Cathe Fans Part 5



  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good morning ladies - I hope ya'll are doing well.
    Last week, on Thursday, I made it to a Bikram express class (I have one month left on my membership). Friday/Saturday was treadmill workout, yesterday was S&S Ramped Up Upper body with abs, and this morning was STS disk 9 (legs). When I first joined you ladies, I wasn't a huge fan of upper body workouts, but I am really beginning to love them. I am seeing definition in my arms, and I like it!

    I started graduate school this past Friday. So far, it is all reading. I fly to Michigan to meet the cohort group for 5 days. We will be in class from 9am-5pm (phew.....not looking forward to sitting around for that long). I will be missing my first Mother's Day with the kids. Who planned this class to be on Mother's day????? Oh well.

    Laurie - I am sorry that you may have hurt your knee. I am glad you are going to be careful with it. Nice job with your workouts. Your team building event sounds like so much fun! appears that you don't like this type of stuff. ;) My graduate cohort is doing a team building event this Saturday at a ropes course.....I am excited about it. Thanks for sharing the supplement for hot flashes. If I am like my mom, I should be starting menopause within the next few years. And, I will definitely share this with my colleague.

    Thelma - Great job with your treadmill workouts. When you get on the treadmill, do you do incline? Since I hate running (and it hurts), I do incline of 3 and go up to 9. I enjoy this so much more than running. I hope you are feeling better today with your sinus headache. I will definitely share that supplement (for hot flashes) with my colleague. Thanks!

    Tami - Fantastic workouts! And, I am sure mowing the lawn was a workout in it's own right. I am really glad your conversation with the Real Estate Company went well. I am glad you let him down gently. :) That is wonderful that your husband volunteers with the Special Olympics. I hope it went well.

    Laurel - I am missing reading about your workouts. I hope you are doing well and adjusting to Alaska.

    Have a wonderful day.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! I missed you!! Well......we got moved in. But last week was brutal! The house was in worse shape than either of us imagined, so moving in to a house like that while trying to fix it/clean it was tough......all multiplied by the fact DH was at work 12+ hours every day. I got up with him at 5:00am, did a short workout, ate breakfast when he left 30 minutes later.....and promised myself not to stop working until he got home. :o And I didn't. To say the least, I was exhausted by Friday. But the good news is, all our things arrived undamaged, And we are pretty much done moving in (the garage needs some work still), though we will still be working on the house a bit for some time (like painting horrible colored and very worn walls). Today I finally got a chance to put air in my stability ball and wipe down all my exercise equipment. And the best news of workout room is fantastic!! It is HUGE! It is worth a little move in pain for this kind of workout space, that's for sure.

    Last week I didn't have much in me for workouts, so I just did an X10 workout each day while DH was getting ready for work in the morning. Today, I decided to focus on weights since I have been doing mostly cardio for a month (!), so I started with XT Burn Sets (all upper body parts) and core 1. I will feel this tomorrow!! :# For cardio, I did a relatively light Cardio Supersets. Felt great. Hopefully this week will be more normal workouts, and I can finally decide whether to take the LGI8 rotation up again or start something else next week.

    Tami, very interesting about the job offer.....and I think you made the right decision. Being happy with the people you work with is so important. I am happy he understood your decision because what a compliment to reach out to you like that. Great always. Can't believe you were in the 80's! That being said, we did get up to near 70 this weekend, and it felt really nice. This week will be in the 60's, which is just fine for me.

    Thelma, that is interesting about your injury. I have had a similar complaint on and off for the past several months where I feel a tightness in my thigh from the knee around to the glute area. It hasn't become painful, but I will have to look up information on the IT band and see if that might be my issue as well. I keep trying to stretch the quad, glutes and hip flexor more, but that doesn't seem to quite get it. Hope your injury starts feeling better soon though. Sounds like you had another tough week at work. I am sorry to hear about that.

    Becky, great workouts! Congratulations on starting grad school! Just another thing to add to your already full plate! Your energy amazes me. Sorry to hear about Mother's Day, though. What were they thinking? Anyhow, so glad you are enjoying the upper body work more and more. It gets addicting. :)

    Laurie, sorry to hear about the knee injury! Hopefully it is just temporary and a little rest and time will do the trick for it. We stayed in the 40's last night, which is our first night out of the 30's since we have been here. But we are getting close to 24 hours of daylight now......we have light until after midnight and starting about 3:00am. I love this time of the year with all the light! Ask me how I feel come December, though. :/ Have fun with your DD tonight. How fun for your youngest to be doing everybody's hair. You sound like me with hair and makeup......not a skill I ever acquired, that's for certain.

    Yay for being able to say 'see you tomorrow' again!!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I am in an all day training for our new computer system happening next week so not a lot of time but wanted to say "Hi" :smile:

    Weekend was very nice. I had a relaxing a.m. on Saturday and was going to workout when my friend called and wanted to meet for a Belated Birthday lunch, so I showered up and went to meet her. No workout. The Special Olympics fundraiser was AMAZING!!!! The best one yet ...... they raised $100,000+! Unbelievable. It was so good. DH's fishing trip he donated alone went for $3500 in a bidding war so he donated a 2nd one to match it at another $3500. It was really neat. The evening was great, excellent food and a very good group of people that could spend a lot of money for a great cause. The people at our table alone spent a bunch. Amazing to watch.

    Yesterday I did KCM Strength and Stamina, which I always love. Caught up on some housework and groceries, then just relaxed a little. It was perfect. No workout this a.m., I will be going to BootCamp tonight after work.

    Thelma: So sorry to hear about your sinus headache. Hopefully today you are feeling better? To answer your question about a companion for Bernie .... definitely not right now. Might change our minds later but Bernie is pretty good as an independent dog, which all the others we have had needed companions. We will see, but for now ... no. I told DH to promise not to come home with a dog. It has just been so much caring for a senior dog and worry that has gone into it as well; a little mental break is nice. Plus DH 's fishing on and off a lot I would be the full time caretaker. Just feel guilty leaving them. I put so much thought and care into these fur babies. :blush:

    Laurel: WOW! Way to get all moved in. I bet you are exhausted forsure. Your weather sounds like it is pretty good. We cooled right back down the next day; strange it was that hot for 1 day. Now it is nice out but in the low 60's.

    Becky: So glad you are loving the upper body workouts now that you have gotten into them and SEEING the results is even better!! Yay for that. Great job with your workouts.

    Laurie: Sorry to hear about your knee .... I hope you just strained it slightly and a little R&R will be better in no time. Good that you are listening to it forsure. :wink:

    I will talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ have to get back to class!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! tonight I did BB Build Back & Shoulders. I love this workout! The sinus thing is still bothering me but not too bad. At least my knee doesn't really hurt but what I feel is a muscle imbalance all over my thigh. Thank God this week won't be to hard at work! I'm getting a haircut on Thursday! I need it!

    Laurie, sorry you hurt your knee! Baby it! Great job doing PiYo Sweat! We might have knee injuries but I take the price in the injury department though! I hope the new plant manager doesn't think you guys need to do another team building exercise. OMG! Thank God you had those safety glasses on and not your expensive ones when you got hit with the ball! Did it hurt? Did you ever watch that movie Dodge Ball? Very funny movie!
    I decided to get the expensive sunglasses. I have 5/19 off so I'll order them that day.

    Becky, So good to hear from you! Congrats on the definition in your arms. Great job with those workouts!
    Good luck with your studies! Wow I can't believe you have to travel though. I hope your ropes course is something like this which I did last year with DH

    When I walk on the treadmill if my knee is injured I keep it flat. I don't incline it too high normally though. I can't run because of my knees. I'm feeling better but I think the sinus thing is still there.

    Laurel, welcome back! So glad you're al moved in! Knowing you, you're all unpacked too! LOL
    WOW! I can't believe you had so much work to do. You're amazing lady! At least got a wonderful exercise room out of the deal! Thank God your things arrived undamaged! Great job jumping back into your workout routine!

    Definitely research the IT band but if you feel something in your glute get yourself a Lacrosse ball and gently sit on it so you can dig into those muscles with the ball. For me it was weird. It really feels now like it was a groin injury but why didn't I feel it until almost 2 weeks later? WEIRD! I have bruises all over the front of my thigh from the massages I've been doing with my hard balls and my hard massage roller thing.
    When stretching is not good enough in my experience that means you need deep massage. A lacrosse ball is awesome but you would need to put it over a yoga block.
    Check this out. This woman is great and she actually recommends a PVC pipe if the foam rollers are too soft for me.
    Exercise to Relieve Knee Pain | Perfect Form With Ashley Borden

    I have a PVC pipe but I prefer a hard ball for my IT band and Quads. This is the ball I have. Look at the pictures of how that woman is massaging her thighs. It feels great!
    Pro-Tec Athletics The Orb High Density Deep Tissue Massage Ball - Includes User Guide
    by Pro-tec Athletics

    Tami, so happy the Special Olympics fundraiser went so well! That awesome on your DH's finishing trip going for $3500! How generous of him for donating a second trip!
    A little better with the sinus headache but I know it's there still.
    I hear you about needing a break after having spent time caring for a senior pet. We felt that way too when we lost our last elderly cat. Except for us our friend introduced us to this tiny tuxido cat and she won our hearts instantly. There was no going back for us. So definitely don't go near a dog in need of a home!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout after work, but dd's seamstress is very nice and she had the dress pinned up within 20 min. I was impressed. Took me longer to get to her house. :D This morning I did GHUTV Low Impact Fusion. This was weights with low impact cardio, and it was okay with the knee. I had a brace on it all day yesterday, so by the end of the day it was feeling pretty good. Once most of the pain is gone you can pinpoint where it actually hurts. ;) I'm keeping the brace on again today, since it worked so well yesterday.

    Becky, Great workouts! Enjoy those classes until the end of the month. I have to say that the S&S RUUB is probably may favorite upper body workout. Glad that you are enjoying them so much. Dang on being gone for Mothers Day, and the fact that you will be in class for such a long time. No I'm not a fan of these team building events. I tend to have something happen to me at these things. I pulled a muscle in my leg playing softball once, hit my boss with a frisbee disc at another. Things don't go very well for me, like getting hit in the face with a ball. ;) So I never look forward to things that involve a sports aspect. :D The only one that I have enjoyed so far this year was when we went to an escape room.

    Laurel, Oh so glad that you are all moved in, but it sure sounds like you had a lot of work to do on the house before you where able to move your furnishings in. How nice that you have such a nice sized exercise room though. Awesome job with doing the X10 workouts all week, but I'm sure that it felt good to lift some weights even though you might have some DOMS. ;) I noticed that the sun is coming up earlier when I was walking Rocket this week. Of course when June 21'st rolls around it will start going in the opposite direction. Is there already a garden area for you, or do you have to create that space? I'm guessing that being in the dark for 24 hours will get a little weary when Dec rolls around.

    Tami, Awesome workouts! What a great fundraiser, I'm sure you DH was super happy about all the donations. Guess putting in all that time and energy before hand really paid off. One of the reasons that we got a puppy was because of what you described with a senior dog. Having a senior and a puppy for a while was not fun, but I think Cami really taught Rocket a lot about being a good dog in the house. I just wish that he wasn't so timid with people. ;)

    Thelma, Great job on the BB workout! Yes we do have the knee issue to deal with, but yes you are the winner with the body part issues. ;) When the ball hit my face my glasses flew off, and of course where the nose piece is on the glasses made a nasty mark on my face. It hurt for a few minutes, and I noticed that my sinuses may have been swollen. Right after that I couldn't breath out of that side of my nose. By the end of the day I was fine, and I didn't have any other issues. No I have never watch that movie, probably wouldn't want to after going though all that fun on Friday. :D Have fun selecting your new sunglasses.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! I decided to stick with an XT/LIS blend today as I work my way back into my routine. Today was XT Legs, and I did the 67 minute premix which included all of the leg sections. This is not my favorite workout, but today......I really enjoyed it. Go figure. Anyhow, I followed it with another workout I don't normally enjoy but had a blast with today--LIS Low Impact Challenge. Maybe I should keep doing all these workouts I normally avoid this week because I think just being able to get back to a normal routine is making me very accepting of whatever workout I choose to do! :)

    Tami, wow on the fundraiser!!! That is so fantastic!! And yay for your DH donating his time and raising so much money! That had to be a very special evening. I am amazed by the generosity. I sometimes can get a bit cynical, and then I read things like what you posted. So good. Hope the training goes well.

    Thelma, glad to hear your sinuses are a little better. I am struggling with mine big time up here due to a combination of dryness, dirt/sand everywhere (still post-snow mess) and the fact that everything is beginning to bloom. Driving me crazy. Anyhow, sounds like you got a fantastic workout in. And thank you for all the information! I never remotely considered a lacrosse ball!! I am most definitely going to look into that because this is one of those kind of nagging things that isn't a true injury.....but is very annoying.

    Laurie, glad to hear your knee is improving. Sounds like the brace helped quite a bit. Hopefully it continues to improve. Glad your daughter's fitting went well. Professional seamstresses amaze me at how quickly they can alter clothes. We do have a garden area already as well as boxes (which seem to be the preferred method for planting where we are) but neither have been used in years. In other words......they are a mess. So we will see if planting is an option this year because it may take too much time to just clean them up to a point where we can plant......especially with the garden boxes. The landlord left them in a part of the yard that gets all the drainage from the melting snow, so they are still covered by water! They got a lot of snow this year, and the melting/drying is taking longer than normal, so, sadly, we may miss the growing season this year since it is such a short season. But, hopefully, with a little work, we will be ready to go next year if we are still in this house.

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night BC Class was pretty good. She did it similar to the Thursday night lady …. We would do 5 or 6 exercises at 1 minute each; then do an ab exercise for a minute and go outside and do speed walking with HEAVY weight overhead, down and back across the parking lot/tennis court put it down and sprint back and forth. Then repeat the entire thing again. This a.m. was Tri-Sets Upper Body and tonight I am going to head home and either take Bernie for a walk or depending on DH’s schedule get in something at home, then take Bernie for a walk. No insane-X tonight; its nice out!! So I decided to give myself permission to not do “Running camp”.

    Thelma: Great job getting in BB Back & Shoulders! Glad to hear the sinuses are getting better and the knee is showing improvement as well. You are spot on about if I was to even see another dog right now that needed a home; on a normal day I have a hard time not wanting to rescue homeless pups. Let alone feeling like I am missing one and Bernie needs a friend.

    Laurie: So fun that your DD had her dress fitted and getting one step closer to the big day! Great job getting in your LI Fusion workout this a.m.; nice that the brace helped your knee and hopefully after today it will feel even better. I totally understand on the senior dog teaching the pup. Which is also why we have overlapped the dogs in ages for the past couple as well. It’s tough to decide forsure and as I told Thelma, I would love to have many dogs. Just need an emotional break and knowing Bernie is fine makes me feel better. Hopefully this weekend I can get his shots scheduled and have the bravery to go back into the vets office so he can be up to date and give doggy daycare a try. Lately I have been pretty good and then burst into tears over a small piece of dog hair then I am fine again. Just part of grief I know.

    Hi Laurel & Becky ~ Hope you are both doing well!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow, Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! Long day at work that ended up in tears. I can't believe my job is doing this to me! Sometimes things are very frustrating. I jinxed myself yesterday when I said I'd be able to get out early! By the time I go home I was feeling sorry for myself and it was late and to make things worse the cats had a set back. I didn't need that at all! They'll be OK though. My sinuses are still bugging me. My thigh felt pretty good today though. I guess all the deep massage I've been doing is helping. I only had time for a little walk on the treadmill.

    Laurie, great workout this morning and great idea to wear the knee brace. Hopefully you've been able to pinpoint where the source of your knee pain came from.
    OMG I bet the bridge of your nose hurt like hell! I can't believe you couldn't breathe! You could've used that as ticket out of that stupid team building exercise! The movie is funny! Maybe you'll learn a few moves from it for your next team building event! Yeah I'm the queen of injuries!

    Laurel, great workouts! Good luck with your sinuses. You're going to have to figure out if you need to see an allergist given you're having all these problems now. Another thing you may want to try is a saline solution nasal spray to add moisture.
    I have a bunch of lacrosse balls. One in my bathroom upstairs. Two in the basement, one at work. You can use the lacrosse ball for your feet too. Great balls!

    Tami, great workouts! She's got you back outside I see!
    You should tell your DH to stay from dogs needing a forever home too. Of course people will want to tell you all about those dogs needing a home!

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    HI ladies, please be careful with hummingbird nests in your gardens
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout after work, I was just to tired. It wasn't like I worked really hard yesterday, but I was in front of the computer without leaving it. This morning I did Kelly's new Raw Boxing workout. Thelma, she has two new workouts on her youtube channel. A lower body with kettlebell and a boxing workout that she does with one of her brothers. He is using the bag, and she is not. It is 30 sec of boxing moves with a 10 sec rest. At the end she does two core moves. Great upper body workout.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts! What a great idea to do the workouts that you don't really care to do all that often as your progression tool. I am hoping to be able to do one of Cathe's low impact workouts after work, just have not decided on which one yet. ;) That is to bad that the planter beds are under water right now, and you are right to think that it will be a lot of work to get them back up to par. It has taken me years to clear out our tree line, and then pulling weeds from the stuff I have already cleared. It is really getting easier and easier every year with a lot of elbow grease on my part. I only have about 10ft of clearing to do yet, but our weather hasn't been the best for being outdoors. ;)

    Tami, That boot camp class sounds like it was pretty good, and not a lot of running. ;) Awesome job on the workout also. You will probably have those emotions for a while. I had those moments also, so understand. Today the knee is feeling way better than it did yesterday, so I'm going to keep it on and stay with the low impat for a while. I should probably do what Laurel is doing, I tend to stay away from a lot of the low impact workouts.

    Thelma, I'm so sorry that you are having to go through all that at work. That doesn't sound like a situation that makes you want to return to work the next day full of energy and enthusiasm. Very glad to hear that your massaging is helping, have to admit that maybe my knee is partially age related. ;) Hopefully your sinuses get some relief after the blooming season is finished.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! My body is definitely feeling a tad tired from these longer workouts, but, thankfully, the DOMS isn't bad. So I decided to continue to press on today and upped the intensity very slightly. For strength training, I did XT Chest, Back, and Shoulders which is one of my favorite strength training workouts. I used my 'usual' weights, and I could feel I have lost some strength. But I managed to do all the reps with that weight, albeit a bit slower than usual. I followed it with XT Core 2. And, for cardio, I did Cardio Kicks. I am planning on starting the LGI8 rotation over again this weekend based on how I am responding to these workouts this week. I can't wait to get back to it!!

    Tami, I hope you enjoyed your evening at home and did whatever you felt like. I most certainly appreciate your decision to miss the 'running camp' class! But you know me and running. :# Sounds like a good BC class though!

