Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited December 2016
    Morning Ladies,

    I have a half day today, so I need to get my work finished. Got in RWH HiiT Circuit Upper Body and 30MTF Shape Up Workout 1. I will have to remember that combo in the future, because it worked really well together. This morning was 30MTF Kickbox Workout 1. No workout today, so I'm going to do all the necessary things that I need to get done before Christmas. Need to get more supplies for cookies, and some presents for the DH.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, you really do some great combos. I really enjoy all those ICE workouts, and they are great for add-ons. Great job adding on a workout for steady state too. I will stay with the X2 workout for the next two weeks, I just needed a little break from that Tony guy. I figured that you would understand. Talking about cookies, my Mom always makes those snowball cookies, and they are delish. Glad to hear that your next batch turn out fine. I'm planning on making cut out's, fudge, and some chocolate chip (these are for church) this weekend. If I have time, I might get the raisin cookies done that DH loves. I'm so sorry to hear about your sisters friend, that is very young. Guess that is something that will get me off my butt to see a doc, have not been to see someone in a couple of years. I did have an ultrasound done on my heart when I had the anemia, but that was a few years ago.

    Tami, Glad to hear that spinning was fun and had a different feel to it. LOL about us missing our morning routine because we needed the sleep. My DH even took Rocket out for his morning walk, and it was really cold out. My DH avoids the cold weather if possible. He gets to park his car in an underground parking lot, so never really has to go out in the cold that often. Sounds like all of us are going to be off work for the holidays. I was in a meeting yesterday, and they asked if I would be online at some point. I told the finance person that I would be available to make necessary changes from home. :D The plant manager was very appreciative about that. That was very nice of that lady to do that for you, bet that coffee tasted extra good. :D

    Thelma, Nice job on your workout. Hot yoga, in a super hot atmosphere probably wouldn't be my cup of tea either. I would probably be sweating buckets! Ewwww I'm planning on checking out that vaca time today, so that I make sure I take all the time I can. :D

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Well, getting out of bed this morning was a challenge! Those rubbery legs from yesterday turned into sore legs over night. I stood up and just stopped in my tracks. DH looked at me all concerned asking if was okay. :) Took me forever to loosen them up....and even then it wasn't by much. But, of course, I got my workout in. Thankfully it was upper body focused. I started with X2 PAP Upper Body and then did PS Back, Biceps and Abs. This order of putting PAP first worked much better for me today than doing the workouts in the other order like I did on Monday. For cardio, I did RWH LI HiiT One and Two premix. Perfect on these sore legs!

    Tami, what a good day! And what a nice surprise to have somebody buy your coffee! I love that! Great news about the vacation time as well. All the cookies I sent with DH were gone within an hour!! I sent in something like 7 dozen cookies for 20 students!!!! :o I pictured something from Gremlins when he told me that. :p I guess they were good enough! Now I know why he didn't want me baking for all 140 of his students. We would be bankrupt. Thanks for your thoughts about my sister. It's a tough time for her, that's for sure.

    Thelma, great workout. I know Becky loves hot yoga, but I just don't see me enjoying it at the gym either. But I think that has more to do with my general aversion to gym workout classes than the heat. If I could duplicate it at home (and I probably could simply by turning the AC off in the summer :D ), I would probably try it because I have heard some fantastic things about it.

    Laurie, hope you get all the things done today you want. Sounds like a great workout this morning. Your baking plans sound fantastic!! Like you, I don't often see a doctor. I probably should more regularly, especially being over 50.

    Becky, hope you are well!

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. We had yet another busy weekend. Went to NH to see some friends on Saturday and that was fun. Then I had to work this weekend and today was our usual get things ready for the week.
    On Friday I did Party Rockin' Step 2, on Saturday Flex Train and today I took off. We're expecting snow tonight. Just a couple of inches but timing is everything! It will be happening during the morning's commute! YIKES!
    I'm liking the new rotation so far. I decided to order a workout program called UFC Fit. It looked like fun. I hope the DVD's work because some reviewers had problems with them. Anyway the workouts looked like fun and seem doable!

    Great workouts Laurie! I hope you got your priorities straight at work and looked into your vacation time status! LOL. I understand that the yoga studio has to be warm but hot yoga would be like a long, self induced hot flash to me! I would go into serious panic mode.

    Laurel, great workouts! I had to go back to see what workouts you did to get your legs all stiff. OMG! No wonder you were all stiff! You really killed your legs the day before!
    I definitely feel totally self conscious about my body and dread the thought of being next to all those skinny women who usually attend those yoga classes. The super hot studio was the part that totally made me decide to pass on the class. I have found a yoga studio in the town next to ours that offers an initial assessment session for newbies. They assess your Flexibility, Core Strength, 6 Movements of the Spine (?), Balance, Mind/Body Connection, Deep Breathing Skills. This is a private session. Seems that it would be helpful for an expert to tell you what kind of class you need. We'll see if I can drag myself there while I'm off!

