Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Craziness is happening at work today, our system is send out old purchase orders. I'm fielding phone calls from suppliers wondering what is happening. :s I just hope that I don't receive duplicate orders. Anyway I did get in the Rock'm Sock'm Kickbox & MM Tricep workout, and it is super hard to take it down to the modified. I did it though, and my knee was okay with that. It still isn't 100%, so I'm going to continue. I did wake up this morning with it hurting a little, may have been walking to much in heals for it. Saturday was my day off, and Sunday I did ICE To the Mat. I did do some gardening on Sunday also, and the garden centers where mobbed. One would think that no one would be doing anything on Mother's Day, but I'm guessing that a lot of people where like me, the girls came over on Saturday. ;) I did get myself some knee pads, that should be better than the little kneeling mat. This morning I did GHUTV Total Body Firm Up, this one is four exercises done for two rounds.

    Laurel, Sounds like some great workouts. I'm glad to hear that you are starting to feel normal again, it sure was a really tough couple of months for you. The kickboxing workout sounds like it would be something that I would like. Kicking and Core work really do go so well together. I would still have the On Demand, but it was just a little expensive and I wasn't using the workouts as much. I like that you can create your own workouts too. I found the live workouts interesting, some of the background exercisers do not have good form. ;) I will probably try it again at some point.

    Thelma, I love the pictures of the owls. We had one once on the roof of our garage, but never had the chance to take a pic of it. Glad that you have something that you know will help you with overcoming your shoulder issue. I know that you enjoyed your last round, so you should have just as much fun with this round.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all had a good weekend. We had a busy weekend painting a bathroom and putting in a new kitchen sink. Hate spending all this time/money on a rental, but these minor changes are making all the difference in how we feel about the house. And DH actually likes to tinker about a house. I think it frustrated him when we bought the last house brand new, and he didn't have any projects. I will say this about my DH....he is not shy about working hard!

    Anyhow, I decided to start Week 1 (again) of LGI8 Saturday! So happy to be back at it. As before, I will be doing one upper body part a day during this first week, and since I am still working at getting my strength back, I opted to do the Ramped Up Upper Body triple premixes, which I love. Saturday was Triple Shoulders. I followed it with ICE Low Impact Sweat with the Blizzard Blast and Icy Core 2. Yesterday was RUUB Triple Back, followed by S&S Bootcamp and, for flexibility, Stretch Max with the resistance band. Today was RUUB Triple Tricep followed by S&S Abs. For cardio, I did Party Rockin' Step 2 73 minute premix. Definitely feeling stronger every day. Now I just need to focus on cleaning up the diet and losing the 'I lived in a hotel for a month' weight. :o

    Thelma, what beautiful photos!! That middle one is actually kind of eerie. I love it! Sounds like a great way to spend a day. I find owls fascinating. We had some in Colorado, and I loved watching them. Yay for returning to Body Beast! Hopefully it works well for your recovery again.

    Laurie, what a mess at work! I hope it doesn't cause problems down the road for you. Glad to hear your knee held up to modified Rock m' Sock m'. Hopefully another week of lower intensity or so will do the trick. Glad you got to spend time with your DDs on Saturday. We were at Lowe's on Saturday (and yesterday.......we practically live there right now), and it was nuts! Between people buying plants and initiating their summer home improvement projects.....I think 25% of Fairbanks was there with us! We looked at buying plants..,,,but the prices. :o Easily four times what we spent in Florida. So we will really need to think about this garden thing! I agree about the background exercisers in Cathe's live workouts. I do love working out with people like me, but sometimes (like when the stability balls are accidentally flying across the room) it is a little distracting.

    Tami and Becky, hope you had a good weekend.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Quick Check in ...... We officially went to our new computer system today so it has been CRAZINESS and the learning curve of course slows down my production! LOL My in box was completely full this a.m. they came in again over the weekend. I should have known. :smile: But I am staying late and getting through it!

    Weekend I took Saturday as a REST day, other than a walk with Bernie. Ran errands and got ready for Mother's Day company. We had my in-laws, BIL and his girlfriend and my Stepson and his girlfriend and their little girl. It was very nice and a lot of fun. OH, and 2 extra dogs came over to play with Bernie. Only one plays, the other is a meanie so he had to stay inside. :neutral:

    I did get in a nice workout yesterday, which was STS Total Body. This a.m. I hit the snooze and because I am staying late, probably no workout tonight. I will hit it hard in the a.m. :smile:

    Sorry I am so brief .... I just wanted you all to know what I am up to.