    Thelma, I am so sorry to hear about your stress at work. I hope something eases up for you soon. I am glad your thigh is feeling better. In the long run, I think I will fine with my allergies up here. We just managed to get here at the worst time of year when everything is SO dirty from the winter AND everything is beginning to bloom. The two springs we lived here before were rough for me so this is no surprise. But I know I will need to look into a humidifier this winter to help out with the dryness. Or move back to Florida if our house doesn't sell. B):D

    Laurie, sorry to hear about the long day yesterday. Great job getting back to your workouts this morning, though. I find myself gravitating to those lower Impact workouts more and more these days. I still love my super intense workouts, but my body likes a break from that impact. I guess I might be getting older. ;) Yep, I think tackling the planters will be a huge project, and I am not sure I want to invest that kind of effort when I think we may only be here a couple years (at least in this house). I love the thought of fresh vegetables and such, but the way things seem to go with us, we would get everything just the way we want with them......and then move. And I have to admit, I am not quite over the disappointment of leaving our house in Florida just as we got it the way we wanted it. So this summer may be a wash for me when it comes to rental home least until I stop feeling sorry for myself. :#:)

    Becky, hope your week is going well.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! Long day at work AGAIN so not much time for a workout. I did Cardio Kicks. My leg feels pretty normal. The shoulder injury is still there but that yoga workout has helped tremendously and the internal rotation is doable plus I'm lifting heavier weights. The sinuses on the other hand still there!

    Laurie, thanks for letting me know about Kelly's new workouts! I can't believe she's doing this for free! I'm going to check them out soon. Glad you liked the boxing one!
    Work is stressful but it wasn't like anyone was mean to me. I think I am extra sensitive due to the stress. I just want to run away and never go back in there. I don't want to play this game anymore. I talked to a co-worker whose been there almost as long as I have and the look on her face has been the one of a very unhappy person for a long time. She told me too that she is very unhappy. The thought of looking for a new job doesn't appeal to me. The retirement idea at 54 seems more like something I want to do. Then I think how can I leave my employer with a project that has probably another 2 years to go? I think that I'm going through a big case of I feel sorry for myself.

    Laurel, great job with those workouts! Maybe you're tired because your body hasn't recovered from the move last week!
    Hopefully you'll find a way to manage those allergies. If the house doesn't sell you might just want to go there for the winter! I'm sorry you're feeling sorry for yourself for having had to move yet again. Have you met other military wives? Maybe you can become a personal trainer now that you have a bigger workout area? Kick their butts!

    Hi Tami and Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    edited May 2017
    Morning Ladies,

    Still taking it easy, so I didn't workout after work. This morning I did Cardio Supersets, and this confirmed that I really don't like those discs. ;) The knee is feeling okay after that workout, and I will see how it feels as the day goes on. If it feels okay, I may do a workout after I get home.

    Laurel, Awesome job on the workouts! I'm glad to hear that you are still moving those same amount of weight, even at a slower pace. Probably a good idea to take it down a notch once in a while. I'm probably going to do an ICE rotation, but doing the modifications for a month or a few weeks. I will see how the body feels about that. You are probably right about not doing anything with the planters, if you may not be in the rental for a extended amount of time. Don't blame you for feeling disappointed about leaving your FL home, I know how much you enjoyed being there.

    Thelma, Seems that Cardio Kicks was a theme with you and Laurel. ;) Great job getting that one done. That would be hard to leave a place when you know that you are right in the middle of a project that has such a long time to complete. We all need to have those moments of feeling sorry for ourselves. I know that my DH is going through a lot right now with his new boss too, and I'm sure that he is going through the same feelings you are.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Thursday Ladies ~ I am here, just had a lunch date yesterday with a couple of friends I used to work with. Didn't get a chance to check in with you. I will read through your posts at lunch at catch up! :smile:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! I decided to dial up the intensity today and do a more 'normal' workout. I chained together the following workout: XT Cardio Leg Blast, ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast Blizzard Blast and the XT Cardio Leg Blast cardio premix for a fun 90-ish minute workout. Hopefully I don't regret it tomorrow! But it felt good today.

