Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did RWH Hiit Circuit Lower Body. I wore the new sneakers and they were great for the step part of the workout. I think that if these shoes had a little more padding they would be perfect for my feet. So the jury is still out on these shoes. I do recommend them for you ladies who have normal feet.

    I printed the S&S rotations today. I decided that I needed to modify the workout distribution to allow my muscles to recover between weight lifting sessions so I copied them into Word so I could move things around. I am going to do the S&S "All Strong & Sweaty" rotation.
    I will try to the S&S Boot Camp and PHA workouts this week to see if I need to further modify the All Strong & Sweaty rotation. It just seems that 3 of the 6 S&S workouts total body workouts and I may not have enough recovery time in between.

    So far I've only kept record of my S&S, BB and Hammer & Chisel weights. Everything else I go by what Cathe is lifting. She can usually lift my heavier than I can so I may have to be a couple of lbs under.
    Starting tomorrow our temps will be near 50 for the next few days!

    This is the "great in 8" rotation with the actual workouts. It's an old rotations so it has older workouts. Scroll down until you find the rotation. I think it has Laurel's name written all over it because it's packed with step workouts! LOL

    Laurie, great workout this morning! Your body probably needed a break yesterday. I hope your DH's ride into work was fine!
    I too like that Cathe includes mixed rotations in the user guide too. I also noticed today that she has the
    breakdowns for all the premixes on each DVD.
    Just to clarify is not that Kelly has dance moves in the workout. It's just the way she moves when she likes a song tells me that she can dance. She may turn a move into a dance move but her backup ladies are not dancers.

    Laurel, a very nice combo today! Great job! Your back must be back to normal!
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't record weights for all workouts! Please let us know how you intend to do the 'great in 8' rotation. Are you doing S&S? If so will you start with Meso I?
    I'm Ok waiting till Feb 12 to start the "group" rotation. I can stop my rotation at any time. The 4 week wait would let me do a S&S rotation and give me time to design the great in 8 rotation.

    Tami, good idea to go home last night to get away from potential black ice related accidents! Great workouts this morning!

    Time flies by quickly! I can't believe it's been 6 weeks since I started the rotation!
    Sounds like you ladies will do great next week with your setter playing! Glad you have everything written down about Emma for your MIL and that you have other friends as backups! Hopefully your little girl will be OK during your vacation and for a long time.

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited January 2017
    Morning Ladies,

    Got home late yesterday, so no after work workout. This morning was 30MTF Weights 2. My arms are really talking to me today, I have to think that it is still some of the Ramped Up Upper Body and then todays 30MTF workout. That one is Bi's, Tri's and Shoulders. They where tired while I lifted the same weights I usually do for this workout, so we will see how next week goes. I still have PHA Training to do this week. :o

    Laurel, That workout does get neglected with me also, so great job getting that one done. Love your kickboxing combo also. I'm good with starting the 12th of Feb, that will give me some time to try out this current rotation that I'm trying. Of course that gives me time to try out all the S&S workouts also. ;) I didn't realize that workout was the one that you tweaked your back, then I'm really glad that I didn't experience that. Glad to hear that you were able to open up those windows, love that fresh feeling that happens.

    Tami, Nice job on the workout! We are suppose to be getting some more weather here with slippery roads too. I don't mind the snow, but that mixed perscip is not fun. Sounds like your pups are going to be getting ample attention while you are gone. I think they might get spoiled. :D<3

    Thelma, Great job on the workout! Glad that you are able to test out those shoes, I'm sure that you will find the perfect one soon. Thanks for the link, that rotation actually looks really good. Thanks for the clarification on the dance moves, she does do that one another workout of hers. She likes the music, so she is doing some hip action. Chris (one of her girls) just looks at her and smiles.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I did a ridiculous workout today. I felt like something long and tough......but I went into the 'this is nuts' range! Anyhow, I started with the warm-up and Blizzard Blast from ICE Bootcamp. Then I did String and Sweaty Bootcamp.....doubled. :o Let me explain what I was thinking. The first time I did S&S BC, I did it doubled and didn't find it very intense. So I thought taking in an elevated heart rate from the Blizzard Blast would help. What I failed to remember until I was dying halfway through the S&S workout was I had done the workout on a six inch step the first I do on all step workouts the first time. Well, in case you were wondering, that extra 2" of step makes a BIG difference! It was TOUGH....but I got through it! I was going to stop there, but like to workout for 2 hours when I can, so with my extra half hour, I did ICE Chisled Upper Body, which was perfect! I love this workout for when I am feeling fatigue in my upper body. Anyhow.....won't be doing this combo again......maybe. ;):p

    Tami, glad you made the smart choice to get home safely. Icy roads are so unpredictable, especially as day turns into night. Sounds like a great workout this morning.

    Thelma, glad your shoes worked on the step! That is very important, especially in a workout like that one where the moves are so fast. Thanks for posting that rotation!! That gives me an idea of where to start. You aren't kidding about the step workouts! :o But back then, that is about all Cathe had for cardio minus a couple kickboxing workouts. I am not sure how I will be incorporating STS into this rotation, to be honest. But if I do, I will probably start with Meso 1 in week 1. I will toy with it over this coming week or so and try to come up with an updated Cathe LGI8 rotation.

