Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, a quick update. My PF is better but I know it's still there. Cardio still irritates it but at least I'm not in pain anymore. The tightness is where the arch ends and the heel begins. That is the area that the doctor squeezes to test for PF so I know to deep massage with my lacrosse ball. I basically step on the ball and put my weight on it. Yesterday the little cardio workout I did caused me discomfort all day but today I felt pretty normal until I decided to test ride my new sneakers but doing a single lunge. Bad move! The two pairs of Reebok's I ordered arrived today. One has strong possibilities and feel really good. My heels don't slip out! YAAY! Copy the link to a new window or tab minus the underscore to see the shoes. They feel like they will be amazing for high impact.

    Yesterday at 10:30 I FINALLY finished the course that I've been procrastinating on the last few months. I took the 3 hour mock exam twice as it was in two different formats. The first pass simulated the behavior in a real test. So you answer your questions and it's a race against the clock. That was my mistake. I took it as a race against the clock instead of taking my time to think. I flunked why flying colors! When I saw my score I remember hearing myself saying out loud: OMG!!! So I took it again and I almost passed. I was within 6 points from a passing grade. So far I've gotten the best score out of the people in my team taking the course. Even my boss who is super smart flunked! LOL. We now have until September to take the certification exam but I know that if we study we will pass the test. I can't believe I took a 3 hour exam twice in one day! It really left me pretty comatose. Today I could barely function. I took today off from my workouts because I was so exhausted.

    Ladies, amazing job with those workouts! I hope my feet are back to normal by next week. I just have to keep massaging and doing my stretching exercises.
    If I ever do Ramped Up Upper Body double like Laurel did I think I'd do full weights on the first pass and would do low weights on the second pass.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Really had to push myself through my workouts today. Our pollen count is off the charts, so that has me feeling a little congested and such, and I think that was a part of it. Anyhow, I started with Great Glutes, and did the standing work only premix, followed by Muscle Meltdown Triceps and Icy Core 1. For cardio, I did Cathe's Cardio Fusion workout, which I have always enjoyed.

    Becky, good to see you! Sounds like you are doing great with the workouts. Ramped Up Upper Body is tough! Like I said, having now done it doubled twice.....I don't actually recommend it. It is actually a tad too much, and I don't think it is necessary. Sounds like a good plan on the double workout. I just made those recommendations because each body reacts differently to different workouts. For instance, I need a 'reset' between doing any kind of weight work and doing a step workout. For whatever reason, my balance gets a bit wonky right after a weight workout and that has me tripping all over my step. :o But if I take a few minutes....I am fine. It's weird. So I figure.....better to be safe than sorry! I have fallen off my step more times than I care to remember and really try to prevent it as much as I can. :p

    Thelma, glad to hear your feet are feeling better. Hopefully a couple more days and the right shoes have you back to normal. Thanks for the link on the shoes! Yikes on the test!! That is crazy! No doubt I would have been brain dead after one pass at that. But good job getting the highest grade so far. I imagine it is a bit demoralizing to everybody to be flunking it though. No fun.

    Tami and Laurie, hope you are well.

    See you tomorrow.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I'm just getting this in under the morning wire. :D After work I did 30MTF Train Like a Contender CoffeyFit Blend, which is both workouts, but you do an exercise from one workout and then an exercise from the other workout. Overall it was fun, and I will do that one again. This morning was Tae Bo Basic 2, enjoyed this one also. Really am enjoying revisiting all these Tae Bo workouts again.

    Laurel, Amazing job on the workouts. I really like Rock'm Sock'm alot, so understand why you wouldn't mind doing them more often. I'm starting to feel that way about these Tae Bo workouts, so I'm doing them in the morning because they are short. I'm surprised at how much I'm getting for a cardio burn with them though. Sorry to hear that you have to endure the sinus issue, I know what you are going through. That is better than what appears to be going around this area, schools have been hit pretty hard with whatever bug it is. I like your idea of moving the two Meso cycles. Since you have not been doing the heavy weight work, it probably is a better idea to do Meso 2 before 3. It still works for the concept of this rotation. ;) Yes my friend is on a light dose, she was so happy that they caught it so soon.

    Becky, Great job getting in all that walking, and your workouts. Hope the kids where not to hard to coral. :D That brought to mind that we had to put up barriers on some concrete slabs, because someone walked across them and slipped. This was on grass, and not on a walkway. Anyway we now have these yellow pens, that seems to be missing a pony or something. Maybe a unicorn. :D Sorry to hear about your Mom, but glad to hear that she is doing so well.

