Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! So yesterday I was chatting with my sister on the phone and, as I am prone to do when talking on the phone, pacing the floor (I blame my Fitbit for the habit), and I started feeling this deep pain in the front of my hips. It was bad. And I am wondering how I hurt myself because I felt fine during my workouts. So I stretched and took it easy the rest of the day....but still pain. Got up this morning and felt better. I was tight, but it wasn't painful. So I warmed up very slowly by walking around the house.....and decided to try my workout. Stubborn me refused to change my scheduled workouts....and today's workout was STS Disc 3/Legs again. Well, I swear it was about the fifth exercise in when I realized where the pain had come from. I remembered......Meso 1 Legs always kill me!! Always. After eight years. It was not an injury.....just DOMS. B) And, true to form, the workout completely loosened everything up, and now I feel great! Go figure.....because I was pretty concerned last night! So, after loosening up my legs with Disc 3, my cardio was Shock Cardio Double Wave Pyramid into RWH Plyo HiiT One, which was a great combo. Not too long and tough.....but not too tough. I did make sure to do a good stretch after. Hopefully I won't feel the way I did yesterday tomorrow!

    Tami, sorry to hear Katy was missing, but it sounds like a good class anyhow. Hope you enjoyed your dinner at home. DH and I stayed home last night as well, but we are going to go out tonight for a nice meal at our favorite seafood restaurant. We have only eaten out a couple of times since he went on Nutrisystems (going on 7 months ago), so I am really looking forward to it. And I know we can find healthy food there, which is good.

    Thelma, great workout! Sorry to hear about the sore feet, though. Snow boots can really kill my feet as well. I am so glad Tami was able to get you the STS Total Body work sheet! I agree about the tower making all the difference when using a barbell. I love it!

    Laurie, what a surprise to find your DH home! But good job getting in the yoga. It also sounds like you were able to enjoy a nice evening out. I am finding you can find healthy food in most places anymore......thankfully. There are some local restaurants down here that still specialize in fried everything, but they are more rare than common.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Had a nice relaxing dinner at home and DH cooked and cleaned up! It was wonderful. This a.m. I did STS Total Body, which felt great and tonight I will head to Spinning after work.

    Thelma: You’re welcome for the STS sheet! Glad I could help. Love that you were able to use your rack with the barbell for STS yesterday as well, I bet it was awesome. Good job getting in KCM Cardio Quick Fix premix. Sounds like a good one; I love standing abwork as well. I really enjoy that Pilates workout from the 21DFX XT! I have definitely thought about plugging that one in for the “flexibility training” days on this rotation.

    Laurie: Excellent job getting in your Yoga for the Warrior!! Yes, the shorter Yoga felt good yesterday, maybe next time I do that I will ad on the Pilates. I do enjoy that 21DFX XT Pilates workout, as I mentioned to Thelma.

    Laurel: Yikes on that deep hip pain. I am so glad to hear it is better today. Of course you went into a STS Leg workout ++ Cardio …. LOL glad it all worked out and hopefully tonight you aren’t feeling it again. How fun that you are going out to your favorite seafood place. DH said when he gets back from his trip he would like to take me out. We will see! He will be very tired I am sure and our dinner was perfect last night.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did ICE Metabolic Total Body. I didn't attempt to do the modified lunges I simply kept the lunges shallow by staying flat footed. I don't even know if I'd call what I did a lunge. I had a good foot day for a change. I've been doing standing abs pretty much every day (except Sunday) since Saturday.

    Laurie, great workouts and so good you got to go out to dinner!
    You should consider changing Rocket's food for sure Laurie. Yeah dang on the boots! I wore them last Friday and I was fine but I also had thicker socks so I think that kept my feet secure and thinner socks I wore the other day caused some foot sliding.

    Laurel, OMG I cringed when I read about your hip pain. I'm so glad it was just DOMS. Amazing workouts!
    I was loving the way my new snow boots looked with my jeans so I kept them on even though I could feel them making my calves work extra hard.