    Talk to you tomorrow,

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I officially kicked off my BB Huge Rotation with XT Bi's & Tri's, BB Build Chest & Tri's, Yoga Link: Shoulder Shape-Up. Great workout and I went heavier than I thought I could!
    DH and I joined Amazon Prime last week and I discovered that they have free workouts members can do as part of the membership benefits. I'm going to be trying some of those in the future.

    Laurie, I hope you guys didn't hit with any malware. It really is hard to modify a workout to make it easier on the body and I'm glad you did it and that your knee was OK. Great workouts this weekend!
    Glad you liked the owls. The opportunity to photograph the owls was just amazing. They were there posing for us.

    Laurel, good for you guys for trying to make the rental a nice place for you to feel comfortable in. Awesome workouts and congrats for getting back into LGI8!
    Glad you also liked the photos. I thought the owlet pictures were the cutest! It was also keeping an eye on us! I hope it's still there on Friday so I can go take more pictures.
    I hope BB is good to me this time around too. For some reason my body likes BB better than any Cathe workout.

    Tami, the joys of a new computer system!! Good luck! It will be crazy for a little while.
    Glad you had a good weekend and still managed to get workouts in!

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Only had time for a short workout after work, DH and I had an appointment after work. I just did the Chest exercise from ICE, so I did the Premix #7 which is the four rounds instead of three. This morning I did GHUTV Cardio Kickboxing and Yoga Flow. Both those workouts are around 20 min. Knee is doing much better today, I am only going to wear the brace for workouts. So progress is being made. No extra e-mails in my outlook today, so I'm hoping that they will not be sending out old purchase orders.

    Laurel, Awesome job on the workouts, it sure does sound like you are back into the swing of things. Nice that your DH is getting to tinker on some projects in the rental. Sorry to hear the prices on the plants are so high. I don't like to pay a lot for plants either, and will go to the garden center when some of the perennials are at a 90% discount. Some of them don't look that great, but out of all the ones I bought last year, only one didn't survive the winter. ;) I don't feel bad if they don't make it if I don't have to pay a lot, and I feel like I saved a plant. :D If your area was anything like ours, this was the first weekend that was nice. I think that is why the people where out at the garden center. Oh my on that stability ball flying across the room in Cathe's workout. :D

    Tami, Great job on the workout. You had a really busy weekend with all the company. At least Bernie was able to play with one of the dogs. Rocket loves other dogs, but isn't to good with people. :/ Hope you are able to get through the pile of work in your inbox so that you can get back on the workout schedule.

    Thelma, Congrats on going heavier on the workout! We use our Amazon account a lot, so we have had prime for quite a while, and I really love the shipping options that it gives. I have not tried the free workouts, so really couldn't tell you what they are like. You can rent a lot of Cathe's workouts on there, which is nice if you don't have the workout and want to try it out. Now that is a really cute picture that you got of that owl. Guess it was wondering what you where doing. I don't think it was the malware, just someone releasing orders in the background.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Today is going slightly better, but just slightly. Getting more used to the new program but with “bugs” that need to be worked out it is causing going back and forth between old and new to create reports until they are fixed. So just taking longer, but all will be good once it is worked out! This a.m. I did KCM Split Sessions and may head to Katy’s Insane X class tonight after work. Its raining out. LOL :blush: (Doesn't mean we won't RUN if she desires, but at least not on the pavement/misc. running course).

    Thelma: WooHoo! Way to kick off your BB Huge Rotation last night! Way to go on the heavier weights as well ….. your shoulder must be doing a lot better these days?!? I love AMAZON Prime. I am a member, mainly for all the FREE shipping! Yes, the “joys” of a new system is not quite joyful just yet. Hopefully sooner than later that will change but we will see. Both departments are feeling the growing pains forsure. Love the owl pics. So darling.

    Laurie: Great job getting in a short workout last night! I was unfortunately not able to, as I suspected from staying late and DH was home watching the Celtics when I got home. Glad you knee is feeling better with the brace and probably that continued support will help. Yes, the weekend was definitely busy with the company. We are used to "just the 2 of us" so much, so it was different but very nice. The work "pile" is going down …. Got through it all and then it starts to refill again, but I will get there.

