Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I had a nice 3-day weekend. Sorry I didn’t check in with you all yesterday. After my workouts I spent some time cleaning house and then cooking for the week. Always love getting that done and having that extra day I was more in the mood . . . plus it was raining, raining, raining. Today we got some snow and now it has stopped. Just a mess I tell you.

    So workouts: Friday evening I headed home and did PHA Training, Saturday was KCM Your Best Body, which was a great combo of strength/cardio and a nice stretch at the end. This was one of my ON SALE purchases from Target at Christmas time. I am glad I have it and was able to try it out. Sunday was our tourney first thing in the a.m. so I counted that as my workout. We did terrible, not our day. But still one more league to go, a chance to redeem ourselves. Yesterday started off HEAVY Week #2 and I am doing the XT workouts this week (like Laurie) so it was XT Burn Sets: Back & Bis which I followed up with Muscle Meltdown Back and MM Bis, love adding those on to my strength training; especially on heavy days. This a.m. was XT HardStrikes and tonight will be Katy’s Insane X class.

    Becky: Fantastic job with the rotation and keeping up with your workouts! You are doing an amazing job. Yes, the extra sleep felt great on Friday and knowing I had the house to myself Friday evening it worked out perfectly. Glad you are upping your protein, that will help a bunch. Everyone has offered you the same ideas I would. I have some sort of protein at every meal and even then sometimes I have the hungries. But it helps a bunch.

    Thelma: Sounds like you had a nice weekend and I am happy to hear your foot is doing better. Congrats on the DVD purchases too! Yay. Your Best Body by KCM was one I purchased when you had told me about the sale at Target. Yikes on the bruises on your calves, but I bet it does go hand in hand with all that deep tissue massage. Just glad your feeling better!

    Laurie: Yay for your sunshine! We had a few tiny moments but that was about it, then gray and rainy/snowy again. Awwww will spring ever get here to North Idaho!!??!! Fabulous job with your workouts! I am following your schedule this week with the XT workouts! Burn Sets is great for HEAVY work. I will let you know if I try that Plyo-Pilates workout, I think it might be right up my alley for not “just stretching”… LOL

    Laurel: Always love to hear about your combos! Amazing job. Laughing about the mention of loooooooooong breaks which reminds me of when you used to go put laundry in between sets. LOL DH made it home safe and sound but was exhausted from all the Vegas fun. Late nights/early mornings and hardly any sleep. He took a few naps over the 3 day weekend forsure.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,563 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did STS Meso 3, Disc 26 Plyo Legs. Lots of lunges! I did them modified and there was one I didn't do at then which was the forward lunge into a front kick. I just did the front kicks. My feet feel tight even though I stretched and massaged. I will keep massaging and stretching.
    Temps in the 50's tomorrow and 60's on Thursday! WOW! This is a short week for me. I'm taking Friday off and will go for my mammo. FUN!
    Bi's & Tri's tomorrow.

    Laurie, awesome workouts!
    I'm excited about the KCM workouts.I'll look at the rotation ideas on Kelly's website one of thes days.

    Laurel, great combo on Tuesday! I was afraid to start heavy on the back and chest workout. I hope I can lift heavier on the bi's & tri's workout.

    Becky, you're doing an amazing job sticking to your daily goals!

    Tami, so glad you had a nice weekend! Great workouts!
    I'm so glad you liked the new KCM workout because I ordered it too!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was a short yoga workout, I did ACE HiiT Yoga. This morning I did XTrain Burn Sets Chest, Shoulders & Triceps Premix. <3 Went as heavy as I could, and went to failure on the last set. Guess I chose the correct weight, and it was heavier than the last time I did the workouts. ;) So my oldest dd was given a job offer from a title company, and she is seriously looking at taking it. I give her kudos for going out and interviewing to find a better paying, and I think more suited job for her. She will be doing closings all over the area, so she will be meeting clients and not stuck in an office all day. She is really a great people person, so I think this will be a great job for her.

