Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Tami, My thoughts and prayers are with you and Brett. I understand what you are going through, and I'm really glad that you have Bernie to take some of that pain away. If it wasn't for Rocket, I don't know how I would have gotten through that experience. Your co-workers are awesome people, because I'm a huge fan of the humane society. ;) We will be here when you are able to chat again. <3

    Thelma, Great job on the workout. I have always loved that poem.

    Becky, I'm really glad to hear that you are enjoying the rotation. Pop in and out when you have the chance, that is fine. Sounds like you are really very busy right now, I have been looking at your post on my news feed. ;) Keep up the good work with your workouts.

    Laurel, Great job getting in your workout before you leave. You both are really getting in some impressive miles, and it is interesting to see how you are getting closer and closer to your destination. ;)

    After work yesterday I did ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blizzard Blast. This morning was Tae Bo Basic #4. Have to be at church tonight, so I'm not sure if I will be getting in my workout. It is abs and yoga, so I think I should be able to do that.

    Have a great day!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,561 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hi ladies, tonight I did Strong & Sweaty Cardio Slam, Yoga Link: Shoulder Shape-Up.

    Becky, so glad you're keeping up with the rotation. Great job! Please pop in when you can! We'd love to hear from you.

    Laurel, good to hear from you. Great job getting a workout in before hitting the road!

    Laurie, great workouts! I almost did ICE Chiseled Lower Body tonight!

    Tami, thinking of you

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got home really late last night, so no workout. The choir did some practice for Easter, and I also had to change the cross draping for today's Good Friday service. This morning I did GHUTV Coming Down the Ladder. Another good one. This is 5 exercises, and you start out doing each exercise for a count of 10, and then go down to 1. So each exercise is done 55 times through the workout.

    Thelma, Great job on the S&S workout, and of course your yoga shoulder work. Hope that is helping your recovery.

    Tami, Hope you are doing well.

    Have a wonderful Easter weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,561 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope you had a happy Easter. I didn't workout on Friday because my left knee was killing me. It was all swollen. It still is but at least I can go downstairs normally. I couldn't bend the knee so I had to go downstairs one step at-a-time. I think I caused myself a muscle imbalance so that my kneecap was (maybe still is) getting pulled to the left. The kneecap feels pretty fragile but I'm doing better.
    On Saturday I did a little bit of XTrain Bi’s & Tri’s and today I did some slow walking on the treadmill.

    Laurie, that GHUTV workout sounds really good! The yoga link shoulder workout is really helping.

    Hi Tami, I hope you're doing ok.

    Hi Becky and Laurel!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    edited April 2017
    Morning Ladies,

    S90D Back and Biceps was the workout after church on Friday. Couldn't believe that I got that done that late. Saturday was a rest day, and it was so beautiful outside that I was able to do some gardening. Sunday was pretty quiet for us, so I was able to do Jillian Michaels Shred It, even though this one uses the whole body, it really incorporates the upper body more with the kettlebell. I Then added Amy Dixon's Kettlebell Core workout and Chris Freytags Yoga Flow. The kb core workout is 7 min., and the yoga is 20 min. So a nice solid workout for a Sunday. This morning I did GHUTV Move Total Body 2 and Yoga Stretch & Relax. This was similar to the previous Move Total Body workout that I had done before. 5 exercises that you do for 30 seconds. Solid 20 min. workout.

    Thelma, So sorry to hear about your knee, I have had that experience before. Good job with the weight workout, and getting on the treadmill for a walk. For once our Easter was very quiet. DH and I went to church, and then just spent time outside with Rocket or just relaxing. Nice change of pace for once. Hope your knee starts feeling better soon.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I wanted to first thank you all for your kind words and support. I know you know how I am feeling and how much Emma meant to me. So thank you. I forced myself back into a workout on Friday, went to Spinning. Then Saturday I did S&S Total Body Giant Sets and yesterday was KCM Circuit Burn.
    I am going to try and go to BootCamp tonight. We will see how I feel. This a.m. I had to be at the DMV by 7:00 to get in line. OMG. I tried to go on Friday during my lunch hour …. I was #100 and they were on 20. Needless to say I went this a.m. and stood in line until 7:30. I was about 20th in line, it only took an hour. Seems good compared to Friday. So that’s done, my Birthday is Friday and it was going to expire. I am going to visit my mom and sister on Thursday so I had to get it done.

