Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    HI Ladies ~ Katy pulled out another “killer”. So we started with our 5 min warm-up right into: 100 push-ups, then 25 weighted lunges, 50 burpees, 2 gym-length gorilla crawls and REPEAT 5 times!!! Then 50 Heavy KB swings + either a mile on the treadmill (run) or 800 meters on the rowing machine. I went for that one and then ended up having her next to me cheering me on to beat her time. YIKES. I was 23 seconds off but happy I finished the entire workout. Those burpees about did me in; my arms were tired from my a.m. workout and the speed burpees the night before. LOL This a.m. I did Tri-Sets Lower Body and tonight I will head to Spinning.

    Thelma: Great work getting in Hard Strikes ~ keeping it low impact I am sure helped your foot and hopefully will continuing feeling better. We are getting more snow today, it just hasn’t let up on our winter wonderland this year. Snowing and will turn to rain tomorrow and be a mess . . . again. This just happened last week as well. Happy to hear things were less stressful at work yesterday.

    Laurie: What a fun date night with your DH and I love that Top Gun was the movie you guys went to on that first night. Love that movie! Your food sounds like it was really good and like Laurel said, amazing that they are still there. Great job with XT Upper Body this a.m.

    Laurel: Amazing combo today! Way to go and then ending with the 100 scarecrows & side laterals! Yowsa. Thank you on my FIL. Sounds like he was out and about yesterday instead of resting …….  But didn’t overly do it according to my MIL. Interesting on the SULFA drug being a bad one for your mom as well. If that is ever prescribed to me I may ask a lot of question first!

    Have a great evening ladies ~ until tomorrow Tami
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi Ladies - Since Saturday, I have done the following workouts:
    • Sunday: Bikram Yoga
    • Monday: 90 minute walk
    • Tuesday: STS disk 15 (back/bicep), Bikram Yoga, and 30 minute walk
    • Today: STS disk 17 (legs)

    I am really looking forward to starting the new rotation this coming weekend. Laurel had written to me that I will like the new rotation because it changes every week, and I am definitely looking forward to that. It will get me doing exercises I NEED to do, but I choose not to out of "laziness." I choose that word lightly....... ;)

    Laurie - Fantastic workouts over these last few days. Your kickboxing workouts sounds like a really good one. How do you like Bob Harper's workout? I have one of his DVDs, but wasn't a huge fan of it (I thought it was too easy). Happy 30 years with your DH! That is so neat that you two went back the to restaurant from your 1st date. Brian and I would be going to Starbucks (I wanted a place where I could use the excuse "thanks for the coffee, but I have to go now). Obviously that didn't happen. :)

    Thelma - I am glad to see that yesterday was a good foot day for you. I am sorry to hear that it keeps coming and going.....I am sure that is frustrating. Great job on your workouts. Enjoy the snow and staying home to work. Are you more productive working from home? I tend to goof off and need to be at my workplace.

    Tami - Amazing workout with Katy! WOW! Very nice job. After all your workouts, I can imagine you were feeling it. I am so glad your FIL is home now. That is probably a relief. How is your pup doing? Are you still sleeping lightly at night?

    Laurel - Amazing job with your rotation, and I am really glad you are liking it. That is great that you got to golf this past weekend on both days. I am sure your body needed a rest on Saturday. You are killing it with these workouts. I like the breakdown you gave Tami of what you are doing with the rotation. I keep going back and looking at mine to see if I will adjust it, but I don't know. It's fun planning out the next 16 weeks for workouts. Right now, I am waking up thinking "which one should I do"......I prefer to just be told what to do. ;)

    Have a great night.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did another Chris Freytag workout with ACE HiiT Upper Body, so my upper body was really worked yesterday. This morning I kept with the theme, and did her 10lb Slimdown Xtreme Lower Body.

    Laurel, What a great workout combo you had, and I love that you added in the 100 rep. That is a great idea, since they really target that specific muscle for a min. amount of time. The restaurant we went to is one of the few Supper Clubs left in Wisconsin. Wisconsin is famous for their supper clubs, they are quite the unique experience. I love that their menu's stay the same over the years. I think MIC has to much hi and not enough low. :D I would rather do Cardio Kicks. I'm love that the rotation is working so well for you.

    Tami, Wow that sounds like an amazing class! Great job on the workout also. At our wedding our dance was Take My Breath Away from the movie. It really was so appropriate for us. ;) So that movie is really extra special, and I need to find our DVD copy. :#

    Becky, Wonderful job on all your workouts. It will be fun to do this rotation together, and of course getting some great information from Laurel. I have to have a rotation also, because I just go downstairs and pick things at random right now. My DH's name is Brian also, so that was funny when I read that about you and Brian going to Starbuck's. ;)

    Thelma, Hope that you are not getting to much snow!

