Cathe Fans Part 5



  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good morning ladies - just a quick note to say "yes.....I am here!" :) Yesterday, I got back on the rotation and did STS disk 2 and today was disk 3. I will also get a yoga class in today. Cardio is still hard on my lungs, but man it feels great to be lifting again. The leg workout today really pushed my lungs (my strength is fine and the weights were no problem, but my lungs were like "hey......what are you doing......I am still trying to recover!").

    My poor son (middle child) now is sick with the chills. I feel so bad. I hope the rest of the family avoids it.

    You all have been doing so awesome with your workouts. You all are doing great with the rotation.

    Tami - I am glad Emma's appt went well. YAY! That has to be a relief.

    Thelma - Holy cow! That shoulder horn looks crazy! I think my form on push ups is no good........I need to work on that, too.

    Laurel - Sounds like you had a nice weekend. I am also jealous of your time that you have to workout (also in a good way). :)

    Laurie - HA.....I completely understand mixing up weeks.......(heck....I mix up my kids names and call them one of the dogs!).

    Sorry for the quick notes to each of you, but I wanted to get a quick catch up with you all.

    Have a great day.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got home and did the LIS TBT Lower Body Split, and that was perfect for my time constraint. This morning I did a TaeBo workout that he did for youtube. It was a lot of the old school TaeBo, and I really enjoyed it a lot. The only problem I had with it was the music, it was all instrumental, and I really had a hard time hearing it. Guess that really doesn't matter, because it was a fun workout.

    Laurel, What a great variety of workouts! I love that you did a workout that you wanted to do, even though you had a different one you had scheduled. I'm so impressed that you did the triple tricep, that one for me is tough. I know that my shoulders and triceps are my weaker muscles, so that is probably why that workout gets the muscles really good. I will be very interested in how your shoulder work goes today. ;)

    Tami, Awesome job keeping up with your workouts, and of course getting to your Bootcamp class. My DD will be starting her new job at a title company on Monday, so I'm hoping that she has an enjoyable experience. She will be closing loans with the sellers. Glad to hear that you found your sheet, this is the Superset week. I might try out the S90 workouts for the next round of supersets. I just have way to many options, and I keep writing different workouts down for the weeks. I could probably do this rotation for a full year, with all the workouts that I have. :D

    Thelma, Great job on the workout, and your stretching. I looked at that device, and I guess that would keep you in the proper position. Wonder what that would be like when doing push-ups. I was thinking of taking a half day on Friday, but then I have enough vacation time, so I thought why not enjoy the day. It is nice that you can work from home, before you half day though.

    Becky, Glad to hear that you are getting better, but to bad that your lunges are not cooperating. Great job on the workouts that you where able to do, getting the weight work in is probably the most important. Sorry to hear that you son is not feeling well, hopefully he doesn't have the crud. I mix up my girls all the time, and I know my mother did that also. She would start at the top, and work her way down the list until she got to the one she needed to talk to.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tough workout today. :o I started with the triple shoulder premix from Ramped Up Upper Body. Ummmm.....that was tough!! My shoulders were a little fatigued because of the tricep work yesterday, and I felt every single move today. The good news is I was able to stay with my usual weight throughout, but my arms are spent. I took a bit of a break because today also called for a circuit workout which meant more upper body. For my circuit workout, I did Cathe's High Step Training, which is SO good. To that I added on the Blizzard Blast from ICE Chiseled Lower Body, which made for a really fantastic combo. I also did Icy Core 2......pretty much because all I felt like doing when I finished the stretch after the Blizzard Blast was lay on my mat, and I figured I might as well do something while there. :p But it was good.

    Tami, yay on Emma's blood work!! That must be such a relief. Hopefully the new medication and diet help make her feel better and get around easier. I have to admit I am glad to hear you are feeling that leg workout because......oh my that was a tough combo you did!! But I don't blame you for not being able to talk yourself into yoga first thing in the morning. I don't mind you saying your are jealous of my time. I know how lucky I am to have it, so try to use it to my advantage. I know someday I may not have the same luxury, and I will have to figure something else out then. But I will cross that bridge when I get there. Anyhow, I am on week six of my 20 week rotation (4 blocks of five weeks each). So I am just starting my second time through week 1.

