Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night I changed courses and went home and did CrossFire Circuit Blast for a quick little cardio but it felt great and then DH returned from his meeting and we had dinner together before he had to race out again to meet a friend who just popped into town. This a.m. was a no go on getting up ....... I was up with Emma at 2:00 letting her out and making sure she was ok; a restless night for her and I couldn't go back to sleep until she was comfortable and sleeping well, and then of course my early alarm went off. :neutral: I have my 3rd and final golf lesson tonight until I sign up for more so no Spinning.

    Laurel: Definitely another good workout day for you!!! Way to go. I can imagine you are feeling a bit restless right now and all that cardio helped I am sure. Thank you for the Anniversary wishes. IT should be a nice evening forsure; good thing I enjoy Bball. LOL This time of year anyway.

    Laurie: Great job with your workout last night and this a.m.! Excellent job. That ICE BootCamp is a lot of fun. I think the total body with a cardio factor built in are truly some of my favorite style of workouts; which is why I like the new S&S series so much I think. So your DH doesn't like watching the games? Just you? That's great you watch them and he records his shows. LOL

    Thelma: That's fantastic news about your shoulder responding so well to that yoga stretch!! WOOHOO. The latter about the Oral Surgery gives me butterflies, but I know it will go good for you. What a full schedule you have with your job. Way to hang in there!

    Hi Becky

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies! Another pretty good shoulder day. My gut feeling told me to not do the yoga conditioning workout. I didn't listen and should have. My right shoulder got a little tight so I've been nursing it. I hope that things will loosen up again tomorrow. I got home late from work so I had little time for a workout. I pulled out the Tabatacise DVD and did the first tabata followed by the shoulder conditioning DVD.

    I managed to have my boss allow us to sped one night at the hotel in Boston. Thank God!

    Laurie, Muscle Max sounds like a good workout! Great job with ICE BC!
    The train ride will be a pain in the neck. You'd think I'm going from NH to Boston with time it will take o get there.

    Laurel, awesome combo today!
    Boston drivers are aggressive for sure. I'm happy about the opportunity to stay in Boston overnight. 6 of us are going and 4 will stay at the hotel. I hope that my shoulders get better with a few more sessions too.

    Tami, great job with that CrossFire workout! Sorry Emma had a restless night. I hope she is OK. Happy Anniversary!

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I did Patrick Goudeaus Kickbox Burn, and I did the warm up and two rounds. This one is a programmable workout, so it really is becoming a fav. This morning was PHA Training, and so far so good with all the weight work I'm doing this week. Feeling my abs the most. ;)

    Laurel, Awesome job on the workouts! The week you are on is a tough one with doing the workouts twice during the week. 20 Min. of stretching is doing something. I have done shorter yoga/stretching on some of those days that I'm just not into doing long ones. You should do the STS Med Ball abs, and then the ab work from Boot Camp since it uses the med ball also. That would be a really nice combo. Now I just might have to try that one too. ;) The ME abs are still her best with giving some great DOMS.

    Tami, Sorry to hear that Emma didn't have a good night. That really does make for a night of restless sleep. Great job on the workout, and hope your last golf lesson was a good one. Do you think you will be signing up for more? This week that I'm doing is a lot like the Peak Fit rotation, with doing metabolic workouts. I still want to try out an 8 week rotation trying that. I just don't know if my body would be able to handle it. I just see all the workouts that have, and realize that it would be fun to try it at least. No my DH only enjoys watching Nascar, but then again I enjoy it also.

    Thelma, Nice job on the workout, I don't do the Tabatacise workout enough. I keep forgetting that you can do that one in shorter increments also. Glad to hear that you will not have to endure the train until you are done with the class.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout was STS Disc 5/Back and Triceps followed by RWH Low Impact HiiT One and Two premix followed by Bonus Abs Two. Good stuff.

    Tami, sorry to hear about the tough night with Emma. Hope she is okay. Hope you enjoyed your last golf lesson. Any chance of getting on a course soon?

