Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,526 Member
    Hi Ladies! I've been pretty sick with this cough. I thought I had bronchitis but I don't. I finally went to the doctor today and I'm on antibiotics and a prescription cough med. I have a respiratory infection which is a side-effect of the RA meds. I better get used to this. On Friday night my I pretty much lost my voice. I was pretty hoarse and even today I still am.

    On Friday I went to the restorative class because it's so gentle but I couldn't really get into it. I had to fight the urge to cough every time we did deep breathing.

    We still went out to dinner with our friends on Friday night even though I couldn't really talk. Saturday's dinner got canceled and we went to my yoga pal's Christmas party for a little because my voice was better but it didn't last long! I hope to feel much better tomorrow because we're going to lunch with a couple of friends of ours. The cough is definitely less since this afternoon.

    Laurie, thanks for the feedback on the Gym Style premixes!
    We are making a ham for Christmas because that is what DH wanted. I'm not big on ham dinner but I am planning on making a breakfast
    casserole with the leftover ham.

    Can you believe this is already Christmas week? WOW! Where did the year go to! Next month will be my first retirement anniversary! Is that crazy or what?

    Laurel, you are amazing going for those double workout premixes! Great workouts!

    I'm so frustrated with this cough because I can't workout. I hope my Christmas gift is to be able to feel normal again so I can workout! I just can't begin to express how frustrated I am because I felt that I was doing so good with the rotation.
    My doctor can't schedule the nurse's visit until I'm notified that the med is being shipped out. So far nothing yet!

    Was that rain insane or what? It finally stopped raining here this morning. It started raining Saturday night!

    I'm so glad you're enjoying the Step Boss workouts! If you hadn't mentioned them I wouldn't have noticed that mine have been waiting on a table for me to open! Now you got me scared about the IMAX4 workout choreography Laurel! I may start with just the step platform while I learn the routine.

    Tami, I hope you had a great time with your family and I'm so glad your DH is doing better. I'm sorry about your boss though. I feel your pain having lived through that myself.
    Interesting article you read about the Christmas blues, Tami. You know, I think that is what is happening to me. For the first time in 25 years, I actually felt the need to have a Christmas tree. Since I left my family in 1980 I became a scrooge so I didn't want anything to do with Christmas. When I married my first husband I bought a tree and that was back in 1992. I used the tree two Christmases and never again. It even drove me crazy when my current DH played Xmas music. Now we have all these loving friends and wonderful life and all of a sudden I want to celebrate Christmas! We now have two trees! I hope you find what you need to make you feel the joy of the holidays. Sending you a BIG virtual hug my friend.

    Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones my wonderful friends!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! We were really busy at work, so I decided to take off the 23, 24 and 26th, just to try to ease some of my stress. Christmas is always stressful for me, as I don't like shopping and I also don't like to get gifts (which makes me not really enjoy giving them either). I'm all about adventures/family time in lieu of gifts, but no one in my family agrees, so I go along with it. Everything went well, and I promptly took out the tree and decor on Thursday morning! It feels good to have that all done.

    I worked Friday and then will work the 30th and 31st and we head up to Duluth on the 2nd for my son's hockey tourney. It will be a nice long family weekend away, which I'm excited about. The season has gotten more enjoyable, and less injuries too.

    I decided to do a Ripped With Hiit and LiTE rotation, which I am absolutely loving! Not sure what's next, but I'm sure it will be fun!

    Tami, I must have missed the trip announcement? Sounds like you had fun...where did you go? I know for me getting back in the routine after vacation is always a challenge, and sounds like you're in that same boat. Adjusting back to a schedule, time changes, back to work, etc. But, so nice to get the time away to relax and unwind. Sounds like you got in some nice walks, which always is wonderful! I love that you were on the Peloton right when you got back, I'm sure that felt wonderful!

    Thelma, I'm so sorry that you got the crud...we had everyone in our house sick at some point this month, but I think we are finally on the mend! I can totally understand your situation where nothing helps with the cough...I had that for 3-4 weeks and it was terrible. Glad you have some meds to help! My hubby was on Humira (he has psoriasis) for awhile and once he got the hang of the injection, he said it was easy. He'd have a little burning at the injection site from time to time, but nothing a little ice pack didn't handle. I'm sure you'll do great on it, and the program they offer really is quite good.