    Thelma, glad to hear your shoulders were well enough to workout today, but good idea keeping it a little light. I have to fight hunching my shoulders in some moves too. I am just happy Cathe keeps reminding me over and over about it, because that does help. That....and a slower pace. Sometimes I just have to go slower than she does anymore to keep my best form.

    Becky, happy to hear you are feeling better and able to lift again. I know what you mean about how good that feels after a long lay off. Ease yourself back into the cardio, especially if your lungs are still resisting it. Better to not do too much and let them heal than risk getting sick again. I learned a really tough lesson a few years ago when I tried to push myself through a small chest cold.....and ended up with the worst flu/bronchitis I have ever had. I was down for about a month. Not a lesson I want to learn again!! Sorry to hear your son may have it now, though.

    Laurie, great workouts! Shoulders are my weakest body part, by far. And, boy, was that evident today. When doing the Ramped Up Upper Body as it is (each body part one time through), I already have to go down in weight on the second set of overhead presses (Cathe stays at 15, I go to 12). So I was amazed at being able to do those weights for the three rounds, but it felt really tough. I am just glad there was the band work buffering the different rounds because without that....I would have definitely stopped after two rounds. I will see how my shoulders hold up tomorrow during the back work before assessing whether today's workout was too much, though. I think it would have been if I were doing Chest tomorrow. I also think a smarter thing would have been to do my days in the order of: tricep, bicep, shoulder, back, chest instead of bicep, tricep, shoulder, etc. Would have just taken a bit more off the shoulders I think.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ I was happy to find out my confusion on the rotation was due to me going off 2 different sheets …. No wonder I was confused. But at any rate, I am on the right week, just switched up the workouts I will be doing; So LIS upper body this a.m. – I did the entire 60 minute pre-mix instead of splitting it up. I may add on a leg workout this week. For tonight, I just found out DH is headed down to where his boat is (a couple hours + away from here) to fish for a couple days. So I will most likely head home tonight and get in a cardio workout instead of Insane-X with Katy.

    Thelma: Glad to hear your shoulders are doing better! YAY Great job getting STS Back/Bis in along with your Yoga. I am not doing the best with keeping up on the Yoga/Stretch, but trying to fit it in when I can. Yes, DH even checked with me last night about Emma’s food portion for dinner. Wondering if there were some calories to spare for a treat. LOL

    Laurie: Awesome work with the LIS Lower Body workout! That is such a perfect workout for legs when you are short of time and perfect for longer to add-on with when you have more time! Glad you enjoyed the TaeBo workout. That’s super fun about your DD going to work at a Title Co. So she will be an Escrow Officer? Thank you for clarifying about what week we are on. I was laughing at myself but not shocked with how busy I have been “why” I got confused. I see next week is Upper/Lower/Upper/Lower combo. I’m with you, between all the workouts we own it could go on forever with variety and getting them all in. So great! That will be a nice combo for the next round of Supersets …. S90!

    Becky: So happy to hear from you and to know you are feeling better! I bet it feels amazing to be back in it. Great job and your lungs will come around soon I am sure! We have all been there. Yes, Emma’s news was a huge relief for us. Thank you for your support and cheers for her. She is my fur baby … her and Bernie (the Lab)

    Laurel: That workout sounds amazing! I know I would love it, Shoulders is one of my favorite things to work! Will have to give it a try sometime, but not before 6 games of Volleyball. LOL I would probably not be real effective on the court. Hitting anyway. Love that you added on the HS Training and BB as well. YOWSA. Thank you as well for the support and well wishes on sweet Emma. Appreciate it. I am making notes of options for every week, including yours; thanks for reminding me of what week you are on as well! Love all the combos and workouts this rotation can accommodate. Like Laurie said, it could go on for a year!

    I will talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did STS Meso 2, Disc 14 - Leg, Yoga Tune Up Shoulders. I went with lighter weights today too to make sure my shoulders were safe. They did get a little tight as I expected but better now. Thank God my shoulders have gotten better with each passing day. I am still deciding about doing shoulders and chest this week. I'll leave this workout this for Saturday just to allow my shoulders more healing time.

    Laurie, great workout! I'll have to check out the Tae Bo workouts in You Tube one of these days. I stopped doing this workouts when he started his warm ups with pushups. I too wondered what it would be like to do pushups with that horn on.