    Laurel, Great workout combo! That extended stretch in STS is really very good, and it isn't hard to add into the workout. The 4DS Leg work always surprises me, because you really don't use super heavy weight, but my legs where tired when I got home from work. I was happy that I was doing yoga, the cardio just would have been difficult. ;) I'm well on my way to getting rid of the Christmas weight, wasn't it the second week of this rotation that you experienced that also? I'm feeling really strong, and the cardio is going well also. I'm sure that your endurance is a lot better than mine, so you doing a longer intense workout is probably equivalent to my shorter intense workouts. :D

    Becky, LOL on the Tae Bo workout, sounds just like how I felt when doing those older workouts that I have not been able to do because they are on VHS. The one thing that surprised me about those workouts was that my hr went up so high, and his workouts are really not that high impact. I really enjoy KCM, her workouts are great when you don't have a lot of time, but need a good workout. Oh boy STS vs XTrain, both great programs. XTrain is more of a complete program, in that it has weight work and cardio. The boxing workout probably isn't one of my favorites of Cathe's. The weight work is a lot like STS, but there are so many premixes. This set probably has the most premixes in any of her other programs. The leg workout isn't as good as the ones in STS, I don't know what it is, but doesn't seem to give the DOMS that STS does. Not that it is bad, but not the same effect. XTrain doesn't use a barbell either, so that is another difference. I love the Cardio Leg Blast, Superset, and Low Impact HiiT workouts in this set the most. Some others may be able to give more info on the difference, but that is my views on them both. I'm glad that I have both systems, because they both have excellent workout options.

    Tami, Great job on those workouts! I'm impressed that you where able to add in those ICE MM workouts to the Burn Sets. Right now I'm having a hard time lifting my arms after all that shoulder and tricep work this morning. :D I was thinking of adding in the XTrain 100 Reps onto the high rep week. Will have to see how those muscles feel after doing the CTX workouts. Those are so good at fatiguing the muscles. Sorry to hear about you vb tournament, sometimes there are just days that work out that way. Today is suppose to be our last day of the warmer weather, and then we get back into the normal temps. It has been nice to have the warmth, just getting me more motivated for spring to be here.

    Thelma, Nice job on the workout! You are doing great at doing modifications for you feet. That has to be difficult at times though. How great that you have a short week. Nice way to break up the winter season. This time of the year can get really tiresome. I have tried a couple of her rotations, and have done the workouts in the morning.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! We are enjoying a much needed rainy day in Florida. We are in quite a drought, and there have already been a few fires.....that despite the fact the temps are moderate. If we don't get rain before the heat returns...... :o . Don't want to see that. I had my fill of fires our two years in Colorado Springs! Anyhow, another good workout today. It was STS Disc 27/Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. The rotation this week calls for doing shoulders separately like it did during week 2, but that isn't so easy with these Meso 3 workouts, so I just did the whole workout. I plan on doing a S&S workout on Friday, which will give me a little more upper body/shoulder work. Anyhow, for cardio today, I did Kick, Punch and Crunch.

    Tami, sorry to hear about the rain followed by snow!! No fun. You haven't had a break from the weather this winter, have you? I guess it is better than the drought a couple years ago, but.......still! Sorry also to hear about the volleyball on Sunday. Some days are just like that I suppose. But you have been doing some great workouts! Glad to hear your DH enjoyed his time in Vegas. Sounds exhausting though.

    Becky, great workouts! You made me laugh about my cardio. :p But you should know those Cathe Shock Cardio workouts really are some of her least intense cardio, especially the MMA workouts. My heart rate barely gets into cardio range with those. So some of them sound tougher than they are!! I think Laurie gave you some great information on XTrain. I will just add that I see STS as a complete system of workouts, and I see XTrain as a set of individual workouts that can be performed any way.....much like ICE. That being said, I think the upper body strength training in XTrain is fantastic. I also like all of the cardio. The only workout I don't like in the series is Legs, and I think it is because, as Laurie mentioned, it is missing in intensity and, for me, focuses too much on floor work. I prefer more standing work in my leg routines. The other one that I like but don't do very often is Super Cuts. It is a great workout, but it isn't cardio and it isn't strength, but it is, oddly, a little bit of both those, so I have a hard time figuring out how to use it. But on its is a good workout.

    Thelma, great workout. That one is tough on the feet, so I am glad you modified a bit. But great job with it. If you are anything like me, I was able to go way heavier on biceps and triceps than I planned! This rotation is working, that's for certain! Bet those spring temperatures feel nice.

    Laurie, great news about your oldest DD. That sounds like a great job! If she takes it, I hope you enjoys it. Great workouts! You are right that it was week 2 that the weight started coming off. I haven't even put it back on again.....despite, some days, my best efforts to try. :# They really need to outlaw chocolate! :p

    See you tomorrow.