    Laurie, I love your swap for the Cathe Live workout...if I had her Live subscription still, I would have done that too. It looked like fun with the short clip she posted! One of these days I'm going to jump on the rotation wagon with you ladies...I just have to do it. I'm trying to work my rotations around travel and hockey tournaments, so I'm not skipping days or having to swap out days if I don't have weights, or space. I'm glad you are still putting those together and look forward to hearing about them each time. I think I'm the only one that didn't order Step Boss, but sounds like it might be the right move for me. I am not a stepper at all, and hearing the choreography was a bit more complex than you thought, makes me know I made the right call. I'm curious to hear about PHA though, as I may just order that one if it's a goodie. Looking forward to your review.

    Laurel, I'm so glad to hear you are not having any tooth pain and everything is good. That is so relieving to hear! I'm not sure about you, but this weather is just crazy...rain, snow, ice, sleet...I can't even figure out what is coming next! This morning we woke up to glare ice on the roads and no travel advised and now it's raining like crazy and we are expected to get at least a 1/2 of rain today/tonight and then changing over to freezing rain and snow tomorrow. Sounds like Monday could be interesting! I'm hoping it is all cleared up before we head up to Duluth next Thursday.

    I think my New Year's resolution is going to be better about getting on here to check in with you all. I know I can find the time, it's just that I forget :wink: I love hearing from you all and catching up, so I'm going to make that a goal!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,783 Member
    Hi Ladies! Just checking in before the new year. I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas week. We had a nice, quiet holiday. The weather turned very warm, so we played golf on Christmas Eve. It is amazing how three hours in the sunshine improved my mood! Boy did I need that given how I am suffering this year from winter malaise. We would have played on Christmas if the courses were open but went for a long walk instead. But we played again on Saturday and are hoping to the next couple of days despite cooler temps. It just feels so good to have some energy returning to my body! Amazing what a little fresh air can do. I am left wondering how I ever survived Alaska! :D

    I have stuck with my workouts though went off script at the end of last week to do PHA 3 from Step Boss. I enjoyed it and am anxious to give it another try. It felt very different to me from her other PHA workouts, but I think that was because it felt more metabolic than the other PHAs. I have also repeated both Step Sync and IMAX 4 and liked them both better with a second doing. Being just slightly more familiar with IMAX4 made it even more challenging cardiovascularly. I love the option of a tough workout that leaves you breathless that doesn’t beat up the body as much. Step Sync still feels like a light cardio challenge, but even that improved today with a little more familiarity.

    Thelma, hope you are feeling better and that you enjoyed your Christmas. I love how you described finding your Christmas spirit again. Thank you for sharing that. Regarding IMAX 4, I would definitely recommend starting with just your platform, and if you have a chance to preview it first, that would help. I had a much easier time with it the second time around, so I would say give it a few tries to see if it works for you.

    Erika, great to see you! Sadly, I, too, find Christmas to be very stressful, and I can’t quite understand why. I was talking to a friend of mine about it a few weeks ago and she asked why and all I could say was ‘It disrupts my life’. B):# Which is a horrible way of looking at what should be such a beautiful holiday!! But apparently I am not alone. I was reading an article yesterday about people who like order and routine absolutely suffering this time of year. So.....go figure. I had no idea I was that addicted to my routine! :o Like you, though, the decorations are down and I feel a huge relief. So weird. Glad you are enjoying your new rotation. I hope you can join us sometime with one! I haven’t started thinking about what to do for a summer rotation yet, so if you have any ideas, please share!! Be safe with the weather you are getting!!

    Happy New Year, Ladies!!! See you in 2020. :)

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,526 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great Christmas holiday! Ours was the usual, nice and quiet and just the two of us. DH loves bread pudding so I found a recipe for one that had whiskey. The syrup recipe said to use 1 tablespoon of whiskey or "to taste". I got a little carried away with the 'to taste' part! LOL

    I was sick and I can't believe that I'm still coughing from time-to-time. I can't seem to shake the tiredness. I guess my immune system took a big hit with the cough. I have done very lite cardio because anything that elevates my heart rate makes me cough.
    I did Barre today and ended up coughing in class. Not fun.

    We had a crazy rain storm last night. It rained pretty hard for a while and it was followed with very strong winds and colder weather. We pretty much were in the mid to high 60's the last few days.

