Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    edited May 2017
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a really nice time with my family, and of course ate to much goodies and had to pick off a lot of woodticks :o . My Mom makes the best rhubarb crunch, so I just couldn't resist. ;) No workouts at all, and I think my knee was happy about that. Woke up this morning and walked the dog, and then followed that up with Cathe's Low Impact Circuit Total Body Premix. My knee was fine with the warm up on the step (I put mine at 6"), so I'm sticking to low impact/walking/weight/yoga workouts this week. I don't know if this is good or bad, but I have noticed that my pants are fitting loose since I started these walking workouts. Will see if that means I lost some muscle in my legs, which means loss of strength. Time will tell.

    Laurel, Awesome job on the workouts! That is a great idea to find kickboxing workouts that really focus on the abs more. Doing core work while working out is always way more interesting than laying on the floor doing the work. ;) You are right stringing those workouts together was a workout, really did have some good DOMS afterward. I love popping in my DVD's also, some time in the future they will come up with a new and improved way to have the workouts without to much fuss on our part.

    Tami, Glad your class was a good one, and your Cathe workout too. There may be benefits to the walking, so I will have to see if this continues. Now I'm not getting the endurance, but as time goes on I can incorporate more workouts that focus on that. Since most of Jessica's walking workouts are between 15 and 40 min., it isn't hard to incorporate a short one with another workout.

    Becky, Glad to hear that you are enjoying your class. I agree with you on the yoga vs stretching. I like to have the movement vs. the stretching. So I tend to do more power yoga. I have not checked into my insurance coverage for pt services, if I don't see to much improvement then I will check into that. Picking up where you left off is a great idea, and I think that Laurel is looking at going back to the rotation. I will probably do the rotation again, but not until after I'm sure my knee can handle it. When you get a chance to go to the movie, I'm sure that you will have a great time.

    Thelma, I absolutely love your photo! You are rocking those sunglasses. Awesome job with the workouts, it looks like you are working your way though some of JS's walking workouts. That is one of the reasons I think I like the walking workouts more than any other ones I have tried, she really does incorporate different things into each one. Oh yes that is another brand that has the riced cauliflower. I just find it way more convenient to use the frozen, and then I don't have to pull out my food processor. Sounds like a very tasty lunch. Might have to try that workout, Jeanette is a fun instructor also. She is awesome with kickboxing.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! It was a quiet weekend around here with DH in Florida and less than ideal weather here. But I got some good work in around the house on Saturday, and it is beginning to feel much better now. We will be replacing appliances this weekend, need to finish the tile grout, and want to paint the laundry room......and then, hopefully, we can take a bit of a break and maybe go outside and do something.

    As for workouts, I took Saturday off, per my usual. Sunday was the start of High Reps week with STS Disc 1, Chest, Shoulders and Biceps. For me, this is usually the toughest workout in the entire series for me......but I breezed through it on Sunday. :o Wish it always felt like that! For cardio, I did Cathe's Greatest Hits followed by the core work from Cardio and Weights. Yesterday was STS Disc 3/Legs, followed by the cardio premix from Cathe's 4DS Kickbox/BC DVD. Today was STS Disc 2/Back and Triceps followed by Tabatacise and XT Core 1. I must admit that I am feeling pretty much back to pre-move strength and endurance now, which is about a week earlier than I thought I would. That makes me feel very happy! And, of course, I may be changing my tune at the end of the week after doing these STS workouts again this week. ;)

    I also got a chance to make up some workouts with Cathe's workout blender this weekend. Right now I am focusing on doing some strength training blends for the non-STS weeks I have doing this rotation. It is amazing to me how easy it is to do this. DH got me an adapter to connect my iPad to my non-smart TV in my workout room so I will be set to try them out soon.

    Tami, hope you enjoyed a good weekend. That Thursday class sounds really good. I am with you on PHA Training. It would be on my list of 'if you could only take 10 workouts to a deserted island.......' for sure.

    Becky, so great to see you!!! I am happy to,hear your school is going okay.....minus a couple of bum group members. I started the rotation over two weeks ago. I had a five week break from it because of the move and decided to just start over instead of starting mid-way through. Like you, with a long break from working out (well......I worked out during that time, but not like I usually do, and much more cardio than strength), I feel like I almost have to start over. But like I said above, after 3 1/2 weeks back at it, I feel pretty much back to 'normal'. And yes!! Stretching is boring! Thank you for being willing to go right to the heart of the matter! My mind is much to restless for it I think.

    Thelma, love the photo of you rocking your new sun glasses! So good. Sounds like a nice weekend. Gardening is hard work, so it also sounds like an active weekend with your workouts as well. Glad you enjoyed your dinner in Boston. Like you, I just got an adapter to connect my iPad to my TV. Anxious to try it out with the Cathe Live workouts and the workout blender workouts. Yes, the Cathe Live workouts all have different names. Hope your feet start feeling better soon.

    Laurie, glad you enjoyed your trip north. My mouth started watering when you mentioned rhubarb crunch! :p I don't eat a lot of rhubarb, but this time of year I crave it. Sounds SO good. Glad to hear your knee enjoyed the break. Hopefully that is what it needed to start healing. Sounds like you have a good plan going forward. Yay for looser clothes.....unless, as you said, it means less strength. Hopefully it just means looser clothes!

    See you tomorrow.

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi Ladies - Today was STS Disk 4 (chest/bicep/shoulders) and I swam a little over half a mile today. It felt SO good to be in the pool. As always, my mind is at ease for the rest of the day after swimming. I posted on my page that I want to start training for a MINI triathlon; not sure if you saw it. I hate running and don't have a bike. BUT, I have some colleagues that are in the same boat and finished a mini one on Mother's Day. They loved it and have encouraged a few of us to do another one with them. I am going to start researching good form for running, so if any of you have tips, let me know.