    Thelma, Glad to hear that your pain is gone, and I'm sure that you will take good care of them. ;) Hope the new shoes work out for you, it has to be hard trying to find the right ones. That really does sound like a test that wouldn't be fun, I'm glad that ours are not that lengthy. Not a bad idea on the double workout, I don't think I could get through that one a second time unless I dropped down in weight too.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you yesterday. Just when I was going to reply to everyone I got kind of busy and work and the momentum just picked up until it was time to go. I realized getting in my car I never finished replying. LOL So Tuesday’s Insane X class was a good one; stations at 90 seconds, 60 seconds, 30 seconds – 30 second rest and on to the next station. We did box jumps, plate push-ups, candlesticks into handstands, wall balls, weighted leg ups for abs and heavy ball throws. Yesterday a.m. I did S&S Upper Body and last night was Spinning, it was a packed class with people waiting to get in. Glad I was signed up forsure. This a.m. was KCM Circuit Burn and no workout tonight.

    Laurie: Sounds like a nice evening with your girlfriends the other night and glad your friend is doing well. Hopefully all will be clean bill of health after the chemo forsure. I just knew you would be able to relate to sweet Emma. Just the “way of it” right now and we are all doing the best we can, including her. Glad to hear you are getting caught up at work. I bet that feels good.

    Laurel: Fabulous workouts as always . . . . again I need better adjectives to describe your amazingness! Way to work and you are killing this new rotation already. Thanks for the congrats on the football pool. LOL, I am also rooting for the Falcons (secretly) despite our brackets. It would be great to see them win.

    Thelma: Happy to hear your PF is doing better and the pain has subsided. What a miserable feeling. I hope the new Reebok’s are fabulous for you! Keep us posted. I will check them out, thanks for the link.

    Becky: Fantastic workouts and great job as always getting in your Yoga. Thank you for the kudos on my workouts! Feels great to be back into my normal routine …. I do miss the sunshine in Mexico however. LOL Keep up the great work!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did XT Bi's & Tri's. Had another good foot day but as soon as I was doing the XT warm up which included moving side to side I could feel something happening in my calves. You don't know how much you use a body part until it's injured and weak!
    Wore my new sneakers but of course there was no cardio but still the shoes felt good and I am pretty sure I will keep them. I love that Reebok's shoes are wide enough for wide feet and they don't even carry wide widths.

    Laurel, great job pushing through those workouts and through those allergies!
    I really hope my feet will be better by next week. I will still be very careful though. I was happy I did pretty good with the mock exam even though it was a course I've been doing since October! It's a miracle I remembered that much! LOL

    Laurie, loved Train Like a Contender. Will have to keep that premix in mind.
    I hope the new shoes workout for me too. These are desperate time for me with shoes. The test won't be fun. It's part of our professional improvement plan!

    Tami, wow I am always amazed at how you do those killer Katy workouts! Awesome job!
    I still can't believe how those shoes triggered the PF attack. AT least I know how to manage the PF and make it better in days instead of months or years like the doctor told me can be the case.

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work yesterday I did a new to me KCM workout 30MTF Home Gym Intervals Combined Workouts. Absolutely loved this concept. You do one minute on your machine (I used our elliptical), and one minute of weight work. This was a fun way to use my elliptical, but not have to be on it all the time. This morning was Tae Bo Basic Workout 3.

    Tami, I sure can understand getting busy and forgetting to chat. That happened to me yesterday, but I was able to remember at some point. :D Sounds like a some good classes, and of course the workouts. Oh yes it is the beginning of the year, so you have a lot of people wanting to start their new years resolutions. Glad that you were there early, so you had a bike.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout! If you don't have the Home Gym Interval workout, I highly recommend it for use with your spin bike. It really had me sweating, and I was surprised that my arms felt the weight work. She includes a waist trimmer to the combined workout also. Most of the workout you are using one weight. Crossing my fingers that you find a new pair of shoes! ;)

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today I did STS Total Body followed by ICE Low Impact Sweat w/Blizzard Blast. It was a perfect way to end the week of some tough workouts. The rotation calls for cardio and stretch tomorrow, but I may skip it. I did extra cardio this week and will add the stretch at the end of my STS workout on Sunday. Of course, I may change my mind on that if I feel all energetic tomorrow. But my body right now feels good.....but tired. A day off sounds good!

