Cathe Fans Part 5



  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi Ladies - This week has been "Heavy" for my part of the rotation, and I have enjoyed it (of course). I have done all upper body workouts from Meso 3, but I chose to do Gym Style legs today instead of the plyo workouts. I had no desire to do any plyo today. Last week was all full body workouts every other day. I was able to do the PHA training with only one stop in the dvd so that I could catch up. I am getting that routine down.

    I decided to cancel my Bikram Yoga membership. My graduate classes start in another week, and I need to find time to study. So, since I already workout in the morning and take little walks at night, I need to open my days. I will miss yoga, but I also need to save the money (it is quite expensive).

    Tami - that Strong workout sounds wonderful! I am glad you got a golf lesson in and took a break from reality by spending time with family. Lounging by the pool sounds wonderful.

    Laurel - awesome job with your workouts, especially the horrible one. ;) Rock'm Sock'm is definitely a fun one. I am sorry to read that your sister is having a rough time right now. Dang.......and her line of work is tough. How is the move going? I love the pic you is so beautiful. What is the weather like? Will you continue with Cathe on Demand, or cancel it once you are all settled? I am glad you are feeling a little better.

    Laurie - I am glad you are feeling better and able to get your workouts in. I may check out the Get Healthy U website. I am finding that the 60 minute workouts are hard to fit in right now, but 45 minutes is fine. Your haircut sounds really cute - does DH like it? If I cut my hair short, mine freaks out.

    Thelma - You have been doing so awesome with your workouts, rehab and yoga work. I love how you are really taking care of your body.....great job. Stress is so bad for us, so I hope you continue to find time to workout and get the mental stuff out of you.

    Have an amazing weekend.
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Quick update - I did a mishmosh premix from ICE Bootcamp last night. It was the 71 minute routine that had muscle meltdown (biceps) and blizzard blast included, and all abs were at the end. It was so awesome! I loved this workout. I wish I had tried that one sooner.

    I hope your weekend is going well.
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you had a great weekend. I had to work but was home at least. On Friday I came home late again but go myself to walk on the treadmill and tonight too. On Saturday I did XT C/B/S W/U, BB Build Back & Bi's.
    I have to leave work on time tomorrow because my town has it's yearly town hall meeting. It starts at 7:30 and it will probably go on till 10:30. I hope we finish going over everything they want money for so we don't have to go back another night. What a pain!
    Thank you all for all those kind, sympathy words about my work.

    Laurie, great job doing GHUTV Coming Down the Ladder. You really are blessed to have your own daughter cut your hair. I hope this year goes by quickly.

    Laurel, great job with Rock m' Sock m' Knockout! That is one of my favorites!
    I am feeling pretty boxed in with work. Thank God I'm not sick. I hope I don't have to stay late next week!

    Good luck with the move and unpacking!

    Tami, WOW! That class sounds painful! Glad you found a class you like close to home! Fabulous job with your other workout!
    Thanks for those kind and encouraging words about my job.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    The only workout I did after work on Friday was a 10 Min. Belly Blast workout. ;) On Saturday I did Ultimate Kettlebell & Core, and Sunday was my day off. So I'm going to incorporate Cathe and Chris Freytag for this month. I was looking at some of Cathe's rotations, and her March of 2017 looked like fun. So this morning was RWH LIHI Legs.

    Laurel, Great workout! Love that one. I will be thinking of you this week as you start the move in process. I'm sure that you will be super busy arranging all your items into your new space. You workout should reflect that you are back in business next week. ;) Yes the youngest will be doing both my hair and her sisters. They have been working with styles for almost a year with the oldest. The oldest will be doing her own make up too. My girls are very good at that type of stuff, they didn't get it from me. I'm really bad with make up and hair. :D When you garden does produce some veggies, you will have to show us if you get a super large veggie. ;)

    Tami, Now that workout really does sound like a good one. Maybe a suggestion to Cathe for creating something similar. ;) Glad that you will have more options for different classes as you head into the summer, and "running" season. :o Awesome workout withe the RUUP, I'm going to be doing that one tomorrow. Another Chef that is in Vegas at the MGM is Wolfgang's. Last year when we where in Vegas, he was at his restaurant, but we went to Tom Colicchio's. That food was awesome. So you where hobnobbing with the rich and famous. :p

    Becky, Great workouts! I have not tried that ICE workout yet. I still want to do a one body part per day type month, and those ICE workouts really do sound like they would be good for that. Sorry to hear that you have to give up the yoga, but it is understandable when you will be studying for your classes. If you want to get a feel for what Chris is like, some of her workouts are on youtube. Upper Body Kickboxing Lower Body Total Body Core She does have a yoga workout also, but I couldn't find that one. At least this gives you a sample of what her personality is like. My DH is okay with my short hair, like yours, he would rather I had longer hair. He understands that I just can't stand the long hair right now with the hot flashes that I get.

