Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did Tri's & Bi's Burnsets and walked on the treadmill. Ladies, we need to decide what kind of rotation to do in February! Any ideas?

    Laurie, awesome job with your workouts! I'm glad you like the kettlebell workout. I was thinking of investing in one of those adjustable kettlebells but decided against it. I still may be a 15lb kb though. You and I are thinking very much alike these days! I was taking a look at that Winter Muscle Up rotation! I think I may do that. Good to know that it works out nicely with the UFC Fit workouts! you must be so relieved about having had your glasses fixed! I need to go to the optical shop to see about getting my new prescription glasses.

    Hi Laurel! Welcome back! Happy New Year to you too! Glad you had a nice time over the holidays. I think that after a while all of Cathe's workouts feel the same once you start doing the same familiar moves in different workouts. I noticed that there was one exercise where she's stepping over the step with the barbell on her shoulders! That seem a little dangerous to me.
    Sorry you hurt your back but sounds like you're doing the right thing to make it feel better! Take it easy with your back.
    I bought a pair of Nike cross trainers today. They all seem like minimalist shoes. I just don't get how these shoes are better for high impact workouts. They hardly have any support and if feels like you're jumping barefoot. I tried the shoes for my workout which was basically just weight lifting. My feet and my knees didn't feel right. I have flat feet so if I don't get the proper support, my keeds lool inwards. I will try them again tomorrow where I'm doing more cardio. They are scary to me though. I think I'm going to take them back. If these shoes don' t workout I'll stick with my walking shoes.

    Tami, Happy New Year to you too! Great workouts!!! Congrats on finishing your STS rotation.
    How exciting about your trip being so close! I'm sure you guys will have a blast!

    Turns out I got my KCM DVD's from two different sources and got one twice! So I need to return one. These are the ones I got: Train Like a Contender, Plateau Buster, Cardio/Pump, Lean Body Circuits, Amped Up Cardio LIVE.
    I just sent an email to to see if they could exchange the Lean Body Circuits for another one. Hopefully it won't be too late!

    Good night
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I did 30MTF Cardio Pump 1, and that was all I really felt like doing. This morning was UFC Fit Fat Fighter. Rocket received a new bone from Santa, and apparently really loves it. He is taking it everywhere he goes, and when we are in the basement he is constantly trying to hide the bone. It is kind of funny to watch him searching for different places to put it. Goofy dog.

    Laurel, Glad to hear that you enjoyed your holiday and new year. Ouch on the back, hope that it is up to par after today so you can get back to your super tough workouts. Looks like you got in some great workouts, despite your back. Wow that is not a lot of time to get gear up for a move, but I suppose that is what happens. Apparently my gf is doing really well, and the doctor said that he didn't see anything that concerns him. She had a rough first night, but was up and walking around. I have noticed the core strength while doing these MMA workouts.

    Tami, Awesome job on all those workouts! We are not able to take the Christmas stuff down yet, we have two parties at our house this weekend. I will be happy when they are done, and life can get back to normal. ;) I am to lazy to put my contacts in, that is why I wear my glasses a lot. I do like the convenience of not having to wear the glasses though. I'm going to be trying the Strength & Stamina workout tonight, so will let you know how I liked the first workout.

    Thelma, Nice job on the workouts. We will have to think of something fun to try out for a rotation, and of course workouts that everyone has. I have a 15lb kettlebell and it works great for most of the workouts that I have for kb's. So far I'm enjoying the KCM Winter Up rotation, it has a lot of weight work plus cardio. You got some really great KCM workouts, those are all the ones that I really like. Hope you can exchange that workout, Kelly's usually pretty good with customer service.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night’s Insane X class was similar to what she has done before. It was a series of 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 reps of Sit Ups, Push Ups, Box Jumps, Candlesticks, KB Swings (HEAVY) and then cardio of choice which was either Treadmill for .25 mile, Rowing Machine for 400 meters or something equivalent to either. Then repeat, going down in number each round until your done. OH, and to start it off she had “ME” lead the warm-up while she was still setting some equipment up. YIKES. Just did her routine and then she took over after about 5 min. This a.m. was RWH Upper Body Circuit, always love that one. Tonight I will head to Spinning.

    Thelma: Great job with XT Burn Sets and the treadie last night. We do need to decide …. I like the idea of a S&S, RWH and XT combo, but I'm up for anything :blush: I will think on it as well. I know what you mean about “trainer” shoes; I don’t like them due to lack of support. A pair of shoes I recently started wearing that I love are Nike Air Pegasus – not too heavy but definitely supportive. It is amazingly close …. I am really looking forward to it. Those are great workouts of KCM that you got! Lean Body Circuits is one of my favorites! Are you returning it because you got 2 on that one? I don’t have the Amped Up Cardio Live, but the others I do have.

    Laurie: Excellent work with Cardio Pump 1 and UFC Fit Fat Fighter (what a name – LOL!) That is so cute about Rocket and his new bone. I think it is hilarious when dogs try to hide something in plain site; pretending like they are burying it. Thanks for the kudos on the workouts! Feeling the pinch to get in some good combos before my trip. Can’t wait to hear how you liked Strength and Stamina!

    Hi Becky & Laurel ~

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow, Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did KCM's 30MTF Athletic Conditioning 3 rounds & core/stretch premix. Really good workout! Before she introduced the people in the video I knew the girl was related to her. I could see the resemblance. Turns out her son and her niece are the young people in the video! Her son looks just like her. The niece has the same Kelly smile.
    The premix I did was 43 minutes but it took me longer than that because I had to keep stopping/rewinding the video to change my weights. She doesn't really give much time between exercises as she uses 10lb dumbbells the entire time. I was using different weights.