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I did one of my favorite cardio combos today--Rockout Knockout and Hard Strikes smushed together. Including the bag work from RK, it ends up being 90 minutes of fun, moderate-intensity cardio with no dread factor. Love it! I followed it with Cathe's Stretch Max workout using the resistance band, which felt nice. I am glad this rotation is 'forcing' me into flexibility training, because it does feel good to be doing some longer stretches, especially after the longer workouts I have been doing.

    Tami, yowza on the class! That sounds tough!! No doubt you were feeling it after a tough class the night before. I can't believe how much snow you are getting this year up there. DH talked to a friend up in Washington State yesterday and said he is about done with winter. No doubt you feel the same.

    Becky, great workouts! I hear you on needing a rotation. I feel so much more like I am accomplishing something when I am doing a rotation than when I am just choosing random workouts. Gives me added energy to push through. And, like you, I need that 'nudge' sometimes to do those workouts I have a tendency to ignore. That's funny about your DH, Starbucks and thinking 'I want an out'. DH and I opted for the 'safe' lunch date.....knowing we both had the excuse of needing to get back to work if things went poorly. :p

    Laurie, sounds like a couple of good workouts. Wow, supper clubs are certainly a blast from the past. I love that some have managed to survive up there. Too many places are so homogenized when it comes to restaurants that you could be in Seattle or NYC and it all feels the same! It's funny you mention the impact in MIC because I was thinking the exact same thing when I was doing it this week......even comparing it mentally to kickboxing! Great minds think alike! :D

    Thelma, hope you aren't buried under a foot of snow!! Haven't seen the weather is Massachusetts yet today, but it looks like NYC got hit pretty good. Stay safe!

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I forgot to hit post again!!! On Wednesday I did RWH Back, Biceps, Shoulders and today Leslie Sansone's Walk Slim. The PF seems to have acted up after the RWH BBS workout. Probably because you have to be in a squat position a lot. Today both feet were a little irritated from yesterdays cardio. I just have to take it easy for a while longer. I will replace any lunges with ab work. Of course Cathe LOVES her lunges. When I first started in this group I had just recovered from PF so I didn't do lunges for a long time. I think that will be the case here too as I'm going to be afraid to try. I did find a couple of good PF massage/stretching videos in youtube which are good. I'm definitely trying the massage one because it was different than anything else I was doing and seemed more effective.

    We had quite an icy mess on Wed morning. My car was covered in a sheet of ice as it snowed earlier in the day, then rained and it then it got cold overnight. Thank God for remote starters. Traffic was horrific. There were quite a few pile ups. I heard a guy got killed when he got off his car to go help someone who had been in an accident when another car slammed into him. Apparently the car hit an ice patch. So sad! We are expecting a big storm for sure. Schools were already cancelled. DH works for Tufts U so I'm sure he'll have a day off but he will work! My company only closes if we are in state of emergency.
    The snow where I live wasn't too bad. We got about 10 fluffy inches. It got pretty windy though. I worked from home and DH had the day off as expected.

    Laurie, great workout and so glad you and your DH had a great anniversary dinner. I was trying to find the kick box workout with lets jumping and clearly picked the one with the jumping jacks. Great workouts!

    Laurel, amazing workouts! Killing it as always! Great job!
    I really irritated the PF ligament badly. I've gone through different stages on what I feel on my feet. Today I definitely felt that PF ligament on both feet. A couple of days ago I had heel tightness. It's a good thing there is a lot of lifting in the new rotation!

    Tami, OMG that really sounds like a Katy killer workout! Great job keeping up with Katy! Awesome workouts!
    You guys have really had a lot of snow. This is going to be our first real storm this year. We've been getting a couple of inches every once in a while but nothing that sticks around.

    Becky, awesome workouts girl! You're killing it too! The PF is a very delicate thing so you really have to give it a break when it's been irritated.
    I normally put more hours in when I WFH. Can't afford to goof off because are an agile organization and every day each team meets for 15 minutes. Each team member informs the team what they worked on the day before, what they will do that day and what they will do next. Each person is expected to work 4-6 hours a day in the project. My capacity for the month is about 68 hours. So work has been assigned to each one of those 68 hours. If I don't finish my work everybody knows and it looks bad. That is agile for you.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night was Chris Freytag's ACE HiiT Lower Body. I was suffering from an ear achy last night, so I used my heating pad. That seemed to help some, but it was still achy this morning. I decided to not do cardio this morning, so I opted for Chris's 10lb Slimdown Extreme Yoga. I don't know if I'm getting this crud that everyone in the office has had, but it also could just be my sinus from the constant change in our temps. ;)

    Laurel, Love your combo, and getting in the stretching. That is one of the things that I have to admit is good about this rotation, the stretching. I don't know why I don't include it on any other rotation, it sure does make the body feel good afterwards. ;) I wasn't going to workout this morning, because of the ear, but then I thought why not do yoga or stretching. I'm glad that I did, because it really did feel good. I was even happy to do the vinyasa's.

