Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did S&S Cardio Slam. I started feeling very tired and was happy once the high impact part was over! LOL

    I'm glad you ladies agree with me about the shorter stretches in S&S and stretching on the ball and the step!

    Laurie, great workouts! The rotation looks great and makes more sense now that I have your workout list!
    I think the hip tightness has to do with the step too. A lot of stretching and massage helped a lot. Much better today.

    Laurel, nice combo!!! Good idea for you to start the rotation early given how preoccupied with life you are right now. I'm going to wait as I want to do the S&S rotation at least one more week

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout after work, we had a meeting to go to. Only one more on Thursday. This morning I did 30MTF Cardio Kicboxing Premix #1. This one is the first step workout with kickboxing moves mixed in. I put on my weighted gloves, and that put more kickboxing fun into the workout. Really enjoy this one, so will make a note of that. I now think I have the first step workout down pat, so now I can move onto the next one. :p This morning Rocket gave me his Gingerbread Man to play with while I was working out. I had to move the toy off the step a couple of times. He just makes me laugh. :D

    Laurel, Great workouts! I also was very happy to see the gray hair vanish, after I went to see DD last week. I am very excited to try out my rotation, because of the variety that is in there. I still give myself options to change up a workout, but for the most part I'm happy with what I came up with. I like that fact that I can incorporate some of the premixes that I have not tried yet. The other youtube page that you might like is Millionaire Hoy. He does a lot of HiiT type workouts that you could probably do in a small space. I have not tried one of his workouts yet, but the more I look at his site, the more I want to try one of his workouts. ;) I say go for it and start the rotation, I know how not having a schedule makes me feel, so I can guess that you feel the same way. Have fun exploring the many many sites that offer free workouts.

    Thelma, Nice job getting that workout done, the high impact is the part that I'm dreading just a little. I know that I shouldn't be that way, I have it on my schedule to try it out on Saturday. I'm glad that I could help with the rotation clarification. I know that when I first did this rotation, it was a bit confusing.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! For some bizarre reason, every time I go to do S&S Bootcamp, I end up brutalizing myself. I don't get it! :p Last time it was the ICE Blizzard Blast and double Bootcamp. Today wasn't quite as bad, but still :o . I started with X10 Step, then did S&S Bootcamp, then right into RWH Circuit Upper Body! felt really good. This was long.....about 95 minutes......and I feel thoroughly worked out but not exhausted, so that is good. Don't know why I can't just do the BC workout on its own though!

    Thelma, good workout. I have done Cardio Slam 4 times now, and have definitely grown to enjoy it more each time. But it is tough! Good job for pushing through despite being tired because it is not a light workout at all. The part I dread is the step part. Cathe does it on 4", and with my old Reebok step, the lowest option I have is 6". I definitely feel it.

    Laurie, sounds like a good workout. I always wished Cathe would do more step/kickboxing workouts. She toyed with it a bit way back in the CTX workouts and again a bit in Step, Jump and Pump.....but no full length attempts. I always thought it would be a good combo. How sweet of Rocket to share his gingerbread man! ;) He sounds just too cute.

    Thanks for the encouragement to start the rotation. I will let you know how it goes. Of course, life got a little more unsettled this week with the federal government hiring freeze. Could be all the prep for the past six weeks was for nothing......but they are still trying to figure that out. But, for my part, I have decided to just go back to living a normal life until it is figured out. And the first step is to get to this great rotation.....and reassert some semblance of control over my eating. B) Spending the better part of the past month trying to consume the food in the pantry so we don't have to throw it out hasn't been the best thing for my 'girlish figure'. :D:p

    Until tomorrow.

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi Ladies - I caved.........I couldn't stay away from Cathe's deal of the day that was going on this past Sunday. I purchased STS abs and Gym Style Legs workout. So....I am anticipating them coming. It's been a good week with workouts. Yesterday was S & S Upper Body and Bikram Yoga. Today was S & S Cardio Shock (I am following a rotation suggested by Cathe until we start our rotation). I was SO excited after the cardio one today because I did it from beginning to end without stopping. The last two times, I had to stop and take an additional 20 - 30 second break in between some of the sets. Today, I was on FI-YA! :D felt really good, but I need to add a disclaimer........I still modify some of the jumps. And, I don't have a step to jump on to. jumps are getting stronger and I am jumping a little higher! WHOOP WHOOP! Tomorrow is the PHA workout and yoga.