    Laurie, I hear you on the tired arms from Ramped Upper Body. I was really struggling with the weight in the BC workout....and I shouldn't have been! But my arms loosened up as the workout went on and feel better now.....thankfully. Doing these workouts doubled is a challenge but definitely not something I will be doing on a routine basis. This holidays.... I felt like pushing myself. And I did. But these S&S workouts, with the right weights, are plenty tough enough just one time through.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Insane-X last night was a sub instructor and she did a good job; we have had her before. More “BootCamp” format, but a good workout. This a.m. I decided on RWH LIHI Chest/Shoulders/Tris and tonight I will go to Spinning.

    Thelma: Great job with Circuit Lower Body last night, love that workout! Awesome to hear the new sneaks worked so well! YAY they sound really good. Sounds like a good choice on your rotation! I bet it will be really good. Thank you for posting that rotation, I will take a look at it as well.

    Laurie: Great job getting in 30MTF Weights 2 this a.m. Our weather is beautiful today but cold. Supposed to warm up next week, which will be ok and good for the snow level. Hopefully not too warm too fast however.
    = MESS :neutral:

    Laurel: OH MY GOODNESS! Once again I am in amazement and feeling pretty wimpy LOL Way to WORK. Holy smokes. Please say you were tired after all that.

    For our rotation together: Love the idea of starting on February 12th!!!!! That will be perfect for me too if that’s what you all are thinking!!??!!

    Hi Becky  :smile:

    Until tomorrow ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did S&S Boot Camp. I liked this work out and I loved the tricep dips with the barbell on my lap. Our high temp today: 55!
    My New Balance cross trainers came today. I will test ride them tomorrow.
    I've decided that the all Strong and sweaty rotation may be too much for me. So I will modify it in order to have cardio in between.

    Laurie, great job with the 30 MTF workout! Funny you're still sore from doing the Ramped Up Upper Body because I am too and I did it on Monday! I am going to do PHA this week too.

    Laurel, WOWWWWW! That is really an insane workout! LOL. Good for you! I think you will do this combo again on one of those days when you don't feel like working out!
    About the 'great in 8' rotation and STS. I was wondering if the undulating rotation would be a good model to STS workout?

    Tami, awesome workouts! I'm with you in the wimpy department when it comes to Laurel's workout combos! LOL

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout again last night, but I'm hoping to change that tonight. This morning I did ICE Rock'm Sock'm Premix #4, always love that workout when I'm short on time.

    Laurel, OMG! I can't believe that you could get through all that. I would have been walking upstairs after ICE Bootcamp. :D I love that you put a caveat on the possibility of doing that one again. I think that is the important part of doing these workouts, is using the proper weight. I went as heavy as I could handle, and actually had to go down on weight in one of the tricep moves. I just knew that I couldn't do the same exercise with the same weight, since I was struggling at the end of the first one.

    Tami, Great job on the workout, and your class. You should see our parking lot here at work, they over salted. :o Our EHS department is all about no one falling because of slippery surfaces, well if they fall they probably went out of there way to find the only place in the lot that doesn't have salt on it. I don't enjoy these days that produce ice, now we are getting snow.

    Thelma, Great job on the BC workout. I really enjoyed that one when I did it also. I will be interested in how you like the New Balance, because that is the brand that I have always had good luck with. Tomorrow is my planned PHA day, and I'm really looking forward to it.

    Becky, Hope your week is going well.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I promised to push myself all week on the workouts, and I kept my promise.....though I had a fleeting thought of doing S&S Cardio Slam doubled, but after yesterday's workout......didn't quite want to do all that plyo. So, instead, I did something I have never done, and that was both Party Rockin' Step workouts! This ended up being about 90 minutes long. And while I was ready to be done when I got to the end, I really enjoyed it. For a 'chaser', as Cathe would say, I did ICE To The Mat. This is only the second time I have done this workout since I really have to be in the mood for mat work. It actually flew by today and I really enjoyed it! So good stuff!

    Tami, sounds like a good class, though I am sure you are ready for Katy to be back. Yuck on the melting snow next week, though. That is never fun. And, yes, I was pretty tired when I got done with that workout yesterday. At least I figured out where my limit is. :) Yay for Feb 12 working for you for a new rotation!!

    Thelma, good job with Boot Camp! I understand what you are saying about the S&S rotation since she does put Boot Camp...which is some heavy lifting back-to-back with other strength training. I think it is wise to put a day in between. I have done that this week where I didn't the first week through with these workouts, and I am enjoying them better given that break in between. That's an interesting rotation you posted! I will have to look at it and see how it matches up to the Look Great in 8 rotation. But I am going to save that one because it looks really good.

    Laurie, fun workout! Just love Rock'm Sock'm. I am still figuring out my weights for this series. Like with PHA, there are times I feel I can go heavier than Cathe. But in other workouts (like Boot Camp).....I don't think it would be safe to go much heavier. There is a bit of a learning curve with this series for me when it comes to that since these aren't standard strength training workouts. But I like that about this series.