    Thelma: Thank you so much for that very beautiful poem, I could barely read it through my tears, but it is so heartfelt and amazing …. Thank you. We picked Emma up on Sat; we as in DH did. She has a beautiful little wood box and that same poem was attached to the top. I am sorry to hear your knee is causing you some problems, dang it. I hope it is doing better soon.

    Laurie: Great job with your workouts. Thank you as well for your thoughts and prayers for me and DH. You’re exactly right on having Bernie. I don’t know what I would do if he wasn’t with us. I still feel like I hear her in the house and still every night and early a.m. I am listening for her. So hard. Bernie doesn’t seem to be affected too much, since she was inside all winter I think he is used to not seeing her and of course he can still smell her. He has been hanging close to DH and I when we are home and I came in and worked yesterday, he came with me. Such a good boy. Just need to get his shots updated and I am going to start taking him to doggy daycare a couple days when I get back from Calif.

    Hi Becky & Laurel – thank you both as well. Fantastic job getting your workouts Laurel while on the road I am not surprised, but still. Way to go.

    I will talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,561 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did Strong & Sweaty Ramped Up Upper Body, Yoga Link: Shoulder Shape-Up. The shoulder got a little tight but I did the shoulder yoga and applied heat so we'll see what tomorrow will bring. My knee thankfully is doing better. I can go downstairs normally 95% of the time.

    Laurie, awesome workout line up this weekend and today! WOW! Gardening already! I guess we better do some of that too. So how did it feel to have a quiet Easter? We don't really do anything for Easter and love our quiet weekends!

    Tami, good for you for pushing yourself to workout! I know exactly how you're feeling about losing Emma. Letting go of our babies is one of the hardest things we will ever do. Like you we don't have two legged children and our fur babies are our children.

    The Rainbow Bridge poem has that effect on people but I feel that it helps imagining our babies healthy again. I hope that some day we will be together again.
    How are Brett and Bernie doing?
    The DMV is never easy! What a torture!

    Hi Becky and Laurel!

    Good night ladies!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good morning ladies - No workouts this past weekend, but lots of walking occurred because of the Easter weekend. This week, the rotation week I am on is full body workouts. So, yesterday was ICE Metabolic. Today, if I can get my butt off of MFP and reading everything, will be ICE Rock'm Sock'm and yoga at 9am.

    Thelma - great job on your workouts. How did Ramped up Upper body go with your shoulder? I see that you said it was a little tight, but I am hoping that it wasn't too bad. Did you have to modify any of the moves? I am glad your knee is doing better.

    Tami - Fantastic jobs on your workouts - they may be helping with your grieving. I have my beautiful dog Chance on our mantel. I keep wanting to bury her under a tree in the backyard, but I haven't yet. Too hard. Sounds like your trip at the DMV was "oh so fun". ;) I need to go, too. yuk.....

    Laurie - Fantastic workouts - I like the quick 7 minute and 20 minutes workouts. I really need to get more dvds like this. I hope you had a great Easter weekend.

    Laurel - I hope you are safe, wherever you are right now. I am sure you are doing some squats on the side of the road somewhere. ;) Drive safe.

    Have a great day.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies

    I'm home today with a head cold, and body aches. :( It's not horrible, but I don't want to infect the rest of my team, even though one of them probably gave this crud to me. No workout last night, because I had a slight fever.

    Tami, It will take a while not to miss that dear friend of yours. <3 Oh Bernie will absolutely love being at doggy daycare. Rocket was there yesterday, and right now he is sleeping. :D It just wears him out for a couple of days, and then he is back at it again. Great job on your workouts! I love both the KCM and Cathe's total body. This is my last week with upper/lower, then I will see what looks appealing after that. That is a very long wait on Friday at the DMV, I don't think that I have ever had to wait that long. They have greatly improved the DMV process here in our state, even with cutting down on the number of locations. ;) How nice that you will get to spend some time with you Mom and sister.