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts! They always warn people not to get out of their cars during storms for that very reason. My youngest dd has a friend who's father was killed that way. You just can't predict what will happen. Very sad. Chris only has the one kickboxing workout, and she does do jumping jacks. She does show the low impact for all the exercises in her 10lb Slimdown Extreme workouts. I think they are all on youtube now.

    Becky and Tami, Hope you are having an awesome week.

    Have a great weekend,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Had a good workout to end the week. I started with PHA Training, and now that I have found the right weights, I find this workout tough! My heart rate was up, that's for sure. But it absolutely flew by as well. I followed it with S&S Core, which is growing on me. I took a break between workouts today since my heart rate did get up quite a bit in PHA, and also opted for a lighter cardio. That was Rhythmic Step, which was perfect.

    Definitely feeling more energetic at the end of this second week of the rotation, which is nice. I was worn out last week which tells me I should probably take it down a notch next time. Last week alternating legs and circuits every day was probably a bit much. This week I seemed to find a better balance. The good news to report, though, is all my Christmas cookie puffiness is gone! So this rotation is definitely working. It has not only given me some much needed focus in my workouts and structure in my life, but it has finally encouraged me to clean up my eating. So all positives! Can't wait for you all to join me in it next week!

    Thelma, I was wondering how hard you were hit by the storm. I am so glad you get to stay home and work. That is so sad about that man. I hate to hear things like that. Just breaks my heart. I am sorry the feet are still bothering you too. Laying off lunges is probably a really good idea since that is how you injured it. There are plenty of substitutes that, hopefully, won't bother you as much.

    Laurie, sorry to hear about the ear ache. Hopefully it is just sinuses and not the cold/flu/crud stuff that is everywhere. Great job getting in some yoga this morning despite that. Like you, I have no clue why I don't include more stretching in my workouts. It makes me feel better, so I am not sure why it is the first thing I drop when I get restless (as I am prone to do when working out). But I think one of the reasons I feel better this week than last week is I had three long stretching sessions this week compared to last week's one. Makes all the difference.

    Becky and Tami, hope you are well.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you all yesterday; I read through your posts and was getting ready to reply when I realized my “in box” was full and I should just quickly do a few things, then the remainder of the day did not stop. Super busy, which I LOVE but didn’t get back to you all. So yesterday I didn’t get in a workout but this a.m. I did RWH Upper Body Circuit and tonight I will go to Spinning. I am SO excited to start the rotation on Sunday. This week has been a struggle of staring at my DVD’s wondering what to do. I’m with you Becky … “I need to be told what to do each day” So yahoo for Sunday! :smile: :smiley:

    Laurel: You are a rock star with your workouts woman! Nicely done this week. I have yet to do the RK + HS combo but I know I would love it, each time you have posted that I think to myself, I gotta try that one. Love PHA Training workout! Good job getting that in and now that you have your weights all narrowed down it should be future awesome workouts ahead! Congrats on having the Holiday puffs all gone. Yes “done with winter” is a mutual feeling amongst all of us here in North Idaho forsure. After all that snow then yesterday was pouring rain and warmer temps …. Definitely have less snow but now it is huge “lake like” puddles and black snow covered with sand and rocks. So ugly out, but good to see the roads and not ice. We’re almost through it I am sure. I’m going to really try and stick to the Stretching/Yoga that this rotation calls for. With what you mentioned to Laurie, it has inspired me …. I too get restless and think; no I need this instead of that. Clearly it is important so I will follow your lead my friend, thank you!

    Thelma: Great job getting in the upper body workouts and making them all work for you during this challenging time with your PF. Glad you are finding some good massaage/stretching tips to help. Your weather sounds like what we had going on last week in to the weekend .. and this week again. What a mess. Glad you were able to work from home.

    Laurie: Awesome workouts! Good job getting in ACE HiiT lower last night & Yoga this a.m.. Hopefully your ear ache goes away very soon and it is not something more. Fingers crossed for that. We have had so many people at our office sick, its been a crazy winter for flu and colds forsure.

    Becky: Fantastic workouts this week! I am super excited to start our rotation together on Sunday! As I mentioned above … love to be in a rotation so I know what I am doing each day and the variety of this one will be amazing. Thank you for the kudos on my workouts and for asking about Emma. She is doing pretty good. We feel like she is a little better now that we have been home and in our routine with her again. She still stays in all day due to the snow that is so deep outside she would not do well there. But she is getting up and down the same. Not as restless as she was when we first returned. I think like people she was a little out of her routine and feeling some stress. I do however listen for her and if she is sleeping soundly, I do too. She’s my sweet pup and her 13th Birthday is coming up on the 28th.

    Have a great weekend ladies ~ Talk to you Monday! Tami
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi Ladies - I hope your weekend is going well. I am ready to start this is 2/12 and day 1.
    This past week, I did S&S Cardio slam (but the time saver version), S&S Upper Body, and yoga.