    Laurel, what a killer combo! Great job!
    I am thankful for Cathe's reminders about shoulder placement I just don't know if I am able to keep the shoulders back always. Now the pace point you make is important. Maybe I just need to stop trying to keep up with Cathe.

    Tami, great workouts and I"m glad you figured out the confusion with the rotation sheet. I'm glad your DH is taking seriously the fact that Emma needs to be on a diet. Maybe you should put the amount of daily treats allowance in a little container so that he knows when to stop.
    You should try that Jillian Michaels' yoga workout I posted two weeks ago. It's called Yoga Meltdown.

    Becky, glad you're back in business! It's always hard when your lungs tell you to slow down. Just be sure to pace yourself. AWWww! Sorry your little boy is now sick.
    Pushup posture is always a concern for me.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout after work, it was just a day to play outside with Rocket. We are having some really windy days here, so it was hard throwing that ball around. :D This morning I got in a double workout, because I'm getting my hair cut/colored tonight. I did LIS TBT Chest, Shoulders & Triceps and then followed that up with 30MTF Cardio Blast Plyo.

    Laurel, Awesome workouts! I'm impressed that you got through that shoulder work. I do the same as you on the shoulder work for RUUB with having to go down in the weight, but I'm noticing some real difference in my shoulders from going as heavy as I can on each workout. High Step Training is a great workout, and I should incorporate that one into my rotation again. That probably is a good way to rotate those different body parts. To bad that you had to be the guinea pig, but we are learning from what you are attempting. ;)

    Tami, Now I totally understand getting the rotation confused. :D Great job on your workouts, and of course being able to head home and do a cardio workout. I like having some evenings to myself, then I can do what I want to do. I think that DH will be very happy to have the evening to himself tonight also. Every week with these workouts is great. Every week my muscles feel the DOMS, and that sometimes doesn't happen when I'm using the same workouts each week. Forgot to say that I'm really glad to hear that Emma's blood work came in okay, that has to be a huge relief. DD is coming over to our house on Friday, so I will have to ask her what her official title is, but I'm guessing that you are probably correct. When she went in for the interview, they had three different jobs that she was qualified for.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout! I think that holding off until Saturday to do the chest/shoulder work is a good idea. I've always wondered why he did the push-ups in the warm up, and always so fast. I think he does that a lot in the boot camp type workouts that he has. I was looking at doing a couple of those workouts, will have to see how I feel when that circuit week comes up.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with Ramped Up Upper Body triple back, which is the longest of the 'triple' workouts at 39 minutes. After yesterday's shoulder workout, I went in a little concerned how it would feel, but since Cathe doesn't focus much on the rear delts in that shoulder routine, I had no problems at all. In fact, I probably could have gone up in weight in a couple of areas (I used Cathe's weights throughout), if that tells you anything. Today's workout also called for longer, less intense cardio, so I did ICE Low Impact Sweat Doubled premix, which was perfect today.

    Tami, glad you figured out your issue with the rotation. I have my first few weeks scribbled on tiny scraps of paper right now and was fumbling through them today for next week's format. I really should take just a little time to organize this better! :o Great workout! I hope you enjoy your evening at home.

    Thelma, great workout! I think giving your shoulders some extra time sounds wise. I do think pace and form are very important. Any more, since I am so familiar with Cathe's workouts, I have a tendency to just go at my own pace in every workout. Sometimes I need more rest than she gives, sometimes less. Sometimes I like slower reps, sometimes not. I always try to finish around the same time, but if you were to look at me and then the TV, she and I would hardly ever be in sync. I think this is something I really picked up the first time I did P90X because Tony's approach of going your own pace really appealed to me.

    Laurie, sounds like a fun evening with Rocket. Great workout this morning! We have had strong winds here all week as well. Not my favorite thing, that's for certain. I don't mind being the guinea pig! But I still have a feeling I will end up finishing behind you all in the end!

    Becky, hope you are doing well.

    Until tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ This a.m. was RWH Low Impact HiiT and tonight instead of Spinning I am going to an indoor golf lesson. It should be pretty fun. The couple we went to Mexico with, well her husband and my DH have been golfing there a few times and said the guy is really good to learn from. So he signed me up for a lesson. Its been 5+ years since I even touched a club I think. So it will be like my first lesson.