    Laurel - amazing workout combos! Fantastic job on doing them back to back. 4 months ago, I couldn't even think of doing a workout like yours, but I am starting to think that I can now. I've got my cardio up (not where it should be.....but up) and so is my strength. I am going to try to do a double workout one day and see how it goes. :) I need to dye my hair, too. Hopefully your hair color turned out fabulous. Like Thelma said, that is a good idea to start next week. It sounds like you need the rotation to have a "schedule" since you feel so up in the air right now.

    Laurie - Great workouts and trying to maneuver around the ginger bread man. :D That got me laughing. Rocket sounds great. I love your 5 week rotation and also that it has Tae Bo in it! I should break out my Billy Blanks dvds. It's been so long since I have done them. Thanks for explaining some of the workouts to me that I had questions about. I am going to modify my rotation a little bit more since I have that info now.

    Thelma - Great job on your workouts! For me, the Cardio Slam is the one that opens my hips up a lot and I feel stiff/sore afterwards. I am doing the PHA tomorrow, so I will see if that one tightens my hips more than Cardio Slam. I should look into getting a message ball or a foam roller to help with my muscle soreness. That's a good idea to have one at home....I've only used them at the gym.

    Hi Tami - I hope you are having a blast. I see that you are getting your workouts in while enjoying your vacation.

    Good night.....Becky
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! No workout for me tonight. I got home at 7:45 and that made for a 12 hour work day. I was exhausted. Not happy about having to have stayed late at work but needed to finish a project. I heard today that my boss' boss wants team leads in the project I'm to go to India where we have some employees working on this huge project. I am not happy about this and will have to see how I can get out of it.

    Laurie, great job this morning! Sounds like a fun workout! Rocket sounds adorable! The part I dread the most about Cardio Slam are those scissors. I hate doing them and Cathe got scissor happy with that workout! I'll work on my LGI8 rotation workouts over the weekend.

    Laurel, another killer combo! Great job! I didn't realize you didn't have the same step Cathe has! 4 inches is perfect for me to do that workout. I would definitely wouldn't be able to do it on a platform higher than that so kudos to you!
    Laurel, good strategy to continue living a normal life until your husband career path is defined. You would've been in trouble trying to consume what's in my pantry! We have enough food to survive for a very long time in there! LOL

    Becky, congrats on your new workouts and great job getting your daily workouts in! Congrats too on being able to finish the S&S workout without stopping and the jumps! It does get better every time. You really have been on FI-YA!!! It doesn't matter that you modified some of the jumps, what matters is that you kept on moving!
    Let us know how your hips feel after PHA! I use hard massage balls because I need to dig deeply. A foam roller doesn't even tickle me! LOL. I even bought a PVC pipe to replace the roller with but that no longer helps. The ball are my best friends.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This is going to be a short one this morning, our purchasing system is now up and running, so I have a lot of orders to get out today. Yesterday I did another yoga workout, this one was 10lb Slimdown Xtreme. I did a longer workout this morning, because I will be at a meeting tonight. I did 30MTF Bootcamp both workouts.

    Laurel, You are insane! :D I really am truly impressed with your workout combos. Can't wait to see what your rotation will entail, and we will be right behind you with our efforts.

    Becky, Great job on getting in all those workouts. Congrats on getting through the workout, even with modifications. I have to do that also, because sometimes jumping a certain way just isn't comfortable for my body. Congrats on your purchases also, GS Legs is a really great leg workout. I'm glad that I could give you useful information for the rotation.

    Thelma, Sorry to hear about the lengthy stay at work. Oh my on the trip, hope there is some way for you not to have to go to India. We have people going over there periodically. I'm glad that I don't have that type of job, they have some interesting times on their trips. Rocket is a love and goof. DH just bought him a Star Trek collar, he is such a geek. <3

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Definitely had a more manageable workout today, which felt good. I started with ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast and Core 2. Then, for cardio, I did Cathe's Greatest Hits workout, which was all kinds of fun today.

    Becky, great purchases! That Gym Style Legs workout is a good one and a tough one. It never fails to sneak up on me as I am doing it. Good stuff. You are doing so great with your workouts! Congrats on Cardio Slam. Don't even think twice about modifications. Some days I would be hard-pressed to figure out which workouts I don't modify in some way. As Laurie said, some moves are just not I don't do them. So do what works for you! If you do try a double workout, I would suggest you go a little lighter than normal, and take a bit of a break in between. And by that, I mean to walk around for 5-10 minutes, just to get your equilibrium back. But not too long that you completely cool down and get stiff from the first workout. If you do cool all the way down, I would suggest a much longer break in between. Just some thoughts!!

