Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a great weekend. My aunts arrived on safely on Friday. We've had a pretty good weekend. Ended the weekend with few rounds of UNO with my aunts! LOL
    We seem to have made some good progress with our kitties. Still keeping them separated but at least they're not going crazy hissing and growling when they see each other during our supervised visits.
    I finally got to workout on Saturday and Sunday! YAAAY! On Saturday I did XT Supercuts and Spinning on Sunday.

    Laurel, great combo on Friday! I hope your DH had a wonderful Veterans Day!

    Becky, you're doing great with the STS rotation! Listen to your body when it's asking you for a break. Yoga is definitely good when you're tired and sore.

    Have a great week ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This is going to be super short, I've been really busy at work. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm doing fine, and keeping up with my workouts. I will try at some point to get online, but they have me hopping with end of year projects that need to get done.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all enjoyed the weekend. We did.....even bought a new car yesterday! :o Actually, we have been kicking this can down the road for a long time. Our 10 yo RAV4 has 140,000 miles on it, logged in places like Alaska, LA, Korea, DC, Colorado, FL and every place (almost) in between a few times. Time for her to rest. :'( We got a nice Maxda CX5 to replace pretty much the same vehicle with a different manufacturer....and 10 years newer! I really hate the car purchase process, but it is done now and DH has a safe, reliable car to get to and from work in now. That makes me happy. Looking forward to many new adventures in this car.

    I didn't take my usual Saturday off from working out since I skipped my yoga workout last week. So I started Saturday with Turbo Fire 45 to warm me up...and then did X2 Yoga, which felt great. Yesterday I started with the warm-up and opening push-ups from STS Disk 4 into X2 Chest, Back and Balance, which went much better for me this week. For cardio, I did Cathe's Greatest Hits workout. Today was a tough workout! I started with XT Burn Sets Bi's and Tri's and XT Core 1. Then, for cardio, I went with the same format as last week and did Insanity Max 30 Cardio Challenge into X2 Plyocide. This was a much tougher combo than last week's because that Insanity workout is much more cardiovascularly challenging. I was still catching my breath through the first half of Plyocide. But it felt good and I feel well worked out now.

    Becky, glad you got your yoga in and it felt good. Sounds like you will definitely benefit from the week off between Meso 1 and Meso 2 of STS. I think your plan for that week sounds very wise. Thank you for the Veteran's Day wishes for DH.

    Thelma, so happy to hear your aunts arrived safely and you are enjoying your time together. Great job getting workouts in this weekend with everything going on. Hope the kitties keep behaving!

    Laurie, thanks for checking in!! Hope things calm down for you soon!

    Tami, hope you have a great weekend!

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT Legs. I think I will continue with XT this week. The cats are still acting up but a lot less.

    Laurie, good to hear from you. Glad you're doing well.

    Laurel, congrats on the new car! Great workouts and wow! What a combo you did today! Great job!

    Hi Tami & Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. Today's workout started with XT Burn Sets Chest and Back. For cardio/legs, I did RWH Lower Body Circuit into ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast. Good stuff!

    Thelma, we are in the same wavelength with XT! Great workout. Hope your kitties keep getting better.

    Laurie, Tami and Becky, hope you are having a good week.

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi All - Sunday was not a scheduled workout day, so I did a lot of walking and cleaning. Yesterday, I decided to skip disk #11 (back/triceps) and do #12 (legs) instead. My back is still quite sore and I didn't want to hurt it. So, tomorrow I should be able to do #11. During the week off between Meso 1 and 2, I hope to fill in my days with yoga, walking, and cardio. Maybe I will get some swimming in, too. I am missing it.

    Laurel - Nice workouts this past weekend and today. Your Sat/Sun workouts sound intense and wonderful! Congrats on the new car. I hope you build new memories in it. :)

    Thelma - Great job on doing XT. That will probably be my next purchase (but I will wait until the New Year). :) So glad your aunts got into town....UNO is SO much that game.