    Laurie, great workouts. That KCM workout you did yesterday sounds interesting. I know this is going to sound like a crazy question, but is it the kind of workout that could be adapted by my DH? He has that Bowflex Max Trainer, but too many minutes on it causes problems with his back. But I am thinking the one minute on, one minute off concept may work--and give him bonus strength moves. Just curious. Always looking for ways to get him back to exercise. Anyhow, thanks for the feedback on the rotation. After doing STS Total Body today, I think going a little lighter next week and working back up into Meso 3 is a wise thing for me right now. My muscles were fried! :o

    Tami, sounds like another killer Katy class! I am glad you were signed up for your spin class, though, but I guess it is that time of year. I am just glad to see so many people working out!

    Thelma, you are not kidding about not knowing how much you use a body part until it is injured. Crazy! Glad to hear you were feeling good enough to do that XT warm-up and workout, though. Good job. Hope the new shoes help.

    Have a great weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ Well had an interesting afternoon yesterday. Long story short, DH’s dad is in the hospital fighting an “unknown” infection and/or side effects from antibiotics. He fell on the ice when we were in Mexico and banged his elbow really hard; well his arm was so swollen and red (wouldn’t go to doctor by the way) that he finally did get some antibiotics but no x-ray. So unknown until yesterday if the bone was broke or what was causing the infection, redness, etc. Well the day we flew home he was having flu like symptoms and high fever for 4 days. YES, DAYS!!! He is 81 and beyond stubborn. My MIL fought with him to go to the hospital but he wouldn’t until yesterday. Basically because he was so weak and dehydrated he could hardly function; his kidneys were in trouble, oxygen low, etc…. you can imagine. He is now in good care and they have his vitals all stabilized but have no idea what has caused the infection. Doing tests and leaning towards the reaction to antibiotics, but could still be an infection of some kind as well. He is in a lot of pain as well. :neutral: sad for him. Needless to say my MIL is back at our house and my BIL drove over as well yesterday, stayed the night. They will be at our house until my FIL is out of the woods. Hopefully today they are moving him out of ICU. Super scary stuff. Needless to say, no workout this a.m. I hope to get up before the crowd tomorrow and get it in though.

    Thelma: Great job getting in Bi’s/Tri’s last night. Dang it on the calf pain flairing up a little bit, hopefully the new shoes are the ticket and the pain is on its way to being completely gone! Thanks for the kudos on the Katy workouts! She is one tough cookie forsure. Always feels good to conquer her workouts.

    Laurie: Sounds like a great KCM workout! I saw that one but of course don’t have home equipment, but the concept like you said sounds perfect. Good job with Tae Bo Basic this a.m. as well.

    Laurel: Way to finish off the week with a bang! Great job! As I was laying there this a.m. thinking, should I get up and wake the “guests”??? LOL I was picturing doing STS Total Body. So maybe tomorrow a.m. I will do that one.

    Hi Becky :smile:

    Have a great weekend ladies! Tami

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good morning and happy Saturday - I loved the Gym Style legs workout, but I definitely had to plan out my time since it is a longer one. I want to get all the dvds in that series now. I am slowly coming to realize that my favorite workouts are traditional "gym style" workouts. STS, Power Hour, and Gym Style Legs have more traditional workouts without all the fancy foot work. I really like S & S, too, but sometimes I just want her to slow down and let me have a rest moment (which defeats the purpose of the workout because it is also cardio).

    I am really looking forward to the new rotation we are starting. I may go back and modify a little more to add the gym style legs.

    Tami - I am so sorry to read about your FIL. I really hope he is ok today and getting better. That is really scary that all of this is happening from one fall in Mexico. Please keep us updated.
    Great job on the Insane X workout......sounds intense. I hope you all kick butt at volleyball tomorrow (I believe you have games).

    Laurel - Wonderful combo of workouts, especially STS total body with a blizzard blast. I will keep that combo in mind when I have 2 hours to do a back to back workout. I hope your congestion went away and that you did not get full blown out sick (bleh).

    Laurie - Fantastic job with the workouts. Question regarding this one: KCM workout 30MTF Home Gym Intervals Combined Workouts - so, I don't have any machines except my treadmill at home. Besides my treadmill, would jogging in place, or doing 1 minute of jumping jacks in between weights work for this? This does sound like a really good workout. Another one to put on my "buy" list.