    Thelma, sorry to hear the shoulder tightened up again. Hopefully the yoga workout helped ease it a bit. That is good news about being able to stay in Boston. That only makes sense as you all will be much more effective if you are rested.

    Laurie, great workouts. Glad to hear your body is keeping up with what you are putting it through this week. Great idea about adding the core work from BC to the STS Med Ball Abs. I have never thought of that combo, but it would probably be just about perfect. I will definitely give that one a try.

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ This a.m. was PHA Training! Just love this workout. Emma had a way better night; something we just deal with for now and i think it was just that she had to potty and get a drink. Poor ol girl. Tonight is our Anniversary and BBall watching! We are going out for a special dinner tomorrow evening, so that will also be fun.

    Laurel: Fabulous job with STS and Low Impact HiiT 1 &2 with the bonus abs. Sounds absolutely perfect. The golf lesson was pretty good. We did a mock 3 hole game. I drove to the hole further than anyone but my putting was horrible. I have really never putted before so YIKES! We all signed up for 3 more lessons so that will be good. Probably not any chance of a real course for quite a while. Our area is now suffering from so much moisture and the lake is so high that everywhere is absolutely saturated. I can imagine the golf courses as well. But one of these days I will be able too and I will hopefully be prepared.

    Laurie: Fabulous job with the KB Burn workout! I have that one as well and love the pre-mixes they offer. I always forget there are shorter ones on there. I have done the combined of all when I have done that one. But really a fun workout. Great that the abs are feeling it! Thank you for the encouragement with the golf lessons. As I mentioned to Laurel, we did sign up for 3 more as a group. So we will not go next week but the 3 weeks after that. Hopefully I will feel a little more comfortable by then. Have fun watching the games tonight! Go ZAGS!

    Thelma: Sorry about your shoulder but it sounds like you didn’t stray to far from where you currently were. Hopefully it has loosened up today. That’s great you get to stay a night in Boston. Big relief I am sure. Thank you for the kudos and Anniversary wishes! Cannot believe it is 21 years.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies! I figured out that the scapula exercises on the shoulder DVD is what is causing me to get tight. Either I'm doing them wrong or it is too much for me given the scapula is a weak spot for me. I didn't workout tonight. I was so exhausted when I got home from work that I could've fallen asleep standing up.

    Laurie, great workouts! The Tabatacise workout is a good one. Definitely a good one for those days when you don't have much time. I'm relieved about that trip to Boston let me tell you! We already made plans to go to the North End which is an area in Boston famous for the Italian food. OH BOY!

    Laurel, great combo today!
    I actually think the yoga workout made me get tight again. The first day I did the workshop version which is the instructional workout. It goes at a slower pace and each move is done for a shorter period of time than the actual practice. So the practice is more intense, the pretzel stretch moves are deeper. So all day today I felt the aches that go along with the tightness. I should be better tomorrow. The good thing in my experience is that things relax within a day.

    Tami, great workouts for you too! So glad Emma had a better night. Enjoy your dinner out tomorrow night! The shoulder got tight but nothing like that weekend when I was working using the wrong chair. I'm going to this class with some of the same people I went to DC with so it should be fun at least after class! LOL

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was 10lb Slimdown Yoga, didn't have enough time to do 40 min., so I did the shorter routine. This morning I changed up the Amy Dixon workout to her Ultimate Kettelbell workout. That was awesome, and will make sure that I incorporate this one into my routine more often. I will have to invest in a 10lb kb though, because some moves are way to fast for my 15lb. I forgot to wear my fitbit (it was in the charger), so I didn't get a good hr reading on this one. So that means I will have to try it again. We are going out tonight with our friends (the one that has colon cancer), she said that she is feeling really good this week and wants to get out of the house. ;)

    Laurel, Great workouts! I'm now starting to think of some ab combos, I have so many of them it is making my head spin. After tomorrows workout, I'm taking Sunday off. I'm really feeling today's workout.

    Tami, What a great game last night! I yelled at my DH to come watch, because those types of games are where highlights are made. That is the main reason I watch these games, there is some of the best bball played in these games. Glad to see that Gonzaga won though. ;) Great job on your workout, and I hope that your dinner was very special.

