I toyed with doing that one this morning, but opted for PRS2 instead. I saw the update on the new Cathe workouts as well. Could be great timing for ending this rotation!!

    Becky, hope you are well.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi ladies - I can't believe Christmas is in another week! Yikes! So, since my last post, I haven't done a lot of working out. My family and I left for Legoland on Wednesday and returned last night (I gave my last final on Tuesday and now have 3 weeks off). It was a much needed vacation for us. With my DH working nights, we don't hang out much. My eldest son turned 12 on Friday, so my vacation was spent eating very poorly and running around the park. While I love vacation and Legoland, I couldn't wait to get home and do the next STS workout, so this morning I did disk 22 (chest/shoulder/tri). I was surprised that it was only 43 minutes and not 60+. It really pushed me, too.

    So, question for the group - I am supposed to do disk 23 and 24 then take a week break for recovery. Since I did disk 21 a week ago Monday, can I skip the recommended week off? I really don't want another break. Your thoughts/recommendations? Right now, my gut says to not worry about the break since I just had one.

    Laurel - Before I mention the workouts - WOW on moving back to Germany! It is so wonderful how supportive you are of him. At least you will be here some of the time and going to a place in Germany you are familiar with. Major changes are coming your way, but I am sure they will be good ones. You'll get a workout in just moving your weights! You got some great workouts in this past week, and some good old ones doing Pyramid. That was also great of you to make cookies for your DH to take to work.

    Laurie - Thanks for the update on the DVD's. I am very excited to see what you all think of them (I probably won't start until STS is done, unless I use one for a filler). Great job on getting all your workouts in, especially with it so cold outside. So many folks just stay in bed when it's cold. :# I am going to start my baking soon, so hopefully I don't taste test too many! HA! Many folks get the booties for their dogs during the summer here in Phx. The pavement really hurts their feet. I haven't because I take mine really early in the morning. The booties might help Rocket.

    Thelma - Wonderful job with your workouts and the new one that you have started. Hopefully the pace will pick up for you. It probably is nice to do something different. Fantastic finishing the XT workout.....mind over matter. You pushed through! Nice. :) I am so happy to hear that your boss was pleased with your work. Presentations can be so intimidating. No matter how much I teach, if I have to present to my Dean, VP or President, I get crazy nervous. I may look into the Bowflex dumbbells. Thanks for the info - my honey even mentioned getting those. As for the heated yoga - it definitely isn't for everyone. I don't mind dripping with sweat when I workout, but I don't like it when I just stand outside. ;)

    Tami - Wonderful job with your pyramid bootcamp class AND the EXTREME class you did (400 meters of Cardio, jumping jacks, etc). Yikes! What a fantastic workout and push for you. As you said on your post to me earlier, I am hitting reset today. Thanks for the words of encouragement.

    Have a great evening - Becky
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope you all had a nice weekend. We got about 4 inches of snow on Saturday and today the temps were in the low 50's and it rained! Tonight the temps will drop into the single digits and of course we'll have black ice all over the place. It will be very cold last night. I think the polar vortex decided to come back because it didn't really get that cold on Friday.
    I didn't workout on Friday. I was exhausted as I had to stay late at work and then I went food shopping. On Saturday I did Rock'm Sock'm and today I rode my spinning bike.

    Laurie, great workouts! Thanks for letting us know Cathe's new program will soon be in our homes!! This is exciting! My last day of work was super busy. I never stay late on Fridays but someone scheduled a late meeting that day! Are you off now?

    Laurel, that was quite a combo you did on Friday! Good job!
    WOW! Your DH must've been shocked to have gotten the job when he didn't think he had a chance! Will you rent the house during the time you're in Germany? I really think you should try that supplement and if it helps you should take plenty with you when you leave for Germany. When it comes to DH being cold at night, the way I see it he can bundle up! I have the AC blasting as well as a fan going at night when I have night sweats. My DH wears a fleece jacket all year round in the house and bundles up at night. I keep the house cold. This year though the hot flashes are less frequent and I've actually been cold! There was a time when I had to wear layers so I could get out of them as fast as possible. I can't believe how cold I've been this year! On Friday at work I had a cotton cami under a fleece pullover and I was still cold so I threw a fleece jacket over the pullover. I had sherpa lined boots on so my feet were warm. I never thought I'd ever feel cold again! LOL. Get your husband an electric blanket for his side of the bed!
    Stress is a big trigger for hot flashes no doubt that is why you're getting them.