    Thelma, like Laurie said, sounds like Cardio Kicks was a theme for us yesterday! Great minds think alike! I am sorry about your job. Having had some horrible work experiences, I know how oppressive a bad job situation can feel. Just take care of yourself. Unfortunately I haven't even met any of DH's co-workers much less any spouses. But, hopefully that will change soon. We have met a couple neighbors but just in the 'hi.....welcome to the neighborhood' kind of way. Always the toughest part of moving......meeting people.

    Laurie, good job pushing through Cardio Supersets even though you don't like those gliding discs. I am glad your knee took it okay. I think ICE is a good option, especially with modifications. I really like Cathe's pace in those workouts.

    Tami, hi! Hope you enjoyed your lunch with friends yesterday.

    Until tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ So Tues. evening I went home and did Cardio Slam; 45 min premix. Floor and Mat sections. It was perfect and then a walk with Bernie. Yesterday was SuperCuts in the a.m. and then I went to Spinning after work. Today I am headed to the STRONG Class after work, looking forward to that.

    Thelma: I am so sorry to hear how unhappy you are at work. It is one of the most terrible feelings to not like where you are at for so many hours in a day. I can relate on so many levels from my past job. It’s hard to not feel sorry for yourself forsure. It’s a struggle each day …. Im so sorry. I wish there was a perfect answer. I guess my best advice would be to maybe just start putting feelers out for something, doesn’t mean you have to leave but you never know. Maybe the best thing ever would come along during the process. Glad your thigh is feeling better. Great job getting in Cardio Kicks yesterday. Yes, she is happy to have us back outside running forsure. Glad I have my Thursday class now to switch out if I don’t go on Tues. LOL

    Laurie: Good job getting in the Raw Boxing Workout this a.m. ~ sounds like it was pretty fun?!?! I know how that feels somedays to just not want to workout after a day in front of the computer; when I was putting in those longer days and Saturday’s it was making me tired as well. Sounds like your knee is doing better with a little break from higher impact, that’s great!

    Laurel: I bet you are feeling tired. I think moving is one of the most tiring things there is. Plus the adjustment to new everything including climate. Fantastic job regardless getting in your workouts like always! That is so great. Super Star Lady forsure. Yes, Katy gave me a bad time last night at Spinning because they did go outside onto the concrete tennis courts but no running, just a straightforward “Insanity” class. I still liked my workout which was Cardio Slam.

    Hi Becky :smile:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! tonight I did XT Legs w/u and BB Build Legs. Today was the first time that I was able to do legs since I hurt my leg. I felt things getting a little tight but I kept going. I stretched and massaged between exercises and did the same post workout. I'm feeling good so far.

    Laurie, great workouts! I can't believe your DH and I are going through very similar situations at work! Hopefully things will get better.

    Tami, awesome workouts! I always tell people that if they're unhappy with their jobs to look for a new one and I'm not following my own advice. what a pain to look for a new job when I only have a few more years before I retire! So much to think about.

    Laurel, what a combo! Great job and I'm glad you're feeling better.
    Cardio Kicks was the theme for us yesterday for sure. Great mind do think alike!
    I'm sure soon you will be meeting other military wives. You just got there and it's probably better to adjust to a new life without having to worry about socializing with others.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I didn't work out. I think that after work today my knee will be able to handle a second workout. I'm going to take it easy though. This morning I did GHUTV Upper Body Resculpt. The one had two exercises for each body part, done for 40 sec for two rounds. I used weights as heavy as I could handle, so I got a pretty good burn going.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts, and I too hope that your body was okay with taking it up another notch. I'm going to see how Rock'm Sock'm with modifications goes tonight. It will be tough not doing the tougher option, but I should still get a pretty good workout with the lower impact. At least I will be moving my body, and having some fun with the punching. ;) I already tested my knee out with some kicks with Supersets, and it seemed to handle it okay. I do really enjoy the ICE workouts, and this will give me a chance to try out the one body part.