    Laurel: Sounds like you guys are making your house your own and nice and fresh with new paint, etc. It is hard to spend the $$$$ when it is a rental but you also want to feel happy about being there. Good on your DH for digging right in to make these things happen for you guys. I need to get my mind made up on what rotation to do. I have been floundering a little bit for a couple of weeks, enjoying the workouts but racking my brain on “what to do each day” LOL The LGI8 is such a good one and so nice to be able to move so many different workout DVD's into the mix. I may restart that as well this Sunday unless something else grabs me. Fabulous job with the combo of workouts you put together. How is your workout area in the rental?

    Hi Becky ~ Hope your week is going good so far :wink:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Enjoyed a tough workout today, and it felt great. I started with RUUB Triple Biceps. Then the rotation called for a circuit workout plus cardio intervals. So I started with IMAX 2 Blast Mania premix, which is the warm-up, the cardio part of the first interval, then all ten intervals and rest segments for a 35 minute interval Blast workout. From there, I went right into Cathe's original Bootcamp workout for my circuit workout. The combo made for a pretty tough 90 minute workout. Really enjoyed it though.

    Tami, sorry to hear about the craziness at work. Glad to hear it is calming down, though. Sounds like a nice weekend with your family. I hear you on needing a rotation. I feel SO much more motivated now that I am back on one. I feel like I have a way to go to be back into pre-move shape, but I think LGI8 will get me there. My body really enjoyed the variety it gave me first time through (though I only did 10 weeks of it the first time). I am hoping to do 20 weeks this time to get a full STS rotation in with it. My workout space is fantastic!! Best part of the house without question. The room is abou 25'x18', and perfectly square with no closets or anything. It is meant to be a media room, but it makes for a huge workout space. I have my Fit Tower and DH's Max Trainer in the room and still more room than I need. It is also bright and open, with three big windows (where I can see a hint of mountains to the south). Probably my favorite workout space ever. Can't say it made the move worth it.......but it goes a long way in that direction! :D

    Thelma, another great photo! Love it. I am another long-time Amazon Prime member. It is amazing to me the benefits that come with Prime membership. Have never regretted it, that's for certain. Yay for being able to go heavier on your workout!!

    Laurie, I enjoy those 4x Muscle Max premixes because they are long enough to feel like a good workout. So glad to hear the knee continues to improve. Fingers crossed you are back to normal soon. My concern about spending so much money on plants is, like you, what happens if they die! I am pretty good with plants, but we never attempted plants (outside of petunias, which thrived) last time we were here. So we will start small and see how it goes. I guess the rule of thumb up here is you are safe to plant after Memorial Day because then you probably don't have to worry about freezes. But it looks to me like most people are starting earlier than that and covering with plastic. We are still in the low 40s at night, so there is a chance of another freeze if we get hit with another cold spell. Another concern of mine about spending $50 on a plant!!!!

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did BB Build Legs.
    I'm glad you're all happy with your Amazon Prime membership. I never got it because I didn't think I would use any of the benefits except for the free shipping part so I felt that I couldn't justify the price.

    Body Beast question for you. Do you know if this is a complete BB workout list?
    Build: Chest & Tris • Back & Bis • Legs • Shoulders
    Bulk: Back • Chest • Shoulders • Arms • Legs
    Beast Abs • Beast Cardio
    Tempo: Chest & Tris • Back & Bis
    Lucky 7
    Total Body? - I can't remember if I have this one. Will check tomorrow night.

    For some reason I thought there were more than this.

    I saw this on Facebook and I thought it was adorable.


    great job getting those workouts in! Glad your knee is better!
    Good idea to rent workout first to see if I want to buy them! All the owls were keeping an eye (or two) on us, including the owlet! I'm going back to the lady's house on Friday morning. They will be selling their house soon so I'm glad she shared her backyard with us.

    Tami, great workouts! I'm glad things are already showing sings of improvement at work! Definitely a good sign!
    My shoulder is sort of doing better but I still have the deltoid injury. It seems to get aggravated when I do chest. so right now things are tight but relaxing already. Stronger chest muscle seems to be part of my problem.
    On the other hand my arms are feeling pumped just from the chest/tri's workout I did on Monday! That is good!