    Thelma, You are listening to your body, and it sounds like it needed the rest. Yum on getting to have really good Italian food. We have a prominent Italian family in this area, and the food is awesome.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started my workout with STS Disc 4/Chest, Shoulders and Biceps, followed by XTrain Core 1. For cardio, I did Party Rockin' Step 2 60 minute premix, which is a Friday fave. With the upcoming move, I am planning to workout as many days as I can until we leave.

    We are 98% certain now--after an eventful few days--that we are going to pack this house out week after next and move up to Alaska together in two weeks. We have an application in on a house for rent that we 'toured' last night via FaceTime. So things are coming at us fast right now. Unfortunately I have to take my little red sports car back tonight to trade it in for a more practical AWD car since the only way the company DH is going to work for will pay for two vehicles to get to Alaska is to drive them. My little car is not the type of car to take up the Alaskan Highway, that's for sure. So, yes, I get to drive 5000 (!) miles to Alaska by myself. I think without the calming certainty of my daily workouts, I would have crawled under the bed by now and would be refusing to come out. :o:p

    Tami, hope you enjoyed your anniversary yesterday and a nice dinner tonight. Yay for more golf lessons! I hope you enjoy them. Putting is not easy! Unfortunately for me, I hate practicing at it too. I can stand and whack at balls all day long, but the concentration and control of putting.....not so much. And it shows in my game. :# I would say I am sorry to hear it is so wet up there right now, but after that scary drought two years ago, I think the moisture is probably good. Unless you are trying to golf, of course. ;)

    Thelma, like Laurie said, I am glad you listened to your body and skipped your workout. You have been working some long hours lately and that, combined with an injury, no doubt has worn you out. I am glad you are figuring some things out with your shoulder. Hopefully you can find a good balance of the right kind of activity and rest to get it all healed up.

    Laurie, great workouts. I am glad to hear your friend is feeling well. I hope you enjoy your evening out. Sounds like you need a day off from working out. This rotation is no joke, that's for sure. We'll see if I can push through for 12 more days. Probably not!! :D

    Becky, hope the rest of your week went well.

    Off to sit in my little car and weep. :'(;) Hope you all have a good weekend.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited March 2017
    Happy Friday Ladies ~ DH and I had a really nice evening at home. He made us dinner on the BBQ and we watched Gonzaga! OMG what a game, it was a nail biter forsure. Super happy to see them win and go on. Tomorrow will be another tough one for them. Spinning tonight after work and then off to our dinner out.

    Thelma: Sounds like you had a much deserved night off from your workouts; between your busy schedule and the shoulder issue you have been dealing with. Hopefully the break felt good. Thank you for the well wishes on Emma. Should be fun for our dinner out.

    Laurie: Great job with your workouts this week! Getting in your Yoga last night and then the Amy Dixon one this a.m. as well. Sounds like you had a lot of fun with that one. I hope you enjoy your time out with your friend, it’s nice that she is feeling up to it. OMG! That game was crazy. I could barely watch the last minute of it. DH was the same way and told me to get my hands off my eyes. LOL

    Laurel: What another amazing combo you had today in the workout room! I am sure you will be getting in as long and hard of workouts as you can in the next couple of weeks. What a new twist on things with having to trade in your car and find out you are driving to Alaska. I think I may be wanting to have a small panic but at the same time, knowing you don’t have time for that. Just keep moving forward. Do you guys have some family/friends that will be helping you pack up? I am happy to hear you guys find something to move into though; that’s encouraging and good to know where your headed space wise in your mind. Oh friend, I know you will make it through this with flying colors. Keep your chin up and one day at a time. You will survive! Workouts will keep you sane.

    Hi Becky

    Have a nice weekend ladies ~ I am not going into work this weekend! Will feel good to have 2 days off in a row. Talk to you on Monday
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you all had a nice weekend. I actually managed to have a little time to relax even though I had to do a little work.
    On Friday I did Ice Rock'm Sock'm Kickbox, Saturday ICE Chiseled Lower Body and today I manage my time well so I didn't have time to get my workout in.
    My shoulders are not where they need to be but I'll start doing a little upper body work tomorrow just to see how things go.