    Thelma, Awesome job on the workout, and getting on the treadmill. Glad that you will be able to leave work early today, and hopefully the meeting will move along at a decent pace.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ I had such a busy weekend and worked for 4 hours yesterday. Still behind right now, but feel a little better as I am typing that my in box is half full vs. flowing over the top! LOL Its all good and I love every minute, just hectic trying to catch up. YIKES. The title officers filled me up again and she wanted me to concentrate on policies yesterday instead of the new reports. So here I am .

    Saturday I did PHA and then this a.m. even with my DOMS still going on. They are much better today though, feel normal actually, so that is good. After that I was gone all day with my hair appt, lunch with BFF, errands and then out to Bday dinner with friends. Yesterday was work and I had an appt in the afternoon with a company that wants to hire me. How strange is that! I wasn't even looking. I won't be taking the position but I thought it was polite to meet with them. By the time I got home from there and cooked for the week I was done so no workout.

    This a.m. I was up early (YAY for me on Monday) and did LIHI Back/Bis Xtreme. Headed to BootCamp tonight if I don't stay late. :wink:

    I will try to catch up with you all tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did RWH Chest, Triceps, Shoulders (minus the Triceps), Yoga Link: Shoulder Shape-Up. I ran out of time and didn't get to the triceps. OMG the town meeing went until almost 11pm and we're not done yet! Have to go back Tuesday night. I even fell asleep for a few seconds I think.
    I forgot to tell you ladies but after 5 1/2 months of working with our girl cats they are now back to normal. What a relief!Thank God!

    Laurie, great workouts! Cathe and Chris together in a rotation! Love it!!
    Thanks for posting those youtube links. I didn't realize she had all those workouts there.
    I left work 1/2 hr after I had planed to and had to do cat feeding duty tonight cause DH goes bowling with people from work. So feed the cats and supervise them while they eat, then puff my asthma kitty.

    Tami, wow you're crazy busy too! Great job with your workouts. When was the last time you had DOMS? That new workout really hit your muscles in a totally different way than you're used to! Glad you at least had some fun time this weekend and an informational interview on Sunday! Please do tell! How did that go?

    Hi Laurel, good luck with the move and the unpacking!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work yesterday I did GHUTV Coming Down the Ladder, always a good workout. This morning I did Ultimate Intervals from GHUTV, so after work will be S&S Ramped Up Upper Body. ;) DH is working late tonight, so it will just be me and the dog.

    Tami, Awesome job on the workouts! Glad to hear that your DOMS went away. Sounds like you had a busy, but fun weekend. It is always nice to be busy, and when your in box goes down, an even better feeling. Very interesting that the company wants to hire you, they probably really need the help right now. ;) I know that my dd is super busy with the title company that she works for. Of course she is loving it, because she isn't stuck at a desk all day. ;)

    Thelma, Great job on the workout even though you couldn't do the triceps. That is a really long meeting, and then to have to go back again. :( Oh no on falling asleep, but you really did have a very long day. So glad to hear that your cats are back to normal, I'm sure that you are really really happy that they are getting along. I have all of those Xtreme workouts on DVD, and the kickboxing one is probably a fav. All the workouts are very good, if you use the right amount of weight.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Went to BootCamp last night and I really enjoyed it. She even did a 15 minute section at the end of a few new exercise; they were mostly lunges w/ core movements involved. The rest of the workout was “AMRAP” (As Many Reps as Possible) in the timeframe she gave us. They were done in 15 min increments. Burpees, Squats, Lunges, Sit-Ups, Push-Ups, Shoulder Presses, Switch Kicks. All in amounts of 10-20-30-20-30. It was nice to be there. This a.m. was LIHI Legs and tonight is supposed to be a really sunny, nice evening so my friend from golf lessons and I are going to go hit range balls. Should be fun and good practice since we only have one more lesson, it is next week.