    Becky, hope you are having a good week.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ So last night was a great Spinning class, we had that same fill in lady and she did awesome job. Was a lot of variations from hills to sprints, up & down, made for a good workout. This a.m. was HardStrikes for a little KB workout! No workout tonight; I am getting my nails prettied up. Probably go with a nice bright color for Mexico. I forgot to tell you ladies; my boss in the "other" department that I don't work too many hours in has been sick all week except Monday, so I have been filling in. Feel like I am getting better and better and know more than I thought. Still ask my back up person for help, but hanging in there. :smile:

    Thelma: Awesome workout with S&S BootCamp! I really liked the tricep dips as well with BB on my lap. We have done that in Katy’s BC class a few times and really like that extra push you get. Keep us posted on those new shoes as well. So 3 new pair you are trying out?!?
    Laurie: Craziness with our ice right now. Due to the snow-ice-melt then snow again and have freezing rain. YIKES. Our parking lot is a mess and we share a building with a Real Estate company so it is just getting smaller and smaller with no room to move snow. Next week should be lovely with some of the meltdown. Great job getting in ICE Rock'm Sock'm Premix #4 this a.m. Can’t wait to hear how you like PHA. I really enjoyed it. I went heavier than Cathe in most of the workout, but I have a tendency to do that.

    Laurel: Sounds like another killer performance in the Laurel Workout Room! Way to go. Yes, it will be good to have Katy back Although will come back with a vengeance I am sure. LOL Are we still deciding on what rotation we are doing February 12th? S&S mixed with something ….. I wasn’t sure if I missed it; I know a lot of rotations have been posted and mentioned. I am excited for whatever we do! I’m going to make it a goal for myself to hit the hotel gym at least 4 days while I am there. It looks like a nice set up from the online pics so I want to get up early before the days activities start and get something in.

    Hi Becky – Hope you are having a good week!

    Talk to you all tomorrow! Tami
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Holy cricket - I have a lot of catching up to do! Just wanted to stop by and say hi. I am reading everything you all have done this week and love it!

    I have finished up to disk 34, so only 2 cds left of the rotation! I can't believe how fast this has gone. I also got a Bikram class in 2 days ago and got a nice long walk in tonight.

    I would be very interested in joining you all with a rotation. As stated previously - I will do whatever you all choose. I trust your decisions. I have copied all the links that Thelma shared and will look through those rotations.

    Laurel - you are crazy/insane/inspiring and did I mention crazy? I am so impressed with the workout you did a few days ago that lasted a gazillion minutes. Great job! :D

    Thelma - I love and appreciate your excitement about ideas for new rotations. Great job on your workouts and I hope the new shoes work out for you.

    Laurie - Great workouts and it's ok that you missed working out last weekend. I am still trying to learn all the short names for workouts.....please refresh me on what 30MTF Weights 2 stand for.....I like that your said your arms were very tired after this. So, my interest is peaked. Great job on getting through it.

    Tami - Fantastic job on your workouts. I hope your nails look gorgeous. That is great that you have been filling in for your boss in the "other" dept.....they obviously trust you. Sounds like you have a good team again (since only 1 player is different).

    Sorry for the quick notes - I hope you all have a wonderful night and I hope to catch up more soon.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did S&S PHA Training. This is a very good workout! It took me forever to finish it though. I can't believe the workout duration is 43 minutes. OF course the idea is to keep your heart rate elevated but there is no chance to change weights. Cathe goes so fast! Between adjusting weights and recording them I felt seriously behind. Thank God for that pause button! LOL. My muscles need a break for sure. I feel like I need a yoga day!
    Have you printed those S&S workout sheets? The font is tiny! I can see it without glasses still thankfully. You definitely need to record your weights with this workout.
    I don't know if we broke any temperature records today but when I checked the temp was 61 degrees. I believe the last record was 61. Back to colder temps tomorrow.

    I didn't try the NB shoes today because I knew I wasn't going to be doing cardio. Decided to go with the red Reebok Impact I've been using since last week. The other two pairs of Reebok's were too small so they have to go back. One of those pairs was the same red pair in a smaller size cause I felt the first ones are a little long but they fit better width wise.

    Laurie, great job with Rock'm Sock'm. New Balance shoes have been good to me in the last few years but I've been using the walking shoes. They are somewhat flexible but not enough I've found now that I'm trying these other shoes. I really like the flexibility of the Reebok shoes with the step workouts. I hope you liked the PHA workout.

    Laurel, great combo today Laurel! I'm glad you paced yourself today! LOL
    There are 4 weight lifting workouts in this S&S series and to do the All Strong & Sweaty means doing all 4 in a week. That is a little too much. I intend to do all 4 this week just to see how I feel. I'm going to do Total Giant Sets on Saturday. On Sunday I'll decide if I want make the rotation a little easier to allow for recovery time.
    Glad you like the rotation I posted. I couldn't figure out either how to incorporate STS into the 8 week rotation I thought this rotation may help with that Since somehow someone already selected 3 STS workouts a week.

    Tami, great workouts! I hope you picked a beautiful, bright nail polish color! Great job filling in for your other boss! You must be getting a heck of a lot better experience wise for them to ask you to fill in for your other boss! Good job!

    I had never done tricep dips with the BB on my lap. I found it very effective. I ordered 3 different pairs of shoes. I've only tried one so far. I may try the NB shoes tomorrow if I do cardio. The other shoes were too small but they felt like they had possibility. May order a larger size.