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi Ladies - I didn't get yoga in yesterday.....not even before I went to bed (dang). Today, I did STS disk 27 (bi/tri/shoulders) and I am like Thelma in that I am lifting heavier than last time! WHOOP WHOOP! I have upped my protein and am very conscious of it this week; my hunger isn't as extreme. Thank goodness.

    Laurel - Great job on doing disk 27 and your kick/punch/crunch workout. Since you are in week 4, are you seeing any gains? Just curious, because I am seeing very subtle gains in only week 2. I am loving this rotation and all the variations in it. I am glad you all got some rain.....we have been getting tons here in Phx. We really need it, too. Thank you so much for the info on XTrain. Since you see it as more individual workouts, I might buy one of the upper body ones (since you like those best) when Cathe has it as the deal of the day so that I can try one of the workouts.

    Laurie - Fantastic job on your workout and getting yoga in. Thanks so much for your opinion on XTrain. I am trying to narrow down my next purchase, so this helps me. Since you and Laurel agree that the leg workouts are ok, I think I will pass on that and maybe get specific dvds of XTrain.

    Thelma - Great job on doing the plyo workout with modifications. Keep up with taking care of your foot.

    Tami - Awesome job on your workouts. I hope Katy's class is a good one. Sorry to hear that your volleyball team didn't do so well. Like you said, I hope you do well in the next league. Hopefully you still had fun, though.

    Have a great rest of the day (I decided to spend my lunch break catching up with you all....I hate getting so behind on this forum.....I enjoy reading about your workouts because it keeps me going). :)


  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,563 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tough and long day at the office. I didn't think I'd have time to workout because I got home at 7:30pm. Surprisingly I was full of energy (must be all the coffee I drank today!) so I changed into my workout clothes and went to the basement. I was scheduled to do STS #27 I did biceps, triceps, shoulders but it is a super long workout and I didn't have 2 hours so I did XT Bi's & Tri's Burn Sets. I wanted to add the shoulder routine but it was getting late so I decided to pass on it.
    I had a really good feet day today. I thought I'd pay today for the plyo workout but for the first time my feet felt normal. I did massage a lot last night and slept with my splints.
    Bracing myself for yoga tomorrow. I hope I can do a little bit of a fitness blender low impact workout before the yoga.

    Laurie, great workouts and fantastic nuews with your eldest!
    Not being able to do full lunges is a pain in the nect but with the modificaiton I found I can go a little deeper.

    Laurel, great combo today! I hope you guys get some rain soon.
    Becky made me laugh with her analogy about your workouts. I feel the same way though.
    That plyo workout is really hard on the feet. I did a little jumping so I'm happy my feet felt normal today.

    Becky, great job with the rotation and congrats for going up on your wrightsQ

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout after work, but Rocket and I enjoyed some time outside. Took advantage of the last day of super nice temps for Feb. ;) This morning I did ICE Rock'm Sock'm Kickbox Blizzard Blast. DD accepted the job, so will be handing in her two week notice.

    Laurel, Great workouts, and can understand why you opted to do the whole workout. I'm feeling the DOMS love after yesterdays workout, so am very happy. :D Didn't realize that you are in a drought, so really glad to hear that you are getting some rain. Yes chocolate is the downfall for me also, and now those dang Girl Scout cookies will be showing up. My two nieces are in the group, so I ordered some. I'm putting them in the freezer right away, so that DH and I don't eat them to quickly. ;) Of course frozen Thin Mints are really good too. :D

    Becky, Dang on the yoga, but great job with the weight workout! That is great that you are lifting heavier than the last time! Glad to hear that the protein is working for you, it is sometimes hard to get all the protein you need when you are lifting. Getting specific DVD's from that set would probably be a good idea.

    Thelma, Great job changing up your workout to suit your time frame. That is so tough to do a workout when you have had a long day, but if you had the energy then why not. ;) Nice that the plyo was okay with the foot, that is a bonus.

    Tami, Hope you are doing well.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout called for intense cardio and flexibility.....and I had a wonderful time with both! For my cardio, I did S&S Cardio Slam doubled premix. I thought this was going to be brutal, but it wasn't at all! I will definitely be doing that again when I am looking for a long, intense but not brutal cardio workout. For flexibility, I did Cathe's Yoga Relax....the 32 minute premix. I should have done the whole workout because it felt so good. But the premix I did felt great.