    Thelma: Great Job with your Leg workout and Yoga Tune-Up Shoulders. Good to hear they are improving each day. I have that Yoga workout of JM’S! Its on my list to do during this rotation. I am looking forward to it. I remember liking it because it was a little faster pace; #2 from what I remember I liked better than #1 of the two workouts. The “treat allowance container” is a good idea. Just like with people, the little bits can add up if you keep adding those on.

    Laurie: We have been having SNOW again. Last night we accumulated about 4 new inches. Can’t believe it. Hoping Spring comes eventually. I know it will, just seems so far away. Way to go on the workout this a.m. I bet it felt perfect. No worries, and thank you as well on Emma. I know you are cheering us on and wishing her well. I appreciate it. Love that you are feeling it each week and getting some DOMS! Must be working hard! That is really exciting for your daughter. I will be anxious to hear what position she will be doing.

    Laurel: Way to go on the upper body workout again with the “triple” – So does every body part on that DVD have a pre-mix for triples!?! How awesome is that. Glad it felt good to you and of course the cardio add-on – TERRIFIC!!! I did enjoy my evening at home to myself. It was relaxing forsure and I slept perfect! LOL

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did Slide & Glide. Hadn't done this workouts in a long time. Always a good one. I didn't do the burpees or pushups. I jumped around instead. Got home after 7PM from work. I tried hard to talk myself out of working out but felt that the workout would help me relax from a very stressful day. It worked! Shoulders continue to improve. I had been taking two Aleve a day but haven't taken one since Tuesday morning.

    Laurie, great workouts! Sounds like you're having the winds we had last weekend! Hopefully my shoulders will be ready for a shoulder workout on Saturday. I think my strategy of going with lower weights has paid off. I've also been really good about moving my arms to warm up the shoulders during the day and stretch them a little as much as possible while at work. I knew that the key was to get rid of the stiffness. Since my strength (and form obviously) is not good when it comes to pushups I consider a workout with pushups as warm up such as the one in the Tae Bo workouts dangerous.

    Laurel, great combo today! Glad you didn't have problems with your workout today given the killer shoulder work from the day before! I think I need to stop worrying about keeping up with Cathe and simply go at my own pace which at times is slower than hers. That is why God made rewind button! HELLO!!!!

    Tami, nice workout today! I hope you enjoyed your golf lesson!
    Laurie said she also like part II of the JM yoga workout. I'll have to try it too.
    I like to say that our cats are in kitty weight watchers because we weigh their canned food portions and I have a 1/4 measurement cup for their dry food portion.

    Good night ladies!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good morning ladies - Next week is spring break, and I can't wait. I did get the yoga class in on Tuesday, and yesterday was disk 4 (shoulders, biceps and chest). I was supposed to do legs today, but I chose to sleep in. Today I will get yoga done at lunch and will get the leg workout in tonight when DH goes to work.

    Thelma - Great job on still working out after a long day at work. I am also glad to read that your shoulders are feeling better. You are making great choices for modifications.....keep it up.

    Tami - Awesome job with your workouts. The golf lesson sounds like fun, but it will definitely be like golfing for the 1st time since it has been so long. I am glad you figured out the confusion with the rotation. I decided to open up my rotation doc and strike out what I have done to help me keep my weeks straight.

    Laurel - Your combo on the 7th was fantastic! I am glad your workout the next day was a good one with no issues. Thanks for the advice on not pushing it with cardio and my lungs. I definitely don't want to be out for a month......ughhh.....that would be horrible.

    Laurie - great job on your workouts......I love that you did a Tae Bo workout. So fun. That's great that you took one night off to play with Rocket. I probably should do that with my two girls......they need a good long walk and some play time. Enjoy your "me" time with getting your hair done. You had me laughing out loud about calling each child's name by going down the list. My boys have one name now.......Josh-Brett. I just say both names like it is one. My husband makes fun of me.

    Have a great day.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a very nice visit with my dd last night, and of course my hair is now beautifully colored also. :D This morning I did RWH Low Impact HiiT Premix #3, perfect for my morning. I will be doing some yoga when I get home, and I'm planning on a longer session to make up for the one I missed on Sunday. ;) The strong winds are gone today, but we now have shingles on the ground from our roof. Our insurance company is suppose to come look at the roof for damage done from a hail storm that we had, so I guess this can get added onto that.