    Thelma, yuck on the long day. India? Yikes. There are some things in India I would love to see.....but not enough to go there unfortunately. But we have known quite a few people who have been and enjoyed it. It would be quite an adventure.....but I would be trying to find a way out of it too. Glad to know I am not the only one with a pantry fully stocked! When DH was in the military, I never stocked the pantry. Not true these days! You would think I am feeding an army with all the peanut butter I have. :o DH kept teasing me through the hurricane last year that we certainly would never starve because we could survive on peanut butter alone. B)

    Laurie, sorry to hear about the busy day, but great workout this morning. I have been toying with my first week of the rotation today. Right now, this is what I have planned. I still need to fill it in a bit, but here goes:

    Sunday-XT Cardio Leg Blast Extreme premix, ICE Muscle Meltdown Back and XT abs
    Monday-ICE Metabolic Total Body with BB and Muscle Meltdown Chest and a 40-45 minute intense cardio session
    Tuesday-Lean Legs and Abs, Muscle Meltdown Shoulders, 40-45 minute moderate cardio and STS Stretch
    Wednesday-XT Supercuts Extreme, Muscle Meltdown Biceps, RWH Plyo HiiT One
    Thursday-Great Glutes, Muscle Meltdown Triceps, and 45-60 minute steady state cardio
    Friday-STS Total Body, 60 minute cardio
    Saturday (maybe......if I have a chance)-Turbo Fire workout and Turbo Fire extended stretch

    Note: I threw in the extra leg workouts on Tuesday and Thursday because they are light, and the circuit workouts on Monday and Wednesday are light on legs. And my legs need all the work they can get right now. See the previous discussion on peanut butter as to why. :) For week 2-4, I will be using STS. I still need to figure out my week 5.

    Subject to change on a whim! :p

    See you all tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! S&S Ramped Up Upper Body for me tonight. It doesn't sound like I might be able to get out of going to Bangalore. Even my boss agreed that I shouldn't go alone after I told him how women are being rapped all over India. I would spend my free time locked up in my hotel room if there isn't a gym at the hotel. One of the leads told me he is planning on going in April. Going with a guy would be a ideal. I will feel safer. Specially with this particular guy as he is the only one around there in good physical shape. I would feel safer with someone who might be able to defend us. People from work have gone there periodically and they've been fine. About 6 months ago there was fighting in Bangalore and my co-workers found themselves locked up in the hotel. That would freak me out because I would have a PTSD attack. Having left El Salvador in the middle of war things like that freak me out.

    My 3 pairs of NB trainers came today and I'm 0 for 3! They're cut really low on the side of the shoe near the heel so my my heels slip out when I do lunges. Too bad because they felt good but it's not safe to have my heels slip out.

    Laurie, great workouts today! Going strong with yoga this week! I hope you were able to get all your orders in!
    I normally don't travel for work but since we have outsourced some work to a team in India I'll probably have to got there to train them. My boss was thinking that I could go in April with the lead I mentioned above but that may be going there just to interview people. This could potentially mean that I'd have to go back to train them. YIKES! Retirement can't come soon enough!
    Your dog sounds adorable. My DH loves animals and has had dogs in the past. We hope to adopt one when we retire. Funny about the Star Trek collar! LOL

    Laurel, another winning combo!
    yikes is right about the trip to India. I hope to still be able to get out of going but I doubt it will work.
    When my DH's favorite PB is on sale he goes to the supermarket with a backup to buy as many jars as he can fit in the bag! LOL
    That rotation looks great!!! I love how you've added the meltdowns.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Of course no workout last night, but this morning I did 30MTF Cardio Quick Fix Workout 2. I sure do love that workout when I don't have a lot of time, but want good cardio. Not sure that I will be getting in a workout after work, will see how I feel. Still plodding through all my orders, this update has caused major issues for me. It will take a while to get it all sorted out.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, and taking it down a notch. What a nice first week of the rotation, it looks really tough. ;) I think that you will have a good time figuring out the week 5, the first week looks impressive. LOL about the peanut butter, the hardest thing to resist in my house too.