    Turns out I hadn't ordered a DVD twice. I got confused when I opened the email from Amazon and what I thought was the DVD I'd ordered turned out to be a recommendation. I had a DUH! moment! I did write to Kelly's customer service and they had agreed to exchange the video given that they haven't shipped mine out yet. Later on I in the day I cancelled that request. Laurie was right KCM has great customer service.

    This will be my complete KCM workout collection once I receive my DVD's: Muscle Definition, Step Boxing, Body Training, Cardio Quick Fix, Abs & Core, Strength & Stamina, Train Like a Contender, Plateau Buster, Cardio/Pump, Lean Body Circuits and Amped Up Cardio LIVE.

    Laurie, great workouts! How do you like that Cardio Pump workout? That is so funny about Rocket trying to hide his bone! You should video him doing that! What a silly boy! It' god to know that the 15lb kb works great for most of the workouts that you have for kb's. I noticed that the workout I did today had some moves that are usually done with kb's but Kelly used dumbbells. I won't go crazy buying kettlebells. I just need one for those kb swings. I'm afraid to do that move with a dumbbell for fear that the thing will go flying off my hands and into the wall! LOL
    We definitely have to think of a rotation which includes DVD's we all have.

    Tami, awesome workouts! Great job in leading the class warm up! I like that the idea of S&S, RWH and XT. Sounds really good! Those Nike Air Pegasus shoes don't have enough padding for my needs. I really have special needs feet. I need lots of padding. I think I'm going to stick with my walking shoes that provide the padding my feed need.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I did get Strength & Stamina Workout 1 in, and I really enjoyed it. I liked that she had upper/lower and then the kb swings. Made for doing just something different. This morning I did Trisets Upper Body.

    Tami, Sounds like a good class, and how awesome is it that she had you start the warm-up. It appears that she made the right choice, since you knew the warm-up pretty well. Great job on the RWH workout also, you are right that one is always a good one. I will be trying out the Strength and Stamina workout 2 next week, and if it is like the first one, it will be fun also. I will have to try the combined workout at some point also, I'm sure that it will be fun to try. I think that UFC workout is about the only one the he put such a quirky name too. Rocket was working on two bones this morning, and of course when I start stretching out he is right there trying to give me kisses. <3

    Thelma, Great job on the workout! I will be getting that workout with the most recent ones that I have purchased. I have the first AC workout, and that one has additional young adults plus her son and niece. I think on the second workout, she realized that she only needed those two. In fact her son had an ankle injury while doing the first workouts, so he was doing some of the moves modified. You will have a really great set of her workouts to do a rotation with. I LOVE the cardio pump workout, the first workout is boxing cardio and the second is the weight workout. She does have some great premixes with that one too. I really want to try the Cardio Live one, it looks like it will be interesting. Yep our Rocket is a goof, but he sure does make life interesting around our house.

    Have a great day!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good morning ladies - It's been a great vacation and tomorrow is back to work. :( Since my last post, my workouts have consisted of STS disk 30, S & S Cardio Slam and I am about to go and do disk 31. As I start to get towards the end of STS rotation, I am thinking about my next rotation. I will definitely keep STS in it, and am looking to incorporate S & S (I have only done 2/5 workouts.....I really want to try the rest). I will probably check out Cathe's website for suggested rotations. A part of me wants to repeat STS, now that I know what to expect, and I love the results.

    Thelma - WOW on all your KCM dvds! I am going to save up and plan to order quite a few next Jan 1st. I may get 2-3 before then, though. I like that they are 30 minutes. From what you have (and as you do each of them), which do you recommend that I MUST have for my first purchase? I love the idea of having a February rotation to do with you all. If I am missing any of the workouts, I can supplement with something else.
    I also have flat feet and can only wear New Balance. I will look into Cross training shoes instead of running. Thanks!
    Great job on your workouts, too. You have been kicking some serious butt. I hope you are feeling better since getting over being sick. That is so cool that you had a floor put in just for working out and dancing. It would be very hard to workout on concrete, so I am sure your feet are thanking you.

    Tami - Excellent workouts and love that you lead the warm up! It's got to be flattering that Katy trusts you to do it. Congrats on finishing your STS rotation, too. Do you have a new rotation planned? I really liked the S & S bootcamp - like you said, I really like all Cathe's bootcamp classes.

    Laurie - Nice job on your workouts. With you and Thelma mentioning KCM and UFC workouts, my interest has really peaked with these. I am feeling the same way as many workouts that I want to try them all! Rocket sounds like my dog Chance (she is no longer with us) in that she always looked for places to hide her bone. My two dogs now just chew them up immediately. We used to have 5-6 bones buried in our was kind of gross finding them and seeing what they looked like after several months of being in the ground. :s

    Laurel - Glad to hear from you and fantastic job on your workouts! Be careful with your back, and I am glad you recovered fairly quick. It's probably because you are in such good shape that you were able to recover faster. Sorry to hear that you are struggling with this possible move. Your attitude (from what we can tell through reading posts) seems to be good and taking it a day at a time. It is scary, though.
    Thanks for the suggestion on getting cross training shoes. I will be shopping soon for some. New Balance are the only tennis shoes that I can wear.....the rest always hurt my feet some how.

    Have a wonderful rest of the day.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Really great Spin class last night. Katy is gone to visit her parents for a week and so we had another gal that has great music! She mixed it up a lot and the time flew by. Today was a REST day for me, only because I was awake a few times with Emma. She wanted out at about 2 a.m. and with the sub zero temps it made me wake up, so going back to sleep was a challenge.

    Thelma: Great job with Athletic Conditioning – I think I have that one as well! Good on them for being such good customer service people and getting you taken care of. You have an excellent pile of workouts there! I think the only one I don’t have is the Amped Up Cardio LIVE and maybe one other. Hard to remember with all of the workouts. LOL Have you tried any of the ASICS running shoes? I have a pair of those as well and they are really cushioned.

