Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I finished P90X2 today!! Thank you, Laurie, for all the encouragement over the past twelve weeks. So happy I did this program again. So my workout today was X2 PAP Upper followed by Step, Jump and Pump. I rarely do that latter workout in its entirety, so it was fun to do something different today. Hoping to get my new workouts today so I can start on them tomorrow!

    Thelma, yay for trying one of the new workouts!! Glad you enjoyed it.

    DH is home for Christmas break, so my posting will be intermittent over the next two weeks. But I wish you all a very Merry Christmas! For Thelma and Laurie, be safe in your travels. I so appreciate all of you ladies for your continued friendship and support.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I did another Strong & Sweaty workout today: Cardio Slam. According to the back cover this workout is 40 minutes long but that is 48 minutes long!. The description in the back says that the workout portion ends at 36 minutes and the other 4 minutes are the cool down. WRONG!
    So at 36 minutes the workout was still going strong and we still hadn't used the step! I started to think I was not doing the Cardio Slam workout so I opened the case to see which disc was missing. It was the Cardio Slam!

    This is definitely an advanced workout and I was winded. At times I had to take longer breaks to recover.
    I also walked on the treadmill for 20 minutes after Cardio Slam to help my legs relax. Since I actually worked out in the morning :* which you know I never do, I hope to be able to get another workout in tonight. I did a lot of stretching and leg massage after the Cardio Slam workout because it really got deep in the glutes for me. It was a really good workout and the step section only uses the platform which was doable for me. I felt like I was doing a Katy workout LOL and that I needed to do yoga at the end but I'd ran out of time! I was hoping this program would also include bonus blizzard blasts but it doesn't.

    I wanted to mention that I was wrong about the 21Day Fix program I got. I actually got the original workout and this set has 4 discs which is nice. I'm kind of glad I have the original program in case the Extreme one is too "extreme" for me.
    Wasn't Collage Video the site that shutdown 1-2 years ago ladies? I was looking for reviews for the Strong & Sweaty series and Collage came up and it's up and running!
    OMG! I have 3 new workout programs to choose from! It's tough choosing which one to do next but I'll try a little bit of everything. Maybe 21 Day Fix tonight! I am still following the rotation but I am substituting the same type of workout it calls for with one of the new ones. One of the things that I like about the UFC workouts is that he always includes abs in most of the rounds and my abs are feeling it.

    Laurel, congratulations on finishing your P90X2 rotations! It sounds like a killer program! Good for you! Great combo today! I would love to watch you do those killer step workouts! I was afraid to miss the platform today when I was doing the straddle jumping jacks on it! LOL
    Enjoy the time with your DH! The good thing about being in FL in the winter is that you can actually play golf!
    I also appreciate all of you ladies so much. Your support has kept me going and I have done programs thanks to you I would've never done on my own. So thank you so much!

    Merry Christmas ladies!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Ladies, if anyone wants to get new KCM workouts has them on sale and on top of that you get 20% at checkout time today!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hi Ladies & Merry Christmas "Eve" Eve! I've been missing you guys so much. I truly look forward to my posts & chats with you all.

    Sorry I've been MIA but I've been off running around and meeting up with some girlfriends for lunch, last minute shopping for DH and made some cookies for his Grandpa. Really enjoying having some extra time off this time of year. Feels so much "less" overwhelming..... Not that I have huge plans or company coming. Just nice to enjoy some time and shopping without being on the clock. lol
    So workouts have been: Spinning We'd. Eve, STS Meso #3 Shoulders/Bis/Tris followed by XT Burn Sets Bis & then today was Lift It HiiT It Legs + Abs. Tomorrow a.m. I'm going to get in a good KCM workout and we will head over to my in-laws about 35 miles away. Should be very relaxing. Just the two of us for Christmas Day.