    Laurel, she's BAAAAACCCCKKKK!!! I'm glad you're back to doing your killer workouts again! Awesome combo!!! Glad you liked the owl picture. I am in love with my new camera and new lens which was highly recommended for birding.
    I'm sure we (well I) will be very happy with the Amazon Prime membership.
    Did you buy your super warm winter clothing yet?

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    So I get a text message from DH yesterday asking if I wanted to go see Guardian's 2, and of course I said YES! Of all the Marvel movies, this one is my favorite. So again I did the short ICE Premix #7 this time for the Back. The movie is really funny and good bye the way. ;) Tuesday's are $5 movie nights. This morning I decided that I was going to be brave and attempt a Hammer & Chisel workout. I did Chisel Balance with modifications, and so far so good with the knee. That one doesn't have jumping, so I think it will be fine.

    Tami, Nice job on the KCM workout, and I hope that your Katy class was a good one with no outdoor running. ;) It always seems that new systems have bugs in them. One would think that they would test these things out before they launch them. Glad that you are working through it until it gets corrected.

    Laurel, Awesome job on the workouts! It appears that you are fully back on track this week. Nice to hear you saying that you are enjoying your workouts so much. If I can do these H&C workouts, then I should be able to do the one body part a day. I can probably mix in the S&S Giant sets into the mix, so I'm looking forward to that option. I remember that H&C didn't really have a lot of bicep/tricep work. I would be really hesitant to buy a $50 plant also. That is super expensive. We have the same rule of thumb around here also, because we can still have those really cold nights. Some of my tulips got frost bite from last week. Glad that the flowers where not out yet. For mothers day DH purchased me one of these, and I really love seeing it outside with my solar flower and frog. I didn't pay anywhere near this much, because they had them on sale. Just adds a little fun to my garden.

    Thelma, Great job on the leg workout! Looks to me like you have the full list of workouts, and you probably have two of the Total Body workouts. The H&C set has the total body one also. You are making those BB workouts appealing, because they do not have the high impact since they are all weight work. ;) I love that picture! Here is a picture of Rocket at doggy daycare. He loves being in this spot when he needs to relax during play time. ual8u9rp81zi.jpg

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today I started my workout with RUUB Triple Chest, which is only 20 minutes long. So I followed it with a long cardio session since I feel I am still working at getting my endurance back where it was pre-move. So I started with the cardio from Hard Strikes, went into the cardio from Rockout Knockout, then back to Hard Strikes for the conditioning drills and XT Core 1. It was about 95 minutes long but flew by. I guess that's a good sign about my endurance!

    Thelma, I think you have all of the BB workouts on that list. And, as Laurie pointed out, you probably have two versions of the Total Body workout. I haven't bought any winter clothing......yet! But it will happen soon. Thankfully I had kept so many things from Colorado (and other areas), so I have a few pairs of boots and warm coats and gloves and such. My problem is with things like jeans and sweaters and shirts and such.......stuff more for around the house. Buying clothing in Fairbanks is challenging because there really are no clothing stores. :o I mean, there is Sears and Walmart, but at my size, I had trouble finding jeans with a whole mall worth of stores. And I find with jeans that there is no way I can buy them on-line and expect them to fit right. So this could be a challenge. :#

    Laurie, sounds like a good workout....and a good movie night! Glad you enjoyed it. Wow, I am really happy to hear your knee was up to Chisel Balance. That's a pretty tough leg workout eve though it doesn't have any impact. Well, we bit the bullet and bought some plants last night. I just needed some signs of life around the house. They are for inside so, hopefully, I will be able to keep them alive through the winter. I think we will plant outside after Memorial Day. I love that light!! I would love seeing that in my garden at night. Of course, right now up would never come on! I do love this time of year in open, trees budding, blue skies, and 24 hours of light.

    Well, good news on the house in Florida. We got a very good offer on it today!!!! So keep your fingers crossed that everything goes through with their financing, and we can close early July. The only contingency is that it appraise for the value we are selling it, and I am not at all concerned about that. So hopefully that will be one less thing to think about soon!

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi ladies, I didn't workout tonight. I got home late from work with a mega headache so I went straight to bed. Summer seems to have kicked in today. We had temps in the high 80's and I hear Thursday will be in the 90's. Not crazy about temps that high but at least it's not humid
    Thanks for checking the BB workouts for me. For some reason I thought there was some kind of advanced program. I do have the Total Body workouts form H&S

    Laurie, $5 movie night! What a deal! Good job for getting those workouts in! Glad your knee is improving! Body Beast definitely would be a good program to follow if your knee continues to give you problems.