    Becky, glad you had a good time at Legoland with the family! It's Ok to skip that recovery week since your body already took a break. Great job with STS 22!!!!
    I am happy my boss like my work! I'm usually OK with with him. My fear of presentations is when I have to present in front of people outside my department. If you're DH is recommending the Bowflex dumbbells definitely look into them. It's hard to believe that Christmas and 2017 are just around the corner!

    Hi Tami!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This is a short week for me, and it is very quiet around here. Lot's of people already off for the holidays. Saturday was my day off, and Sunday I only did PAP Lower Body. This morning was 30MTF Stepboxing Workout 2. Last week of P90X2, and the new workouts are ready for download. We will see how this works. We had double digits below zero this morning, so Rocket and I didn't go for a walk this morning. :/

    Laurel, Great workouts! I'm with you on the results, the core work has really done wonders for me. But like you, I'm ready for a change. Can't wait to see these new workouts, because they really did come at the right time for my state of mind. :D I think if I had to do one more week of these workouts, I would have ditched the last week anyway. My fan is officially off, and have to admit that these cold temps really are great for those hot flashes. I can have covers on me, and not be super hot. So I guess that I shouldn't complain about these below zero temps to much. :D

    Becky, Nice getting in your workout after the vacation. It is hard getting back into the swing after a break. Legoland is probably one place that my DH would love to go to, he has always loved them. I woulds say that you can proceed into Phase 3 with no problem. You should be fine with nixing the recovery week, since you already where off. With all of us talking about the workouts, you will probably slip some of the new ones in every once in a while. ;) I know that we will all be testing them out during our Christmas breaks. This will be interesting having all of us not working this Christmas. I think that I will be buying some of those booties on my way home from work, since Rocket will be in the car with me. This way I can try them on his feet, to make sure that I get the right size. I know that he will try to pull them off. Cute pic of you pups, how did you get them to sit by the tree? One is hard enough, but getting them both! ;)

    Thelma, Great job getting in the Rock'm Sock'm workout. I will be off of work Wednesday afternoon, I have 2-1/2 days to work this week. There really isn't anyone around this week, and next week, so it is a good time to be off. There is a rule in our company, that no one is suppose to have a meeting on Friday afternoon. That time is suppose to be spent on catching up, before the weekend. Of course there is always someone that breaks that rule. ;)

    Tami, Hope that you had a good weekend.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I’ve been filling in for one of my bosses and her dept. The department that I am very part tim in; so it’s always a little stressful. Hoping I can help people when they ask questions. Luckily there is another lady that knows most all of the answers and can assist me. She was off Friday and today, so I didn’t get a chance to check in with you all. Sorry about that. Weekend was good, very snowy and cold but good. I felt like doing a Total Body workout Sat. a.m. so I went with STS Total Body, yesterday was STS Meso #3 Chest/Back followed by a Blizzard Blast for a quick cardio. Today will be Katy’s BootCamp after work.

    Thelma: I cannot believe Christmas is so close either! Sounds like our weather patterns are still very similar, we didn’t get quite that much snow, but almost. We just got out of the single digits however and today being in the 20’s feels warm. LOL Great job with your workouts over the weekend!

    Becky: Way to get right back in it when you returned from vacation! That is one thing I am always dying to do when I return is WORKOUT! LOL Not a wish of most people when they return from vacation. Great job with STS!! Even some of those shorter workouts do surprise you don’t they!?

    Laurie: Great job with your workouts , don’t you love that Plateau Buster workout!!??! Thanks for the update on the new Cathe DVD’s. I thought I had read that but wasn’t sure. WOOHOO! Yes, that cold Spin room is the worst. It is the coldest room in the gym because it is small and the doors are always shut; from my understanding they don’t heat it either. Thank you for your understanding with Emma. Just tough stuff having a Senior dog. Then the other evening Bernie through up ….. all over the back door rug. Thank goodness it was on the rug. So GROSS and I felt so bad for him. All is fine after that but I had a feeling he wasn’t feeling good. Tail down, sad look on his face and then it hit moments later. I should have trusted my gut and let him outside. Short week for me too!!! I work a half day on Wednesday and then I am off until the 27th. Truly a vacation for me.