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well I'm chalking this week up to no evening workouts. I have been working later this week, and yesterday was the same way. I didn't think that the new year would be so busy, but we really have not stopped. This morning I did do PHA Training, and I matched Cathe's weights. I had an elevated hr during the whole workout, so I know that I was doing something right. ;)

    Laurel, Awesome job on the workouts! I don't think that I will ever ever do that Cardio Slam workout doubled. When you do attempt that, I will be impressed. ;) I think that I have only done the To The Mat workout once, so you have done it more than I have. :D I was good with lifting what Cathe did for the PHA workout. Probably could have gone a little heavier on some of the leg exercises, but my hr was so high that I think it wouldn't have been a great idea. My fitbit says that I was in the cardio zone for 80% of the workout, so do we then consider this workout as cardio & weights? :o

    Tami, Nice job on the workout, and that your spin class was a good one. Sounds like this instructor will be a good fit for subbing for Katy. Congrats on backing up the other boss! I knew that given time you would be able to handle most situations that would come up. Right now we don't have a problem with to much snow, most of ours has melted. We do have some huge piles from our first major dump though. Very impressed that you went heavier than Cathe on the PHA workout, I was pretty much at my limit on all the upper body sections.

    Becky, Glad the you where able to check in. Almost done with your first STS rotation, that has to feel like a great accomplishment. I'm going to spend some time this weekend, plugging in some workouts that I think will work with the rotation. I will let everyone look it over to see if that is something that we would like to try. I know that you have mostly STS weight workouts, so I will probably put two options for some of them. The 30MTF Weights 2 workout is Kelly's 30 Minutes to Fitness Weights, and the 2nd workout is Bi's, Tri's and Shoulders. This is a superset type workout, and inbetween rounds she does ab work and has premixes with a cardio option. I usually do the standing ab or premix with the floor ab work.

    Thelma, Love your workout! :D She really doesn't give you a ton of time to select your weights, and of course you where probably using your adjustable weights? I had every weight I owned out, so that I didn't have to figure out what Cathe would select next. I'm sure glad that they started putting the weight that Cathe is using up on the screen, it really helps. I have the New Balance cross trainers, and have been very happy with them.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I decided to end my post-holiday 'How Many Christmas Cookies Did I Eat :o ?' ;) week with a bang! I can say right now, though, that my body will so enjoy a break tomorrow. Anyhow, I started with two premixes from S&S Total Body Giant Sets. I did the all lower body premix first, which is a really good 31 minute leg workout. Then I did the double upper body premix, which is a fantastic 47 minute upper body workout. Together, this made a tough 70 minute (only once through with the warm-up and stretch today) total body workout....and I loved it. I doubled the upper body and not the lower because I was feeling that To The Mat workout in my hamstrings and glutes today. Anyhow, for cardio, I wanted to do Cardio Slam, but after two tough days on the step, I was ready for a break from my step bench. So I did the warm-up, floor and mat sections.....then the mat and floor sections again (in reverse order) for a spectacularly fun and tough 70 minute no step cardio. I will definitely do this again! Next week....back to more normal routines though. Whew!

    Tami, just a week away from Mexico! Hope your weather is perfect down there and you get a chance to relax (and workout, of course). The Westin Hotels (I think that is where you said you are staying) usually have very nice amenities. Hope that is the case there. We are doing the Look Great In 8 rotation that Laurie posted earlier this week. Looks fantastic with lots and lots of variety. Laurie just mentioned she was going to work on filling Cathe workouts into that rotation.....and let us share (aka cheat off her). :);) Good job figuring out that new department!

    Becky, yay for STS! That is so exciting that you are almost done. I so remember the first time I finished it.....I just sat on my step for a second and said to myself 'I really did that'. Such a sense of accomplishment. Hope you share that feeling when you finish! Not an easy program by a wide margin.

    Thelma, good job with PHA. She moves very fast between exercises in that one. I mentioned to Tami the other day it reminds me of the Muscle Meltdowns from ICE in pace. Just one move right after the other.....but that is good for the heart rate, no doubt. I was toying with buying adjustable weights for our move, but it is this type of workout from Cathe that has me convinced to keep on with my individual weights.

    Laurie, sorry to hear about the busy week, but you have been getting some good morning workouts in this week. PHA Training (and some of the others from this series) kind of remind me of H&C with the cardio effect. I don't count it as cardio, but like with H&C, because it does get my heart rate up, that will impact what I do for cardio following it (this week excepted), and will take a break between the two workouts. But I think if your heart rate is up for that much of the is cardio! Thank you for offering to share your LGI8 rotations with us! That is very kind of you!!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ This a.m. was RWH Lower Body Circuit, which I never get tired of. I couldn’t decide on what workout to do since I am “winging it” this week and so I picked that one. I will head to Spinning after work tonight.

    Becky: Fabulous job this week with your workouts, goal setting and getting in your Yoga! That’s so great and you are almost done with STS. What a terrific accomplishment.

    Thelma: Great job with PHA Training! She does move quickly through this one, which is her method of madness behind it. I wrote down my weights as I went so I could move quicker next time. I printed out the whole booklet and have it in my notebook. Such a great tool. For other “non-Cathe” workouts I have sheets of paper that I have to get out and refer back to. LOL I often tell myself, I really need to just record these on a spreadsheet and then don’t …. Maybe one of these days. Glad you liked the workout despite the quick timeframe. Yes, I decided on a lovely Salmon-Pink color. Very bright and sunshiney!