    Laurie, great job with those workouts! I got a 10lb KB at TJMaxx so check there or Marshalls. It's neon green though! LOL. Do you have to press any buttons on your Fitbit before you start a workout? I sometimes forget to press the start button on my fitness tracker and it kills me that I didn't count calories during part of the workout.
    I hope you ladies had a good time out on Friday.
    I'm excited about going to the North End. Gosh I can't remember how long it's been since I was there last.

    Laurel, awesome combo on Friday! Wow Laurel, so much going on in your life. It has to be overwhelming. I am glad your moving together though. You can just pay a realtor to sell the house. You don't even have to be there at closing time. Now that is a long drive but at least you'll be following your husband. I hope you have lots of minutes in your cellular phone service so you can call each other along the way. What kind of car did you get?
    I can't believe I've been so worn out. On Friday after a quick workout, shower and dinner I went to bed to try to watch some tv. I slept so much!

    Tami, glad you and your DH had a nice dinner at home and that your team won! Great workouts.
    Resting felt really good.

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    edited March 2017
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a lot of fun with our friends on Friday, and we are all going to go out on a more consistant basis. We had a really cold & rainy weekend. On Friday I started to have sinus issues, at first I though it was a cold. Saturday was the worst day, so I didn't workout. On Sunday I felt 95% better, so I new it wasn't a cold. ;) I purchased a subscription to Get Healthy U TV, for only $6 annual fee. I decided to try some of the workouts. The kettlebell workout that I tried last week is on this subscription too. I tried a workout called Move Total Body, what a great workout. It was Pyramid style, so you do an exercise for 30 sec, and then get a 30 sec rest. Add on another exercise, so you are doing two exercises for a total of 1 min., then a 30 sec rest. You keep adding exercises until you are up to 5 different moves. You get a rest and then go back down the pyramid. Awesome workout, and I really liked the instructor. This morning I did another workout called Super 8, this one is a circuit of 8 different exercises, each one done for a minute. You do this circuit twice. I followed that up with 30MTF Boot Camp Bonus Stretch.

    This is what my week will look like:
    GHUTV Move Total Body
    GHUTV Super 8 & 30MTF Bootcamp Bonus Stretch / 10 Min. Solutions Kickboxing
    LIHI Back, Biceps, Shoulders / GHUTV Ultimate Kettlebell Workout (may not get this in due to appointment)
    LIHI Legs and ICE Core #1
    ACE Upper Body HiiT & 10 Min Belly Blast / Krisin McGee Power Yoga
    ACE Lower Body HiiT / LIHI Chest, Tris, Shoulders
    GHUTV Kettlebell Core & Yoga Stretch and Relax

    Laurel, Awesome job on the workouts! Bummer on having to sell your car, and having that long drive, on that road to endure. I can't imagine all that you have to get done in the next two weeks for your journey to Alaska. I'm always amazed at what you can do with modern conveniences. Who would think that you could do a tour of a house with facetime. I'm also very glad that you have your workouts, can't imagine what you would do without the outlet. My friend looked really good, and since she has a lot of hair, the little that she has lost wasn't noticeable. She is happy about that. The one thing that she isn't dong right now is eating as healthy as she usually does. She said that when she craves her Fritos, she has them. :D I couldn't fault her that thought process either.

    Tami, Great job on the spinning. What a great way to enjoy the eveing of bball. The majority of the games this weekend where really exciting. I'm a little sad that UWM didn't win, but they had a good game in the end. I just couldn't stay up that late to watch. Kind of glad that I didn't, probably would have been wound up from the loss. Congrats to Gonzaga on their journey to the Final Four, I'm sure that you and your DH will be watching those games this weekend.