    Becky, sorry to hear about missing the yoga. Hopefully you can make it up sometime. Great job with STS though! Lifting heavier always feels great. I am definitely seeing improvements with this rotation. My arms are looking stronger, my legs are thinner, and I just feel great all around. My body is definitely loving all the variety right now. This is the kind of rotation I could do forever. About the XTrain upper body workouts, the Burn Sets DVD contains all upper body parts, and is pretty standard lifting (10 reps, nothing fancy), using a bench, dumbbells and a band (or two). You work one body part at a time, similar to STS Meso 2 workouts. The other two upper body DVDs are Chest, Back and Shoulders and Biceps and Triceps. These are higher rep (16), alternate body parts (like STS Meso 1), and uses a stability ball, various dumbbells and a band. Just wanted to point out some differences. If I were you.....I'd get all three! :p

    Thelma, great job getting a workout in after such a long days! And what a great choice. These Meso 3 workouts are long, that's for sure. We definitely got some rain yesterday.....over 2 inches!! It was fantastic and so very much needed.

    Laurie, I definitely think being able to be outside with the pup in February should win out over a workout any time! I bet Rocket enjoyed it too. And, of course, you did one of my favorites this morning! Like I said to Thelma, we got over 2 inches of rain yesterday, so, hopefully, that will pull us a little bit out of the drought, though the rest of the state didn't get as much as we did. Hopefully we will start getting more moisture soon. I still haven't caved to the Girl Scouts.....yet! I think my time may be up for this year on that little temptation.....thankfully. But the chocolates DH bought me for Valentine's...... :p . I am all over them every night it seems. :# Next year I need to ask for workout equipment or something! :D But one of my favorite chocolate companies from Colorado only sells here in Florida between Thanksgiving and Valentine's, and DH spoiled me with many tastes of 'home'. So sweet......literally! ;)<3

    Tami, hope you are well.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I have been really busy at work so I haven't even stopped for a break since Tuesday. Sheesh. I am filling in for that other department all week (she is on vacation) and so running back & forth in the building. I am super busy in the Title Dept. that I usually work most of my day in so it just keeps putting me behind every time I am interrupted to the other department..... if that makes sense. LOL

    At any rate, things are good! Fabulous job with your workouts ladies. I have been getting my a.m. workouts in, but had to miss Tuesday evening due to work but I was able to go to Spinning last night. XT has been fun revisiting this week!

    I hope to catch up more later today or tomorrow. We will see. :smile:

    Keep up the great work ladies!!!!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,563 Member
    Hi Ladies! Another tough and long day at the office and again got home at 7:30pm. I arrived home upset and in tears. So much for taking a long weekend for my birthday. Now I'm upset and more stressed about work. Retirement can't come here soon enough!

    Surprisingly I also had energy tonight. I tried hard to talk myself out of working out once I got home cause I was feeling sorry for myself but I thought the workout would help me release some stress. Yoga of course was not what I wanted to do but decided to continue with the yoga workout scheduled for today. Ladies, I think I have a yoga workout you would like: Jill Michaels' Yoga Meltdown. I thought the name implied a relaxing yoga workout. Not so. I think it's meltdown because it melts fat. This is not yoga as we know it. JM called it a hybrid. I thought I was going to burn something like 75 calories but it wasn't like that. It was more like 175. I liked that she had 2 modifiers and liked the way the beginner modifier showed a safe way to do the my nemesis the chaturanga pose. Obviously there were sun salutations but that is not how the workout started. She didn't go on and on with sun salutations. She'd do 2 in between the different set of posses.
    I can't tell you how many years I've had this DVD for and I honestly don't remember ever doing it. I'm happy to report that I have gained arm strength and I'm better with those yoga pushups/chaturanga. Definitely can't do it well but I'm pretty close to getting there. The DVD has 2 workouts Levels I and II. Here is the full Level 1 video

    Laurie, great job working out with your boy Rocket and the blizzard blast! How exciting for your daughter! When is she getting married? Soon right?
    I think my work life is going to stink for a while to come.

    I had another good feet day today. Not as good as yesterday but still good.

    Laurel, great combo today. Glad you enjoyed the yoga workout! You are so good about those cookies. They would've been gone a long time ago if they were in my freezer.