    Can you believe tomorrow is the last day of 2019?

    Erika, I love the family picture! Your boys are so big now! I can understand the stress of Christmas shopping! I'm so glad I don't have to do any of that anymore. Good move to take those days off!
    I hope the entire family has a lot of fun in Duluth!
    Enjoy the new Cathe rotation!

    OMG, I can't believe your entire family had that terrible cough. I think it's going around all over the world. My aunts in El Salvador and in Italy have it too! Thanks for letting me know about your husband's experience with Humira. I am not looking forward to having to inject myself. I just hope it's not painful. They do have a great patient support system.

    Laurel, I'm glad you and your DH had a nice Christmas and got to play golf too. Sounds like you've had the same weather we've had. I couldn't believe how warm it was. It's amazing how you survived Alaska but you did get 'fresh' air with all the shoveling you did!

    Good for you for sticking with the rotation even if you went off-script. It's good to hear that you liked the new workouts better the second time around.

    I did enjoy Christmas even though I was sick. I am so happy to have found my long lost Christmas spirit. We still have our Christmas trees up and will take them down at the end of the week. We're both enjoying the tress so much! Thanks for your reviews on the new workouts. I will definitely stick to using just the platform.

    Happy New Year my friends!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy New Year!!! I thought I'd jump on and say hi since we leave tomorrow for Duluth and won't be back until Sunday evening.

    Low key New Year's Eve here at home, which was wonderful. I had the Cathe Plyo Hiit workout on yesterday's rotation and that one gets me everytime. Today is Upper Body from Lite. We are having some friends over for lunch, and then we will get started with packing for the long weekend.

    Laurel, I'm glad you had a nice Christmas and got out to golf a couple times. The fresh air always helps and I'm sure it was beautiful out on the course. We got a fresh 5" of snow the other day, but mild (mid 30's) temps which isn't bad. Sounds like a quiet weather week here, which will be good. Thanks for the reviews again on Step Boss. I'm still on the fence on PHA 3, the other 2 I don't think are for me though. I'll have to think on a rotation for summer. I can tell you this Ripped with Hiit/LiTE rotation is kicking my butt's really a good one and I've actually shed some pounds without even tracking food (which doesn't normally happen). I'd like to repeat this one again, but maybe add in one of her other series to the mix too.

    Thelma, your Christmas sounds absolutely wonderful! Low key is right up my alley! Bummer that the cough is restricting workouts a bit, I had that happen too. I've still got a little residual cough, but finally feel like I can do cardio without struggling. I'm sure you'll get there too, but I think you're right that this one is widespread and really making a hit on the immune system. I'm sure the Humira injections will go well once you get the hang of it. I had a friend also using Humira and she opted for a regular injection (my hubby did the pen one) as she used to be a vet tech and knows how to give shots so picked that over the pen. I guess both are about the same as far as they've told me.

    Laurie and Tami, Happy New Year!!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,430 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I will have to catch up with all of you when I have the time. I was either running around or up north through all the holiday's. Of course through all of this I was sick, so no workout for me. I did workout this morning, but had to get through the coughing/runny nose also. We where stuck up north for an additional day because of the ice storm, but it was a better drive back than when my brother left.

    Hope to talk more tomorrow, but right now I have a lot of work to get done.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,783 Member
    Hi Ladies! Happy New Year! We had a quiet New Year’s Eve, but that is the way I like New Year’s Eve. :) Even though the weather was chilly, we had bright blue skies yesterday and Tuesday and played golf both days. Felt really good despite the cold air. Our timing was good too because we are back to flood warnings today. Workouts have been normal—Tuesday was spin and yoga; yesterday was Gym Style Back, Shoulder and Biceps followed by Cardio Core Circuit; and today was Cathe Live (live) PHA 2020 followed by Fit/Split Boxing Bootcamp Legs first premix. Feels good to have kept up a pretty normal workout schedule through the holidays because I don’t feel nearly as bloated and tired as I normally do coming out of the holidays. I suppose it also helped to keep my eating somewhat under control. :)

    Thelma, I am glad to hear you enjoyed your holiday despite still being sick. Take it easy until you get rid of the cough, though. I have learned the hard way how bad that can get if you try to push through it. Last time I went through that was when we moved to Alaska and it took me almost two months to feel normal again. Not good. Love the sound of your bread pudding!!

    Erika, I hope your trip to Duluth goes well. Great workouts! I would imagine that RWH/LITE rotation is a good one since there are some of Cathe’s best strength workouts in those series. Congrats on the unexpected weight loss! That is the best kind of feedback from hard work. :)

    Laurie, welcome back! Sounds like a busy holiday. I am sorry to hear you weren’t feeling well through it. It really does seem to be the season for illness right now. Glad to hear you waited a day up north instead of pushing through the ice storm. No fun.

    Tami, hope you are well.

    Enjoy the day.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,526 Member
    Hi Ladies! Happy New Year! I hope all of you had a great time! We spent the 31st and 1st out with friends. We went out to NC for lunch and then shopping. Then yesterday we went to see the movie Richard Jewell and then lunch. Great movie! DH and our friends had a wonderful time! We had a quiet New Year's eve. There were some fireworks in the distance but nothing crazy. I could see the fireworks from one of the towns close to NC! At midnight I was able to see the lights from the fireworks around the mountains. It was pretty cool.

    I started my Barre, Sculpting and gentle yoga classes but today was the first day I could do a class without coughing. I was going to do a workout from the rotation this afternoon but the injectable med came and I freaked out. I cried the entire afternoon. I just don't think I can do this. I'm trying to see if the pharmaceutical that makes the current med can help financially. They have to submit an appeal to my insurance. They have financial assistance so I hope they can help me.

    It started raining here last night and it hasn't stopped. It's been raining heavily off and on since this afternoon. More rain tomorrow!

    Erika, I hope you and your family have a wonderful time in Duluth! Great job with your rotation!!

    Christmas was definitely low key which is our speed! LOL
    I think I am ready for cardio and today's Barre class got my heart rate elevated and I didn't cough. I can't believe you still have some residual cough!
    I'm terrified of injecting myself, Erika. I just don't know if I can do this. I've injected my cats but I don't know that I can do myself. I think the pen is less scary than the syringe even if the needles are the same gauge.

    Laurie, sorry you got this horrible bug too! Robitussin MD was amazing for me. The only thing that was able to stop the cough.

    Laurel, I'm glad you had a nice, quiet New Year's Eve and got to play golf! The 31st and the first were really beautiful days around here too. Very sunny and a little cold but it felt good.
    Great job with the rotation! I am feeling like a cow!

    My body really forced me to take it easy Laurel. I pushed myself when I first got sick but my body finally said: "I need a break!"
    I believe that it took you so long to feel better after that move to Alaska! The bread pudding! THAT was funny!

    Hi Tami!

    Good night ladies and have a great weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,430 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout this morning, I turned my alarm off by mistake. I don't have any idea why I did that. Yesterday I did get my new contacts, and so far so good. I really like them. The doctor basically gave me monovision. My really bad eye is my reading one, and the good eye is my far vision. He walked into the room and said it was a good sign that I hadn't vomited yet. :D He said that I was basically seeing that way previously, so he took advantage of that. All I can say is that these contacts do NOT irritate my eyes like my previous pair. I'm hoping to workout when I get home. DH is still home because he actually has bronchitis, so his coughing is horrible.

    Erika, Have a great time in Duluth, my oldest brother and family live there.

    Laurel, Nice that you are having such nice weather that you are able to go golfing. Great job on the workouts. I still have to go back and check out the previous posts, and I'm for sure checking out your thoughts on the new workouts. I see that you have tried them out. ;) Yep it does seem that there are a lot of sick people around, and this cold was pretty weird. At least today I'm really feeling good, probably because I slept a lot better last night without having to hear DH cough all night long. So glad that he finally went to the doctor.

    Thelma, Your NYE sounds like a lot of fun. I have heard some really good things about that movie. Great job on your workouts, just sorry to hear that you have to suffer through that cough. During church services over Christmas, the amount of sniffles and coughing was almost a chorus. ;) I'm actually only suffering from the cough in the mornings. Otherwise I'm fine. My problem has been mostly in the sinuses.

    Tami, Hope you are doing well.

    Since I didn't get a chance hope you all had a Merry Christmas and really have an great 2020!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,783 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Cathe Live All In Upper Body followed by a 30 minute Peloton ride. Both felt good, especially the upper body. It was one of Cathe’s tougher upper body workouts, and I am still feeling it. She packed a lot in in under 50 minutes which was great.

    Thelma, great workout. I don’t blame you one bit about your apprehension on giving yourself shots. I really hope they can work something out so you can stay on your current medication. Sounds like we are having the same weather. Boy, did it pour rain last night! :o I was very glad to be living in a hill during that storm. :D

    Laurie, sorry about the missed workout but glad to hear you are feeling better. I have tried all of the new workouts, doing both IMAX4 and Step Sync twice and PHA3 just once. They are good. I am anxious to try the PHA workout again because it felt different to me from her other PHA workouts. But I did it the day after Christmas when my mind wasn’t quite into it so I want to give it another go when I am more focused on it. But after the first go, it felt more like a metabolic workout than a strength workout if that makes sense. Her other PHA workouts feel to me like strength workouts with a great cardio effect. This felt more cardio driven than strength but I think only because of the types of moves she did (more compound moves). It isn’t a problem....just different. And still a great workout!

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,430 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a very nice weekend, DH is still coughing really bad. Hope the load of drugs that he has will help. No workout on Saturday, but Sunday was Kelly's Stepboxing Dumbbell and Kickox Premix. This morning was her Cardio Sculpt Overload, and I did about 40 min. of that workout.

    Laurel, Sounds like a great upper body workout. I really do enjoy a workout that gives you such a good workout, but doesn't take over an hour. The one I did this morning goes for 30 min., and then you can add on three 8 min. segments. I did two of those three this morning, with the amount of time that I allowed myself. Have to get used to getting up early again. :D Thanks for the information on the new workouts. That is interesting that the PHA 3 felt more metabolic. I love those type of workouts also, so that will probably go on my list of ones that I will have to purchase. It will be interesting to see if you have a different feel for the workout when you try it out again.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,783 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you enjoyed the weekend. Ours was quiet with a gloomy cold Saturday that had us anxious to be home after errands were run. But yesterday was beautiful so we, of course, hit the golf course. It was a beautiful day to be outside, especially for January.

    For workouts, Saturday started with a Jessica Smith walking workout into 45 minutes of yoga with Kristin McGee and Peloton. Sunday I just couldn’t face a third week of Gym Style Legs so I did Cathe Live Oh My Glutes, which is SO good, followed by S&S Cardio Slam. Today was Gym Style Chest and Triceps, and I am not ashamed to admit I will be happy to leave all those pushups behind next week! I followed it with Step Boss Step Sync. This is my third time through with this workout, and I feel I have learned all the moves now. So now I will focus on memorizing it so that, hopefully, I can comfortably add some more intensity. I followed it with the Ab Stacker routine, which, second time through, was no easier but at least I felt more in control of my risers this time around. :)

    Laurie, sorry to hear your DH is still doing so poorly. I hope the meds kick in soon. Great workout! I love the sound of the add-ons, letting you choose how long you want to be at it. I may try PHA3 again this week, but, if not, I will give it another try next week. I am anxious to try it again for sure. I will definitely let you know how it feels and try to remember more about the moves and the use of the step. Like I said, the first time through I just wasn’t really focused on it. B) Some days are like that I suppose.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy New Year Ladies! I just wanted you to know I am here and all was well. Survived the holidays just fine. It has been a strange couple of weeks with work, OFF, work a day, OFF, etc. But I enjoyed my days off and got in my workouts. Back to the regularly scheduled rotation today!

    I have new changes at work that happened just in the 2 weeks of holidays. One lady quit very suddenly and so things have shifted. Fingers crossed also that I will be getting training now .... finally!! I will check in a little later in more detail just couldn't go another minute without saying hello and that I am here.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,526 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a nice weekend. Ours was nice and quiet but very rainy.

    My workouts yesterday and today were Gym Style Chest and Triceps, Legs, Low Impact Cardio and Barre.

    Laurie, great news about your new contacts! You must be relieved! I'm sorry about your DH having bronchitis! I hope he feels better soon. I'm glad you had a nice weekend.

    We had a great NYE. I hope you're over that cough and the sinus issues! Great workouts!

    Laurel, awesome job with those workouts! I've yet to try the new workouts. Sounds like you had the same weather we had. We even got hail here! I am glad we're also up on a hill given how hard it rains here.

    I have the feeling I will eventually end up having to give myself the injections. I learned more about the pharmaceutical's financial assistance program. They actually give the med for free if the patient qualifies based on income. I didn't realize this program worked that way. Who knows now if I will qualify. The woman I spoke with last week didn't tell me I needed to show proof of income. I found out about it this afternoon so now I have to wait till DH gets home on Wednesday night. I could've sent the info last week when DH was here!

    Tami, Happy New Year to you too! I'm glad you survived the holidays! OMG, on the lady quitting very suddenly! Does this mean you can apply for her job? I hope you get the necessary training to do this job so you can get it!

    Goodnight ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,430 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was Kelly's Weight's Workout 1. Always a good tough workout.

    Laurel, Glad you had a nice day for golfing! ;) Great job on all your workouts. Can't blame you for changing up your leg workout, and that you found one that you really enjoyed. Funny how some workouts just lose their appeal after a while, and others you can do over and over... Nice that you are comfortable with the choreography on that new workout. Hey when you get the desire to do PHA 3 again, I will be waiting to hear how it went for you.

    Tami, Happy New Year to you also. I'm sure that you will be really busy with this person quitting so suddenly. Probably would have been a good idea for you to already be trained, but I'm sure that you will be getting a crash course now. ;)

    Thelma, Sounds like a nice weekend, and of course some great workouts. DH was actually sounding way better this morning than previous ones. He didn't have that horrible coughing fit that he usually has. My cold has finally left, and I'm really glad about that.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,783 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a 45 minute Peloton HiiT and Hills ride. It felt so good today! I have been dragging the last couple of weeks on the bike, but today was a completely different experience. :) I followed it with Kari Anderson’s Angles, Lines and Curves II which is just so good.

    Tami, good to see you! I am glad you survived the holidays. I hope the changes at work mean some improvements for you like training. Fingers crossed!

    Thelma, great workouts! It sounds like your insurance issues are a mess. I still hope you can find something that works and you are comfortable with. I have never had to give myself an injection, so I have no words of advice or any idea if it gets easier to do over time. I would hope you can find somebody to talk to who can reassure you about the process. Maybe the nurse who will train you will be able to provide some ease of mind. I guess we are on target for more bad weather on Friday. This has been a very different winter from last year because we didn’t get these temperature warm ups last year, so there wasn’t much violent weather until spring. I think we are supposed to hit 70 degrees on Friday as this storm moves in, which means thunder, lightening, hail and maybe tornadoes. Hopefully it will avoid us, but the last map I saw had all of Alabama covered in that red warning color. :o

    Laurie, great workout! I am glad to hear your DH is doing better. And I am glad to hear your cold is completely gone too! It always seems to take weeks to shake those in the winter. You are so right about how I could do some workouts every week and others.....two weeks is enough. :D I think Gym Style Legs is an effective workout, but it seems unbalanced to me to be honest. The standing work seems way easier to me than the floor work, and I would much prefer it the other way around. B) I will definitely let you know when I do PHA3 again!

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,526 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workouts were yoga and Gym Style Back, Shoulders and Biceps.
    The rain ended early this morning and we had a beautiful, sunny day.

    Laurie, great job with the KCM workout! I'm so glad you and your husband are feeling better! I saw my ENT today and he told me to suck on cinnamon candy instead of cough drops when I get that tickle in my throat. He said cinnamon is a natural anti-inflammatory and it helps when your throat is inflamed from coughing. He said that the menthol in cough drops makes things worse. He said cough drops only help during the time they're in your mouth. I think he's right because I noticed that I got worse after a cough drop. I don't like cinnamon candy but I bought some today!

    Laurel, awesome workouts!

    The insurance issue is a mess. Humira has a great program to support their new patients. I got a registered nurse assigned to me to support me over the phone. She is very supportive and kind. She actually guided me through a practice injection using a practice pen that doesn't have a needle. A friend who injects himself told me that he didn't think he could do it but he does it and is OK doing it.
    Looks like we're going to have the same type of weather you're having over the weekend! Bummer! I hope there are no tornadoes!