    Laurel - I am so glad you are back to your normal self. Awesome job with your workouts! That is a good idea to start over with the rotation. That is wonderful that disk 1 was easy for you this time around. It sounds like the house is keeping you busy with all the work you are doing on it. How do you like the area where you are living now? Are you in a neighborhood or kind of away from others?

    Laurie - Great job with your workout and continuing to watch the knee. That is wonderful that your pants are fitting lose, BUT, if you are losing muscle, that is a bummer. I want my pants to get more lose, but I definitely don't want to lose strength. You'll gain it back, but it is not worth pushing it right now with your knee.

    Thelma - Excellent job with your workouts. Thanks for sharing that workout video, too. I saved it to my Word doc where I keep everyone's suggestions. It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend, and I am so glad. You needed it! I really want to try zip lining. I hope me and my family can try it when my daughter is old enough. I think we would have a blast.

    Hi Tami - I hope you are doing fantastic!

    Have a wonderful evening.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Had a nice 3 day weekend except for a short trip into the office on Sunday to do some typing so I could be prepared for this a.m. My in box was empty when I came in this a.m. another words. LOL so it was good. No catch up and behind-ness! I took Saturday off from workouts - just a dog walk with Bernie in the a.m. it was so beautiful out and not too hot for him yet (or me either at that matter) so it was perfect. Got a bunch of stuff done around the house. Sunday was my start of HEAVY week for the rotation so I opted for S&H: Shoulders/Legs, yesterday was S&H Chest & Back and this a.m. I didn’t get up for my early workout so will hopefully do something tonight in lieu of Katy’s Insanity Class or if I feel brave, I will go to her class. It’s 92 today and then cooling back down to 70 tomorrow. Craziness, we aren’t used to these temps. LOL

    Becky: So good to hear from you! It sounds like you are so busy with grad school (WOW by the way!!) and good for you to be picking up on your swimming this time of year too. That is such a great workout. I grew up being on swim teams and loved it. I stopped the rotation in April when I had a little “break” when I went to see my mom and sister and re-group after Emma died. Was kind of doing miscellaneous workouts when I got back. Decided to start it back up last week so now I am on week #2 “Heavy” and loving being back into a scheduled rotation forsure. Love the flexibility of this rotation as well, can get a lot of different workouts in. I don’t do well with floundering and wondering what workout to do each day or week. LOL So Katy is still the instructor for Mon/Tues/Wed & Fri. The new Strong/HiiT class is Thursday and that is with a gal named Kristen. So if I miss one of Katy’s classes due to golf lesson or on purpose because I don’t want to run outside I have started going to that one instead. So probably most of the summer I will do that class instead of the Tuesday evening class. Yes, I am very happy to have stayed right where I am for my job. That offer was very nice of them, but they are a small little office and I have a feeling when the market changes (as it does in Real Estate & economy) my job would change.

    Thelma: Sounds like a fabulous weekend! That’s so great you were able to do your gardening. What kind of new shoes did you get?!?! I have been reading about and wanting to get a pair of good trainers for most of what I do I don’t need running shoes and decided to try a good pair. Was looking at the new Reebok Grace Cross Trainers, which looked really good. So curious as to what you got. Awesome job on the workouts! That makes sense on your sunglasses …. So happy you like your new sunglasses. My DH does that with our flex spending account at work as well. He buys the really nice Oakley’s for fishing. I just say PLEASE don’t drop them in the river. LOL He loves them and we use them on our flex spending/cafeteria plan. It’s perfect.

    Laurie: Sounds like your time with the family was wonderful! YUM on the rhubard crunch …. Way to go for it! I am happy for you that your knee is feeling better – maybe that R&R did help some as well. Sounds like you are still getting some good workouts in even with low impact, so that is fantastic! If you have lost some strength, I am sure it will come back soon once you are at 100%.

    Laurel: Sounds like you were able to have a nice weekend around the house getting things done. Yay on the new appliances coming soon! That will be so great. EXCELLENT job on the workouts and congrats on hitting your same stride so soon after your move. That workout blender sounds absolutely perfect! I bet you will love the workouts you put together with that. I have enjoyed the S&H workouts so far this week, just one more and then I will do a different leg workout on Thursday to add in. Forgot how much that format of workout WORKS your muscles. Kind of like the Thurs. night class.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did XT CBS w/u, BB Build Shoulders, XT Core #1. My feet feel better but my shoulder didn't care for tonight's workout without the yoga shoulder workout. I applied heat and took an alive. Thanks all for the complements on the new my new picture sporting my new sunglasses. It's a good thing I got to wear them on Saturday because it was raining on Sunday, totally cloudy today and rain tomorrow! LOL

    Laurie, glad you had a great time with your family! OMG with the woodticks! I hear the infestation is pretty bad this year. I've never seen one in person. Maybe cause I spray the hell out clothes and myself when we go hiking OR maybe there weren't a lot of ticks where I was. I know I will freak out if I find one on myself. When I was first diagnosed with lupus one of the tests they did was lime disease because my symptoms were similar.
    I'm sure your knee liked the break! Good job with your workouts. I can't imagine that you would've lost a lot of muscle mass in your legs. Maybe it's just that your legs are being exercised differently.
    I do like Laurel's idea about finding kickboxing workouts that really focus on the abs more. I need those workouts! That is why I like how Jessica Smith incorporates moves that target the abs while you're standing.
    The cauliflower already riced for you is huge! So convenient! The workout I posted looked like a lot of fun.