    Tami, Awesome job on the workouts! All really fun ones. Your classes sound like they are fun also. Yep that boxing workout was a short but fun workout. Nothing fancy about it at all. I put on my weighted gloves, and I think that was perfect. No footwork, just boxing moves. Knee is way better, but I can tell that it will not handle impact yet. I had some pain yesterday, but nothing horrible.

    Thelma, Nice workout, it looks like you are doing the BB workouts. Hope that your legs are fine after doing the leg workouts. When are you going on vacation, you always have that to look forward to during your work week. ;)

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! I pretty much felt like 'normal me' (which isn't very normal I suppose ;) ) this morning, so I did a super fun but tough workout. I started with XT Biceps and Triceps, which felt great. Then, for cardio, I started with the warm-up and Blizzard Blast from Rock'm Sock'm and then went right into Cathe's live class from yesterday which was Warrior Kickboxing and Core. What a fun class! I know one of you asked me last week if I was going to stay with Cathe On Demand, and I think I will for now. I love the option of trying something new every now and again. I also haven't pre-ordered her new workouts because of all the turmoil with moving, and this gives them to me without preordering so I can see if I like them enough to buy them. So, for now, I am happy with it.

    Tami, great workouts. I really enjoy that Cardio Slam workout quite a bit. Good to know Katy kept the class an Insanity class. Hopefully next time she takes it outside, she'll do the same and not make you all run everywhere! This move really did exhaust me, that's for certain. But when I look back at it.....starting with a very rapid move out from our house, planning the trip to Alaska and coordinating both with DH's new employer, driving 5000 miles alone (two days in the snow), catching a cold, and then moving into a new house by myself......I should be tired!! :o Actually, I am really happy with how I have felt the last two days......much more like myself. My birthday is coming up, and I didn't like feeling my age for awhile there!!

    Thelma, great workout! You doing Body Beast really had me tempted to do another rotation of it right now, but I have decided to get back to the LGI8 rotation and save Sagi for the dead of winter. I know he will make me smile during those dark days! We have already run into a few people we know here since they are still here from 10 years ago.....and we just found out one good friend lives about three doors down from us!! So we will, no doubt, be socializing more soon.......I hope!!

    Laurie, I think you would have enjoyed this Warrior Kickboxing workout I did this morning. Very familiar moves from Cathe's other kickboxing workouts done in the form of Rock'm Sock'm (or even MMA Kickboxing, but more intense). Very fun. I hope your knee handles Rock'm Sock'm okay. That is such a fun workout! I completely agree that any activity is better than none, so don't push yourself too hard!! I have taken that approach all week. Believe me, Monday morning I was trying to figure out if it was feasible to never get out of bed. So I was happy with anything I did that day which wasn't sleeping. :o:) Hope you enjoy the Muscle Meltdowns.

    Becky, hope your week went well.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you had a great weekend. I didn't work as much as I should've because today I had the opportunity to photograph some barred owls that chose a neighbor's backyard for their nest. So cool!
    My legs were fine after the leg workout. I had some DOMS which felt really good. On Friday I did Walk Slim, Saturday RWH Chest, Triceps, Shoulders, Yoga Link: Shoulder Shape-Up and I took today off.
    I actually had an exciting day today. A neighbor has a family of owls living in her backyard and she allowed me to go test my new camera by photographing the owls. The baby was moved into a hole in a tree for its safety. We actually got to see mom and dad too.


    Laurie, sorry your knee is still bothering you. Good job with the upper body workout!
    I've decided to do Body Beast again. Last time I was injured this workout helped me with my injuries. Our vacation is coming up. We leave 6/10.
    Laurel, so glad you're back to normal! Fabulous combo on Friday! I don't know if I'll buy the new Cathe workouts either. We definitely need to see if we'll like them.

    Body Beast is healing for me. I'm afraid to get back to the LGI8 rotation for now.
    I'm so glad you're finding old friends in Alaska Laurel. I'm sure you will be socializing with them soon.

    Jo Tami & Becky!

    Good night ladies!