Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I popped in X10 and did the Step portion of the workout. That is about all the time I had, the drive home wasn't great with the rain making the roads icy. This morning I did the Lower Body workout on the 30MTF Split Sessions. I have something going on this evening, so hopefully I can get something in before I have to leave for that.

    Becky, Congrats on finishing up STS! Modify away with this rotation, if you do this as is, it is really tough to get all that in. Shortening up the STS workouts is an option too. If you decide to start it this week, have fun with it. I think that you have Power Hour, and MIS? You can do either of those workouts in place of the STS Total Body. Or even doing the Metabolic TB from ICE, PHA, Giant Sets from the new series also. Experiment and have some fun with it.

    Tami, Great job on your workout, and winning so may games of volleyball. That is awesome that you are undefeated in your bracket, that means that you picked the Packers to win this weekend. ;) That was such an intense game, and my stomach was rolling during the whole thing. I like that this rotation gives you a taste of different weight workouts, but it doesn't have the upper/lower split week. Then it would just be a matter of adding in the cardio portion. ;)

    Thelma, Great job on the workout. That is the same feeling I have with that workout, super pumped. ;) In the rotation, the circuit portion is a Total Body workout. You can really do any workout that you want to. I was planning on doing one weight, metabolic and Cardio/weight type workout during that week. The percent on the cardio indicates if you would be doing a steady state or intense cardio. So if you see something like 80%, then you might do something like X10. 60-70% cardio would be more steady state, like kickboxing or step workout.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Sorry I missed you all yesterday. DH didn't have to work, so you know what that does to my schedule. :# Anyhow, had a busy weekend around the house trying to organize things in case we do move. I want to be ready to jump if they say 'jump', that's for sure.

    I took Saturday off from working out, and my body sure appreciated that. But I was back at it Sunday with the standing and ab work from Butts and Guts, followed by Drill Max Ultra Cardio premix. Yesterday was Gym Style Chest and Triceps <3 followed by To The Max extreme premix. Today was Gym Style Legs......standing portion only. Then, for cardio, I did ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast Blizzard Blast into the cardio from Kick Max. That was fun!

    Tami, great job with the workouts. I bet you are counting hours till you leave! After the winter you have had, even cloudy Mexico will feel good. If you don't have any liquids (including mascara) in your make-up bag, you should be okay. Thelma is right in saying they don't do as much checking anymore in some places.....but that does seem to depend on the airport unfortunately. Here in Orlando, they still strictly enforce the liquid limits. So I always rather be safe than sorry. Hope that helps! When I was doing so much traveling this summer, I was all over the TSA page trying to figure out what I could take. Sometimes that site is as clear as mud. :o Very frustrating.

    Becky, HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on STS!!!! That is so exciting. As Thelma said, you are a true Tough Cookie! As far as other PHA-type workouts, I have never done anything quite like that workout to be honest. There are other workouts (like ICE Metabolic Total Body) that work at getting the heart rate up, but PHA, doing the lower/upper alternating and being all weights (and heavy at that) is pretty unique. Hopefully Cathe will do more like that one.

    Thelma, great workouts! I may be modifying the LGI8 rotation quite significantly as well if we are moving. So I say 'do what you can and forget the rest' if the bulk of the rotation looks good to you. I will most likely have to move away from STS entirely for a portion of it, but hope to fit in what workouts I can given whatever equipment I have at any given time. So you won't be alone in changing things up!

    Laurie, fantastic rotation!!! I love the look of it completely. Like Tami, I also love the idea of adding a split week. I think that would ramp up the variety all the more. Thank you so much for putting so much time into that. As I said to Thelma, I will probably have to diverge from it pretty significantly if we are moving, but I love having this guideline to give me something to try to aim for through that process. Again.....thank you!!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ After work yesterday I headed home and did S&S Total Body Giant Sets and it was perfect! I felt like it would have been comparable to BootCamp on some levels and I didn’t want to drive back into town for class after being off early. Today was S&S Upper Body and trying to decide about tonight; tomorrow is my last night and DH is having his mom come over so we can go over everything verbally to her instead of leaving a note. Things like the TV and how to watch a movie, etc.. So with that being said I would like to be done tonight vs. scrambling tomorrow while she is there. Tomorrow a.m. I have PHA on the list for my “last chance” workout! LOL

    Thelma: Great work with Ramped Up Upper Body! Great stuff there and glad you get that “pumped” feeling! Thank you for the kudos on the workouts and V-ball! Wouldn’t that be funny if Emma wins. HaHa… right now I am guaranteed a win of some kind as long as New England goes to the SuperBowl. I would love to try one of her cycle workouts sometime to see how it compares to a gym workout; on the previews/clips I saw they look a lot easier, but again its just a clip. Thank you for the info on my makeup bag. I may not chance it just in case and DH is re-thinking his light pack so I may have a little more room than I thought.