    Hi Tami & Becky!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited December 2016
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a really nice, but busy weekend. Got all the cookies that I had planned on making done. On Saturday I did Yoga for the Warrior again. <3 Sunday was PAP Lower Body, and then I followed that up with 30MTF Lean Body Circuit 1. This morning was 30MTF Train Like a Contender 1. We had snow that started on Saturday evening, and didn't end until Sunday evening. The good thing is that is was a light snow, so we only got about 9 inches. ;)

    Laurel, OH MY on your legs! I have had that feeling before, but didn't do anything close to the workouts that you did. When my legs have felt like that, it is hard to get up and down our steps. :D Hope that the legs where recovered enough for you Sunday workout. Awesome job on the upper body work, and doing a workout that got your legs loose.

    Thelma, Great job on your workouts! I have the UFC Fit workouts, and I have had no problems with them playing. I really enjoy those workouts, and will probably do some of them during the holidays. That is the same feeling I would have with the hot yoga, it is bad enough when those hot flashes come on. I don't need to walk into the hot, and then try to workout. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all had a nice weekend. Ours was busy with Christmas stuff.....but it was nice. I took Saturday off from my workouts, which my body needed! So I felt much better yesterday when I started up again X2 PAP Lower. I will say one thing about these PAP workouts....they fly by! I followed it with Kick Max, which worked those legs a little more. Today's workouts was PAP Upper followed by the Chest, Shoulder and Tricep from LIS Trisets. This was a great upper body combo. For cardio, I did the IMAX Extreme workout from Cathe's Terminator DVD. Good stuff.

    Thelma, great workouts this weekend! Glad you are enjoying the rotation. The workouts included are such fun workouts. That individual yoga evaluation sounds fantastic. I would go for something like that....if for no other reason than to get the best out of my at-home yoga routines. I hope you didn't get hit too hard by the show during the morning rush hour. No fun! Don't miss those days at all.

    Laurie, great workouts! My legs were pretty well recovered for yesterday's workout, which was good. But I was feeling the effects of Thursday's workout all through Saturday!! I loved the PAP Lower/ICE Chiseled Lower combo.....but I don't think I will be doing it again. Yikes on the 'light' snow. :o We had rain. I like that rain doesn't need to be shoveled. ;)

    Tami and Becky, hope you had a good weekend!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    HI Ladies and Happy Monday! Weekend was good, busy but good. We did get our tree up yesterday which is great! Just in time it feels like. LOL We had continuous snow and cold weather all weekend; maybe a foot on the ground now. Workouts have been: Friday my workout was X10 + CrossFire Tabatas, fun combo again! Friday evening we went to a Christmas Party (client’s business) and it was nice. We only stayed for an hour or so. Saturday I did STS Back/Bi’s + Muscle Meltdown Back and yesterday was STS Chest/Shoulders/Tri’s + Muscle Meltdown Shoulders. Today will be BootCamp after work.

    Thelma: Great job with your workouts! Sounds like you have gotten right back into your routine of workouts since your Aunt’s left. Good for you and I bet you are feeling better in doing so. Congrats on the new workouts your ordered! You’ll have to let us know how you like them. Hopefully you will be able to check out one of those Yoga classes while you are off. You might really enjoy it!

    Laurie: Sounds like you are getting all ready with your baking! That is so great and I bet it felt good to get done. Nice job with the workouts as well! Can’t go wrong with Lean Body Circuit forsure, good choice for your follow-up! Is Rocket enjoying your new snow? Emma has a hard time in it but loves it. Bernie loves it too. So funny to watch them, minus when Emma slips.

    Laurel: Sounds like you had really hit those legs hard the other day …. YOWSA. Glad they recovered enough after your break on Saturday for more though. Sounds like you have had some more intense combos! Love it about the cookies all being gone. I am sure they could have all been broken on a plate and flat as pancakes, they would still be eaten by the kids. I was watching that Miami Dolphins football game with DH and it was a torrential downpour, was your rain that bad? YIKES You’re right, no shoveling rain. DH has had the snow blower out like 3 times already.

    Hi Becky - hope you are doing well and meeting those wonderful daily goals you set for yourself! :wink:

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon/evening ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did X10 Low Impact, RWH Chest, Shoulders, Triceps. I love this RWH workout! We got about 2-3 inches of snow overnight. By the time I left home at about 7am it had already switched over to rain. It wasn't bad at all. I'll have to be very careful tomorrow morning because it will be icy.