    Tami, glad you had a nice dinner with your DH! Great job with STS Total Body I hope Katy was back for your spinning class!
    The Cardio Quick Fix premix I did was good and I had never done the bonus section now that has become one of my favorites. The ab section on Ice Metabolic Total Body is another good one. I should write this down on the notebook I have in my workout area so I remember. Now I have to remember to remember this idea! LOL
    I don't think I've done the 21DFX Pilates workout but I'm sure it won't be easy! LOL

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday after work I did HiiT Double Wave Pyramid, my favorite of the three HiiT workouts. Probably because it doesn't use the step. :D This morning I did ICE Low Impact Sweat, felt great.

    Laurel, So glad to hear that the pain wasn't something serious and only DOMS related. Awesome workouts, since one of them was what I did yesterday also. :D Sounds like the week you are on is really making your body talk to you. It is a tough week in the schedule. I'm thankful that a lot more places offer the healthy items also, otherwise it would be very hard to chose something to eat.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts, and having such a nice dinner prepared for you. My DH doesn't cook, so either I cook or we go out. I wasn't really in the mood to cook, so was happy to go out. The pilates option would be really good, and also some of the PiYo workouts. I was thinking that some of those would be fun to insert for the flexibility training, plus you get some increased hr. ;)

    Thelma, Nice job on the workout, and modifying those lunges. Even if the lunge was modified, you where working the muscle in some capacity. The New You Coming workout doesn't use weights for the leg work, and I was feeling it the next day. She is doing a lot of reps, so that might be the reason. The workout is a lot like PHA Training, but your hr doesn't get as high. Probably because you are not using the weights for the leg portions. Still getting a good workout though.

    Becky, Hope your week is going well.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Still have some lingering DOMS today but nothing like it was, that's for sure. So for today's workout, I started with STS Disc 2/Back and Triceps, and it felt much better than it did on Sunday. That first set of pull-ups on Sunday just about did me in. For cardio, I did a interesting combo. I started with the warm-up first section of Rockout Knockout--just to get my heart rate up--and then did MMA Kickboxing. The latter workout has never appealed to me, but since my body is kind of tired this week, it flew by today and felt great! For my flexibility training, I did the Stretch Max routine with the Stability Ball, which actually felt great on those tight hamstrings and Glutes of mine. So.....good stuff all around.

    Tami, sounds like a very nice Valentine's Day. DH and I enjoyed a really nice dinner out last night, which was fun. Great workout with STS Total Body!!

    Thelma, you made me smile in saying you chose to keep your boots on because of how cute they looked with your jeans! Some days fashion just has to win! I love it! Glad to hear the pain was better yesterday, though. About the modified lunges, my motto is 'if you are doing something, it is better than doing nothing', so if keeping both feet flat works, I think it's great to do them that way. Bet your Core is getting strong with all those standing abs!

    Laurie, great minds think alike. :) What's doubly funny is had planned Low Impact Sweat this morning but changed it at the last minute because I thought kickboxing would feel better on my legs than step. So.....great workouts! ;) I completely agree about the Double Wave Pyramid. For all my love of step workouts, I much prefer Cathe's HiiT workouts that don't use the step.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Good Spin class last night, Katy was there but not feeling good at all. I guess on Tuesday night, she returned to class but was not feeling it at all. It was just "so-so" from what I heard. Probably because she wasn't in the mood to kick butt on the poor class. LOL She of course participated in most of the Spin class but went home afterwards, normally she does her running training after Spin on Wednesday night. This a.m. was Rock’m Sock’m and no workout tonight.

    Thelma: Excellent work getting in ICE Metabolic Total Body! Great to hear you had a good foot day!! Slowly but surely it is getting better I’m sure. Any updates on your favorite new shoes? One of them working for you? That’s so funny about remembering your ideas on the workouts. That is exactly what I do is write things down in the margin of my calendar book, where I have all my workouts wrote down. Under cardio ideas or combo ideas and refer back to them. Or I write time frames down of workouts so I know if I will have time to “add on” or not.

    Laurie: I always remember you liking the Dbl Wave Pyramid one the best! Great job getting it done. I will definitely lean towards the Pilates and PiYO workouts forsure during this rotation. I always enjoy getting the HR up a little while training for flexibility!