    Thelma: Great job with your RWH workout! I am planning on that same Thurs. The Town meeting sounds looooooong. Funny you dozed off for a few seconds. I am sure it was one of those moments, “how long was I sleeping” LOL Yay that the kitties are pals again. So good. You should see cute Bernie these days, he is loving that he gets all the attention and actually has been clingy, which is not his personality. So darling. Love him and so glad he is still with us. Funny you ask about the DOMS! It has been a long time. I usually don’t get them so it was definitely a new way to hit those muscles. Plus I had been on vacation to go with it.

    OK, so the job offer. A guy that was new into Real Estate about 10 years ago and was working for the company I worked for ended up leaving and went to another firm and from there he started his own. Well he has done very well for himself and has a small, but darling office right near my house actually and needs a front desk/office assistant/listing administrator, etc. You name it, kind of a person of all skills including handling their advertising. Basically the entire job description is what I did for 100+ people at my old job for 21 years. So am definitely qualified and would just need to learn their systems, etc. But going back in time to do the same thing is not what I am looking to do. I also know they do not have any benefits whatsoever due to being such a small office. I LOVE where I am now and I did express that to him. I truly could not even imagine leaving this job right now; not because I am super happy with my pay scale or that I do pretty level entry work but because I LOVE the people, I love coming to work every day and there is tons of potential to move into other things and learn more in the future. I really appreciate him reaching out to me; we are meeting before work tomorrow a.m. and he will make me his official offer. I feel guilty because I know I am not going to take it. But feel that it is respectful at this point to see it through I guess. I don’t know, is that bad?
    I would love your ladies advice on what to say – You are both professionals in your field and I am sure have advice on what you would rather hear in this sitaution. I will either try to give him my answer tomorrow (if I get the nerve during our quick a.m. coffee) or will call him the next day.

    Laurie: Awesome workout and enjoy the upper body one tonight! Just love that one. Her new rotation has the new workouts on it. Looks like a good one. Tell me again what department your daughter is working in for the title company? I am glad she is liking it.

    Hi Becky and Laurel ..... hope your moving in is going smoothly for you. :smile:

    Have a great rest of your day ladies ~Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did XT Bi's & Tri's W/U, BB Bulk Back. Great workout!
    Well our town meeting part II went on until 11PM!!! I really fell asleep this time! I got comfortable and closed my eyes. We dished money out left and right and we now have banned plastic bags at stores and plastic water bottles 1 liter or less. I'm all for the environment, God knows we recycle and the bags don't bother me but if I want to buy a water bottle I should be able to. I only do this in case of emergencies because I always carry my stainless steel water bottle but if I have guests I feel that water bottles are more hygienic than just having open cups. This doesn't mean that people can't go out to the neighboring towns to buy their small water bottles. We always keep the 16oz bottles in our pantry. Oh well!
    My advanced order KCM workouts finally arrived! I got 30 Minutes to Fitness: Body Design
    30 Minutes to Fitness: Meltdown. One of them has 6, 15 minute workouts I guess so you can mix & match. The one thing I don't like about her pre-mixes don't have the warm up/cool down portions.

    Laurie, awesome workouts! I definitely want to try some of those GHUTV workouts!
    Tonight DH said we had to move to a town where they don't have these town meetings! LOL
    We are over the moon about our cats. DH and I have worked really hard with them to get to be friends again. Our patience, love and perseverance paid off.

    Tami, OMG another killer BC class! I hope you a blast hitting those golf balls!
    How nice for your former co-worker to have reached out to you with a job offer. I'm sure it felt wonderful!
    I don't blame you for not wanting to leave your current job. You really have a nice environment there and they really appreciate your work.
    That other job sounds like you'll be doing the work of 10 people!
    I don't know if I'd reject his offer right there and then. I would ask him for time to think about it. I would call him the next day and tell him you have given his generous offer a lot of thought but that you prefer your new career path.

    Hi Laurel!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got the S&S Ramped Up Upper Body workout in last night, and I do have some DOMS because I did go up in the weights just a little. This morning was ICE Rock'm Sock'm Kickbox, the rotation called for a cycle workout. I don't have those, so I chose kickboxing since it is my favorite. ;) Chris Freytag has a push-up challenge going on this month also, so I have been doing that. Monday started out with 15, yesterday was 16 (I ended up doing way more than that with my workouts), and today is 17.