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts! Hopefully your shoulders will cooperate with you this week. Thanks for the info on the kb, I will have to look there for one also. I really want to try that workout with the appropriate weight, just to see how much better the workout would be if I can keep up. Yes I need to push the button on my fitbit, and have forgotten a few times. It was very nice to be out with out friends, I'm glad that they want to get together more often.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had quite a busy weekend, but we got quite a bit done too. I got my new Subaru on Saturday morning, and while it isn't as fun as my little red car was, I really like it. I think I will be very comfortable on the trip to Alaska and for our time up there. I am meeting with the movers this afternoon so we can arrange a time for the actual move out. I have the trip to Alaska all planned out and just awaiting the input of dates depending on the movers. We will be signing the contract for the house sale everything is clicking away right now.

    I even got my workouts in this weekend. Saturday was incredibly hectic, but while some guys were here relocating DH's hot tub to its new home, I managed to squeak in STS Disc 29/Plyo Legs and X10 Hi/Lo. Yesterday was STS Disc 28/Chest and Back followed by To The Max. Today was STS Disc 38/Squat Rack Legs, but I must admit I planned our trip during the long breaks instead of doing my stretching. B) But I did follow it with STS Extended Stretch. For cardio, I did Intensity.

    Tami, we finally got a chance to watch some basketball on Saturday and saw the end of the Gonzaga game. What an exciting win for them! So happy to see such a historically good team finally make the Final Four. Hope they take it all! Thank you for your words of encouragement. Each days gets a little easier as the reality sinks in. I just needed some time to let the shock wear off!

    Thelma, glad you were able to get some rest and that your shoulder is feeling well enough to attempt some light lifting. Thankfully we don't have to pack or move ourselves for this move, so all I will be packing is stuff I don't trust the movers to handle and that which we are carrying in the cars. I got a Subaru Outback, and it is a nice sized car for me. I like little cars (long time Honda Civic driver), so while this is bigger than my usual car, it doesn't drive like it. I think it will handle that rough road between Edmonton and Fairbanks quite nicely actually. Thankfully we have driven the Alaskan Highway before (twice) so we know what to expect. And, unfortunately, we don't expect much cell service along the way. But we have some old fashioned walkie talkies that we used in our moves across the US that will, hopefully, come in handy. But I think there will come a time towards the end of the trip that we will be two of very few cars on the road.

    Laurie, sorry to hear about your sinus issues, but happy to hear that was what it was and not a cold. Glad to hear your friend is doing okay and given her situation....I would say 'eat the Fritos!' Sounds like some interesting new workouts. I love that there are so many avenues available these days for accessing a variety of workouts. Sounds like you have a great week planned. I was sorry to see Wisconsin not pull out a victory this weekend. But they did themselves proud.

    Becky, hope you are well!


  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Nice weekend and eventhough I didn’t work it went by way to fast. When I came in to work today I realized I SHOULD have worked. My in basket was overflowing and stacks beside it. OY! They didn’t tell me they were coming in again. A girl who works in this dept. who used to do typing of files is helping out with a few so that is a few less in the stack and I will get through it today! YAY. Was a little overwhelming when I got here. So workouts were S&S Total Body Giant Sets on Saturday and yesterday started the HEAVY week with STS. So it was #28 Chest/Back and I followed it up with Muscle Meltdown Chest; Volleyball was in the afternoon and we won 4 out of 6 games. So that was pretty good. BootCamp tonight, I think I will finally make my Monday class.

    Thelma: Great job with your workouts and nice to hear you had a little relaxing time as well over the weekend. That felt great I am sure. Sounds like you needed it with that extra sleep you had as well.

    Laurie: Sounds like our weather we have been having. The sun has popped out briefly …. But it is brief forsure. So much rain. Sorry to hear about your sinuses, hopefully doesn’t turn into something. Sounds like a fun mix of workouts to try. Way to go! I almost chose LIHI for my heavy this week … love the format of those and just go heavy as possible is what my plan was and then decided on STS. Maybe the next HEAVY week I will do LIHI or even though of her Slow & Heavy series as well. So many choices. Thank you for the kudos on my workouts and of course the Zags winning! Our whole community is excited of course, since they are a “local” team only 40 minutes away. Funny thing though, if they face North Carolina that is my DH’s favorite time of all time. HE said he would have to cheer against them. We will see!