    I survived yesterday's leg workout. I could tell my quads were getting tight and I felt the groin pull starting to happen but I kept going. After the workout, I stretched, massaged and applied hit. I was fine this morning thankfully.
    I knew you wold like the dog picture. I love Rocket's picture! That looks like a great facility! They even have a doggy pool!

    Laurel, great workouts! Excellent news on the FL house!
    Sounds like you would have to do online shopping Laurel. I can't remember how tall you are but for me finding pants that don't need alterations can be a challenge so I'm limited to a few places. Last year believe it or not I discovered that I could buy Kohl's Sonoma for Life petites. They are actually pretty good quality. Right length and no gap around the waist. Macy's is another place I've found that I can buy from. The line is Style & Co. I used to wear Eddie Bauer until they decided that petite pants short are 33 inches long! I'm short so 33 inches are 5 inches too long for me.
    Years ago Eddie Bauer somehow partnered up with Sears. I don't know if that is still the case but that could be a place to find clothes in.

    Hi Tami!
    Good night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I decided to try a Tae Bo workout, and I did Amped Jump Start. These workouts use the bar, which I don't have, but I still got a good workout without it. I followed that up with ICE MM Shoulders. Really enjoying the DOMS from doing this one body part per day. ;) So I decided to try the Hammer Plyometrics this morning, and the knee was okay during the workout. The knee felt a little stiff after, but I think that it would be okay as the day goes on. I will have to see how it goes, but even as I sit here it is feeling better.

    Laurel, Awesome job with those workouts! You keep making me want to try those RUUB body parts too. ;) Even the XTrain Burn Sets are a good option. It appears that the weight work with the knee doesn't seem to bother it, but impact is more bothersome. I will keep testing it, and then look at my options. The Tae Bo workouts would probably be the best option, because they really get my hr up but are low impact. Nice that you have some plants in the house, at least you have something growing. You are right the little house wouldn't really work for all day sun. ;) I'm really glad to hear that you got a good offer on the house, will keep my fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly.

    Thelma, Dang on not getting in a workout, but that is how some days go. We had really high temps yesterday, and then had some really strong thunderstorms move through. A tornado touched down up in the northern part of the state. If the knee doesn't like this latest workout I will be moving to the BB workouts. ;) I can do the Tae Bo for cardio, instead of the cardio from BB. The doggy daycare people are very good, and Rocket loves all the people that are there. He is so shy of people, that when they have a new person he is so timid. That happened this morning.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies – Sorry I missed you all yesterday. You know how the story goes lately. Just got busy at work so unfortunately I couldn’t get back to you all. So Tuesday’s Inane X class was something “new” she wanted to try, which was all Kettleball plus some sprints in between. It was 5 different exercises at 1 minute each, with HEAVY KB’s. One of the guys in class pulled out the 70# one for me and put my name on a sticky note. It was pretty funny, but I didn’t use the 70. LOL Abwork as one of the 5 was also included. We did several rounds with the sprints in between. Was a good change up from the normal, good strength workout. Yesterday was simply a dog walk with Bernie after I came home from my Golf lesson. This a.m. was 21DFX Xtreme Dirty 30 Xtreme and tonight I will head to the STRONG Class after work.

    Laurel: Fabulous job with your workouts and it sounds to me like none of your endurance has been gone AT ALL!!!! WOWSA. I am thrilled for you that your workout room is the best one in the house!! Yay for that. Sounds like an amazing space just for that. So great. I have decided to also repeat the LGI8 rotation; I will put something together at least for the next couple of weeks so I have something “scheduled”. This week has been a challenge, floundering for a workout in the a.m.; just hate that. LOL Huge congrats on the house in FL selling already, that is a huge relief and so good! I am sure you didn’t have too many doubts. Fingers crossed that everything goes smooth sailing here on out with that transaction. YAY!! :smiley:

    Thelma: Way to go with your rotation and getting in BB Build Legs the other day. Sorry to hear about the mega headache; sounds like rest was probably due for you. WOW on your temps. We have nice weather coming next week . . . really looking forward to it.