    Yesterday, I had planned to workout, but I ended up taking the day off. My honey didn't have to work Fri or Sat night, so we actually got to spend the entire day with the kids. It was nice.....we didn't make the healthiest of choices for food, but we don't do that often. But, I did avoid eating Girl Scout cookies and binging on any that is a plus.

    Tami - Great job on your workouts and so glad you feel the same with "just tell me what to do". I am glad that Emma is doing better.

    Laurel - Great job on your workouts, especially find the right weights for PHA. That one is really tough and I love it. I am glad you are feeling more energetic this past week. You were really pushing yourself the week before ( are pushing yourself every week). ;)

    Laurie - Great workouts, even with have an earache (no fun!). I really hope you are feeling better this weekend. Brian is a great name.....we have good taste in men's names. :)

    Thelma -Very nice workouts this week. That is a good idea to not do lunges for awhile. Hopefully the messages/stretching will continue to help your PF. The ice mess sounds crazy! Be careful out there driving. to get going on the rotation. YES!!!!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you had a nice weekend! I took Sunday off but on Friday I tried one of my new KCM workouts KCM 30MTF Plateau Buster. I really, really liked this workout. Can't wait to be able to try it again once my feet are better. On Saturday I decided to check to see if the tv in our bedroom was a smart tv. I never found that out but I discovered that Verizon our internet service provider includes widgets and You Tube is one of them. I searched for low impact workouts and came up with a lot of great workouts. I think Becky has mentioned this site before. I started with a low impact cardio workout and ended up doing 3 standing abs workouts. I kept going for almost 2 hours!
    My feet are doing better. The video I found last week has been very effective.
    We're getting hit with another nor'easter tonight. I think I'm going to work from home tomorrow because it will be another icy mess out there in the morning. It will also take DH a long time to dig us out.
    I will be starting the LGI8 rotation tomorrow. I have not finished mapping out the 16 weeks though. I only have 8 weeks ready. I was searching on the web ideas for modified rear lunges and found two methods that I think I can try. We did say this rotation would be 16 weeks right?

    Laurie, great workouts. I hope your earache is gone! I got my 30MTF Home Gym Intervals and my Jill Miller Yoga Link DVD's. Can't wait to try them. Really sad about the man who got killed last week due to the icy conditions on the roads. I'll have to check out Chris Freytag's workouts in YouTube!

    Laurel, amazing workouts on Friday!! Today's storm is going to drop a lot of snow. We're in the 8-12 inch range! This is the heavy stuff and we've gone from snow to freezing rain and back to snow. Lots of power outages already too. Some people in my town are without power. Thankfully we're OK.

    Tami, great workouts! Good job! I hate not having a rotation to tell me what to do every day! I totally know the feeling of staring at all those DVD's and not knowing which one to pick. Winter finally got to us. We were thinking we wouldn't have a winter this year.
    I am glad there are lots of instructors that show you how to do modified workouts.

    Becky, congrats on starting the new rotation! Great workouts too! I'm glad you got to spend some quality family time!
    I'm definitely staying away from lunges but am trying to see if I can do a modified version. Icy roads can be scary.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited February 2017
    Morning Ladies,

    Saturday was my rest day, and the oldest dd came over for a visit. Sunday I got on the elliptical, that was a nice change of pace. This morning I was up bright and early B) , and already had to make a change to the rotation. I don't know what I was thinking with the Peak workout I chose, but that was a no go. I decided to do KCM's New You Coming, which I had scheduled for Wednesday. I will figure out something different for that day. LOVED this KCM workout. You don't use heavy weights, but dang can you feel the burn. Noe ear ache for me anymore, so it must have been sinus related. Our temps have been going up and down, so I'm sure that has a lot to do with it.

    Laurel, Great workouts! I found that the PHA Training really does need the right weight for you, it sure does get the heart pounding with the weight that works for you. Awesome news about the cookie puffy feeling going away. I'm going to be making better decisions on my food choices, because I really need to get this weight off. I'm going to enjoy my yoga tomorrow.

    Tami, Great job on the workout. Sounds like a lot of us where looking at our workouts and wondering what to do. Guess the rotation factor really is a big deal with our mental state for doing workouts. ;) I know that just by having the rotation, and knowing that I can change things up if I need to, makes me really energized. I was surprised that I was up and out of bed at 4:30 this morning. :D Hopefully I can keep the sickness at bay.

    Becky, Great workouts! When I actually try the Cardio Slam workout, I'm opting for the shorter version. I know that it will be difficult to get through that workout so early in the morning. Have fun coming up with some great workout combos for this rotation.