    Laurel: Fabulous job with your workouts (as always)!!! Tri-Sets really do go so well with other programs, I agree. I can see why you asked your DH that question of “what were you thinking” funny how sometimes the things we think won’t happen actually do. Glad he is excited and I am sure if it comes to the move, you will be on board …. Eventually. Is it just the 2 of your for Christmas this year?

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Late and short check-in from me today. I don't know where my day escaped to!! Anyhow, we had a nice weekend here. Lots of talking and planning for our possible move. And, of course, more Christmas baking! But I am officially done with that this year! Gave away a lot of cookies, which is always fun for me. I took Saturday off from workouts, as usual. Sunday was PAP Lower followed by X54 and the core work from Flex Train. Today was PAP Upper followed by Body Max 2. It has been awhile since I have done that latter workout in its entirety. It's a toughie, that is for sure.

    Becky, love the new photo! I am glad you were able to enjoy some time away with your family, though I understand the desire to get back to workouts. There is so much variety in those Meso 2 workouts, and that final week with the shorter workouts is tough! Love it, though. I think you are fine skipping the off week, as both Thelma and Laurie have indicated. Moving my weights is always fun....not! The movers hate us for them! But they always make comments about them to my DH since they assume they are his!! I just laugh. :)

    Thelma, great workouts this weekend. But that snow followed by rain is no good! I hope it wasn't too icy. All you up there with this record breaking cold....and we have record breaking heat! It is crazy!! Anyhow, we are still trying to decide what we are going to do with the house. Our initial thought was I would come back and stay here and we would move back at the end of DH's time in Germany. But we are also considering renting it.....or even trying to sell So many decisions! Doesn't help we change our minds every time we talk! Oh well.

    Laurie, yowza on the cold! Yes, I imagine it is good for the hot flashes, but that's cold! Great job with the workouts. Like you, I am ready to be done with this rotation.....but I am going to make it to the end! It makes me happy to finish the year with a tough but completed rotation. Good stuff!

    Tami, hope you had a good weekend.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT Bi's & Tri's, RWH Low Impact I. It wasn't as cold as I thought it would be. Of course that's easy for me to say because I don't spend more than 5 minutes at-a-time outside! Temps were in he teens and once the sun came out it felt good. I was properly dressed for winter so another reason why I wasn't cold.

    Saw this recipe from Gina the Skinny Taste lady in FB today and it looks good. I don't know about the sesame seeds though

    Laurie, great workouts! Love that 30MTF Stepboxing workout! Congrats on starting your last week of the P90X2 rotation!
    The last two weeks of the year at work are pretty quiet too. Some people save their time off and take the last 3 weeks. I used to work at a company that had "meeting free Fridays". That was great. This people I work with are meeting happy. OMG! You guys are having seriously cold temps!

    I know you're considering getting Rocket some shoes. This video was posted on FB today. Could this be Rocket with booties and a sweater?

    Tami, great workouts! I'm sure you will do a great job filling in for your boss. We really are having similar weather patters! Eventually this afternoon we hit 20 and it felt warm for sure.

    Laurel, great workouts and congrats for finishing your baking for 2016!
    I would've thought you'd get some of these cold temps in FL too. You do have a lot of decisions to make!

    Hi Becky, I just saw your dogs picture in front of the Christmas tree! So adorable!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday after work was PAP Upper Body. This morning was 30MTF Bootcamp 2.