    Laurel: Awesome job with your STS workout and following it up with some KB! What is it about KB workouts that are always so good no matter how your body is feeling?! Great that you are not feeling those DOMs like you were a couple days ago. Thank you for the kudos on my workout.

    Hi Becky ~ hope you are having a great week!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow, Tami
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi Ladies - Tuesday, I was able to get my yoga class in. Yesterday, I opted for ICE Metabolic Premix #6 (this is the 84 minute workout that does blizzard blast, muscle meltdown and abs with the main workout). I was so happy last night afterwards because it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. My cardio and weights have improved so much! This morning, I did Rock'm Sock'm with a yoga class this afternoon. Because of all the working out this week.......I am back to being hungry. (I know......I keep writing about being hungry......sorry......I really like to eat). :D

    Tami - Awesome job on your workouts. And.......congrats on getting yoga in! :) That is so awesome that your DH cooked and cleaned! So DH had to work, so we didn't get to spend VDay together (which is ok.....I am not a big fan of VDay).

    Laurel - Amazing job on your workouts! WOW! And.....I am so glad it was DOMS and not an injury. I am really excited about next week having so many STS workouts. Great job on pushing through with the are kicking some butt! Oh....and that is great that your weight is back where you want it. I am still so dang close!

    Laurie - Fantastic workouts......that ice low impact sweat is a nice one. Your bridesmaid dress shopping sounds like fun.....good idea to go through David's Bridal so the maids can go and check out the dresses. (I was envisioning 27 dresses, too)

    Thelma - Great job on your workouts and modifying for you foot. Thanks for the recall info regarding dog food, too. I am glad you are starting to have good foot days, too. Keep messaging them and being careful.

    Sorry for such a short post.....headed to football practice now.

    Have a great night.....Becky
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did 20 minutes Fitness Blender Quiet Cardio, 21 Day Fix Pilates and 21 Day Fix Yoga. I loved the 21 DFX Pilates workout and those Fitness Blender workouts are great too. I feel that I need to warm up my body before doing Pilates and Yoga so the quiet cardio was perfect. The yoga workout was good I think but it wasn't exciting to me in the beginning. I find the sun salutations boring. Why do they have to do so many of them?
    I was able to do some full planks by being extremely careful about my toe placement. I did the 2 21DFX workouts with my flexible sneakers which pretty much have a smooth sole. I had to make sure that my feet were safe. Walking barefoot is not an option right now nor is it something that I do often but now it just doesn't feel safe.
    I've done more ab work since last Saturday that I've done in a very long time. The best part is that most of it was standing work. I definitely want to incorporate more pilates into my rotation.

    I had another good foot day. I know I still have a way to go because the PF still feels tight specially the arch area but I'm working on it. Those hard porcupines I think help break down any tight areas.

    Laurie, awesome workouts!!! That's what I thought about my modified lunges too. As long as I keep on moving. I just watched a clip of that NYC workout and it looks like something I would really enjoy. I didn't realize it was one of her older workouts!

    Laurel, wow! What a combo! Great job. So glad your DOMS are getting better. You need a good stretch routine.
    The things women do to look good! I can't believe I was knowingly hurting myself by wearing the snow boots.
    My core is really getting stronger so I'm happy. I am really enjoying week one of this rotation.

    Tami, great workouts! I think you and I are doing a lot of the same workouts this week! Poor Katy! She must be really sick.
    My feet are slowly getting better but I think that massage video I found last week has been instrumental in my recovery and hopefully the bumpy porcupines are helping too.
    I stopped wearing the new sneakers when I hurt my foot. I've been wearing my NB trail running shoes to work, around the house and for my workouts. No slippers around the house. I needed a shoe that kept me from flexing my toes too much. I love these shoes and I have them in two colors

    I really need to start writing down some notes about my workouts. Needless to say I forgot to write down the ab workout notes!

    Becky, you've been on FI-YA this week! Great job! Maybe you need more protein in your diet! Congrats on the your cardio and weight improvements! Did you go shopping for new clothes yet? Or are you like me and has a closet full of different size clothes?