    Thelma, Love that workout too. Tami always said that the Plateau Buster workout was a good one. She motivated me to purchase that one, and I'm glad that it is in may arsenal of workouts. After doing all those ab workouts, did you have some sore abs this morning? Check out PopSugar also for low impact workouts, they have a few. I know Jessica Smith also has some low impact kickboxing workouts that might interest you too. The Home Gym Interval workout will be a good change of pace when you want to use your equipment, but don't want to be on it for a long length of time.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all enjoyed the weekend. Ours was pretty quiet because DH had to work part of both days. But that allowed me to get a few things done around the house, which always feels good too......after it's done. ;) I took Saturday off from working out, but started week 3 of the rotation yesterday. This week is going to be a tough one! Anyhow, I started with STS Disc 2/Back and Triceps, and followed it with Cardio Core Circuit and the STS Extended Stretch. Today, I did STS Disc 3/Legs, followed by the cardio from 4DS Kickboxing right into the cardio and core from MMA Boxing. This week, as Laurie suggested in the rotation she posted, I will be doing six straight days of STS.....the week 1 workouts, each twice. Like I said......tough. So I decided to pair it as much as possible with the STS Shock Cardio workouts (not my favorite workouts) because the intensity in those is somewhat lower. Will let you all know how that works!

    Tami, hope it feels better to be starting a scheduled rotation. I know it makes all the difference to me. Yuck on the weather you have been experiencing!! Sounds like a mess, and I really don't like that dirty snow look. But winter should be in its final phases there soon. Glad to hear Emma is doing okay.

    Becky, great workouts last week. So nice to have time with your DH and kids! Good job avoiding the Girl Scout cookies. It seemed like there were Girl Scouts at every single place I went this weekend! But I did not cave. The last thing I need is a box of Thin Mints staring at me every time I open the freezer. I swear I could eat an entire box in one sitting. :o Hope you enjoy the rotation!

    Thelma, oh my! That is a LONG time working out the core!! Great job!! Hope you had some energy left to start the rotation! ;) I hope your weather isn't too bad up there. I heard you were expecting another big storm. No fun. I am going to try to take the rotation to 20 weeks. Laurie suggested adding a fifth week/cycle to the rotation after the 'Super Sets' week that consists of alternating upper and lower body work each day. For example, Sunday would be something like LIS Lower Body Trisets; Monday would be Upper Body Trisets; Tuesday would be something like RWH Lower Body Circuit; Wednesday would be Upper Body Circuit, etc. I really like the idea of that addition, so I have taken that 16 week rotation Laurie developed using STS and added four weeks of that (week 5, week, 10, week 15, and week 20). I don't know what everybody else is planning, though.

    Laurie, glad to hear your ear is better! Yay for starting the rotation!! Made me laugh when you said you had changed it up already. :p You should see my draft for week one.....I have 3-5 workouts penciled in as 'possibles' for each of the circuit days! Just wanted to give myself options. B) So I totally get it!

    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Had a nice Friday evening Spin to end the week and then got up on Sat. a.m. and did RWH Lower Body Circuit followed by S&S Giant Sets (Lower Body) this was a great combo! Yesterday I started off the new rotation with KCM Lean Body Circuits which is definitely total body/KB with a little cardio thrown in as well. We had volleyball in the afternoon and won all 6 games. Our tourney is next Sunday and then we just have one more league starting in March. This a.m. was Cathe ICE Total Body Metabolic workout, tonight will be BootCamp.

    Becky: Congrats on starting up the rotation! It’s going to be fabulous. Nicely done getting in Cardio Slam (TS) and S&S Upper Body + Yoga! Thank you for the good wishes on Emma. Appreciate it.

    Thelma: Great job getting in KCM Plateau Buster! Love that one …. Hence my encouragement to Laurie to purchase it! LOL Awesome you will be able to stream some online videos on that TV and see if you can find some more low impact workouts. Sorry to hear about your winter …. Sounds brutal for you guys right now. Hang in there and be safe!

    Laurie: Your weekend sounds really nice, glad you were able to see your oldest DD. Way to go on getting in your Elliptical and getting up bright & early for your workout! I scheduled my workouts this week off a little of yours and a little of Laurel’s! It’s going to be a great week. Doing Bob’s Yoga Warrior for my Yoga. . . . tomorrow I believe. Yes, I also love that having them at least penciled in and knowing the “type” of workout on my schedule I can change at will, but having something wrote down is EXCELLENT! Glad to hear you are feeling better.