    Thelma, Nice job getting in your workout. I think that is a wise idea to go with a guy, none of the females go to India without there being someone else with them. It is unfortunate that it has to be that way. I can see why a situation like you described would be traumatic for you. I'm still not done with my orders, hopefully I can get a really good dent in them today. I forgot that we where going on a team building event yesterday also, it was fun, but I didn't get as many things done as I wanted to. We went to Escape Chambers, which is basically a room that you need to figure out how to get out of through clues.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Thelma and I were on the same mindset with workouts as I, too, do Ramped Up Upper Body. I did it doubled, which is the second time I have done that. Still don't know if I recommend it, to be honest. It gives the muscles a serious workout, but it also feels like a bit of overkill. But I felt like a long strength training workout today, so I went with it. For cardio, I did XT All Out Low Impact Extreme, which was perfect after that tough upper body work.

    Thelma, great minds think alike! Great workout. I am glad you have found a good resolution for the possible India trip. At least your boss was understanding of your concerns. I would not like to go into that type of situation alone, especially having never been there. Hopefully this won't become a routine trip for you, but just a once or twice (at most) thing. Sorry to hear about the NB shoes! That is really unusual for them since I have traditionally found them to be snug (in a good way) in the feet. I get much more slipping with my Nikes, so that is disappointing to hear.

    Looks like we are on hold for the job in Germany. Official guidance came out yesterday, and since DH has an offer, the job will still be his when the freeze is lifted. Right now, the freeze is set to last 90 days. So.......I guess I didn't need to consume so much peanut butter over the past six weeks! :#:) I am still going to start the new rotation on Sunday, but the good news is I may actually be able to finish it before we go! I would like that.

    Hope you all enjoy the weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you all had a great weekend. On Friday I did KCM 30MTF Cardio/Pump and I wore the NB sneakers I bought about 3 weeks ago. OMG big mistake! Those shoes hurt my feet. they felt like bricks. Today my feet have been killing me so I didn't work out. It occurred to me that it could be plantar fascitiis but I've never hurt like this before. I will sleep with my boots tonight just in case. On Saturday I did a short version of S&S Total Giant Sets. I was able to lift the barbell loaded with 36lbs over my head in order to do the squats. I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to lift the barbell off my shoulders in order to off load it! Thankfully I was able to do it on my own without having to yell for DH to rescue me! LOL. I wish I could've lifted heavier because it felt a little on the lite side but I'm limited to my arm st

    I also worked on LGI8 rotation and I'm pretty much doing what Laurie posted but just single workouts. Thanks Laurie!

    Laurie, I love KCM's Cardio Quick Fix too. Great job! Sorry you're not done with your orders. I would still be stuck in the Escape Chamber! LOL. Glad you had fun.

    Laurel, OMG woman! I can't believe you doubled Ramped Up Upper Body and then you topped it off with XT AOLI Extreme! Good for you!
    I think that if I went to India with my co-worker in April it would be too soon for me. My full team won't be hired yet. My boss was understanding but don't know if his boss will be. There is a young woman in the development team who travels by herself all the time wherever they send her so that could be a problem for me.
    I think the NB trainers don't fit rigth because of my orthotics which have a little bit of a heel. Thank God DH takes all my returns to UPS for me! I ordered two new pairs of Reebok to try out. I also discovered that Adidas makes trainers too and they look like they might work for me. I will have to read people's reviews on these shoes before I buy them.

    Hi Becky and Tami!

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a nice, cool weekend here. Yesterday it didn't reach 60 and we had clouds and rain all day. Winter Florida style! Loved it. It was also cool on Saturday but dry, so DH got to enjoy some time on the golf course for the first time in weeks. It was quiet out there because of the temperatures, so that made for a nice afternoon. Plus the walk felt good.

    I took Saturday off from my workouts, and my body appreciated that. But yesterday I started the new rotation! It is amazing how having a rotation makes me feel so much more energized for my workouts. Anyhow, as planned, I did XT Cardio Leg Blast Extreme, Muscle Meltdown Back and XT Core 2. Today was ICE Metabolic Total Body w/Blizzard Blast, Muscle Meltdown Chest, and Icy Core 1. For cardio, I did Tabatacise. I thought that cardio might be too much after the long first workout.....but it felt perfect. I feel really energized, which is a feeling I love to have after my workouts. Doesn't always happen, but when it does..... <3 .