    Laurel: What a busy weekend for you is right! I would imagine they will all be like that for a while, but again one day at a time  Subaru’s are great cars. Very reliable and perfect for Alaska country. Hopefully your happy with it. FANTASTIC job busting through your workouts!!! Not that I am surprised by any means, but still way to go!
    Pretty exciting about the Zags forsure. So fun to watch them win again and make it to the final 4. I am happy to hear that it is feeling a little better on the move these days .. hope it all goes well with the moving company and this is as smooth as it can be for you both!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies! I woke up feeling like one shoulder was higher than the other which also means one shoulder was pointing forward. Nothing to prevent me from working out though. Tonight I started with RWH Back, shoulders, biceps and Premix #10: Abs Instead Of Finishers. I followed that with Yoga Link: Shoulder Shape-Up and heat. So far so good.
    I started to feel a sore throat right before I started working out and a sinus headache. Not happy about this. I hope I can still have my oral surgery tomorrow!

    Laurie, so glad you and your friends had fun on your night out and that you're feeling better! What a deal on that Get Healthy U TV subscription! I went to the site and my first thought was: Wait a minute is that Chris Freytag? It was! Great instructors. I may have to check it out. Are they 1/2 hr workouts? Great workouts and what a great line up for this week!

    Laurel, glad you made a good dent in everything you're having to do to get ready for your big move. I just knew you had bought a Subaru Outback. That was my car for the last 12 years! You're going to love it. Glad things are falling nicely into place for you AND you even managed to workout! You're such a good girl! Great workouts!
    Thank God you don't have to do the packing or moving this time around. Do they unpack for you too? I'm pretty sure the Outback won't let you down. It definitely doesn't feel like a big car. Like I could never tell the difference when DH and I swapped cars. He has the Subaru Legacy. That is why switching to the Grand Cherokee was so drastic. I felt like I was driving a tank at first. Good idea about the walkie talkies! It's a good thing you have experienced the Alaskan Highway so you know what to expect. You should be able to fit a lot of stuff in the back of that Outback too.

    Tami, OMG what a way to start your work week! Glad they actually gave you a little help! Great workout this weekend and today! Good job with your Volleyball wins!
    I finally get to relax a little, maybe a little too much actually! LOL

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work was 10 Min. Solutions Kickboxing, and I did 40 min. of that one. This morning I did LIHI Back, Biceps, Shoulders. I did the premix without the finishers. Really didn't have enough time for the full 50 min. I have an eye appointment after work today, and then DH and I are meeting a friend of his for dinner. His son passed away, and I don't know how it happened. Not sure yet how I'm going to handle this, but I'm sure that I will think of something. I don't think that it is something that can be ignored though. :/

    Laurel, Wow things are moving really fast, but I guess that is what has to happen when you need to be up there in two weeks. Glad that you like your new vehicle, that will be important with all the miles that you will be putting on it. With all that and you still managed to get those great workouts in too. I am surprised how much I'm enjoying these workouts for the subscription price. I'm tempted to get the gold package, because they do live workouts. Not that I'm able to do the live workouts when they happen, but yesterdays really looked like fun. Those live workouts are the only ones that I don't have access too, and using a med ball in a workout looks like it would be fun to try.

