Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    edited March 2017
    Morning Ladies,

    We had a very good time last night, and Joe was the one to bring his son up in the conversation. He sounds like he and his wife are comfortable talking about him, and it is with great love when he speaks. They went to Scotland and Ireland for vacation, and that was probably a good thing to do. His son had an aneurysm, and Joe was here in Milwaukee when he got the news. So it is hard for him to be here, but his job requires him to travel here quite often. I did indulge in a 4oz tenderloin and sea scallops, it was so good. No workout this morning, will be doing the LIHI Leg workout when I get home.

    Laurel, Nice that you had a great workout, and that you could up the weights without problems. I'm thinking that you have increased your strength. ;) Great job with the cardio also. I can't believe that you where able to do all that with all that you have been doing for the move. I would be laying on the sofa with my feet up. ;) Oh my on your friends child, I can't imagine what parents go through during that. It is always a fear that one has, and I think that never leaves you no matter how old your children get to be. I know my mother still worries about all of us.

    Tami, Great job on the Leg workout! Glad that your evening was an enjoyable on with the customers. Getting into the other facility just to get something in when you can't get to your usual facility sounds like a solid plan. That is nice that they have that place close to you. It was so good to see DH's friend again, and I was glad that he was comfortable talking to us about his son. We are making plans to meet up with him again this fall, so hopefully that will happen.

    Thelma, Glad to hear that your surgery went so well. Like you, I would have opted for the digestive issues vs tooth issue. I will have to get the Mucinex, he was laying in bed when I left this morning. So I'm not sure if he would be heading into work or not. He sure was snoring a lot last night. :o Chris has 3-4 walking workouts that might be fun, I have not looked at them yet. They also have the barre workouts too. You can go online to see the descriptions of the workouts, just in case you don't want to spend the $$.

    Becky, It is getting toward the end of the year for school, so I can imagine that you are busy. ;) Awesome job on the workouts, and it is nice that your strength has increase also. Don't worry about following the rotation as is, we are all doing what we can with it. I really enjoy the way the kb's get the whole body, and I usually feel it most in the core and back. There is a site on youtube that has a lot of kb workouts, I will try to find it and share.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! So I started the alternating body parts week this week with Cathe's Lower Body Blast. I just love this workout. For cardio, I did IMAX2 and then the core work from Cardio and Weights. Had a bit of a moving panic last night when the mover called and asked if they could move up the first day of the pack-out from next Monday to this Friday. Given that we only learned about the job 12 days ago, giving up three days of preparation had me laying awake all night last night in a cold sweat......literally. But about half way thru IMAX2, they called and said it is going to be Monday. Whew! I feel like I can breathe again. Of course now all I want to do is take a nap, but I still have so much to do!

    Tami, don't you just love those surprise evenings out? I am sorry you missed your workout, but glad you enjoyed the evening. Sounds like doing something in the gym closer to home may be a good way of getting a little something extra in during your busy life.

    Thelma, glad you made it through your surgery okay. Sounds like a bit of a hassle for a few days, but given all the stress you have been through lately, hopefully you enjoy being able to take it easy for a few days. Hope all is well with the biopsy results.

    Becky, good to see you! Sounds like a very busy time for you. I think it is great you are doing what you can with your workouts even if it isn't the rotation to the letter. The rotation is a nice guideline.....but not written in stone. You are right about moving and decluttering. I do wonder how much stuff we would have if we didn't move as often.....and we have plenty of stuff as it is!! Goodwill just loves to see us coming. I think we have been there 5 times already in the past two weeks and have a trip or two to go.

    Laurie, glad your evening went well and your friend is doing okay. That must have been a shocking loss to lose his son to an aneurysm. I am glad he was willing and able to talk about it. I am sure he appreciated the company you and your DH gave him last night as well since being in the city where he learned the news was probably difficult. Believe me.....I REALLY could use a day--or week--of sitting with my feet up right about now. But I do have 9 solid days of driving to look forward to which, while not relaxing with a good book, does ensure I can do little else those days. Thankfully! No doubt I will be itching to workout by the third day though!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ This a.m. was STS Shoulders/Bis/Tris and tonight I am headed to Spinning! I did look into a class at the Hayden Peak Fitness (the one right by my house) for Thursday evening and there is one I think I would like. It’s called: Transform: A fusion of core, glute and cardio + strength training intervals. I haven’t found a Thursday night class at the one near my work and it’s at 5:45 so I would have time to get there. Might be a perfect solution for week’s that I am feeling I need to get in something on that night.