    MY STRONG & SWEATY WORKOUTS ARRIVED TODAY!!!!!!! Yes, I was waiting at the mailbox when I saw the mail lady coming. LOL my excuse was that Emma wandered over to the neighbors and I was rounding her up through the snow banks. But when I saw the mail lady I thought .... Maybe, just maybe they are here today! So Laurel I totally understand what you were talking about in anticipation! Maybe I'll even try one tomorrow ... Or I can wait for the weekend.

    Congrats to Laurie & Laurel for finishing up your P90X2 rotations! I commend you and big high fives!!!

    Thelma: way to go on the new workouts & for already pushing play on the S&S Cardio Slam. Sounds amazing! Love the Katy reference..... So true! The 21 Day Fix XT does have some higher impact, but they are really great as Laurie had mentioned. So good for you to get a taste of it with the "regular " program first. Sounds like you have lots of choices with 3 brand new programs; so fun!
    Thanks for the message about KCM workouts.... Might check that out!

    Laurie: I'm sure you have your house and foods all prepared for the holiday! Hope you have an amazing Christmas with your family! Again, huge congrats on finishing up the whole rotations! So great. I'm with you for 2017, what kind of rotation are we going to do?!? Would love to start one or join in after I return from Mexico end of January

    Laurel: WOWSA on your amazing workouts you continue to put together each day. I'm not sure how I amaze you with my workouts but glad I do. I hope you and DH have a nice relaxing holiday and with those Florida temps get in some good golf. Sounds like you had some great conversation the other evening, wine and all. I'm glad you're coming to a good middle ground for now and just see what happens. Probably feels a little better to have talked it out some more.

    Hi Becky and great job with your workouts! You're on fire lady! Enjoy your family time and great job with those daily goals.

    so thankful to have each of you here with me on our fitness journey's! You all inspire me and push me to be better each and every day. Thank you.
    Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi Ladies - I saw that Thelma posted that she did a workout from Strong and Sweaty, so I ran to my mailbox and the DVD set is in! YES! I think I will try the cardio one from that set tomorrow since today was disk 25 (back/chest). I see why there is a much longer rest in between sets for Meso #3. I was so excited that I went up on all weights for this. AND, the best DH in the world whom I love OH so much bought me a bench that can incline! We were at Costco, and he saw it and asked if I wanted it. DUH! With no thought, he grabbed the bench (well....grabbed the box) and put it in the cart. I have no clue where to put it, but I am officially the owner of my very own workout bench! :D:D:D He might even start weight training now.

    Laurel - Love the different workouts you got in and awesome job upping the cardio. WOW! It is great that you and DH really talked about the move instead of avoiding the conversation. I truly hope you make the best decision for both of you on this move, as I am sure you will. Have a very Merry Christmas.

    Laurie - Congrats on finishing P90X2, and great job completing it. Now that you finished this, did the program make you stronger/more fit? How was the cardio portion of it? Hopefully you got some stuff done around the house. Have a wonderful Christmas.

    Thelma - I am looking forward to reading what you have to say about the cardio workout you did today from Strong and Sweaty. Great job on doing the UFC workout. That is great that it is pushing you (dripping with sweat.....I like those types of workouts). Glad to hear that you like it so far. Have a fantastic Christmas.

    Hi Tami - Merry Christmas.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you had a wonderful Xmas weekend! We had a really weekend. We went to my brother-in-law's to visit with my sister-in-law who was in town. She was sick with a cold and proceeded to hug us! Then later on was coughing into her hands and proceeded to touch everything and we were playing games! It was as if she had planned to torture Thelma the germaphobe! DH and I walked out of there horrified and I was feeling sick. Thankfully I am OK so far.

    I spent the weekend exercising like crazy! I wish I had gotten in the mood to do this sooner. On Friday I did Strong & Sweaty Cardio Slam, treadmill, 21 Day Fix Cardio Fix and 21 Day Yoga Fix. On Saturday Great Glutes, UFC-Fit Fat Burner and Spinning. I am really

    loving these UFC-Fit workouts because of the subtle way in which every move works the abs. My abs are sore as if I'd done a long ab workout and I didn't do abs. The Fat Burner workout was advaced for sure. It had some Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu moves that I had to modify because you have to let yourself fall backwards onto the mat and then you get up right away!
    On Sunday I did Rock'm Sock'm and on Monday 21 Day Fix Plyo, XT Bi's & Tri's Burn Sets.
    So far my new discs are OK. I had a scared with the Plyo workout today that kept stopping at around 17 minutes until I cleaned the disc up.

    Tami, great workouts! I hope you had a good time with your in-laws and your girlfriends. Congrats on getting your Strong @ sweaty set I'm glad I didn't get the 21DF Extreme workouts if they involve more high impact.

    Becky, congrats to you too on getting your Strong & Sweaty set and on the workout bench! You're going to love it!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi all - I hope you are enjoying your Christmas break and doing well. On Saturday, I tried S & S Cardio Slam + abs routine - it was definitely an advanced workout. I had to modify some of the jumps, but I was dripping with sweat by the end and very tired - it was wonderful! Yesterday, I did STS disk 26 (plyo legs). I didn't care for it too much (first disk of the set that I wasn't a fan), so I think I will try the other workout Cathe has on the disk that is not plyo. I believe some of you mentioned the alternative workout before - how do you like it? Today, I did the S & S Cardio Slam + abs again, but I did the one that shows alternative moves. I didn't do all of her alternative moves - some were too easy.......but it showed me modifications in case I need it.

    Thelma - you have been a workout machine! It has been so cool seeing you post all your workouts. Great job, and I hope you have had fun doing all the workouts. Your UFC -Fit workouts sound really good. I am interested in looking into these now, especially for the abs part.....I really need anything to help with that area. I hope you don't get sick - I would have been horrified, too! Bleh.

    Tami - Excellent workouts! Glad to hear that you had some downtime with friends and family. I hope you get a chance to try Strong and Sweaty soon. I've only done 1 of the workouts so far, but I love it.

    Hi Laurel and Laurie - I hope you are doing well.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Hope you are all doing well and enjoyed your Christmas with families! I enjoyed my days off so much. I thought to myself, this is why people take time off. LOL So nice to just not be on a schedule for a few days. It was pretty snowy and cold and I was able to just stay in if I wanted or I did some last minute shopping and eventhough it was craziness I wasn't on a clock, worrying about racing back to work or getting it all done in one day. I also met my friend and daughter for lunch on Friday, it was just nice. :)

    Friday I wanted to get in another leg workout for the week so I did Lift It HiiT It Legs, Saturday I did my first S&S workout, which was BootCamp + Abs. Loved it! Cannot wait to try more. I ended up not working out on Christmas Day. We left kind of early in the a.m. and by the time I got back DH actually wasn’t feeling very good so we just watch some TV and quiet. Yesterday I had the day off and I finally used my Spa Day Gift Certificate with my BFF. We had massages and pedicures! It was so fun, we decided we are going to save little money aside here and there and go at least one time a year for massages. Felt so good, once I relaxed. LOL The girl doing my massage asked me how much I work out? She said she can tell that I work out. Today I am going to get in a workout after work; either headed to Insanity or home. I will see how DH is feeling, he sounded better earlier when I talked to him, so that is good.

    Thelma: You’re really taking advantage of your time off! Way to work lady, that’s awesome. How are you liking the 21 Day Fix workouts? Glad to hear you are liking those UFC workouts, sounds like they are doing the trick. Nice time with family minus the SIL coughing on you guys. Hopefully you stay free of catching what she had. I did have a really nice time with the in-laws and I actually got to see my step son and girlfriend, they came over on Christmas Day to the in-laws house as well, so that was nice. Thank you for popping in the other day, I ordered 2 of Kelley’s workouts that I didn’t have. At only $10 each, I thought “why not” LOL so thank you.

    Becky: Great job getting in Cardio Slam + Abs the other day. I am looking forward to that one! Plus all o them. I was able to download the User’s Guide today and print it off, so that is nice. Always love having my workout sheets so I know what weight to go for each workout. Super job with STS as well; sorry to hear #26 was not a favorite. The other option with STS Legs is to do the Squat Rack Legs, which is the other option in Meso #3 instead of Plyo. You go heavy as you can and it is only 8 reps each of particular lower body exercises. Is it the higher impact you didn’t like with Plyo? Or just that particular workout?

    Hi Laurel and Laurie, hope you are both doing well an enjoying your holiday time!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did Rockout Knockout. I think I caught a lesser version of the bug my SIL shared with us. I've been resisting taking meds but this afternoon I had to and I feel a little better.

    Becky, great job with those STS and S&S workouts! Sorry you didn't like STS 26. Just substitute with another leg workout. The UFC workout is good and very inexpensive!
    I've been enjoying my time off for sure. All I want to do now is retire so I can have every day off!

    Tami, glad you enjoyed your time off! Glad you got to spend time with your step son! When is your trip to Mexico?
    I bet that time at the spa was wonderful!
    The 21 Day Fix workouts are good. I expected jumping in this program too given what she does in Hammer & Chisel. The Plyo workout had a lot of burpees and so does the UFC program. I've done a lot of burpees since last week. I have to be careful because I lose my form when I'm fatigued and my shoulder was acting up which means I was doing them wrong. Glad you took advantage of the Target sale! I actually ordered 3 yoga workouts for beginners. The instructor got really good reviews. Hopefully I can learn something from her!

    Hi Laurel & Laurie!

    Good night ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ Ended up just heading to the grocery store and home to make dinner last night instead of a workout. :neutral: I heard Katy’s class was a brutal one though, so maybe I’m not overly sorry I missed it. LOL. This a.m. I did Strong & Sweaty Cardio Slam and loved it! I did it in place of XT Tabatacise that was on my schedule. Great cardio and I was excited to try another S&S workout. Tonight I will head to Spinning after work. I have just this week & part of next left of the STS rotation I have been doing and then until I go on my trip I will be doing a “mish-mosh” of good workouts, including some of the new S&S ones as well.

    Thelma: Great job with RK last night, always a fun one! Dang it on catching that bug from you SIL; glad you took something to help your symptoms. I’m so happy to hear you are enjoying your time off. I didn’t have nearly as many days as you but I loved what I have. Our trip to Mexico is Jan. 19 – 26th!!! With our snowy weather and more below zero temps coming all next week it will be coming at a perfect time. Good that you recognized your form was not quite right so you didn’t injure your shoulder, but great job getting in all those burpees. The 21 Day Fix sound like they are going well for you so far. Congrats on the Yoga workouts! Will be anxious to hear on those and see how you like them.

    Hope everyone is having a good day/week ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good evening ladies - Today was disk 27 (shoulders, triceps and back), and I also went to the trampoline park and bounced around with the kids for 2 hours. That was fun. Today is my middle child's 10th bday, and he had a great time. He wanted to go to Red Robin for dinner, so we just returned from there and had some chocolate pie. Luckily, I ate well today so the chocolate pie was within calories. :p

    Tami - Great job doing SS Cardio Slam and your other workouts. How was the SS bootcamp one? You mentioned that you loved it, but was it quite intense or pretty doable for you since you survive Katy? :D I am thinking of trying it out tomorrow morning. It sounds like you are enjoying time off. The snow sounds so wonderful. I am jealous about your spa day! Glad you got that time with your friend. I need that with my bff - those are the best of times. I hope your DH is feeling better, too. As for the plyo legs, it was the higher impact that I didn't care for......I am not the biggest fan of jumping. I don't mind burpees and jumping jacks, but to jump around a lot, it starts to bother my knee and joints. BUT - to be honest, it is getting easier. I think that with STS I am getting a total body workout which is building all my muscles. So, jumping is getting easier and not as uncomfortable as it used to be. So, I may change my mind on this. I still want to try it and will modify as needed.

    Thelma - Hopefully all your working out and sweating is helping fight off the sickness you are beginning to feel. Great job on doing Rockout Knockout. I will definitely be checking out the workout (especially since it is inexpensive). ;) I am sure you mentioned this before, but how many workouts does this set include? Does it come with a suggested rotation? Now that I write that, you may have sent us a link to the workout. I will go through the posts to see if I can find it.

    Hi Laurie and Laurel.

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Thelma - I found info online about the workout you are doing.....disregard my questions about ufc fit. :)
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! tonight I did RWH Circuit Lower Body. Great workout minus the dreaded jump ups!! I did those on the floor. I took some night time med last night and I hated the sluggish feeling all day. Had to take a dose this afternoon and that gave me the strength to workout. I've been studying that dreaded course. Not fun!

    Tami, great workouts! I'm glad you liked the Cardio Slam workout!
    Any day out of the office is a good day even if I'm sick or have to study for work! The 21 Day Fix is just right for me. I hope the yoga workouts are good. According to the review the instructor is really good and provides really good instruction for beginners. Jan 19 will be here in no time! So exciting!

    Becky, great job with STS #27! You're so close to the end of the rotation! So glad you guys had a great time today celebrating your son's 10th bday! Good for you for being good about food today!
    What kind of a surface are you jumping on? What type of sneakers are you wearing? I was jumping on a concrete floor and hurt my feet. On top of that I was using running sneakers which were not good for jumping. After a while I did my jumping on a trampoline in order to protect my feet. Once you build your leg muscles your knees will behave better for you though. Eventually you'll be able to do the plyo moves.
    Glad you found a description for the UFC program. BTW, I bought it through Amazon for $35

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    We had a very nice Christmas, and we just got back from my parents yesterday. Hopefully I will be able to get in some of the the new Strong and Sweaty workouts after I get some work things done. I did get a couple of additional workouts for Christmas. I got KCM's Strength and Stamina, and RIPT90 system. So now I have to figure out what I want to do for a rotation at the beginning of the year. ;) I broke my glasses, so that means that I need to get in to see the eye doctor soon. Not fun having tape on your glasses, really makes me look like a dork. :D I will probably be wearing my contacts a lot more than I usually do, but will have to not wear them during exercise. The nose piece broke, so it is really annoying on the nose.

    Laurel, Hope that you are enjoying the new workouts. It will be like a little bonus for finishing up the P90X2 workouts. I think that I will try the Bootcamp one today.

    Thelma, Glad that you are enjoying those UFC Fit workouts, you are making me want to try them out again. Dang I missed that sale on the KCM workouts, but Kelly is going to have all her DVD's on sale new years day. I'm hoping that I can get the ones that I want then.

    Becky, So great that you are almost finished with STS, great job. I think that I will be incorporating more yoga into my workout routine in 2017. I don't want to stop the flexibility gains that I had gotten with doing the yoga during my last rotation. I would say that my core is a lot stronger, but the cardio in this series is really not something that is awesome. Probably not going to be incorporating it into another rotation.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts. I think that we can start a new rotation in Feb, that way we can all try out our new workouts for a month. That way you will not be behind us.

    Have a great day!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi Ladies - Thursday was S & S Bootcamp, Friday was STS #28 (back/chest), yesterday was buckram yoga and today was STS #29 (plyo leg). The S & S bootcamp was really good - definitely like the 2 S & S workouts I have tried so far. Not sure why, but I liked today's plyo leg workout so much better than disk 26. Thelma - you have a point that I should look into using different shoes because the ones I wear are running shoes. The surface I am jumping on is carpet, and I prefer that when I have to jump (easier on my knee and hip joints). What shoes do you recommend over running shoes?

    Kids start back to school tomorrow and I start back on Friday (I know.....weird.....why a Friday?). It's been a great break and I have really enjoyed being off (I am SO ready to retire......come on 16 more years). :D

    Thelma - Thanks so much for the info on Kelley Coffee - I went to her site today and had 12 cds ready to order. I can't believe they are $10, but then I thought about all the money we spent for Christmas and our trip to Legoland. So, I didn't order any of her workouts. :'( But, I will definitely be looking into her 30 minute workouts in the future. I don't think I told you all, but I am starting a doctoral program in May, so I will need quick workouts when that starts.

    Laurie - That is great that you got some new workouts - I look forward to seeing what rotation you create with all of them. I hope your glasses are fixed by now....I started giggling thinking that you had white tape around the center of them like we see in Revenge of the Nerds movies. ;) That is great that you have more flexibility since, too. I need to look into getting the dvds you recommended since I can't always make it to the yoga classes. My hips are slowly opening up more. Today, with STS, I was FINALLY able to do the plie squat with grabbing the weight off the ground. I have not been able to open my hips up that much to grab the weight, and I know that yoga is the reason I was able to do this today.

    Hi Tami and Laurel - Happy New Year

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited January 2017
    Morning Ladies,

    Happy New Year to all of you! I did try one of the S&S workout, and it is the same one that Becky tried with Bootcamp. Really loved it, and will be trying to get in the others tried out as I go along. Yesterday I did KCM LIFT and UFC Fit Power Punch (Thelma inspired me on the one).

    We had some friends over on NYE, and my youngest gf told all of us that she had colon cancer. She is 51 years old. They caught it early, so she had her surgery yesterday. She will not have to go through any treatments. Since it is genetic, her daughter will have to start having test done when she is in her 40's.

    Becky, Great job on the workouts! Those STS plyo leg workouts are just different enough that they feel different. I think that one is the best of the four. Enjoy your time off before you have to head into work again. I'm off today, and will be headed into work tomorrow morning. I have been very bad about sleeping in late, and will have a hard time getting up at 4:30am tomorrow. So far my rotation will be KCM workouts for sure, I'm really still in a KCM mood. They are short, and I can make them longer by doing a premix. I will see what appeals to me at some point, or maybe someone will suggest a good one. KCM has her sale once a year for $10 each on New Years day, so it is a good time to save the $ up for that day.

    Have a wonderful day everyone,
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Happy New Year to all of you! I was sick last week and had to keep my workouts to easy ones. On Friday I did KCM 30MTF Cardio Quick Fix, Treadmill. The Cardio Quick Fix is a super easy workout but it felt like a plyo workout given I was sick. On Saturday I did 21 Day Cardio Fix as I felt a little better. I took Sunday off. Tonight I did RWH Lift Hiit it Legs. I'm definitely back to normal! Thank God! I have to tell you I was really mad at my SIL for getting me sick!

    Laurie, I'm glad you had a nice Christmas. Great workouts as always! Glad you decided to do a UFC Fit workout! I also have to figure out what rotation to do next as mine ends next week. Of course I feel like I have right now a million new DVDs to do between UFC Fit, 21 Day Fix, Strong and Sweaty and I ordered 7 (seven) KCM Workouts! I am also thinking of doing a KCM workout now that I will have 11 of her workouts! Great minds think alike! Thanks for letting us know of her $10 sale! Almost all of her DVD's were $10! For some reason I ended up getting her kettlebell workout. I'm not sure I want to keep it but I think I ordered it because she has a modifier doing the workout with a dumbbell. I may just go to TJMaxx or Marshall's and get a kettlebell from them. They always seem to have them. By the way, KCM has rotations on her website. I'll have to look at them closely to see how I can modify them to include the DVD's I have.
    I had to laugh at the thought of you walking around with tape on your glasses. It just sounded funny!
    I'm really sorry about your friend with the colon cancer. I'm glad they caught it early. I just lost a dear friend in the spring to colon cancer but hers was caught on stage 4 which is terminal. So sad!