    Tami, Awesome job on the workouts, and you class. That does have to be stressful to be in that department, but not know everything that is necessary to help people. That can be frustrating, but I'm sure that over time you will get to know it so much better. The Plateau Buster workout is starting to be a favorite for me, I really like the format of that one. Funny, that is the same place that Rocket tends to do that also. He doesn't really indicate that something is upsetting his tummy, just that look on his face that he isn't feeling good. So I'm constantly sending him outside. ;)

    Laurel, Great combo of workouts! It feels really good to be headed into the home stretch, and we are both ending our year with another rotation done. I didn't think I was going to be able to do this one until the end, but I'm happy that I did. Thank you for being there to push me through this, it was a tough one. Today was a bit warmer, but the wind is blowing so it still feels so cold. We are suppose to be getting temps in the 40's toward the weekend though.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout! I have not done the 2nd step boxing workout as much, so I was confused on the moves a couple of times. Good thing that they are not to complicated. We used to have meetings like that, but that has actually gotten better. I think they realize that if you are not accomplishing anything, then why have the meetings. LOL with the video, that is Rocket with the sweater. I was surprised yesterday, I had him get a bath at doggy daycare. They put a bandanna on him, and he didn't try to chew it off. Guess my little guy is growing up. ;)

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Had an early workout this morning because of an early hair appointment. The early hour and the fact I didn't sleep at all last night (still preoccupied!) made for a tough workout. But I did it. Of course, my mind wasn't settled enough for yoga, so I opted as I have the past two weeks for working legs instead. Today it was Leaner Legs. For cardio, I did Hard Strikes cardio, plus the bonus Hard Strikes Tabatas into the Rock'm Sock'm Blizzard Blast. Not too intense, but got the job done for today.

    Tami, we were posting at the same time yesterday! Great workouts this weekend! You are killing it with STS and either combining it with more strength training or doing back-to-back days with something like STS Total Body! :o My body would say 'no' to that! Great job. Yep, it will be DH and I for Christmas. We are going to my in-laws on Friday to celebrate an early Christmas. After spending hours on the highway to their house this Thanksgiving and coming home from their house last Christmas, we decided it was best for none of us to be traveling on the holidays themselves. So it should be a quiet weekend....but nice.

    Thelma, thanks for the recipe! That got my mouth watering! I really like the idea of cabbage so the salad can be eaten as a left over. That just doesn't work with dressed lettuce salads.

    Laurie, great workouts. Glad you are warming up a bit. I am sure the cold makes it feel like Christmas, but there is something about it being too cold too! Thank YOU for pushing me through this rotation. It is a tough one, for sure. I am glad I did it, though.....and my body is too.

    Becky, hope you are well.

    See you tomorrow.

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good afternoon all - yesterday was disk 23 (legs) - I am a little sore today due to using some heavier weights and it's wonderful! Today is lots of walking and I am looking forward to #24 tomorrow morning. I got the email from Cathe stating that a shipment is coming my way. I am so excited! I am like a kid at Christmas! ( is Christmas and I am still a kid at am just really excited). Thanks to you all for the advice about not worrying about taking a week off.

    Laurel - Fantastic combo of workouts. I am sure it is a little harder getting them in with your mind on a possible move. It sounds like you will have a nice and quiet Christmas. This year, for the first time since my DH and I have been married, we will be staying home. We always go to someone's house. My mom is a little mad at me, but oh well. My kids are so excited to stay home this year and not worry about going, going, going.

    Laurie - Great workouts this week. Hopefully you will like the new workouts you can download now. Did you get some booties for Rocket? My mother-in-law got the dogs to sit in front of the tree and took the picture. She sent it to me while at Legoland. If your husband likes Legos, I think he would like Legoland. It is quite pricey, though. But, I enjoy all the rides with my kids and like looking at all the built legos. It's very neat.

    Thelma - Nice job with your workouts. I love the dog video you daughter was laughing. It sounds very cold there, which sounds wonderful to me. Thanks for the recipe, too. It does look good.

    Tami - Is STS total body on Meso #3? I haven't come across that one, yet (oh.....and great job on getting that workout and your many others in). I hope Katy's bootcamp was a great one. And yes, those short STS workouts are still killer (I curse Cathe's name when she mentions paper plates). :D

    Have a great evening - Becky
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ BootCamp was a little bit more like an Insanity class (katy’s anyway). We did AMRAM’s in sets of: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and repeat. So the first round was Goblet Squats, Sit-ups, Burpees and repeat. As many as you can in 15 minutes, then 3 new exercise, same format, 3 new and same format. All were tough. The 2, 4, 6, 8 felt great and then it hit you. PLUS we had very heavy weights. KB Swings into box jumps. You guys get the picture. PLYO Legs this a.m. and Insane-X tonight. p.s. My NEW DVD's are on their way!!! :smile:

    Laurel: Looks like we posted at nearly the same time yesterday. Great job with your workouts – X54 followed by anything is a great combo and tough! Then to do Body Max 2 – YOWSA! Very fun that you were able to box up all those wonderful cookies you baked!