    Thelma: Fantastic job with XT Legs + Lower Body Blasts, what a great combo! Makes my eyes water thinking about your procedure …. I am glad you only felt the original needle. That is great! Good that you can get in some light workouts as well during your recovery time.

    Becky: Great job with your workouts! Don’t worry even a little bit about veering off the rotation at times; it absolutely happens! Do what you can do. Thank you for the belated Anniversary wishes. Cannot believe its been 21 years.
    Laurie: I am so glad to hear you had a good time with your friend. It’s good they are comfortable to talk about it, that probably helps with the grieving. Enjoy your LIHI Leg workout tonight!

    Laurel: Another amazing Laurel Like workout! I am sure at this point it is feeling like last chance workouts every day so you are trying to get in as much as you can. Glad that you received the call back to the original day of Monday. I would have woken up too! Probably every morning right now. I am glad there is a class I can try for these busy weeks to make up for a miss. We will see how it goes; I have learned the descriptions are sometimes different than the class. Or maybe that’s just Katy’s classes. LOL

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,561 Member
    Hi Ladies! Not much of a workout for me today. I only had time to walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes. The oral surgeon called with the biopsy results and the bump was benign! Thank you Lord! My sinuses are still bugging me and the little cough too. At least I haven't experienced any pain or burning at the biopsy sight.
    I worked long hours today. Finished working at 9:30 tonight but was able to finish a couple of tasks.

    Becky so good to hear from you! Great job with your workouts! Isn't it a great feeling when you realize you haven't lost your strength but in fact you've gained some more?
    The yoga conditioning really was huge in helping me with my shoulder.

    Laurie, glad you had a good time with that other couple and that you allowed yourself to indulge with your meal. My heart goes out to them. So sad!

    I hope you got the Mucinex for your DH. So far no adverse effect from the antibiotics. The doctor told me to make sure I ate plenty of food to make sure it didn't bother my stomach. I'm also drinking 8oz of water each time I take the capsule. I will definitely check that site out. I like Chris so I'm sure I will like the workouts they offer.

    Laurel, wonderful combo today! OMG I would've freaked out too if the movers called to say we need to do the packing 3 days before the original scheduled date! I'm glad they changed their minds! Do they pack in one day?
    The post surgery instructions are really a terrible inconvenience but I will do it gladly given the good news on the biopsy results.

    Tami, great combo today! That class you found sounds awesome! I hope you like it.
    I was nervous about the procedure. I always close my eyes and the only reason why I saw the scalpel is because I opened my eyes cause I had to rinse my mouth. He was holding this tiny tool in his hand.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    edited March 2017
    Morning Ladies,

    LIHI Legs was done last night. I was also able to order my safety glasses and "normal" glasses after work also. The safety glasses are UGLY! :p Oh well, it will be only for work. I don't need to wear them once I get out of the building. This morning was ACE Upper Body HiiT, and the 10 Min. Belly Blast. Will be doing yoga when I get home.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, and have to agree that CLB is great. I'm glad to hear that your packing up day is still Monday, but sorry you had to miss sleep because of the initial call. I probably would have done the same thing, with thinking of all that needed to be done by Friday. Those days of driving will be tough. I know how I feel when I get out of the car from driving, and you have to take those first steps. You feel so stiff until you get your body moving a little. Makes you wonder how truck drivers do it sometimes. You will probably find some way to get in some type of workout while you are on the road, I'm sure.

    Tami, Nice workout, and hope your spin class was awesome. That would be nice if you have some classes that you can go to that are close to work or by your house. The class really sounds like it would be good. Kind of sounds like Cathe's live class that she puts up.