    Laurie, we were posting at the same time the other day, so I missed your post. Thanks for the feedback on the first week of my rotation. So far....I am loving it! I also love knowing that next week will be something completely different with STS Meso 3. I think that variety will make this rotation fly by. Right now, I am planning on taking this rotation 20 weeks (if I can) to be able to do all of STS in it. We'll see how that goes once it gets going though.....and of course whether we are moving. I am thinking my week five will involve LIS Trisets, PUB/PLB and.......something else! I think I will want to include Ramped Upper Body, though, so I just need to decide on Legs. I think that is going to be a tough week!!

    Thelma, I am SO sorry to hear about your feet. Hopefully taking a break and changing your shoes will fix it right up. Great job getting that barbell over your head. I must admit, after so many years of not having a barbell, I am none too comfortable putting heavy weight on to my shoulders/back like that, so I still have a tendency to pick up dumbbells for the leg work. Maybe over time I will get more comfortable with the position. But I do love the barbell for upper body work, that is for sure. Fingers crossed that things work out for you and trip to India. Like I said, that is one trip I would not want to make alone. Hope you don't have to.

    Until tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ I missed you all and see that you are all doing amazing things with your workouts as always! I will try to read through (back through) all the posts later today if I get a chance but wanted to write you all and let you know that we had an AMAZING trip! It was SO fun and so relaxing. My DH actually enjoyed the sunshine and pool and ocean every single day. This is unusual for him, he is not a “hang out in the sunshine” type of guy …. Well now he is! He loved it. We mostly stayed at the resort every day other than venturing out for really yummy dinner places in the evening, one day we went to the “market” which is stores along the way that try to sell you everything and anything that you will buy. Fun to experience and we bought a couple t-shirts, but a little intense too. We had lunch at the Hard Rock Café and headed back.

    I was able to meet my 5 day goal of working out; I went down to the hotel gym each a.m. and did the Eliptical and stationary bike each morning and then showered met everyone for breakfast and hung out by the pool. IT felt great to get my workout in at least a little bit. Our flights were all right on time and easy transitions, along with customs not being too bad either. So we really couldn’t have asked for anything better. I was happy to get home and see the “kids”. My MIL was so good to them both and spoiled them rotten. She was worried about Emma a couple of nights so she slept in the recliner next to her ….. how sweet was that?!? Emma had a rough time getting up and down, which is what we have been experiencing so Sandy moved some rugs to help her get better traction. Poor girl. I was thrilled to get up Friday a.m. and do a Cathe workout! I hit it full speed ahead with PHA Xtreme pre-mix, Saturday I did S&S Total Body Giant Sets and then yesterday was KCM Strength & Stamina, Volleyball league was late in the day yesterday. Today I decided to sleep in a little to just make sure I was caught up on my sleep and will go to BootCamp tonight after work.

    Laurel: Sounds like you are still in "kick butt" mode with the workouts as always! Also, good that you have a little time before you know forsure on the job in Germany now?!? If I am reading that correctly. He has the job though. Funny on the Ramped UP Upper Body, I almost did the “Double It” pre-mix yesterday but knew I had volleyball last night and thought, I better not .. need to be able to move my arms quickly vs. a delayed reaction. LOL But it is in my future forsure to try. So you have started the new rotation then! WooHoo :smile:

    Thelma: Fantastic job with your workouts as well! Sorry to hear about the NB shoes though. Dang it. Will you be able to return them still? OUCH. Nothing worse than that sore foot coming back, especially with your PF situation. Hopefully they will be good to go tomorrow. I started glancing through the LGI8 rotation over the weekend between laundry and everything else, I still need to start writing it down though. So you and Laurel have started it? Or just Laurel. I need to see where I need to plug things in or not, etc. Although I just saw Laurie’s post for her first 5 weeks! That will help me out tremendously! Sounds exciting to be going to Bangalore! WOW, what an experience that will be. Are you excited?

    Laurie: Sounds like you are very busy at work right now with all the orders! I am sure your days are flying by. Great job getting in the workouts when you can and sounds like you are getting in a lot of variety. Great work. I just saw your post of the Week 1 – 5. THANK YOU. I will print this out, it will help me a bunch. You truly are the Queen of Rotations! Thought of you during our trip, we met a couple from Wisconsin; right near Milwaukee is where they are from. They were so nice and so much fun! We hung out with them a couple of evenings and had lots of laughs. It was as if we had always known them. Super fun people. Loved the Midwest accents as well. LOL p.s. Sorry about your Packers. I know that was a huge bummer for you guys.