    Thelma: Great job getting in RWH Low Impact 1! Our temps have warmed up tremendously, which feels nice. The snow is turning very slushy today and then it is supposed to get cold again tonight. A mess forsure. But we should have snow for Christmas so that is always nice. Thanks for the recipe! Love her recipes. My boss was happy with me filling in. She said its nice to know she has someone; she totally understands I am only in there helping with “misc” stuff a couple hours a day so learning it all will just take time. Its usually situational things that until it happens I won’t know how to handle it. So it makes it kind of hard. I just do what I can and ask for help.

    Laurie: Way to go with PAP Upper Body and Bootcamp 2 this a.m. So how much longer do you have for this rotation ….. way to stay with it, I have to say  Nice work. Yes, as I was mentioning to Thelma, it can be stressful, since I feel so unprepared in that dept. But I know more than I think sometimes, so that is good too.

    Becky: Great job with STS Legs, always a great workout with Cathe and her leg combos! STS Total Body is a separate DVD that was sold right at the same time as STS. It is truly one of my very favorite total body workouts; if you love STS it is right there with them for amazing moves that get right in there. I also love the new picture of your cute 4-legged family. So darling.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did Lean Legs and Abs. What a great target workout! I got notification from Cathe's team that my new workout program is on its way! YAAAY!

    Laurie, great job with those workouts! All step workouts can be confusing when you don't do them often. Last week I did Party Rockin Step 1 and I have to tell you that I hated every moment of it. I've liked it in the past but I guess I wasn't into it that day.
    I hope someone at work figures out that we have too many meetings. Funny about Rocket being the dog with the sweater on the video! Sounds like your boy is growing up!

    Laurel, great combo today! I hope you're able to get some sleep tonight. That recipe really looks good.

    Becky, great job with your STS rotation! Congrats on upping your weights! DH always stay home for holidays. We're always invited to his brother's house but his wife has 18 grandkids and the little ones run around screaming all over the place and we can't deal with with screaming children. We don't have kids so any screaming sounds extremely loud to us. This year my sister-in-law who just moved to NY will come to MA for Xmas and will stay with my brother-in-law so we have to go visit her on Xmas day. Thankfully the kids won't be there that day! Not happy having to leave the house on Xmas day. Glad you and your daughter like the dog video!

    Tami, fabulous job with your workouts! OMG that class sounds like another killer class! Temps warmed up today for us too. We hardly have any snow left and doubt we'll get any snow any time soon. If your boss trusts you to fill in for her is because you're doing a very good job

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work yesterday Rocket and I went for a walk, since it was in the 20's. :D I then did Yoga for the Warrior, and it really did feel great. This morning was another walk, since the temps where above freezing. I then did Peak 10 Pure Cardio. Don't know if I will get in a workout tonight, I'm working a half day today and planning on doing some shopping this afternoon. After 11:00 am I'm officially off for the rest of the year!

    Laurel, Again a great workout combo! I'm sure that you had an enjoyable hair appt., and just in time for the holidays. I just hope that when we head up to my parents on Monday, that the weather cooperates. It really isn't a fun drive, if there are winter storms the whole way. Bye the time we get to my parents, I'm exhausted. Only two more workouts to go, and we are done! I'm hoping that I can do some pre-views of the new workouts soon.

    Becky, Way to work those legs! I don't blame you for being excited for the new workouts, they really came at the perfect time. I have not purchased the booties yet, I think that I will have them fit him at doggy daycare next week when he is staying there. That way he might be able to try them out. :D We will have to save Legoland for when we have grandchildren. :o I know I'm not ready for that adventure yet. ;) Your MIL must have patience with those two, I'm sure it was difficult to get them to cooperate like that.