    Laurie: Great job with Strength & Stamina! I have only done it as the 2 premixes together, so it is right about 65-70 minutes. But I am sure either 30 min combo is fabulous as well. Trisets Upper this a.m. was fabulous as well! Nicely done. I was pretty shocked but just went with it on the leading of the warm-up; a guy in the class that I saw last night at Spinning asked if I would be leading the Spin warm-up. LOL I definitely recommend that combined workout when you get a chance; really good combo.

    Becky: Fantastic job with your STS workouts! There are some other great STS rotations you could try; an “undulating rotation” is good. It mixes up the various Meso Cycles, definitely keeps your body guessing. I can absolutely understand why you would want to continue on with STS. Never get tired of that program and so beneficial. It was a little flattering that she asked; I was caught off guard but as I told Laurie, I just went with it. You kind of have to with Katy. I don’t have a new rotation planned yet, but really look forward to something when I get back from my trip forsure!

    Hi Laurel :smile:

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I couldn't workout tonight. When I was getting ready to workout my phone rang and it was a friend. She needed a friend to talk to about the problems with her husband. We talked for about 2 1/2 hours.
    I think I may have hit the sneaker jackpot. I've been doing a lot of research and found that Reebok is making really good trainers so I ordered a pair. The shoes run a little long so I will get a smaller pair. I put them on the second I got them out of the box. They actually have a lot more cushioning than the paper thin Nike's.
    I didn't get to properly try them with a workout but I did some jumping jacks, squat jumps, ran in place and lunges. So far the preliminary test gives me hope!

    They have another style that looks exactly like this one but the name is different and I bought this pair because the description seem to fit my needs better.

    Tonight I also looked at their other trainers and ordered these ones which also have a description that fits my needs.

    The best part about these trainers is that they fit my wide feet even though they're not a wide width.

    Laurie, great workout! Sounds like a good workout! Can't wait to try it. I hope to be able to find a KB this weekend. Can't wait to try the new KCM workouts.

    Becky, you're doing an amazing job with the STS rotation! STS is really a great program.
    OMG I can't believe you also have flat feet! Mine are as flat as pancakes! A totally hereditary thing! The NB 847's have been God sent to me. Those are the walking shoes I've been working out with. I love that they have wide widths. Whenever you get a chance go to a good athletic shoe store and try these the styles I listed above.

    It's hard to recommend a first KCM workout purchase. The first one I bought was the Cardio Quick Fix. It comes in handy when I want a short and not low impact workout. Her DVD's have two 30 minute workouts and a bunch of premixes. Another one that I think is a lot of fun is Step Boxing. I haven't really tried her other workouts.
    I am definitely back to normal after that cold. Thanks for the kudos on my workouts!
    You've been kicking serious butt too! My feet thank me for having gotten them a high impact friendly floor. I don't know about your flat feet by mine need a lot of padding. Also as we get older we lose padding so I might have some of that going.
    I'll let you know if I see any KCM workouts on sale. I have the undulating rotation as a list in excel if you want it. All it is is the list of workouts by week with columns for date and duration.

    Tami, sounds like a fun spinning class! I hope Emma is OK.

    KCM really has a good customer service team. The only reason I know what workouts I have is because I created a list when I first joined this group to send to Laurel so she could create a rotation for me. Since then I've kept it updated.
    ASICS are the shoes I wore for years. They have great padding but they are running shoes and I think they contributed to my foot injuries. They are also making their shoes really narrow even for their wide widths.
    I was going to suggest the "undulating" rotation to Becky too!

    Hi Laurel!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited January 2017
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout yesterday, the traffic was horrible last night. I have no idea why, because we didn't have any weather except for being really cold. This morning was 30MTF Weights Workout 2.

    Becky, Great job with your workouts, and finishing up your STS rotation. I would suggest undulating also, and this one is the easiest to convert to whatever workouts you have. You should be able to pug in just about any Cathe workout into any of these days, just as long as you have the following: Day 1 weights (upper), Day 2 Cardio/HiiT, Day 3 weights (legs), Day 4 weights, (upper), Day 5 steady state cardio, Day 6 Total Body Metabolic or Legs (she inserts this in week 3). I'm sure that Rocket will be very interested in burying his bones this summer. He has already made a few holes in our yard. :D I have New Balance cross trainers, and I love them. My fav KCM workouts are Cardio Pump, Shape Up, Trim Down. I am getting some new ones, so may change my mind after that.

    Tami, Glad that you had a good spin class, just hoping that Emma is doing okay. I was wondering if someone would ask if you where going to do warm-ups for other classes. There is always one person in the bunch that has a sense of humor. I'm going to try to do a few more of Kelly's combined workouts in the future, it just makes them go from Intermediate to Inter/Adv. when you do that.

    Thelma, Nice that you where there for you friend, that is a long conversation. Hope that she felt better afterwards. Let us know what you think of the new shoes, I'm to the point that I need a new pair.

    Here are a couple of rotations that I have tried in the past, that may appeal to all of us?