    Laurel, good job making that house your own! That's quite a workout lineup lady! Fabulous work! I'm so happy your strength and endurance are back at pre-move levels! Congrats!
    I got the apple adapter for the iPad, an HDMI cable, a lightning cable and an a/c usb adapter so that I could plug that iPad to the wall and charge it. It worked beautifully once I selected the correct hdmi option on the tv. The only thing I was not able to figure out how to do was to hide the tabs at the top. They displayed on the TV even when I had the video on full screen more.

    Becky, great job with your workouts! Wow! I can't believe you want to train for a triathlon! That would be fabulous! I think you and your family would have a blast ziplining!

    Tami, glad you had a nice weekend! fabulous workouts! Those are crazy temps! I hope Katy didn't take the workout outside!
    I don't know if the shoes that I got would be good for you. Mine need to be sort of stiff at the arch area as a result I had to get (as Laurie's DD would say) fugly shoes! LOL. Those Reeboks would not work for me.

    Those flexible spending accounts are a really good thing. My co-worker asked me why I don't leave my sunglasses in the car. I told her the sunglasses are too expensive to be left in the car. I feel like I need to insure them! LOL. I hope your husband hasn't dropped his Oakley's in the river.

    Good night ladies!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work yesterday I went outside and played with Rocket, and then took advantage of the weather (no rain), and puttered in my garden. This morning I did Tae Bo Basic Training workout, not high impact in this workout at all. I did wear my weighted gloves though.

    Laurel, Awesome job on those workouts! Glad to hear that you are back to full strength/endurance from before the move. Also very happy to hear that you are getting the house into a condition that will make for a more pleasing environment to live in. I'm curious what you came up with for your "created" workouts on the blender. That must have been fun trying to make those. I'm going to hope that it is that my thighs are thinner, because otherwise I will have to start looking for more cellulite. :D I have a rhubarb plant at my house, and I made some bread. It was good, but nothing like the crunch Mom makes. There must be more love in her food than in mine. :D I just wish that I wasn't the only one in our house that enjoys that vegetable.

    Becky, Great job on the workout! I didn't notice that you are running a mini tri. How long is the running portion? I would love to run, and it is so much more fun in the summer than during our winters. I have no pointers to give, even though my dd's where in track. They where very good at pacing, but never transferred that knowledge to me. Pacing is probably the best thing to learn, because that is what makes you not run to fast and make yourself tired.

    Tami, Nice job with the workouts, and of course getting in your walk with Bernie. Can't imagine those temps at this time of the year. We are still having the rain/cold temps. Last night, after I came in from weeding, we had a short downpour. I didn't even realize it until DH said something. The only problem with low impact is staying low impact. I really have to watch the low impact designated person, otherwise I'm temped to go all out. Not good at this point.

    Thelma, Good job on the workout, but sorry to hear that you shoulder had issues with it. You and I sound like a pair with our injuries. The dogs where the ones that the ticks seemed to like the best, and I'm really glad that Rocket wasn't there. I'm okay with picking ticks off, but it isn't my favorite bug. They are surprisingly quick too. I like your explanation on the leg thinning. Working them differently. ;)

    Have a great day!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hey lovely ladies - today was another weight and swim day. This morning, I did STS disk 5 (back/tricep) and a 35 minutes swim (1000 yards). I am feeling pretty good and trying to eat better, too. I watched a few videos on running techniques, and boy oh boy, no wonder my body hurts for days afterwards. I've been landing on my feet all wrong and taking too large of strides. I may try to do a half mile jog tomorrow morning.........we will see. :D

    My kids are already a little bored with's only their first week! My honey has an interview tomorrow for a supervisor position. I really hope he gets it because his raise will basically cover the cost of my graduate program for the next 3 years, and that would be AWESOME! I don't want student loans for the next 20 years.

    Laurie - I never thought about wearing my weighted gloves for Tae Bo (duh.....makes sense). Great job on getting your workout in and play time with Rocket. I haven't signed up for any mini-triathlons, but I am going to start training for one. I need to find one to do. The one my colleagues did was a 400 meter swim, 7 mile bike ride then 3 mile run. So, it was short and sweet, and I really want to try this.

    Thelma - Great workout, but bummer that your shoulder said "no thanks." I am sure you are frustrated with that, but at least you are taking care of it. From the zip lining you have done, where was your favorite place to do it and why?

    Tami - Fantastic workout choice for the start of your heavy week. That is great that it isn't too hot to take Bernie outside. My poor dogs are stuck's over 100 degrees now. It's a bummer. That is great that you started back with week 2; I knew you took a break for awhile with the rotation and wasn't sure if you got back into it. When I finish the rotation, I am thinking of doing it again with modifications. I want to bring in Slow and Heavy into the rotation like you have done. I love those workouts. Thanks for clarify about Katy; I was afraid she left your gym.

    Hi Laurel - I hope you are doing well and kicking some butt with your workouts.

    Have a great rest of the day.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout was STS Disc 3/Legs followed by LIS Afterburn Bonus Burn premix. I haven't done that latter workout in a long time, and it always surprises me how tough it is. Good stuff!