    Laurel, Awesome workouts! Will be interested in how your body feels at the end of this week after doing all those triple body parts. I noticed yesterday that I have more definition in my shoulders and chest. I was wearing a shirt that exposed my collar bones, and I was surprised. I guess we don't realize what different types of weight training will do for the body. I might be joining you on your 20 week rotation, if I continue to see results like this.

    Tami, Of course you did an great workout! :) So you and Laurel will be golfing, that is really nice that your DH encouraged you to do the lessons. It will be fun for you and him to go out and take in the nice weather, and of course having fun at the same time. ;) I'm hoping that we don't get the snow, but if we do it won't be here for to long hopefully. I talked to dd yesterday, and forgot to ask her about the job title. She was busy telling me all about Zoey having an explosive accident in her kennel. :# Guess she must have eaten something that she shouldn't have.

    Thelma, Great job getting in your workout when you had to talk yourself into doing it. Continued improvement on the shoulders it a positive also. You are right about the push ups in the warm-up, if your chest isn't warmed up they can be hard. I like the way Cathe does the push ups, on the bench, during the warm up. I think the JM Yoga Meltdown #2 workout is better, because it flows. #1 is more about holding the poses for strength purposes. Hopefully that explains the difference more.

    Becky, Nice job on your workouts, and getting your yoga in. Rocket loves to be chased, and sometimes we play that in the house. He and I play hide and seek also, and he loves to run back and forth from the family room to the living room. He stays on the carpet, and I'm in the hallway running back and forth. Good thing that area has tile floor, so with my socks on I can slide to a stop. It is kind of a good extra workout also. ;) Just to much energy sometimes.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! So today was the last day of the triple upper body workouts, and I ended with the shortest of the Ramped Up Upper Body triple workouts--chest. It is only 20 minutes long, but there are 126 push-ups in those 20 minutes (those 20 minutes include the warm-up and stretch too), so it was no walk in the park. In fact, it felt really good today. Today's workout called for HiiT cardio, so I did RWH Circuit Lower Body into RWH Plyo HiiT Two for a fantastic combo. I haven't done either of those workouts in some time, so I really enjoyed them today. And today also called for flexibility training, so I did Cathe's Yoga Max. So good!

    Tami, hope you enjoyed the golf lesson! Sounds like fun. I have never had a golf lesson. :# I know I should, but I figure they would be trying to change everything I do, and I would just get frustrated. I am in it for fun, not accomplishment. But, honestly, I would be a WHOLE lot better if I had started with lessons. So I hope you enjoyed it. Yuck to more snow!! This really has been a long winter for you. Regarding the triple premixes, yes Cathe included both double and triple premixes for each upper body part on Ramped Up Upper Body, and it includes the warm-up and stretch. I like doing the one body part a day add-on during this circuit week since the lifting I have been doing during circuit week (both times I have done it) is pretty light. I figure this is a way to keep those muscles limber and ready to do 'heavy' next week without risking injury. My body doesn't like time off from strength training anymore as I age. :o

    Thelma, glad to hear your shoulders continue to improve. Great job getting your workout in after another long day! Don't know how you do it sometimes.

    Becky, bet that yoga felt good! Great job getting back to the strength part of the rotation......and sleeping in when you need to!! Hopefully you will be fully recovered from your illness soon.

    Laurie, bet the hair feels better, and what a nice extra bonus of time with your DD. Seems like RWH HiiT was on the card for a few of us! I agree about how different lifting really affects the appearance, and this rotation is definitely highlighting it. My body is still trying to figure out what I am doing to it, and I like that feeling! I am definitely getting better results from this rotation that anything else I have done for awhile. Yikes of the roof shingles. That is no fun. That is some strong wind!

    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well the golf lesson was lots of fun last night. I was a week behind my friend and the other lady joining us but he said I was amazingly a fast learner and had I truly not golfed in 5 years. Ummmm, forsure I haven’t. But he is a good teacher and very kind. So I will be joining them again for a few more weeks and go from there. He had me go first and you go one at a time due to the fact it is indoors with one screen. Nerves forsure but luckily I was in good company. So this am. I ended up not having enough time to do my full hour but I did Lower Body Tri-Sets, which is always a great one for me.