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts! Hope that you shoulder is fine today with the heat application, and awesome news on your knee. The weeds just seem to love our warm weather, and then I found some tulips and crocuses that where coming up in a place that we are planning on making a deck. Those plant seem to pop up out of nowhere sometimes.

    Becky, Great job on your workout, and I hope that you are able to get your workout in at 9. If I where you I would just go on youtube and get some of the short workouts from there. There are some good ExerciseTV and Popsugar workouts that are great for those moments when you need a short workout. In fact this one is one of my favorites. It gives you cardio and weights in a short time.

    Laurel, Hope your trip has been going well.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! Well, we made it safely to Fairbanks, Alaska on Sunday. Friday was, by far, the worst day of the trip because we had snow, ice and white out conditions for a few hundred miles. Very scary on a stretch of road that was pretty much deserted and nothing for hundreds of miles if we were to have a problem. But, thankfully, we passed the storm for the final couple hundred miles that day, and it was smooth sailing into Alaska over the weekend.

    Unfortunately, I developed quite a head cold/sinus infection along the way. Hardly surprising given the drastic changes in environment we were facing. So I haven't worked out since Friday. I knew I was pushing myself to my limits before leaving Florida in terms of getting ready for this move, and, no doubt, my body needs a good rest. I kept telling my DH that I was beyond exhausted......and I was. So yesterday we did all sorts of things to get us ready to move in to our new home in Alaska, but, today, DH is off to work for his first day, and all I have on my plate is a plan to read a book. Hopefully I will feel better in a day or two and back to the workouts. I need them because I will admit to having some serious misgivings about our whole situation right now. Fairbanks hasn't changed since we were here......and while in some ways that is good, in other ways it isn't. I really need that normalcy connection my workouts give me during these times of extreme change in my life. So fingers crossed to be back at them quickly!

    Tami, hope you are doing okay. I imagine every day is tough right now. Good job getting back to whatever workouts feel good to you now. Take it easy on yourself. If I recall correctly, your birthday is Friday (same day as DH's and my anniversary). Hopefully you can take some time to enjoy something special for yourself.

    Thelma, so sorry to hear about your knee. Glad to hear it is getting better. Also happy to hear your shoulder is holding up better as well!

    Becky, love your new 'photo'! Made me smile. Great job sticking with the rotation despite your busy life. I can't wait to get back to it!

    Laurie, sorry to hear you are under the weather as well. Glad to see you are being wise and taking a break as well. Hopefully you feel better soon!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I ended up going home after work and did RWH Upper Body Circuit, then threw the ball outside with Bernie a little bit before making dinner. I did not get up this a.m. for my workout ….. sleeping is a little restless so feeling the tireds. Tonight there is a sub for Katy at the gym so I may go to Insane X. Afternoon’s have been hard last couple of days, not sure why. Just part of the process maybe and the pouring rain and gray skies maybe.

    Thelma: Great job getting in your Upper Body workout and the Yoga Shoulder too. Sounds like your knee is doing good, you must have just tweaked it slightly and it needed a little rest. It is super hard to let go forsure. I put so much into them because they are like my 4-legged children. I know time is the best thing and I try to concentrate on all the joy she brought me for 13 years. Thanks for understanding. So sweet.

    Becky: Sounds like you had a nice Easter weekend! That’s great and good job getting in ICE Total Body. Hopefully you "rocked it" with Rock’m Sock’m. The DMV was awful. I should be grateful I am not in L.A. I guess, but we do only have 1 office between 2 towns, so it is ridiculously busy for us to go in. In 8 years it should be better, they will have the other one open again I think.

    Laurie: Darn it. Sorry to hear about your head cold and body aches. That is never fun. I hope your R&R today helped and you are feeling better. Your stories of your sweet Rocket at daycare has definitely inspired me. I think Bernie will love it. They said I can bring him in and slowly acclimate him to staying longer and longer. So I will try a Saturday and see how he does for a couple hours, etc. If he is good to go right away then I will probably try a couple days a week.