    Laurie: Sorry to hear about your late nights, hopefully that ends soon for you, but great job getting in your early a.m. workouts . . . Inlcluding PHA Training this a.m.!! It does get your HR up there forsure. I enjoy that pace, and like I mentioned to Thelma, now that I have my weights wrote down it will be nice to know what is next for me on the weight selections. Thank you for the kudos on “filling in” …. She came back today and was so thankful to me. I felt like it was not a mess or stack of “I don’t knows” for her to pick up, so that felt good to me. Thank you in advance for sharing your “cheat sheet” for us with the new rotation! That will be awesome.

    Laurel: SUPER ROCK STAR!!!! Again and Again you just kill the workouts, way to go woman. I hope the weather is perfect too. DH said he thought in the forecast we had some cloudy days ……. UMMMMM what?!? HE was of course excited to not have direct hot sun every day; I on the other hand would LOVE that. I will be happy with whatever happens forsure and good to know on the Westin Hotel gyms/facilities. Thank you for clarifying on the “Look Great in 8 Rotation” I thought that was what we were going to do but wanted to double check. Will be a great rotation I am sure! Yay to Laurie for sharing her cheat sheet.

    Have a great weekend ladies ~ Talk to you Monday!
    I will be packed for my trip by then. Counting down the sleeps until I leave.

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Happy Saturday ladies - Yesterday was the 2nd to last disk of the STS series! I should finish it tomorrow (OMG!). I can't believe I have been part of your group for 3-4 months already. Today, I did S & S PHA. I had never heard of PHA training before and really want to find more workouts that do this. I had to stop the dvd and rewind a few times because she was moving so fast. I am not the biggest fan of cardio (except swimming.......the plyo leg workouts are good too for cardio), and I REALLY like how this is cardio with weights since you move so fast through the workout. I am sitting here catching up on MFP feeling so tired from that workout (and I finished it 6 hours ago). you have any recommendations of similar workouts to PHA?

    It has been raining and cold here, and I LOVE IT! The boys got to play in cold and a little rainy weather today, and it felt like real football weather. ;) I think they liked it, too.

    Tami - Great job on your workouts to help you get ready for MEXICO! I am so excited for you. I am sure you will have a great time.

    Laurel - WOWZA! Gosh darn you are impressive. AWESOME job with your workout and intensity. I think that when I finish STS tomorrow morning, I will sit and just soak it all in. I am so happy with where I have come in 3 months. I now tell everyone about STS and how they need to try it.

    Laurie - I am very excited to see what you come up with the rotations. Hopefully this next up coming week gives you some time to get your workouts in. I appreciate the time you are giving to coming up with options for the upcoming rotation. :)

    Thelma - I felt the same way about PHA! Great job on getting it done. Stay warm - sounds like you'e had some cold weather.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you all had a great weekend. I was able to get some rest which was badly needed. On Friday I did S&S S&S Cycle Sweat, on Saturday S&S Total Giant Sets and today spinning. I will officially start my Strong & Sweaty All Strong & Sweaty rotation. I'm saying officially because last week was practically S&S too but I was just trying out the workouts. I really like the entire series. The spinning workout was good. I just wished Cathe had fun music for that kind of workout.

    Laurie, sorry you had such a busy week at work but great job getting those morning workouts in! Congrats on matching Cathe's weights on PHA! It really is an amazing workout and I love how it keeps the heart rate elevated.
    I was using the adjustable weights for the PHA workout. I also have limited space now that I have the fit tower so I had to keep the step around. What a pain! The reason why I bought the adjustable weights is because I discovered that my other dumbbells don't weigh the same. I don't have a single pair that weighs the same so I only use them in cases where a single dumbbell is needed. Which NB cross trainers do you have?

    Laurel, another impressive combo on Friday! You're amazing lady!
    The adjustable weights can be very inconvenient for some workouts because they totally slow you down.

    Tami, great workouts last week! I hope you girls kicked serious behind on Sunday.
    I wrote down my weights for PHA as the workout went on so hopefully next time it will go faster. Sounds like a lovely nail polish color! It sounds like the pink I love to wear in the summer.

    Becky, I can't believe you will be doing the last STS workout tomorrow! So proud of you girl!
    I kept rewinding or putting the PHA dvd on pause in order to keep up. It really would be great to find other workouts like this.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Saturday was my day off, and Sunday I decided to do yoga. So I did 10lb Slimdown Extreme Yoga, just love that one. This morning was 30MTF Split Sessions Upper Body, that one is surprisingly tough. I do another post with the STS LGI8 rotation that I have done in the past. I'm coming up with another one that I'm going to list the workouts that would work in each section.

    Laurel, I'm sure that your week will be less extreme than last week, because you have not been eating all those cookies. What a great job you did last week, and I'm sure that you enjoyed a day off. You are right with the comparison to H&C and PHA, that is another series that I would like to revisit sometime this year. Of course the first week of the LGI8 rotation is total body, so that is kind of easy. :D I was thinking of doing a circuit, heavy weight, and then metabolic workouts for that week. The other thought was adding a week to do split sessions of alternating upper and lower workouts, like the last phase in P90X2. What do you think of adding that into the mix? So it would be an option to do 8 weeks or 10 weeks. So then the order would be: Total Body, Heavy, High Reps, Supersets, Split.