    Thelma: Awesome work with slide & glide! I am glad to hear it helped ease your stress level as well. That is always a good way to alleviate stress in my book. I think you are right on with hitting the pause or rewind button on any workout if you are not going at the same pace …. Otherwise you are feeling rushed maybe and not concentrating on the move or how your muscles are working to each exercise. That is so good you measure your cats foods. WE also have a measuring cup, which I have reminded DH not to HEAP over when giving them their foods. LOL Sheesh!

    Becky: Great job getting in your Yoga class on Tuesday! Also, STS Shoulders/Bis/Chest. Glad you have tonight to make up for your missed workout; I love when I get to make it up. Just makes me feel better. Thank you for the kudos on my workouts. Yes, it was definitely a first time feeling for the golf. I asked him to show me how to grip the club again. I actually had some muscle memory on the swing, but he fixed what I had learned before so that is good. It already feels better. Not saying I am going to love this sport but I am looking forward to an activity I can do with my hubby. That is why I originally took lessons years ago and gave up softball.

    Laurie: Sounds like a wonderful evening with your DD! Yay on the coloring as well. Always feels better. Great job with the HiiT Premix and enjoy your yoga tonight I hope. It is nice that he is encouraging me. It will be fun if I can grasp it enough to go as couples or just with him. Something fun to do together. Which, as I mentioned above is why I tried several years ago but just didn’t enjoy it. Hopefully this time is different and I can go with everyone.

    Laurel: Way to go on those push-ups! Nicely done Great job adding on those HiiT cardio workouts as well. WOW! To end with Yoga Max I am sure it felt amazing. Good for you never having a lesson in golf. That is awesome. It seems so complicated in my brain and so many things to think about. Maybe it is best to not think and not hit it very hard. My problem is gripping the club like a baseball bat and swinging for the fences. LOL OMG. It has really been a long winter for us. Everyone is talking about it. We have rain today and warmer temps with rain coming. That should help a little in getting rid of some snow. Cant wait to see what you have planned for your HEAVY week!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did XT Bi's & Tri's. Another long day at work and once again had to talk myself into working out. Had a little set back with the shoulders. Things got a little stiff again. I think I slept in a weird position. I think I'm going to skip lifting on Saturday because it is shoulders,

    Becky, glad you're feeling better and working out again! So jealous of your spring break next week! Enjoy!

    Laurie, great workouts! Glad you had a nice visit with your dd! Thanks for the description on workout II on the JM yoga workout!

    Laurel, another winning combo today! OMG on those pushups! Great job! Don't know how I managed to workout today and yesterday Laurel but thank God I was able to do it. Definitely helps with the stress.

    Tami, awesome workout today! So glad you enjoyed your golf lesson so much!
    When I don't want my pet sitter to heap the measuring cup for the cat's dry food I take a Scripto permanent marker and draw a line as a marker.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    edited March 2017
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I did 10lb Slimdown Xtreme Yoga workout, and that was a perfect way to end the day. This morning I did LIS TBT Back, Biceps & Core Premix, and then I followed that up with Patrick goudeau's Kickbox Burn. That one is a programmable DVD, so I was able to do 2 10 min. segments, and then the cool down. I'm loving that workout the more I do it. Don't know if I will get anything else in today, but I still have the workouts that I scheduled for tomorrow. I'm sure that I should be able to get those in. I'm planning on 30MTF Athletic Conditioning Workout 2, and Kelly's Cardio Pump workout. Next week is upper/lower week, and I'm really looking forward to it.

    Laurel, Great workout combos, that really is a short segment for chest (kind of unusual for Cathe ;) ). I didn't realize that her chest work in that DVD wasn't that long. Guess that is a great option if you are short on time, but need some chest work in your week. I'm going to have to really solidify my next 5 weeks, can't go into next week not knowing what I will be doing for the next portion.

    Tami, Glad to hear that the golf lesson went so well, and that you got in your lower body workout. Love that one too. I would have been a bundle of nerves going first with the golf swing, I'm really bad from years of swinging a softball bat. I tend to swing the clubs just like I'm swinging my bat. DH doesn't golf, so there is no incentive for me to really try it out. I'm sure once you feel more comfortable with having the lessons, you time out on the course will be a lot more fun than the last time you tried it out.