    This one has a lot of upper body:
    Day 1: Upper Body Weights
    Day 2: Lower Body Weights
    Day 3: Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders & cardio
    Day 4: Cardio
    Day 5: Total Body
    Day 6: Cardio
    Day 7: Off or Yoga

    Or the other is the Look Great in 8, this one is easy to plug in different workouts also.
    Week 1: Circuit Training
    1. recreational CARDIO: 60 min.
    2. circuit
    3. flexibility training
    4. circuit & CARDIO: 25 min. (intervals 1:1)
    5. CARDIO: 45 minutes @ 65%-70%
    6. circuit
    7. CARDIO: 40 minutes @ 65%-70% & flexibility training

    Week 2: Heavy
    8. REST
    9. back, biceps & CARDIO: 25 min. @ 85%
    10. quads, abs, & flexibility training
    11. chest, triceps
    12. CARDIO: 30 min. @ 80% & flexibility training
    13. hamstrings, delts & CARDIO: 30 min. (intervals 1:1)
    14. CARDIO: 45 min. @ 70%

    Week 3: High Reps
    15. flexibility training
    16. back, triceps & CARDIO: 40 min. @ 75%
    17. quads, hamstrings, delts & CARDIO: 35 min. @ 75%
    18. chest, biceps, abs & CARDIO: 30 min. (intervals 1.5:1)
    19. quads, hamstrings, delts & CARDIO: 35 min. @ 75%
    20. back, triceps & flexibility training
    21. chest, biceps, abs & CARDIO: 35 min. @ 75%

    Week 4: Supersets
    22. flexibility training
    23. quads, hamstrings
    24. biceps, triceps & CARDIO: 35 min. @ 75%
    25. CARDIO: 45 min @ 75%
    26. CARDIO: 30 min. (intervals 1.5:1) & flexibility training
    27. back, chest & CARDIO: 25 min. @ 75%-80%
    28. delts, abs & CARDIO: 30 min. @ 75%

    Week 5: Circuit Training
    29. recreational CARDIO: 60 min.
    30. CARDIO: 40 min. @ 65%-70% & flexibility training
    31. circuit
    32. CARDIO: 45 min. @ 65%-70%
    33. circuit & flexibility training
    34. CARDIO: 60 min. @ 65%-70%
    35. circuit & CARDIO: 30 min. (intervals 1.5:1)

    Week 6: Heavy
    36. REST
    37. CARDIO: 45 min. @ 70% & flexibility training
    38. back, biceps
    39. quads, abs & CARDIO: 30 min. (intervals 2:1)
    40. flexibility training & CARDIO:20 min. @ 85%
    41. chest, triceps & CARDIO: 25 min. @ 80%
    42. hamstrings, delts & CARDIO 35 min @ 80%

    Week 7: High Reps
    43. flexibility training
    44. chest, back, abs & CARDIO: 30 min. (intervals 2:1)
    45. biceps, triceps delts & CARDIO: 40 min. @ 70%
    46. quads, hamstrings & CARDIO: 30 min. @ 70%
    47. chest, abs & CARDIO 40 min. @ 75% & flexibility training
    48. CARDIO: 35 min. @ 75%
    49. hamstrings, quads, triceps & CARDIO: 35 min. @ 75%

    Week 8: Supersets
    50. REST
    51. back, abs & CARDIO:35 min. @ 75% & flexiblility training
    52. CARDIO: 60 min. @ 65%-70%
    53. quads, triceps & CARDIO: 35 min. @ 75%
    54. CARDIO: 30 min. @ 80% & flexibility training
    55. chest, biceps & CARDIO: 35 min. @ 75%-80%
    56. hamstrings, delts & CARDIO: 30 min. (intervals 2:1)

    Something different that we have not tried yet. These can be changed to suit whatever you want it to be. I like the weight work concept of changing up the type every week in the LGI8. Just some thoughts.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! DH is at work this morning so I finally have a little time to myself. I love having him home but, boy, does it change my schedule a bit. Anyhow, my back is all better, but I am still easing into full intensity which I think is probably smart. I did some higher impact yesterday when I did ICE Low Impact Sweat with the Blizzard Blast. That blast is pretty high impact and it felt fine. We also walked when playing golf yesterday, and I had no problems.

    I did the LIHI workouts this week, which felt great, but kept it to just cardio yesterday so that today I could do PHA Training again. This is a really good workout. I normally shy away from workouts with this much repetition, but I think this one will grow on me. It definitely makes me 'sweaty'! I also did the bonus abs, which I think is one of Cathe's toughest ab routines in quite some time. Good stuff. For cardio, it was Rock'm Sock'm with the Blizzard Blast. It felt good to jump around for an hour!

    About our upcoming rotation, I like the look of the Look Great in 8 rotation Laurie posted above. Lots of variety with that one and we can all use the workouts we already have. Another idea I have been toying around with is doing something similar to what I did these past two weeks and that is alternating a week of Strong and Sweaty with a week of heavier, more isolated lifting (like LIHI, XT or STS), which would really shock the muscles. So, for example, this week I did:

    Sunday: LIHI Legs
    Monday: LIHI Chest, Shoulders and Triceps (and, for optional cardio, Cardio Supersets)
    Tuesday: Great Glutes and LIS Low Impact Challenge (this day could be just cardio or legs or both)
    Wednesday: LIHI Back, Shoulders and Biceps (cardio was X10 Low Impact into XT AOLI HiiT)
    Thursday: Cardio (I did RWH LI HiiT 1&2 into Low Impact Sweat with Blizzard Blast) or yoga
    Friday: Total Body (I did PHA) and cardio

    Obviously the STS or XT or any other workout can be subbed in for LIHI. For the weeks of S and S, I would follow Cathe's S&S rotation. Just an idea to throw on the pile!!

    Tami, sounds like you have been getting some great workouts in. Kudos to you for being brace enough to lead in the warm-up the other day! I think I would have run out of the class! ;) You are so very right that I am in the process of talking myself off the ledge about moving. Every day is better than the day before, that's for sure. I must say DH has been exceptionally patient with me through this. I have no doubt if I looked at him and said 'I can't' he would call the job up and say 'no'. But he wants to go for all the right reasons, and I know that logically. Emotionally......when I look at my home, it is a different story. :'( But I am working through that.