    Tami, Love that workout, and I hope that you had another good spin class. Hope that you like my STS version, it could take a lot of time, since some days you are doing cardio and weights. Nice that she appreciated you filling in for her. I'm sure that she loved coming back to not being way behind in her work.

    Becky, You are doing great with your STS workouts! Those plyo leg workouts are so good, and I tend not to remember that I have them. I don't know of Cathe workouts that are similar to the PHA, but like Laurel said the Hammer and Chisel workouts are similar in that they get your hr up. The one I did this morning was a lot like that also, since she moved from one exercise to the other without stopping.

    Thelma, Awesome job on all your workouts. LOL about officially starting your S&S rotation. Now that you have tried all of them, I'm sure that it will be better the next time around with weight selections. I will have to look at the cross trainers that I have, I never really looked. I just tried them on, and liked them. :D

    Have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited January 2017
    Here is my version of LGI8 using the STS workouts. I usually did the cardio in the mornings, and then the weight work when I got home. You will see some of my selections for cardio inserted in here. This one is 16 weeks, because I used all of the STS DVD's. You will see that I used different discs in the superset. Now Phase 2 really isn't superset, but I wanted to do this rotation with STS workouts. On the days that have a weight workout and cardio, you could do a workout that incorporates cardio and weights so you don't have a super long workout. I have made the line item bold so you can see what I mean. Hope you all like it. :)

    Week 1: Circuit Training
    Sunday: Recreational Cardio 60 minutes
    Monday: STS Total Body
    Tuesday: Flexibility Training
    Wednesday: STS Total Body / Shock Cardio Hiit Double Wave Pyramid
    Thursday: Kickboxing 45 minutes@ 65%-70%
    Friday: STS Total Body
    Saturday: cardio 40 minutes@ 65%-70% / Flexibility Training

    Week 2: Heavy
    Sunday: Rest
    Monday: Meso 3 Disc 3 Chest & Back / BBC Cardio 25 minutes@ 85%
    Tuesday: Meso 3 Disc 26 Plyo Legs / abs / Flexibility Training
    Wednesday: Meso 3 Disc 27 Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps
    Thursday: Insanity Fast & Furious / Flexibility Training
    Friday: 4 Day Split Legs / Shock Cardio Hiit 30/30
    Saturday: Cardio 45 minutes @ 70%

    Week 3: High Reps
    Sunday: Flexibility Training
    Monday: Meso 1 Disc 2 Back, Triceps / cardio 40 minutes @ 75%
    Tuesday: Meso 1 Disc 3 Legs / cardio 35 minutes @ 75%
    Wednesday: Meso 1 Disc 1 Chest, Shoulders, Biceps / abs / Shock Cardio Hiit 40/20
    Thursday: Meso 1 Disc 3 Legs / cardio 35 minutes @ 75%
    Friday: Meso 1 Disc 2 Back , Triceps / Flexibility Training
    Saturday: Meso 1 Chest, Shoulders, Biceps / abs / cardio 35 minutes @ 75%

    Week 4: Supersets
    Sunday flexibility training
    Monday: Meso 2 Disc 14 Legs
    Tuesday: Meso 2 Disc 13 Triceps, Disc 15 Biceps cardio 35 minutes @ 75%
    Wednesday cardio 45 minutes @ 70%
    Thursday: Shock Cardio Hiit Double Wave Pyramid / flexibility training
    Friday: Meso 2 Disc 13 Chest, Disc 15 Back / cardio 25 minutes @ 75%-80%
    Saturday: Meso 2 Disc 2 Shoulders / abs / cardio 30 minutes @ 75%

    Week 5: Circuit Training
    Sunday recreational cardio 60 minutes
    Monday cardio 40 minutes @ 65%-70% flexibility training
    Tuesday: STS Total Body
    Wednesday cardio 45 minutes @ 65%-70%
    Thursday: STS Total Body / flexibility training
    Friday cardio 60 minutes 65%-70%
    Saturday: STS Total Body / Shock Cardio Hiit 30/30

    Week 6: Heavy
    Sunday REST
    Monday cardio 45 minutes @ 70% flexibility training
    Tuesday: Meso 3 Disc 28 Chest & Back
    Wednesday: Meso 3 Disc 29 Plyo Legs / abs / Shock Cardio Hiit 40/20
    Thursday flexibility training cardio 20 minutes @ 85%
    Friday: Meso 3 Disc 30 Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps / cardio 25 minutes @ 80%
    Saturday: 4 Day Split Legs / cardio 35 minutes @ 80%

    Week 7: High Reps
    Sunday flexibility training
    Monday: Meso 1 Disc 5 Back & Triceps / abs / cardio 40 min @ 75%
    Tuesday: Meso 1 Disc 4 Chest, Shoulders, Biceps / Shock Cardio Hiit Double Wave Pyramid
    Wednesday: Meso 1 Disc 6 Legs & cardio: 30 min. @ 70%
    Thursday: Meso 1 Disc 4 Chest, Shoulders, Biceps / abs / cardio 35 min @ 75%
    Friday: Meso 1 Disc 5 Back & Triceps / cardio 35 minutes @ 75%
    Saturday: Meso 1 Disc 6 Legs / cardio 35 minutes @ 75%

    Week 8: Supersets
    Sunday REST
    Monday: Meso 2 Disc 18 Back / abs / cardio 35 minutes@75%
    Tuesday Cardio 60 minutes@65%-70%
    Wednesday: Meso 2 Disc 17 Legs, Disc 16 Triceps cardio 35 minutes@ 75%
    Thursday Cardio 30 minutes @ 80% flexibility training
    Friday: Meso 2 Disc 16 Chest, Disc 18 Biceps / cardio 35 minutes @ 70%-80%
    Saturday: Meso 2 Disc 17 Legs, Disc 16 Shoulders / Shock Cardio Hiit 30/30

    Week 9: Circuit Training
    Sunday recreational cardio 60 minutes
    Monday: STS Total Body
    Tuesday flexibility training
    Wednesday: STS Total Body / Insanity Fit Test
    Thursday cardio 45 minutes@ 65%-70%
    Friday: STS Total Body
    Saturday cardio 40 minutes@ 65%-70% flexibility training

    Week 10: Heavy
    Sunday REST
    Monday: Meso 3 Disc 34 Back & Chest / Cardio 25 minutes@ 85%
    Tuesday: Meso 3 Disc 35 Plyo Legs / abs / flexibility training
    Wednesday: Meso 3 Disc 36 Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps
    Thursday Cardio 30 minutes@80% flexibility training
    Friday: 4 Day Split Legs / Shock Cardio Hiit 40/20
    Saturday cardio 45 minutes @ 70%

    Week 11: High Reps
    Sunday flexibility training
    Monday: Meso 1 Disc 8 Back & Triceps / cardio 40 minutes @ 75%
    Tuesday: Meso 1 Disc 9 Legs / cardio 35 minutes @ 75%
    Wednesday: Meso 1 Disc 7 Chest, Shoulders, Biceps / abs / Shock Cardio Hiit 30/30
    Thursday: Meso 1 Disc 9 Legs / cardio 35 minutes @ 75%
    Friday: Meso 1 Disc 8 Back & Triceps / flexibility training
    Saturday: Meso 1 Disc 7 Chest, Shoulders, Biceps / abs / cardio 35 minutes @ 75%

    Week 12: Supersets
    Sunday flexibility training
    Monday: Meso 2 Disc 20 Legs / Cardio 30 Minutes 80%
    Tuesday: Meso 2 Disc 21 Biceps, Meso 2 Disc 19 Triceps / cardio 35 minutes @ 75%
    Wednesday cardio 45 minutes @ 70%
    Thursday: Shock Cardio Hiit Double Wave Pyramid / flexibility training
    Friday: Meso 2 Disc 21 Back, Meso 2 Disc 19 Chest / cardio 25 minutes @ 75%-80%
    Saturday: Meso 2 Disc 19 Shoulders / abs / cardio 30 minutes @ 75%

    Week 13: Circuit Training
    Sunday recreational cardio 60 minutes
    Monday cardio 40 minutes @ 65%-70% flexibility training
    Tuesday: STS Total Body
    Wednesday cardio 45 minutes @ 65%-70%
    Thursday: STS Total Body / flexibility training
    Friday cardio 60 minutes 65%-70%
    Saturday: STS Total Body / Insanity Fit Test

    Week 14: Heavy
    Sunday REST
    Monday cardio 45 minutes @ 70% flexibility training
    Tuesday: Meso 3 Disc 34 Chest & Back
    Wednesday: Meso 3 Disc 35 Plyo Legs / abs / Shock Cardio Hiit Double Wave Pyramid
    Thursday flexibility training cardio 20 minutes @ 85%
    Friday: Meso 3 Disc 36 Chest, Shoulders, Triceps / cardio 25 minutes @ 80%
    Saturday: 4 Day Split Legs / cardio 35 minutes @ 80%

    Week 15: High Reps
    Sunday flexibility training
    Monday: Meso 1 Disc 11 Back & Triceps / abs / cardio 40 min @ 75%
    Tuesday: Meso 1 Disc 10 Chest & Biceps / Shock Cardio Hiit 30/30
    Wednesday: Meso 1 Disc 12 Legs / cardio: 30 min. @ 70%
    Thursday: Meso 1 Disc 11 Back & Triceps / abs / cardio 35 min @ 75%
    Friday: Meso 1 Disc 12 Chest, Shoulders, Biceps / cardio 35 minutes @ 75%
    Saturday: Meso 1 Disc 10 Legs / cardio 35 minutes @ 75%

    Week 16: Supersets
    Sunday REST
    Monday: Meso 2 Disc 24 Back / abs / cardio 35 minutes@75%
    Tuesday Cardio 60 minutes@65%-70%
    Wednesday: Meso 2 Disc 23 Legs, Disc 22 Triceps / cardio 35 minutes@ 75%
    Thursday Cardio 30 minutes @ 80% flexibility training
    Friday: Meso 2 Disc 22 Chest, Disc 24 Biceps / cardio 35 minutes @ 70%-80%
    Saturday: Meso 2 Disc 23 Legs, Disc 22 Shoulders / Shock Cardio Hiit 40/20
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    I FINISHED STS!!!!! OMG! I can't believe I did it. I am crazy happy right now and feeling so good.