    I am definitely taking good care of my feet. I need to make sure this gets better.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    The sun is blazing in the sky this morning, and I really don't want to be here right now. ;) No workout yesterday, didn't really have one scheduled. DH had a very bad day at work yesterday, so I listened to him vent. This morning he felt much better, so I'm glad that I was there to listen. This morning I did PHA Training, and I think that will be all that I do today. I'm really loving that workout, good combo of weights and cardio for me. :D

    Laurel, Awesome combo! I didn't do the added lower body work like you did during the first week, but my cardio has been lower body concentrated. I have been really noticing my lower half this week, so with you doing weight work on the lower half, I can understand why you felt like you did. ;) That is funny that we where on the same workout wave length. I'm really trying very hard to mix in some workouts that I have not tried in a while, it makes the rotation just that much better. It really does help that we are all on the same rotation, and add our own spin to it.

    Tami, Great job on your spinning and home workout! Hopefully Katy starts to feel better soon, this has been a tough season for people being sick. Do you have a chance to go to youtube. There is a Plyoga workout that you might enjoy. The instructor does a plyo move, and then a yoga move. It really looks like a great way to incorporate the two. She has three different workouts, and all of them look interesting. I was planning on trying one out in the next 5 week mix. Probably on the day that calls for cardio and flexibility training.

    Becky, Super job on your workouts! I think that we all can relate to the hungry feeling, and of course loving food! :p Just remember to increase your protein intake, that will really help when you are increasing weight work. I find that I'm hungrier when I increase the weights too. All those ICE workouts are really good, and they do make me sweat a bunch. Kind of surprises me at times. The 27 Dresses movie is one of my favorites.

    Thelma, Really some great combos, so glad that you enjoyed it. I'm surprised at how many workouts are on youtube, and free! Some are better than others, but it doesn't hurt to try them out. Glad to hear that your foot feels better every day. Yes that workout is one of her first ones, and it was before she started the 30MTF series. This one is around 54 min., but you really do hit everything on your body in that time period.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Happy to report the lower body DOMS is gone!! Whew! Well, gone until tomorrow at least when I dive into Meso 3 Legs. :o Anyhow, I finished this week of workouts today with STS Disc 1/Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. Despite the fact I didn't sleep well last night (for no apparent reason), I felt really strong today and was able to take the weights up in quite a few categories. That's really rare for me with these Meso 1 workouts. For cardio, I did another fun combo. I did the ICE Low Impact Sweat timesaver premix that includes the part 2 workout and the Blizzard Blast, and then went right into Step Moves. It ended up being about 67 minutes long, but was a perfectly reasonable intensity. Glad I took the cardio down a notch this week because the DOMS experience aside, I have felt I reached a good balance this week. I am starting week 4 of the rotation tomorrow (will be taking my rest day on Sunday). This rotation is flying by!

    Tami, sorry to hear Katy is unwell. Like Laurie said, illnesses seem pretty bad this year. Hope she is able to get some rest and recover. I can't imagine trying to encourage people through a workout when not feeling well.

    Becky, fantastic job with that Metabolic Total Body premix! And I love that you found it not too hard! You are really making some massive changes in your fitness level if you can get through a workout like that and say 'okay.....what next?' Great stuff! I hear you on the hunger and Laurie brings up an excellent point about protein. I think one of the reasons I got so sore this week is I got lazy over the past week or so and was eating a lot of salads with little protein. Lifting like this, my body needs more protein to recover. I thought about that on Tuesday and just being aware of it for a couple of days has helped significantly.

    Thelma, wow.....what a combo of workouts you did! Sounds great!! I hate to admit, but one of the reasons I shy away from yoga is I am not a big fan of endless sun salutations. Wish I could say differently, you aren't alone. Glad to hear your foot continues to improve. Sounds like you are doing all the right things for it. And yay for the stronger core!

    Laurie, sounds like this would have been a good day to play hooky from work! B) Great workout this morning. I love that workout because it really covers everything...including such a short time. Yep, there is no doubt I have probably been over-doing the lower body work a bit! Lessons learned for next pass through the LGI8 cycle, that's for sure. Sorry to hear about your DH's day, but glad you were able to help him get it off his chest.

    Hope you all have a great weekend.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Nice relaxing evening home with the “kids” DH will be back late tonight. So I decided to get some extra zzzz’s this a.m. and will do my workout (S&S PHA Training) tonight when I get home! Looking forward to it.