    Becky, great job with STS. Like the other ladies have suggested, STS as an undulating rotation is fantastic. And if you are looking forward to a full STS rotation again, I say go with that one. The New Balance Cross Trainers I have are the 711 ones.....just FYI. They may not provide you enough support, though.

    Thelma, I hope your friend is okay. I am sure she is grateful you took,some time to talk to her. Interesting you posted about Reeboks. I was looking at some of their shoes the other day in the local sports store, and they look really good. I wore Reeboks for years. I understand your issues with Nike. Some of their shoes are horrible! But every now and again, I find just the right one. I prefer my shoes to be very light weight and very flexible (the latter because of issues I have with my toes). But I have never worn Nikes working out on a hard floor. That is going to change here with the move, so I may need to go back to a different shoe with more support. I am definitely going to look into those Reeboks!

    Laurie, thanks for posting those rotations! I like the look of both of them but agree that LGI8 has wonderful variety. You've been doing some great workouts lately!

    See you all Monday!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Happy Friday! This a.m. was Rock’m/Sock’m and tonight I will go to Spinning. Emma is doing good, she just has some evenings lately that she needs out late at night I guess. Poor girl. Just the way of it for her right now. Our Winter League Volleyball starts this Sunday, so that will be fun. The gym we play at for this league is only a couple miles from my house!

    Thelma: Congrats on finding a couple pair of shoes that look like they will be amazing! You will have to keep us posted. They sound perfect so far. I like cushion forsure; trainers hurt my feet and that achillies pain flares up if I don’t have good shoes that agree with me on. So great that you were there for your friend. Always tough to be going through problems and not have anyone to talk to, I am glad you were available for her.

    Laurie: Dang on the traffic last night. Good job getting in your Weights Workout #2 this a.m. though! I bet it felt great! Thanks for the well wishes for Emma; I know you absolutely get what we are going through with a Senior Big Dog. She was good last night, so that was great. Thank you for posting this rotation – looks fabulous.

    Laurel: Happy to hear your back is better and you have eased back into it (in your own way), great workouts! I am going to do PHA tomorrow for my workout, really looking forward to it. I agree on the bonus abs with this series being tougher abwork than her normal “add-on” in a series; really like it. This rotation you posted as well seems perfect too; I’m in for either direction we go. Looking forward to it and I will be anxious to get into a rotation after my trip forsure. Thanks for the kudos on leading the warm-up – I just put on my brave face and went for it. Katy doesn’t take “no” for an answer to easily and she has had me go up front before when she was on crutches; not my comfort zone but glad she has the confidence in me.

    Becky: My favorite KCM workouts are: Lean Body Circuits, Circuit Burn and Strength & Stamina for my top 3 picks off the top of my head; I do also like Plateau Buster as well.

    Have a great weekend ladies! Talk to you on Monday, Tami

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi ladies - I am almost done with STS and want to do it again! Today was disk 32 (plyo leg), and I got on the treadmill afterwards for 40 minutes. I liked this plyo workout. I don't know what it was about #24 that I didn't like, so I think I will try it again to see if it was just a "mental" block that day. Yesterday, I did the blizzard blast from the ICE bootcamp workout.

    My boys had their first flag football games today, and they both won! Brett was quarterback and did fantastic (he threw a touch down pass....only score of the game). Josh got every flag that came near him. It was a really fun day watching them....they have both improved SO much.

    Thanks for the suggestion of trying the undulating rotation. It's great that you all are suggesting it, so I am going to look into it. And, thanks to all of you for the suggested shoes to buy.

    I like both Laurie and Laurel's ideas for the rotation. I am open to whatever the group decides and will just have you all tell me what to do - you all are the "Tuff Cookies Club" and I am at your disposal to train and fully allow you to kick my butt with workouts.

    Laurie - Your rotation sounds really good and is very well thought out and organized (thanks for taking time to type all that, too!).

    Tami - As always, you are rocking the workouts. Great job! I bet you are ready to start your volleyball tournament. I hope you have a kick *kitten* team again. Thanks for listing your favorite KCM workouts. I am going to write everyone's down to keep it noted.

    Thelma - Sorry that you didn't get a workout in, but that was great that you got a chance to listen to a friend. Thanks for the suggested KCM workouts to try. I am looking forward to seeing that you think about the other ones. As for feet....I've had foot problems for a long time until I bought the right shoes. I had plantar fasciitis years ago, and my DH made me stop buying cheap shoes and invest I good ones. I haven't had any problems since. He has makes me wear shoes all the time....not allowed to go barefoot any more. Again, no problems now.

    Laurel - Glad your back is doing well and that you kicked some butt with your workouts. You did a lot! WOW! Your suggested rotation sounds good, too. Great job on your morning workout, too.

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you all had a great weekend! We had a very cold and snowy weekend. On Friday I did my new KCM 30MTF Amped Up Cardio Live Combined No Drills Premix. On Saturday I just didn't feel like weight lifting so I did Kick Max and on Sunday my usual spinning workout.
    I tried the Reebok Impact Impact shoes for the KCM workout and they felt good except that my calves got tight throughout the workout. I had to stop from time-to-time to stretch them and that worked. I think it's because I may be landing differently but the shoes definitely have possibilities. I just have to make sure I stretch and massage my calves thoroughly after the workout to prevent a plantar fasciitis relapse. The Amped Up workout was really a lot of fun. I thought I was going to be distracted by the live audience but it wasn't like that a all. I loved the way Kelly tried to engage the audience. She was a lot of fun and the workout too. I omitted the blasts because I was trying the new sneakers and I didn't want to push my feet with too much jumping.

    I have been saving in a file all the STS type rotations I've found over the last couple of years and these are the ones I have (part I) (part II)

    Laurie, great job with the KCM workout! I think my friend felt better after our conversation. Those rotations look good. I would have to spend a lot of time putting workout names to those rotations though. Do you have one with actual workout names?