    Laurie, really good workouts this weekend! Good job on finishing baking your Christmas cookies! I hope my UFC Fit DVD's are all in good condition given that it is a new set.

    Laurel, great workouts! I'm glad you had a nice weekend and that you've gotten your legs back!! The yoga assessment sounds really good. I'll keep it in mind for sure.

    Tami, awesome workouts!!! I am glad I've been able to get myself into a workout routine again. I'll definitely let you know how I like the UFC fit workouts! I hope I can get myself to do one of those yoga classes!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was PAP Upper Body, and it felt way better doing this workout today than it did last week. I think I really did need that break from Tony. This morning was HiiT 30/30 and RWH Bonus Abs #1.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, really sounds like you found a great combo to compliment the upper body. Hope you are able to get in the yoga this week. ;) I think if you combined RWH HiiT Circuit Lower Body, you would probably have that same feeling that you got with the ICE workout. I knew, after doing that workout last week, that it wouldn't be a good combo to try. I wouldn't be able to get out of bed with that one. :D Combining that workout with the kickboxing was a great way to compliment that workout. Now that we got our snow, the cold has decided to settle in. Single digits this morning, and then they are saying that more snow is on the way. :p I love the way the snow looks, but after Christmas it can go away. :D

    Tami, Awesome workouts, and some great combos. It appears that you had the same type of weather that we had. Rocket loves the snow, but isn't a big fan of this cold. He runs around in circles, and just makes me laugh. I love that Emma likes going out in the snow too, just to bad that she is slipping around. Not to steady on her feet at her age. ;) Nice that you where able to go to a Christmas party, tis the season.

    Thelma, Nice job on the workouts, I agree with you on the RWH weight work. One of the reasons why I did the ab work from that series this morning, is because it is one of the few that she does some standing work. Hope your drive in to work this morning was not to bad. Only one accident for me to get through this morning, and we didn't even have ice on the roads.

    Becky, Hope your week is going well.

    Have a great day!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good morning ladies - students are taking a final exam, so I am wanting to catch up with all the fantastic workouts you have been doing. Since my last post, I have completed STS disks 19, 20 and 21, done some yoga and a ton of walking. Two days ago, I did the ICE MishMosh #2 from bootcamp dvd (it includes bicep workout and is 71 minutes long). I almost stopped half way through because I had done STS legs the day before. I was so tired, but I pushed through. It was a great workout that really pushed me. People at work are starting to see changes in my body and making some very nice compliments. I talked to my husband about getting more weights and also purchasing a stand that can hold all the weights. He's on board with it. Just need to start looking for deals on this.

    Laurie - you are such a rebel! I can't believe you varied from your rotation. HA! :D Fantastic job on all the workouts you have been doing. Sometimes a break from rotations are needed. Sounds like you have been busy making cookies, too. Are you sneaking bites of them? ;) The snow fall sounds beautiful and wonderful; I am hoping to take my kids up north to see some snow. My daughter has never been in snow before.

    Thelma - Wonderful job with your workouts. I am glad to see that you are liking the new rotation and ordered a new workout. I hope you enjoy the new dvd set. I am so jealous that you, Laurie and Tami get snow......I miss living in it. Some folks definitely don't like the hot yoga.....I love it. I am surprised, too, because I hate the heat here in Phx. I was miserable the first time I tried it, but my mental state the next day was so awesome, that I have been going back for a year. I now look forward to the sweat sessions because I know how I will feel later.

    Tami - As always, amazing job on your workouts. Your Insane x and spinning classes sound like they really pushed you - that is great. Your work schedule sounds great! Enjoy the time off. That is so cool that someone bought your coffee.....I love it when people do nice things for others. I have been keeping up with most of my goals I set.

    Laurel - Amazing job with your workouts that you are doing on top of the PAP ones. WOW! Your leg workout sounded wonderful, and it sounds like you REALLY felt it the next day. Fab job! You'll probably be sore into the New Year. ;) Thanks for the info on Plyo and PAP.

    Have a great rest of the day.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was supposed to be X2 Yoga. Sigh. Sorry, Laurie!! One of these days I will be feeling yoga again. But it just isn't happening right now. Anyhow, I pulled out some oldies instead. I think I am craving something different, which makes this great timing for new Cathe workouts....which, hopefully, we will see soon. Anyhow, I did Cathe's Pyramid Lower Body and the stability ball core work from Butts and Guts. For cardio, I did Low Max. It has probably been a year since I did any of those workouts, so it all felt fun today.

    Tami, wow on the snow! That seems like a lot for you this time of year. I bet it feels like Christmas, though, with you tree up now. We watched the Dolphins game as well, and, yes, we had the same kind of rain! Unfortunately it has now turned warm (mid-80s), so the humidity is through the roof. But, boy, did we need that rain! Anyhow, great workouts this weekend. Love that you added Muscle Meltdowns to STS! :o Amazing!

    Thelma, hope it wasn't too icy this morning. I am not a fan of snow turning to rain, that's for sure. Great workout combo yesterday! Love both those workouts.

    Laurie, um.....about the yoga. B) What can I say? I think I will blame it on Christmas cookies. I am trying so hard not to eat what I am baking, but I am trying new recipes. So before giving it away, I need at least a sample, right? (That's my excuse and I am sticking with it o:) ). Anyhow, that has me feeling like I am eating more then I need to, which means I want to workout harder. So my patience for yoga just isn't there right now. Hopefully I can get back with it in some form because it really does make my body feel good. I just need to stop eating cookies!! Anyhow, glad you enjoyed the PAP Upper better this week. Since we have pushed through this rotation without taking any break weeks, I don't doubt a break from Tony felt good. That might be part of my yoga situation as well. Stay warm!! Those are some cold temps! Memories of our winters in Alaska come to mind......yep, I am fine with the heat and humidity right now.

    Becky, sounds like you are moving right through STS. Fantastic that people are beginning to notice the changes. That is always such a great feeling. I haven't tried that ICE BC Mishmosh premix. I will have to look for that. That Bootcamp workout is pretty tough! I love that one. Yay for new workout equipment!!

    Until tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Very similar format last night for BootCamp except she did it in a pyramid style. So 5 exercises, then repeat going back down the ladder. Included Bi’s Legs and Abs ….. of course with some cardio bursts. STS Legs this a.m. and then tonight will be Insane X.

    Thelma: Great job with your combo last night, sounds perfect! Hopefully your commute this a.m. was not too icy. Our roads were a little icy this a.m. We have very cold temps now so all that snow is compacted down to “shiny” roads in spots.

    Laurie: Yes, our weather pattern sounds very similar again. Tomorrow is supposed to be “1” degree and highs in the teens through the weekend. BRRRRRRRR What a great combo you got in this a.m. way to go! It is great to see Emma enjoy it outside and the cold doesn’t bother her at all. Although we don’t like leaving her out all day at her age; Bernie either. It is so sad she is unsteady but again, we are enjoying every time and season we have with her right now and just keeping our eyes on her. :smile:

    Becky: Fantastic job getting through your STS!! So glad you are getting such positive feedback from people as well. That really makes your hard work worth it; I know that I don’t really notice changes, etc. most of the time unless my clothes fit different. But when someone gives me a compliment I think, OH, OK, this is working! LOL That is so awesome your hubby is on board with the weights!! YAY

    Laurel: Sounds like some action packed workouts vs. Yoga and as you said, just what you were wanting. I totally can relate to that! Great combo you put together again. It does seem like a lot of snow for us right now, but you just never know this time of year. Now that we have single digits and barely into the teens for a while it will be here for a while. Which is fine, makes it Christmas-ey forsure! WOWSA on that rain storm. I couldn’t believe how hard it was raining, but glad you guys needed it.. Thank you for the kudos on the “add-ons” of MM, I really love adding on that extra bonus work if I can; definitely feel it after that!

    Hope you ladies have a great evening ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT Lower Body Blast. WOW! I can't believe I did the entire thing! When I first started I started to have doubts that I was going to have time or desire to finish it. So I thought about doing a timesaver and talk myself into playing the entire workout thinking that I would stop it in the middle if I didn't want to finish but I kept going till the end and loved it. The only thing I did on the floor were those jump ups onto the step. Those scare the life out of me. So glad I finished the workout! I still have DOMS from yesterday's WRH Chest/Shoulders/Triceps, not as bad as last week's DOMS when I did this workout for the first time in forever though.
    Thankfully I didn't have an icy commute this morning! Now we're bracing for the polar vortex at Thursday and Friday! We'll go from single digits with negative windshields on Friday to 41 degrees on Saturday and 50 on Sunday!

    Laurie, glad you felt better about the PAP Upper body workout after you gave yourself a break from Tony! Great job this morning! I like that RWH Bonus Aba #1 workout! Thank God I didn't have to deal with any accidents this morning but had to deal with a woman texting and driving in front of me on the fast lane doing 40. My blood was boiling and kept honking the horn until she stopped and drove faster. Then I passed her and gave her the evil eye! LOL

    Becky, good to hear from you! WOW I can't believe you already finished disks 19, 20 and 21!!! Congrats! I have yet to do that RWH bootcamp workout. I'm scared! I can't believe you did the 71 minute premix! Good for you for pushing through! So glad people are noticing the new and improved you! I told you you'd be needing heavier weights! I finally ran of of floor space for my dumbbells and decided to invest in the BowFlex dumbbells. Got a nice deal through
    I really am enjoying this rotation. If you decide to get the XTrain program you can remember that I have this rotation! I don't do well in hot rooms and it sounds like these yoga studios are pretty hot. I understand a yoga studio needs to be warm but so hot that you end drenched in sweat from a yoga workout has to be really hot. I really wish I knew someone in my town who'd want to drag me into that hot studio!

    Laurel, great combo today! Sounds like you needed a break from Tony. Ok just an excuse to skip the yoga workout! LOL. It cracks me up because we always do hard workouts and when a yoga workouts makes a guest appearance in a rotation it doesn't feel like a workout! Maybe you should turn the AC off and do the yoga workout so you can sweat big time! Snow turning to rain sure is scary! Thankfully it wasn't bad and the snow we got wasn't much.

    Tami, great workouts! Sounds like you survived another Katy the killer workout! I forgot to comment on the person who bought you coffee the other day. So nice!
    Sounds like you got a lot of snow! It doesn't look like we'll have a white Christmas around here. I'm glad Emma still enjoys playing in the snow! Do you leave them outside all day even in the winter? I remember you said you have heated beds for them?

    3 more work days left this year for me. OK I'll probably do some work while I'm on vacation but at least I don't have to go to the office.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did Kristen McGee's Power Yoga, that one is another favorite of mine. This morning was 30MTF Bootcamp 1.

    Becky, Awesome job on the workouts, and pushing through the bootcamp workout when it was getting tough. Congrats on getting those compliments from the people at work, and of course having the DH on board for you getting some new equipment. My DH never really says anything, if he does it is to make fun of me. :D Oh, I think that Tony would actually love me to be a rebel, so maybe by jumping off the rotation for two workouts would be something he would like. :D Oh I have been taking plenty of bites from the cookies, and probably way to many. They are so good. Snow is very pretty, and when your dd gets a chance to see it, I'm sure that she will love it. These cold temps are the thing that I don't enjoy, and apparently Rocket isn't a big fan either. I am contemplating getting him some booties, but don't know how he will like them on his feet. He loves his morning walk, but his feet are more pink and the black.

    Laurel, LOL about the yoga, you are forgiven. Since I skipped those PAP workouts last week, I totally understand you not wanting to do the yoga. I tend to avoid them, and so far they are something that I know I really need to do. Love your workouts, and Low Max is one that I was thinking of pulling out too. I have not done that one in a while, and it really is a fun tough workout. You really do need to do taste testing, how are you to know if they are good enough to give to people. I know that the chocolate chip cookies, I made for church last weekend, needed to be tested a couple of times before I would allow them to leave the house. :D I don't blame you for enjoying your FL weather right now, it was really cold this morning and we are suppose to be getting double digit wind chills this week.

    Tami, Nice job on the workout, and your class. I really enjoy doing workouts that are pyramid style, they are a good change of pace. Like I told Becky, Rocket doesn't seem to like the really cold that we are having now. He doesn't mind the snow, but he is lifting his paws up when he is going potty. When he is done outside, he comes racing to the house. :D I totally understand the Emma situation that you have, we had that with Cami also. Have to admit that this Christmas season has been hard not having her around. She was just such a great dog.

    Thelma, Great job getting through that leg workout. Those type of workouts, Cathe always makes your legs scream. Those type of drivers make me crazy. I was behind a woman that must have been looking at her phone, she almost went into the other lane of traffic. Good thing that she bounced off the concrete median, otherwise she would have. She didn't even stop to see if she wrecked her wheel. Glad to hear that you had that evil eye ready, hope she learned a lesson. Probably not, but one can hope.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had a bit of a disjointed workout today, but it was good nevertheless. I was tired this morning, though, because I spent hours yesterday getting all the cookie packages together for DH to take to the school today. I started after my post yesterday and didn't finish until dinner! Lots of time on my feet doing that. Anyhow, so I am finally sitting eating dinner contemplating some wine when DH suggests making more cookies last night for a package he wanted to send out today! So back into the kitchen I went until 9:00pm, when I settled for a cup of tea (and a warm cinnamon coffee cookie!) before heading to bed. So I was a little slow on getting to things this morning. But I did Pyramid Upper Body, which felt great.