    Thelma, Great job with your walking on the treadmill. So glad to hear that the results are so good too. You will be able to get back into your workouts soon. DH is handling his sickness his way. :o He is headed into the doctors this morning, because every time he has a cold, he gets this funny cough. He needs to get an inhaler when that happens.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! I decided to focus on Strong and Sweaty for Upper/Lower for the rest of the week, using some of those great but shorter workouts premixes Cathe made up. So today was Ramped Up Upper Body followed by S&S Core. For cardio, I did Step Blast. I purchased a month of Cathe On Demand this morning, so I will have my workouts with me wherever we are! My weights, bands and a small step are going in the car. B) Who needs clothing and food and such? :p

    Tami, sounds like an interesting class. But I doubt it is Katy intense. She is quite a gem for a group fitness instructor, that's for sure. But it sounds like a good way of getting something in at least. I am definitely trying to get as much working out in as I can right now. I am going to be doing a lot of sitting during the month of April, which is not my favorite thing to do.

    Thelma, yay on the good news! That's a relief. Happy to hear you aren't suffering too many ill effects from the surgery. The packing takes three days. :o Monday they will box all the lose stuff (books, dishes, decorations, etc). Tuesday they will finish that and wrap all the furniture. Since everything is going on a boat, they have to wrap everything either in plastic or paper. Then, on Wednesday, they will load everything on to the 'capsule' that will be trucked to Seattle and then sailed into Anchorage. It is a long, exhausting process, without question.......not helped by the fact we have too much stuff!!

    Laurie, great workouts. Yep, there is nothing fun and enticing about safety glasses, is there? But at least you don't have to wear them all the time. The old legs definitely don't like to work after sitting in the car for a few hours! I have a tendency to walk around a lot of parking lots when we are on long trips! :)

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Great Spin class last night and of course Katy picked on me since I have missed so many classes, (in her mind). As I left the room she said “I hope you are hurting after that” LOL SHEESH! It was a great workout but I will never tell her I wasn’t hurting! Today I will be doing my workout after work since DH is gone to get his boat and will be back late in the evening. I was actually going to try the STRONG class at the gym close to my work before heading home; but will do that next time when I need an alternate evening workout!

    Thelma: Yay on the bump being benign! Always a relief to hear positive news. Good for you getting in your 20 minutes on the Treadie. After that long of a day I would have been getting ready for bed. I am looking forward to trying that one near my house. My friend (who has the 3 year old) is going to go with me since she is close to that gym too. Should be fun. She mentioned it will kill her but she is happy to be going. I would have shut my eyes too ….. yikes in opening them with the scalpel in hand. I did that once when he was about to put the shot in my mouth. HR UP!

    Laurie: Great job getting in LIHI Legs last night! ACE Upper Body + Belly Blast this a.m., so great! You are working hard through this rotation ….. way to go. Spinning was awesome, minus her calling me out asking where I have been. The whole class quiet, waiting for my answer. I just said “too many things to mention in a short answer Katy” … as I mentioned to Thelma, I am looking forward to trying that Thursday class.

    Laurel: Love the combo you put together and sticking with that for the rest of the week! Should be all great ones for you. Way to go on your “On Demand” purchase! That will definitely come in handy for you along your journey. Love that you are packing weights, bands and a small step – plenty of room in the good ol Subaru! Hang in there. I know you will do more than most during your month of April despite driving, motels, etc.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,561 Member
    Hi ladies, just a quick check in. Felt too tired and sick to workout today. I told my boss this morning that I would leave after my 3 o'clock meeting. Well 3 came and went and 3 hours later I was still at work. I'm off tomorrow and will go get a hair cut. I also need to buy new glasses so I may go check them out. I hope to be able to workout tomorrow.

    Great workouts all of you! Love that you've been doing yoga consistently in this rotation.
    Laurie, men are so hard headed sometimes! Are there any pretty safety glasses out there?