    BTW, I bought a 10 lb kettlebell. I had originally purchased a 15lb one but it felt really heavy and the handle was too thick for my short fingers.

    Laurel, I'm glad your back is doing better! Great workouts and great idea to easy back into the high impact workouts to allow your back to recover. I really like that sample rotation week you've put together Laurel!
    I tried those NB 711 shoes and they didn't offer enough support for me. I ordered another pair of NB 857 V2 which are closer to my NB 847 walking shoes. The pair that I first ordered was too big so I ordered a smaller size. I definitely need this kind of firmer shoe. You should really check out the Reebok shoes.

    I was never into Reebok shoes. For years I wore Avia and then Asiacs until they only made very narrow shoes. I switched to NB in the last couple of years. Nike's are really horrible. I don't know how people give those shoes such good reviews. I think my problem is too much flexibility in a shoe. Every time I do lunges my
    arch stretches way too much which is scary to me. Will you buy your shoes in the US if you move to Germany?
    I think my friend is going to be OK.

    Tami, you've been on fi-ya with your workouts!!! Great job! I'm sure you ladies will do great this winter with Volleyball! I'm so glad Emma is OK!

    I hope I can use at least 1 of the 3 pairs of sneakers I've ordered. Interesting that you also get problems with your Achilles due to trainers because my calves got really tight which means the Achilles gets affected.
    It really is thought to have problems and not have a friend to talk to. I hope my friend.

    Becky, congrats on being almost done with with your first STS rotation! You are doing a fabulous job! Congrats too on your boys winning their first flag football games of the season!

    I can't believe you also have the same foot problems I have!! The right shoe is definitely important to preventt foot injuries.
    Another KCM workout is Step Boxing.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    So I was a bad girl, and didn't get any workouts in this weekend. We had parties at our house both days, and there was no time. We enjoy having people over, but I am really glad that it is finished for the year. With the wedding coming up, I'm sure that we will be having showers and parties for that. This morning was S&S Ramped Up Upper Body, really enjoyed that one.

    Laurel, Awesome job on the workouts! You got some great workouts in, even with the back. I'm going to try out the PHA Training workout this week, hope I have the same sweaty results that you had. I know that I really liked the Upper Body workout, it kind of reminded me of Pour Hour/High Reps. I even liked the use of the band, which in some cases is something I really don't enjoy. Liked doing the crazy 8's that way, and I can't explain why. :D I really like your rotation also, so we just need to decided on what type we would like to do. ;)

    Tami, Great job on the workout, and you spin class! Sounds like kickboxing was a popular thing to do. Hope your vb games went well yesterday. I have not tried the ab work in the new series yet, really have only done two of the workouts so far. I'm going to try as many of them as I can this week, the cardio slam looks like a tough one. ;)

    Becky, Nice job on the STS workouts! Congrats to your boys on their football games, that td pass must have been exciting to see. ;) I did a cut and paste for that rotation, it is available on a forum from I also got the information from muscle and fitness hers when it first came out and they had it online. They don't have it archived anymore, so I'm glad that I copied it when I did.

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts, and I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the live workout. I can't wait to get mine so I can try it out also. It does take a little time to input workouts into each week, and when I have done this in the past I didn't follow exactly what they had for body parts are length of workout. I just plugged something in that I thought would work in each category. The STS workout would actually work really well, since phase 1 is high reps, phase 2 would be the supersets and phase 3 would of course be heavy. The first week is what I always missed about the STS rotation. I like doing Total Body or Circuit type workouts too.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a pretty quiet weekend here. It was unusually cold, which I loved!! We don't get enough of those days. Anyhow, since we couldn't do some of our normal outside activities, and because I am still feeling post-Holiday puffiness, I decided to workout both days this weekend. Saturday, I did ICE Bootcamp Doubled premix. So good! Yesterday was ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast and Icy Core 2 followed by S&S Cardio Slam.

    Today was S&S Ramped Upper Body Extreme premix (where you do each body part twice in a row) followed by IMAX2. I am blaming Tami for that upper body workout! :D She mentioned it last week, and I thought it sounded good. And it WAS good.....through the tricep section. :o But into shoulders, my arms started asking me what the heck I was thinking!! :p Good, tough, tough stuff. Of course......I loved it. I will say that I am enjoying these Strong and Sweaty workouts more the second time through. Again, as with all Cathe's series since XTrain, there is so much versatility in how they can be used. Cathe really is a master at that.

    Tami, hope you enjoyed the PHA Training. That one sneaks up on you a bit towards the end. I took the weight up a bit when I did it Friday, and I was feeling it for sure. Hope the volleyball went well! Thank you for the idea of doing the extreme Ramped Upper Body workout! For an 80 minute really flew by. I will definitely try that again, once I get feeling back in my shoulders. ;)

    Becky, congratulations on STS!! I can't believe you are almost done. I am SO glad you enjoyed it. Regarding that first Plyo Leg workout......some days and some workouts are like that. I can't tell you how many workouts I didn't like first time around that became some of my favorites. Hopefully you will enjoy revisiting that one. You always make me smile with your Tuff Cookies Club!! :)

    Thelma, great workouts this weekend. Glad you enjoyed your new shoes. Hopefully the issue with the calves is just temporary. I will be buying my workout shoes here before we move (if we move.....still tentative) or at least know exactly what brands, sizes, etc I like and buy in a bulk mail order when we get there. I had to do that when we moved to Korea, and it worked just fine. That way if they discontinue the shoe I like (which they did when we were in Korea), I still had enough pairs to get through without shooting in the dark on unknown shoes. I really am picky when it comes to my workout shoes, and 99% just aren't for me. So I am doing my research right now for shoes to potentially carry me through 3-5 years!! I don't have great luck buying shoes in Europe, unfortunately, so this seems to be the best way to do it for me.