    Becky, you're doing amazing with those workouts! I may try the S&S Bootcamp workout sometime this week. I'm glad dis #29 Plyo Legs was better for you! I can't recommend a shoe for you because I have wide, flat feet so I have different needs than someone who has arches! I am always trying to find a sneaker that fits my wide feet and it's not easy. I'm pretty much stuck with New Balance shoes. Right now I'm using these NB ugly walking sneakers which my feet like for workouts. There are all these cross training shoes available today but I don't like them because they don't provide the support and cushioning my feet need. What kind of floor do you have under the carpet? Hardwood? I had carpet and padding over the cement or concrete floor in our basement and that was bad for my feet. We had a raised floor built so the wood could bounce back and absorb my impact. We also bought a special floor which is used for dancing and high impact exercises. I've had it for about a year (or maybe more) and my feet are happy. YOu should research cross training shoes. It seems from what I read that Nike and Reebok have the best choices but they don't really have wide shoes for me. From what I could see online they wouldn't provide the cushion I need either. I would NOT recommend buying Ryka shoes. I bought a pair last year and those are the worse shoes I've ever had.
    Congrats on starting the doctoral program in May! Not sure how you do it all! You are definitely going to need short workouts. The KCM workouts are really awesome.

    Tami, you've been on FI-YAAAA!!! Amazing!
    Hi Laurel!

    Good night
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I did KCM's Muscle Up Lift 2B Fit Workout 2, and UFC Fit Cardio Cross Train. Really enjoying these workouts right now. Like Thelma, I have way to many new workouts to try out, and want to do them all. :D This morning I got up bright and early to take Rocket for a walk, and then down to the basement to do UFC Fit Power Pull. DH has a conference tonight, so I'm on my own. I'm probably going to try and get in some yoga tonight, since I will have the time.

    Thelma, Nice job on the workouts and being sick on top of that. I ordered 5 workouts from Kelly, so I have most of her workouts except for the two recent ones. I really love the kettlebell workout, and she does have a modifier that uses weights. They are very good at keeping the camera on everyone during the workout. One of the reasons I like the kettlebell workout, she doesn't do any complicated moves. I have tried Kelly's rotations before, and I'm kind of following her 2016 Winter Muscle Up rotation. It has a lot of weight work, and it is working really well with these UFC Fit workouts right now, since they have weights in them but it is more metabolic. The tape on the glasses was annoying, you could always see it in the corner of your eyes. I did get them fixed, so they are so much better now.

    Have a great day everyone,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Quick check-in but wanted to make sure to wish you all a belated Happy New Year! We have enjoyed a nice holiday season. Visited the in-laws, have played some golf, visited friends in Georgia and finally got to see the sunrise over the Atlantic. And, of course, we are slowly getting ready for the possible move. It is still tentative, but if DH does get a firm offer (it depends on a physical), they are looking at getting us there in March. I won't lie.....I am still struggling with this. But that's life I suppose.

    Anyhow, I have worked out all but two days since I last posted.....those two days being Christmas and the one in Georgia. I tried all the new Cathe workouts last week and really like them. None of them made me go 'wow! That was fantastic!' but I do like them for what they are and they are good solid tough workouts! Unfortunately, I tweaked my back a bit on Sunday doing LIHI Legs, so the past two days I have had to take it down a notch. But I am feeling nearly 100% again, so I will ramp it back up soon. Today's workout was Great Glutes followed by LIS Low Impact Challenge Extreme. I think one more day of low impact and I will be good to go.

    Tami, sorry to hear your DH wasn't feeling well over the holiday. Hopefully he is doing better now. But I am really glad you enjoyed your time off. Unscheduled time is SO nice!

    Thelma, sorry to hear you got sick! Illness just isn't a good gift to give on Christmas, and I am sorry your SIL decided to give it. But it sounds like you are better and chose the right workouts for you.

    Becky, sounds like you are enjoying the new Cathe workouts. Glad the second STS Plyo leg workout worked better for you. I like the ones better where she isn't constantly alternating between step heights and such. I don't remember which are which, but constantly changing equipment can really get on my nerves during a workout. I can't explain why, though! Regarding shoes.....I use cross training shoes. I am a fan of both Nike and New Balance. But I spend hours--even with those brands--making sure I choose the right shoes. But cross training shoes have the side-to-side support I like and a smoother bottom surface which I like, especially when doing step routines.