    Tami, Awesome job on the leg workout and your class. The class sounds like it was tough, but a good one for your total body. ;) I think that is one of the things I really have been enjoying about the GHUTV workouts, they are working my whole body with mostly body weight, but I can get in a weight workout like Cathe's after work also. Now that is a tough one with the job offer, I can understand why you want to stay in your current position. The benefits with your current job, the possibility of moving into something else, and the fact that you like all the people you work with and for are major indicators that you are right in staying at your current job. I think that if you explain that to the gentleman, that is offering you that other job, he will understand. Look at what he has to offer though. I think that you are right to give him that meeting. He may surprise you in what he has to offer. My dd is a Closing Coordinator, she is the one that closes the loan with the buyers for the title company. You probably have a different name for her position at your company. ;) She likes that she isn't in the office all the time, and gets to meet different people.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout! Oh my on falling asleep at the meeting! Two days in a row with going to 11pm, probably caught up with you. I agree with you on the water bottles, it is easier to have when guests come to visit. Will they be taxing those that have the empty bottles in their recycle containers? So if they don't have plastic bags, are they going to have paper or do you have to remember to bring your own? One of the problems I have is forgetting to take the cloth bags with me when I go shopping. I don't have those KCM workouts, but I had heard that the one didn't have the premixes with warm-ups. That is to bad.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well last night was fun hitting the golf balls but we didn’t realize on Tuesdays’ the driving range closes early. So we only had like 20 minutes to hit our bucket of balls. It was fun and good experience; I need to start doing that now more. . . . much different than inside that we have been doing. I hit a few good, a few terrible and a few more good. :blush: This a.m. was RWH Chest/Shoulders/Tris and tonight I will head to Spinning.

    Thank you ladies for your thoughts and support on the “job/interview” situation. So the 7 a.m. coffee went good. He actually wasn’t prepared with a $$ figure/formal offer (which I was a little taken back from my original plan) I thought I would listen, tell him I would think about it and then tell him my decision later in the day. LOL so we just visited and he kept expressing how much he wants me to come to work for him. He did throw out the question of what do you want to make? YIKES. That can be tricky. He talked a little about him trying to make it work without the benefits (full medical/retirement. aka: salary plus bonuses and he said forsure he would get back to me today with something so I can make a decision. I did tell him at least 2 more times how happy I am at my current job and that had he contacted me 2 years ago when I was going through that CRAPOLA with my other job I would have jumped but I have now been lucky enough to be in such a wonderful environment, etc. that it would be hard to leave. So I think I made it clear I am not looking to leave but I also said that I respected him and his company and when they reached out to me I felt it was the right thing to do in meeting with them to see what they had.

    Thelma: Great job with BULK Back – those workouts are SO good! What in the world, 11PM, I would have been asleep too. Yahoo on your KCM workouts arriving! Let us know how you like them. I looked at those not too long ago but decided to wait since I was just getting Cathe’s new ones. You’re right on the other job, it would be a lot of work but I know what it looks like since I did it before and for a smaller office, it would be doable. Again, not going to take it but flattered I was asked. I will be anxious to have the final conversation over and done with. Stressful not wanting to hurt their feelings in any way. :neutral:

    Laurie: Great job getting in Ramped Up Upper Body and then Rock’m Sock’m this a.m. Which rotation did you decide on again? The one from March was it? Thank you so much for your words of wisdom and understanding as well on my job situation. I am waiting to see his offer, but cannot imagine it can be that astronomical in an increase; plus money is definitely not my motivation here at all. It would be nice to make more FORSURE but being happy and appreciated is so important to me.
    Closing Coordinator …. Hmmm, we have similar position I believe but it is called a Due Diligence Coordinator and they actually do have to stay in the office all day at a desk, making phone calls, handling paperwork for the Escrow Officers and their Assistants. Sounds like she has a fun job forsure, good for her! My DH is in marketing and he is out of the office all of the time, meeting people, putting deals together, creating relationships so that people will use our Title Co. and continue to do so with repeat business.