    Laurie, sounds like a busy weekend. Entertaining like that, while fun, also exhausts me! I don't blame you for not working out with all that. I agree about Ramped Upper Body. I love that she uses different rep speeds, counts, etc to keep the workout from becoming predictably mundane. And I definitely agree about the Crazy 8's with the band! Much better that way.

    About the vote is to do both!! Seriously. I think I am leaning towards doing a more extensive S&S rotation (alternating S&S with other series as I mentioned Friday) starting at the end of this month....for maybe six weeks. Then we would all be familiar with these workouts before doing the Look Great in 8 rotation. Love the look of the variety in that rotation and think it may be a great lead up into the 'summer' body. But I am really good for just about anything right now.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ Weekend went by waaaay too fast and we had so much snow; its still snowing in fact. Mexico is looking even better these days! LOL DH also invited a fishing buddy and his daughter to stay the night; she had a gymnastics event and they went skiing the next day. It worked out perfectly for them and DH loves to “re-pay” the favor because he stays at their house all the time.

    So my workouts were Friday night Spinning with a brand new instructor; it was only her 2nd class ever. She did a good job though. Saturday I did S&S PHA Training followed by RWH Plyo HiiT #2, great combo and I really enjoyed PHA. I went heavier in Cathe in all exercises except for a couple. Yesterday I did KCM Lean Body Circuits (both workouts combined pre-mix) and then went to our volleyball games. We won 4 out of 6, which was great for missing a player and playing with a new girl who hasn’t played with us before. So always a curve there getting used to one another. It was a lot of fun though. Tonight I will head to BootCamp if the roads are ok and we have a sub for Katy. She will be back next week.

    Becky: Great job with your STS Plyo Legs #32 … from memory, that is one of my favorite of the STS Plyo workouts!!! Great job as well on BB yesterday. Thanks for the well wishes for our team. We have the same team, just one girl alternated in for another girl. She is a great player, so that is perfect! Congrats to your boys!

    Thelma: Sounds like your weather was just like ours! I know you guys have been hit hard as well. Glad to hear you liked the Cardio Live workout. Nicely done with Kick Max and your Sunday Spin too! Nice to hear the new shoes are working well for you! That is excellent. Thank you for the kudos on my workouts! I have to admit I am slightly worried about leaving Emma for a whole week. My MIL is staying with the “grand dogs” which is so wonderful, but Brett and I know all the little things with her right now. I know my MIL will do her best and I just have to trust things will be ok so I don’t worry during my wonderful vacation.

    Laurie: Sounds like you had a very busy weekend! Understandable that you didn’t get in any workouts. Sounds very fun. Good job getting in Ramped Up Upper Body this a.m. – I really enjoyed it as well. I think I have now tried each one all the way through of this new series and really like them all. YAY for that. Hope you do as well and get to try them out this week!

    Laurel: You are welcome to come visit if you are missing cold and snowy! LOL Fantastic job with your workout combos! You’re welcome for having “shoulder-less” arms on the Extreme suggestion . . . I bet it was really good. Can’t wait to experience it myself. LOL I know what you mean on the "I am still feeling post-Holiday puffiness" - I was so careful during the holidays, knowing my trip was coming but I do feel that feeling too. YIKES. It will be what it is when I get into my bikini in Mexico. LOL :smile: Glad you are liking these S&S workouts more and more; often her workouts have a tendency to do that to us. Like you said on XT being the same way. PHA Training did sneak up on me; reminded me a lot of her Tri-Sets in LIS – probably why I liked it so much; and I did go heavier on all and wondered late into the workout “why” but it was really great.

    Hope you ladies have a great evening ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    This is also the last week of my 6 week rotation. I think I will do one of the S&S rotations which look great! I've not decided which one to do yet because the choices are so good and keep changing my mind on which one to do! LOL!

    Question for Laurie, Tami and Laurel. Do you still record the weights you use for any workout other than STS?

    I googled the "look great in 8" rotation and actually found one version with the actual Cathe workouts. This is and Laurie's input on how STS applies to the rotation help me a lot. I have time to design my rotation during the next couple of weeks. I'm unclear if we're all using STS or are we doing the "look great in 8" whichever way we want?

    Laurie, it's OK to party from time-to-time so don't feel guilty. OMG I forgot your DD is getting married this year! So exciting! You, Laurel and I did S&S Ramped Upper Body today! I'm with you on the usage of the resistance band in this upper body workout. I normally don't enjoy it but the way Cathe did it this time was very doable. I felt that I wasn't getting enough resistance with the crazy 8's so I grabbed 3lb weights and that did made it just right.
    One thing I forgot to mention about the KCM live workout is that you can tell the lady loves to dance. I loved it when she got "dancy".
    Thanks for letting me know how to apply STS to the "look great in 8" rotation. I think I'd definitely like to use the circuit style workouts for the rotation.

    Laurel, fabulous workouts this weekend and today! OMG my arms were fried with one pass at the upper body workout. I think the only way I would be able to do that extreme premix is if on the second pass I went to very lite weights. Definitely great premixes in this DVD.

    I hope the issue with my calves and the new shoes is just temporary. I'll put them through the test tomorrow with legs.
    My feet are very picky about shoes so I can understand what mean about buying workout shoes. I would be taking at least 3 good pairs of sneakers with me if I were on your shoes. No pun intended ;)

    Tami, great workouts this weekend and with VB! I'm sure you'll do much better next weekend!

    We definitely had similar weather this weekend! We're going to be close to 50 by the end of the week!
    I would be worried about Emma too. Document, document, document anything and everything you can think of. What to do in case of...
    You may also call your phone company to enable your international calling functionality so your MIL can call you in case of emergency so you can tell her what to do.