    So, I am looking at Laurie's rotation above, and I think I am going to freak out. Can I do this? Yes. Yes I can. I am not sure that I can do all that time in one day, but dang it - I will try. I am on the cusp of becoming a Tough Cookie.

    So, I may have to modify the workout due to time constraints, but I will do as much as I can. Laurie - I love the rotation - it's exactly what I need to keep this momentum going.

    Thelma - Great job on doing so many of the S & S workouts. That's a great idea to do a rotation of the series. I am so glad I wasn't the only one that kept pausing the PHA workout. :D

    Laurie - glad you got a workout in. And again, thanks for taking time to post your suggested rotation. I may start it this week instead of waiting until February because my semester is 16 weeks long, so this would help me keep up with my semester.

    Tami - I hope your volleyball game went well.

    Laurel - I can't wait to hear about the next combo you did.

    Have a great rest of the day.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ Today is a short day at work, normally we are closed on MLK Day but our boss decided to be open part of the day; I think because one other Title Company was doing that. At any rate, a short day is nice. So I am going to workout this afternoon when I get home. Weekend was good for packing and getting organized. Just need to put the last minute things in my suitcase and I will be good to go! 3 more sleeps and sunshine here I come. Workouts for the weekend: Saturday was Strength & Stamina, yesterday was Strong & Sweaty BootCamp + Abs then Volleyball; we won 5 out of 6 this week. So that was one more win than last week. Lots of fun. Also, at work we all filled out "NFL Playoff Brackets" for all the games up to the Super Bowl and winner of the Super Bowl. well I filled out one for me, and one for Emma. We are both tied in first with an undefeated bracket!!! Nobody else is undefeated in our office. LOL I hope sweet Emma wins :smile: I picked the final championship game different and couldn't decide.

    Thelma: Yahoo on the workouts! I have always wondered what her cycle workouts would be like. I don’t have a bike but thought about downloading one for if I am out of town or something and can get on a bike. I am sticking to the S&S workouts this week before I leave to go through one more time. Really enjoy them.

    Laurie: First off, thank you so much for spending the time for that rotation and sharing it with us all! I love it and I am sure it will be fantastic. Can’t wait to start in February. Great job getting in your Yoga yesterday, I bet it felt amazing. Then Split Sessions Upper this a.m. Yes, Spinning was good on Friday evening. Katy ended up surprising us with her return to class. Love the idea you mentioned to Laurel about: Total Body, Heavy, High Reps, Supersets, Split.

    Becky: Huge CONGRATS on finishing up STS! And Yes, you could do this rotation as well. I have absolute faith in you and your ability! Great job, I bet it felt awesome. Your “crazy happy” is the perfect combination of how you felt I am sure, almost giddy like. Excellent work.

    Hi Laurel :smile:

    Do you ladies think it is allowed for me to have my makeup bag in my carry-on? I don’t have any liquids in there? Just compacts, lip stick, eyeliner. Usually I pack it but I think DH is putting a few things in my suitcase since he is “traveling light” :neutral: and if I take my makeup bag out it might not get crushed.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow! Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did S&S Ramped Up Upper Body. It still took me the same amount of time it did last week when I wasn't organized! I guess I'm slow LOL! I did pretty well with the weights. I can't lift as heavy as Cathe but I'm within 2-3 lbs. I love how this workout leaves my arms feeling super pumped.

    Laurie, great job with the yoga workout and the Split Sessions U/B workouts!
    Last week was my S&S dry run week! LOL Hopefully PHA will go better.

    Laurie, that rotation looks great! I already copied it to my rotation file. I have that STS Total Body but I've never done it. I have a few questions about the rotation.
    Why do you have STS Total body 3 times on week 1? Do you do the full routine all 3 days or do you do one of the premixes? Can you explain what the percentages mean? I saw the percentages on the the other LGI8 rotation I found.
    I don't think I'll have time to do the double workouts though. I guess this means I wouldn't really be doing the rotation. I will do the main workouts though.

    Becky, CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm so excited for you! I am sure you will be able to do the LGI8 rotation. you are already a tough cookie!
    Take a look at the S&S rotation ideas. They all look great!

    Tami, great workouts this weekend! I knew you ladies would do great in VB! I hope Emma wins too! Good for you for packing ahead of time! I always like to do that but somehow I always end up staying up the night before doing last minute things. LOL
    These S&S workouts are all great! Cathe's spin workouts are good but I can't really say I've done a gym spin class to compare to. The music isn't exciting and neither is she but she manages to get you going. I guess it's because I'm used to doing whatever Cathe tells me to do! LOL.
    I wish you could try one of Cathe's spinning DVD's so you could really be the judge of how good (or bad) these workouts are.

    You can have your makeup in your carry-on Tami. They don't even check anymore. My co-worker told me that she never even takes out her clear toiletries bag at the security point. So I stopped doing it too. I even have little bottles of hand lotion in my hand bag. As long as you have the allowed travel sizes you should be OK. Just in case I would put them in a clear ziplock bag inside the make up bag.

    Good night ladies!