    Becky: Congrats on your purchases for new Cathe DVD’s! You have some good ones there to add to your collection. You are definitely a full fledged Cathelete forsure! LOL What day are you starting the new rotation then? Just getting a feel for when everyone is starting. :wink:

    Sorry that I haven’t been able to look back on all the posts yet ladies ….But so happy to be in touch with you all again and looking forward to our new rotation together! WooHoo … here we go!

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did S&S Total Giant Sets. I thought this workout would be safe. I did a premix that skipped the last leg set. I definitely have a mega plantar fasciitis flare up. I think the reason why my feet hurt so much yesterday was because I was on my feet a lot and was wearing Crocs clugs which are the wrong shoes. I should've been wearing sneakers with my orthotics. Last night I massaged, applied heat and stretched my calves. I also slept with my PF boots. Today the foot pain was gone and wore my sneakers all day. As the day went on I could feel something in my calves as if I had a million little ants crawling inside. That told me right there and then that it was plantar fasciitis. Yesterday I didn't feel anything wrong with my calves. I just didn't have the usual symptoms. After tonight's workout my feet started to hurt again so clearly working out wasn't such a good idea. Probably the lunges. After my workout I gave myself a deep calf massage and I applied heat.
    I'm going to have to take it easy with leg and cardio work until I get better.

    Laurel, great workouts and congrats for starting the new rotation. BTW, I decided that my rotation will be called Look Sort of Great in 8 since I can only do a single workout a day! LOL. I hear you on the feeling you get when you have a rotation to follow!

    I'm excited about the fact that I was able to lift the barbell and rest it on my shoulders. I did hurt myself years ago doing this so this time I tried it with 26 lbs first to make sure I could do it. I haven't tried STS Total Body yet but I was glad to see you can use the Fit Tower with the barbell on this workout and Laurie has it scheduled for week one of the LGI8 rotation.
    If I have no choice about going to India I will make sure I go with someone else.

    Tami, welcome back! Great job with those workouts during vacation and the ones you've done since your return! You were on FI-YA on Sunday!
    So glad you had an amazing trip. I can just imagine the vultures at the "market". LOL
    Poor Emma but so glad your MIL was such so good to her.
    I have to keep working on my calves and my feet so things can go back to normal. I've not been able to find a knot in my calves like I have in the past so this flare up is different. Laurel decided to start the rotation early because she's been under a lot of stress due to the possible move. the rest of us will start on 2/12.

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Sorry I wasn't on yesterday, but was super busy. I will be making this short, because I'm still far behind. This upgrade has some issues that we didn't know about, and are not going to be fixed quickly. :s Yesterday I didn't workout, didn't sleep well. This morning I did 30MTF Plateau Buster combined workouts, which was around 45 min.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts, and glad to hear that your first few days of the rotation have been good. I know what you mean about need the rotation to keep you on course. I too am going to love having the rotation change up every week. That is one of the things that I really enjoy about this rotation. And if I change my mind, it will be for something that I really want to do. Glad that you will get to spend extra time with the rotation by extending it to 20 weeks. I'm hoping that with proper eating, I will get this extra weight off from Christmas. Yes I still have not gotten the pounds off from my cookie binge. :D I was contemplating putting in the Pyramid workouts, and I will probably add those in on the second week.

    Tami, Glad to see you back, and great job getting in some type of exercise throughout your vacation. Great job getting back into the Cathe workouts with some nice premixes. I love that you meet some WI people, we are considered super friendly people. :D If you like their accent, then you would love mine, since it is mixed with the upper WI area. If you go by my dd's laughing at me when I say a northernism. Ya we where a little disappointed about the Packers, but hopefully they will be back at it next year. Should be a good Super Bowl though.

    Thelma, Sorry to hear about your feet, do take it easy on them for a while. Did you get the Train Like a Contender DVD from Kelly? That one would be good for the feet. Love your name for the rotation. :D Glad to hear that you are able to lift some weight on your shoulders also.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Another good workout today. I started with Lean Legs and Abs, then added on Muscle Meltdown Shoulders. For cardio, I did Step Blast, which is always fun, and then, for my flexibility training, STS Extended Stretch. Good stuff!