    Tami, That isn't fun when you get to work and your in box is full! Great job on the workouts, and the vball wins! Your team is doing really well. There are so many options for the heavy workouts, and of course there are other instructors that could be incorporated too. Slow and Heavy would be a great option, because you can take the shoulder work and do that on a separate day if you wanted to. I was looking at Body Beast for instance. I have a friend that is a N. Carolina fan, and one that is an Oregon Ducks fan. This will be an interesting weekend coming up.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout! So glad to hear that the shoulder is doing well so far. Hope that you are not getting sick, that would be unfortunate not to get your scheduled surgery done. I think my DH is sick, he is coughing a lot. Yep the site is Chris Freytag's, and the workouts vary from 10-50 min. Most of them are around 20-30 though. There are four different instructors on it. I couldn't pass up that price, and I think that I have already gotten my money's worth. The only instructor that I have not tried is the one that does the yoga, but I do have one of her workouts scheduled.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I am feeling a bit drained today after an absolutely packed busy day yesterday. But the shocking thing is when I started my workout......I felt so strong! :o I did STS Disc 30/Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. Normally I use 1 or 2lb weights during this 7 rep week to prevent those 5lb jumps to heavier weights. Well, I was feeling so lazy today that instead of figuring out what wrist weight I needed and such, I just grabbed the heavier weights. And it felt fantastic! That was a nice surprise. For cardio, I started with X10 Step, then went into Step Moves for a good combo. I added on the core work from Body Max 2. Even though I technically have two days left in this week of the rotation, I am going to jump into week 5/alternating body parts starting tomorrow. If things go as planned (and, right now, there is no telling whether they will), we will start packing out the house next Monday, and my ability to workout will suffer. So I hope to get all my strength training in to finish up this section of the rotation, and then if I can make up the two workouts.....I will.

    Tami, great workouts this weekend. Yikes to going into work and finding a stack of work on your desk. No fun! I am glad t is getting cleared up quickly, though.

    Thelma, I am happy to hear your shoulder is holding up okay with those workouts. Thanks for the feedback on my Outback. One thing I like about it is I do not feel like a short person when driving it. Some cars, even with all the seat adjustments, still make me feel like a short driver. This one......not at all! I really like that. No, they do not unpack us on the other end, and I am okay with that. I really do not enjoy people handling my stuff......germ and clean freak that I once a move is enough! :p

    Laurie, great workouts. Sounds like it may be a tough evening, though. Hopefully you can get a good read from him on whether he wants to discuss it or whether he is just looking for time away from his reality right now. I just never know if people are looking to talk or just escape, but sometimes they let you know. Losing a best friend from college lost her son last summer in a car accident. Nothing worse to experience. I am sure he is appreciative of yours and your DHs friendship right now.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ Once again, change of plans last night. DH forgot to tell me that he made dinner plans with some customers and I was attending too. So after work we met them for dinner; it was really nice and they are great people. A local builder and his wife. So no BootCamp again last night. I might have to start finding a Thursday night class at the gym near our house; owned by same company so I can go there anytime with my membership to make up for my “miss” OR maybe jump on the eliptical or something. This a.m. however I did get up and do STS Plyo Legs! Always love it . . . and some moves you love to hate forsure.

    Thelma: Good to hear you were still able to work out! Sounds like you put it to the test and hopefully all is good. OMG, good luck tomorrow with your oral surgery appt. and hopefully whatever bug you may have caught (or not) doesn’t prevent your appt from happening. I however would be hoping for a delay! LOL It was a crazy way to start my Monday. Not at all what I had planned. Today I am completely caught up and working on policies, which we are way behind on so it feels good to get a stack of those done today as well.

    Laurie: Fabulous job with your KB workout last night and LIHI this a.m. What a tough dinner that may be for you guys; so sorry to hear about that. Hopefully you are able to provide him with some encouragement and peaceful thoughts. So sad. Sounds like we have thought alike in this rotation, however you do such a great job using up your DVD’s throughout! Love that.

    Laurel: I am sure you are feeling a lot drained …. Very normal. But way to bust out an incredible workout AGAIN even through the fatigue. LOL Not surprised. Hang in there! You are going to survive this move with flying colors.

    Hi Becky ~ hope your week is going well for you!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi Ladies - I am here.....I promise! I need to read 24 posts to catch up.

    Just wanted to say hi. I am getting my workouts in, but I have been incredibly busy with work and the kids lately.