    Tami, good to hear from you! I hope life at work goes back to normal next week.
    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday after work I did a yoga workout, I did 10lb Slimdown Yoga. This one is short, but really good. This morning was XTrain Cardio Leg Blast. <3 Really do enjoy this one, even though it is tough at times. I surprised myself, by keeping the step at a 10" height. No walk with Rocket this morning, it was pouring rain and thunder and lightening. Rocket didn't even want to go outside, so I had to stand out there until he was finished. >:) Goofy dog. <3

    Laurel, Awesome workout, and doing the Cardio Slam workout doubled. I should really pencil that one in, have to admit I have not tried the single workout itself yet. :o Awesome job on the yoga, all of us want to avoid it, but it appears to be doing what it is intended if we are all enjoying it when it is scheduled. Even if they are short workouts. I'm allowing myself one serving of cookies a day, so that should be to bad. I just need to make sure that I only have one serving, because it can get out of control otherwise. I have two nieces in Girl Scouts, so they are really hard to resist their requests. :D Those chocolates sound really good. Well exercise equipment would be good too. :D

    Tami, Glad to hear that you are doing well on your workouts. Sounds like you are getting more and more involved in the other department, so your knowledge base will keep increasing. ;) I have really enjoyed the XTrain workout this week. Didn't realize that I hadn't done them in such a long time.

    Thelma, I'm so sorry to hear that you are having such a time with work. I agree with you on the retirement. My DH is having that same feeling. Before the boss that he currently has came, he wasn't thinking about his retirement. Now he seems to be counting the days until he can get out. It's unfortunate that it has to be that way. I have that DVD also, and have really enjoyed it when I have done it. The Level 2 workout seems to be easier than the Level 1 in my opinion. ;) She is getting married in August, so only 6 mo. from now.

    Becky, Hope your week is going well.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies. I ended the week with another good workout. Today's the rotation called for delts, abs and cardio, but I wanted to do a full S&S workout. So I decided on Ramped Up Upper Body, and my thought going in was I would do the shoulder section twice to hit the delts just a little more. But that was a no-go once I got to shoulders! My arms were tired! But I really enjoy this workout and the nicely 'fried' feeling it gives the arms. For abs, I did the core section from Cathe's Low Impact Circuit. And, for cardio, I did Party Rockin' Step 2 60 minute premix. Next week is the week I will be alternating upper and lower body work. Looking forward to it, though I think it will be a tough week!

    Tami, thanks for checking in. Sorry to hear things are so crazy at work. Hopefully next week will be better. Great job doing your early workouts despite how busy you are!

    Thelma, I am so sorry to hear about work. I am amazed you could do a yoga workout after that long day! Great job! I have heard great things about the Jillian Yoga DVD. Glad you enjoyed it.

    Laurie, yuck to the rain, but I guess it is better than snow. Great job with Cardio Leg Blast. That one is tough, especially on 10". Lots of jumping on and off the step! Cardio Slam has really grown on me. I think you might like it. I reminds me of a blend between Cathe's RWH Plyo HiiT One (but not as intense) and ICE Low Impact Sweat (but more intense). It just seems to fly by for me for some reason. One serving of Girl Scout a box, right? :D I tell you, that would be my 'serving' if I let myself!! I admire your restraint!!

    Becky, I hope the rest of your week is going well.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,563 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you had a great weekend. We had pretty good weekend.
    My feet are slowly getting better. On Friday I did Lean Legs & Abs, on Saturday Kick Max and today Fitness Blender Cardio Abs, Low Impact Cardio. I'm starting Meso 1/High Reps tomorrow.

    Laurie, great workouts! I would say smart Rocket for not wanting to for a walk in the pouring rain! 6 months to go for your little girls' wedding! That's exciting!
    I didn't try the Yoga Meltdown level 2 because I thought it was going to be too advanced. Now that you tell me level 2 is easier, I'm intrigued and will have to try it next time it comes up in my rotation.

    First thing DH did on Friday was call our financial advisor to ask what it would take for me to retire this year. So he surprised me with the news on my bday that I could retire anytime I wanted to. That possibility lifted my spirits big time. I definitely want to wait at least one more year. I also learned that he is not crazy about his new boss. It takes a lot for this man to feel that way about someone so I'm concerned because he'd have 6 more years to go. I'd have to be careful about not jumping ship during an emotional period.