    Laurel: WOWSA! You do have a big week scheduled with STS, but I know you will conquer it with no problem at all. Great job starting it out. Feels so much better …. Even got right up this a.m. & it’s Monday! LOL We’ve been having some nice bright sunny days, so refreshing and the snow is sloooowly melting, but melting. Feels nice to have a break. Any updates on your DH and the pending job?!? :blush:

    Happy Monday ladies ~ enjoy the rest of your day! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I worked from home today so I got a little Fitness Blender workout in this morning. Tonight I did STS Total Body. I tried one of the back lunge modified methods I found yesterday but I still irritated my feet. BUMMER! At least it doesn't feel like a total relapse.
    Over the weekend I was surfing for foot massage tools on Amazon and came across these things that had great reviews. They are called Yamuna Wakers. They were very expensive but people give them excellent reviews so I had to get them. OMG those bumps are HARD! but the size of this little porcupine is just right for the foot and they seem to work. I am going to keep doing the little flexibility exercises. I have a couple of inflatable porcupines that I use for balancing to strengthen my ankles. Those are way too big though so had to buy the expensive, made in Italy ones!

    Got hit with about 8 more inches of snow yesterday and today was incredibly windy. So glad I got to work from home.

    BTW, ladies I don't have a workout sheet for STS Total Body. Do any of you have it? If so please share!

    Laurie, great job doing the elliptical and the KCM workout! Is that KCM New YOu Coming a new one too you? I don't remember you mentioning it before. So glad your ear isn't aching anymore!
    I know you and Tami always talk about Plateau Buster and I was so glad I have it now!
    I actually didn't have sore abs the day after all those standing ab workouts. I felt a little soreness the day of. What was sore the next day were my hamstrings from all the front kicks I had to do. Thanks for the names of those other workout sites.

    Laurel, glad you had a good weekend!Great workouts! OMG that rotation week is definitely going to be hard for all of us!
    Thin Mints are my favorite GS cookies! I too could eat the entire box in one sitting.

    That was a long ab workout but it was standing work so not too bad. I totally missed that part about taking the rotation to 20 weeks. I really like Laurie's idea for those 4 weeks. I am going to modify my rotation to include that type of workout so I can alternate between lower and upper body.

    Tami, glad you had a good weekend too! Congrats on starting the new rotation and great job with the workouts! I'm so glad I finally got Plateau Buster! Love it!

    Good night ladies!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good morning ladies - I am enjoying the rotation so far. Sunday, my recreational cardio was to go outside, but it was raining. So, I opted for S & S cardio slam with abs. Yesterday, I chose Power Hour for my total body workout. Today will be my yoga class. I typically set aside my morning for working out, but my rotation has me doing yoga I am on the treadmill killing time. My body is so used to getting up before work and "doing something".

    Thelma - Great job on starting the rotation and getting those workouts in. That is so great that you found some fitness blender workouts. One of the challenges I am in from MFP loves giving us some of those workouts. Your new foot message thing is quite interesting. I really hope it helps you out. One of the challenges this week is all about Reflexology, and we are supposed to watch 4 different videos and give ourselves a foot message. Do you know anything about Reflexology? I find it hard to believe that rubbing my foot in certain places impacts my lower back, neck, kidneys, etc. But.....I am also open to learn about it since I am ignorant in that area. All I know is that the foot message felt great last night. :)

    Tami - WOW! I love the combo you did on were kicking your own butt! Congrats on winning all the games......your team is doing awesome! I hope you win the tournament next week.

    Laurel - Fantastic job on your combo yesterday! WOW! I checked your week 3 rotation against mine (to make sure I didn't make too many changes) and they are basically the same. That will be a tough week doing all the STS workouts. I will be starving that week.........I have determined that the STS is definitely impacting my hunger. I didn't do any for about 2 weeks and was doing great. I did a few last week and I am HUNGRY again. :) Glad you had a nice weekend. I never thought about thin mints in the freezer......hmmmmm......

    Laurie - Nice adjustment to your workout yesterday. Great job on getting it in. I am glad your ear ache is gone. I am also looking forward to yoga today.......can every day be a yoga day and we get the same results from weight training?????? (wishful thinking) ;)

    Have a great day.....I am looking forward to my yoga class.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited February 2017
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout last night, because we went shopping for bridesmaid dresses. The girls and I put about 8 dresses on the oldest list for her girls to choose. Since they are all over the country, she went to David's Bridal (which is national) so they all can get to) and picked out a color and dresses. The girls can chose any one of the dresses, but they will be in the color dd picked. So they may all end up with the same dress, or all different. :D We did purchase the youngest dress, so that the maid of honor has a dress at least. :D This morning I did Tae Bo Basic #3, and when I get home, after my teeth cleaning, I will do Yoga for the Warrior. I'm thinking of adding in the ab work from that workout also. ;) I remember that one being tough.

    Laurel, Great workouts! Loved all the workout combos, and including the Shock Cardio into the week is a solid plan. The week you are in is really a tough one for sure. Will be interested to know how your body feels afterwards. LOL about having many options penciled in and ready to go, in case you have an incident like I had. I really want to try the New You Coming workout again, so it may end up in the Wednesday time slot anyway. :D

    Tami, Love the updated pic of the kids! ;) Great job with the workouts, it looks like you are back into the workouts with full force. I'm kind of glad that I have my teeth cleaning today, because then I get off work early. Shouldn't be a problem getting in a full hour of yoga. I'm glad that we are all doing the same rotation, but in a different way. Makes for some great mixes, if we want to incorporate them into the future.