    I hope to read and catch up soon.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies! I got up extra early today and did XTRAIN Legs-standing portion, RWH HiiT Circuit Lower Body All Blasts Premix which uses the step. I really liked this combo.
    I didn't feel good all day but I still had the procedure done. I had a bump on the roof of my mouth to the left of my palate and had to be biopsied. It took the doctor 2 seconds to remove it. The entire procedure was I think 10 minutes. Thank God the only thing I felt was the needle with the local anesthesia which worked instantly because as soon as the needle came out the doctor went in with a tiny scalpel. 2 seconds later he said done! He cauterized the area and then he followed with 3 stitches. He actually stitched me up so I could get back to my workouts sooner than if he had just cauterized the area. I was told that I would feel like if I had burned my mouth. So far I haven't felt anything like that nor have I experienced the "pink saliva" they said I would have. Thank God! I did take 2 Aleve to make sure I didn't experience pain.
    OMG the instructions I was sent home with said not to brush my teeth! GROSS! I gently brushed and flossed my teeth. The doctor said to use a q-tip for the back teeth. The reason for this no brushing is because they don't want me to spit. The doctor gave me the choice of a mouth rinse that could stain my teeth into a bluish /gray color which would require a tooth polishing at the dentist office or antibiotics which could cause diarrhea. I chose the diarrhea option!
    I have to go back for a follow up next week. I won't be able to workout full force for a few days. The good news is that I'll be able to do some slow walking on the treadmill tomorrow. I just have to make sure I don't elevate my heart rate too much.

    Laurie, those workouts sound wonderful! I hope you thought of something comforting to say to your friend.
    I definitely don't have the cold that has been going around the office. It's just my sinuses which is probably what is causing me to cough a little. Get your DH some Mucinex. That stuff works! I think I'll join that Get Healthy U TV site because I'm sure they'll have gentle workouts which I'll need this week.

    Laurel, you are too funny. Every time you're not feeling energetic you do your hardest workouts! Great job! You're right about the Subaru not making you feel like a short person. I didn't feel like I needed a booster seat.
    I don't know how I would feel about having strangers packing/unpacking my stuff. I don't think I could trust them and I would definitely disinfect everything! I'm such a germaphobe.

    Tami, so glad you're all caught up with work! Glad you had fun with your husband's customers. Great workout today and great idea to try finding another gym class near you!
    I actually didn't tell the doctor I wasn't feeling good so I could get it over with. LOL

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Alright - I am going to finally get time to catch up with you all. I haven't been faithful with the rotation, but I am definitely doing what I can and am really enjoying going from a light week (last week) to a heavy week (this week is heavy). Last week consisted of workouts from Meso 1 and yoga, and Sunday/Tuesday, I did two workouts from Meso 3. I was also able to get yoga in yesterday. I was happy to see that I haven't lost my strength and can still lift the heavier weights (and probably could add 2-3 lbs).

    I was going to get my leg workout in this morning, but I had to write some quizzes for class today. So, hopefully I can get something in tonight.

    Laurel - Fantastic job on every combo you have done this past week. I am sure the workouts are helping with the stress of this move. I am glad you and DH found something to move into so that you didn't have to be separated for a few months. That is a bummer that you will have to trade in your sports car (I bet it is fun to drive), but I am glad you like the new one. I can't stand packing, but the good thing is it helps with decluttering. Goodwill always gets a lot of trips from me when I move. ;)

    Thelma - I hope the shoulder conditioning helps you out. Great job on your workouts and combos. My DH also had a little bump removed from the roof of his mouth years ago. It was amazing how fast the procedure took. Hopefully your mouth is not sore today. I am glad you got some relaxation in this past weekend, too.

    Laurie - Fantastic job on your workouts - you are kicking tush! Your kettle bell workout sounds like a good one. I have used them before, but only for a few moves when at the gym. So, I haven't done a "formal" workout with. I may try to find a youtube video and see all the different things you can do with them.

    Tami - Amazing burn with all your workouts, and I agree....I love that PHA workout. Your dinner with DH on the BBQ sounds great. Happy belated anniversary. I hope Emma is doing ok (sounds like she had a rough night but things are better now). Thanks for the comment about that student. I love making connections with students; it's the best part of my job.

    Have a great day!