    Laurie - glad you are doing well. I hope things calm down soon so that you can update us. :)

    Hi Tami - I hope all is well.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Hello Hello .... yes, I am alive and well. :smile: :smile:
    I was so trying to check in with you all yesterday but just never got the chance. The lady I help out in our Long Term Escrow Dept. was sick, and still is but she is here today so I was filling in and also trying to do my other department job. It was craziness! So needless to say, I missed you all. :neutral: Our internet isn’t working properly at home or I would have done it last night. So my 3-day weekend was very quiet. DH left to go fishing and is returning tomorrow evening. In the spirit of him being gone, Emma had a trip to the vet because that’s usually when those unexpected trips happen. LOL We were out in the yard on Friday afternoon and I was brushing her and just enjoying the beautiful sunshine and she started rolling on her back. Well I told you all how she has lots of those fatty tumors and this one in particular I have had my eye one because it is extra large. Picture a ping pong ball stuck to her back EWWW! Well it burst slightly from the pressure. She seemed fine, but I was horrified. So called the vet, we got right in and he ended up removing that one plus 3 others that were not as large but have been a little problem when she nicks them with her nail. So yes, she is doing really well but has big staples on her back from the incision and stitches on her head from the other 2. Poor girl. We will take her next weekend (Thanksgiving weekend) to have them removed.

    Emma is inside all day right now while she is a little fragile and the weather has turned very cold and rainy. So I went home last night instead of BootCamp plus home for lunch every day.

    Workouts: So Friday I decided on STS Total Body, Sat. Lift It Hiit It Legs + Abs, Sun. Meso 1 Chest/Shoulders/Bi’s + Blizzard Blast (this was a great combo) it was Disc 7 aka: “Push-Up Mania” LOL. No Volleyball due to an AAU Basketball Tournament and next weekend is our tourney. Yesterday I did my workout at home which was Cardio and I opted for Plyo HiiT One “Doubled Pre-mix”. Today is STS Legs (#9).

    Becky: Looks like you have a great plan in place for your REST week from STS next week! Since you are feeling those sore muscles the yoga and stretching will be perfect.

    Thelma: Sounds like a fun weekend with your aunts arriving and so happy to hear you were able to get in a couple workouts as well!! YAY and good that the cats are doing a little better. Hope that continues to improve.

    Laurie: Thanks for checking in with us . . . . sounds like we are both busy right now. Hang in there! Check back in when you can.

    Laurel: Fantastic job on your workouts! I can’t even name all of them that you have done but FABULOUS workouts as always. Congratulations on the new car, how exciting is that! Never a fun process once you are in the dealership, but glad it is done and onward and upward with many new miles with this one. Glad to hear you were able to celebrate with your DH on Veterans Day as well.

    I will check in tomorrow ladies ~ DH will be back tomorrow eve so I plan on going to Spinning after work. He will be the dog sitter for the evening. Not that I have minded by any means. Love that girl and Bernie too.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi Ladies, Chiseled Upper Body for me tonight. Great workout! We've had a setback with our scared kitty. Our boy was in a playful mood and chased her all around the house. Now she's all scared and growls at him when she sees him. I'm running out of ideas on what to do to fix these relationships. I think a trip to the vet for this little girl is next. Work is still busy. I was off on Monday but ended up working 1/2 day at home.

    I found a review on Core De Force. Laurie was right when she said they only do one side of the body. This coach Mike guy is following the program and has reviews for each of the workouts in the program.
    He offers this tip for the MMA Shred workout
    TIP: they do not seem to switch legs from dominate to non-dominant sides for each move and I think you really need to do that so suggest doing that in the second sequence.

    Laurel, what a great combo you did today! XT really felt like a good program to do these days. Of course today I felt like doing ICE! like you did! LOL

    Becky, good idea to take it easy now that your back is still sore. BTW I meant to say that your hamstrings may be tight the other day and I typed quads instead. Stretching (in my experience) after workouts is very important to prevent injury. XT will be a great addition to your workout DVD collection!
    UNO is really a fun game. We also have one called Phase 10 which is another fun and easy game and best of all you don't have to speak English to play it!

    Tami, awesome workouts! Oh my God! Poor Emma. I can understand why you were horrified! I would've been too! I'm glad Emma is recovering nicely!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I will try to catch up as much as possible. Have been keeping up with my P90X2 workouts. Sunday was Chest & Back, Monday was Plyocide, Yesterday was S90D Ultimate Ball followed that up with ICE Low Impact Sweat Blizzard Blast. This morning was one of the first mornings that I didn't feel like I needed to get to work early, and could get in a workout. I did a short yoga workout from Chris Freytag, it was the 10lb Slimdown Yoga. This is only 20 min., but I sure did enjoy it. I was in a lean mini workout last week, and had to devote the majority of my day to that. Besides the fact that we where having multiple machines breaking down, and some of them are over 20 years old. I'm having to go to people that I swear are e-bay type sellers. :o At some point the suppliers spares are going to be gone. Just one of my frustrations. :D It really felt good to do a morning workout, and I think that the yoga was perfect.