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! OMG was I exhausted late this afternoon! I just couldn't stay awake. I felt asleep at my desk and the way our desks are set up there is no hiding! I was so afraid I was going to fall asleep at the wheel but thankfully I was wide awake on my way home! Had to stay a little late at work and needless to say I didn't feel like working out BUT I knew I wasn't really too mentally and physically exhausted so I pushed myself to do an easy workout. I chose Chris Freytag's Walking Cardio ShapeUp. It was almost perfect for my energy. I actually made it more difficult.
    Remember how my knee was bothering a couple of weeks ago? I found the injury tonight. I could tell it wasn't my IT band. It felt more like across the top of my thigh so I thought quads. What I felt today was like a big knot in the middle of my inner thigh. So I just did a little google on inner thigh and it may be a groin injury. The strange part is that I never felt I had a groin injury. It's nothing painful though. It's more like it's throbbing. What revealed the injury to me tonight was that the I did some forward lunges and my knee didn't feel right. Oh well, one more body part to nurse. So in the process of reading about inner thigh injuries I came across this website which seems to have good workouts:

    Becky is going to have to give up her yoga class now that she's starting school and she asked for video recommendation. Her MFP friends recommended Yoga with Adriene

    Laurie, awesome workouts and the pushup challenge! I don't think we will be taxed on the empty water bottles. I live in a town where there is no public trash service. It's all private. We have a trash company pick up the trash and DH takes the recyclables to our transfer station for which we pay a yearly fee. The bylaw talks about selling bottles so I don't think they will tax us for the empty bottles. If anything the bottle police will arrest DH when he goes to the dump! LOL

    Tami, glad you enjoyed your 20 minutes of golf! Great workouts too!
    The job offer is a no brainier. This guy appreciates your work but he can't match what you have now. The lack of benefits is the deal breaker. Don't feel guilty about saying no. We didn't think about him asking you what you wanted to make though! You may have the experience he needs but you would be a one woman show.That is too much. He probably thinks you'd work for him for the right salary but I think what you have now is priceless.

    Hi Laurel!

    Good night ladies!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi All - This week's rotation is doing Meso 1. Monday, I did back/tri and yesterday was chest/bicep/shoulders (I think it was disk 11 and 13). Today was supposed to be legs, but I chose to get on the treadmill at an incline instead.

    Tami - Fantastic workouts! The bootcamp class sounded tough.....I like the idea of AMRAP. It sounds like you had a good Saturday, too. That is awesome with the job offer. Here's my two cents: I would listen to him and the offer. I would then tell him that you are so honored by him thinking of you and offering you this opportunity. Let him know that you need time to discuss this with your husband and to think about what is best for you at this point in your life. You can then call him the next day and let him know that at this point in your life, you will stay where you are now. I believe in listening to what people have to say, think about it, and let them know your decision (never burn bridges and always show never know when you may need to have a "deal/favor" occur with him). Good luck!

    Thelma - You are doing great with the workouts.....that is wonderful that your KCM workouts arrived. I bet you are excited to try them. I am glad to read that the cats are doing well. Those town hall meetings sound crazy! I agree, I use my refillable bottles, but I would not be happy with that ban. Oh well......

    Laurie - amazing are kicking some butt! Thank you SO much for the links, too. I have added them to my list of recommendations you have provided. I may check them out over the next few days. Have the hot flashes been really bad? A colleague of mine is going through menopause and the stories she tells me about this are hilarious (I am sure it is not funny at all......but she always turns things around and makes them funny). I'll visit her office and she is begging me to fan her. Her husband is freezing in their house since she turns down the AC.

    Laurel - I hope you are doing well and that the move is going smoothly. I also hope (and am sure you are doing this) finding time to workout and meet new people.

    Have a great night.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout after work, since it was an off day on the GHUTV rotation, and I had done the kickboxing workout in the morning I was good with my workout day. ;) This morning I did GHUTV Super 8 and my 18 push ups.

    Tami, Great job on the workout! Dang on the limited time to hit those golf balls. Guess that you both will have to go out again, but find a place that is open later. ;) The job/interview sounds like it was a good one, and he really does seem to need the help from someone with experience. I'm sure that is why he is reaching out to you, because you would be able to jump right in. ;) I'm doing the March 2017 rotation of Cathe's and combining that with the GHUTV rotation called Body Fusion. Chris has a bunch of rotations on her site, that use the workouts on her streaming site. So far I'm enjoying the combo. The March 2017 seems to concentrate on the lower body more. It is funny to hear my dd talk about her job, and then she and her fiance are now buying a house, so she knows the lingo so well. If DH and I ever decide to sell our house, she will be a wealth of knowledge for us. :D I think at some point she wants to be on the real estate side.