    Thelma, Good job on the workout. Sorry to hear about the shoulders, I think that would be a good choice to skip them until you feel more comfortable. Hope you enjoy your half day off, so far I'm really enjoying my morning. I got my workout done, breakfast and I have banana bread in the oven for this weekend. Dang on the long work days, so please enjoy your time off and don't think about work.

    Becky, Hope you have a great weekend.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had my workout all planned for today and then.....changed my mind. Actually, I changed my mind while simultaneously being unable to make up my mind, so I did a weird mess of workouts. Anyhow, I started with RWH Circuit Upper Body and took that right into Flex Train. Never thought about doing these two workouts together but couldn't decide which one to do, so I did both. And, actually, it wasn't a bad combo. Even though it was about 85 minutes long, it really flew by. Since there is a cardio factor in both workouts, I thought about just leaving it there. But my mind kept saying 'I want cardio!' So I did a fun, not intense, mind-calming cardio......Party Rockin' Step 1. It was perfect for today......but not at all what I thought my workout was going to look like today. I had planned Cathe's Body Blast Supersets and Kick, Punch, quite a change! Oh well.

    Tami, so glad you enjoyed the golf lesson!! Both you and Laurie mention how playing softball impacts your swing, and that is so common in golf. No doubt golf can be one of the most frustrating activities ever dreamt up by a human. If you are ever looking for something funny to watch about golf, Robin Williams did a segment on it once, describing what the Scots must have been thinking as they came up with this silly game. Can't tell you how many times I hear Robin Williams in my head on the golf course. But if you can get past the frustration, it really is a nice way to spend time together as a couple and, for me, I find it very relaxing (I like walking the courses because they are pretty). I hear you on how many things there seem to be to think about during a swing (keep your head down, straighten this arm, hold this elbow in, focus on your wrists.....). I think that is why I never had a lesson. DH can confuse me at times giving me recommendations. So my advise is.....come up with a key phrase for yourself that calms your mind. DH uses 'slow and smooth' for his. I simply say to myself 'relax and just hit the d**n ball'. :p But it works!! Anyhow, hope your weather improves soon!! I will be doing Meso 2/Week 2 for Heavy next week. I can't wait!!

    Thelma, sorry to hear about the shoulder set back. I think a day off is exactly what you should do. No doubt the stress from work isn't helping either. Hopefully you get some time to relax this weekend.

    Laurie, great workouts! I agree about being surprised on the shorter chest work in RUUB. Cathe usually spends way more time on chest than back, but she sure flipped that in this workout. But that's okay by me. B) Glad to hear you are enjoying your day off. The banana bread sounds good!!

    Becky, hope you are well.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Happy Sunday Ladies - I hope your weekend has been going well. I am a little behind on the rotation, but I will be catching up today. Friday was dedicated to doing some workouts for other challenges that I am in (a few Darebee ones, one yoga video (incredibly boring), and lots of burpees). They provided a nice sweat, but nothing like Cathe does. Yesterday was no workout due to birthday party (my boys went to one) and me prepping for some friends that came over. My best friend is getting married, so we practiced making paper flowers out of sheet music. So, today I need to catch up on my rotation. I plan to do an almost full body workout (minus legs) so that I get back on track.

    My kids are staying with gma and gpa today and tonight, my DH works tonight, so I get the house to myself. I am not sure what to do! I am really looking forward to this time alone, too.

    Laurel - Your combo on Friday was definitely a change from what you had planned, but it sounds great. Nice job on all your workouts this past week. Your Thursday workout with all those pushups made my chest/shoulders cringe. :D WOW! I can't believe you did all those pushups.....amazing job.

    Laurie - Amazing workouts, and great job getting your yoga in. I am glad you enjoyed your time with your DD. Hopefully the shingles off of your house isn't too much damage. It's nice to get pampered and get your hair done.....I am sure it looks great. I think I am due for a die job in the next 2 weeks.

    Thelma - Nice job on your workout. I hope your shoulder is feeling better this weekend.