    Laurel, Great job on all your workouts! :D Have to say that I'm glad we opted for 4 weeks with these workouts vs. anything longer. ;) Congrats on the new car purchase! My vehicle has almost 180K miles on it, so I do understand your need for a new one. I'm going to see if I can get mine over 200K. :D

    Becky, Nice job on all your workouts. So sorry that you are having back issues. Your off week sounds like you will be getting in some workouts that you have not done in a while.

    Tami, Fabulous job getting in those workouts when you are so busy. Sounds like we are in the same situation when it comes to work. I have one person that needs to get a process lean certified by the beginning of Dec. I love it when people wait until the last minute to get things done. So sorry to hear about Emma, but glad to hear that she is doing so well afterwards. I was putting Rockets collar on him last night, and must have pinched some skin. Talk about feeling guilty. He was happy after I went out to play with him though. :D

    Thelma, Nice that you are getting your workouts in even though you have company. Glad to hear that your Aunts arrived safe. Sorry to hear about the cats not getting along though. I will have to check out that web page, I'm still wanting those workouts.

    Well I need to get back to work, so have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi Ladies! I started today with X2 Shoulders and Arms, which I really enjoy. It is definitely my favorite workout in this phase.....probably because there are no pull-ups, which dominate the other two strength workouts. :# For cardio, I did Cathe's LIS Low Impact Challenge Extreme premix. As you all know, this is my nemesis when it comes to step programs, but I felt like doing it today for some reason.....and really enjoyed it. :o . Go figure.

    Becky, glad you continue to listen to your body and do the workouts you feel like doing in the order that works best for you. I will admit that after my first rotation of STS, I changed the order of workouts when doing Meso 1. Cathe did the rotation--upper, upper, lower (if I remember correctly), and I always prefer upper, lower, upper. So do them how they feel best.

    Tami, good to see you! Wow, what a line-up of weekend workouts! Sounds fantastic. But poor Emma!!!! I hope she is okay, but that can't have been nice. And, yes, why is it these things happen once the DH is away? Drove me crazy all the time! DH could have just left the driveway and the heat would stop working (which actually did happen). He always laughed about it. My sense of humor at times was a bit delayed. B) Anyhow, I hope she is well.

    Thelma, great workout. I need to give that one another try. I think I have only done it 2 or 3 times, and I should give it more attention. That is so strange about your kitty! I think it may be wise to take her to the vet.....just to ask some questions if nothing else. Poor thing. And poor you trying to figure it out!! Thanks for the info on the Core de Force workouts.

    Laurie, sounds like a crazy time at work! No fun. But great job sticking with the workouts. If you are happy about this phase being only four weeks, you will be REALLY happy about the next phase being three!! :p Actually, I shouldn't say that because it isn't altogether true. This phase bothers me, like I said above, because of the pull-ups. I wish he had done more with weights, but I understand the philosophy behind it. The workouts next phase are about post-activation potentiation. Cathe did an article on that a couple years ago which really enlightened me on what Tony was attempting to accomplish. But twice a week for the workouts is hard for me. It isn't that they are bad workouts, though. But while I see improvements throughout the rest of the program, I also have never experienced anything substantive with the third phase. But maybe this time will be different!! About the car......we were trying so hard to keep our car longer. We wanted another 3-5 years out of it, but over the past couple of years, it just started nickel and dimeing us. Our other car is....well....what can I say? It is a beautiful and perfectly impractical sports car. B):D So we really need a reliable vehicle to travel and such. We toyed with getting rid of my car instead of the Toyota, but we both enjoy it too much!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ This a.m. was STS Back/Tri’s and since DH is home I will head to Spinning after work. I am sure Katy will comment on not seeing me the last couple of days. :neutral: We have some cold weather coming tonight and rest of week . . . plus it was rain & SNOW mix this a.m. Nothing stuck but we will see with the cold coming how it works out.

    Thelma: Great job getting in Chiseled Upper Body last night. I am sorry to here about your kitty having a setback with her fears. Maybe a vet can help. Yes, it was quite something with Emma and if DH had been home anyway he would have been freaked out. He doesn’t handle those kinds of things well at all. Thank you for the info on the Core de Force workouts.

    Laurie: Good to hear from you! Sounds like some craziness going on at work. I hope parts have been ordered and things are feeling a little more normal now for the remainder of the week. Sounds like your quick Yoga workout this a.m. was absolutely perfect, that’s great! I am glad you had the time to get it in. Thank you for the kudos on the workouts; feeling a little out of sorts and off my normal routine has been a challenge but I am glad I am pushing through the workouts.

    Laurel: Oh my favorite workout!!! Your nemesis and one that I have noted “DON’T DO” …. As you know! So once again, good on you for getting it done. I’ve just learned to not frustrate myself when I have so many other choices. That feeling we have talked about of “not succeeding” LOL It’s seriously like Murphy’s Law that when he leaves something happens. Usually with the dogs but sometimes with house stuff as well. The workouts have felt pretty good, like I told Laurie. I am such a “routine” person and having it a little out of whack has been different but now that DH is back it will help (at home). Next week I am filling in again for the same woman who is out for Thanksgiving. So fingers crossed.

    Becky: So did I read that have ordered the XT workouts? Sorry, it was probably a while back when I had missed a few days of posting. If so, congrats! It is a great program.

    Hope you ladies enjoy the rest of your day. Will talk to you tomorrow. Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, no workout for me tonight. I feel so fat! I've eaten a of Salvadoran food my aunt brought with her.
    I was lucky our vet was willing to squeeze us into her busy schedule tomorrow afternoon so I'll be taking Charmy in to make sure she is not sick.
    Wasn't Cathe going to have the new workout program ready in the fall? Now the intro price is good till the end of the month.

    Laurie, welcome back! OMG we had a manufacturing problem like what you're having with old parts and then the manufacturer retiring! No one else knew how to make this particular piece!

    Laurel and Tami great workouts!

    Hi Becky! I hope your back is feeling better!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work was Shoulders & Arms, and I followed that up with Barry's Bootcamp Booty Camp. The last workout is something that I've had for years, and it is only about 15 min. I'm going to do short add on after these weight workouts, and this one was perfect. Actually surprised that I'm feeling some booty soreness, since this really isn't a tough workout. :D This morning I did 30MTF Cardio Pump Workout 1.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts! You hit the nail on the head about this phase of the workouts for me also. The amount of pull-ups isn't my favorite thing, really never has been. I will get through this though, but like you would have liked some weight work. I have not previewed those workouts yet, but I think that doing them twice a week, for three weeks will be plenty. I really enjoy variety. Well now I think a sporty car is fun. Since we have collector cars, I can understand having it around.

    Tami, Nice job on the workouts. Hopefully Katy was nice to you, and didn't make you run more than everyone else for not being there. :D I think that when our workout schedules get busted up, because we have to be at work longer, can make us with rotation ADD stressed. This year I haven't been to bad about stressing over my workouts as much as I have done in the past.

    Thelma, Those Aunts of yours are making sure you eat properly! ;) Glad you where able to get Charmy in to see the vet. We will probably get the workouts before Christmas, because winter really doesn't start until the 21st. :o She usually squeaks these DVD's in before that date. It always surprises me that we have such old equipment. I understand why they have them, because they hardly ever break down and are now running for free on the books.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! My schedule is a little off today. I had a hair appointment scheduled and they called and asked if I could come in earlier. So I didn't get all of my workout in yet! But I did start with LIHI Legs followed by Rock'm Sock'm Knockout. I am going to do X2 Yoga--my scheduled workout--later today.

    Tami, yikes on the snow-ish stuff! Of course I say that and my sisters are cheering the possibility of snow in Colorado where they were still in the 70s last week and no snow yet all year. They are very concerned about how dry it is. Not good. Hope Katy didn't give you too hard a time!

    Thelma, isn't it funny how a slight change in eating can make you feel? But, no doubt, you are not fat!! But I understand the feeling. Hopefully you just enjoy all the good food from home while you have it. There is always time to get back on track. Hope the kitty appointment goes well. And, as Laurie said, Cathe's 'autumn' means 'Christmas'!

    Laurie, great workouts!! I must say all the pull-ups and push-ups do great things for my shoulders. But my 'dread' factor does go up a bit for these workouts. I'm just glad I have the fit tower now or else I think I would be really frustrated.