    Laurel, great idea to get Cathe on demand and to take your workout equipment in the car with you. Who cares about food and clothes! Glad you have your priorities straight! LOL
    It never occurred to me that your things were going to go on a boat but it makes sense. How long will it take for your things to get to Alaska? Wow on the packing process!
    It is a huge relief knowing the bump was benign. Tomorrow morning I will take my last antibiotic dose. So far so good and the incision feels OK.

    Tami, that Katy likes to pick on slackers like you! Too funny! Your husband is getting the boat already? is he early?
    Glad our friend will be going with you to the gym! I'm sure she won't be able to move for days after one of the classes you attend! Don't tell Katy you're going to another gym! She may punish you with one of her killer workouts out in the parking lot!
    I actually didn't freak out when I saw the scalpel which surprised me. I guess since I was diagnosed with lupus I've gone through a lot of stuff. I had to have a salivary gland extracted back in 2010 to see if we could get a true lupus diagnose and I almost fainted with that little procedure. It's a good thing I was sitting down! The scariest thing I've gone through is that I had a bump on my eyeball and it had to be biopsied. You can't close your eyes for that! I asked the nurse to hold my hand and to remind me constantly to breathe.

    Good night ladies and have a great weekend!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good morning ladies - yesterday, I did STS plyo leg workout, yoga and an hour of walking. I should have worked out this morning, but I chose to sit and have a cup of coffee and just "be". I leave for Chicago tomorrow for a 4 day conference, and I am a little nervous about the trip. I am presenting and the two other folks I am working with are not prepared! AHHH! So frustrating. I will definitely use the gym at the hotel and will take some of the cardio dvds with me (I am hoping my room has a DVD player).

    Thelma - Sounds like you have been very busy with work. Twenty minutes on the treadmill is better than nothing. I am so HAPPY that the test result was benign. Phew......major relief.

    Tami - I love Katy's comment to you......that is too funny. Great job on your spin class and surviving it. :D WOW on being married for 21 years.

    Laurel - Great idea on doing the S & S workouts. That is also a great idea of having the Cathe on demand for the next month. I need to figure out what to bring with me to Chicago - maybe the bands? It's hard to workout when traveling, but I know you will find ways.

    Laurie - Wonderful workouts. Thanks for looking up the KB workouts. I am taking my laptop to Chicago, so I might be able to find some on youtube as well.

    Have a wonderful Friday.


  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was Kristin McGee Power Yoga, and this morning was ACE Lower Body HiiT. After work will be LIHI Chest, Tris, Shoulders. A little late this morning, had to go for a health screening for our health insurance. I'm healthy, but could improve my eating. :p Hey I like my little treats a little to much. :D

    Laurel, Awesome job on the workouts, really sounds like a good combo again. Great idea getting the subscription for the month, you will have a lot of fun with it. You can even make some of those great combos that you do with your DVD player. I remember you saying that you do a lot of parking lot walking when you get to your stops, that is a very wise decision. It is surprising how driving can make your body so tense, and walking around a little helps.

    Tami, Great job with your spin class even though Katy called you out. I would never say if the workout was easy either, she could be really brutal to everyone else in the class too. :D Great answer you gave to Katy by the way. They did ask me what one thing I could improve on with my health, and I was like "what you want me to workout more". I said I would watch my treats more. ;) I'm really loving mixing in the GHUTV workouts with this rotation, they are just the right amount of time in the mornings.

    Thelma, Dang on staying an extra 3 hours after the time that you wanted to leave. Have fun picking out glasses, that can sometimes be hard, there are just to many cute ones to chose from. The pair I ended up buying will be a little different than I usually wear. There isn't a frame on the bottom of the lens. With my prescription my lenses tend to be fairly think. I ended up paying for the more expensive lens material, so my lens will not be super thick.

    Becky, Thank you for reminding me about the kb youtube, here is the site that has a good list of the majority of the workouts on youtube. Great job with you workouts. You will be in my neck of the woods, so to speak. Not to far away if you are in Chicago. Hope your conference, and presentation go really well. To bad that you are the only one that is prepared, I wouldn't want to go into a situation not knowing what I would be saying.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! Time is beginning to pass quickly, but I am making good progress on the house. I will probably still be in a panic Sunday night, but that is just......normal. ;) My workout today started with S&S Total Body Giant Sets Lower Body premix, which is so good. For cardio, I did the 60 minute cardio work (with some leg work as well) from Body Max 2, and the core work from that workout as well. I think this is my last long workout for quite some time, so I enjoyed it.

    Tami, happy your spin class was good. That's funny about Katy giving you a hard time. I think it is wise not to let her know you weren't sore. The next Insane X class would probably be double brutal if you did!!

    Thelma, sorry to hear you weren't feeling well yesterday and had another long day on top of that! Hope you are enjoying your day off and find some fun glasses. I have no idea how long it is going to take to get our stuff to Alaska. The shipper himself (the guy in charge of arranging the logistics for the household goods shipment with the port in Seattle) has quoted us a tentative date of April 23 for the shipment to get to Anchorage. Then, of course, it still has to get to Fairbanks. That is really quick!! But the people who are helping us arrange our personal logistics for the move keep telling us 4-6 weeks. So......who knows?

    Becky, hope all goes well in Chicago. It is no fun having to rely on other people who don't come prepared, that's for sure. When I travel, I usually carry at least one band......and an iPad with quite a few Cathe workouts downloaded on to it. I find I can use the band as a substitute in some of Cathe's cardio workouts where she uses light weights, which is good. My goal for working out when traveling is just to keep my body lose and strong and ready to attack it again when I get back at it fully. I find at my age (nearing 52), just a few days off has a significant impact on my strength and how sore I get when I start back up. So, in my case, a little something is way better than nothing. Have a safe trip!

    Laurie, great workouts. :) about the treats. I am right there with you on that one! Oh well.....what is life without some guilty pleasures, right? I will be so close to you on our drive up north! We are heading up just west of Chicago into Madison and then across to Minneapolis before heading north through North Dakota. But, unfortunately, we are not stopping in Wisconsin....just passing. But I will wave! I think that is going to be on April 11, so fingers crossed for good weather on that day. :)

    I will try to catch you all some time next week before we hit the road. Enjoy the weekend!

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good evening ladies - My travels to Chicago were good. I arrived yesterday and immediately went for a walk around the town. I needed to move from the plane right. Today, I got up and did a 30 minute bicep/shoulder/tricep workout with some plyo moves in between. I plan to go again tomorrow morning and try to get at least 45 minutes in of back/chest and maybe cardio.

    The hotel room is wonderful and I love the bed! I miss my kids and DH, but it is also a nice break from reality. I love the colder weather here, too.

    Laurel - Great workout combo with all the packing and hectic stuff happening. Glad you got to enjoy the long workout. I ended up forgetting my bands (grrrr......oh well). That's a good plan to keep the body loose while traveling. I definitely understand about losing strength if you don't do anything or a few days. I get really stiff if I don't move. I hope the packing continues to go well.

    Laurie - Fantastic workouts! You are doing great. I understand the treats issue. :D Thanks so much for the link; I really appreciate it. I am staying in the downtown area off of Michigan Ave. It is really neat around here.

    Hi Tami and Thelma - I hope you two are well.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,561 Member
    HI ladies, just a quick hello. I've been sick all weekend. No matter what I take I can't shake this terrible sinus headache. I'm moving slowly because fast movement hurts. I've hardly slept because sudafed dried my nasal pasajes so I couldn't breathe. I'll see if I can see a doctor tomorrow.
    Good night ladies,
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    On Saturday I changed it up a little and did GHUTV Move Total Body again, that one is such a great short workout. On Sunday I did the Super 8 workout. This morning was XTFMAX Chest, Shouders & Abs. Had a nice weekend, but seemed that DH and I where running all over the place. ;)

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, I'm sure that you enjoyed that one. Hope everything is ready for today, which I'm sure it is even though you probably had all the worry last night. I will be thinking of you on or around April 11th. You should have fairly good road conditions when going through WI, probably the only area that the roads have pot holes would be just south of Madison. Otherwise the roads are pretty good after that. With the freeze/thaw that we get, those pot holes start to appear this time of year. :o

    Becky, Nice that you have gotten in some great workouts. Glad to hear that you have arrived in Chicago. Enjoy your conference. We have rain right now, don't know what it is doing down there, but if you have this weather then it is good that you have a conference. :D Have a great time.

    Thelma, Do take care, that isn't fun having those headaches.

    Tami, Hope you had a great weekend.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! Very quick check-in today. The packers are tearing apart the house as I type. No fun.

    Anyhow, I got workouts in both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday was S&S Total Body Giant Sets Upper Body x2 premix, followed by Drill Max Scrambled Cardio premix. Yesterday was S&S PHA Training Lower Body x3 premix followed by To The Max. Unfortunately, after the workout yesterday, I had trouble walking because my back was so sore! I think it was caused more by all the packing and stress than the workout, though. So today I did not workout. My back was killing me this morning, but is getting better as the day goes on. But I want to make sure I am good to go for the long drive ahead so I am just going to take it a little easy with it right now.

    Thelma, I am so sorry to hear you have been sick all weekend. I hope a doctor can fix you up. Please take it easy.

    Becky, happy to hear your trip to Chicago went well. Hope all goes well wth the presentation. Great job getting your workouts in!

    Laurie, thanks for the heads-up on the pot holes to look for through Wisconsin. Sadly, they will probably be just a preview of what we can expect further north. :o Great workout this weekend!

    Next time I write, it will probably be from Alaska. But if I get a chance to check in before then.....I will. Take care and stay strong!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you all on Friday. Busy day at work. Hardly took a lunch break. So Friday was Strong & Sweaty BootCamp in the a.m. and Spinning in the p.m., Sat. I did KCM Split Sessions, which was a great way to finish out the HEAVY week; did both upper and lower workouts premix, Sun. was PHA Training Xtreme and then had volleyball. We won all 6 games and it was a lot of fun, the winning helped but it was just a fun day. The sun was out so everyone was in a good mood. This a.m. I got up (yes I know its Monday) and did XT Chest/Back/Shoulders. I thought I would use the XT workouts for High Reps this week. No BootCamp tonight (again) because Gonzaga is playing for the National Title B-ball! Don’t want to miss it for anything. So excited for them. DH admitted that he will be cheering on Gonzaga regardless of Carolina being his favorite team.
    Good thing!

    Thelma: So sorry to hear you have been sick all weekend …. That is no fun at all. I hope you get to see the Dr tomorrow and can get some meds to start helping with that. Dang it. DH stores his boat down at a town south of us because he fishes there periodically through the winter; didn’t do much fishing this winter but it was still down there. I definitely wont tell Katy Im trying a class on Thurs. Although she doesn’t teach anything on Thurs. so if she finds out I will be safe. LOL Yikes! The bump on your eyeball; my hubby had a sliver in his eyeball once and had to have it removed. OMG! He had me go in with him. Not a fun process. I couldn’t believe I didn’t tip over backwards.

    Laurie: Great job getting in your YOGA the other day. Plus getting in your other workouts over the weekend too! What is “XTFMAX”? I’m glad those tv streaming workouts are doing the trick through this rotation! That’s awesome. Good job on your health screening. . . . funny on the treats. I always have to tone down what I do for workouts it seems because they look at me kind of bug eyed if I tell too much. LOL

    Becky: Great job with your workouts! Nice choice just taking a little coffee moment and enjoying the quiet. I hope your Chicago trip is fantastic. Hopefully your colleagues help out in some way by the time you are there.

    Laurel: Fantastic job getting in ALL your workouts with everything going on around you. Sorry I missed you on Friday to wish you the best in your drive but I will be thinking about you and hoping all goes smoothly for you and DH along the way.

    Have a great afternoon ladies – talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,561 Member
    Hi ladies, great job all of you! I went to the doctor and I have sinusitis which explains the headaches. I'm on some strong antibiotics for 5 days I think. Had to take today off and I'm not feeling good enough to go to work tomorrow yet. Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in soon because Thursday and Friday I have to go to that class in Boston. I hope I feel better tomorrow so that maybe I can do a lite workout.
    Laurie, I went to the eyeglass shop and decided to simply replace the lenses which saved me $600. My lenses alone cost $400! I have the Silhouettes frame. They are frameless. I did see a Ray Ban aviator frame that I would love for a sporty pair of sunglasses.
    Laurel, sorry you hurt your back. I hope you guys have a safe trip and I wish you both the best in your new home. Can't wait to read all your stories about Alaska!
    Tami, I can't believe you had to watch your husband's eye procedure! I don't think I could do that!

    Hi Becky, I hope your presentation went well!
    Good night ladies!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,561 Member
    Hi ladies, great job all of you! I went to the doctor and I have sinusitis which explains the headaches. I'm on some strong antibiotics for 5 days I think. Had to take today off and I'm not feeling good enough to go to work tomorrow yet. Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in soon because Thursday and Friday I have to go to that class in Boston. I hope I feel better tomorrow so that maybe I can do a lite workout.
    Laurie, I went to the eyeglass shop and decided to simply replace the lenses which saved me $600. My lenses alone cost $400! I have the Silhouettes frame. They are frameless. I did see a Ray Ban aviator frame that I would love for a sporty pair of sunglasses.
    Laurel, sorry you hurt your back. I hope you guys have a safe trip and I wish you both the best in your new home. Can't wait to read all your stories about Alaska!
    Tami, I can't believe you had to watch your husband's eye procedure! I don't think I could do that!

    Hi Becky, I hope your presentation went well!
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work was the Amy Dixon Ultimate Kettlebell Workout. Since I had gotten my new 10lb kb, I was able to do all the moves at the pace that Amy was moving. Now I have to wonder if I should use the 15lb for the first part of the workout, and then change up to the 10lb for the faster moves. This morning was XTFMAX Legs, Triceps and Core.

    Laurel, Great workouts as usual. Sorry to hear about the back. Glad to hear that you took the time off, that wouldn't be a good thing to have. I'm sure that some of it has to do with stress and the packing also. Check in with us when you can.

    Tami, I'm so sorry about Gonzaga! :( It was a really good game though. Awesome job on all the workouts that you got done. The XTFMAX is X-Train Fit workout series. They are actually good workouts. I got the RIPT90 for Christmas, and those are made by that company also. The workouts are not super long, so they are great for time constraints. They didn't ask me how long I workout, they just asked me what I like to do. I told them that I workout at home with DVD's. She then asked me what was my favorite. Told them Cathe, and she said that she would have to check it out because she had never heard of her. :o

    Thelma, Glad that you have a diagnosis for your headache, and that you will hopefully get relief soon. DH is way better, and I'm so glad that he didn't let it linger. His cough sounds like a "normal" cough now. My lenses are expensive like yours also, but we have our savings account, so I purchased a new pair. I'm getting contacts for this summer also, and the insurance company will pay for those. I'm really glad about that, because then I can just buy an inexpensive pair of sunglasses.

    Becky, Hope your conference is going well.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well the ZAGS gave it the best they had! What a run and fun to watch. :smiley:
    So this a.m. was XT Legs and tonight I think I will head to Katy’s class since I will miss Spinning tomorrow for my next golf lesson. Heres hoping she doesn’t torture me beyond words. It’s also kind of nice out today but only like 50 degrees so my thought of her making us run comes to mind. :neutral: I think this summer if that starts to be repeated over & over I may just not go on Tuesday and substitute that other class I am trying this week. We will see . . . just thoughts.

    Thelma: Glad you were able to get into the doctor. Hopefully you will have some relief very soon from the medicine and then a nice light workout would feel good I am sure.

    Laurie: Sounds like a fun workout with the KB’s. Great job the XTFMAX Legs/Tri’s and Core this a.m. as well. I was a little sad for the Zags forsure, but so happy they got that far. WOW! If they could have made just a few more free throws that could have been the difference …. Was exciting to watch. Thanks for the info on your workouts. They sound like you are really enjoying them, which is awesome!

    Hi Becky

    Have a great evening ladies ~ until tomorrow! Tami