    Thelma, Oh my on being so tired at work, that isn't fun. I'm glad to hear that you where okay to drive home. Good for you getting in the workout, and it really does sounds like it was a perfect fit. Thanks for the links, I will have to check those out when I have a chance later tonight. I had to laugh at your DH getting arrested by the bottle police. Our trash and recycle items are picked up by a company, and we pay for it on our tax bill.

    Becky, Awesome job with your workouts. You are welcome with the youtube workouts. I really like Chris, so those workouts will really give you a good indication if she is an instructor that won't irritate you. I found the total body and core workouts to be really good if you use the right amount of weight. My hot flashes are not as bad as some, and it may be because Thelma recommended taking this supplement. This is the brand I take, and I really believe that it has contributed to me not having truly horrible flashes. I get them once in a while, and they only last a few minutes. Have your colleague try them, it is worth the effort.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ It was nice to be back at my Wednesday Spinning class …. Although with our nice weather there were only about 10 people there. It was good though! This a.m. I did Giant Sets Lower Body – Doubled Pre-Mix, which was great. Tonight I am going to got to that Strong class again, should be good. Although it is 80 degrees here today and supposed to go back to our normal “Spring” temps tomorrow through the weekend. But I will have the whole evening to enjoy. Hopefully I don’t get the DOMS I did last week. LOL

    Thelma: Now that is tired, falling asleep at your desk. Poor thing. Interesting that muscle is your groin vs. your knee. Hopefully it is one of those little temporary things. THANK YOU so much for your encouraging words and relieving me of the guilt of saying no. He did send me the offer later in the evening and eventhough I wasn’t going to take it, I was happy to know it wasn’t like a 200% increase or something. It is definitely bonus based in order to make more money. At any rate, I will call him either this evening or tomorrow and say no thank you. I think we have developed a good rapport enough that he will understand and I just hope he doesn’t try to continue with “why” or counter or something like that. I agree, my current job is PRICELESS to me and I cannot even imagine leaving.

    Becky: Great job with your workouts! Sounds like you had to make a tough decision giving up your Yoga membership, but I bet you will be able to fill in the gap there with lots of good “at home” Yoga workouts. Thank you as well for the wonderful words of wisdom for approaching my “rejection of the position” I definitely did not want to burn a bridge in any way, which is why I have been so careful and gracious to see it through. He was happy to hear I would get back to him either later today or tomorrow; YIKES. Only to say no thank you, but I will definitely tell him how nice it was to be offered a position with them.

    Laurie: Awesome job with your GHUTV Super 8 this a.m. Yes, it was a bummer on the golf course; we will just go there but a different evening or Sat/Sun. It is close to both of us and free with her husband’s membership to hit balls so it’s a great spot. Just didn’t know about the time thing for Tuesday. Sounds like a fun rotation for sure that you are doing. Your daughter will definitely be a huge help when that day comes; or be able to get the answers you need if she doesn’t know. Good for her.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! I didn't workout today. Another long, exhausting day at work. My thigh felt pretty much like I had a groin pull this morning but it got better as the day went on. I massaged my thigh like crazy last night and this morning with my massage rolling pin. The pull area went from my inner thigh to the back of my thigh. I think it's just the injury that I couldn't quite identify while my knee hurt all of a sudden losened up!

    Hi Becky,you're doing great with your rotation and handling your busy life! I hope you find yoga workouts in youtube that give you the challenge you like.
    The calcium, magnesium, zync suplement is very effective for hotflashes. Tell your friend to take one a day with food. If the hotflashes are really bad she may need to take 2 a day. Certain foods may trigger the hotflahses too.

    Tami, great workouts! I'm glad you feel better about declining the job offer. Flattering yes, worth it? NOT! How is Bernie doing?

    Hi Laurel!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did S&H Legs & Shoulders, always a good workout. This morning was GHUTV Core Conditioning.