    Laurie: Great job getting in X10 Step and then your Lower Body workout this a.m. Hope you are able to squeeze something in tonight before you have to leave too. Yes, I was rooting for your Packers and boy was that a nail biter. All the games were good. I bet you guys were just dying.

    Laurel: Fantastic as always with your workouts!!!!! So when is the day that your DH finds out forsure? I bet you are anxiously arranging things for a possible up & move moment. I would be the same way. How are you feeling towards it all these days? About the same? Thank you as well for the thoughts/suggestions on my makeup bag. I think safe than sorry is wise; Spokane Airport is not exactly the highest security forsure but it would not be fun throwing away makeup for no reason other than I didn’t want it in my suitcase this one time.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did S&S Boot Camp. I am really enjoying this series. I actually put my fear of the jump ups aside and did a lot of them. It was easier of course because there were only two risers!

    Laurie, great workouts! Thanks for explaining what the percentages on the rotation meant. I had the feeling it had to do with intensity.

    Hi Laurel, awesome workouts! You are so wise for trying to get things organized in case you have to move. When will your DH find out if he got the job?

    I would love to be able to do the double workouts but I just don't think I can do one workout in the mornings.

    Tami, great workouts! Great idea to go over things with your MIL in person! PHA for your last chance workout is a great choice!

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout, wanted to get our dinner made before we had to leave. DH and I where late for our meeting, but it wouldn't have been fun if both of us where hungry. ;) It is hard to make meetings at 6:30, DH is driving from downtown, and traffic can be really horrible. This morning was S&S Ramped Up Upper Body Tri's, Shoulders & Bi's. Then I followed that up with Jillians Body Transformation Kickbox Blast. The only thing that I really don't like about Jillian's kickboxing is that she does all the moves on one side. Now she justifies this by doing similar moves for the other side, but it just seems lopsided. :o No workout for me tonight, I'm going to see the youngest DD to get my hair colored and trimmed. ;)

    I have a list of Cathe weight workouts that you could sub into the LGI8 rotation, just message me if you want it, and I can send you the word doc.

    Laurel, I thought that your DH might have the day off, my DH was off also. You got in some great workouts too. Do you know when you will hear about the job? I'm sure that you are familiar with getting yourself organized for a move like this, since you have been doing it for quite a while. ;) You are welcome, when I looked at this rotation I thought to myself that Laurel would really like this one. :D Then I thought, she will probably add some more cardio into it. ;) I will post the Upper/Lower week, when I have some time this week or next.

    Tami, Nice workouts, and of course doing your last chance workout today! I'm sure the both of you are excited to get on your vacation. I'm envious for sure. >:) I know that on our flights, I have combed through my purse and carry on to make sure that I don't have any liquids. They won't let you go through with a tiny bottle of water, so I never chance it. I was making dinner during the game, and I'm surprised that I didn't burn dinner. Of course my stomach was turning, so dinner might have been a bad idea. I was so hungry though.

    Thelma, Awesome job on the Boot Camp workout. I did that one on an 8" step also. I'm not fond of the jumping up, I tend to trip even doing that. :D If I can't do all of the weight/cardio in the one day, I'm going to skip something. I'm planning on shortening up some of the weight workouts also when I have something that needs to be done in the evenings.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout was Gym Style Back, Shoulders and Biceps followed by RWH Plyo HiiT One and Two premix. Good stuff. Definitely enjoying the more manageable workouts this week.

    Tami, love that Total Body Giant Sets workout. I would actually be hard pressed to rank these S&S workouts because they really all are very good. Looking forward to another week with them next week, that's for sure. Bet you are anxious to get going tomorrow! We still have no idea when we will hear about the job. DH has his physical for it tomorrow, and that should be the last hurdle. I am hoping we hear in a couple of weeks. I am definitely coming around to it, though I still have my moments. It just isn't a process I ever thought we would go through again, and I am surprised how 'settled' I had become....and how much I liked that. But it is also a great opportunity to see more of Europe (even though we lived there for 13 years already!), and DH is really doing it for all the right reasons. So......I spend an hour a day learning German! Guess that means I have accepted it. :p Safe travels!!!

    Thelma, yay for the box jumps!! They can get scary for me too. I never go above 10" when doing them, but Cathe has one workout (I think it is Circuit Blast) where she is using a 14" step. No!! I would be falling all over the place. I am way too short and uncoordinated for that. Anyhow, like I said to Tami, I am really hoping we hear something about the job in the next couple of weeks. We are both getting kind of anxious to hear right now, that's for sure.

    Laurie, that is interesting about the Jillian workout. I don't quite understand that philosophy, to be honest. But at least she acknowledges that she is working on one side and tries to explain why instead of just ignoring it. You definitely created a rotation I like! :) But, you are right......I might add more cardio. B) We'll see what is going on in life at that time. Moving is notoriously horrible for my eating habits, so extra cardio may be a must. The hardest thing about organizing for a move like this is German homes, while beautiful, just aren't structured like American homes. There are a lot of A frame bedrooms, no closets and the kitchens are usually tiny. After 10 solid years in American housing (the house we had in Korea was on base and built by an American builder), we are having to re-think all our furniture and such. My kitchen......I am probably going to have to off-load about 2/3 of what I have......which is hard! But a lot of that is because of the electrical incompatibility. So....lots to do! And no fun doing it. I like my coffee pot. :'(;) Anyhow, like I told the other ladies, fingers crossed we hear in a couple weeks.

    See you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did S&S Cardio Slam. I tried my NB trainers and they are too stiff and my calves got stiff too. So in the middle of the workout I changed to my Reebok Impact TR shoes and things got better.

    Laurie, great workouts today. I can't deal with workouts where the move is only done on one side. I hope you enjoyed your hair appointment!

    I would like that Cathe weight workouts for the LGI8 rotation please!!
    I think the 8" step is the right height for me given that I'm short. I'd thought about shortening the STS workouts in order to be able to squeeze cardio in. Those STS workouts are soooo long! I wish she had premixes on those.

    Laurel, great combo today! Good for you for learning German! I'm glad you've accepted the fact that most likely you will be living in Germany soon. Did you tell your sisters yet?
    Cathe uses a 14" step? I hope she's not jumping onto or off the step!

    Hi Tami, I hope you have a wonderful vacation!!!

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good morning ladies - I was going to start the rotation this week, but I thought it would be better to complete all the S & S workouts first. Since I don't have STS full body workout, I wanted to check S & S for full body ones to go with my Power Hour. Yesterday, I did the Giant Super Sets workout - of course I loved it. My shoulders are sore today, and I haven't been sore with the STS workouts from Meso 3. So, this super set one really pushed me with doing 16 reps at higher weights. Tuesday, I got a yoga class in and should be able to get one today.

    I may take the 16 week rotation that Laurie gave us and modify slightly. It looks like I will be able to do yoga every Tue/Thurs, so I want to build that in.

    Thelma - Fantastic job on the workouts AND doing the jump ups on the step! (I don't do vertical jump is about 1 cm). :D And, I don't have a step (yet) - I use my husbands tool box (it is a great height and perfect for the leg workouts). I love how you are trying to find the right shoe that is best for your workouts and your body. I bought some new NB shoes, and they have really helped.

    Laurel - I bet your body was very thankful for having Saturday off - your workouts last week were amazing! Great job on the workout you did yesterday. It sounds like you are very busy with going through the house and thinking about what to get rid of and keep. It's great that you are being pro-active and doing this new instead of waiting until you hear about moving or not.

    Laurie - I would like that Cathe weight workouts for the LGI8 rotation. I will send a message to you. Great job your workouts and doing two back to back. I hope you like your hair color and enjoyed being pampered. :) And, I hope you had a nice time with your DD. Have you done STS total body? Is it worth purchasing (well.......I am sure it is), but I guess I am asking if it is better than Power Hour or some of the S & S ones.

    Tami - Congrats on your volleyball wins! Whoop Whoop! Excellent workouts, too. You are going to be smoking hot in Mexico! ;) I, too, am envious of your trip. Have a wonderful (and please be safe) time.

    Have a great day
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a nice visit with my DD, and of course my hair has fully recovered from the razor chopping that it had before. It really is a big difference, and I'm so glad that my DD knows me so well. ;)<3 This morning was cardio day, so I did Peak Cardio Interval Burn Fat Blaster Premix. We have another meeting tonight, so not planning on anything else this evening. We have two meetings next week also, so my Tue & Thurs may be the same as this week.

    Laurel, Great combo again. Sounds like you are indeed coming around to the situation of moving, and I love that you are learning German. Guess that would come in handy if you will be spending some time there. I had forgotten that the appliances in Europe are different, because of the electrical. Having to give up that amount must be a daunting prospect right now. It is a good thing you have your workouts, but then you will have to have a different player for them right? That electrical thing again, and you have to make sure that you have a player that will play the DVD's. :o Good thing your weights are compatible, that would be a bummer if you had to get all of that replaced. :D All those things you need to think about, so again a good thing you have the workout outlet. I'm going to be trying out the Giant Sets workout this week, so the only workout I have not tried out yet is Cardio Slam.

    Thelma, Wonderful job on the workout, but dang on the shoes. I have the 711's, and they where not stiff at all. But if your Reebok's are doing the job, then good thing you changed. Just message me your e-mail address, and I can send you the doc.

    Becky, Nice job on the workout! Sounds like you have a solid plan on the workouts and doing the rotation. One of the things that I like about this rotation, is that it does allow for the flexibility type workout. When I did this in the past, it required me to do something, so I did it. I got your message, and will send you the list of workouts you can use if you don't want to use your STS workouts. I have included the newer ones also. The STS workout isn't a must have if you don't have it. The workout is a good compliment to the STS workouts, because it incorporates a little bit from each phase of STS. Have to admit that it is not one that I pull out on a regular basis. The one thing I don't like about it, the amount of equipment is uses. I think that you use every gadget that Cathe has used in other workouts. :D So that is probably the biggest reason that I don't use it to often.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Did a shorter workout today that consisted of a loooong cardio session! I did ICE Low Impact Sweat Doubled Premix plus the Blizzard Blast, which is 88 minutes long. It was good. I followed it with STS Pilates-based Abs and was going to do the STS Extended Stretch but DH called to talk about his physical (he passed with no problems) and by the time I finished talking to him, didn't feel like going back for the stretch.

    Thelma, sorry to hear about the NB shoes. Hopefully they will be okay for some of your workouts. But with the speed and high impact of Cardio Slam, I can see why more flexibility is important. And, yes, Cathe does box jumps on at least a 12" step in her Shock Cardio 40/20 HiiT workout, and as I said yesterday, I think 14" in Circuit Blast. Crazy! Not for me, that's for sure. Yes, both my sisters know about the move. They are not happy about it because both had planned to visit us this spring and we promised each other last summer when our mom died that we would get together once a year for a sister trip. I don't think that will be happening from Germany for a number of reasons. My DH's parents aren't happy either. I think they took great comfort in having family this close to them. Makes me sad. :'(

    Becky, glad you enjoyed the Giant Sets workout. That's a good one and a great substitute for STS Total Body. Like Laurie said, I don't think you need the STS Total Body workout. It is good, but Power Hour is as well, and with that, PHA Training, and Total Body Giant Sets, I think you are well covered.

    Laurie, sounds like a nice appointment with your DD, and yay for your hair being all better now. I am back in the process of growing my hair out a bit. :o Love it short in Florida, but want some ear coverage for the cold European winters. We can use the same DVD players in Europe as long as we use US DVDs (which I do, of course). We just need to change the plugs on them. But TVs.....we will need all new TVs. Gulp! You are so right about the workouts. They are keeping me sane right now (barely). My biggest task is to figure out how to get through those 90 days it takes to get our household items delivered. I have eyed buying some neoprene weights here after we pack out which I can throw in storage when we leave. But on the other end.......I will have to figure this one out because I don't know how long we will be in a hotel or anything. But if I have to go buy a couple of weights on that end too....I will. I would love to think I could get to a gym, but I most likely won't have a car. Sigh. So much to think about! But I am determined to make my workouts work no matter the circumstances!

    Tami, have a great trip!!

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did S&S PHA Training and this morning I did KCM 30MTF Amped Up Cardiovascular Live. I worked from home so I had time to get a morning workout in. I think in order to do this LGI8 rotation I need to retire so I have time for double workouts!
    My hips are very stiff from exercising harder with this rotation than I have in a while. I also think I've not been stretching enough.
    PHA Training went a little faster tonight. I had my weights ready since I knew what I'd used from last time.

    My new KCM workouts came today! OMG More workouts to try!
    I decided to check the New Balance website and they actually have introduced new trainers so I ordered 3 pairs to try them out. I love their Zantes but they only had them in running shoes before now they have them in trainers. Not only that, now they make them in wide widths!

    Becky, great job with those workouts. You definitely have two full body workouts in PHA and Giant Sets with this S&S program. I can't even tell you how many pairs of sneakers I've tried. These feet of mine sure are a challenge! Since I've hurt them before I know to take good care of them so I hope one of these days I'll find the right shoes.
    Funny about your vertical jump being 1cm! Laurel inspires us to try step workouts since she loves them and the rest of us dread them. I've kept on trying and now I'm better but I'm afraid to fall off that step.
    Now sure if you saw that we'll be starting the LGI8 rotation on Feb 12. Of course if you want to start sooner you'll be looking hot sooner than the rest of us! LOL
    Since I finished my other rotation last week I decided to do this Strong & Sweaty rotation.

    Laurie, great workout this morning! I'm glad you're happy with your new hair!
    I tried the 711s a while ao and they didn't give me the support I need. I sent you a message with my email address last night. Let me know if I need to resend it.

    Laurel, awesome workout today! Now that your DH pass his physical he should be getting an offer right?
    I'm not sure if I'm going to keep the stiff NB trainers. I might be able to use them on the treadmill and spin bike. Cathe is insane with those step ups! How sad about your DH's parents and your sisters.
    I can't believe it takes 3 months to get your things delivered!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Of course no workout last night. This morning I did S&S Giant Sets, really enjoyed this one too. For the second day in a row, Rocket has come downstairs with his squeaky dinosaur, and lays down and squeaks and squeaks that thing through my whole workout. :D:D:D DH said that he can hear him all the way upstairs. I think that was probably the best present that Santa could bring him. :D I might have to go purchase a spare, just in case something happens to this one.

    Laurel, Great workouts! After that phone call, I probably would have nixed the stretching too. It is just way to easy to talk myself out of doing stretching. ;) It would be nice if the hotel had a gym with single weights, we once went to a hotel that had them. It really was a surprise. That was when we where in FL, on our Universal vacation, with the girls. I would imagine that the weights would be in metric over in EU! ;) That has to be hard on both of your families to see you going so far away, just make sure that you have the skype up and ready. It's not the same as being there, but at least they can see you. I'm sure that you will figure some way of working out when you are in transition.

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts! LOL on retiring to do the LGI8, I will follow you with that thought. Those years are getting shorter and shorter for my retirement, it sure is looking closer every year. My DH was talking about it over Christmas, and he is about 4-5 years away. Now that is really close. Oh, now I'm hoping that when I get home, I will have a package of DVD's waiting for me. You are very close, since Kelly is in NJ. It might take a little longer to get to me. Hope the new trainers are some good ones for you. I didn't see a message from you in my inbox, so I just sent you a message with my e-mail address. You can send me an e-mail, and I will send the attachment.

    Becky, Hope your week is going great, and you are not to busy.

    Tami, I'm sure that you are having a wonderful vacation.

    Have a great weekend,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. I did two of my favorite workouts today. I started with Muscle Max and am still feeling it in my arms. For cardio, I did Intensity. Both workouts just flew by. I love that!

    Thelma, great workouts! Sorry to hear about your hips......but now that you mention it, I have been experiencing that too. I chalked it up to all the crouching I have been doing in our pre-move stuff, but maybe it is the S&S workouts. When I do the workouts again next week, I will focus on that a bit to see what it might be. But stretching my hamstrings, glutes and hip flexors seems to help. I thought we would be on the track to get the job offer after DH's physical yesterday......until DH drops it in me last night that he has to get a NATO security clearance. No clue how long that will take. So.....still in a holding pattern. Sigh.

    Laurie, that is so cute about Rocket! I bet it makes you smile to hear him squeaking away with his dinosaur while you are working out. Unfortunately, the 'hotel' we will most likely be in will be more like a bed and breakfast since we are moving to a rural community. In other gym. So, it will be a challenge, that's for sure. Hopefully we can find a house quickly, even if it means moving in with virtually nothing. I can at least do cardio in an empty space!

    Hope you all have a good weekend!

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi Ladies - yesterday, I did S&S Upper Body, so I have officially tried all the S&S workouts. I decided to do them all again and start the new rotation with you all on Feb 12th. It'll be more fun and motivating for me to be on the same page as you all. I went through the 16 week rotation and modified it with workouts that I have and added yoga every Tue/Thur to the rotation. After reading ya'lls input on STS total body, I am not going to buy it. I will replace all STS total body with what you all suggested.

    Since I don't have some of the workouts and wasn't sure what some of them were, I wanted to show my modifications and get your feedback. (I spent an hour last night going through the routine and modifying it.....I've never planned a workout schedule like this was quite fun!)

    If the one that I chose doesn't match the intensity of the workout in the rotation, let me know how to adjust.

    Is BBC "Blizzard Blast Cardio". That's what I assumed it to be.

    Original rotation --> my modification

    Shock Cardio Hiit Double Wave Pyramid --> S & S Cardio Shock. (does the intensity and length of workout match?)

    Insanity Fast & Furious. --> Blizzard Blast (from what I saw on the internet, the insanity is a really quick cardio workout, so I was thinking of a BBC or timesaver of S & S Shock Cardio)

    4 Day split legs --> STS Plyo legs (I have no clue what 4 day split legs is....the internet showed a 4 day workout)

    Insanity Fit test. --> I found a youtube video of a guy doing this while watching the dvd, so that should be good to watch, right?)

    Shock Cardio Hiit --> S & S Cardio or a Blizzard Blast. (How long is Shock Cardio Hiit?)

    Laurel - Excellent workout combo. How do you like the STS pilates abs? I was thinking of purchasing that dvd as well, but so many of her dvds have bonus abs, so I am trying to be good and not spend more money. :p Congrats to your husband for passing the physical, but sorry that you still have to wait on the clearance part now. That can take awhile. I am sorry that you will be moving away from family......that is hard. With today's technology, you can FaceTime, right?

    Laurie - Great job on your workout and surviving with a wild dinosaur squeaking at you. :) Too cute. My dogs are getting better about leaving me alone while working out. They still want to cuddle or lick my face when I lay on the ground for abs or stretching, though. Thanks for sending me the document. I really appreciate it.

    Thelma - Wonderful workouts! You've been kicking butt. I was wondering if I was the only one with the tight hips. Yoga is helping me, though. I agree, I need to retire, too......I just want to workout and play with my kids! :p That's a good idea to do the S & S rotation before Feb 12th. I may do the same. I want to get comfortable with these dvds since I incorporated some of them into our rotation coming up.

    Tami - Have fun!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you had a nice weekend. On Friday I did KCM 30MTF Train Like a Contender in the morning and in the evening I rode the spinning bike. I took Saturday off and today I rode the spinning bike again. So far I like my new KCM workouts.

    Great job doing S&S Giant Sets! Funny about Rocket and his squeaky dinosaur! LOL
    I hope you got your KCM DVD's too! Thanks for sending the workout list. I converted it into a table so that all the workouts fit in one page. Let me know if you want that version.
    I think I'm hoping to be 2-4 years way from retirement. Every Sunday night I remind my DH that I need to retire soon! LOL. Our goal has always been for me to retire first. I can't wait!

    Laurel, Friday's combo sounds like a killer combo! Great job! I don't know if the achy hips have to do with the S&S workouts or the new trainers or a combo of both. Doing better now that I gave my body a break. I always stretch everything but I'm pretty sure I wasn't putting in the usual time I always do. I just read Becky's post and her hips are tight too and she's also been doing the S&S workouts!
    That NATO clearance probably takes a while. I can't imagine something like that takes just a few weeks.

    Becky, great job with the S&S workouts! Congrats on having done them all. I did too and I really like them. You should try selling the spinning DVD on eBay or even
    I don't have some of those workouts listed on the LGI8 rotation so I'll let Laurie and Laurel. You've been kicking serious butt too!
    I can't believe you have tight hips too! I did plenty of stretching on Friday night and that helped a lot. I think it is a good idea to get used to the S&S workouts before we start the rotation. I will probably incorporate S&S into my rotation too.

    Tami, I hope you're having a blast!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited January 2017
    Morning Ladies,

    Friday night DH and I went out for dinner, and it was very nice. On Saturday I did Tae Bo Advanced Live 1. I have all these workouts on VHS, but do not have a player. They are on YouTube, so I was very excited to finally do one of the workouts. I had a blast, these are some of the best workouts that he put out. There is some conflict between Billy and his old manager, so they have never been put on DVD. Since I own the workouts, I downloaded them. I will only download workouts from youtube that I own. Sunday was a rest day for me, and of course my beloved Packers lost. :'( Oh well, they had a great season considering how they started. :) This morning I did Results 10 Days to a Better Body Upper. Looks like an easy workout, but it catches up to you. I should get out of work on time today, since our purchasing system is down for upgrades, so I really don't have a full day of work to do. Should clean off my desk though. :s I'm wanting to get in another workout when I get home.

    I will post my first 5 weeks of LGI10 tomorrow, since I'm adding in another week. This may help with choosing some of the workouts you may want to use.

    Laurel, Great workouts, just love Muscle Max. That has to be a bit frustrating on the clearance issue, but hope it doesn't take to long. Interesting that all of you have experienced the tightness in the hips, since I have only tried the workouts once through, I have not experienced that. Bummer on the hotel situation, I'm sure that you will find some way to get your exercise in. Lot's of Insanity body weight moves. ;)

    Becky, Awesome job on getting all those S&S workouts in. I still have been avoiding the Cardio Slam, but one of these times I will have to just do it! ;) When I did this rotation BBC at the time was Barry's Bootcamp Cardio, but surprisingly the Blizzard Blast Cardio is an awesome sub. ;) Funny that I didn't even notice that. I like all your subs that you have chosen. For the HiiT, you might use ICE Low Impact Sweat. That one is all drill based, so would work too. The 4 Day Split workout is legs and core, so any lower body workout is fine. I usually choose workouts that I like to do. The Shock Cardio HiiT workouts are all less that 30 min., so stick to something around that time frame. Insanity Fit Test, is another HiiT type workout that I use because it has around a one minute rest between exercises.

    Thelma, Nice job on all your workouts! I have not tried out my new KCM workouts yet, but I did get them in the mail on Friday. I really want to try the Live workout soon. I'm trying to incorporate these into my upcoming rotation also. I purchased the Athletic Conditioning 2 workout, and one of the workouts is core and stretching. That sounds interesting, and different from anything that I have currently. So that my be one of the workouts that I use for the flexibility training options. I will gladly accept your excel option, you have my e-mail. ;)

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a nice weekend here. Nothing special.....but nice. Saturday, though, after talking 'move' with DH for a couple of hours, I needed a workout.....mentally more than physically. So instead of my usual day off, I did Turbo Fire 45EZ and Turbo Fire 45. My brain was all muddled before the workout and much clearer after. Whew! I think that is the biggest reason I do cardio every day. Anyhow, Sunday was back to S&S with PHA Training and Cathe's Step Moves for cardio. Today was LIHI Legs and RWH Core 2 followed by S&S Cardio Slam. I did do the first section of Cardio Slam twice, making it a fantastic 65 minute cardio session.

    Becky, great job going through the rotation and finding workouts that will fit for you. I think Laurie has given you the best advise already about the substitutions. Doing a Blizzard Blast is a good sub for some of the HiiT workouts, without question. The length may be slightly shorter, but the intensity would definitely be there. Insanity, btw, is a program put out by a company called Beachbody. You can learn a lot about it from But on those, any intense cardio workout is going to be good to do as a substitute. Regarding the STS abs workouts......I do like them, but they are long. Most ring in at over 15 minutes, which is longer than I really like to spend on my abs. But when I take the time to do them, they are really good ab workouts.

    Thelma, great workout this weekend. Boy, retirement in 2-4 years would be fantastic! Hope you are able to do that.

    Laurie, Tae Bo on YouTube! I might have to look for that. I haven't done a Tae Bo workout in 20 years, but I had so much fun with them when I was doing them. Thanks for mentioning that. I have thought about exploring You Tube some more for workouts because I know there are some great free programs out there.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did S&S PHA Training. I think this workout is the reason for my hip d lower back tightness. I spent a long time after the workout stretching and massaging my thighs and glutes and lower back by rolling over a massage ball. Seems to have helped.

    Laurie, great workouts! I used to love doing Tae Bo! I never thought about downloading workouts from youtube! How do you do it? Subscribing to a channel? Sorry about the Packers loss. People here in MA are thrilled about the Patriots of course.

    Looking forward to seeing your first 5 weeks of LGI10 rotation!
    Glad you got your KCM workouts! I really liked that Athletic Conditioning 2 workout. I forget which workout it was where Kelly had a really good stretching routing and one of the moves was a hip flexor stretch that was really, really effective. May have been this Athletic Conditioning 2 workout. I'll have to check it out again.
    I don't think Cathe has a really good stretch routine in these S&S workouts. I can't stand it when she uses the step for the stretch routine. I don't think it's very effective so I just do the stretches on the floor. I sent you the Word file with your list of Cathe workouts for LGI8 in tabular format. I think I'm going to use that same table for my workout DVD collection too because I have in the same format you had the LGI8 list! LOL

    Laurel, fabulous workouts! Good job following that move conversation with your DH with a nice cardio workout!
    I hope I can retire in 2-4 years. I'll be 53 next month! YIKES! I don't think I can last 4 more years at work. I can't believe I was thinking 5 more years based on how I feel physically! Once I do the math 53+5 =58 (Becky, did I get the match right? :) ) there is no way I want to work 5 more years. I think I need to work at least 3 more years so that DH doesn't have to work till he's in 65. Knowing him he'll keep on working but I have no problem getting used to being retired.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited January 2017
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did some yoga, but it was only a short one. ACE HiiT Yoga, but it really is a good one. This morning was Peak Cardio Interval Burn SV, really good cardio in that one. Here are my first 5 weeks, hope you all like it.