    Tami, Wow on your class and the workout! The class sounds like a Ruthless workout that I have. Only two workouts left, I have not been doing the one workout for flexibility. If I get home early enough, I will do the Lower Body one later today. I will then do the Upper one tomorrow, and I'm finished. :D We will all have to think of a rotation that we would like to do in the new year.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout. That is one that I don't have, but will stream it at some point just to try it out. To bad that the step workout you didn't wasn't as much fun as you anticipated. I have looked at the clips for that workout, and I know that I would be standing there looking at the TV wondering what Cathe just did. :D I know that one is just not a workout that I could do.

    Have a great day!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi Ladies - This morning was a fun combo for me. I did disk 24 (bicep/back) which was only about 45 minutes. I had more energy to burn and decided to get some cardio in by doing the timesaver blizzard blast #1 from Rock'm Sock'm. The combo of weights and cardio was much needed today.

    Laurie - Great job venturing out into the cold with Rocket. Also, love seeing that yoga done as well. I haven't done yoga in over a week, and my joints are missing it! Enjoy having time off. Anything planned?

    Thelma - Excellent workout done. 18 grandkids! Yikes......Like you, I definitely couldn't handle that many kids running around (I can barely handle 6 kids around when my boys have friends over). :D Drive safe on Xmas to see your sister in law.

    Tami - WOW on your bootcamp class - excellent job surviving it. HA! I will be purchasing the total body STS workout......I thought I had them all but apparently I don't. to spend more money! :p

    Hi Laurel - I am sure you have done some amazing combo of workouts. I look forward to seeing what you did. Have a great day.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Feeling much better today. I still didn't sleep great last night but at least I slept some. DH and I spent about 3 hours on the back porch last night and, over (too much B) ) wine, really talked about this move (if the tentative offer becomes a real offer). I feel we are back to being on the same page with things again. I just really needed to figure out what his motivation is for this move since I have no interest whatsoever in resuming a life of constantly rotating addresses. He assures me that won't be the case. Anyhow, I blame the lack of sleep last night on the wine!

    But I got a good workout in this morning. I started with the CTX Upper Body premix and the ab section from one of the CTX workouts. For cardio, I did Step Blast, which is always fun for me.

    Becky, I am glad you are able to stay home at Christmas this year. I always prefer Christmas at home for some reason. I am like you with these new workouts!! I am practically standing at the front window waiting for the mail truck!! I want to start them on Monday!!

    Tami, sounds like a killer class.....especially for a Bootcamp class! Wow. To follow that up with Plyo Legs? You continue to amaze me. I hope you get a nice White Christmas!

    Thelma, great workout. I love that Lean Legs and Abs routine as well. I am happy your Christmas will be quieter but sorry you have to be on the road. I am with you, by the way, on screaming kids. Never having children and rarely being around any, I don't have the same volume tolerance some parents have, that's for sure.

    Laurie, bet it was nice to get to your walks with Rocket! Those temps always feel so good after being below zero for awhile. I remember in Alaska after the long winter below freezing (most of it below zero), the minute the temp reached 32, I would open every window in the house!! Crazy how warm 'freezing' felt at times! Hope the weather holds for your trip next week.

    Enjoy the day.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I tried a UFC-Fit workout called Cross Cardio Train. It was really good and I was drenched in sweat at the end of the 42 minute DVD. This one had 5 rounds. Each set of exercises is done twice, once for the left and once for the right side. Even though the cast is big I don't get distracted by them. This workout had lots of punch and kick combinations, jumping jacks and plank jacks. So far 2 DVD's out of the 12 are good.
    I had DH get me the 21 Day Fix program from eBay. I think this one is called 21 Day Fix Extreme because it has 4 DVD's. It was a brand new set still in the shrink wrap, minus the containers! The seller must've bought the kit for the containers! LOL

    Seems that we're in the middle of a heatwave. We were in the 40's today and it was a beautiful, sunny day!

    Laurie, I bet you and Rocket loved going for a walk! Good for you for doing the Yoga Warrior workout! Enjoy your time off!
    I highly recommend that Lean Legs & Abs workout. You know how Cathe sometimes says "if you're not walking funny, you're not doing this workout right". Well, I was walking funny! The ab workout is really good. I liked it and you know I don't like ab workouts very much!
    The Party Rockin Step I workout is really not that hard. It is easier than the Party Rockin Step II workout. I liked it before but I guess it's one of those things that you have to be in the mood for.