    Then, in the two minute break in between workouts, DH called. And he has been offered a Germany. :o It is a tentative offer right now because he has to go through a physical and all that. But......I don't quite know what to say about it. On one hand....yay!! On the other hand......really? We will keep the house here and such, so it won't be a full move. And I will probably spend 30-40% of my time here, so I don't have that feeling of being completely uprooted. And it is back to where we spent 7 years in Germany, so, in many ways, it is going home since that is the longest period of time we have lived anywhere since we were married. But there is so much to think about!! So, in typical avoidance mode, I went and popped in a fun workout.....Rock'm Sock'm with the Blizzard Blast. Where would I be in life without the sweet comfort and familiarity of my workouts? Anyhow, with the holidays, it will probably be several weeks before we hear about an official job offer.

    Tami, sounds like a great BC class! Yikes on the temperatures!! The cold spell that has you all near zero is barely going to reach us. Our high tomorrow when it hits is supposed to be 73. Then back into the 80s! Crazy.

    Thelma, great job with that workout! That is a tough one, and I always feel it in my legs the day after. Such good variety in the moves, and I love the pacing of the whole workout. Good stuff! Texting and driving is such a pet peeve of mine! People are scary dangerous doing that. I just don't get it. Stay warm!

    Laurie, good job with the yoga!! I was actually contemplating yoga today because my legs are feeling that Pyramid Lower Body workout from yesterday. But, of course, the wheels fell off my day with DH's call. Maybe next week.....Poor Rocket's paws in that cold! I am with you on multiple tastings of cookies.....just to be sure they are okay! ;)

    Becky, hope you are well.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Brutal class last night. So warm-up was 400 meters on Cardio Equipment + 100 Jumping Jacks then we did rounds of Squats, Push-Ups, Sit-Ups and Tri-Set Dips (2 sets of 10), ok this is all fine and dandy then we moved into: 22 KB Swings + 22 Box Jumps, Run 400 meters or 10 Suicides + 22 Burpees, 22 Wall Balls – Repeat 4 TIMES; cool Down was Planks, Bicycles and Leg Lifts.
    Horrible night sleep last night, :neutral::neutral: so I did not get up in time this a.m. for my STS workout so tonight I will head to Spinning.

    Thelma: Great job with XT Lower Body Blast, such a fun one and congrats on completing the whole workout! Awesome stuff pushing through. Sounds like you are also getting those icy temps like we have. BRRR stay warm. Yes, Emma stays in the house during the day now and DH will go home and check on her since his job is out and about all day anyway, making office calls and appts. So that works. She has a tendency to get off the deck and then thinks she cant get back up; so sad. When we have left her out and come home she stands below the steps looking up like she can’t. Once you coax her she is fine, but if she was out there all day doing that in 1 degree or below it would not be good. So we just make it work having her in now. Bernie is in when we are home in the evening and today DH is letting him in early because he will make it a point to be home to let him in. Otherwise he has a heated bed in his dog house on our covered porch. So he is not cold (as DH says to me) but I do worry and he is in at nighttime too.

    Laurie: Yay on the Power Yoga last night and BC this .m. Way to go!! Thanks for the kudos on the BC class. Sounds like Rocket would like the booties maybe once he got used to them. We have thought about those for Emma just due to her slipping. Might make her nervous though. SIGH …. As you can relate, it is super hard to watch them age. I am sure you miss sweet Cami a lot right now. They are our family.

    Laurel: or should I say Betty Crocker! WOW, sounds like a long day of baking and then the bonus round after you thought your were done! So thoughtful of you and I know his students will absolutely love them. I am proud of you for taste testing along the way, you deserve it! What amazing news on the Germany offer! I bet you are definitely torn on how to feel about it. What a decision. I am glad you would have the opportunity to keep the house in Florida and be there part of the time as well, I am sure that feels good. How does your DH feel about it? Great job moving right into the workout, I think I would have done the same thing. Just checked out and sweat it out! LOL Enjoy those temps for me. Freezing here.

    Becky, hope you are having a good week :wink:

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi ladies! My UFC-Fit workouts came today and my rotation called for Rockout Knockout so perfect timing! I did the first workout on the schedule which was Power Punch. It wasn't a hard workout and there really wasn't a lot of punching as the name implies by the end of the workout it got a little harder which was good. I like the fact that Mike Dolce shows you the move before the routine starts. There were 8 rounds with 3 exercises each which get repeated twice per round. I believe each move lasts 30 seconds. I would say it was more of a total body workout and I liked that he had ab work in most of the rounds. I think this workout would be considered easy compared to a Cathe workout.
    My legs are feeling the XT Lower Body Blast workout. I'm really feeling it in my inner thighs which I love! Tonight's workout definitely hit the legs so I'm definitely feeling DOMS.

    Laurie, great workouts and good job on the yoga workout! I seriously doubt that woman who was texting and driving learned her lesson.