    Laurel: I am sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well but congrats on making that looooong drive to Alaska! No wonder you are not feeling good. Run down and probably every climate you could experience across the miles. I hope you do take advantage of just resting as much as you can so you feel better very soon. Thank you again for your well wishes and understanding about Emma. I have thought of you often in this last week, thinking about your loss of your mom and how painful losses are. I know you were so strong through that and I am really trying to follow suit. Thank you again for your understanding. Again, congrats on making it to Alaska! You will have to let us know how you like the house once you see it. Yes, Friday is my Birthday and I will be celebrating it with my Mom, Sister and her family PLUS Southern California sunshine will also do me so much good.
    Happy Anniversary on Friday!!!! I hope you two find somewhere fun to celebrate if you are feeling up to it.

    I will try and check in tomorrow ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,561 Member
    Hi ladies, Slide n Glide for me tonight. My kneecap was feeling like it pulled from time-to-time today. My left shoulder was tight today but got better after my workout.

    Becky, awesome job keeping up with the rotation given your busy life!
    Ramped up upper body was probably too much for me given the shoulder injury. I used light weights for the shoulder work.

    Laurie, OMG I'm so sorry you are sick! People at work took turns catching the cold for about two months it felt like. I wish more people were considerate of others like you are! Get plenty of rest and I hope you feel better soon.
    I saw my tulips today and there are buds th

    Laurel, I'm so glad you guys finally made it to Fairbanks sorry you got so sick though! That was a scary storm you guys had to endure! I can't believe Fairbanks hasn't changed. I hope thinks get easier for you. I'm sure once you start working out you'll see things differently.

    Hi Tami!

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good morning ladies - yesterday, I was able to get the yoga class in. Today, for my full body workout, I am debating between PHA and Power Hour. I am still trying to wake up (it's almost 4am) and so I will see if my body is awake enough to do PHA. If not, then my other option is always my favorite.

    Laurel - it's great to hear from you. I am so glad you got there safely, especially through the storm. I am sorry that you are having some misgivings about the move, and I really hope all turns out well. It doesn't help that you are sick, on top of having some mental struggles with the move. I am really glad your plan was to read a book all day. You need a day of relaxation. Hopefully some normalcy starts happening, especially when you are done unpacking. I am sure you will get a great workout just unpacking all your weights and equipment! ;);)

    Laurie - sorry to hear that you are also sick. Thank you SO much for the suggested youtube video. I have a document that I am trying to keep all the suggested youtube videos that are given to me. So, if you have others you like, feel free to suggest away! Thanks!

    Tami - Great job on your workout. I hate to write this, but it will probably continue to be hard for awhile (the grey skies and rain definitely doesn't help). Just let yourself grieve, too. So......not sure if you meant to write that the new DMV office will be open in another 8 years, but if you did.......this got me your towns have 8 years of waiting in long lines???? WOW! At least you have something to look forward to in another 8 years. ;):D (I tease....I tease.......)

    Thelma - Great job on your slide and glide workout.....keep watching your knee and shoulders (I know you are). I hope work is going well for you, too.

    Have a great day.
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well I don't know what is going on with me, but I feel about 90% better than I did yesterday. So I'm thinking a lot of what I'm going through is allergy related. To test out my theory, I did Amy Dixon's Ultimate Kettlebell & Core workout, and I did just fine through the whole workout. Maybe it was all the sweating or sleeping that I did yesterday. :D Anyway the workout felt great.

    Laurel, I'm really glad to hear that you made it safely to Fairbanks, even with the extreme conditions that you had to go through to get there. Sorry to hear that you have a cold, not fun. I'm glad that you are taking some time to enjoy reading tough. What book are you reading? Hope that you are able to get back into the workouts soon.

    Tami, Glad that you where able to go home and get in a workout, and of course play with Bernie. Going to southern CA for the weekend sounds like a bonus, if you have the nasty rainy/cloudy weather. Those are the conditions that are moving into our area today. :( Sorry to hear that your sleeping still isn't good, hope that gets better over time. Will be interested in hearing how Bernie loves daycare. Rocket knows what days he goes, and is all full of energy before we leave. Cami was the same way when she was going.

    Thelma, Hope that knee of yours keeps improving, and great job on the workout. It appears that this cold is moving around our facility also. So many people are coming in sounding like me. :D I don't think that I look as bad as some of the people coming in here. They really do have sore red noses. I'm ready for the spring flowers to start blooming.

    Becky, Nice job with the yoga, and I hope you where able to do the PHA workout this morning. I usually am up at 4:30, and it can be tough to workout. I really like giving Rocket a walk first, and then doing my workout. The fresh air seems to wake me up a little. I have a whole list of youtube videos that are really fun, so get ready. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! Feeling a little better today and desperate to workout. Because I am still plenty congested, I opted for ICE Chiseled Upper Body, which was good. Hopefully tomorrow I will be up to some more. That I am getting more and more restless is a good sign that my energy is returning! I am SO happy I got Cathe On Demand because this is a workout I never would have bought a digital version of. To have that and other options available to me right now......priceless!

    Tami, I think you are doing a fantastic job of balancing how you are feeling with moving forward. A little extra sleep combined with an afternoon workout diversion is one good recipe for healing. I am so happy to hear you are going to be in California for your birthday. While it will be tough to go home again to an emptier house, just a little change of scenery right now will do wonders. Loss is difficult and it hits people in different ways at different times. So keep listening to you and go through what you are experiencing. I got a little frustrated last fall when I got the impression from some people that I should be over the loss of my mother. We live in a world where everything happens in a second that I think people forget that time is a huge factor in healing. So be patient and take the time you need right now. Hugs to you my friend!

    Thelma, it was reading your post that inspired me to workout today! I thought 'Slide and Glide......what a great idea!' I ended up not doing it because of the cardio factor and my congestion, but maybe tomorrow. Thank you, though, for getting my mind to think about the possibilities that extended beyond my downloaded cache.

    Becky, that's an early workout! Hope it was a good one no matter which workout you chose. You should see our hotel room. I have my weights all lined up on one wall......and I only brought in half of them!! Yes, unpacking my workout room is always a challenge, but one I like! The kitchen......not so much!

    Laurie, so happy to hear you are feeling better! Hopefully that one day of sleep and rest is all you needed. Great job with the workout. When we were in Minot, ND, DH was shopping for a burner cell phone to get us through Canada if we needed it, and shopping for phones bores me to tears. So I wandered off to the book section and saw a book cover/title that intrigued me.....and bought it! DH just rolled his eyes at me buying a book knowing I have dozens I haven't read on a ship headed this way, but.....whatever. It is 'The Woman in Cabin 10' by Ruth Ware. Definitely good for a day curled up with a cup of tea and a book!


  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,561 Member
    Hi Ladies! My shoulder felt good today but the knee is still feeling funny when I step down a step. Tonight did XT Bi's & Tri's w/u, BB Build Shoulders, Yoga Link: Shoulder Shape-Up.

    I wanted a workout that wouldn't mix too many body parts in one workout like most often Cathe does. I remembered that BB helped my shoulder last time I injured my shoulder. I kept the weights low. In fact I used 3, 5, 12 dumbbells and the barbell wih 14 lbs.
    I'm also going to start adding the physical therapy rotator cuff strengthening exercises I was prescribed before.
    Work is busy still but at least I've been able to get out of work at a pretty good time.

    Becky, great job getting to your yoga class and good for you for getting up so early to workout!

    Laurie, so glad you're feeling better! Pollen counts are high already and allergies are bothering people already. Great job with the KB workout! Glad you don't look as bad as your coworkers did when they had the cold.

    Laurel, glad you're feeling better and strong enough to start working out! Great job!
    Slide n Glide will be a nice way to ease back into cardio!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Still feeling pretty good today. After work yesterday I did Cindy Whitmarsh's 10 Days to a Better Body Lower Body, and ACE Core HiiT with Chris Freytag (this one really gets the core good). This morning I did GHUTV Bodyweight Burnout 1 (LOVED this one) and ACE Vinasya Yoga Flow. The Bodyweight Burnout was 5 exercises, each exercise done for 40 seconds with a 20 second rest. You do these 5 exercises twice then get a 40 second break before you do 5 different exercises. Then you are done. No weights, all bodyweight moves. Reminded me of an Insanity workout.

    Laurel, Great job on the workout, when I had the On Demand I loved all the options on there too. The amount of options you have to create a workout that you want are endless. Will have to look up that book. I probably would have done the same thing, not an electronics fan, so the book section would have been way more appealing. ;) I have a lot of books that I have not read yet too, so you are not the only one. I find that I have to be in the right mood to enjoy a book.