    Becky: Great job this week! You have started off the new rotation on fi-ya (as Cathe would say), way to work. Love hearing how much your fitness has improved, that is so exciting and I am sure you are thrilled with it as well. It was very nice of DH to cook & clean the other night; especially since he was leaving early the next a.m. I thought he would just say, lets go out, but stuck to the plan .

    Thelma: Fantastic combo! That is the one I will definitely do one of these days for the flexibility training day; I really enjoy the 21DFX XT Pilates workout. So happy you have had a couple of good foot days in a row. That’s great the trail running shoes are offering you good support; I always picture trail running shoes to be “clunky”, but with all the new models anymore I am sure they are not.

    Laurie: PHA is on my list for tonight! Great job this a.m., love this one. Thank you for the kudos on my workouts; that Plyoga sounds really good. I will have to YouTube it and see. I have a Plyo-Pilates DVD that I have still never opened up; maybe I should check that out as well. LOL

    Laurel: Another awesome combo and way to end the week!! You are a star with this rotation …. As always, but great work especially as sore as you were the other day. I know, Katy is quite something and such a hard worker. I always remember her on crutches after her knee surgery leading our classes.

    Have a great weekend ladies ~ I have a 3-Dayer and I am really excited to have that extra day!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good morning and Happy Saturday! Yesterday, I chose S & S Giant Sets for my total body workout. Today, I am not sure which cardio workout to do and will get it in after my husband goes to work tonight. It's supposed to rain today, so I am not sure if I can make it outside for a nice walk/jog ( unsurity of today's workout).

    I am so glad you all said something about protein. I looked back at my food diary, and my protein intake has been lower this past week. So, I upped it yesterday and the hungries were at bay. So, thanks for the reminder.
    If you all don't mind, would you list some protein items that you typically consume? I am kind of getting tired of my choices and am looking for some new ideas that are simple. Also, do any of you have a protein shake? If so, what brand? I am currently having the Vega Essentials Shake and enjoy it.

    Laurie - Awesome job with doing the PHA training. I really like that one, too. I still have to stop the video to get my correct weights, so I am still working on the pacing of it. I am sorry to hear that you husband had a bad day, but that is great that he vented instead of just holding it in.

    Thelma - Excellent job on your workouts! I really like your Thursday night combo - it was a good mix of exercises and flexibility training. Do you have a PF sleeping boot? I used to have one when I had PF issues. I didn't like sleeping with it, but it helped.,k:night boot for plantar fasciitis
    I am like you in that I have a ton of old clothes in my closet that I am trying to get back into. On a good note - I am getting rid of some pants that are WAY TO BIG! YES! I am swimming in some of my clothes, but some of them don't quite fit, yet.

    Tami - Great job on getting the PHA training workout done. You are also doing great with the rotation. That was a good idea to get some extra sleep....this rotation is really pushing us. Have a great day tomorrow with volleyball.

    Laurel - You are rocking the rotation! Awesome job on your combos yesterday. I am glad the DOMS are gone (for now). I am looking forward to your week 4 and seeing the fantastic combos you do. I definitely will be upping my protein again.....not sure why I stopped focusing on eating protein this past week. Thanks for the kudos on doing well with Metabolic Total Body. I sat on the floor, after the ab routine, just thinking about what I did and that I felt like I could have done more. I am thrilled. :D

    I have to say, ladies, I am so glad we are doing this rotation together. Thank you! It is really helping me keep on track and accountable.

    Have a wonderful weekend.
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you all had a nice weekend. We had a nice weekend and had my BIL and his wife over on Saturday. We had a great time with them.
    On Friday I did S&S Total Giant Sets, On Saturday Rock'm Sock'm and I took Sunday off. My feet felt pretty good through yesterday. In fact I was able to do modified lunges. Rock'm Sock'm did me in because I wore my flexible sneakers and I didn't have enough time to stretch and massage so today my calves were tight.
    We are having spring temps. 50's all weekend and will continue some days during the week.
    Target has the DVD's on sale which of course include workout DVD's. Buy 2 get one free and you get free shipping @ $25. I ordered 3 more KCM workouts and a new bookcase for my DVD's because the only I bought before.
    I'll be starting week 2 of the rotation this week. I worked on my rotation this weekend and inserted the week Laurie suggested where we alterante between upper and lower body all week.