    Thelma - Great job on your workout and I am glad to read that the PF is getting a little better. I am happy you found some shoes that may help. Congrats on finishing your course! I bet that is a huge relief off your shoulders.

    Have a wonderful weekend.
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you had a great weekend. I've had a very stressful weekend thanks to my job. The stress will continue this week too. Not fun!
    I irritated my foot again trying to do cardio. The cardio felt so good. Clearly I need to take it easy. I put KT tape on today. I don't think it's taut enough though so it might not help enough. I don't know at this point if the new shoes caused the flare up or that I wasn't ready.
    On Friday I did RWH Low Impact I and on Saturday Chris Freytag's Walking Cardio ShapeUp. I didn't have time to workout today. I worked all afternoon.

    I can't believe the Patriots won. DH told me that they were getting their butts kicked. He said it would take a miracle for them to come back and that no team had ever made a come back once they'd fallen so far behind. People in Boston are going nuts! There were fireworks in my town. I didn't watch the game but kept checking the news for scores.

    Laurie, great workouts! I didn't have the 30MTF Home Gym Intervals workout but I found it on sale at and ordered it. I also ordered 3 Jill Miller workouts. I have her yoga tune ups DVD's and she is great.
    Yoga Link: Hips Helpers, Yoga Link: Shoulder Shape-Up, Yoga Link: Hips Helper Core Integration.

    Laurel, great combo on Friday.
    I'm worried about the news shoes that feel good to me not being good enough. BUMMER!

    Tami, OMG about your FIL! Why are men so stubborn? I hope he is doing better now.
    Thanks for the good wishes about my injury!

    Becky, great job getting those workouts in! I think my favorite workouts are the ones with some fancy footwork. I just feel that the "gym style" workouts sometimes drag on forever. I hear you on Cathe going so fast. Must be the nice editing they do!
    Huge weight off my shoulders with that course. Now I need to pass the exam!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a very nice relaxing weekend. No workout on Saturday, but we did go shopping for new lamps for our family room. The ones we had where not the right color. ;) On Saturday I did 10lb Slimdown Extreme Yoga, and then too Rocket on a long walk before the game started. What a great game, it sure looked like it was going to be a disaster for the Patriots though. This morning I did Bob Harpers Beginner's Weight loss Transformation.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, and nice that you ended the week in such a good way. The Home Gym workout would be just fine with the Max Trainer, she does give you time to get off your equipment. Kelly is on a treadmill along with another person. Marcus is on a spin bike, and Laurie is on an elliptical. You only use one set of weights, and I used 12lbs. Since this was the first time I had done this workout it was a good choice. I think that I could have gone up to 15 for some of the back moves though. She has the two 30 min. routines, and then many premixes. There is only one premix that combines both workouts, and the rest are all around 30 min. Love that your first week of the rotation had your body working hard.

    Tami, I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL, that really does sound like my FIL before he had his stroke. Of course even now he doesn't want to go to a doctor. ;) Dang on not getting in your at home workouts, but can understand not wanting to disturb people. Hope you where able to get something in this weekend.

    Becky, Great job on the workout! The Gym Style workouts are really great, and both premixes are awesome too. You have a lot of options for workouts if you like the GS ones. The Kelly workout is fine for non-equipment also. She even mentions that you could be doing jumping jacks or burpees while the equipment is being used. She actually has her treadmill on all the while, and just hops off and on. I like that she says to start using your equipment, and not use it as a drying rack. :D I don't have clothes on mine, but for some reason there was a Santa in a sleigh on the elliptical foot tread. :D

    Thelma, Dang on the foot, and the stress! To bad that your week is going to continue with the same theme. Looks like you had a couple of good low impact workouts. I really like Chris Freytag, she does one of my favorite kickboxing workouts. I was surprised by the comeback, but it did make for an exciting game. I recognize the name Jill Miller, she does a lot of yoga workouts. I think that you will really enjoy the Kelly workout, it just makes getting on your equipment a lot more fun.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a nice weekend here. The weather was very seasonable (Low 70s) which was perfect. DH and I were able to golf both days, which was so nice! Love being able to spend that much time outside. I was still feeling very fatigued from my workouts last week on Saturday morning, and during the first couple holes of golf was wondering if I had the energy to get through. But once my body loosened up, I ended up feeling great! So it was the perfect remedy. But that was my only 'activity' on Saturday because my body did need a rest.