    Becky, great workouts! Glad you are enjoying swimming, I wish I was a swimmer. When I was about 8, my mom signed me up for swimming lessons. I had two....and then came down with chicken pox. :/ Unfortunately, I was never able to get more lessons so I know just enough about swimming to get me in trouble! Congratulations on training for a mini-triathlon. I have no words of advice since I don't swim, run or bike. B) I am not much of an athlete, that's for sure. I have tried running on and off through the years, and one thing that built my endurance was starting with a one minute run, followed by a one minute walk, followed by a one minute run......The next week it was a 2/1 ratio, all the way up to a solid 30 minutes. It helped me build the endurance, but it didn't help with the utter boredom I experience running. But I like Laurie's input about pace. Last time I went running, I surprised myself by being able to go 5 miles right out of the gate......but that is because I set my pace right. Anyhow, we are in a neighborhood up here, but the town is only 2000 the whole town is kind of a neighborhood! I don't want to be too far off the beaten track up here because in most of those areas, you are responsible for clearing the roads from snow and such. Even as it is we have no trash pick up at the house, which is fine. But I don't want to have to buy a pickup truck to plow the roads.

    Tami, glad you had a nice weekend and were also able to get ahead on work. I can't believe you have been that warm!! I keep looking at our weather forecast just begging for a 70 degree day! At least this week we are back in the 60s, which is nice. Those Slow and Heavy workouts always catch up with me. I start out feeling strong.....and then my muscles start quivering away. So good!

    Thelma, great workouts, though I am sorry your shoulders didn't enjoy it. Hopefully a little TLC and rest is all the needed. I, very briefly, hooked my iPad to the TV last night just to see how it worked. I don't remember having the tabs at the top. I will try again later and let you know if I have the same problem. I didn't have sound initially, so was trying to figure that out and didn't pay too much attention to the actual picture.

    Laurie, I like your evening workout last night. Sounds perfect in the nice weather. Good job with the Tae Bo. Sounds like your knee is holding steady and, hopefully, improving. So far my made up workouts are pretty simple......making the LIHI workouts into one body part workouts per day, stringing the Muscle Meltdown workouts together for one, long upper body workout, etc. I want to give my cardio mish-mashes a little thought before I start creating them. I will definitely do my 'usuals', like combining Hard Strikes and Rockout Knockout, which I do pretty often. But I want to take advantage of the fact I can actually pick and choose chapters, so want to experiment in maybe tossing in a high intensity move in between moves in, say, a steady state step workout. We'll see.......but this could be fun! You made my mouth water again with rhubarb bread! That sounds so very yummy. I might just have to see if I can find good rhubarb up here.......

    Until tomorrow.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Thelma.....I do have all the iPad tab info as well on my TV screen as well and can't get rid of it either. I will play with it more later, but if you figure it out let me know.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    I'll have to catch up to you guys tomorrow! It was craziness with it being busy plus the last day of the month! Talk to you all tomorrow. :smile:

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did XT CBS w/u, BB Build Chest & Tri's, 30MTF Abs. Good feet day but my right side scapula is not happy. I did work the scapula yesterday.

    Laurie, good job with the Tae Bo Basic Training workout! Is that one of the first Tae Bo workouts? Is there a very old lady in it?
    Tell me about it with the injuries! I may have to go to lighter weights.
    How in the world do you ever check a whole dog for ticks? My pet sitter must check all her dog clients after she takes them back home for their walks because she always mentions picking ticks off dogs.
    I've never seen one in person and I am so afraid that I won't see them. We don't spray our yard but I'm thinking we may not have them OR they don't like DH! LOL. I had my grilled salmon with riced cauliflower and it was delish! It tasted just like white rice! YUMMY! I'm hooked girl! The only thing I added to the cauliflower was a little salt free garlic and herb spice.

    Becky, great job keeping up with your workouts!! What a good idea to watch videos on running techniques! I can't run due to my lack of cartilage in my knees but when I tried running years ago I enjoyed it very much. So no advice from me on the triathlon. I can't even swim! My dad traumatized me for life when I was just a toddler but taking me with with him to the bottom of this deep pool without even tell me to hold my breath! He was never a good teacher! Sucked at teaching me how to drive too so I didn't learn till I was 28! Same deal with riding a bike! Still can't ride one! Good luck!
    OMG you just cracked me up with your kids already being bored with summer and they're only on week one! Too funny. I hope you find a way to keep them amused! Keeping my fingers crossed so that your DH gets that job!!!
    We had our first zip lining experiences in NH but THEN we tried it in NC and that was amazing! We tried two places in NC last summer.
    We first did Navitat but not the side-by-side option as they were booked for the time we were there at. You have to make reservations. I hated their break system cause I hurt my shoulder there. You had to break with your hands by touching the zip line. I couldn't quite reach the cable cause I'm short and I was hanging too low. Once they gave the right equipment I was OK. I just saw that they have a hands free break mechanism now. Clearly that was a problem for a lot of people.

    The Gorge. Very cool place! The guides take pictures of each person or group on every tree top platform. Then they show them on a big screen and you can choose to buy them.

    They were both awesome places the guides make the experience a good one and we had great guides in both places. There are some places during the course where the only way to get down from the top of the trees is to repel down. Needless to say my sister and I were scared but had to do it! LOL. She lives in NC with her girls so we had them join us.
    I think either of these places in NC would be an amazing experience.
    The first time I did it was from the top of a mountain in NH. I was the first one in line to go. DH and I were on side-by-side lines and you have the option to go fast or slow so you can enjoy the view. Well I left DH behind in the dust! LOL. I was so afraid to slow down and get stuck way up there! LOL.

    Laurel, great combo today!I don't remember that Afterburn premix but that is probably because it probably is too hard and you would be the only one who could handle it! LOL

    I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing the iPad tabs on the TV! Today I played a video on the iPad while it wasn't connected to the tv and it took over the entire screen. No tabs! I'm not sure if it depends on the video though. I'm not a apple device user so I only use it for internet and email access as well as video games for my cats! LOL
    I'll let you know if I manage to figure out how to hide those tabs. I'm sure there has to be a way.

    Hi Tami!

    Good night ladies!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did a Jessica Smith Barefoot Fusion Sculpt workout, then followed that with one of her 10 Min. Stretches. Felt great. This morning I did GHUTV Pure Strength workout, loved that one. So far so good on the knee, but then again I have not tried any plyo work. I'm going to continue with this format until I'm positive the knee will be fine.

    Becky, Great job on the workout, and swim. Glad that you are able to pinpoint the foot placement and stride. Those are important for improving your run. Positive thoughts for you DH and the supervisory job. LOL about the kids being bored already. Guess they really enjoy the stimulation of going to school. ;) Summer was so much fun when I was a kid, and it seemed to go way to fast. Hope that you are able to find a mini tri that will not be during the hot weather, that would just make your first attempt harder. I give you kudos for trying.

    Laurel, Love the workout combo! I'm still getting some soreness in the knee after a workout, but nothing like I had the previous weeks. If I stayed in one position to long, the knee got really stiff. Now I can get up a walk around with not problems. So I will still take it slow, even it I have to do this same format next week. Those are some really good mish-moshes so far. There are so many options that you could mash up. Almost like having thousands more workout options. :D I like that you could make your workout just yours, by adding in the additional ab or stretching routine that you want right into your workout. I always have to change DVD's.

    Tami, Sorry to hear that you had a busy day! Talk to us when you have a chance.

    Thelma, Nice job with the workout, but not the scapula. :( The Basic Training are the workouts that he used those Billy Bands with. I don't have the band, so I just use weighted gloves for the strength moves. I can't imagine those bands have really strong tension on them. I do have those workouts with the older lady on them, she really is an inspiration. If you had a tick on you, you would know it. You really do feel them crawling up your leg or neck. Long haired dogs are really hard to find ticks on, but short hair dogs you can see them no problem. They like to take up residence in certain areas, like between toes or on the belly. If you mow your lawn, you shouldn't have a problem with ticks. The long grass is when you start seeing them a lot. Glad that you have found a new food choice to enjoy. I like having those frozen packages, they are so convenient.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I wasn’t able to check in yesterday other than my quick “hello” message. LOL Between the flat out BUSY and the end of the month PLUS the new system it is something else. I am the only one typing right now in our department and feeling the pressure forsure; 5 title officers giving me files. But I will make it and I am able to keep up on the most part. Just gets kind of hectic when there is a longer report given to me and then others come flowing in while I am still on the one.

    So yesterday’s workout(s) were S&H Bi’s/Tri’s in the a.m. and then Spinning after work. It was a good Spin class. This a.m. was Strong & Sweaty Cardio Slam and tonight I will head to the Strong/HiiT class. I did find out that Tuesday night she had them run outside (again the 90 degree day) for a mile, do 100 pull-ups, 200 sit ups and 300 squats, then run a mile again. When she gave me a bad time for missing it I told her I was so glad I did! LOL she looked shocked. Funny to me, but I am sure she just doesn't understand. :neutral:

    Thelma: Sounds like you are doing great with your workouts despite your injuries and pushing through to do what you can do! So great. Hopefully your scapula mellows out and no issues there. I’m glad you were able to try out your sunglasses before the rainy days; I am sure this summer you will get a lot of use out of them though! I am so glad you tried the cauliflower rice ….. I have been having that a lot lately and love it. DH, not so much.

    Laurie: Sounds like a nice evening with sweet Rocket outside the other night. Those are always nice & relaxing evenings I think. Great job continuing to get in those low impact workouts and making them work for you. YAY. It was very strange having those hot temps. It has cooled down already to the high 60’s and the weekend is supposed to be low 70’s no rain. We have SO much pollen around us everywhere that a little rain here and there would be great. Everything is covered all the time, cant even open the windows at home or it comes through the screens. So Gross.

    Laurel: Way to work yesterday and I have no doubt today was just as amazing!!!! That Afterburn premix sneaks up on you at the end for toughness I have always thought. Fun, but a toughie! I hope your weather improves for you and warms up soon. Does it get very warm in that part of Alaska in the summer? Do you have those crazy long “light” hours too? Those S&H workouts definitely are deceiving. I went a little lighter than my “note” and normal I had by the DVD and it was great, I could concentrate easier on my form. Still heavier than Cathe however. She really goes light on these ones.

    Hi Becky :smile: Serious kudos for wanting to train and do a Triathalon! I thought of it once, being a fun challenge .... but my hatred for running won over for a NO. I always think it is such an accomplishment to see others do so though. Good on ya! :smile: I will cheer from here.

    Hope you all have a great afternoon – evening!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with STS Disc 2/Back and Triceps. I was able to increase the weight from what I used on Tuesday in some areas, which felt good. I followed it with MMA Boxing core work. For cardio, I did Cardio Slam and then, for flexibility, I did Cathe's Yoga Relax Express premix 1, which is 28 minutes long.....long enough to feel like a good stretch but not so long I got bored. :)

    Tami, sorry to hear you are so busy! Hope things calm down soon. Great workouts! And, yes, we did the same workout......again. ;) Yep, I would have been happy to miss that workout outside as well! That would be tough, even without the heat. As far as our summer, we can get into the high 80s in the summer, and even some 90s. It just doesn't last too long. And, yes, we are in the 24 hours of daylight stage right now. We probably haven't seen true darkness since early May. The sun sets, but it is dusk lighting for the time it is down. On Monday I had to pick up DH at the airport at 11:30pm. It felt so weird to be driving alone on the roads late at night......with my sunglasses on. B) But I definitely needed them because the sun was straight in my eyes! I admit, I do love the long days.