    Laurie, great job with PHA Training! I'm sure your DH appreciated you listening to him vent.
    I am really thankful for the free workouts on youtube.

    Laurel, so glad those lower body DOMS are gone! I can't believe you're already starting week 4!
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who is not crazy about the endless sun salutations in yoga. LOL

    Tami, great workouts!
    The doctor told me that for PHA you have to use closed shoes. Sneakers are ideal.

    Becky, you're doing so good with your exercises!
    I have a pair of those PF boots which I wear at night. They do help. thanks for the link!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited February 2017
    Morning Ladies,

    We had a nice warm & sunny weekend. ;) On Saturday I did 30MTF Train Like a Contender CoffeyFit Blend Premix, this one is the combo of both workouts, but she alternates exercises from each workout. Makes it fun. I followed that up with Cathe's Total Body Stretching Workout #1. Sunday was my off day, but we did take Rocket and Zoey for a walk. Yes we puppy sat again. Rocket ends up being very tired afterward, so I'm okay with that. This morning was my heavy week, so I started out with XTrain Burn Sets Back & Biceps. It has been a while since I have done these workouts, and really enjoyed lifting heavy.

    Laurel, Great job on your workouts! Love all your combos. Very glad to hear that your lower body DOMS have gone. I'm sure after you try out a different workout like those Meso 3 legs, they will return. You have to be enjoying the rotation, that is when the weeks fly by. I didn't play hooky on Friday, but I did leave about a half hour early. :D

    Tami, Love your workout. It is nice to have that time to yourself without anyone around. Plyo Pilates sounds like a good workout also, just something different instead of just stretching/yoga work. Sometimes I think yoga/stretching can get so repetitive, that is why we don't feel like doing them. Adding in some plyo work, would make it a bit more interesting.

    Becky, Great job on the Giant Sets workout. Hope you where able to decide on a workout vs walk. ;) I actually use the very same protein shake that you are using. I splurged this last time and got the Coconut Almond, that one is really tasty. ;) For my protein sources, I usually include pork tenderloin, lean beef, turkey breast, chicken thighs and breasts, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, fish, tuna, shrimp and eggs (my fav). In fact they had turkey breast on sale this week, so I cooked that up yesterday. DH and I have four days of lunches. I also cooked up rice and roasted some veggies. I always look for meats that are on sale, and use that for my lunches during the week. If you want different flavors on your meats try some of these spices out, they really do change up the flavor

    Thelma, Awesome job on the workouts! Glad to hear that your feet keep getting better. You are getting your stock of KCM DVD's up, you might have as many as I do. ;) She uses the same director as Cathe, so that may be why they are so enjoyable to watch. ;)

    Another sunny day here today, so hope you all have a great day!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all had a good weekend. Our weekend was nice and quiet. I like those kinds of weekends sometimes. I worked out on Saturday, starting week 4 of the rotation with STS Disc 37/Squat Rack Legs. Sometimes I like these Squat Rack workouts....with their loooonnnnggggg breaks.....and sometimes I am bored to tears with them. Saturday was one of those days I enjoyed it. Lifting really heavy like that felt good after a week of higher rep workouts. For cardio, I did S&S Boot Camp, which was perfect with the leg workout. I took yesterday off to give my body a break. Today started with STS Disc 25/Chest and Biceps, followed by XTrain Tabatacise and Core 1. I am going to try to take the intensity of the cardio workouts up this week after going a little lighter last week. Tabatacise felt great today!

    Tami, hope your DH made it home safely and you enjoyed a nice weekend. Hope Katy is back to feeling better this week!

    Becky, great workouts! I don't drink any protein shakes, so my sources of protein are mainly eggs, peanut butter, cheese, lean chicken and turkey, fish, and, rarely, beef. I have a tendency to get into phases where I eat quite a few meals without a meat source, and that is when I start getting into troubles with my protein levels. But if I eat one lean meat source a day about five days a week, then I seem to be fine.