    Laurie: Funny about you mentioning that movie, the ladies at golf lesson last night were both saying they saw it and really liked it. Great job getting in your ICE Pre-Mix for Back. Also, great job with your Tae Bo workout + MM Shoulders, and Hammer Plyo today! Love that workout. Glad your knee seems to be improving still, that’s great news! Love the pic of Rocket at doggy daycare. How cute is that??!!! :smile:

    Hi Becky :wink:

    Have a great afternoon/evening ladies! Talk to you tomorrow. Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout was a circuit workout, so I did ICE Bootcamp, and I did the 91 minute premix that does the main routine twice plus the Blizzard Blast. I was feeling tired this morning and thought I would struggle through this.....but it flew by. I followed it with Cathe's Stretch Max #1 for flexibility.

    Thelma, sorry to hear about the long day and the headache. I think your body probably appreciated the rest. Wow on the high temps!! Hopefully this is just a temporary spike up and you will get back to more seasonal weather soon. If could be a long summer. One of my issues with pants is I am right between regular and petite in length, so I really have to try pants on. I have two pairs of Macy's Style & Co jeans which are darned near perfect for me so if I have to, I will order more of those on-line. The Sonoma's are too short for me. I used to have to shop in the junior section of Kohl's to get anything that fit! I think my problem with jeans is I haven't worn any much less shopped for any in about five years (since we first got to Colorado), so I don't even know the 'styles' anymore. I like simple jeans......not bedazzled we'll see what I can find. DH will be in Florida for Memorial Day, so maybe that weekend I will test shopping in Fairbanks.

    Laurie, great workouts. Glad to hear your knee seems to have held up to the Plyometrics. Sounds like you are recovering well right now. I highly recommend those RUUB one body part premixes. They are really good. I love that each one has the warm-up and cool down as well.

    Tami and Becky, hope you are well.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! I worked from home on Thursday so I got to workout two times! I did KCM 30MTF Cardio/Pump in the morning and tonight XT bi's & Tri's W/U, BB Build Back & Biceps.
    Temps were hot today but it wasn't humid. This evening we've had some heavy rain with thunder.

    Laurie, great workouts and congrats on being able to do Hammer Plyos this morning. Hopefully your knee did OK during the day. I can't believe you already had tornado touch down. You are really fortunate to have found such a good daycare for Rocket. How does Rocket behave when he is having a shy moment?

    Tami, great workouts! The new class sounds like it was a lot of fun. Too funny with the guy pulling the 70# KB. I was hoping you would say you hadn't used it!

    My body definitely needed the rest. Yeah pretty hot temps around here. I guess I am not ready with my summer clothes yet. Just last week I was cold.

    Laurel, great combo today! Is the Stretch Max workout yoga?
    My body did appreciate the rest. It looks like the temps will be a little cooler tomorrow and then they go back to normal temps for this time of the year. 60's low 70's.

    The Sonoma Petite pants would definitely be short because their Petite regular are I believe 30 inches long. You should try the Macy's Style & Co. Those I think may go to 30.
    Macy's sells a line called INC International Concepts. These are wonderful jeans and do run long in Petite: 33 1/2 inches! Way too long for short me. Style & Co. likes to bedazzle some of their jeans which I hate too.

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    So far so good with the knee. After my workouts it is a little sore, and I think that I need to do some additional stretching. Maybe some yoga would be good, because I can feel that I'm not extending it all the way yet. After work yesterday I did ICE MM Biceps, and that is about all the time I had for a workout. This morning I did H&C ISO Strength Chisel, that one is really tough on the glutes. :D My parents will be down this weekend and all of next week, my niece has her confirmation on Sunday. It will be nice to have them here, since they don't come down here very often. Of course the temps are in the 40's this morning. :o

    Tami, Awesome job on all your workouts, and that is way to funny about the 70#kb. That must be nice that they know you are the tough one in the group. It isn't great that you are so busy, but that means that your company is doing great. There are so many mixed reviews of the Hammer Plyometrics, I actually like it a lot. I guess it all depends on what you put into the workout. With all this weight work his week, I'm really feeling the upper body, it feels so good. Rocket is such a goof, I wonder if I have to have a kiddy slide for our back yard. He seems to be in that thing in all the pics they take at daycare.

    Laurel, Love your combo again, and getting in some stretching. Like I said above, that is something that I should get into my rotation again. I'm planning on something for tomorrow when I have an off day. I'm with you on the non-bedazzled jeans, that just isn't my style either. I'm probably going to do these ICE workouts for a couple of weeks, and then try those RUUB premixes after that. I think that will be a good way to shake up the muscles.