    Week 1: Circuit Training
    1. Tae Bo Adanced (any)
    2. Peak Cardio Strength (any)
    3. Yoga for the Warrior
    4. KCM New You Coming
    5. ICE Low Impact Sweat
    6. S&S PHA Training
    7. 30MTF Train Like a Contender CoffeyFit Blend Premix & Total Body Stretch

    Week 2: Heavy
    8. REST
    9. XTrain Burn Sets Back & Bicep Premix 14 & Any X10 workout
    10. 4DS Kickbox Legs & Core (weight & core work only) & PopSugar stretch routine
    11. XTrain Burn Sets Chest, Shoulders & Tricep Premix #10
    12. ICE Rock’m Sock’m Kickbox Blizzard Blast Premix & 10lb Slimdown Yoga
    13. XTrain Cardio Leg Blast
    14. 30MTF Amped Up Cardio Both Workouts

    Week 3: High Reps
    15. Kristen McGee’s Power Yoga
    16. CTX Back, Triceps & 30MTF Kickboxing
    17. CTX Leaner Legs (including ab work) & 30MTF Cardio Quick Fix
    18. CTX Chest, Biceps, Shoulders & Hiit Double Wave Pyramid
    19. CTX Leaner Legs (including ab work) & Any ICE Blizzard Blast
    20. CTX Back, Triceps & Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown Workout 2
    21. CTX Chest, Biceps, Shoulders & 21 Day Fix Extreme Cardio

    Week 4: Supersets
    22. Power Yoga for Happiness (any premix)
    23. LIS Total Body TriSets Lower Body Split
    24. LIS Total Body TriSets Chest, Shoulders & Tricep Premix #7 & 30MTF Cardio Blast Plyo
    25. Tae Bo Celebrity Fit Sculpt
    26. RWH Low Impact HiiT 1 & STS Extended Stretch
    27. LIS Total Body TriSets Back, Biceps & Core Premix #8 & Ruthless Lunatic Intervals
    28. Athletic Conditioning 2 Workout 2

    Week 5: Upper/Lower Alternating
    29. Rest
    30. S&S Ramped Up Upper Body & 30MTF Bootcamp Bonus Stretch
    31. ICE To The Mat Legs & Glutes Timesaver Premix #2 & Tae Bo Basic (any)
    32. LIHI Upper Body mixed with Abs Premix #5
    33. LIHI Lower Body
    34. ICE Chiseled Upper Body & 30MTF Cardio Quick Fix (either workout or premix)
    35. ICE Chiseled Lower Body & ACE HiiT Yoga

    Laurel, Awesome workouts, I love that you went toward the kickboxing type workouts for your mental health. I do that also. Just something about pretending your punching that helps with the thought process. This is the site that has all of the Tae Bo workouts. Love how my abs feel after doing one of these workouts. The workouts are so much better than the ones that he has been putting out. I was at my peak hr for 46% of the workout, vs this mornings which had me more in the cardio zone. I'm so loving this fit bit for that information alone. Another site called PopSugar has some nice add on workouts, and there is another site I think you might like. I will have to find it.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout. I was wondering if that workout might be the cause of the tightness, since she has you on and off the step. Thank you for the file, I did receive it. I agree with you on the stretching with the step, and I'm not a huge fan of the ball either. I usually do all the stretching on the floor. I use the site Freemaker to download videos from youtube. It doesn't cost anything, and I then transfer them as an mp4 file. When I play them on my tv, I put the files on an external drive. I use one of the usb ports on my tv, and whala there the workouts are ready to play. This is better than streaming from my computer or even the youtube option on my tv.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi Ladies! Had a shorter workout today because I had an early hair appointment. Feels better to have all those ugly grays gone again. Anyhow, I did S&S Total Body Giant Sets followed by Cardio Core Circuit. Good stuff.

    Thelma, you could be right about PHA and your hips. As Laurie said, she has you up and down on the bench, and, also, a lot of the leg work she does seems to focus on the outer leg (the side step off the bench, the side lunges, etc). Good job taking the time to stretch it out. I completely agree about the shorter stretches with these workouts. Not sure why she didn't make them a little longer. And, like you and Laurie, I don't like using my step (or ball) to stretch. I much prefer to focus on the stretching and not be thinking about how I am positioned on my bench!

    Laurie, great rotation!! Wow, you put a lot of variety in there. Should shock your body! Thank you for the you tube and website information. I think this may be an option for me at times through this move (if we ever get official notification, of course). I must admit, I haven't done much exploring for on-line workouts, so this helps a lot.

    So, ladies, I am thinking about starting my LGI8 rotation next week. I know I am the one who suggested Feb 12 B) but I am finding myself in need of a solid, scheduled rotation right now as I get more and more preoccupied with life. I also figure, at some point, I will have to be taking weeks off and then will be playing catch up to you all! Hope you all don't mind. Let me know.

    See you tomorrow.