    Becky, hope you are having a good day!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ REST Day for me today. Only because I didn’t get up this a.m. and caught some extra zzzzzzzzzz’s. Last night’ Spinning class was a really good one. Katy did not say a word to me, not even hello! LOL So at least she didn’t call me out in front of the class asking where I have been. Other “regulars” asked me where I have been however and it was nice to be missed.

    Thelma: I know how that feels when you are off your eating even for a day or two with entirely different types of food and how it makes you feel. Don’t worry though and enjoy your time with your Aunts. Hope the vet appt goes well. Keep us posted. Yes, Cathe’s new program did say FALL for release. I have been anxious to hear “when” that might be.

    Laurie: Great job getting in X2 Shoulder & Arms along with “Booty Camp” – love it! Great idea adding in some short 15-min bursts after your weight workout. That is what I try to do when I can with the Blizzard Blasts. Not that STS allows for a lot of extra time, but when I can I love to do that. As I mentioned above, Katy was good. No extra peddling or running punishment, thank goodness. I guess they played dodgeball in the gym instead of running at the end of Insanity the other night. I would have loved that. Very fun! I can absolutely relate to the Rotation ADD Stress and thank you for understanding that feeling! LOL I do try to give myself a break and know that I am still doing plenty for my body. This a.m. for example after not getting up was one of those moments. {SIGH} :neutral:

    Laurel: YAY on getting your hair prettied up! Your first couple of workouts were amazing and I am sure you enjoyed your X2 Yoga later today as well. Yikes is right on the snow-ish stuff. It feels like snow outside today so it is coming. One of the passes received a bunch of snow I guess. We are headed to Chelan this Saturday a.m. for my Grandma’s service. I did make the decision that just attending, visiting and then leaving in the afternoon was perfect for me. I can play in my volleyball tourn on Sunday and let the sads kind of shake off of me vs a full weekend of just that. DH is great with either but I am sure he is happy I decided on this plan so he has a day as well after being gone again.

    Hi Becky ~ Hope you are having a great week and meeting your awesome daily goals!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow, Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi ladies, not workout again! YIKES! The fat feeling continues and I ate too much today AGAIN!! This happens every year when my aunts are here!
    We got home late from the vet. It was an all afternoon affair. We left the house at 1PM and got home after 5PM. Then we had to bathe Charmy cause she did something she's never done before. She peed in the carrier on the way to the vet. I think she had to pee before we left and she was so scared that she couldn't hold it in. She was so good with the bath! The vet didn't find anything wrong with Charmy. She was very scared though so the doctor thinks she is one very traumatized kitty. We may have to take her to the behavioral clinic. We did some blood work so we'll see if the labs tell us anything.

    Great workouts ladies!
    Laurie, it would be nice to get the new workout program before the end of the year. Are we all going to do a rotation early next year?

    Laurel, I hope you enjoyed your hair appointment!

    Tami, I hope you enjoyed the extra zzzz's this morning! I can't believe Katy didn't say a word to you! I hope your grandmothers service is a beautiful celebration of her life. Sounds like you made the right decision about going back home the day of the service. Sunday will definitely be therapeutic for you.

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. This was one of those days that not a single cell in my body wanted anything to do with a workout. I finally made a deal with myself to at least keep up with X2 since next week being Thanksgiving and all.....I don't want to get behind. So I dragged myself into the workout room, did the warm-up and shoulder work from XT Burn Sets into X2 Base and Back. And, once again, the workout elixir kicked in about half way through the workout and all of a sudden.....I had energy. So I finished that workout and then did ICE Bootcamp with Blizzard Blast. :o It felt great. But I think my body will appreciate the day off tomorrow. And I did get my X2 Yoga in late I remain caught up on X2 heading into a busy week!

    Tami, I hear you on the snooze button, obviously. Good for you listening to your body. I imagine knowing you are headed to your grandmother's service tomorrow is weighing on your mind so, like we talked about before, now is a good time to be a bit gentle with yourself. It sounds like you made a good decision on the weekend. I hope the normalcy of volleyball and life at home helps with the sadness. Take care and stay safe!

    Thelma, wow on the vet appointment! That is crazy! Well, I guess I am glad they didn't find anything immediately wrong with her. But I can't imagine behavior therapy will be fun. But I understand how quickly animals can change due to a fear. We had a neighbor whose normally peaceful dog was traumatized by fireworks, and he absolutely freaked out at everything and anything after that. So hopefully they can do something to help her out of her trauma.