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Wasn't feeling great after work, so I didn't workout. I was a crabby girl anyway, so it was probably for the best. This morning I did LIHI Legs, felt great. We had snow last night, and now we are getting rain. It is super slippery out, so I'm hoping that DH's ride into work is fine.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts. I saw that premix, and now that I did the workout, I'm impressed that both you and Tami where able to get through them twice. I was dying at the end of the triceps. :D Glad to hear that you had some cooler weather, did you get to open your windows? ;) Sounds like a great idea you have for the rotation. I think that I will do the first rotation that I posted with all the upper body work, and then go into the Look Great in 8. I will be doing the Ramped Up Upper Body workout again next week, because I really liked it alot. I like that we inspire each other with workouts, because you inspired me to do LIHI Legs for my lower body work. :D

    Tami, Nice workouts, and of course congrats on the wins in volleyball. I would still love to play, but they just don't have that many leagues available around here. I'm getting excited for you to go on your trip. Glad to hear that your MIL will be with the pups during your vacation. I'm planning on doing the PHA Training on Friday, so will let you know how I liked that one. I did try the PHA training live version, so we will see how this one goes.

    Thelma, Congrats on finishing up your current rotation. Doing and S&S rotation sounds like a great idea. She does have some really great rotation options. I like that she keeps including rotations with the other series that she has. I keep track of my weights on all the workouts, because I like to see if I improve from the last time I tried the workout. I'm planning on doing at least the first week as STS, and will see from that point what other workouts I would like to incorporate. I will probably be okay with Kelly's dance moves. Michelle Dozois has dance moves in hers, and I do okay with those. I just can't do workouts that are all dance. ;)

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with Legs and Glutes. I don't do that workout enough....and regret it every time I do it. It is so good. For cardio, I went for 'fun' and did the cardio from Hard Strikes right into Rockout Knockout. I did Hard Strikes and the first section of RK without gloves because my shoulders were pretty tired today, but I was able to glove-up for the last two sections of RK.

    Tami, yikes on the snow! Thanks for the offer to share, but I find I'm fine with my 70 degrees. ;) I talked to my sister in Denver yesterday and after hearing her stories of their storm last week, I told her I was going to go outside and hug my palm tree. Mexico will feel SO good. B) But I definitely understand your concerns about Emma. Glad your MIL is staying with her. Yay about PHA! I regretted not going heavier the first time I did it, but the second time I nearly wore myself out. So I am still searching for a happy medium. But I love the pace of the workout. I see it as a total body Muscle Meltdown. Great stuff with the volleyball! Bet it feels good to back in that again, especially post-holidays. But I have NO doubt that your post-holiday bikini body will be the best on the beach!!

    Thelma, the only workouts I routinely record my weights on are STS, Body Beast and the P90X series. Since I don't use other workouts as a specific program, I have a tendency to play around with my weights a lot more. I wish I could say there was a science behind all this.....but it is just me being lazy. :| I think if I were ever to do a full, long rotation with something like LIHI or XTrain, I would record the weights though. Can you share a link to the rotation of Look Great in 8 with Cathe workouts? I would love to see that. Like Laurie, I will probably incorporate STS into the program but not use it exclusively.

    Laurie, sounds like a much needed night off last night. Sometimes snow makes me cranky (because I don't usually get a dull headache every time it snows), so maybe that was behind your crabbiness. Great workout this morning, though! Glad I was able to inspire, and good job leaving out the 'back tweak' that I put in the last time I did that workout! Yes, I have wide open windows!! I have done since Friday, much to my DH's dismay since the house was in the 50s when we got up on Saturday morning. :o But it has felt wonderful getting some fresh air in here. Sadly, that will end here in a few hours as the humidity and temps are going back up.

    Becky, hope you are having a good week!

    Since Laurie and Thelma are starting new rotations, and I want to finish this S&S/other program 'rotation' I am doing, to we all want to look into starting Look Great in 8 on or about February 12? I am flexible to push that back or move it up.....but want to highlight a start date on my calendar!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ No workout last night. I ended up heading home due to the black ice roads. Thought another hour plus of hardening was not wise. Maybe it would have been fine, but better to play it safe. So this a.m. I did ICE Lower Body Blast + Abs this a.m. Both felt perfect! Tonight I will be going to Insane-X when I get off work. Roads are way better today.

    Thelma: Congrats on finishing up your 6-week rotation this week! Time just flies by doesn’t it?!?! One of the S&S Rotations do look really good, any of them ….. you won’t make a bad choice there. I see Laurel already asked, but please post that “Look Great in 8” sounds fantastic. Thanks for the kudos on the Volleyball. Yes, next week we will have our setter, which will make all the difference. Our weather is now turning to the single digits again after it snowed so much and then supposed to snow again and next week warm up slightly. Yes, we have everything written down for her for Emma plus the vet and my 2 besties who can come over and help if there is an emergency; one of them knows Emma so well and Emma loves her so she would be perfect if she is needing to go to the vet. God forbid that happen but we are planning for all scenarios.

    Laurie: Great job getting in LIHI Legs this a.m. sorry you weren’t feeling well, but must have been good to go this a.m. which is great. Thanks to you as well on the Vball. Yes, I know I would miss it so much if these women’s leagues weren’t offered. So glad they are & happy that they still keep inviting me back each season! LOL

    Laurel: Awww Legs & Glutes, always a tough one and then to follow it up with all that KB! WOWsa, way to work. I knew you wouldn’t really want to come visit, hug those Palm Trees for me. All our trees see right now is snow. It is very pretty to look at forsure but it’s a lot. Yes, I bet your sister has a lot too. It does feel good to be back with my Volleyball team forsure. Always fun.

    Hi Becky :smile:

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami