Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did ICE Rock'm Sock'm. I just couldn't do BB tonight. I am spending today and tomorrow glued to my desk studying. We had to sign up for a certification course 3 months ago and I am just getting to it. I have basically 3 weeks to do something that I had 3 months for. I procrastinated BIG TIME! I was brain dead and my body felt numb from not moving enough. I felt that I had to move and BB wasn't going to cut it. Rock'm Sock'm was the right, fun thing to do. Tomorrow I'll probably do cardio too. I'll least I'll have a longer break tomorrow when I go to get my hair cut in the middle of the day.

    Laurie, great job with Plyocide and using a Cathe warm up! She definitely has the best warm ups! Funny about the dogs being tired after daycare. The dogs sound like a lot of fun!! My heart breaks when I step on the cats so I understand your worry about stepping on the dogs. Thankfully that doesn't happen often. Does your daughter take Zoey to daycare too?

    Laurel, what a great combo! Glad you're feeling like yourself! I can't wait to get Cathe's new program. What a blessing going through a hurricane and have to damage to your house! Some areas were hit pretty hard from what I've seen on the news. That is sad.

    Tami, great workouts and so glad you had such a great weekend! Congrats on winning all 6 BB games! What a nice thing for the newest team member to say about wanting to be like you when she grows up! I think you're going to love what you see from Cathe and her new program!

    Becky, awesome job with your rotation! I'm so glad you tried a timesaver workout! Those blizzards are the best!
    I am enjoying the rotation some of the time. When I feel tired I just don't want to lift weights! I think Tami and Laurel do their workouts with dumbbells. Body Beast has one person using hand weights when the exercise calls for a barbell so you will be OK

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout yesterday, I was the only one home and just didn't want to deal with two dogs while working out. It was a rest day for X2, so I didn't feel to bad about it. This morning I did Peak Sculpt & Define. Youngest dd has another interview today, and already has a job offer from a previous interview. Sounds like she may have her pick of jobs at some point. I'm so happy for her.

    Laurel, So glad to hear that you are feeling better, and you where able to do your normal workout routine. You must have gotten a great sleep in, so your body was rested from all that work. ;) I'm hoping that the workouts will grow on me more as I do them. I will probably enjoy them when I can successfully do some of the more difficult moves. Hope that you where able to get in some reading yesterday, I have had a book partially read for the last month. I should get back to that one.

    Tami, Sounds like a great weekend, and day off. I bet Katy will give you lots of attention when you get to the next class. :D I love the sound of your hair. I know when I went super short, it was a lot of talking to myself about how it would be fine. Turns out that it was one of the best moves I have made with my hair. What a great compliment that young lady gave you. I had a similar experience yesterday, the young lady said that she should do what I have been doing when I told her my age. She said that I didn't look like I was 53. Thanks for the info on the movie, that one did present itself as a scary movie. I have no love for movies like that. :s

    Becky, Great job on the workout, those Blizzard Blasts are exactly what you said effective and short. They are perfect to do when you want to get in a workout, but don't have a lot of time. Glad to hear that you are going to try out that rotation. I knew that you really liked Power Hour. Since Zoey is new to our house, she just want to jump on me. Rocket has learned not to do that, and I'm not sure two weeks is enough time to teach her. She is a sweet dog though. I will have to find a pic of her.

    Thelma, Hey you have the option to change the rotation to meet your needs. ;) LOL on you procrastinating, I have done that also. It is no fun to have to sit at your desk and do learning on your computer. At least it will be finished, and you will not have to worry about it anymore. The hair appointments seem to be the theme, I will be heading out on Thursday for mine. Doing the Cathe warm-ups instead of the X2 has helped with executing the workouts also. There isn't a dread factor when I can get a little bit of Cathe in the workout. The dd just started taking Zoey to daycare, but I think that it will help with the little darlings energy. After they get back, the dd is planning on bringing her there at least once a week.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with the tricep work from RWH LIHI right into X2 Total Body. I did better on this workout this week and even upped the weight.....which is tough to do since all the strength moves involve some sort of balance. I followed that with X2 Ab Ripper and, for cardio, Cross Fire. Definitely feeling much more like myself!

    Tami, your hair sounds so cute! I hope you continue to enjoy it. Like Laurie said about her hair, I think taking my hair shorter was one of the best decisions I have made (regarding my hair, that is). Just love the ease of it. What a great compliment from your volleyball teammate! Congratulations on all the wins as well. Sounds like STS is doing its trick for you. Love those Meso 2 leg workouts, that's for sure.

    Becky, great workouts. That Chiseled Lower Body Blast Bliizard Blast is my favorite Blizzard Blast of the series. So good! LIHI stands for Lift It Hit It, which are the strength workouts in Cathe's Ripped With HiiT series. Really good strength workouts. Until this past spring, I did all my workouts with Dumbbells instead is a barbell, so I wouldn't worry too much about not have a barbell with Cathe's new series.

    Thelma, glad you found a workout that worked for you. I would imagine after being chained to a desk all day, Rock m' Sock m' was perfect! The flooding in NC from the hurricane is horrible! Makes me feel guilty for complaining about the impact of the hurricane on us.....because so many people up there lost everything. So sad.

    Laurie, congratulations to your DD! To have a choice on where she works is fantastic. Keep me posted on how you are feeling about these workouts. I know we agreed to doing this first stage for four weeks, but if at the end of next week you say 'Enough!', I will understand. Like I said before, these workouts take some getting used to and there is a learning curve to mastering the moves. I think it wise, though, if the frustration is exceeding the progress too much to move on. The positive in this series is, except for Plyocide, you won't see these workouts again. Every stage has a unique focus, unlike P90X or Body Beast. And I did get some reading on the back porch yesterday. It was 80 and cloudy and breezy.....and I got chilly! :o I have been in Florida too long! :p

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Another “impossible to finish” Insane-X class last night. :neutral: PLUS running outside and it was cold yesterday. So 1 mile run then 15 box jumps, 20 push-ups, 25-speed squats, 30 KB swings – REPEAT. This is 4 times and then: Row 400 meters, 100 Jump Ropes, 25-V-Ups, 30 Burpees and repeat. This is 4 times around as well. It was a toughie. I made it through a total of 5 rounds. OH, we also had a 2 minute rest between rounds. This a.m. was STS Meso #2 Back/Bis and tonight will be Spinning.

    Becky: Those Blizzard Blasts are so good! Glad you were able to get that in and enjoyed it. The Muscle Meltdown’s are another good one in the ICE program if you have time to either add-on or even just do in one of the pre-mixes that are shorter. My DH will probably not notice the length as much as the color or anything at all. We will see; he usually will notice if my hair is even a little bit shorter and say, "wow, how much did she cut off?" When I have just had a trim. He is gone for 2 more weeks and exhausted so it may take a while for him to notice when he gets back. LOL

    Thelma: Great job getting in something that would help with your overall motivation and fun factor! Make your workouts work for you …. Awesome! Hopefully you are getting through the studying; so 3 weeks left on the course to finish? Hope it is going smoothly for you. Very fun, your getting your hair prettied up as well. I can’t wait until Cathe starts posting “clips” of the new series. Just the descriptions have me excited about the program!

    Laurie: Sounds like you appreciated the REST day yesterday, always a good feeling. Nice job with your Peak workout this a.m. Congrats to your DD! I bet she is so excited to get started. Thanks on the hair – it is feeling good. Really not any different feeling, but I like the suttle change and color too. We are going to add in a few more blondey-blonde highlights where she felt it was a little dark; I agreed so maybe one night after work she will get me in or wait until next time. Congrats on your compliment as well; it does kind of make you go “oh, wow! I am doing things right” LOL So glad she told you that. Yes, I am not a fan of scary movies AT ALL. But his was a good one for just the right suspense, who done it type.

    Laurel: What a combination in your workouts today! Nicely done and your energy sounds like it is in full force. Thanks on my hair, I hope I do too …. I think adding a few more “blondey” pieces I will like it even more and today after doing it all myself it felt really good and not much different, but easier to do, which is usually the case after a trim even. It was such a great compliment … especially after finding out how young she was, I thought OH, poor girl, playing with the old ladies. LOL But she is a great young lady and super fun, so it will be nice hanging out with her. 80 degrees?!?!?! We are now down to 32-34 at night and highs in the low 50’s for the day. Supposed to start pouring rain again tomorrow. That’s Fall in the Pacific Northwest.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! No workout for me tonight by the time I finished the module I was going through it was 8PM! I seriously underestimated how long this course would take. I'm in trouble! Now I have to spend the next 3 Saturdays studying if I want to have a chance at finishing this thing. The worse part if that an exam has to be taken at an exam center. We have a year to do that BUT it includes the materials from the course we took almost 3 years ago! I HATE THIS! I did get my hair cut and that allowed me to unchain myself from my desk for a little while!

    Laurie, great job with your Peak workout! WOW! That is great news on your dd having a job offer! I hope she did well on her interview today. I hope you enjoy the hair cut appointment. I think it's relaxing. I'm sure Zoey will be very happy going to daycare!
    I wish I hadn't procratinated on this course! :'(

    Laurel, awesome workouts today! Congrats on upping your weights!
    Having been chained to my desk has not been fun at all.

    Tami, amazing workouts and another killer Katy Insane-X class.
    I wish I could say I made huge progress with my training but I'm only done with the first module (out of 6). I have 2 1/2 weeks to finish the course now! I thought I had 3 weeks.
    I can't wait till we can all do this new workout program.

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I was able to get in X2 Total Body, but I don't think that I will ever be getting in the Ab Ripper workout. I have been doing the Peak core workout, so I think that I will be okay. The TB workout went a lot better than last week, and I used ICE Metabolic Total Body as a warm up. This morning was Peak Cardio Core Crusher. I purchased a new FitBit HR 2, and it arrived yesterday. So far I really like it. I love that it displays everything on my wrist. ;) Of course I have the lovely purple one. The youngest has a new job, she really liked the place and the employer, so she will be starting next week on Wednesday. They grow up so fast.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts. I wasn't able to up my weights, but I'm sure that at some point I will be able to do that. This week has been much better with the workouts, not able to do everything without modifying, but I think that first week is just getting used to the moves. If you need to move on to your next phase, don't worry about me. I might even stay on these workouts for another week. Since that first week felt like a wash for me. ;) Adding in the Cathe warm-ups has helped a ton with the workouts this week. It has shortened the time, so I can get them done in a reasonable amount of time.

    Tami, Wow with that X class, that is really crazy. I'm impressed that you got through 5 rounds of that. Nice job on the STS workout also. Tonight I will probably be getting my highlights added, they seemed to have faded a bit. I have had a few people compliment me when they find out that I'm 53. It seems weird to be getting senior discounts at my age, just don't feel like a senior. Maybe the girls and I will have to go see that movie, sounds like it would be a fun night out.

    Thelma, That course sounds brutal, we don't have that long of courses here. I can't even imagine having to take a test from information that you learned three years ago. I'm actually on a conference course right now, so I probably should listen. :D I'm hoping that daycare will make the two dogs very very tired tonight. :D They will be sleeping while I do X2 Yoga.

    Becky, Hope your days are going great.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started out my workout today with the bicep work from RWH LIHI, then did Cathe's Body Max 2 Scrambled Eggs premix for cardio/leg work. Then I did X2 Yoga which felt SOOOO good today. Absolutely flew by. I love this yoga workout because it always has me wondering why I don't find time to do it and other yoga workouts more often.

    Tami, sounds like a tough class! I don't think I would like doing that in the cold outside! Good job getting through five rounds. I really do miss autumn, that's for sure. This morning when I got up at 5:30a, it was 77 degrees. I would just love a morning of fresh, clean, brisk air, that's for sure. Of course, one breath of it and I would be covered in goose bumps from head to toe! It was so funny the night of the hurricane last week because in anticipating losing power, I turned our AC as low as I could to get the house as cool as I could because I knew it would be a long time before we would be able to open the windows since they were shuttered closed. Our AC goes down to 68. So in the middle of the night, DH and I are in the living room watching TV in long pants, long sleeves and covered in blankets......freezing to death! I finally had to turn the AC up we were so cold. Hard to believe I once was the girl who never heated my house in the winter over 65!

    Thelma, sorry to hear this course is being such a pain right now. I'm glad you were at least able to get out and get your hair cut just to have a little 'you' time.

    Laurie, congrats to your DD on her job! She must make quite a good impression in her interviews. So happy to hear X2 Total Body went better this week. It just takes time, that's for sure. Don't worry about missing X2 Ab Ripper. I was going to tell you that I will probably start subbing it with something else soon. Not my favorite ab/core routine, that's for sure. Actually, I am in no hurry to move on from these workouts right now. I am really enjoying them, so I am up for an extra week if that is what you want to do. Just wanted to make sure you weren't sticking with workouts you didn't enjoy because of me since I have done the program before. But I am actually really enjoying this right now!

    Becky, hope you are well!

    See you tomorrow.

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good afternoon everyone - I am taking a lunch break and thought I should catch up with you all. Tuesday night, I made the great mistake of eating fried food after 6pm (had chicken nuggets with my kids) and felt horrible all night. Due to lack of sleep, I did not workout yesterday. I went to bed and got about 7 hours of sleep (huge deal for me). This morning, I did low impact sweat and felt so much better.

    Laurel - Great workouts this week (of the yoga one). Congrats on upping your weights! So cool! It is tough doing weights with balance. I have horrible balance, so I really have to concentrate and do those type of moves slower than others. Glad you to hear that you also used the dumbbells instead of barbells, so I won't worry too much about it.

    Laurie - Nice workouts, and glad you got a rest day in. I love my fitbit (I have the simple flex one....nothing fancy). Let me know what you think about the heart rate monitor on it, after you've used it for awhile. That is great that your dd has options for jobs and found one! I hope she enjoys it......they do grow up fast. I will one day be telling you all about my kids graduating and getting jobs.....scary. I'd love to see a picture of your dogs (bigger ones than your post picture). :)

    Thelma - Great job on getting the kick boxing class in. I SO understand procrastinating a course. You can do it, though......just buckle down and take some breaks to keep your sanity (hey....those blizzard blasts are nice and quick!). :D

    Tami - Wow and wow! Great job on your workouts. I am looking forward to trying the muscle meltdowns and more of the blizzard blasts. I am so impressed with how much Cathe put on ICE dvd set. I am not sure how I missed that you won all 6 of your games, so congrats! That is so cool.

    Have a wonderful rest of the day....back to the grind.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Full Spin class again last night. Went by pretty fast, so that was good. This a.m. was X10 Fat Burning Circuit and I will do another workout tonight since that was short & sweet and it is my usual Thursday night at home.

    Thelma: Sorry to hear about your being chained to the desk and getting through your module(s)…. UGH! Not fun at all I am sure. Maybe tonight you will be able to get in a little something to just feel better. I am sure the haircut was a nice break and always feels good.

    Laurie: Excellent job getting through X2 Total Body and the Peak Core for abwork. I’m excited to hear how you like your FitBit HR2!! Being a fellow HR monitor person I am always wanting to have one that is just on my wrist but accurately works; no chest strap needed. Keep us posted. I looked at that one and feel tempted. Seems like with the #2 model they will have worked out any other issues that could have been with the first one (if there was). Again, huge congrats to your DD! So exciting for her and you have an in-home hair dresser for life now! LOL

    Laurel: Way to go on the workouts! Sounds like you are absolutely loving that X2 Yoga again this round. So Great!! It was tough and yes, every time we had to go back outside I put my sweatshirt back on and wasn’t too warm at all. Hopefully that is the last time we go out there until next summer. I bet you do miss the seasons a little bit. That is pretty cold for the AC …… and funny you guys are dressed for winter to stay warm. LOL

    Becky: Good to hear you got in some good zzz’s last night! I bet your body/mind appreciated the sleep forsure. Thanks for the continued support on my workouts and the Vball games too. Always a good way to start the season, even if the first match was a forfeit because they didn’t have enough; we still get wins in the book!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I wasn't in the mood to lift weights. I think I'm bored with this rotation. I had to force myself to workout tonight so I jumped on the spinning bike.

    I couldn't sleep last night thinking how much I had to study. I found out today that the exam we have to take is 3 hours long! YIKES! I tried to make some progress with the course at work and as soon as the course player started to play I got so sleepy that I had to stop doing it. This author puts people to sleep!

    Laurie, great workouts! Congrats on your youngest getting a job! A new FitBit HR2!!! How exciting! I bet you're loving seeing everything displayed on your wrist. I never understood the other FB's with that little tiny display the others.
    The course is brutal. Can you believe it takes 3 hours to take the exam? We also had to sign up to go to a 1 day course on leadership in December. My boss is all about training so we can't say no because it looks bad. I hope your course is better than mine! Perfect day to do yoga if the doggies are tired.

    Laurel, another winning combo! Great job! This course is definitely a pain. The only comforting thing about this course is that everybody in my team who is taking it is also behind!

    Becky, fabulous job with your workouts! I bet it felt really good to have slept 7 hours.
    At my age I don't want to be studying anymore! I wouldn't mind studying if was something I wanted to do but work? Not so much! So glad you're liking the blizzard workouts.

    Tami, great workouts! Definitely not fun to be doing this course. Doing a little spinning tonight was good for sure.

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout last night, but the hair looks great! I will be doing the yoga workout on Saturday since I really enjoy that one. Frost on the ground this morning, so the cold weather has come to us. This morning I did Peak Cardio Strength Fat Blaster Express 1. So far this FitBit is interesting. I have a resting HR of 55, which is pretty dang sweet! I like that it buzzes me to get up and move around when I have been sitting at my desk to long. :D It appears that it is recording my exercise as accuate as the strap HR monitor, so I'm happy that I don't have to bother with that.

    Have any of you heard of 9rounds fitness. When I was paying for my hair, there was a flyer on the counter saying that they where coming to the strip mall. It looked really interesting, you do 9 rounds of different exercises. The 9 rounds are suppose to last around 30 minutes. This would probably be something that I would be interested in for a class type situation. Just thought I would ask in case any of you know something about it.

    Thank you all on the congrats for my dd, she is very excited about starting her profession.

    Laurel, Great workout combo. That is the same reaction I have with yoga, so that is why I want to get it in this week. LOL about you freezing at 68. DH and I had to turn on the heat yesterday, I was fine, he was cold. :D He used our youngest as an excuse to turn it on. He hasn't said anything about my fan in our bedroom, just don't know what I would do without that. Great, I'm glad that you are okay with maybe extending these workouts for another week. I felt that this week was really week one for me, because it just went so much better for me. Guess that is why they give you the option of 3-6 weeks when doing these phases. I'm happy to hear that you are going to be subbing the Ab Ripper workout, I really enjoy the Core Crusher workout. I have not tried that Ab Ripper, so I may enjoy it. ;)

    Becky, So sorry to hear that you had stomach issues that gave you a bad night. Great job on the workout though. I will let you know how well it works, so far it is fun. You can see how fit you are at your age, and so far I'm falling into Excellent range. I think the FitBit phone app is really great for gathering some interesting information. I'm sure that it will get old, but it really is useful to see. My youngest has been taking pictures of Zoey for my oldest, because she has been asking for them from England. :D Guess she misses the little stinker a bit.

    Thelma, I'm guessing that you need to change that rotation. Sometimes rotations work and sometimes they just don't click. I have had a few of those. Good job getting your spinning in though. So sorry that the testing is causing you to lose sleep, that test is way to long. I can see why you would be falling asleep during that training, I don't know how someone wouldn't. So far loving the FB, and wondering why I didn't buy it sooner.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started today's workout with X2 Balance and Power, then went right into the upper body premix from Cathe's STS Total Body. I have enjoyed adding these shorter strength workouts to X2. One of the reasons I didn't like X2 the first time I did it was because I felt I was missing proper strength training. By adding these short strength training workouts, I feel I am finally (after 4 times through) able to appreciate the X2 workouts for what they are doing and not thinking as much about what they aren't doing. Anyhow, for cardio, I did X62.

    Becky, I hear you on the fried foods. I just can't do it anymore, no matter what time of day. I love good old-fashioned fish and chips (you may as well since you also lived in England), but after my last try a couple years ago......I don't even try them any more. I guess it's a good thing that my body is so used to good, clean food, but......still. :| Glad the extra sleep and workout helped make you feel better.

    Tami, good workouts! Hope your workouts are indoors for the rest of the winter. I think that change in temperatures during that workout going inside and outside would have driven me crazy! Still amazed how long you were able to stick with it.

    Thelma, like Laurie said, sometimes some rotations work, sometimes they don't. Maybe a little break from such intensive strength training as you have had from STS right into BB would be a good thing. I think one of the reasons I am enjoying X2 so much right now is because, like you, I did STS and BB back-to-back.....and I needed a break from it! So try something else for awhile if it feels better. Sagi won't mind!

    Laurie, glad your hair appointment went well. I just replaced by Fitbit Flex, but you have me thinking about asking Santa for the HR2. :) No matter how chilly I may get when I am awake, the minute I climb in to bed it seems I break out in a sweat. So frustrating! DH was all curled up with the comforter on the other night while I was brutally hot with just a sheet! Over breakfast, he said something like his weight loss may be making him cold (which it could be), but I just stared at him for a minute before adding 'and my menopause is making me hot'. He, smartly, doesn't say anything about the fan! :D

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi ladies - I finished my first rotation! Yesterday was the last one - Kickboxing. This morning, I did S & H Tri/Bicep. It felt SO good to do a workout focused on lifting weights. While I love the ICE rotation, everything has you jumping to the left, kicking to the right.....sometimes I just want to lift something until my muscles scream at me. That day was this morning. :D If I am not sore tomorrow, then I have lost all feeling in my muscles.

    Laurel - Nice job on the workout. That is a great idea to add the smaller strength training workouts to the X2 ones. I love fish and chips, but yes.....fried food doesn't agree with me (never has since I was a kid). So, why do I still have some every once in awhile????? Ughhh....punishment, I guess.

    Laurie - Nice workout. Also, glad to hear the heart rate monitor seems to be pretty accurate. I have not heard of 9 rounds of fitness....sounds interesting.

    Thelma - I hope your studying was good and you passed the exam. Hopefully you will find a better rotation to get you motivated again. It's hard to workout when you have no desire to do so. Maybe it will be better when you are done with the exam.

    Tami - great job with your spin class and other workouts. If you are playing volleyball tomorrow, I hope you kick butt!

    Have a great rest of the weekend. We are headed to the ultimate white trash event - WWE!!! So much fake, but so much fun with the kids. (I hope the white trash comment is ok.......I never know with folks if I can say stuff like that) :/

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you had a great weekend! On Saturday I did ICE Chiseled Lower Body and on Saturday Chiseled Upper Body. I took Sunday off. It was a busy weekend and got to study both days. I actually enjoyed the chiseled workouts which makes me think I was really bored with
    BB. I do hope to get back to the BB rotation though.

    Laurie, great workouts! Glad you like your new hair cut and your new FitBit!!! Good to know that it seems to be as accurate as the HRM strap! My Polar also buzzes when I've been idle for 55 minutes! LOVE that! How do you know how many calories are from exercise? Does it have list of exercise programs to chose from before you start your workout? Awesome resting HR!
    A rotation change was needed at least for last week. The test is really long!

    Laurel, another winning combo! Great job! WOW I am glad you're having a totally new experience with X2 thanks to all the strength you've gained! I think my body definitely needed a break last week. I still hope to get back to the BB Bulk rotation but if I can't I'll choose something else.

    Becky, CONGRATS on finishing your first rotation! So happy for you! Great workouts this weekend!
    My exam won't happen for another year. I am in the process of taking the online course which I should've started 3 months ago but I stared last week. Now I have less than 3 weeks to finish it!

    Hi Tami!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Not a good weekend for workouts, just way to busy. On Saturday I had a meeting at church, and then right after DH and I had another meeting at the church to learn about changing our wills now that the girls are over the age of 18. I then came home, and the youngest really wanted me to make pumpkin cookies. Then I went outside to do a little clean up, not to much since all of the leaves have not fallen yet. On Sunday was church, and then off to a car club meeting that was up north, so we didn't get home until late in the afternoon. Since we had the 442 out, we decided to take the country roads home to see the beautiful colors. This morning I started with ICE Bootcamp warm up and then did X2 Core. Decided to change things up a little, by trying some of the X2 workouts in the morning. The workout was really good this morning, and I'm feeling my core right now. I'm just going to be off by a day on the rotation. :D

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts. I don't know what I would do if I didn't add in the Peak workouts to the rotation. I know that, like you, I think I would be missing something. So far I'm really loving this HR2, it gives a ton of useful information. LOL about the DH being cold, that sounds just like DH and I. Right now with our DD's dog in our bed, she has been snuggling up against me. She can produce a lot of heat for a not so big dog. :D I'm kind of happy this is her last week with us, I want a dog free bed again.

    Becky, Sounds funny to hope that you had some sore muscles from the SH workout, but then we know that you have some really good muscle confusion. ;) Congrats on finishing up that rotation, such a great accomplishment. I actually have a secret fondness for WWE and MMA! Of course MMA can be pretty brutal, but I enjoy watching it. I remember as a child watching All Star Wrestling. :D

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts. I'm sure that we will get to those BB workouts again at some point, it just may have been the rotation itself. The FitBit buzzes when I haven't moved for about the same time as yours. It does record any activity that I do. When my HR goes up, it will start recording it as Cardio. It then records my time in the fat burning, cardio and peak by percentages. It gives me the cals burnt and avg bpm.

    Tami, Hope your are doing well.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Had a pretty quiet but productive weekend here. Saturday was my day off from workouts, which felt good. Yesterday I decided to match the Gym Style workouts with X2 this week, so I started with GS Back into X2 Core. I am amazed how much progress I am already feeling with these X2 workouts! Love that! For cardio, I did IMAX2. Today I opted to do something a little different by including my X2 workout with my cardio. So I started with GS Chest (which I love!). Then, for cardio, I started with the warm-up and Blizzard Blast from ICE Metabolic Total Body into X2 Plyocide (no warm-up or stretch) into ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast Blizzard Blast. It was about 65 minutes long and a fantastic workout!! I will definitely do that one again. To finish it, I also did Icy Core 2.

    Becky, congratulations on finishing your ICE rotation!! I completely understand wanting something completely different now, though. Bet those muscles were a good way! Hope you enjoyed WWE!

    Thelma, great workouts! Glad you got some good studying in this weekend as well. Hope that eases your mind a bit.

    Laurie, sounds like a busy but nice weekend. I bet those pumpkin cookies tasted good. :p I forgot to answer your question on Friday about 9rounds fitness. Like Becky, I have never heard of it, but the concept sounds like a good one. Glad to hear you enjoyed your morning with X2 Core. I didn't owe Tony any push-ups today in Plyocide!! I guess I was making up for a bad balance day yesterday because, boy, I was falling all over my workout room yesterday. :o But today.......steady all the way!

    Tami, hope you had a good weekend.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you Friday! Busy (again) at work and filled in for someone. Weekend was good, productive and busy for me but still some quality time at home with the pups and workouts. Friday I headed home instead of Spinning and did AfterBurn, which is always good. Saturday a.m. was X10 Fat Burning Circuit and I followed it up with the Low Impact HiiT #2 from RWH. I ran some grocery errands and I did a little “batch” cooking on Saturday afternoon while it was super rainy & cold outside. DH gets home this weekend, so I made a batch of Spaghetti Sauce and Chili. “Comfort” food for him; he is craving just being home and back to his normal routine. Yesterday was STS Meso #3 Chest/Back followed by Rock’m Sock’m and 6 games of Volleyball; we won 4 out of 6 this week; the 2 we lost were back and forth, super close games so they were fun. OH and I went into work for 3 hours so that was my day yesterday, I brought Bernie with me. He was hilarious and loved hanging out with me. The weekend flew by. Today I will go to Katy’s BootCamp class after work and then head home.

    Becky: Congrats on finishing your first rotation! :smiley: Feels great doesn’t it?!?! Sounds like you got right into some good lifting with S&H, there is something about craving that heavy lifting vs. the fast paced weights/cardio mixture. Both being good but you get away from one and go to the other you just miss it. Thanks on the kudos. We did do pretty well yesterday, it was fun.

    Thelma: I bet your workouts felt really good over the weekend! After all that studying, getting in a little break and a good sweat probably helped. Good that you got the break you needed for your body last week and hopefully you can continue on with your BB rotation when you can; if you are wanting too. :smile:

    Laurie: Sounds like a very busy weekend! But all good stuff there. Great job getting in your X2 Core this a.m. and I’m happy to hear you enjoyed it PLUS feeling the benefits already! Nice work. Thrilled to hear your new FitBit is doing a good job! That is where I have often asked and experienced myself is that without the strap it isn’t as accurate. But I know they have made many improvements in the last couple years. YAY! I may be moving that direction as well for a wish list or Christmas Santa gift. . . LOL I have not heard about the 9 Rounds of Fitness but it sounds like a workout chain they have around here that is a circuit, you go from machine to machine in a structured fashion with the group and then you are done. I can’t remember the name of it though. It is good for beginners. I looked at those new MMA workouts coming in December on BB. They look really good!

    Laurel: You really put some combos in with the workouts! Sounds like the GS workouts + X2 is a really great combo and excellent work with your cardio too!!!

    I have my annual physical tomorrow a.m. and then a teeth cleaning on Wed. a.m. YIKES! I don't know how I got on this crazy schedule where they are both so close together. Wish me luck! :smile:

    Have a great afternoon/evening ladies ~ Tami

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Becky - I DID IT! I JUST ORDERED STS! Thank you SO much Thelma for emailing me that it was on sale today. I cannot wait to try it. all are costing me a ton of money, but it will SO be worth it. :D
    Yesterday, I was able to go to a 90 minute Bikram class. It felt so good. This morning, I did the Timesaver of legs and glue routine. I can't find my pyramid DVD, so I may have to purchase it, again. I wanted to do lower body with pyramid. Oh well.....

    WWE was a blast - I was watching the Cubs game, too. My DH kept wondering why I was watching my phone during the matches. Kids had a blast....they bought all kinds of merchandise.

    Tami - Great job on your workouts. Congrats on winning most of the games on Sunday! I bet it will be nice to have DH home; he'll love having some home cooked meals from you. The rain and cold sounds chocolate and good book go with that.

    Laurel - Congrats on seeing progress already being made. What a great feeling. I need to try more of the blizzard workouts. Your combo sounded really good. You mentioned ICY core 2.....what ab workout is your favorite? That is probably my least favorite body part to workout, and I know I need it the most.

    Laurie - Glad you got a nice workout this morning. Your weekend sounds like a very productive one (pumpkin cookies sound so good right now). Your drive sounded honey would love to take a classic car out and go for a long drive. We need to update our will, too. I wish more people would do that.....saves the family a lot of time and stress.

    Thelma - those ICE workouts are great. Great job on getting those done. Again, thanks for taking time to email me about rock! Sorry about mixing up the exam and class......I am so stuck in teaching mode that when I hear there is a class that is about to end that there is always an exam at the end. ;) Hopefully these next 3 weeks fly by and you can get the class done and over with.

    Have a great rest of the day (or evening if it is that time in your area). It's only 2:30pm here.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! tonight I did XT CBS w/u & BB Bulk Shoulders. I started dreading going to the basement to do a BB workout and I dragged myself to the basement and did it. Once I got going I was fine. At least I don't feel the exhaustion I felt last week. Of course it's only Monday! LOL. I found out the online training period for the course we're taking through work can be extended for a fee and my boss has approved the extension. My goal is still to kill myself the next two weekends to see how far I can get on my own. I also asked my boss for a "training" day at home. So on the 27th my work day will be all about training.

    Laurie, busy weekend for you guys! Great workouts today! I've never had a pumpkin cookie and I want one now! This BB Bulk rotation is really boring because all you do are the bulk workouts. I think last week the stress from the course I'm taking got me depressed and overwhelmed. I am in a better place now so I will give the rotation another shot. The FitBit sounds really good.

    Laurel, great workouts today! This year has been all about making good progress in the strength department! Good for you! The studying over the weekend has eased my mind. Even though my boss will pay for the extension I rather get it over with without the extension. That way I'll have a full year to prepare for the exam!

    Tami, busy weekend for you too! Great workouts! I bet Bernie loved going to work with you! So sweet!
    It felt good to workout again that's for sure! Last week was an emotional week due the stress I brought upon myself for procrastinating on that course. I feel better now and it I will try to continue with the BB Bulk rotation.

    Becky, OMG! You ordered STS! Congrats!!!!! LOL on us costing you a lot of money! Too funny! I told you early on that you would start buying workout DVDs to be able to do the same workouts Laurie, Laurel, Tami and I have! That's what I did in the beginning too. Great workouts yesterday and today!!!

    The chiseled workouts are really good. I specially like the leg one. Normally you would associate an exam with the end of a class but not in my case which is a good thing! I feel that I need to re-take the first course! I have until 11/1 to finish the course if I don't want to extend it.

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited October 2016
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout last night, I worked late and the traffic was horrible after I picked up the dogs from daycare. At least they where really tired when they got home. This morning I did the warm-up from ICE Rock'm Sock'm and then X2 Plyocide.

    Laurel, Great combo of workouts! Really like how you put Plyocide into that combo. Great job on the balance, I had to do some push-ups on the first balance move. The second balance move was no push-ups, but I didn't keep my other leg next to my standing leg. I count it as a win if I didn't have to put my foot down though. :D I was falling during X2 Core also, doing that warrior 3 move is tough. I was actually pretty happy that I was able to get my butt off the floor for the Dreya roll. I have to bend my leg and put my hand down, but I didn't feel like an old woman trying to get off the floor. :D So another win.

    Tami, Sounds like you had a busy weekend, and got in some great workouts/exercise. If I had the time I would have loved to get some more cooking done, but time just flew for me. Yes I'm really enjoying them, and after nixing the warm-ups, I'm able to incorporate them into my morning routine. I like getting them done, so that I don't have to worry about missing them after work. I think Santa would really love to give this tracker as a gift to just about anyone, it really is a great tool. My resting HR has dropped again, that is what I really like about it. I can see all this information on my phone, so when I go to the doctor, it might be useful for them to look at it.

    Becky, Great job on the yoga! Sorry to hear that you can't find that Pyramid DVD, that would be a bummer if you had to purchase it again. Congrats on your STS purchase though, that one will be a great series for lifting. Glad to hear that you had a good time at the WWE event. We almost didn't take the care to the meeting, we where in a cloudy/rainy morning. Bye the time we where going to leave, the sun came out. Ended up being a really nice time for driving around. One of the nice things about our state, is that they have made a simple will. Since our girls are fairly good about money (don't know how we did that :D ), we could fill out the simple one instead of having to go through an attorney to make trusts.

    Thelma, Good job getting through the BB workout, even though the inspiration was lacking at first. Nice that you can get some time at home to get your training worked on. Probably a better way to retain all the information. Sorry to entice you with a cookies, they are very good. Just have to make sure that I only eat one of them, and then leave them for the rest of the family. One every other day shouldn't be to bad right? ;)

    Have a great day!