    Tami - I am so glad you enjoyed the golf lesson. Out of curiosity, were you a little sore anywhere after the lesson? When I go back to the hitting range after a long break from golf, there is always some weird body part that is a little sore. It's weird. Golfing is a good activity to do with DH. I need to get mine to do something active.....he's still not working out in any way (grrrrr.......). Great job on your workouts, too.

    Have a great rest of the weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you all had a great weekend. I brought work home and worked all weekend. I took 1/2 day off on Friday but after taking less than 4 hours I got back to work and finished at 9PM. I didn't workout all weekend and sitting in front of the computer this caused my shoulders to get tight again. I definitely injured my right shoulder though so I have to continue taking it easy with my workouts. I am going to seriously modify the rotation by adding cardio every other day on those weeks when the rotation calls for lifting every day.
    We're expecting a blizzard on Tuesday. I thought we were done with the snow.

    Laurie, great workouts! Glad you got to enjoy your day off!
    I hope that working all weekend will help me get ahead with work so I don't have to work long hours during the week.

    Laurel, awesome combos! Great job! I hope that having worked all weekend will help me with the stress during the week. I want my life back!

    Becky, great job getting back to your workouts!

    Hi Tami!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a very nice weekend with our car club, and we where back home on Sunday morning. So yesterday I did Yoga Warrior 365 The Gathering. This morning I did S&S Ramped Up Upper Body. Got into work late this morning, we are having a snow storm. The roads are horrible.

    Laurel, Great job mixing up the workouts to suit your mood. I think you picked some good ones, of course the one you didn't do looked good too. :D I'm still amazed that you did the triple body parts, my upper body is spent again this morning from that RUUB workouts. Have to admit that the banana bread is really good, and I even put yogurt in it. It calls for sour cream, but I didn't have any.

    Becky, Sounds like you had a busy weekend, and that you are going to be caught up with us by doing a full body workout. Hope that you enjoyed your time alone, even though it is only DH and most of the time, it is nice to have those evenings by yourself. My DH doesn't workout, and he doesn't want to. I tend to push him to take a walk, hopefully he will get outside more when the weather gets better.

    Thelma, Dang on working all weekend, and only getting 4 hours on Friday. :( Hope that your efforts did the job, and that you don't have to be at work for longer than average. Sorry to hear about you shoulder, take good care of it.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all enjoyed the weekend. I got some good spring cleaning/maybe selling the house cleaning in on Saturday since DH was working all day. But we got a chance to golf yesterday, which was a nice break. I took a much needed break from workouts on Saturday, and started week 6/Heavy yesterday. I did STS Disc 18/Back and Biceps, and I went heavy on it! My arms were shaking throughout the entire round of golf. I feel it today still......but it is a good 'feel'. For cardio yesterday, I did To The Max Extreme premix. Today was STS Disc 17/Legs, and, again, I went as heavy as I could. I am curious how that is going to feel tomorrow! :o Anyhow, for cardio, I did 4DS Kickbox cardio into Cardio Kicks for a good, fun combo.

    Becky, hope you enjoyed your evening at home alone. Even though it is just my DH and I, I still enjoy those evenings where I am home alone. I think I particularly like not having to worry about feeding anybody besides me. B) Anyhow, great job getting caught up on the rotation. Sounds like you are definitely feeling better. I am intrigued by making paper flowers out of sheet music. I love that idea!

    Thelma, I am so sorry to hear about the wall-to-wall working weekend. No fun. I am also sorry your shoulder is still bothering. Hopefully a little break and some revisions to the rotation will let it heal. Hope you don't get hit too hard with the snow and also hope this is the last you see of it this year!

    Laurie, glad to hear you enjoyed your weekend. Your banana bread sounds great! I have never used sour cream in my banana bread. I have used it in coffee cakes I have made, though. I bet the yogurt was a good substitute and maybe even made it a little more moist? Great workouts yesterday and today! I think what makes Ramped Up Upper Body so tough for me one time through is her sequencing of the body parts. If I am remembering correctly, she goes from the long back section into chest and triceps and then hits shoulders. That transition into shoulders kills me every time because my shoulders feel so spent by that time. Doing it one body part a day takes that pre-fatigue out, so it wasn't as tough as it seemed. Well, except for the shoulder section. That is just a tough section no matter how I look at it! :p

    Tami, hope you had a good weekend!