    Thelma, great workout, but I am sorry to hear about your scapula. That is such a painful injury. I hope it eases up soon. Glad to hear your feet are better though. I am growing concerned about my left foot and PF. I only feel it every now and again, but I think it is tied to the fact we have more tile in this house (as opposed to wood laminate in our last house) and that is so hard on my feet. I always wear socks on my feet, which usually does the trick for me. But I may have to try something else if this gets worse. If you can believe it, our lease prohibits us from wearing shoes inside. :o Of course I wear my workout shoes around since I never wear those outside. But there are times I want to get out of my workout shoes! So.....I will have to find something I suppose. Last thing I need is more shoes. :p

    Laurie, great workouts. Sounds like your knee is doing much better, which is good. I think some extra time doing what you are doing is a very wise thing. I think I will still be doing plenty of DVD shuffling, even with this workout blender, since I am prone to whims when it comes to workouts. Like books and movies......I tend to choose workouts that fit my mood for the day. But I am hoping to come up with a couple dozen or so solid go-to workouts. I will probably get there by creating dozens and dozens of different workouts, and then, over time, seeing if there is a trend for which ones fit my mood more than others. I think this will give me a perfect winter hobby! I was telling my DH last night that one of my concerns with being in Alaska again is I will gain back all the weight I had when we were here last.......the weight that I lost with MFP once we got to California. I have a photo my mom took of me when she visited us up here that I may stick to the fridge......just to remind me that a steady diet of wine and chocolate throughout the winter--as I did last time we lived here--is probably not the best choice! So I am already trying to make healthy plans for things to do when the first snow falls. And I think making up and trying workouts would fit that bill!

    Becky, hope you are well.

    See you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! No workout for me tonight. I had a long, super busy day at work today. I surprisingly had a great shoulder day, no scapula soreness. I expected a bad day due to the chest workout the night before. I unexpectedly had a bad foot day. My right heel is feeling tight. I'm staring to think that I am going to have to take my plantar fasciitis boots on my trip just in case. They are very helpful. When I got home I found 4 boxes from with 4 of the 5 ordered. The Asics are too short so I need to or a whole size up instead of 1/2. They may be too flexible for my feet. The NB trainers are ugly but have possibility. I did order two pairs of NB trail runners because the ones I've been using are flexible but not super flexible like most trainer shoes are. One of the trail shoes simply didn't fit right. The other pair has possibility but the new version is not as good as the older version. They seem to be going more minimalist by making the outer sole thinner.
    Waiting on a pair of K-Swiss trainers to see if they work for me. I used to own a pair of K-Swiss and they worked for me at the time. Today is not a good day to judge the shoes though.

    Laurie, great job with those low impact workouts. Happy to see that you did some stretch work!
    I've seen some Billy B. workouts where they use a bad that loops around the shoe. That older lady on the early workouts is really an inspiration.
    Thanks for the tick education Laurie! Of all the people I've talked to about ticks no one has said that you feel them crawling on your body. It always sounded that they're so tiny you can't see it so you have to check yourself.
    Knowing that I can feel them crawling on me makes reduces my fear. No one ever said they like to take residence in those areas either! DH mows the lawn so the grass is never tall. Another thing no one ever mentioned! I don't get now why people in my town that post on FB about the ticks in their yard when people in this town pay (except us!) to have perfectly manicured lawns. I figured long haired dogs would be hard to check for ticks. I also figured it would be easier to find them in a short, light colored haired dog would be easier.
    So ticks do get on the dogs even though they may get tick prevention treatments?

    Bags of frozen riced cauliflower will be a staple in my freezer going forward.

    Laurel, fabulous combo and happy to see that you also incorporated stretch work into your routine!
    The scapula injuries can be very uncomfortable. I feel this constant throbbing and it affects the entire shouldler. IT's really great that today I was fine. That's a first! Usually the chest work triggers it!

    Laurel, sorry about your left foot. I think you may be right about the floor. I can't believe you're not allowed to wear shoes inside house! I would could not live there given my flat feet. I need to wear shoes. If you're concerned about PF you must wear sneakers around the house to support the foot. When I first hurt my feet was because I was jumping on the concrete floor with a carpet and serious padding. Not enough! That is when I developed the Morton's neuromas. I got a trampoline to do my jumping when I realized the floor was the problem. My foot surgeon told me that for PF I should wear sneakers with my custom orthotics for my flat feet or clogs.
    I doubt new shoes would help if the source of your problem is the floor. Of course I had a special floor built in my basement has helped with hard floor issue. It's nothing but a subfloor which is a few inches above the concrete floor.

    Tami, wow you've been seriously busy. I'm busy but it's not like I have people giving me work to do constantly. I know you can make it. Maybe they need to hire another person to help take some of the workload off your shoulders.
    OMG that is a killer workout Katy put you guys through! Great job with your workouts!
    The scapula issue totally mellowed out. It's a miracle! It usually takes me a day for that to happen but it happened overnight and I didn't take aleve.
    I'm going to be eating the riced cauli often. I think DH would be fine with it.

    Good night ladies!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout after work, DH was mowing the lawn when I got home. It was 80 deg's, so I took some time before dinner to work in my rock garden. It sure is looking good with the sedum really starting to take over instead of the grass/weeds. It has taken a while, but I'm happier every year with what I see. This morning was GHUTV Walk and Sculpt, which was a very good workout. DH is off work today, so I'm hoping to escape work a little early.

    Tami, Not fun that you are so busy at work, but then again that is a good thing for the business. ;) Awesome job on the workouts, and your class. LOL about missing out on that running in those temps, I'm glad to hear you missed out on that fun too. ;) Katy probably thinks that you will endure just about anything. :D We have actually had a 24 hour period with not rain, and it has been really nice. How awful on the pollen, that sounds like what we experienced up north this weekend. My car was covered with yellow dust when we left. They are a few weeks behind us with blooming.

    Laurel, Sounds like a great mix of workouts, and of course getting the stretching into the routine. Sometimes we really don't realize how important it is to get that stretching in. Doing the workout today, Chris mentioned stretching and being over 50. She said it was even more important to get adequate stretching in. Guess that I will have to make sure that I do it more often. I think putting that picture of yourself up somewhere is a great idea. I'm sure that when winter sets in, and you really can't get outside because of weather, you can tend to hibernate and get depression. That usually leads us to eat things that we only treat ourselves to on occasion. Now wine is my favorite thing, and I try to incorporate it into my meal on MFP so I don't go over my macros. I actually enjoy that glass of wine just a little bit more when I do that. Creating those workouts will be so much fun, and will keep you occupied just thinking of the things that you can create.

    Thelma, Sorry to hear you had a long day at work, but what fun trying on all those shoes. ;) Hope that you are able to find something before you leave on your trip. Dang on the foot troubles. Taking those boots along, even it you don't have to use them, would be the best idea. Glad I could help you out with the ticks, I had two on me this weekend, and I felt them both times. Some people don't recognize that they are on them, but I always seem to notice. Maybe I just have sensitive skin.

    Have a great weekend,
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi All - yesterday's workout was trimming the tree in the front yard for about 2 hours. I enjoy doing this, but the tree has major thorns on it. I have lots of scratches all over me...........ouch! Today, I went for a 27 minute jog and went very slow. I tried to focus on form (without tripping on my dogs). It is really hard changing how I run. I have always landed on my back heel. So, it will take time, but I can already tell that my hips/groin areas aren't hurting today. After the jog, I did STS disk 6 (legs).

    I am cooking all kinds of healthy stuff today; I am feeling good and don't want this to go away! :) I found a mini tri that happens Thanksgiving morning. One of my colleagues did it last year and said it was really fun. If I recall, it's a 400 meter swim, 12 mile bike ride, and 2 mile run. I may see if there is one sooner, though. I really want to see if I can do this.

    Laurie - Great job with your workouts, and it sounds like working in your garden is a workout in itself. I am glad it is starting to out the way you want. I have not heard of the Jessica Smith barefoot fusion sculpt before. I will be looking that up! I hope you get off work early so you and DH can do something together. Oh! My honey and I saw Guardians of the Galaxy 2 yesterday, and I really enjoyed it.

    Thelma - Great workouts two days ago! WOW! Sorry that you keep alternating hurt body parts. It seems like you can't have a good day for both at the same time! Thank you SO much for sharing the zip lining places. They look beautiful and like a lot of fun. We are headed to higher country in two weeks (much cooler and prettier) and maybe I will see if there is any zip lining around. It would be so much fun with the kids! I am sorry that you had such a bad experience with swimming with your dad, wow! I think I wouldn't be a fan of the water, either. My best friend learned how to ride a bike a few years ago; she was 35. She doesn't ride, but she wanted to learn. It's never too late!

    Laurel - Excellent workouts, and I am glad you didn't get bored with the yoga dvd. :) You definitely live in a small town! WOW! Hopefully it's not the type of place where everyone knows your business and can get rude if you don't do as they do. I hope you make some new friends. Thank you for your suggestion to help build endurance with jogging. I may try it . I was able to do 2 miles today, but was really slow.

    Tami - AMAZING workouts! WOW! You are really kicking some butt! Sounds like work is keeping you really busy. You should do a mini tri.....the run is so much shorter (and I hate running, too). Or, they have team ones, so you wouldn't have to run at all! :D

    Enjoy the rest of your day.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hi Ladies! Had a good workout to end the week. I repeated STS Disc 1/Chest, Shoulders and Biceps, and took up the weight in quite a few exercises. It felt great. For cardio, I did one of my old faves....Step Blast followed by the core work from Step, Jump and Pump.

    Thelma, sorry to hear about the bad foot day. It is so weird how it comes and goes, but that is my experience as well. Thanks for all the thoughts on footwear. I think my problem is I wear my workout shoes until evening, and my foot is fine. But in the evening, before I cook dinner and such, I take my shoes off......and then stand on the cold tile floor and cook. That's about the only time I am on the tile.....and that's when I choose not to wear shoes. :/ I think I need to rethink that! :p Hope some of those new shoes work for you!

    Laurie, sounds like a perfect evening! How fun to see your garden progressing nicely. Bet it makes all the hard work feel worth it. About stretching, I read a similar article where Cathe was interviewed, and she said the same thing, it has been in the back of my mind for the past couple of years......since I turned 50........and I think it is time to start paying attention! For me, what I fought in my two winters up here more than depression was inertia. I would get up at a normal time, but I couldn't seem to work up any energy or motivation to do anything until the sun started coming up. And then when it set......I sat. And when you only get a few hours of daylight in the heart of the winter.......that makes for a lot of sitting. So I am trying to come up with things to motivate me to move when it is dark, and I am hoping trying new workouts will do the trick. Since doing anything outside the house is difficult as well for a number of months, I am thinking of incorporating a seventh day of working out in my week, focused on yoga or flexibility. I don't mind doing that in the dark. I figure it would get me off the couch AND be good for my body. Hopefully I will have that motivation come October.....because I know I will have the time! :) I love you approach to enjoying wine! Definitely my guilty pleasure of choice.