    This will be a short one, we have this team building event that I'm am dreading. We have done this decathlon event every year, and it is basically a bunch of events like dodge ball, fill pantie hose with balloons, and other things like that. We even have to do a cheer. :/ This is the one day of the year that I dread being at work, and I have a pile of work to do on my desk.

    Tami, Great workout, and spin class. Guess the weather is a bigger draw than the spinning. Have fun at the new class, and I hope that you don't get the DOMS. Enjoy those nice temps also, but spring weather is so nice too. How nice that you can go to the golf course for free, that is great. I'm sure that you both will have fun doing that.

    Thelma, Glad you are taking care of the groin pull, I have had a few of those in the past while playing softball. Playing first base and trying to catch a short ball. I don't really do the splits to well. ;)

    Well I need to get back to work!

    Have a great weekend!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night the 82 degree sunshine won out for me! I headed home and surprised DH with mowing our very long overdue lawn for him. He is right in the midst of helping out with the Special Olympics fundraiser again this year and it is tomorrow evening. So I surprised him with that and he seemed very happy. So this a.m. I did Giant Sets Upper Body – Doubled Premix. Felt great. I will head to Spinning tonight for a little cardio.

    So my conversation with the Real Estate Company went as good as I could have hoped! Yay for that. He was disappointed but really good and said he respected my decision and understood, that if I change my mind or something changes in the near or even distant future to please contact him. So YAY for that.

    Thelma: OUCH on the leg bothering you still, but sounds like it is working itself out if the pain is moving around. Good that your knee loosened up as well. Bernie is doing really good. He has been such a huge focus for DH and I in the evenings and he is actually become a little “clingy” for him. He follows us both around the house and when I am getting ready in the a.m. he lays on the rug by my feet. Such a sweet boy. We are both so thankful he is with us and that he is not acting depressed. His personality is much more independent than a Golden Retriever forsure, but he is still being very lovey and now that he has 100% of the attention he is very happy.

    Laurie: Great job with S&H Legs and Shoulders + Core Conditioning this a.m. OH, forgot to tell you ladies, we recently have new internet. I may be able to actually stream some online videos if I want now! Very nice. Before our internet was so bad that would have not been an option. Sad but true that we put up with it for years now.

    Have a great weekend ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. I had to work till pretty late on Friday which I never do but had to finish a project. So I walked on the treadmill when I got home. Saturday I developed a sinus headache that knocked me out in the afternoon. I did a Walk Slim workout and today the treadmill. I wanted to ride the spin bike but standing for a good part of the day didn't agree with my leg.

    Laurie, oh boy with yet another team building class! Why so often? The only way I can think of that I hurt my leg was jumping and landing on a plie squat! Great workouts!

    Tami, yeah it's that time of the year when the lawn has to be taken care of often. I hope the Special Olympics fund raiser went well. Great workout!
    Glad your conversation with the RE company went well and that Bernie is also doing well! Will you be getting him a companion?

    Hi Laurel and Becky!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well I think I did something to my knee when I was working in my garden. Probably put my foot down wrong and twisted it. So I will have to take my workouts down a notch until this starts to feel better. I did this on Saturday, so you guessed it, I was out working in my garden all day. Loved it until it started getting really cold. We have had frost on the ground for the last three nights. Sunday I didn't do anything workout wise, but did my cooking. This morning I did PiYo Sweat, the knee was okay with this. Probably will get on the elliptical after work. I do have to go with oldest dd for her first dress fitting tonight.

    Tami, Awesome workout, and spinning! How nice that you went home and mowed the lawn. That would really surprise my DH if I ever do that. I'm sure he is super busy with the fundraiser prep. I'm kind of hooked on the streaming thing, so once you start you may get hooked too. :D I can just see Bernie soaking up the attention. ;) Glad to hear that your conversation with the Real Estate company went well, and that he is open to something in the future if you are ready to make a change.

    Thelma, Great job with your workout, even though you had some obstacles to overcome with you sinuses and leg. Guess you and I are limping along until we heal. ;) I think that this team event came up fast, because our plant manager has taken another job. He is going to be gone as of next week. I'm just hoping that the next plant manager doesn't think that we need to do this event anymore. I got hit in the head with one of the dodge balls. I'm really glad that I had on the ugly safety glasses instead of my expensive everyday ones. They would have been paying for a new pair of glasses. :p

    Have a great day!