    Goodnight ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,430 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was Kelly's Meltdown Workout 1. I had forgotten to tell you all that I have stopped wearing my knee brace, because I have not been experiencing any issues for a couple of months. I think it may be because I have lost some weight. All I know is that I have not had any knee pain since the loss of weight, so that is why I attribute it to that aspect.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, it sounds like you had a really good one. ;) Of course it didn't hurt to do your favorite KA workout also. I always had a love hate relationship with the GS Legs. I actually enjoy the premix version of that workout more than the full workout. My all time favorite will always be Leaner Legs, that one just hits all the right places and is short. :)

    Thelma, Awesome job on the workouts. Glad to hear that the rain has stopped, and you have sunshine. We had really cold temps this morning, but it is suppose to be warm tomorrow. We usually use the Ricola drops, but will have to try out the cinnamon candy. One thing for sure is that I will not suck on those on a regular basis, since those are not one of my favorite candies. :p Now if you had a bowl full of butterscotch candy, I would be all over those. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,783 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout started with Gym Style Back, Shoulders and Biceps. I am really glad to have spent three weeks on the GS upper body workouts because they really are so good. I feel like I have gained some strength doing them as well which I will be able to test out next week when starting Meso 2 of STS. I followed it with IMAX4 and included the core work and the extended chair stretch. Regarding IMAX4, this was my third time through with it, and I think I might have fallen in love with it today. <3 Now that I am more familiar with the moves, it seems to hit a real sweet spot of being intense without any dread factor because all of the moves are very doable for me, even on an 8” step. The other thing I really like about it is I control the intensity. If I want it more intense, I do 8” and add some jumps; if I want a good workout without too much intensity, I alter that. And, finally, it actually is almost kind of fun which I can only say about one other IMAX workout from Cathe and that is the one she did Live. So this one is a keeper for me.

    This was also my third time through with the core work on the step, and I still enjoy it. This was my first time through with the chair stretch. Truth being told, I was prepared to hate it. B) I just have never enjoyed chair stretches. But I found this to be a very good, very thorough stretch. It was gentle yet effective. And Cathe threw in quite a few moves for range of motion which is something I am trying to work on more and more as I age. At 16 minutes long, it is a bit long to add on to a workout if short on time. But it really has me wishing Cathe would do another full length stretch workout because she has gotten so much better at them.

    Thelma, great workout!! I will definitely have to remember that about cinnamon candy because, unlike you and Laurie, I love me some cinnamon candy. Maybe I will have to buy some....just in case. :D I am glad the nurse you talked to was nice and helpful. I really hope this works for you. About Saturday’s weather, it looks right now like the central part of Alabama is going to get hit harder than we are, but we are in for some rain for sure. I would hate to see some of the areas in the state hit by those horrible tornadoes last year hit again this weekend, though. Hopefully all of the warnings we have been getting this week will result in nothing.

    Laurie, great workout! And great news about the knee!!! That must feel so good! Congratulations on the weight loss as well. I will be doing Leaner Legs a couple of times this next month and agree it is such a good one. Honestly, I think my favorite Cathe lower body workout may be that Live one I did on Sunday. It is tough but the variety of moves really makes it fly by (and not too many 56 minute lower body workouts do that :) ). But on DVD, I think I would go with Butts and Guts still....even after all these years. The only negative.....70+ minutes long. :|

    Enjoy the day!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,526 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workouts were gentle yoga and sculpting fusion.
    We had another beautiful sunny day here. I'm not looking forward to the rainy weekend though.

    Laurie, congrats on the weight loss and the improved knee!
    I'm with you on butterscotch candy! Those are soooo good!

    Laurel, great workouts! I think I may stay with the Gym Style rotation through next week since I missed most of it.
    Are we doing the next phase for 4 weeks? I'm asking because I have the next phase for weeks 7-9 but you talk about doing two weeks of one workout and tho weeks of another.

    I'm glad the IMAX4 gets better the more you do it! I don't like it when Cathe does the chair or ball stretches. I hope I like the new chair stretch routine too!

    I used to work with a lady who also loves cinnamon candy! I hate cough drops so this candy is way up there with cough drops for me! Definitely buy some cinnamon candy and keep some in your purse.
    I got a call today from a nurse from the CVS specialty pharmacy and she was also very helpful. She actually told me that the injectable med could take up to 6 months to work! I started crying as soon as she said that. I can't imagine having to live in pain again! If the med doesn't work for me at least my doctor will have proof via my bloodwork.

    I hope we don't get the terrible rain being predicted. It would be awful to have places hit by tornadoes last year get hit again this year!

    Goodnight ladies!