    Laurel, great workouts! Sounds like you had quite a bakeathon! Where do I place my cookie order? LOL
    OMG on your possible move to Germany! What a surprise! Best of luck with that decision! Texting and driving is also a pet peeve of mine. It is scary specially when you see one of them through the rear view mirror!

    Tami, OMG I was tired reading what you had to do in that killer class. It definitely sounds like a brutal class!
    I'm glad you leave Emma inside the house now that she's older. Could Bernie get frostbite even it he is inside his house with the heated bed?? I would be very worried about leaving an animal outside with those cold temps. Of course I'd feel horrible about leaving a dog in a crate!

    2 more days at work. I'll be finishing up that dreaded course during my time off :( Next week I have a hair cut appointment and will go get my eyes checked for a new prescription.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Today is my Friday, since I'm using up some of my vacation time. :D Last night I did an older workout that I have not done in quite a while. I did Step Heat! It isn't a difficult workout, so doable for me. :D I'm surprised that I actually wanted to do a step workout, but lately it has it's appeal. This morning Rocket and I didn't go for our usual walk, it was below zero, so I figured it wasn't a good idea for him to endure that cold. My workout this morning was 30MTF Cardio Quick Fix 2.

    Laurel, The possibility of moving again would make me freak! I'm sure in a way you where feeling that same emotion at the time of that phone call. It will be nice to enjoy the holidays before the job offer would be official. Great job with your workouts, and punching your way through all the things that have to be on your mind right now. I don't blame you for missing the yoga workout, your choice was perfect. Since next week is our last week on this rotation, you probably will need the yoga after all the upper/lower work you have been doing this week. :D I know how those long days baking, and being on your feet feel like. I have done that, and it really is amazing how your legs/feet feel when you finally get to sit down. My little treat to myself on those type of days, is a little Bailey's Irish Cream over ice. Just seems to hit the spot. B)

    Tami, Great job getting through that class. Sounds like a really tough one. So sorry that you didn't have a good sleep, you and Laurel seemed to be overworking those legs. I noticed that if I do a tough leg workout, that night my legs are really hurting, and I have trouble sleeping. I might have to break down and get him the booties, that would probably be a trip to the store to try them on. I just wonder if they would come off when he ventures into the deep snowbanks. Then I would have to be searching for those things in the snow. :D It is worth a try, because he really does love to go for his walk. He was looking at me this morning, and probably wondering why we didn't go out.

    Thelma, Congrats on your UFC Fit arriving, and of course trying out the workout. That is the same feeling I had about the Power Punch, but it turned out to be a good workout in the end. You reminded me that I need to make an appointment for my eye exam. Need to get that done before the end of the year.

    Becky, Hope your week is going great.

    Have a wonderful day,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I am so preoccupied today that I completely messed up the order of my workouts! Oh well. I still had a good workout. My plan was to do the warm-up for LIS Lower Body Trisets into X2 PAP Lower then back to Lower Body
    Trisets if I felt like it. But I was in autopilot and halfway through the first Triset before I realized I hadn't gone to my X2 workout! I persevered and did the Triset workout and then PAP Lower. I thought it might be too much on my legs, but they were fine so at least it ended up not being a bad option. For cardio, I did To The Max.

    Tami, sounds like a brutal class! Sorry to hear about the lack of sleep. I don't like that at all. My nights seem to be getting worse and worse because I seem to be getting more and more hot flashes. Only happens when I wake up...the rest of the day I am fine. But it the middle of the night.....I feel like I am generating nuclear power! Crazy. My DH is excited about the move. He has been wanting to go back overseas since before he left the Air Force, and I have been the one who has tapped the breaks on it. But there are only so many times you can look at somebody you love and say 'no' to something like this. So.....there you go. I know he has had just about enough of teaching, and I don't blame him. That really was the tipping point for me in finally saying okay. The job he will be going to is the electronics job like he had most the time he was in the AF. But now he will be a civilian working for the Army. But he loves doing that type of work. If it weren't for moving and leaving families and such.....I would be much more excited than I am right now. But I will get there. I always have.

    Thelma, sounds like a good sub for Rockout Knockout. I am glad you liked it. Like I said yesterday, that XT Cardio Leg workout always gives me DOMS. Sounds like I am not alone! I will bake you any cookies you want!! Love baking....but also love eating them too. So any cookie that is going out the door is a good cookie!