    Laurel, wow that was a killer combo you finished your week with! I was surprised I could workout on Thursday given my day at work but I felt that a workout would help me relax.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    On Saturday I did KCM's 30MTF Amped Up Cardio combined workouts. <3<3<3 This workout is my new love, it was a ton of fun. Yesterday our dd's came over to watch the Daytona 500, and that was fun having them over. So no yoga, but I'm hoping to get something additional in this week. This morning I did CTX Back & Triceps, so this is the week of High Reps. Love these CTX workouts for that, you use lighter weights but you sure do feel it at the end of the session.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, nice way to end the week. I'm learning a lot with you going through the rotation first. Hope your upper/lower goes well this week. I modified some of the jumps, because I didn't want to trip. That has happened to me in the past. I will have to pencil the Cardio Slam workout into the rotation for sometime in the next 5 week session. I should really try it out. ;) LOL on the serving of GS cookies, of course it is a box! :D

    Thelma, Awesome job on the workouts! I agree that my Rocket is a smart guy, he sure does learn quickly. I think that DH and I will have to talk to our adviser also, but to give DH some peace of mind. I know I'm not getting the "magic numbers" until I'm 55 years old, but DH is in a position to retire at anytime with his combo of age and years of service. Sorry to hear that your DH's is not happy with his boss, what is with this trend. ;)

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you enjoyed the weekend. DH had to work Saturday, but we were able to enjoy a relaxing evening out that night, and a long but good round of golf yesterday. We are reaching that time of year where Florida is at its busiest, so getting through a crowded round of golf takes much longer than usual. But once spring breaks end and the heat returns, things will return to normal.

    So since DH had to work Saturday, I started week five of the rotation that day with LIS Lower Body Trisets, followed by Rock'm Sock'm doubled premix. Great stuff! Sunday I gave my body a much needed break. Today was LIS Upper Body Trisets followed by X10 Warm up and Low Impact into LIS After Burn. I haven't done After Burn in months, and it felt so good today. I finished it all off with the core work from LIS Slide and Glide.

    Thelma, great workouts! I would say your feet are doing better if you were able to do all that! That has got to be some comforting news on retirement. Just knowing it is a possibility will probably help you mentally when you hit those tough last week. I know for me, the feeling of being 'trapped' is far worse than being upset but having options. One of the things I like so much about our life in FL is we structured in a way that if DH wants to stop teaching, we can afford to live here in our house on his military retirement alone. That is a huge comfort, so I imagine you are feeling the same way about your situation right now. That's unfortunate news about your DH, though, and his boss. As Laurie said, it seems to be a trend right now. After all, my DH is trying to leave the country to get away from his job! :#

    Laurie, yay for the great workout! I love finding a new workout love. How fun for your DDs to come over for the Daytona 500. Saw some of the highlights, and it looked eventful. Those CTX upper body workouts are some of my favorites. She packs a lot in a little time with those. I am happy my being a little head in the rotation is helpful. I am thinking I am finding a good balance of workouts now, especially in varying the types of cardio I am doing....which I didn't do so well in the first two weeks. I think my only problem during this upper/lower week is I have so many options I want to try!

    Becky and Tami, hope you had a good weekend!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    Today is a continuation of last week ..... sadly but true! Actually it is all good for business and everything, I just keep getting behind. All the title officers came in over the weekend and FILLED my in basket. So trying my best to catch up.

    I had great workouts over the weekend and lunch with my BFF yesterday, so that is all good.

    I will probably have more time tomorrow (fingers crossed) and can chat with you ladies more.

    Happy Monday!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,563 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did STS Meso 1, Disc 2 Back & Triceps and I LOVED it! I got to use the Fit Tower for the chin ups. I loved the fact that there was just one set of each exercise. Those multi set workouts get boring.
    I am in a better mental place which makes me feel better about things. My feet are feeling pretty close to normal so another reason to be happy.

    Laurie, great job with those workouts! Love that KCM workout too! It is a lot of fun. I love Kelly's smile! She seems so genuine.
    So glad you got to see your girls!
    Definitely talk to you financial advisor. I can totally feel your DH's pain! I am feeling 1000% mentally. Now I'm in the "I can last till I'm 56" mode! LOL. DH has been happy with his job since he started working there which I think was 13 years ago. I hope things get better for him. He works 6-7 days a week, day and night!

    Laurel, great workouts! I'm glad you and your DH had a nice weekend!
    My feet are definitely feeling better. Thank God! Had to graduate to using a golf ball to massage my feet. It felt so good to put my foot over that ball and then add some of my weight in. I think this and the hard porcupine things I bought helped me to loosen up my PF.
    I agree with you on that feeling trapped being worse than being upset but having options! I've been watching this show called Tiny House. I am willing to sell our big house to go into tiny living so we could save money. I would like a mobile tiny house so we could travel with it but that has a couple of problems: compost toilets and I would need a 2nd tiny house for my workout equipment! LOL.