    Thelma, Awesome job on the workout. Probably will take some time for you knee to heal, it has to be hard to wait for it to heal though. I see all these trees blooming, while it is very very pretty, the pollen is probably what is getting to me the most.

    Tami, Hope you are doing better.

    Becky, Hope that you are not to busy.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! Doing better today. Yesterday afternoon I did sneak in some light cardio--ICE Low Impact HiiT Section 1 only--just to see how it felt. It didn't cause any problems with my breathing, so I decided to take it all up a notch today. I did S&S Total Body Giant Sets and XT All Out Low Impact HiiT. I took the weight down in the first workout, and the step height down in the second not just because of the illness but because of the extremely inactive two weeks I have had. They both felt good, though I know I am going to be sore from the weights tomorrow. But it will feel so good. :)

    Thelma, great choice on workouts. Hopefully switching things up with BB will help your shoulder. Sorry to hear your knee is still giving you problems, though. Hopefully that will correct itself with the rest and recovery you are giving it.

    Laurie, glad to hear you are continuing to feel well! Sounds like your body was saying 'I need a day off!' It seems to have done the trick. Yep, I have to have a variety of books around because the type of book I feel like reading at any time is based on my mood, the weather, the season, etc. I can't just seem to pick up any ole book and read! This one I am reading is a murder mystery. Think Agathe Christie in atmosphere, but updated with bad language, sex and all that stuff. But truly a book that sucks you in to a feeling.....and not always a good one. I like books like that sometimes.

    Tami and Becky, hope you are both well.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,561 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hi Ladies! My shoulder felt good today but the kneecap is still feels like it's not sitting well in it's socket. Sometimes I think this is due to a piece of cartilage that's gotten stuck in there.
    Tonight did XT Bi's & Tri's w/u, BB Build Back & Bi's, Yoga Link: Shoulder Shape-Up.

    Laurie, glad you're still feeling good. I agree with you that you're probably suffering from allergies. Those workouts sound wonderful! Great job!
    I've been hoping that resting the knee would allow it to heal but I'm not so sure anymore.
    The spring flowering trees are beautiful. I've heard people sneezing left and right at work. The ones that just came off that terrible cold still have the sniffles. They don't realize that it's probably an allergy by now and not the longest cold on earth.

    Laurel, so you're feeling better too! Take it all up a notch? Yeah right! It's more like 10 notches. Great job with those workouts. You'll probably be sore tomorrow but that will be a good sore! I am feeling hopeful about the BB workouts. I've taken the weights down. I am not even looking at what weights I lifted for that workout in the past.
    As I told Laurie, I'm not so sure that rest i going to fix the knee. It doesn't hurt. It just feels like it's going to give out.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I did 10 Day to a Better Body Upper. This morning I did another workout from the Get Healthy U site. I became a gold member for $20 annual fee, and it looks like all the live workout are around 40-45 min. I did the Cardio Kickboxing this morning and loved this one too. I really am going to get my $ worth on this site. Will have to figure out if I will renew next year, but so far I really like all the workouts that I have tried.

    Laurel, Great job taking those workout sup a notch. Good idea on adjusting the workout, just in case your body refused to do what you think it can do. I don't know what elevation Fairbanks is at, so I imagine that may factor into things also. My favorite books are murder mystery, and they do seem to need that other stuff in there from time to time. I will have to check out that book, now that I know what type of genre it is. And Agatha Christie is one of my favorite authors. ;) I like her Poirot character the most. If you have not read books by Anne Perry, and you like Agatha, those books are really fun to read too. Not that I enable or anything like that. :D

    Thelma, Awesome job on your workouts. I think that you could be right on the cartilage thing, that would cause fluid to build up in the knee and make if puffy. Most of the colds are probably a combo of the pollen and colds. Just to bad that we can go from a nice sunny day to super cold. :( That doesn't help with trying to not get sick. DH has not mowed the lawn yet, and that should bring on another bout of stuffiness for me.

    Tami, Hope you are doing well and work is not keeping you super busy.

    Becky, Hope your weekend is awesome.
    Have a great weekend!