    Tami, welcome back!! So happy to hear you had a great time in Mexico. Sounds like it was a really nice time. Glad your DH enjoyed it too! Great job getting your workouts in as well. A day of lying around in the sun always feels better after a workout. B) Love it! But, no doubt, it feels good to be home too. Poor Emma. How sweet of your MIL to take such good care of her. Your weekend workouts sound fantastic. Yes, I started the rotation early. With the uncertainty surrounding everything, I needed some workout stability. Depending how things go, I may end up circling back on the rotation to match up with all of you. We'll see if we get any more clarity over the next few weeks though before I do that. But I am loving it so far!

    Thelma, sorry to hear the workout aggravated your feet. Hopefully a little rest will do the trick. PF is so painful.....and never goes away! You have my full sympathies. After that last battle I had which just ended a few months ago, I hope to never feel that again. No fun.

    Laurie, sorry to hear things are so busy. Good workout this morning, though. I am with you on the cookie weight! Between the holidays and the sudden stress of moving......boy, did my eating habits get bad!! I only have a couple pounds to lose, but it feels like 10! But at least my frame of mind is better and I am focusing on it again. Having this rotation helps a great deal as well. Thanks once again for all the work you put into crafting it for us!

    Becky, hope you are having a good week!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ We had a good BootCamp class last night. Katy was very happy to see me and teased me that I look like I just finished a fitness competition with how tan I am! It was really funny. She did 7-Min AMRAP (as many reps as possible) with 4 different exercises, change to a new 4, change, etc. Until our hour was up. It was very cardio based because you were doing box jumps, squat to press, push-ups, burpees, squats, bi’s/tri’s a little of everything mixed into each 7 min session without stopping; then a 1 min break. No workout again this a.m. – bad me :neutral: What is becoming “normal” in our home is both of us waking up a lot listening for Emma and how she is doing; her panting and getting up and down is hard on both of us and being gone I think we are extra tuned in. So I didn’t sleep well. I hope tomorrow is an easy “get up” with or without sleep, I just gotta do it! I will head to Katy’s Insane X class which will be tough I am sure.

    Thelma: sorry to hear about your PF situation; it sounds like you are doing everything possible to mend it as soon as you can though, so good on you in knowing what to do. Along with easing back a little on the leg/cardio work you should be good to go in no time. Thank you for the kudos on my workouts and the nice welcome back! 2/12 Start sounds good to me. Will give me more time to get myself organized, unless I decide to start this Sunday. :smile: Now that I have Laurie's 5-week plan, not much left to do but start! :smile:

    Laurie: Darn it on still being behind at work. Never a good feeling, but hopefully each day is closer to your goal. Awesome job getting in 30MTF Plateau Buster, that’s a fun one. I really love the idea of the rotation changing all the time as well, I think it will be such a good one. Thank you again for the work you put in and letting us take advantage of that! I’m looking forward to the SuperBowl as well. Should be good, like you said. Currently I am leading our office pool with an undefeated bracket! Emma is in 3rd. I thought she was leading until the other day when I returned and saw the standings. If the Patriots win we will remain in 1st and 3rd. If not, Emma will be bumped out of 3rd and I guess I will still win because I have the most points possible. Pretty exciting!

    Laurel: Fantastic workouts this a.m. what a combination you put together! I can absolutely understand why you started early with the rotation. As I mentioned to Thelma, I am excited to get started myself. I may have to start this Sunday instead of waiting a week. Doing a mish-mosh of workouts the last few weeks has me craving a nice organized rotation! Only you guys understand that “NEED” LOL

    Hi Becky ~ Hope you are having a great week so far!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow,

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout after work, I almost forgot that I was meeting my girlfriends after work. :o We had a nice time chatting. My gf who has colon cancer, will have to go through 6 months of chemo. It is only as a precaution, so she is doing well. This morning I did Tae Bo Basic Workout 1, and just loved the gospel music that was in this one. That is something that was fun with these workouts, the music.

    Laurel, Nice workouts, and of course getting in the stretch. ;) That is another good thing about the rotation, it does allow for the stretching. That is exactly the feeling I have with the extra pounds, it does feel like 10. You are making me very excited to get going on the rotation. :D

    Tami, Glad you had a good bootcamp class. So sorry that Emma is having problems, I know what you are going through. :/ I know that my DH used to jump out of bed when he would hear Cami walking around, and by that time she usually was peeing in the house. :( Most times we where able to catch her before that happened. I started setting an alarm, so that I could let her out. I think that I was able to do most of the catch up yesterday, I had a lot of orders placed. I even figured out a way around the problem that was discovered, so I'm a much happier person. That is so cool that you are in first place, but I'm going to be rooting for the Falcon's. :D I guess that you will be the winner even if they are the champs. I really enjoy the Plateau Buster workout, it is a good metabolic workout.