    Thelma, Glad that you where able to work from home. Just dang on the modified lunge. Good job with the STS Total Body, that one is always good for hitting every muscle. Interesting little devices, I'm glad to hear that they are already helping your feet feel better. Hope the snow melts just as fast as it arrived! ;) Yes the NYC workout is a new one to me. I purchased that one during her New Years sale. It has always gotten good reviews, and I can understand why after doing it.

    Becky, Great workouts! I know my niece does only yoga, and she is pretty bendy now. :D I really love yoga when I do it, but it is just one of those exercises that I tend to avoid. Why I don't know, since it really does make me feel really good afterwards.

    Happy Valentines Day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with STS Disc 1/Chest, Shoulders and Biceps. I don't know about all of you, but these Meso 1 Chest, Shoulder and Bicep workouts are the hardest for me in the whole series. I think a combination of the pace and the push-ups has me feeling like jello at the end. Of course......I love them. :p But I can't say I am loving them while actually doing them. Anyhow, I followed it with XT Core 2. I messed up my cardio days and did tomorrow's workout today. Oops. I realized it about halfway through and wasn't about to go back and start over. So today's cardio was X10 Step into Athletic Step. Tomorrow will be HiiT.

    Tami, great workouts this weekend! Congratulations on the volleyball wins! I can't believe another season is wrapping up already. Glad you are enjoying the rotation so far. I can't imagine ever getting bored with it since every week is new. Love that. No updates on the job....unfortunately. We know they are still pressing forward because DH has had to do things for the security clearance. But, other than that, while this hiring freeze is in effect, we are just......frozen. The upside of it is it is giving us a chance to think things through a little more slowly, which is nice. We are still leaning towards going, but monitoring things in Europe (politically) to make that is a wise decision. So.....we'll see......

    Thelma, interesting things for the feet. I should look into something like that. I think of all my previously injured body parts, the first body parts that may really impact me are my feet. I try to take care of them now, but I spent too many years as a commuter walking from bus stations to work on stilettos! And, boy, am I paying for that little bit of stupidity. :# Great job with STS Total Body. I have an old worksheet for it, but just a hard copy with all my notes and such. Don't know if that would help. Cathe used to have one in her Workout Manager, which is where I got mine. If you can't find an electronic version, let me know and we'll see if I can't do something to get you something.

    Becky, yay for starting the rotation! I hear you about having that need to 'do something'. That's a big driver in my need to do cardio every day. I know I don't need it physically, but I just feel better mentally if I get my body moving. I share your hunger right now, that's for sure. :o I am trying to control it since I have finally gotten my weight back where I want it. But it is tough! Frozen thin mints....SOOOOOOO good. :p Especially on a hot day, and you get a few of those! B)

    Laurie, how fun choosing bridesmaid dresses. I love that your DD is giving them all a choice. I must admit, I wore my fair share of ridiculous bridesmaid dresses in my day. The worst......bright, fluffy yellow dress with hoop skirt!! And the wedding was a Catholic Mass. Kneeling in a hoop skirt......not good. Anyhow, great job with the Tae Bo. I, too, love the ab work included with Yoga for the Warrior. So good!

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well we were missing Katy last night but the gal that subbed for her was able to have Katy e-mail her workout so that we didn’t miss a beat with her being gone. Of course it is still not the same when she isn’t there, this gal is super sweet but very unorganized. LOL So everything was one minute long with cardio bursts of Burpees (yes again burpees, after last week I’m a little burned out on them), mountain climbers and KB swings were the cardio portions in between weights. So lower body would be Squats, Lunges, Deadlifts for 1 minute each and then the cardio burst, Upper Body, cardio, etc. So it was a good workout but she kept forgetting to watch the clock and we were all waiting for “time”. LOL

    This a.m., as promised to myself I did YOGA. Only the 30 minute 21DFX Xtreme version, but I did it! Yay me. I may add on another “stretch” this Saturday. I am most likely headed straight home tonight instead of Insane-X. DH is making us a nice Valentine dinner, which is our annual way to celebrate vs. the crowded restaurants. So that will be nice and rather than rushing home while he is waiting with our nice dinner I am going to just head home to have the full evening, plus he is leaving tomorrow for a few days to go on a golf trip to Vegas with some clients.

    Thelma: Fabulous job with STS Total Body!! I just sent you a PDF of the workout sheet that I downloaded from Cathe’s site; I knew right where to go for that one. Made it blank so you could fill in your weights.  I am looking forward to this one this week as well. Here’s hoping your new Made in Italy porcupine works for your foot. Looks like it would feel wonderful, that hurts good on the pain feeling. Thanks for the kudos on my workouts.