    Becky, sorry to hear about the thorn scratches. That's no fun. But great job with the running! That is amazing! I wouldn't worry one bit about your pace right now. That you are doing it at all is a major victory. Glad to hear the new technique is working well for you. I am sure there are parts of this town where people know everything about each other. We have been to enough restaurants where everybody seems to know everybody to see that. But where we are, we are surrounded by military people. And believe it or not, military people pretty much keep to themselves. From my experience, that's the nature of the military where everybody and everything is temporary. So it isn't like 'welcome neighbor!', it's more 'another new person. Whatever'. Hopefully we can eventually get beyond the wave when we see them and actually get to know the neighbors. But right now......not so much.

    Tami, hope you are well!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you all had a great weekend. We had a good one and for once I didn't bring work home! That's only because we were migrating our 2012 Microsoft Team Foundation Servers to 2015 so the servers were taken down. I did take the opportunity to start packing for our trip which is next Saturday! It's hard to figure what type of clothes to take because the weather seems to keep changing. I just checked the 14 day forecast and it looks like we will have beautiful weather. Day time temps mid to high 60's and at night mid to high 40's. This is great. Now I'll start getting short sleeve tops ready. I was thinking I would have to take warm clothes!

    On Friday I was tired so I did a Jessica Smith low impact workout, Saturday I did XT C/B/S W/U, BB Build Back & Bi's and today I took off. I tried the NB trainer shoes during my workout and OMG! The shoe was digging on the side of my left foot and it still hurts. I didn't feel that when I tried them on but during the workout I started to feel it. Back they go! Today I made the mistake of walking barefoot a few steps and I felt a pull in the fascia. I was in pain all afternoon. I guess my fascia is still tight. I need to keep massaging the area.
    Ladies, I made the Skillet Cauliflower “Arroz” Con Pollo recipe Laurie posted two weeks ago (I think) and we loved it! I used skinless chicken breast and didn't use any oil or olives. It was still delish. Very tasty! Definitely a keeper!

    Laurie, that Walk and Sculpt workout sounds like a good one! How exciting to see your sedum start to cover the ground instead of weeds!
    Trying on all those shoes was more heartbreaking than fun because I didn't have much luck. I am definitely going to take my boots because my feet need them.
    How big were the ticks you found on your body? I've been told that some are so tiny that you can hardly see them.

    Becky, awesome job with your workouts and on the 27 minute jog using proper form! Sorry abut the thorn scratches! I hope you find a mini tri that happens in the summer time! I hope you find a play for the family to try zip lining. In NC they have places good for small children.
    DH tried to teach me how to ride a bike. I had him get me training wheels! LOL I still didn't learn. LOL

    Laurel, fabulous workouts on Friday! Is your DH back home yet?
    I honestly don't understand why you couldn't wear your sneakers on the tiled floor Laurel. How can you possibly damage the floor with sneakers?

    Hi Tami!

    Good night ladies!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    What a great weekend we had here. No workout on Saturday, we started the day with a car show. It was raining all morning, and finally stopped around 1pm. It was not fun for a car show, but we did a lot of talking to our friends. Sunday morning I got in a GHUTV Kettlebell workout, and actually was able to do a little hopping with the knee. Later that day we went to visit out youngest dd, and celebrate DH's birthday. We went to visit our favorite Nascar drivers museum (his sister is closing the museum next weekend), and then went out do dinner and a movie with dd and her boyfriend. Saw (the hopefully last) Pirates of the Caribbean movie last night. I think that series has about run it's course, and the movie was enjoyable. This morning I did Yoga Body Hip Opening flow with Stacy McCarthy. Awesome workout! I'm going out with my girl friends after work. My friend with the colon cancer is finishing her last chemo treatment, so we are going out before she has to endure her last week of not feeling well.

    Becky, Ouch on the scratches, totally understand those with the wild raspberry bushes that we have growing in our tree line. You probably looked like you had done battle with a cat. ;) Great job with the run (and not tripping over your dogs), and you leg workout. Glad to hear that your effort to use proper form paid off. You mini Tri sounds like a good one, and a nice time of the year for your area also. Nice that you are on a roll with the healthy eating. This is the workout that I did from Jessica.

    Laurel, Nice workout combo! Glad that you where able to do another of your favorites. I'm with you on the yoga, and will probably do one when I have a chance on my off day too. I'm going to try doing a yoga workout every day this week, so one down 4 or 5 more to go. Now that is very understandable about the daylight situation in the winter. That is probably what I would do also, because for some reason, not having that daylight makes you want to do the sitting. If you do the yoga like that starting in October, I will join you. It worked with the P90X2, so why not the yoga. ;) I'm hoping that this week will start a new trend for me.

    Thelma, Yay for not having to do work this weekend! Our company went to the Office 360, and I'm really not that thrilled with it. Everything is running off the server, so things start running really slow sometimes. Awesome job with the workout, but I'm so sorry to hear that the shoes left you with a sore foot. All of this has to be very frustrating. I'm glad that you enjoyed that recipe, I love the green olives so I kept those in. ;) It is good to know that it still taste good with out that included though. Hopefully you will be able to keep those bags packed with the short sleeve shirts! It is never fun having to overpack because you really don't know what is going to happen. Most ticks are not large, I woulds say about 1/4". Now DH had a deer tick on him, and those are very hard to see. They are about and 1/8". The deer tick is the one that carries the lyme disease. He was lucky that he noticed it.

    Have a great day!