    Thelma and Becky, hope you are both having a great week.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Had a super fun workout today. I started with XTrain Super Cuts Extreme premix, followed by Muscle Meltdown Biceps. Today's cardio was scheduled to be short, intense cardio.....but once I got started, I didn't want to stop! So I ended going nearly an hour. Anyhow, I started with the warm-up and Blizzard Blast from Rock'm Sock'm--which is what got my energy flowing so high--then did RWH Plyo HiiT One......and then went back and did the Blizzard Blast again! So fun! I swear, if I could alternate between Rock'm Sock'm and Intensity every day, I would. :p I try to limit them to once a month, though.....which is tough!

    Tami, sounds like a pretty intense BC class. I am sure Katy was glad to see you back. Bet it feels so healthy to be tanned in the dead of winter! So sorry to hear about Emma's continued struggles. I don't think I would sleeping very well either. Poor thing. But congratulations to both of you for the football pool! That's fun. I'm looking forward to the game on Sunday and hope for a good, competitive one. I have a bet with DH, as usual, so I will be pulling for the pulling for you and Emma too! But, secretly, like Laurie, I want the Falcons to win. B)

    Laurie, sounds like another good workout. I am glad your friend is doing well, but six months of chemo won't be fun. Hopefully since it is precautionary, it will be a light dosage. Hope she continues to recover well. I am thinking of tweaking my rotation a bit next week from the scheduled Meso 3 workouts. I am thinking about going for Meso 2 instead because I have not been lifting very heavy for weeks now. I am afraid of jumping right in to those very heavy Meso 3 workouts without a more proper strength-training prep for them. If I do that, I will be doing Meso 2 next week, Meso 1 (as planned) the week after and then Meso 3. I figure this doesn't go away from the intent of the LGI8 rotation too far since Meso 2 is at least about building muscle and week 2 of the rotation is 'heavy', and Meso 3 is not far off Supersets (as LGI8 calls for) in that it alternates body parts. What do you think?

    Thelma and Becky, hope you are well.

    See you tomorrow.

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi Ladies - sorry for the absence. Workouts have been going great and I am looking forward to starting the new rotation. Over the past several days, I have been able to get S & S Upper Body, Bikram Yoga, TONS of walking (in a Fitbit challenge this week) and tomorrow will be another yoga class with the new legs dvd I bought of Cathe's.

    Laurel - fantastic job on the workouts. Your combos are fabulous. WOWSA on doing Ramped upper body twice! I did that this morning and wouldn't think about doing it twice. My arms are dead afterwards. So, EXCELLENT JOB! I like the rotation you posted for this week - it looks great. Thanks for the suggestion on brining my workout down a notch if I try to get 2 in a row done. I will definitely be doing that. I am thinking of doing a ICE one with maybe S & S or STS workout. you have at least 90 days still in Florida. This gives you more time to wrap your head around the move, if it happens.

    Laurie - sounds like you have been very busy at work. Great job on working out when you can. Glad you got some gf time the other day, and I am sorry to hear that one has colon cancer. My mom has stage 3 colon cancer, but she finished chemo about 2 year ago. Her tumor markers have gone down, but it's still there. She's doing well, too. Doctor's aren't sure why she is doing well, but we will take it! No complaints from my mom or the doc. :)

    Tami - WELCOME BACK! I was so impressed that you still worked out while on vacation - it was great seeing your daily posts of your workouts. Great job. I am sorry to hear that Emma was having hard time getting up and down, but I love that your MIL stayed with her. So sweet. I completely understand not sleeping well and listening to the Emma breathing. Poor babes.
    Fantastic job on coming back and killing it with the Cathe workouts.

    Thelma - Wonderful job on getting your workouts done. I am sorry to read that you are still struggling with finding the right shoes. No fun having PF! uggghhhhh..........Keep messaging your legs and feet - it helps. I had no idea that things were bad in India with rapes, so if you go, I hope that colleague goes with you. That is a little scary.

    I am off to coral the kids and get their homework done. Have a great night.