    Thelma, so happy to hear your foot is feeling better and better all the time. Great workouts on Friday and Saturday. Yay for new workouts! That's a good sale!

    Laurie, bet that sunshine felt good this weekend. Great workouts. I know what you mean about lifting heavier. Both Meso 3 workouts I have done so far have felt SO good. I feel much stronger than I thought I would too!

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did STS #25 Back and Chest. It took me 2 hours to do the workout and my stretching and I thought I was moving pretty fast between weight changes! I am happy to report that I was able to lift heavier weights since the last time I did this workout last year. I just loved using the rack. It is so much easier to change weights while the barbell is on the rack. I ended up burning over 600 calories which is unheard of for me but this workout had me needed the rest time between sets!

    STS #26 Legs tomorrow. I actually have a yoga workout scheduled for Thursday. It's a Jillian Michaels' workout so I hope it doesn't have 20 sun salutations in the beginning.
    My calves were still a little tight this morning but as I moved around the office today things relaxed. I have bruises on my calves from the deep massages I've been doing!

    Laurie, great job with those workouts! I bet Rocket and Zoey enjoyed each others company!
    I really like the KCM workouts. I am sure the fact that she uses the same director as Cathe does makes the workouts appealing to me. With the addition of the 3 workouts I ordered the other night I will have 16 KCM. Two of the DVD's I ordered were classified as pre-orders: Body Design and Meltdown.

    Laurel, awesome workouts! We both did STS #25 today! Great job!
    Target has the best prices around for KCM workout and if you catch their sales you get great deals. I got 3 workouts for about $8.50 ea. and one of them is a new KCM workout! Two of the workouts I got sell for $19.99 on Kelly's website! What a deal!

    Hi Tami & Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work was X10 Step workout. This morning was 4DS Legs & Core. So after work will be some yoga, or I may try out that Plyoga workout. Will have to see what appeals to me. ;)

    Laurel, What great workouts you did. Have to agree on the Squat Rack workouts and the length of rest time. Splitting them up will probably make the breaks enjoyable, since you will not be doing them every week? Unless you have them scheduled that way. :o When looking at the rotation, it does appear that they do the same with the intensity of the cardio. Of course they do the short and intense, and then the longer workouts are less. ;) Seeing that you did tabatacise, you are doing the longer intense workouts. ;) Kind of enjoying the DOMS from yesterdays workout, it has been a while since I have felt them from heavy weights. It is a different feeling from doing high reps, low weight.

    Thelma, Great job on the STS workouts! That is a huge calorie burn for that workout, but sounds like you really enjoyed it and your tower. It really is a great piece of equipment. Those two KCM workouts are the only ones that I don't have of Kelly's that I'm still wanting. Will have to check out Target. ;)

    Tami and Becky, hope your day is going well.

    Have a wonderful day,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Had a good workout today. I started with STS Disc 26/Plyo Legs, and it felt really good today. I followed it with STS Weights and Plates Abs, which is such a tough one. I took a bit of a break, then came back and did Cathe's Greatest Hits workout, which flew by, followed by STS Extended Stretch. Good stuff.

    Thelma, great workout! :) Great job being able to go heavier too! I was hesitant to go into Meso 3 at the start of this rotation because I felt like I hadn't lifted heavy in so long, which is why I opted for Meso 2 during the second week. But I am really surprised how strong I feel during these Meso 3 workouts! I completely agree about the tower making it so much easier. Incredible calorie burn during your workout as well. That's amazing!

    Laurie, great workouts. I was thinking about that 4DS workout this morning, and will be definitely fitting that premix as well as the upper body premix from 4DS into this rotation during the lower/Upper week at some time. I love that lower body workout. No, I will have four weeks off between each squat rack leg workout, which will make them much more endurable. You are is usually about the third straight week of them when I find myself wandering off during the breaks. Not good. About the cardio, I will admit when I wrote down my rotation, I focused on the intensity of the cardio vs. the length. Some days I feel like longer than they recommend, and since I have the luxury of being able to do that.....I try to do it when I do feel like it. But I am trying to stay within the recommended intensity, which helps push me some days, and helps rein me in on other days.....which is not a bad thing. B)

    Tami and Becky, hope you are well!