    Becky and Laurie, hope you are well.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, it was a nice busy and nice weekend. I didn't workout Saturday or Sunday. On Friday I did Rock'm Sock'm Kickboxing.

    Laurel, great workout! The vet appointment was crazy because it takes us about 1hr to get to the place. We hit lots of traffic on the way back. WE had a great day with the cats today. I hope things continue to improve.

    I hope to be able to get more exercise next week
    Have a great week ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you had a good weekend. I can't believe it is Thanksgiving week already! Time to do a grocery list! :o We are going to my in-laws, so I am only responsible for a few dishes. But, still, I am woefully behind in planning. Anyhow, had a quiet weekend here. DH worked both days, so I decided to take the opportunity on Saturday to decorate the house for Christmas! I normally refuse to do that before Thanksgiving, but since I had the time......I just went ahead and did it. It only took 12 hours. :# I was exhausted! So that was my workout on Saturday.

    Yesterday I just couldn't face a workout full of nothing but pull-ups and push-ups, so I subbed in the bonus X2 workout in place of X2 Chest, Back and Balance. So I started with the warm-up and chest work from LIHI Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, then did X2 V Sculpt. Absolutely loved this combo!! My arms were fried at the end, and it was a really nice break from the pull-ups...even though there were still enough sets to make me feel I did some. For cardio, I did Two The Max. Today I did the shoulder work from LIHI. For cardio, I did Insanity Max 30 Tabata Strength into X2 Plyocide. Good stuff!

    Thelma, hope things continue to improve with the cats. So happy to hear you had a good day with them!! Hope you are enjoying time with your aunts.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Weekend went by WAY to fast. I did do an early a.m. workout on Saturday before we left, which was CrossFire XT. The service was nice and in a beautiful location; I didn’t realize until Friday that it was just a burial site service; which I felt was odd and made me a little sad for Grandma but i don't know, maybe that was her wishes. So everyone met at the cemetery, said some nice words and prayers and then we headed to one of the nearby motels for a little family get together. DH and I stayed just a short time and then hit the road home. It was nice to see some of my favorite Aunts and Uncles and my cousin who has kept in touch with me. My aunt is going to send me some photos that Grandma had at her house she thought I would like so that will be nice.

    Yesterday a.m. I didn’t workout prior to our tourney so just played a couple matches. We ended up in 2nd place for the year. But it was fun and we played pretty good. We all signed up to play in the 2nd Annual Holly Jolly Tourn. That is on December 2nd, so that will be lots of fun. We won that one last year and it was so much fun. Our next league won’t start until January. Today’s workout is BootCamp with Katy right after work. STS in the a.m.! 

    Thelma: Don’t worry about the non-workouts and enjoy this time with your Aunts! The workouts will be there when you have time for one. Sounds like Friday you got in some KB, so that is perfect; I bet it felt great too. I’m happy to hear nothing was wrong with Charmy, although the trauma is sad for her. I hope she is doing better and better each day. I was kind of surprised at Katy as well; Friday evening after Spinning she did say goodnight and have a nice weekend, so that was good. Knowing Katy she was just irritated I wasn’t there or pre-occupied in her day and didn’t even think to say hello. LOL

    Laurel: I was pleased to read that you do have days like that every once in a blue moon. But sounds like once you got going you were right back in your same killer workout form with some awesome combos. I think you were exactly right about Friday a.m. and knowing what was in store for my weekend. It was a little emotional but not as bad had we been inside with a slideshow and people talking, that is always tough. I felt I made the right decision getting there and back and continuing on with my day yesterday; the Vball tourney was a good distraction to laugh with my friends. Sounds like a fun Thanksgiving get together with your in-laws. DH invited his parents, his brother and his girlfriend over to our house; I should pretty much know that is “the plan” every year now. He always tells everyone to just come to our house. Which is fine, but I work every day except Thursday so he said he would help and/or do it most of the cooking :smile: We will not do the traditional dinner, I think we are going to BBQ instead and MIL is bringing a dessert. So it should be a little easier clean-up. Congrats on getting your house all decorated! That is awesome and I am sure you will enjoy having it done early. All that work and time, you should enjoy it for a while. :wink:

    Hi Laurie & Becky ~ Hope you are both having a good day and getting all set for Turkey Day!

    Talk to you tomorrow, Tami