    But I started week 2 of the rotation yesterday. And I am loving <3<3 this rotation so far! I love how this week is completely different to last week. Anyhow, yesterday I started with STS Disc 15/Back and Biceps, followed by STS Extended Stretch (my make-up flexibility work I was supposed to do on Saturday). For cardio, I did To The Max Extreme. Today was STS Disc 14/Legs, and today called for more flexibility training, so I did Stretch Max No Equipment workout. I have never enjoyed the Stretch Max workouts from Cathe.....but today was different. It felt great! For cardio, I did Cardio Slam followed by S&S Abs. Good stuff!

    Tami, I am so sorry to hear about your FIL! That is very scary. I am glad he finally got to the hospital. I hope he is continuing to improve. I can just imagine you trying to figure out how to workout and not wake anybody! I would imagine after all that stress, a workout would have been a good cure for you. But you are a much better hostess than me.....because I probably would have woken me guests! :# I really do hope things are calming down, though. Congrats on the football pool win!!

    Becky, glad you are enjoying that Gym Style Legs workout. I am very similar in much preferring more traditional strength training routines like STS to the more 'fancy' ones (as you call them). So with that being said, I have to recommend the other Gym Style workouts. I think Cathe's Gym Style Chest and Tricep workout in particular ranks amongst her top workouts. It is tough! But I also appreciate the benefits of more non-traditional workouts. That is why rotations like the one we are doing are so good for me because it calls for both. I get my traditional weeks like this week. But it also nudges me into doing weeks like last week, which is good for me and my body. I think you will probably enjoy it too for that reason.

    Thelma, sorry to hear about your continued foot pain. Hopefully it will continue to heal. But I understand wanting to do that cardio! Sounds like you needed a stress break from work! I was thinking about you up there last night watching the game. I was going to call it a night about 9:00pm (my usual time), but DH talked me in to a cup of tea. And there I was, 90 minutes later, watching the craziest end to a Super Bowl. It was a really impressive performance by the Patriots, that's for sure.

    Laurie, sounds like a nice weekend. Hope you found some lamps you like. I find lamp shopping frustrating at times because it seems so many places are selling lamps that are supposed to be a 'signature' look in a room. I am always looking for something pretty unobtrusive that will light the room well! I guess I am not much of an interior decorator......unless 'simple' is a decorating style. :p Thanks for the feedback on the KCM workouts. They definitely sound like they would work.....if I could get him to start working out again!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well first things first …. My FIL went home today from the hospital! The doctors were looking at lots of things and narrowed it down to a horrible reaction to the antibiotics. OMG! Basically put his whole body into absolute stress, including his heart which showed signs of congestive heart failure and some water in his lungs. YIKES. His bloodwork completely turned around, all vitals good and he will check back with a cardiologist to just make sure things are still fine but they think it was just the antibiotics and his body completely refusing them. So we are relieved forsure. I was able to get in my workout on Saturday a.m. which was S&S Bootcamp + Abs. We were at the hospital most of Saturday and then yesterday for a half day. Yesterday and this a.m. was a “no go” however. My MIL was so tired last night so I didn’t risk waking her eventhough she insisted I continue with my normal routine. I will head to Katy’s BootCamp class tonight and start back tomorrow with my “normal” at home workout. I decided I will start the “new” rotation on Sunday.

    Becky: Great job getting in Gym Style Legs and glad you loved it!!! The Gym Style series is a really good one forsure. Thank you for the well wishes on my FIL. He was at his home when he fell on the ice, not in Mexico. LOL My MIL was staying at our house so wasn’t able to assess that he needed medical attention until a few days later. Which started part of the problem him not going then. No Volleyball this weekend, they always skip the SuperBowl Sunday because too many teams would be absent.

    Thelma: I am so sorry to hear about your stressful weekend and that it will not be letting up anytime soon it sounds like. Also sorry to hear about your PT still acting up. Hopefully a little more rest and continued taping with KT tape will help. I couldn’t believe the game yesterday either. I was actually really happy for Atlanta and when New England came back I was shocked. Along with everyone else in the world! LOL

    Laurie: Sounds very nice picking out some new lamps for your lovely family room. How fun! Great job getting in Yoga on Saturday and the walk as well. Great job with BH this a.m. Now that I have more time to prepare for the new rotation I am going to make sure I have things plugged in correctly; some of what you had on there I don’t think I own. But I am positive I can find something in my library! LOL

    Laurel: Great weekend for you! Fabulous job with your workouts and glad to hear you are loving the new rotation. I need to see what workouts you have been plugging in to get some ideas for myself. Of course I don’t have the time you have in the a.m. but at least I can take a look and get ideas.