    Thelma, Great job getting in two workouts, and how nice that you where able to work from home. Hope you don't get these cold temps. Yesterday it was in the 70's, and now the 40's. :p When Rocket goes to daycare, and he isn't familiar with the person he starts to hunch, and his ears go to the back of his head. At home, he starts to do a lot of barking. I will put him up in his kennel until he starts to calm down.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started my workout today with a Cathe Live workout from a few weeks ago. It was a Lower Body Bootcamp class, and the format was three lower body exercises followed by one core exercise for a total of six round (was right at N hour long). I had done her upper body version of this while we were still in the hotel and enjoyed it, and since I have been kind of ignoring my lower body lately, decided to give it a try. Well, if she put a label on it and sold it, I would say it would count among my favorite Cathe leg workouts, especially post-STS. It was all weights (meaning no plyo work), she used moderate weights (10-20lbs), but the number of reps, the use of the high step and her pace made for a very good challenge. I am definitely going to revisit with Live Bootcamp workouts during upper/lower week, because they are really good. Anyhow, for cardio, I did All Out Low Impact HiiT Extreme, which felt perfect today.

    Tami, we were posting at the same time yesterday! Sorry to hear about the busy week. Sounds like an interesting Insane X class. That's funny about the kettlebell......and quite a compliment! Yay for starting back up with LGI8!!

    Thelma, great workouts! I hope working from home gave you some break from all the stress.....even though you were still working. The Stretch Max workouts are straight stretch. She has three routines, each about 20 minutes long. One uses the stability ball, another a resistance band and then one without equipment (my favorite). I think Cathe's Extended Stretch from STS is far superior to any of these routines, but for LGI8, I have given them another try. But I don't recommend them highly, to be honest. Thanks for more jeans recommendations!!

    Laurie, good news on the knee! I am glad it continues to hold up. Those H&C workouts are no joke on the lower body. Sorry to hear the colder temperatures have returned.

    Becky, hope you are well.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member

    Hi Ladies ~ The STRONG/HiiT Class was another good one! She changed it up from the “Slow & Heavy” format to 1 minute of each body group; still heavy as you can handle for 1 minute, then a minute of a body weight exercise and back to the weights; alternating until each body part was worked. Good Stuff and I really like this gal, so lots of fun and she has really good music too. This a.m. was one of my favorites, PHA Training. I just cannot get enough of this one, I could do it every week forsure. LOL Tonight I am heading to Spinning.

    Laurel: I think we posted about the same time yesterday. Great job with your 90 minute premix yesterday! Doesn’t sound like you were too tired …. Excellent work! And as always, good on ya for getting in the stretch too. Sounds like you will definitely need to online shop for some jeans. What a pain, but if you know of a brand that works for you maybe start there maybe even Amazon with free shipping! :smile:

    Thelma: WooHoo on working from home! It would be so nice to have that extra time every day, wouldn’t it?! Great job! Our weather is supposed to be getting nicer and next week have a couple days of mid 70’s which will be so great. It started out nice today and now it is raining, might change in about 15 minutes, we will see. That is how are weather is anymore. Actually always in this part of the country. LOL

    Laurie: Good job getting in what you could yesterday! Any of those MM workouts are a great short workout, so I’m sure you felt it regardless of the timeframe. I was thinking of the Chisel workouts lately and thinking of incorporating them into this rotation again maybe. If I can be creative enough . ….. they really do work those glutes every time. OMG, it was funny and those of the people in class that know me thought it was hilarious. Others (newbies) were looking at him like he was being a jerk. LOL That would be so cute to see Rocket always up on that slide. So funny.

    Hi Becky ~ hope you have had a fabulous week!

    Have a great weekend ladies! I’m hoping to get in some good workouts, dog walk with Bernie and get my rotation sorted out to start Sunday. Fingers crossed no work …. But we will see.


  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    [quote Tami, we were posting at the same time yesterday! Sorry to hear about the busy week. Sounds like an interesting Insane X class. That's funny about the kettlebell......and quite a compliment! Yay for starting back up with LGI8!! [/quote]

    Looks like we did it again today! :smile:


  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    That's funny, Tami!!! Sounds like a great class the other night, though. I would love that format!