Cathe Fans Part 5



  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi ladies - I think I will be sleeping very well tonight. I went a little crazy with my working out today (it is SO nice not having to work and having the kids at gma and gpa's house). Today, I started off with the Bikram express class, came home and walked the dogs. Then, this afternoon, I did a 30 minute kickboxing video followed by STS disk 14 (legs). My body is telling me to relax now........but it felt so good to be so active today! I think I might watch a movie after my DH goes to work. :)

    Laurel - Glad you got some golf in. Great job starting week 6 with a bang. It's hard doing cardio on the same days as heavy lifting, so fantastic job getting both done. Hopefully you won't be too sore tomorrow. I greatly enjoyed having no one home last night. Here is one (of many) websites with flowers made out of sheet music.
    I made quite a few on Saturday, and the first few were bleh. But......I got into a routine and made some decent ones. We are getting together again this Saturday to make the "real" ones now.....this weekend was just practice.

    Laurie - Awesome job with your workouts this weekend. Glad you got out with the car club......I wrote it before and will write it again, that sounds like so much fun. My DH would love that. Please drive safe with all the snow. We are in the 90s today, and East US is under a snow storm.......crazy weather.

    Thelma - I am so sorry to read that you had to bring work home......bleh. And.....sorry to read that being in front of the computer made your shoulders stiff again. Take it easy. I don't know much about shoulder injuries - does stretching/yoga help? Take care of yourself.

    Hi Tami - I hope your volleyball team did well yesterday.

    Have a great rest of the day.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies & Happy Monday!

    I have had another couple days of BUSY plus I worked for 4 hrs on Saturday. It helped a little except one of the title officers came in on Sunday and filled my in box again. But I am getting through the enormous amount of files and so thankful we are doing so much business because it could change in an instant.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies & Happy Monday!

    I have had another couple days of BUSY plus I worked for 4 hrs on Saturday. It helped a little except one of the title officers came in on Sunday and filled my in box again. But I am getting through and so thankful we are doing so much business because it could change in an instant.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Oh boy ...... Here we go again. Trouble with my IPad post.

    I saved what I typed, so I will re-post tomorrow.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies & Happy Monday!

    I have had another couple days of BUSY plus I worked for 4 hrs on Saturday. It helped a little except one of the title officers came in on Sunday and filled my in box again. But I am getting through and so thankful we are doing so much business because it could change in an instant.
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies! Last night I worked hard on kneading the knots on my shoulders and upper back and continued to do so this morning. I got things to losen up but today there was the aching that follows such tightness. Things got better as the day went on and of course an Aleve.
    I tried hard to get out of work on time but it didn't work. I got home at 7 and by the time I started working out it was 7:40. I decided not to lift until things get better with my shoulders. I chose 30MTF Cardio Quick Fix which felt like a big mistake because there was a lot of arm movement. Once I stretched and massaged with the lacrosse ball and a nice hot shower things felt better.
    Ladies, I tried my first FitTower workout and it was the beginner workout. I only did half the workout. She starts with a warm up and then she goes into Barre mode with the legs at the beginner level. The moves still hurt. There was something weird and distracting with the video though. It appears that it was filmed in Cathe's usual studio but the windows are royal blue and I think there is a reason for the royal blue. It looks to my untrained eye that the video wasn't filmed in that studio and Cathe and the other woman in the video were superimposed onto that studio video. The reason I'm saying this is because there appears to be some kind of a halo or something around the outline of their bodies. Really distracting.

    We are bracing for 14 - 18 inches of the white stuff tomorrow. Everyone is working from home because God knows my company doesn't close.

    Laurie, glad you had a good time with your car club. Great workouts! OMG you guys are also getting the snow! Thank God I can work from home! I may even work from home on Wed because DH has to dig us out.

    Laurel, glad you got to enjoy some golf time. Are you getting rain? I was looking at a live radar website today and there was a lot of green over the FL map. Great workouts!
    I can't even begin to tell you the mega knots on my trapezius, upper, lower, all over the place. My weak spot and sitting in front of a computer leaning forward at times to read stuff from one monitor so I can type on the document on the other monitor didn't help. I took out all my massage weapons yesterday and attacked my trapz with them until I bruised myself. Today I used my lacrosse balls and will continue using them because I had stopped using them.

    Becky, great job getting back into the rotation.Those paper flowers are so pretty. So much work! When I looked at the step-by-step pictures and saw the triangle I thought I can do this but then the following picture totally went beyond my artistic skills which are slim and none!! LOL
    I have my yoga video but today wasn't the right time to be pulling my arms into a pretzel as this woman does. I hope that tomorrow may be a better day.

    Tami, you were crazy busy too over the weekend and the new week looks to be going in the same direction. I can feel your pain! great workouts!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I tried out a Plyoga workout yesterday, and it was interesting. You did a plyo move, and then held a yoga move. At the end of the workout she did yoga poses for stretching out. The only thing that I didn't enjoy was the whooping, and it was coming from someplace off camera. Weird! This morning was Tae Bo Basic #4.

    On a sad note, my Grandmother is in respite care for the rest of this week, but my Mom doesn't think that she will last that long. She has fluid in her lungs, and her feet are swollen. She is 96 years old, so she has lead a long and full life with many grandchildren, great and great great grandchildren. <3

    Laurel, Awesome job on the workouts, and I think your kickboxing combo sounds like it would be a great one. Nice that you where able to get in spring cleaning, that will not be happening for us soon. :D After all that snow, it got super cold. I kind of figured that the sequence of those body parts was the reason for the shoulder work being so tough. I'm loving that workout more and more, because it really does hit those body parts so well. I'm feeling the workout even today.

    Becky, How wonderful to have all that time to yourself, and getting in some great workouts. Hope that you where able to watch a enjoyable movie after your DH left for work. I usually get to enjoy the Hallmark Channel when that happens. I don't know what it is about those movies, but I love watching them. Those temps you are having sound wonderful, compared to the 17 deg we had this morning. :D

    Tami, Sorry to hear that you are so busy again this week. I'm sure you have been able to get in some great workouts.

    Thelma, Good to know that you are taking it easy on the weigh work out of your exercise week. It will be difficult to figure out what cardio workouts don't involve to much upper body arm movements. Hopefully you don't get to much snow, but glad to hear that you are working from home. I should have really done that yesterday, because it to so dang long to get into work. ;)

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning ~ Here is my post I wrote last night. This a.m. was Giant Sets Legs - Doubled Pre-mix!! Good stuff there.

    Hi Ladies & Happy Monday!

    I have had another couple days of BUSY plus I worked for 4 hrs on Saturday. It helped a little except one of the title officers came in on Sunday and filled my in box again. But I am getting through and so thankful we are doing so much business because it could change in an instant.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies & Happy Monday!

    I have had another couple days of BUSY plus I worked for 4 hrs on Saturday. It helped a little except one of the title officers came in on Sunday and filled my in box again. But I am getting through and so thankful we are doing so much business because it could change in an instant.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Here is my post I wrote last night ….. sheesh! This a.m. was Legs and I did Giant Sets Doubled Pre-mix, good stuff there. Depending on how today goes I will try and go to Insane-X.

    Hi Ladies & Happy Monday!

    I have had another couple days of BUSY plus I worked for 4 hrs on Saturday. It helped a little except one of the title officers came in on Sunday and filled my in box again. But I am getting through and so thankful we are doing so much business because it could change in an instant.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I found out last night that DH needs to drive to Alabama on Thursday for a work thing, and I have decided to go with him. So my rotation for this week became a little condensed all of a sudden. I don't think we will be home until Sunday, but I plan on doing cardio a couple days while we are gone. But no STS work for those few days. So today I did STS Disc 17, Chest, Shoulders and Triceps (shoulders were supposed to be tomorrow). I took it as heavy as I could, and it felt really good today. There is no end to my love for these Meso 2 workouts. Anyhow, for cardio, I did a fave--Cross Fire Extreme, which is always good.

    Tami, you must have been having some serious issues with your iPad or internet. Frustrating! Sorry to hear about the busy week.......again. But great job getting those workouts in.

    Becky, wow on the active day!! But I bet it felt great!! Hope you were able to enjoy a nice movie as well. Like Laurie, I always gravitate to something my DH wouldn't enjoy when he is gone for the evening. It is usually something lighter and fun. We watch so many violent films together (and I naturally gravitate to crime novels when I read) that sometimes I just need something fun and sweet to cleanse the palate a bit. Thanks for posting that link for the paper flowers. Those are beautiful! Love the idea, especially with sheet music.

    Thelma, ugh on the long day and the snow! But good job once again getting in a workout. I really hope your shoulder starts feeling better soon. Thanks for the warning about the Fit Tower workouts! I am hesitant to try them because Cathe pretty much dismissed them as 'not for my regular fans' when the Tower came out, which, to me, kind of said she didn't much care for the workouts. Don't know that I would like the blue windows, that's for sure. Be safe in your weather! Yes, we finally got some much needed rain yesterday and today! Everything has been SO dry. We could use about four more days of it.

    Laurie, I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. My thoughts are with you and your family. Not an easy time, I'm sure. But great workouts. The Plyoga workout sounds interesting, but I am not sure I would like to hear somebody off screen either. But the concept of the workout sounds good. You know I am with you on the Hallmark movies! I think they are just easy to watch.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited March 2017
    still trying to post what I wrote. I am at work on a regular computer. Weird. :neutral:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited March 2017
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited March 2017
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited March 2017
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did Rock'm Sock'm. Had a pretty good day shoulder day and Aleve wasn't needed. As soon as I sat down on my home office chair my shoulders started to get tight. It was amazing. I knew the chair was a problem on Sunday. So DH and I swapped chairs and that offered instant relief. Hopefully next week I can start lifting light weights.
    The blizzard seems to have weakened or something before it got to MA. We ended up getting about 8 inches and we thought we'd get 16. W lucked out!

    Laurie, great workouts! I'm really sorry about your grandmother. My thoughts are with you and your family. What a blessing for her to have had a long and full life.
    It really is difficult to find a workout without a lot of arm work. At least this wasn't overhead arm movement which is what was bothering me.

    Laurel, great combo today! I hope you have a great time in Alabama!
    I'm so happy my shoulders are feeling better. I can't wait to start lifting again. Hopefully I can start next week even if I have to use light weights. I do want to try the other FitTower workouts simply to see how she uses the tower. One thing I liked is that she did modified pushups on the tower.
    Glad you guys got some much needed rain!

    Hi Tami, sorry you're having difficulties posting.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Will be heading up north on Friday, my Grandmother passed away yesterday peacefully. That is a comfort to my Mom, and all of us. Mom said that she was a stubborn Finlander to the end, with a laugh of course. ;) After work I got in ICE To the Mat, and this morning was RWH HiiT Circuit Upper Body. Will probably do something after work, maybe some ab work.

    Laurel, How nice that you are going with your DH. I did that last year when we went to Las Vegas, and I really enjoyed my time out there even though DH was working. It was a nice relaxing time. Great job on the workouts, and going as heavy as you can on the weight. At some point I will have to revisit the Meso 2 workouts, they are very good. There are three of the Plyoga workouts on youtube, so if you have a chance take a look at them. They do not involve weights, so a good workout to take along with you while on vacation. ;) I'm mostly a Hallmark Movies & Mysteries girl. I love that they are making new movies all the time. ;)

    Tami, So sorry to see that you are experiencing some issues, but if you are at work and it is still happening, then something must be wrong with MFP side of things. :#

    Thelma, Great job on the workout. Glad to hear that your shoulders are better, and that the issue with the chair was easily resolved. Guess you will need to get a new chair for your home office use. :o Glad to hear that you didn't get all that snow, but even 8 inches is enough to cause problems.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast and Icy Core 2. For cardio, I did Cathe's Greatest Hits workout and then, for flexibility, Stretch Max 1. Good stuff!

    Laurie, I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I imagine it is both upsetting and comforting for your mother. Hope your trip to the north goes smoothly and no more snow is headed your way this weekend. Great workouts! I love the Hallmark Mysteries channel too. I watch that more from January-October, but for Christmas movies, I am all over the silly ones on the Hallmark Channel.

    Thelma, yay for finding the issue with your shoulders! Hopefully you can find a new chair and the problem will go away. Glad to hear you weren't hit too hard with the storm. Hope it clears away soon.

    Tami, I agree with might be an MFP issue. So weird! Anyhow, hope you are well.

    Becky, hope your week is going well.

    Hope the rest of the week goes well for all of you. See you next week!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited March 2017
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ..... I can't even imagine what is going on here. So I am going to just typed in a quick message and hope I can post this. Yesterday was S&S Giant Sets Legs Xtreme (Dbld pre-mix), I was really tired after work so just headed home and relaxed, went to bed early. Today was RWH Upper Body Circuit and headed to Spinning after work. :smile:

    You are all doing AMAZING with your workouts. I'm keeping this short for now so I can see if it works ... obviously my others haven't. They were copy & paste from a Word document though; which is what I always do when I write you guys.

    Here goes! Happy Wednesday Ladies .... Tami