    Have a great evening ladies! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! My right foot continues to bother me. I can't get the tightness out of my calf out. I get the calf muscles to relax with deep massage and later on I feel them contract. Tonight I did XT Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. Great workout!

    Laurie, glad you had a nice relaxing weekend. I hope you found the right lamps! Great workouts! Chris Freytag is good. I like the short workouts too. I'm excited about the Jill Miller workouts. She does restorative yoga type workouts. Can't wait to try the new Kelly workout.

    Laurel, glad you also had a nice weekend and that you guys were able to get some golf in. I hope my foot recovers soon. My usual remedy is not working. Good thing you decided to have that cup of tea last night! I feel now like I need to watch the game! DH still has it in our DVR.

    Tami, OMG with your FIL and the bad reaction to the antibiotics! How scary! So glad he's home recovering nicely.
    I am getting sick of the stress my job is causing me. I told DH that I need to retire next year! I hope the KT tape does it's thing this time too!

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout after work, just got home to late. This morning I did Chris Freytag's10lb Slimdown Xtreme Kickbox, must have been inspired by Thelma's workout. ;) It was a fun workout as usual. 30 years ago today, DH and I went out on our first date. Can't believe that it has been that long, and all the changes our lives have gone through since that first opening of the door. We had a blind date. <3

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, and I really like to see that the stretching is getting in. ;) That no equipment stretch is my favorite of the three on that DVD. It really is a great lower body stretch routine. Your golf outing sounding like a really great time too. Guess that counts as recreational cardio. ;) We went to a new store called At Home, and we got some really cute red lamps. It was a better compliment to our room than the bluish lamps that we have had for around 25 years. :D I'm not much of a decorator either, don't have a lot of foofoo stuff around. All that does is collect dust. :D I actually got DH to workout on the elliptical last week, it was only 10 min. but it was something. Now I just wish that he would keep going with it.

    Tami, Glad to hear that you FIL is doing so much better, it is amazing what medication can do to a body. Those commercials always make me wonder why we even put some of the in our mouths, with all the side effects that they mention. Great job getting in the workouts that you could. I will be starting the rotation on Sunday also, so we will be having fun together. I think it will be fun to see what we all come up with for those workouts that we all don't have. I have been finding some interesting workouts on youtube. Yesterday I found a Plyoga interval workout, and it looked interesting. Might be trying that one on Sunday.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout. Take it easy on that foot, I'm sure that you will get back at it soon. At least you have low impact and weight workouts to fall back on. It would be difficult if we didn't have all these options. Guess that is why we have workout ADD!

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had a super good workout today. I started out with STS Disc 13 and did the chest and tricep work only. Then, for cardio, I did Cathe's oldie.....Max Intensity Cardio. That workout still kills me at the end, after all these years. Feels so good! :)

    Tami, I am so happy to hear your FIL is back home and doing better! That is very scary....and all due to medication. As Laurie said, makes you wonder what we are putting into our bodies sometimes. As far as the rotation goes, I am doing a planned 20 week rotation (all things going well), done in four 5-week segments which include the original LGI8 pattern of circuit (week 1); heavy strength (week 2); high reps (week 3); super sets (week 4) and adding a fifth week Laurie recommended which is alternating upper and lower body work. For the first week, the circuit workouts I used were Metabolic Total Body, Super Cuts and STS Total Body. Now, for 'heavy--week 2', I am doing the first week of Meso 2, but with the body parts as recommended in the LGI8 rotation. Next week will be Meso 1 (high reps). Week 4 will be Meso 3 (super sets). And week 5 I will probably doing the LIS Trisets workouts, the Pyramid workouts, and something else. Then I will repeat those 5 weeks four times, but each time I do the STS workouts, I will progress to the next week in that series. So it is kind of an undulating STS rotation with some added variety. Loving it so far!

    Thelma, I am sorry about the foot! I remember you mentioned it didn't feel like PF right away. Could you have pulled something? I hope it gets better soon! Great job with the XT workout, though.

    Laurie, great workout! I laughed when you said you had your lamps 18 years. Despite all our moves, we hold on to stuff like lamps forever too. We just got rid of the bedroom lamps we bought when we were married! Crazy.....and they were so 1990's it wasn't even funny! But they worked, so....... :) . Congratulations on your date anniversary!! DH and I met through a blind date as well. We celebrated our 28th anniversary of meeting in November. Made sure to send a note thanking my friend who introduced us that day. It took her about six months to convince me to go out with him because I wanted nothing to do with somebody in the military. But she was right......I guess I was just fine with somebody in the military after all. :)

    Becky, hope your week is going well.

    Until tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ Well another great class by Katy last night and I loved every sweating moment of it! After my weekend it felt fabulous. She did a regular warm up then right into 5-Hay Makers (push-up, push-up weight pull, weight-pull in plank form), right into 5 box jumps …. You repeat this as fast as you can and when she yells “time” you go again, until you have done the round 10 times. Then we went into 4 rounds of, (from my memory so not all here): Shoulder Presses, Squats, Leg Raises with heavy dumbbell (for abs), mtn climbers, biceps, all done in reps of 18, 50, 18, 50, 12, 40, etc. At the end we did like in the warm-up of 5 KB Swings, 5 Burpees time after time until 10 rounds …. But then she added 2 more BONUS rounds. This a.m. was S&S Ramped Up Upper Body and I was feeling it today, tonight will be Insane-X.

    Thelma: So sorry about your calf and PT issues continuing; great work getting in some XT Upper Body, and yes, that is a great one! I hope for the amount of stress your job causes you that you can retire next year, that would be so good and would feel wonderful to you I am sure. Hopefully some of the tension releases soon …. Never good to be going through those tough periods in our lives. I am sorry Thelma, big HUGS for you. Hang in there. It WILL get better!

    Laurie: That is so wonderful “30 Years” and I guess I never realized or I forgot you two met on a blind date. That is AMAZING and truly meant to be. Great job getting in XT KB this a.m., I know its one you always love to do. Your red lamps sound absolutely darling. I love a good splash of color added in, so fun! Isn’t that true when you hear those commercials you do think, why would anyone want to take that, but they or we do and it can sometimes be the perfect remedy. A SULFA drug is what my FIL took and obviously will never be able to do that again. YIKES. Very frightening. He enjoyed getting home last night and being quiet and restful, which is the opposite of his nature. Here’s hoping this event teaches him to take some time for himself and life can really be valuable. The Plyoga interval workout sounds very nice, I hope you get to try it. YAY! I’m glad we will all be starting on Sunday together! You all keep me motivated and going; with Laurel being ahead of us I can get some fabulous ideas as well along the way. Win-Win!!

    Laurel: FABULOUS work again today! As usual, you are killing the rotation right out of the gate! Way to go. Thank you SOOOOOO much for breaking it down for me on what you are doing. I am going to copy & paste into my sheet Laurie gave us as well. Between the two of you I will have it made and I know I am going to love the variety of this rotation!! p.s. I didn’t realize your DH was a blind date meet as well. DH and I took about 3 months to go on our first date and was a “set up” through a mutual friend; I didn’t want a boyfriend or dating of any kind is why it took so long. Funny how things work out and next month we will be celebrating 21 years. WOW-sa!

    Hi Becky :smile: Hope you are having a great week! Keep up the awesome workouts.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had a good foot day so I took a chance and did XT Hard Strikes. I kept it low impact. So far so good. I just had to do some cardio. I sit too much at work.
    I'm still working on my LGI8 rotation. I've completed week 7. I better finish this soon so I can print it all at once.
    Looks like we may get some snow on Thursday. It snowed today and it turned over to rain but where I live we got like 4 inches. Tomorrow temps will be near 50 and then they will drop and it will snow Wed night and all day Thursday it appears. I had my mammogram scheduled for Thursday afternoon but I cancelled and asked them to reschedule. So we might get 6-12 inches. My boss already told us to take laptops and work home on Wed.

    Becky, great job with that Chris Freytag's10lb Slimdown Xtreme Kickbox workout! I'll have to check it out one of these days. Congrats on the first date 30th anniversary! DH and I will celebrate our 15th first date anniversary at the end of March. Thank God for our workout DVD compulsive disorder!

    Laurel, another killer combo! Great job!
    I don't know if I pulled anything in my foot. It is possible because I was using the very flexible new sneakers I've been trying out. I may have hyper extended the arch area doing lunges. The shoes allowed my to flex my foot in a way the walking sneakers don't. I'm so screwed with my feet! It definitely felt like PF once the ache all over the sole of my foot subsided.
    I just googled "sole of my foot hurts" and it came back with:
    Probably the most common cause of the bottom of the foot pain is a process known as plantar fasciitis. The plantar fascia is the tendon that connects the bones of the bottom of the foot. This plantar fascia can easily be inflamed by repetitive stress -- caused by walking and the weight of your body.

    So maybe I caused this with the super flexible shoes and the lunges. I was feeling like I was pulling a little something at the bottom of my foot when I did lunges. OMG look at the picture in this page titled "Foot Anatomy Illustration" Notice where it says Plantar fascia ligament. That is exactly where I was feeling the pull when I did the lunges with the trainers I've been testing out.

    Tami, fabulous workouts! Great job surviving Katy's killer workout!
    Thanks for the hug. Things today were less stressful thank God but I now I'll have to bring work home on Friday. I could be working after work at home but I refuse to do that.

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout last night, because DH took me to the restaurant where we had our first date. The food was wonderful, and it was a lot of fun. We had things that we normally wouldn't eat. I had the Salmon Oscar and DH had the Beef Wellington. So good. The only thing that was missing was the movie. Neither of us could find our DVD copy of Top Gun :( , but we did watch another movie that was funny. This morning was 10lb Slimdown Xtreme Upper Body, another good workout. ;)

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts! I think breaking up the STS workouts into parts is actually fun, and makes them different from doing the basic workout. Love that you got in MIC too. That is a good way to look at this rotation, undulating with some different weeks added in. ;) DH and I should send a note to the girl who introduced us, it would make her day. I have nothing bad to say about blind dates, it worked well for me and you too. ;) You are making me excited to start this rotation, because it sounds like you are having a good time. I know when I have done this in the past, it was nice to change things up every week.

    Tami, Awesome job on the class and your workout. Now I don't remember my brothers doing push-ups when they where making hay. :D I love the name though. That is true, Laurel will give us some good ideas, and then we can change up our rotations. Although I don't think that MIC will be one of my choices, I don't even think I have that one anymore.

    Thelma, Nice job on the workout, and keeping Hard Strikes low impact. That one has a lot of jumping jacks. Might be nice to have that snow, and getting to work from home. ;) I didn't think that celebrating this milestone would be a big deal to me, but it was really fun to go out for a specific reason. Made that date night extra special. <3 So now I have to make dinner on Friday, which is our normal date night. :D

    Becky, Hope your mid-week is going great!

    Have a wonderful day,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I switched today's and tomorrow's workouts because I want to do an S&S strength workout on Friday, just to keep them fresh in my mind. Tomorrow's scheduled workout called for strength training, and I want to take a day off since the S&S workouts are mostly total body. So I switched, and today's new workout called for hamstring work and shoulders. For the hamstring work, I opted for the Muscle Endurance Lower Body Split premix, which is full of step-ups and such, really targeting the back of the leg. I love that premix because the leg work is only 25 minutes long, but it is tough! Plus, I love the ME Core work, which is also included. For shoulders, I did STS Disc 13 shoulder work, but I felt like a little more at the I did Cathe's XTrain 100 reps scarecrows and side lateral raises. Brutal!! I think I may regret that tomorrow. :p For cardio, I started with the warm-up and Low Impact segment from X10 into RWH LI HIiT One and Two premix.

    Tami, wow! That sounds like a tough class! No doubt it felt good to workout all that stress from the weekend. But......boy! Glad to hear your FIL is doing better. SULFA is one of the drugs my mother couldn't take at all either, but she never had quite that strong a reaction to it. But I remember her reaction was really bad. I hope he listens to his body better from now on, but what a tough way to learn. Hope you enjoy this rotation as much as I am!

    Thelma, yay on feeling better! I bet Hard Strikes felt really good, and great job modifying it. Sounds like it is definitely your PF that is irritated. Sounds like you may have strained that ligament really badly with those shoes. Hopefully it will continue to get better.

    Laurie, what a fun night! I love that the restaurant is still there, and you went all out enjoying it. So wonderful! Top Gun.....boy, I have seen that movie so many times I could probably recite it. But I still enjoy it! I don't blame you for not wanting to include MIC in your rotation. It certainly is not one of Cathe's better workouts, but it is good for days when I feel like ending a workout in a puddle of sweat. But there is nothing fun about it, that's for sure. Thanks again for all the work you did on the rotation. I was working on my weeks 3-5 last night, and pretty much just copied everything you had put down for the STS weeks.....making it SO easy on me.

    See you tomorrow!