    Hi Tami! I hope things go back to normal at work soon! Great job keeping up with your workouts!

    Good night ladies!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Sorry for my absence.....I will try to catch up later. I am sick for the first time in 14 months.

    So - question for the group. When I am finally better, do I pick up in the rotation where I left off, or should I start where everyone else is with the rotation? I am so frustrated because I have 0 energy to workout. Ughhhh........

    Have a great day
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work was 30MTF Kickboxing Workout 1. This morning was 30MTF Quick Fix Cardio Workout 2. Meaner Legs when I get home from work today. ;)

    Laurel, With not having the girls in school anymore, I tend to forget when spring break is. :D I think that my boss is off next week, but he really hasn't said that he is taking it off, even though I know he has mentioned it to a few people. Awesome workout combos, sure sounds like you are kicking off the upper/lower section with a bang. ;) The race was a wreck fest, just to bad my favorite was one of the first ones out of the race. :'( I agree with the options, I have been putting the DVD's that I have done in a pile. I just want to see how many of my DVD's I can go through before I start repeating. I'm just happy that I'm able to get in some workouts that I have not tried in a while, or doing some of the workouts that are new to me. So far it has been fun seeing my pile grow. ;)

    Tami, I'm glad to hear that you are not chatting only because you are busy at work. ;) Nice that you where able to get out with your BFF, and that all your workouts are going great.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout, and that you enjoyed using your tower for those chin-ups. That is one of the best things about the tower for me. Glad to hear that your feet are almost normal, that has to be a relief. I think that may be the reason the Kelly workout was so fun, she was smiling through the whole workout. I kind of wish that I had been there to participate in the fun. :D Your DH does work long hours.

    Becky, So sorry to hear that you are sick. Hope that you get well soon. I would say start where you left off, or join us. Just depends on what workouts you would like to do, or if you would rather be in sink with all of us. Take care of yourself.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with Pyramid Lower Body which is one of those workouts that really sneaks up on me. I think I will be feeling it tomorrow. I followed it with IMAX2. Then, for flexibility, I did the second half of P90X YogaX (from the balances poses to the end). It felt great! Next time I pull that one out, I will do all those sun salutations, but today the stretch was just what I needed.

    Tami, thank you for checking in! I am sorry you are so busy at work, but sounds like you are still getting in your workouts, which, no doubt, helps mentally. Glad you were able to see your friend over the weekend as well.

    Thelma, great workout. I really like that workout because Cathe goes a little slower in it than she does the Chest, Shoulder and Bicep one. Glad to hear your feet are almost back to normal! That is great news. I have used both a tennis ball and a golf ball on my feet from time to time, and I prefer the golf ball. Really seems to get into the tissue deeply. I agree about the Tiny House show. I would love to downsize, but every time we talk about it, we get the issue of workout space and.......we get stuck. I think, eventually, we may have to custom design our own home. It seems the standard home has all these tiny bedrooms, which we don't need.....and all we need is one master bedroom and one big bonus room (and a kitchen/living area, of course). Houses like that are hard to find!

    Becky, so sorry to hear you are sick! So frustrating. I think you will be fine to come back to the rotation however you choose. This is a rotation based mostly on variety and not a scientific system for building strength or whatever where skipping workouts may impact the effectiveness of the rotation. And since we are early on in the rotation, you will still get weeks worth of benefit from the variety if you choose to skip the workouts you missed. But make sure you take everything down a notch when you do come back and let yourself ease back into it a bit. You may not have the strength and endurance you had, and just accept that and don't push too hard. As Cathe says 'be kind to your body'. :) Hope you feel better soon.

    Laurie, I was wondering if you were going to be doing Leaner Legs since you are doing the CTX upper body work. Hope you enjoy it! Still one of my favorites. Like you, I am trying to focus some more on workouts I don't do all the time, and I am enjoying it. I have a whole stack of circuit workouts lined up for next week, and I have to narrow it down to three! But I love the feeling of wanting to do so many and not being able to instead of the feeling of 'ugh.....I have to do THAT workout today.' Definitely haven't experienced that feeling in this rotation! That's what I saw about the Daytona 500......all the crashes. And all the big names out too! That seems unusual.

    See you tomorrow.