    Laurie, sorry to hear about your glasses! No fun. I am also very sorry to hear about your friend. 51 is young to have that type of cancer, but at least they found it early. I wish her nothing but the best and a full recovery. I admit I have felt a little lost without my X2 rotation! But, boy, have I noticed that core strength on the golf course! :o Good stuff. Looking forward to trying the new workouts again next week and trying to work them into something of a rotation.

    DH is home the rest of the week, but I will check in when I can!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi Ladies and Happy New Year!!! I had Friday – Monday off and had another nice stay-home mini vacation time. Took all the Christmas stuff down on Friday and cleaned, laundry, etc. so that I had the whole weekend. We had our friends that are going to Mexico with us over on New Years Eve; made it really fun to start talking and planning about the trip. :smile: I got in lots of workouts; took advantage of the time to sample out the new S&S workouts, which I am loving a lot. Finished up my STS rotation on Thursday/Friday!! Opted in a new S&S Total Body for STS Total Body on Friday; I thought there was more this week but there was an optional week and it is all XT. So I decided to do a few weeks of RWH, KCM and S&S before my trip on the 19th.

    Workouts Fri through the weekend: Fri, was S&S Total Body Giant Sets, Sat 21 DFX XTreme Power Strength followed by S&S Cardio Slam, Sun. S&S Ramped Up Upper Body, yesterday was RWH HiiT Circuit Lower Body + Core and tonight I will go to Insane-X.

    Becky: Fabulous job with your STS workouts! Yes, I did the S&S BootCamp last week and really enjoyed it. I think that was on Monday last week because I was OFF and couldn’t wait to rip into that stack of new DVD’S! LOL Definitely doable and not a dread factor at all there. Katy’s classes definitely prepare me for just about anything; so anything toned down even slightly feels perfect and lots of fun. I always enjoy Cathe’s BootCamp workouts. Let me know what you think once you do that one. I understand what you are saying on the PLYO hurting your knee/joints, that makes sense then if a workout has a lot of jumping they wouldn’t be your favorite forsure. It is so great to hear that STS is strengthing you everywhere though and it is helping with those issues as well. AWESOME to hear and I bet it feels really good too.

    Thelma: Great job with your workouts! Sounds like you are powering through and doing an excellent job. So happy to hear you have conquered your cold as well. YAY on the KCM workouts you bought! Which ones did you order? I have a handful now of them that I always look forward to and are a great burn; she alternates a lot of exercise including strength, cardio and KB, which makes time fly. I have seen her website with the rotations as well. A great option to try them and plug in others you don’t have. With 7 new ones that will be a big add-on to your collection though! Boy, so many workouts and not enough time to do them all. But the year is young! How fun.

    Laurie: Welcome back from the holidays! Sounds like you had a really nice time . . . minus your glasses breaking. Sorry to hear that. Do your contacts just bug you too much to wear all the time until you get into the eye doctor? YAY on purchasing Strength & Stamina – I really love that one of hers! In my top 3 forsure. Congrats on the RIPT90 system too. I don’t know that that one is. February sounds absolutely perfect to start something up with everyone who wants to.

    Laurel: Fantastic job with your workouts and I am not surprised you only missed 2 days during this entire time! Glad you are liking the new S&S workouts as well. I am anxious to do the Ramped Up Upper Body XTreme pre-mix for that one. I think that will be an excellent upper body workout. Many other pre-mixes to try as well. So far I have done all but the PHA workout. Looking forward to a rotation with everyone in February! Glad you have had a nice time with DH and family. Sorry about the upcoming move; sounds like it might really be happening and soon. I can totally understand your feelings and once you are in it, as you know you will make the very best of it. Talking yourself “off the ledge” of not wanting to go is the hard part right now though I am sure. :neutral:

    Hope you all have a great afternoon, I will talk to you tomorrow! Tami