    Becky, awesome combo! That blizzard blast is really it good! Can you believe it? 18 grandkids? Not all of them are screamers. It's the 5 little ones. Their house is very small so you can't escape them kids who rudely run around screaming through every inch of the house.

    Laurel, I'm so glad you're feeling better and that you had a much needed conversation with your DH about his motives for this new relocation. Great combo today! We are rarely around kids and have zero tolerance for screamers.
    I am sorry we have to be on the road on Xmas day but at least it will just be about 6 hours including the commute.

    Hi Tami!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I did manage to get in the PAP Lower workout, and this morning I did PAP Upper followed by ACE HiiT Upper. So no more P90X2 workouts for me. So glad I did it, but I'm really glad that I can move on. I previewed the new workouts, and they look like a ton of fun. The Bootcamp is one that I really want to try out first, but they all look good. The cardio workout is a mix of high impact and low impact, and it is all floor work. It is done in a tabata style. Cathe doesn't call it that, but that is what it looked like. All the ladies where soaked in sweat by the end of the workout, so it looks like it will be a tough one. All the strength workouts look good, and I can't wait to try them out also. Doesn't appear that the user guide will be available until probably next week. Just want to see how they are incorporating these workouts together.

    The rest of the day will be getting the house ready for company this weekend. I don't have a car, DH's truck is getting some TLC from the repair shop, so he is taking my car to work. The only thing left for me to do is clean the house. :s I think that he may have had this as something for me to do while I was off. :p

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts (I see Step Blast was incorporated :D ), even on not enough sleep and some added wine. ;) That has to be hard to think about moving again, hope that you both got some good results from talking about it together. Rocket and I will probably get a walk in later today, it is nice and sunny outside today. Looks like it might even reach into the 30's. That is exactly how the 30's feel when you are subjected to many days of sub zero weather.

    Thelma, Nice job on the UFC Fit workout! You are making me want to pull those out and do them again. Tami and I both have the 21 Day Fix Extreme, you will enjoy those workouts also. They are all between 30-35 min., so great for those days you don't have a ton of time, or just want to add something onto your workout. I have so many workouts that I want to try out during my time off, will have to allow for the few days that we will be going to my parents though. So the leg workout is on my list of things to do. ;) Right now the temps are so good that we will be running around in the snow today, Rocket really loves doing that also. Just nice to have the temps improve before Christmas.

    Tami & Becky, Hope both of you are having a great week.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with PAP Lower. Yesterday on Facebook Cathe was promoting her live class for today and said something like 'with all the snacking this time of year, you can't get too much cardio!', so I decided to take my cardio up a notch today after a relatively light week at it....and some of that 'snacking'. ;) I started with RWH Plyo HiiT Two and then did RWH Lower Body Circuit. I was sweating, that's for sure.

    Thelma, sounds like a good workout! I am glad you are enjoying the UFC workouts so far. Enjoy the nice weather! We are in for a true heatwave this weekend--83 on Sunday. Not my ideal weather for Christmas. :/ Better than ice though!

    Laurie, congratulations on finishing X2!! I will follow you by finishing tomorrow. Thanks for the early look at the new Cathe workouts. I am scheduled to get my DVDs tomorrow. Really looking forward to some new workouts right now! Have fun cleaning house! :p Not my favorite thing, that's for sure.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, my Strong & Sweaty DVDs came today so tonight I did Ramped Up Upper Body and walked on the treadmill for about 15 minutes. This Ramped Upper Body workout was really good. My arms were fried by the end of the workout.

    Laurie, great workouts! The new workouts do look good. The only thing is that there are a lot of the dreaded jump ups onto the step on one of the workouts.
    I didn't realize the 21 Day Fix Extreme program was the new and advance program! I thought it was Extreme because it had 2 extra DVDs! LOL. I really like those UFC workouts so far. I'm afraid to do the Ab Assassin one though! The name sounds scary!

    Laurel, fabulous combo today! I am really enjoying the UFC workouts. I think they would be a walk in the park for you though, at least the 2 I've done so far. The cardio one I did the other I night you would love though.

    Hi Tami & Becki!!!

    Merry Christmas ladies!!