    Laurie, happy Friday for you!! That Step Heat workout was my second Cathe workout (ordered it and Power Max together back about 19 years ago!). I love that workout, even if it is seriously dated! Yep, 'freak' would be an adequate description. :# I think it will take me awhile to wrap my mind around moving (even partially) again. I think I am most concerned to tell my sisters. After everything we went through this year, we promised to see each other more often. I don't think going to Europe is what they had in mind! I am definitely waiting until after the holidays to tell them, though, because we are all having a hard enough time with this holiday without our mom. So I think that is part of my anxiety right now. Sigh. I feel a need to sample a cookie. And some Bailey's on ice! :p

    Until tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Spinning was a packed class last night despite the very cold temps. The room was freezing when we started but warmed up of course. We did all HILLS so it went by a little slower than the fast paced classes last couple of weeks but it was good. This a.m. was STS Back/Bis. No workout tonight.

    Thelma: Good job getting in your first UFC-Fit workout. Perfect timing just like you said. Sounds like it wasn’t overly challenging but good, that’s great! WOW only 2 more days of work for you, that’s awesome. I bet you are really looking forward to your break. Yes, Katy’s class was brutal forsure. YIKES I don’t think he can get frostbite with all that warmth going on; more when they have their paws exposed to the brittle cold and walking on it for a long time. Believe me, I worry enough for all of us about those 4-legged-kids of mine. That was why I slept so terrible a couple nights ago. OY. :neutral:

    Laurie: WOOHOO and Happy Friday to you!!! Great job getting in Step Heat, that is not one that I ever purchased over the years, but sounds like it was perfect for you last night. Good job with the Cardio Quick Fix 2 this a.m. and sorry about your temps, missing your walk … Rocket. I’m not sure what the bad sleep was about, but as I mentioned to Thelma, part of it was waking up because I could hear Emma up and about so I wake up immediately wondering if she is ok. The Dog Mom in me I guess. LOL

    Laurel: Great job with your workout this a.m. despite your mind wandering … you got it done in Laurel fashion!! Dang it on the hot flashes … I have had some of those here and there and it is not fun. You’re right, it feels like someone just turned up the torches right underneath me. Then a few minutes and I am fine. WEIRD
    I can’t even imagine the torn feelings you have and the timing of it, like you said for the move to Germany. But as you know, for your DH to be doing something he really enjoys and will love this job and you know what living in Germany is like it will be a wonderful experience I am sure. Good that you will have the US home in Florida; that piece for me would be so comforting to know you can go back and forth a little more freely and also visits to your sisters. How long would this job be for? As long as he wants or until retirement?

    Hi Becky :smile:

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did RWH Back, Biceps and Shoulders. I thought the temps were going to be very cold by the time I left work but it was 18 degrees and since I bundle up I didn't think that was cold. Tomorrow morning will be a different story so I have my long down coat ready to go! Tomorrow is my last work day this year. I know I will do some work while I'm home but that's OK. I don't mind that.
    Today was a very long at work and started out with me being nervous about presenting a project to my boss and it turned out he was very pleased with the work. It was a really good exercise for me to do and it will help improve our process.He even wants to show his boss this new process. We test software embedded in laboratory instruments so anything we can do to prevent bugs escaping into production is huge.

    Laurie, I can't believe you're finding step workouts appealing!! Must be Christmas miracle! LOL. Great workouts! Power Punch really turned out to be a good workout. I hope I like the other workouts too. Happy Friday!

    Laurel, that was another killer combo! Good for you. I would be preoccupied too if the possibility of moving to another country existed. I'm sure in your mind you're already thinking about what needs to be done in preparation for the move and of course telling your sisters the big news. I'm sure too you will eventually get excited about the move.
    You're so sweet for offering to bake me some cookies but I have to pass. I have seriously fallen off the good food wagon. I feel as big as a house so I hope to be better the next two weeks. Every year when my aunts are here I fall of the good food wagon and can't jump back on that wagon for a while.
    Laurel, those night sweats are the terrible cause you just don't sleep well. I think you should give the calcium, magnesium, zinc supplement. It really helps with those hot flashes. BTW, stress and sugary foods are triggers.

    Tami, not fun to start a workout in a freezing room! Great workouts!
    The UFC-Fit workout I did yesterday was definitely not overly challenging but something good for one of those days when you're not feeling too energetic.
    I really can't wait for Friday to end. I live for Saturdays so I can sleep in. I am looking forward to relaxing too. Life has been very stressful with the situation with our cats so I can understand how you're worried about your 4 legged kids.
    I subscribe to a lot of pet related epubs and tonight I got one called inter-cat aggression. How timely! I've been researching behavioral issues with cats and I know that we're doing a lot of the right things behaviorists recommend but this article had really good info and we will have to modify our strategy. It's a good thing we love our babies so much and we know that this situation can take months if not not years. Like our vet said we have to arm ourselves with lots of love and patience and those things we have.

    Hi Becky! I hope you're having a great family time!

    Good night ladies!!!