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good morning/afternoon ladies - I hope you are doing well. On Saturday, I chose to break out an oldie dvd and do a Billy Blanks Tae Bo workout.......memories were flooding me of college days (one of my best friends and I would do this in the dorms). Sunday, I forced myself to rest and ended up cooking and cleaning all day. It was nice. Yesterday was STS Disk 25 (chest/back) and today was disk 26 (plyo legs) along with the ab workout from ICE bootcamp. The rotation calls for yoga today, but I had to sub for a colleague of mine. So, I hope I can get some yoga/stretching in tonight before bed.

    Laurie - Fantastic job with your workouts. You and Thelma are going to get me to buy KCM dvds......I am trying so hard to behave financially. :D How do you like XTrain as compared to STS? Glad you got Rocket and Zoey out for a walk.....those are always really nice "mini" workouts. Thank you SO much for your list of proteins. The coconut almond Vega drink sounds great! I may have to try that one. I think I need to break out the crockpot more often and put a pork roast or chicken in it. I haven't done that in quite awhile. You gave me some good ideas. I will definitely check out those spices, too....thanks.....

    Thelma - AWESOME job on your workouts and congrats on going up in weights. You had an amazing calorie burn! SAWEET! That is a great deal for the KCM workouts through Target.....thanks so much for sending an email with info about it, too.

    Laurel - Awesome job with bringing tabata into your rotation and starting week 4. Last week's cardio wasn't that intense???? Really?????? ;) That's like me saying " I just swam across the was nothing". I am looking forward to reading about your cardio workouts this week. Sounds like you had a nice weekend. Thanks for your list of proteins.

    Tami - I hope you are doing well.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I had a nice 3-day weekend. Sorry I didn’t check in with you all yesterday. After my workouts I spent some time cleaning house and then cooking for the week. Always love getting that done and having that extra day I was more in the mood . . . plus it was raining, raining, raining. Today we got some snow and now it has stopped. Just a mess I tell you.

    So workouts: Friday evening I headed home and did PHA Training, Saturday was KCM Your Best Body, which was a great combo of strength/cardio and a nice stretch at the end. This was one of my ON SALE purchases from Target at Christmas time. I am glad I have it and was able to try it out. Sunday was our tourney first thing in the a.m. so I counted that as my workout. We did terrible, not our day. But still one more league to go, a chance to redeem ourselves. Yesterday started off HEAVY Week #2 and I am doing the XT workouts this week (like Laurie) so it was XT Burn Sets: Back & Bis which I followed up with Muscle Meltdown Back and MM Bis, love adding those on to my strength training; especially on heavy days. This a.m. was XT HardStrikes and tonight will be Katy’s Insane X class.

    Becky: Fantastic job with the rotation and keeping up with your workouts! You are doing an amazing job. Yes, the extra sleep felt great on Friday and knowing I had the house to myself Friday evening it worked out perfectly. Glad you are upping your protein, that will help a bunch. Everyone has offered you the same ideas I would. I have some sort of protein at every meal and even then sometimes I have the hungries. But it helps a bunch.

    Thelma: Sounds like you had a nice weekend and I am happy to hear your foot is doing better. Congrats on the DVD purchases too! Yay. Your Best Body by KCM was one I purchased when you had told me about the sale at Target. Yikes on the bruises on your calves, but I bet it does go hand in hand with all that deep tissue massage. Just glad your feeling better!

    Laurie: Yay for your sunshine! We had a few tiny moments but that was about it, then gray and rainy/snowy again. Awwww will spring ever get here to North Idaho!!??!! Fabulous job with your workouts! I am following your schedule this week with the XT workouts! Burn Sets is great for HEAVY work. I will let you know if I try that Plyo-Pilates workout, I think it might be right up my alley for not “just stretching”… LOL

    Laurel: Always love to hear about your combos! Amazing job. Laughing about the mention of loooooooooong breaks which reminds me of when you used to go put laundry in between sets. LOL DH made it home safe and sound but was exhausted from all the Vegas fun. Late nights/early mornings and hardly any sleep. He took a few naps over the 3 day weekend forsure.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami