Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hi Ladies! Had a very busy but productive weekend here. DH had to work Saturday, so I spent the day painting the laundry room. So much better in there now! Yesterday we had our new range and dishwasher delivered, and while DH installed those (another fantastic improvement), I started working in the yard. Somebody at sometime edged a small garden area about 18 inches wide around the entire house and filled it with rock. Well, over the years of neglect, the rock has gotten buried under mounds of weeds, dead grass, etc. It looks horrible. So I decided to dig out the rock (which isn't cheap) and put it back on top of the soil.....and get rid of all the ugly stuff. Oh my. This is going to take forever. I was at it for hours yesterday and got about an eight foot section cleared. But it was so wonderful to be outside, so I figure this will be a nice summer project....that I will probably complete around the first snow fall. :o It's a good workout too!

    I took Saturday off from working out, and started in with Meso 3 workouts yesterday. That workout was Disc 26/Plyo Legs, which felt really good despite spending all of Saturday climbing up and down a ladder. For cardio, I did X51 followed by the core work from Lean Legs and Abs. Today was STS Disc 25/Chest and Back. For cardio, I decided to try out my new TV iPad adapter and another Cathe Live workout. Today I picked a class she did in April.....Cardio Core Blast. I was curious how it would stack up to her Cardio Core Circuit workout. Well, I enjoyed the live class SO much more. It was the same format, but she used a variety of equipment which made it less boring. The core moves were all done in some form of plank, so none of the rolling up and down on your back/jump up kind of thing that annoys me about Cardio Core Circuit. I am not sure it was as challenging as CCC, but I really enjoyed it. And the adapter worked great!

    Thelma, glad you had a good weekend....and yay for no work!! I bet you enjoyed that break. Sorry about the shoes. That is so annoying. I am glad it looks like you are going to have nice weather on your trip! Actually sounds like perfect weather, especially if you are going to spend time walking or hiking. The issue with shoes in the house is for cleanliness not damage. Most Alaskan homes have a 'mud room' because everything is so dirty and nasty outside. It is second nature for Alaskans to take their shoes off once they hit any door going into any home. I don't mind wearing my workout shoes around since I never wear them outside. But in the evenings......I like to relax without shoes. So it really is all my fault if my feet are sore!

    Laurie, sounds like a great weekend! But I am sorry to hear that museum is going to close. I am glad you enjoyed the movie. I have heard some bad reviews on it. The last movie in the series I watched was the third one. I enjoyed them, but the characters just got a little too whacky for me. Hope you enjoy your evening with your friends, and that your friend is cancer-free after this last chemo! And, yes, let's plan a 'flexibility challenge' in October!! I would love that!! I would be far less inclined to talk myself out of it if I were doing it with somebody else. Right now, my very rudimentary thought is to do some form of yoga, Pilates, barre or mat work one day a week for six months.....and have that be the primary or only workout that day (so I focus on it instead of treating it like an add-on). For me, my plan is to do it on Saturday (since that is my usual day off), and have it take me through the bulk of the winter. I am hoping at the end of it, I have come to love it and want to add more to my regular workout program. Please let me know your thoughts/ideas.

    BTW, Cathe posted a clip from her new Fit Tower Bootcamp workout. Actually looks really good! I am more anxious now for these to come out, though I still haven't pre-ordered. I want to see the other clips first.

    Well, back out to the dirt and rock I do another few feet of excavation! :p See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Weekend was good. I got in a couple great workouts, which felt nice. Saturday I did KCM Strength & Stamina, always good and finished off my HEAVY week. Then yesterday started with Giants Sets Lower (Tripled Pre-mix) to start out my High Reps week. At one point when I was in the third round of triples I thought, Yowsa, what was I thinking. But felt great to finish and today I am only a little bit sore.
    Tonight I will head to BootCamp and tomorrow will be Upper Tripled Premix . :smile:

    Thelma: YAY on having a great weekend! That is always good to hear. Fabulous job on your workouts, sorry to hear about your foot though. Hopefully it will feel good again with some more massage and the shoes that work for your feet! Glad you know the New Balance ones can go back. That recipe does look so good ….. I printed it out but haven’t tried it yet.

    Laurie: Sounds like you had a really nice weekend, that’s so good. Great family time and now some time with friends tonight. Good luck to your friend forsure. Yes, definitely busy at work and good for business but it does get a little tiring at times to know there is no end in sight as of yet. BUT, as our boss keeps saying with the market and title business you have to be careful what you wish for and it could change tomorrow. So day by day we are all just grinding and knowing it will not last forever.

    Laurel: As always you are killing it with the workouts! Way to go. And good job getting in that Yoga the other day. So you answered my question about the 24 hour daylight there, how in the world do you go to sleep? Do you have blackout curtains or something.

    Becky ~ Great job with your training! You are going strong and I know you will do well. The Thanksgiving Tri sounds perfect! Thank you for the kudos on my workouts, feeling good!

    I will talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,557 Member
    edited June 2017
    I have 4 new people to deal with. They all didn't join at the same time so I have to work them at different times. It's not like I can have them all at the same time in one room. I'm basically having to do one-on-ones.
    The level of exhaustion I felt today was different than other times. It's one thing to be busy by yourself and another to be busy when you have all these other people to be responsible for. Then work on another project and attend meetings. The entire week will be like this.
    On top of things my Jeep got a software update and it screwed up my satellite radio. So no radio since Friday evening! All the way home I called people and it can't be fixed over the air. Now because of their screw up I have to take the car to the dealership! I'm not a happy camper!

    Laurie, glad you had a good weekend and that your knee is doing better.
    Our server transition seems to have gone pretty smoothly. We will be going to Windows 10 on our computers in the near future. That could be a different story.
    The shoe situation is really frustrating. I think the K-Swiss shoes came today but I was too tired to even look at them.
    The Arroz con Pollo dish is very tasty without the olives. My grandmother added olives and I guess I used to eat the food with olives.
    I think I'm going to have to pack a mix of long and short sleeve tops because the nights will be cold. We'll be staying right on the ocean side so I imagine it will be colder there.
    Those ticks are big! I think what we have to deal with are those tiny deer ticks!

    Laurel, amazing workouts! Moving those rocks sure is a workout! I did something a little similar years ago. That was a lot of hard work!
    The weather in Nova Scotia will be perfect for hiking.
    Cleanliness vs damage. I would have a set of shoes for inside the house. In fact that is what we do since our cat was diagnosed with asthma. We do it for the cat! LOL We change out of our street shoes into our house shoes as soon as we get home.
    Laurel, I watched Cathe's little video clip of her new FitTower workouts. They do look good! Now I'm getting tempted to pre-order!

    Tami, great workouts! Wow triple premixes!
    My foot felt better as the day went on but the massage is still necessary.
    You have to try that recipe Tami. I did it with 1 lb boneless/skinless chicken breast and no oil. I used cooking spray and added a Mrs Dash garlic and herb spice I have which is wonderful for vegetables. I brought the calories down to 158 per serving from 400 had I used chicken thighs. I like thighs but not DH.

    Good night ladies!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,456 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a very nice evening with my gf's, and my friend with the cancer actually finds out today if she will be stopping her chemo treatments. She thinks that her doctor is going to give her the okay, and then she said the exercising and better eating can start up. She has been so tired from the treatments, and the doctors didn't want her to restrict her diet. So do send those positive thoughts for Lori. No workout after work, but this morning I did the GHUTV Triple Threat workout. This one uses a step, and you do 2 mins each of strength, cardio and abs. I was super happy that my knee was able to do the step portion, I did keep the step at 6 inches and did the low impact. Picking up dd's wedding dress tonight, and learning how the bustle works. I'm planing to videotape her showing me, that way I can let the youngest dd see it.

    Laurel, Sounds like you have a very tough summer project ahead of you. It sounds a lot like our tree line, with all the weeds and rocks, so you will be getting in a great workout along the way. Nice that the house is getting to the point that you are getting to feel better about it as you go. Having those new appliances must feel great. Awesome job on those workouts! I like the sound of that live workout, since those moves in CCC are some of the ones that I really don't enjoy as you know. :D I'm with you on the Saturday yoga/pilates/barre or mat. I'm looking at my current rotation, and I actually have Saturday listed for a GHUTV Pilates on the Ball workout. I love that it worked out that way. ;)

    Tami, Great job on the workouts! I have yet to try out that triple strength workout. It really wounds like a tough one. Hope your bootcamp class was a good one, and she didn't torture you to much. Well I will be hoping that the work load evens out for the summer at least, but this is usually pretty busy time I'm sure.

    Thelma, Oh no on the new people! Sorry to hear that it will be a tough week for you, so I'm hoping that you don't come home to tired everyday. That upcoming vacation will be something that you will be ready for after this week. ;) Dang on the Jeep! With all these electronic gadgets on these new cars, you don't realize that updates are something that they would need periodically. Hope it is a quick thing, and you don't have to be at the dealership to long. Windows 10 is a little different, and takes a while to get used to. I don't know why Microsoft changes things around in programs like Excel. You get used to doing something one way, and then they change it up on you in the next revision. :o

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! Definitely feeling a little tired today from all these home improvement projects. But my workout helped. I started with STS Disc 37/Squat Rack Legs, which was really good today. Those incredibly long breaks actually helped me loosen up my body, which was good. For cardio, I planned on something intense but opted for KPC, which was absolutely perfect today. Maybe tomorrow I will feel like something with a little more push and be able to give it my all. Today......I would have been just going through the motions.

    Tami, great workouts! I have not tried that triple premix yet, but I find the leg sections on that workout tough enough just once through! Great job pushing through! Hope you enjoyed the Upper Triple Premix. That one I really like. We do have black out curtains......but they are folded up in a closet. They came with the house and while they would definitely block out the sunlight at night.......they aren't to my liking. We have both shades and curtains on the bedroom window and, with the door closed, it is light enough to see where you are going when you get up, but not so light that it keeps us awake. So far it is working for us, so I think we will be good to get through this summer. But the black out curtains are always an option if we need them.

    Thelma, wow on the new employees! Yes, I imagine working with other people in that way is much more exhausting than working on your own. That is ridiculous about your radio. I find myself really irritated by things like that. Hope it is a quick fix and not too much of an issue. Cathe posted a video from the Fit Tower Total Body workout today. That one looks pretty good too!

    Laurie, glad you had a good time with your friends. All my positive thoughts and prayers go to your friend in hope that she gets some excellent news today. It sounds like she has handled this as well as anybody could. Yay on your knee holding up to some step work! That must feel good. I was thinking about you yesterday doing the Cardio Core Blast workout thinking you would like the core work SO much better than in CCC. I will definitely be going back to that one in the future. Sounds like a plan with Saturday yoga! Thank you!! I am looking forward to it. I think I will do a list of all my workouts that fit the category and make sure I do them at least once. Sadly, those workouts are my most neglected workouts. Maybe this will change that!

    Becky, hope you are well.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ So last night’s BootCamp class was very doable and not torture! LOL It was ALL upper body with cardio bursts in between of things like: Mtn Climbers, Weighted lunges (forward back, kick-kick with weights at your chest), KB swings, push-ups. The weight portions were all 1 minute long. We would do 3 and then a “cardio” then repeat 2 more times. It was good and the last 10 minutes or so was abs. I decided to do my workout tonight after work since I won’t be going to Insane-X. (Its nice out today) pretty much as I mentioned before, I won’t be back unless it is raining. I am planning on hitting golf balls tomorrow evening with my friend since our little “tourney” is this Saturday! YIKES I found out the guys are also golfing with us. Double YIKES. But it is a Best Ball tourney, so that is good.

    Thelma: That does sound very stressful! I used to have to train people at my old job and/or work next to them when they were very new and it was exhausting. Repeating and going so slow while stuff piles up next to you. I remember that! I am sure you will get through it with flying colors! Hang in there. Sorry to hear about your Jeep, that is frustrating as well. Glad your foot is feeling better.

    Laurie: I am so happy to hear you had a nice evening with your GF’s. Yes, positive vibes and prayers forsure for your friend. Hope she gets the “okay” Great job getting in the Triple Threat workout this a.m. and no knee issues, sounds like it might be getting better, slowly but surely. Which is great!

    Hi Laurel ~ Amazing job with that yard project you are going to conquer. That is a TON of work and will definitely keep you busy. Like you said too ….. what a workout! Sounds like you were feeling it this a.m. forsure but still finished you’re a.m. with amazingness! Way to go. I would imagine those black out curtains are not very attractive. Good that what you have going is working just fine. I just can’t even imagine that.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,557 Member
    Hi Ladies! No workout tonight. It was a very long and busy day at work and the stress level is pretty high. I didn't leave work till 6:45 but at least I am almost done with something due at the end of the week!
    OMG the radio! The dealer near me couldn't get me in until a week from today! I had DH make an appointment with the dealer near us and we will take it in on th 16th!
    I'm 0 for 6 with the sneakers I ordered! I was getting ready to try on the K-Swiss shoes tonight and noticed that the insole is built into the shoe. Meaning it doesn't come out so I couldn't use my orthotics.

    Laurie, glad you had a great time with your gf's! I hope your friend got good news from her doctor. Sending lots of healing energy her way! Congrats on being able to use the step!

    Laurel, another wonderful combo! The radio issue is really ridiculous. Going through withdrawals!

    Tami, awesome workouts! Good luck in your golf tourney! Training people is hard and even harder when they don't read the documentation.

    Good night ladies!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,456 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got home really late after all the activity last night so no additional workout. I do have everything for dd's bridal shower party though, and a wedding dress at home. No news yet from my friend, but knowing that she doesn't get on her computer to often, she will let us know when she has a chance. Thanks for all the positive vibes for her though. This morning was GHUTV Sweat & Sculpt Circuits, and it sure was a sweatfest. Knee is still holding up pretty good, and today I did do a little more high impact.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts, and opting for a workout that you felt would work better with your tired body. All that rock picking really worked your body good. Maybe I should make a suggestion on her forum, to create CCB workout on DVD? I'm sure that there are a lot of people that would enjoy that one. I saw the Fit Tower preview that Cathe posted, and it actually looked pretty good. Lot's of different ways to use that tower.

    Tami, Nice job with the class, and glad to hear it wasn't a torture. LOL about waiting for a rain day, I would probably do the same thing. The one time I played a golf tournament it was the longest ball. They where required to use at least one shot from everyone. Amazingly I had at least one ball that was the longest. :D I'm sure that you will have a great time.

    Thelma, Dang on the work getting in the way of your workouts. Understand how the stress can really drain the body though. Sorry to hear that your radio will be out of commission for that length of time. I don't know what I would do without my radio in the morning.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! I felt pretty tired again this morning......until I started my workout. :o Then my body took over from my mind and said 'you actually feel good!' So I ended up with a great workout. Anyhow, I started with STS Disc 27/Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. I started with the weights on my worksheets and then just kept reaching for heavier throughout the entire workout. Crazy. For cardio, I did To The Max Extreme which is always a challenge for me. If the weather holds (it looks like rain right now), I hope to finish redistributing rocks in the front on the house today.....and then I will probably take a couple of days break before attacking the sides and back (where the bulk of the work is). At least I will be less embarrassed by how bad the house looks if the front is cleaner! :)

    Tami, sounds like a good, manageable class. And great decision to stay away from the InsaneX class during warm weather. Has Katy asked you about that? Just curious. How fun you get to play in a tournament this weekend! Just have fun! Best ball is really a no pressure format, so just relax and go with it. I miss my golf, that's for sure. :'(

    Thelma, sorry to hear about another exhausting day. Sounds like this trip to Canada can't come soon enough. I hope you are able to relax and get away from all things work while you are there. Sorry to hear about both the shoes and the radio. I would be going crazy if I didn't have some form of music in my car.

    Laurie, glad everything went well with getting the wedding dress yesterday. Did you figure out the bustle? I think they have those things down pretty well these days. I hope you hear from your friend soon and all is well. Great workout, and I am glad the knee is holding up to it. I do think people would like CCB. I know I love the format of CCC because it is not too long, pretty intense and I love the core mixed in. But my complaint with it was that my heart rate didn't stay up in the core moves....and then the core moves themselves. I also find it lacks any fun factor at all. CCB uses different equipment for the cardio (a firewalker band for one of the three cardio moves for each segment as well as the stability ball for one of each of the three cardio moves per segment) as well as the gliding discs for the core moves. The core moves are mostly out of STS ab segments, and they keep the heart rate up. And it was fun.....especially how she used the stability ball. So definitely would love to see her release it on DVD, that's for sure.

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello Ladies ~ Ended up not working out last night after all. ….. It was a gorgeous evening out so I opted to just water my plants, sit outside and relax and enjoy. Felt great. This a.m. I did the Triple Upper Body Pre-mix from Giant Sets and tonight I am hitting golf balls, as I mentioned yesterday. 92 today and then dropping back down to the 60’s starting tomorrow.