    Becky: Excellent work starting out with the rotation so far! My body is also used to something in the a.m. (unless of course I hit the snooze), but sounds like you can relate to my 30 minute Yoga this a.m. since I am not used to doing that in the a.m. or hardly ever. Eventhough I know it is excellent for me and this rotation will force me to do more of the flexibility training, which is great. I really loved that combo I did for legs. Adding that 30 minute S&S Giants Sets lower is good for any leg workout. Thanks for the well wishes for our volleyball team. Hopefully we have success on Sunday.

    Laurie: How fun picking out dresses for the girls! That works perfectly having a nationwide shop so they can go in and try on, etc. Good job getting in your Tae Bo Basic workout this a.m. and yay for Yoga Warrior this evening. I changed my plan this a.m. due to time so I am hoping to do that one next time.

    Laurel: Another fantastic combo for you today! Yes, Meso #1 with all the push-ups in between weight work makes for jell-o arms forsure. Way to push through. Yikes. With everything going on in the world of politics that would make things a little trickier with his job/decision making, etc. Good that you both have more time for processing this.

    Happy Valentines Day ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did KCM 30MTF Cardio Quick Fix. I did the premix which includes workouts I & II and at the end I decided to do the bonus hips and & abs. What a great bonus routine. The abs were standing abs! My kind of abs and the hip exercises where different and seemed very effective. There was one she referred to as "crazy drunk" and that was good.
    I forgot to mention yesterday that I used the rack to do the STS workout and it was so cool to be able do the chest press with the barbell. Being able to put it on the brackets and not having to get up without killing myself with the barbell was awesome.

    I made the mistake of wearing my snow boots and that aggravated my feet and my calves. I had my sneakers with me but was in denial and wore the boots most of the day. Big mistake.

    Tami sent me the STS TB worksheet. Thanks Tami, you're a lifesaver!

    For the dog owners in the group there was a dog food recall

    Becky, great job with the rotation. I'm glad you're enjoying it. If you were scheduled for yoga only don't be afraid to still get up early and doing some cardio. I actually like to do cardio as warm up before a yoga workout to make sure the muscles are warm.
    I'm really like the fitness blender workouts. I think the yamuna wakers have strong potential. I think I'm finding that the areas where the bumps feel more painful are the tight areas. I guess that would make sense as the ligaments or tendons are not as flexible. I don't do reflexiology but I would be open minded about it. Definitely google it.

    Laurie, nice job with that tae bo workout! How exciting about the bridesmaids dresses! One less thing to worry about.
    The modified lunge is really good. I just did too much too soon. I'm going to have to keep an eye out for that KCM workout. I really like her workouts.

    Laurel, that was quite a combo! Awesome job!
    Definitely look into something like the yamuna. I never understood how women can walk on stilettos during their commute. I used to wear sneakers and would change into heels at work. I have flat feet so it doesn't take much to injure them.

    Tami, too bad the instructor is disorganized but it still sounds like a killer workout. Good for you for doing the yoga workout! I did it before and it's on my schedule for Thursday and I plan to do the 21DFX Pilates workout too. BTW, congrats on the VB wins over the weekend!
    Thanks again for sending the STS workout sheet!

    I hear you about staying home for dinner on V day! We actually had some delish Italian pastries! OMG so good!
    I don't know if I can say the porcupines hurt good. They frigging hurt! LOL. But I'm starting to think they hurt on the tight areas. Areas that are not tight I can tolerate putting my full weight on those things.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I got home from work and DH was home. ;) I did get my Yoga for the Warrior done, and then we went out to a local bar. Yes it was bar food, but they actually have some healthy items. ;) This place is actually a hidden gem, because it wasn't busy, so we where feed good food fast. This morning was KCM New You Coming, just really enjoyed the workout, so did it again.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, and I think that as long as you do a HiiT workout once a week, you are fine. I agree with you on the Meso 1 workouts being tough. The back workout has all those chin/pull-ups too. That bridesmaid dress sounds horrible, it reminds me of the movie 27 Dresses. I wish that I had done the Yoga for the Warrior abs last night, but I might include them at some point.

    Tami, Glad that you had a Katy inspired workout, even though she wasn't there. Can understand why you would be over all the burpees though. Some yoga is good, I think that doing a solid hour might not happen to often for me either. I have a lot of shorter yoga routines that are actually pretty good, so will incorporate them when they come up in a rotation.

    Thelma, Nice workout! Love that one too. I love using the tower for the chest exercises too. Makes it so much better to lift as heavy as you can. Dang on the boots, hope your feet feel way better today. Thanks for the food recall, we use that manufacturer, but not that particular food. I'm seriously thinking of changing the brand for Rocket, because Blue Buffalo has had way to many recalls. :/ I think that you would really like the NYC, it seems easy at first, but the DOMS afterward come as a shock. You don't think that you worked those muscles that much.

    Have a great day!