    Thelma: Sounds like a very long and tiring day. Hopefully you were able to get some good rest. Dang it on the sneaks, hopefully you will find the perfect pair soon! I am feeling nervous about it, but being a “best ball” tourney, there won’t be near the pressure as a regular golf game. YAY for that on my first go out there.

    Laurie: Busy evening it sounds like but accomplished some wedding “to do’s” so I am sure that feels good! Great job getting in your Sweat & Sculpt Circuit this a.m. and yahoo on the knee. Are you wearing a brace of any kind? I was confirmed that it was a good choice for me to miss Insane X last night. It was exactly as I thought it would be. Thanks on the golf, I hope it is fun! Good group anyway, so I should just relax and enjoy.

    Laurel: Amazing workout AGAIN! If I have that feeling of tired and then get into it, it seems to take about a half hour to feel like “ok this is good now” LOL Not sure about you, but way to keep pushing. Katy doesn’t ask other than “where were you last night or you missed a great one” so she comments but never specifically asks why I am not showing up on Tuesday. I think she thinks from my golf lessons I am out golfing. LOL Thank you on the “no pressure” for best ball. YAY. Did you order the new fit tower workouts? I watched a couple clips last night, they look way better than what I was imagining. Good lower impact forsure. I’m on the fence but now more tempted than I was before. I thought it was going to be all “Ballet Barre” style.

    Hi Becky ~ :smile:

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,557 Member
    Hi Ladies, quick email. My status for today is a ditto of yesterday except I got home at 8:30. I am so mentally and physically exhausted! My hips hurt! I've had to go to the basement twice this week and every time I looked at my workout area and my eyes filled up with tears.
    I made another huge dent tonight but the tests I was doing will have to be repeated 4 times. I hope I can get one of my testers in my other project to help me. If I can finish the work tomorrow I'm going to try to get out of work at noon on Friday. I need to pack!

    You ladies are doing a wonderful job! Please exercise for me too!
    BTW, the radio situation is not that I don't have a radio. I have AM/PM but not satellite. Once you've gotten use to satellite radio local radio doesn't cut it. I have music stored in my phone so I've been listening to that via Bluetooth.
    The problem is that I'm a news junkie and I'm not getting that!

    Tami, this is your fault! I read your comments about the new FitTower workouts and watched the 3 clips and had to order the new program!!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,456 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got home last night, and DH had been home for half a day. He has cleared out an area in our back yard for the deck that will accompany our patio. This is going to be a small raised deck, that I will have my grill area set up. Then our patio will be used for eating area and seating. So I was helping him with that, and didn't work out. I'm really starting to hit zero on my evening workout this week. :( This morning I did GHUTV Med Ball Circuits. This reminded me of the med ball work done in P90X2. It was nice to see that I have not lost my ability to balance on that med ball. This was three different exercises, done for 30 sec. You do these exercises for three rounds, and then a 30 sec cardio move. She had a total of 4 circuits, and it was total body. Funny thing is I'm feeling the upper body right now, and that was with an 8lb weighted ball. Knee is still doing good.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts, and that you really got into it even though you where tired at first. Nice that getting the front done will make the house look so much better. I know exactly how that feels, since I have that rock garden in the front of my house. The dress has two different layers. It is a fit and flare, with tulle over the dress on the bottom. So the tulle has a bustle and the dress has one too. She has all the ties underneath for the dress portion, and they are color coded. So super easy on that one. For the tulle, she made small threaded eyelets, that go on hooks underneath the lace on the dress. Again not to difficult, so I'm really happy. She was an awesome person to work with, and got the dress done fast. That CCB workout does sound really good, and of course you know my reason for not really loving CCC core moves. :D

    Tami, We have to take advantage of these really nice evenings, because the season is so short. ;) Great job on the workout, and hope you had fun hitting those golf balls. I'm wear one of those copper fit sleeves for the workouts, just feel more comfortable and I think that it is helping with my brain more than anything. Ouch for those that did participate in the class, they must have been dead tired after running in the heat. ;) I think your option of staying away was a good choice.

    Thelma, Hope you are able to get away from work early on Friday. It isn't like you to not be packed well in advance of your leaving. ;) Then you will be away from work, and don't think about it since you will be in beautiful, relaxing surroundings. I will do my best to add an extra cardio move, weight lift exercise for you!

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! I finished the rocks in front of the house yesterday! Yay! Except for the aches and pains in my arms and makes me feel better. B) Even though it is a lovely day outside today, I am going to avoid moving on to the side of the house and, instead, do some things inside the house that still need to get done. I have never felt this overwhelmed moving in anywhere before. I am trying to take it in stride....but some days are better than others in that regard. Anyhow, despite being a bit sore this morning, I got in a good workout. I started with the IMAX Extreme workout from Cathe's Terminator DVD, it flew by! I followed it with Cathe's Yoga Max, which was perfect today and helped work out some of those body kinks.

    Tami, sounds like a perfect evening. As Laurie said, enjoy those beautiful days while you have them. Glad Katy doesn't give you too bad a time for missing the class. Definitely sounds like you are making the right decision though. I have not preordered the new workouts......yet. But I think I will. Being a Cathe On Demand subscriber means I get them via her On Deman program without purchasing. But they look good enough that when I stop being an On Demand subscriber, I think I will all want them. I am really impressed with how good they look. The core work in the video she posted yesterday looks especially tough!

    Thelma, I am sorry to hear about yet another long day. I know how you feel looking at your workout space. But you will get back to it soon. And never fear.....back to where you were fitness wise before you know it. So just keep listening to your body and not pushing it beyond your already exhausted state. Just one more day until vacation!

    Laurie, sounds like a better way to spend an evening than working out! Sounds like a great workout this morning, though! Those med ball workouts can be tough. Glad to hear your knee is still holding up. Your DD's wedding dress sounds stunning! Just two months away now! Boy, time just keeps flying by.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Had fun hitting golf balls last night, weather was perfect and I did WAAAY better than the last time her and I went to the driving range. She told me, no pressure but I would love it if you would out drive my husband on Saturday! LOL Ummmmm he’s practically a PRO so yeah, no pressure. All in fun, but at any rate I was glad we went last night. Today’s workout will be the STRONG/HiiT class after work.

    Thelma: So sorry about your day yesterday and really your week ….. it sounds exhausting. Hang in there and glad I could help on the purchase! If it makes you feel better, I decided to order them as well. As I said yesterday, they look way different than I had imagined them being. Good Stuff.

    Laurie: Sounds like a wonderful outdoor deck to me! How fun. Great job getting in you’re a.m. workout this a.m., sounds like a good one! Don’t worry about missing your p.m. workouts, lots going on with the wedding and outside projects it sounds like, gotta get in that outdoor enjoyment while you can. Happy your knee is still doing good.

    Laurel: Excellent work with finishing up the rock project! One day at a time … do what you can do and take your time. I am sure it is overwhelming forsure. You will get there. Great job with your workout as well, not sure that IMAX Extreme would have been my choice if I was feeling achy, so good on you! I think Katy would like to give me a harder time forsure, but is careful. She doesn’t seem to say things at all to others is why I think that. But glad she isn’t pushing too hard. As I told Thelma, I went ahead and ordered those …. Couldn’t resist. Can’t beat the price and they look like good low impact workouts and/or a different way of working which will be nice to incorporate.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,557 Member
    Hi ladies, once again ditto of yesterday. This morning I felt like wet noodle but when I got in my car the radio was playing a song that I like and made want to dance. I finally found a good music radio station so I danced all the way to work. Apparently there will an Earth, Wind & Fire concert in MA in the near future and the radio station was giving away tickets to the concert so they kept playing their music which I love!
    By the time I left work tonight there were only 3 cars in the parking lot. One of them was mine. I left because I knew I was alone and I got scared. Otherwise; I probably would've stayed another hour.
    I have made a little dent in the things I will be packing tomorrow night. I got pj's, pants, t-shirts, hiking socks, regular socks, sun shirts, underwear. So I pretty much have the groupings I need to pack.

    Awesome workouts you all!
    Laurie, your DD's wedding dress sounds beautiful! Glad your knee is still doing good.

    Laurel, great job moving those rocks and for getting a killer workout in after all that hard labor! What the heck are you doing with all the rocks you dag out? My body is screaming for me to move Laurel. I'm freaking out because I'm getting stiff from lack of movement. My body is actually screaming for a fun kickboxing workout.

    Tami, awesome job hitting those golf balls! Too funny about your friend asking you to out drive her husband. You know will do it! Cathe's new workouts do look good and challenging. MUCH better than the crappy ones that came with the FitTower!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,456 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    TGIF!!!! I'm going to say that this week is a dud for evening workouts. We have had a full week without rain, and I'm taking advantage of it. Being outside is much better than going into my basement to workout. ;) This morning I did GHUTV Low Impact Fusion. Awesome workout. Some news from my gf's chemo treatments, the doctor is going to continue with them. Lori is starting to have myopathe issues with her tongue, hands and feet. Sometimes those issues will not go away the longer you are on chemo, so they are going to go with 9 mo. of treatment and then *kitten* after that point.

    Laurel, Glad to hear that you finished up with the front of the house. Don't blame you for getting something more accomplished inside the house. I will have to tackle a few chores inside at some point, since I have been spending my evenings outside all week. Awesome job with the workouts, you always manage to get that Extreme workout in. Good job on the yoga, I'm sure that did feel great after your work outside. As the wedding gets closer, it really does seem to be going faster. ;)

    Tami, Nice that you where hitting so well at the range, I'm sure that at some point you just might outhit the Pro! ;) Hope that you had a good Strong/HiiT class. I'm going to be busy this weekend with wedding things also, have to get the invitations made for the shower. I'm having a Breakfast at Tiffany's theme. My oldest is a huge fan of Audrey Hepburn, every since she saw My Fair Lady. Her favorite is of course the Breakfast at Tiffany's, so that is why I'm going with that theme. It should be fun.

    Thelma, Love that you where dancing your way into work! I don't think that I have ever been the last car in the lot, now I have been the last car in the area where I park. ;) Enjoy your vacation, and have a relaxing time. ;) I will make sure that I post a picture of dd in her gown after the wedding.

    Have a great weekend,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! I got up early to get my workouts in today because DH and I had to be in Fairbanks first thing to get the closing documents for our house witnessed and notorised. If they get to Florida on time (fingers crossed) the house will be out of our possession by Wednesday next week. I go back and forth between feeling relieved that it sold so quickly and the people are so anxious to move into it that closing is three weeks earlier than planned and :'( . I so loved that home. So it felt good to do my workout this morning. I started with another Cathe Live workout......and another winner. This one was from a few weeks ago, and it was Totally Pumped Total Body. She has nothing quite like it on DVD, but the closest resemblance would be Flex Train. She wastes little time between exercises and does a lot of compound exercises (like Flex Train). But this was different (and better for me) because she used heavier weights and it didn't feel like endless reps (like Flex Train does). It was really a perfect counter balance to the Meso 3 work earlier in the week. For cardio, I did Low Impact Sweat with the Blizzard Blast.

    After I got home from Fairbanks......I ordered Cathe's new DVDs. :)

    Tami, yay for the good golf session! Hopefully that gives you some confidence headed in to your tournament tomorrow. I joined you and Thelma on the pre-order. Having done a few of these Cathe Live workouts......and owning virtually all of her DVDs, I wonder why I ever question a Cathe workout anymore. She has put out a few I like less than others, but, by and large, I just really consistently like how she does her workouts. So I am excited to get them soon! Good luck tomorrow! And have fun!

    Thelma, yuck on being one of the last out of the building yesterday. I don't like working in empty building either, so I understand why you left. Glad you were able to get some packing done. Hopefully you will be able to take some long walks and hikes on your trip to loosen up your body a bit. And, hopefully, when you get home you will be able to get back to your routine. I know my body does not like not moving, so I completely appreciate the growing stiffness you are experiencing. All of the rock I dug out went right back in the garden. But the rock was buried under pikes of dead grass, weeds, dirt and trash. Not attractive at all.

    Laurie, that is disappointing news for your friend. I hope she is doing okay. I can imagine having more chemo is the last thing she wanted to hear from the doctor. My thoughts are with her right now. I am glad you have been enjoying your evenings outside, though. No rain and nice temperatures should be enjoyed. We are supposed to be near 90 today :o ......and it feels so wonderful to be warm again! I plan on sitting on the front porch and enjoying the sunshine this evening because tomorrow.....rain. And Sunday, rain and highs in the 50's! Sounds like another good GHUTV workout!

    Becky, hope you had a great week.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ Good Strong Class last night. I forgot to tell you ladies last week that a different instructor took over this class. My newly “loved” class already has a different instructor; they flip-flopped a.m. and p.m. for when this class is offered. It is more of a very straight forward STRONG class and you work all body parts, Low Reps (HEAVY), then Higher Reps lighter with a burn out at the end of each body part. So it’s a good structure forsure. This week was just slightly different in how she worked the body parts but it was good. This a.m. was Cathe’s High Reps. Tonight I will head to Spinning.

    Thelma: I bet you will be happy to have this week over and done with! Sounds like you don’t have much left to do on the packing. Thank you on the kudos with the golf balls. We will see how I do tomorrow. Weather is supposed to be decent, so that is good.

    Laurie: I am sure it has felt great being outside in the evenings this week! Way to take advantage of it. Great that you got in another GHUTV workout! Sorry to hear about your friends update from the doctor, darn it. OMG! I think I need waaaaaaaaaay more practice forsure and just don’t know when to find the time, I would also like to start my cycling back up outside. Probably just getting out on the course will help too, can’t just “practice” forever. LOL Your DD’s shower sounds like it will be absolutely darling and I bet she will love it. So nice of you, I am sure it is a ton of work.

    Laurel: Way to get your workout in early today! Congrats on the house … although I know it is absolutely bitter sweet for you. One day you will have another house that you love, I am sure of it. This is only temporary I am sure. Fantastic job with your workouts again today. Thank you again for the encouragement on my golf! I had the exact same feelings when I placed my order. “Why would I doubt that her workouts would be anything but great!” LOL Looking forward to them.

    Hope you ladies have a great weekend ~ Mine will be short it feels like.
    Golf tomorrow and working a few hours on Sunday. Talk to you on Monday. :smile:

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,557 Member
    Hi ladies, thanks so much for the vacation wishes. I NEED IT! I never got out of work at noon on Friday. By the time I got home I was exhausted. I started doing laundry and running around up and down the stairs like I always do when I pack. Eventually exhaustion got the best of me and I didn't finish packing. Had to do it this morning!

    Laurie, can't wait to see your DD's beautiful wedding gown!
    Laurel and Tami, so glad you ladies got the FitTower new DVD's! Can't wait to try them.

    People in my town post on FB when they put out stuff they want to get rid of so people can pick them up.
    They put out an almost new Weider's Total Body workout bench and I made DH go with me to pick it up. It was a little dusty but you can tell it was almost new. If we don't like it we'll put it outside for others to get it. Apparently these things don't come with DVDs or posters on how to use it and people recommend going youtube for videos.


    Have a wonderful week!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,456 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Another busy weekend for us. On Saturday I did more weed removal on the last portion of the tree line. I only have a few scratches from the raspberry bushes that I pulled out. :# My knee wasn't to pleased with me using the shovel, because of course I'm right hand dominant, so what foot do you use when shoveling. After a good sleep, it was fine in the morning. Yesterday I did KCM's 30MTF Stepboxing Workout 1, all low impact when she used the bench. I followed that up with GHUTV Yoga Flow.

    DH has the base done for the deck, and we went out and purchased all the base support lumber. Now that was an interesting truck ride home, with those sticking out the back of DH's truck bed. We will have the decking delivered, because those are all 20 footers.

    Laurel, Glad to hear that your house is being sold quickly, and do understand the emotions that you have to be going through. Sounds like you handled it with some retail therapy with your Cathe purchase. They really do look pretty good, and the e-mail that was sent out was trying to entice me. I didn't hit the purchase button though. I'm sure that I will regret that at some point. Awesome job with the workout, and it really does sound like another good one. I think that Cathe can put more into those live ones. I wonder if just referring to it as a pump class on DVD would put her in trouble with Les Mills. Hope you where able to enjoy the 90 deg day.

    Tami, Sounds like an interesting class, and great job on your workout. Hope that your spin class was a good one too. We are in the midst of the US Open frenzy, with the tournament at Erin Hills. There isn't a hotel room available in this area all week. Glad that the schools are now closed, because the traffic would be horrible otherwise.

    Thelma, Glad to hear that you are all packed up, even if it didn't happen until the morning. That is an interesting bench, but having the instructions on how to use it available on youtube is a bonus.

    Have a wonderful day!