Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you yesterday. Another very busy day at work and I worked right through my lunch break. This a.m. I decided on a fun Circuit workout …. KCM Lean Body Circuits. IT was perfect for today. Tomorrow a.m. is our big ride “Princess Pedalfest” … headed to pick up my packet right after work. Looking forward to it. I’ve never done a “registered” event like this so I think it will be nice. My friend is excited/nervous and said it is quite an accomplishment for her; she will be just fine!
    Sunday I am going into work again for some more OT! My weekend will be very short. But that’s ok.

    Thelma: Some days are just that way and you did keep moving instead of nothing at all. Great job! Hopefully today you feel a little more energized. You are doing amazing with STS and almost done ~ don’t be too hard on yourself.

    Laurie: Fabulous work the last couple days and all week truly with your very busy schedule! Again, those XTFMAX workouts sound perfect for you right now! Love it when that happens. What does that stand for by the way? That Ruthless workouts sounds great. The name alone sounds tough. LOL

    Laurel: So good to hear from you and it sounds like a really amazing time with your sisters. I am sure you are all in agreement of that and the quality of loving support and friendship you all brought to one another. I am not a bit surprised that you worked out each day. Sounds like it was the perfect combo of workouts and with nobody else awake yet it gave you time for your thoughts and some sweat therapy.

    Have a great weekend ladies ~ Talk to you Monday! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. We had a nice weekend with my husband's siblings.
    On Friday I did STS Meso 3 Disc 6 Shoulders, Biceps which was the last of the Meso 3 workouts, on Saturday I did X52 and today spinning. We are not going to AZ by the look of things. I will take the week off because my DH's siblings are here.

    Laurie, great workouts! Good strategy to tell yourself that the workout was only 24 minutes! It is good to have short workouts in your workout library.

    Laurel, glad to have you back! I'm glad things went as smoothly as possible in Phoenix, that you got to see old friends and most importantly that you got to spend good quality time with your sisters.
    I am not surprised you workout each a day. Outstanding job!
    Thanks on my FIL. At least the siblings have been together for the first time in a long time! I met my sister-in-law for the first time. I really loved her. Great lady. My DH and her hadn't seen each other since their mom passed 16 years ago!

    I am so happy I been doing well with the STS program. I am intimidated by all those pushups. I am intimidated by all those pushups. I am going to do the best I can.

    Tami, great workouts and awesome job doing the "Princess Pedalfest" ride! That was quite a killer burn! How did your friend do?
    Thanks for the kudos on my STS rotation!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a nice weekend here. Saturday I had absolutely NO energy at all. So I took the day off from workouts, but did manage to walk 18 holes of golf. I think the sunshine, fresh air and mindless activity were good for me because I felt worlds better yesterday. So yesterday I got back to Body Beast with Bulk Chest. It felt good to be lifting again. For cardio, I did RWH Lower Body Circuit into RWH Plyo HiiT Two and Core 2, which made for a great combo. Then we played another 18 holes of golf which, once again, did me wonders. Today's workout was Bulk Back and Cathe's Kick, Punch and Crunch, which is still so fun. And housework. :o I have lots of catching up to do!

    Tami, I hope your bike ride went well this weekend! Hope your friend enjoyed it too. Thanks for your kind words. Don't know how I would have gotten through the past year without my sisters, that's for sure.

    Thelma, I am glad you have family around right now. Sounds like there is a lot of catching up to do! Congratulations on finishing Meso 3!! That is amazing. I am sure the week off will feel good on your body and you will be rested and ready to start Meso 1.

    Laurie, hope you had a good weekend!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hi Ladies – The Princess Pedalfest went really good (for me I should say) my friend and I ended up riding separately because she had to stop a lot and asked me to just keep going. So most of the ride I rode by myself; I waited at each “checkpoint/rest stop area” for her and checked on her, we would ride a mile or so together and then she would tell me to just keep going. Her knees were bothering her and it was a lot tougher than she thought it would be. There were a few small hills that kind of mentally did her in I think. She turned around about 5 miles early, but she made it and I did it and loved it! Will do it again forsure. Yesterday I did Chisel Total Body + Chisel Abs and then worked for 5+ hours. Today’s workout will be BootCamp after work with Katy.

    Thelma: Sounds like a nice weekend with your DH’s siblings, always fun I am sure it’s nice for your DH having them there with you guys. Great job with Meso 3 Shoulders/Bis, Congrats on finishing that up. and X52 is a great one, nicely done! Thanks for the kudos on the ride; once I broke away from her and just rode I was out there by myself just “steady on” pedaling, so it was a good ride and I was shocked at the amount of cals I burned. I think I could have easily done the 60 mile course. Maybe next year I will! We will see.

    Laurel: Awesome workouts and understandable that Saturday you had NO energy. I think that will be normal here and there right now. Although your “no energy” is a good day for most. LOL Very fun that you got out on the golf course, I bet it felt great. I’m sure your DH is a huge support for you right now and the quality/relaxed time is perfect.

    Hi Laurie :smile:

    Have a great rest of your day ladies ~ Talk to you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi ladies, tonight I did STS Meso 2, Disc 11 Back and Triceps and in the morning I walked on the treadmill for 1/2 hour. Great tricep workout. I tried to do the heavier weights I used in Meso 3 for some exercises I could and others they turned out to be too heavy.

    Laurel, I'm glad you listened to your body and took Saturday off and played golf instead. Great workouts too! I'm sure if felt great to lift weights again!
    I took the week off work not working out! LOL. It is good to have the family around.

    Tami, awesome job with the bike ride. AAWWWW your poor friend with her knees bothering her! I'm sure it was very hard but at least she did the best she could. I'm sure next year you'll be bable to tod
    Thanks on the congrats for finishing up Meso 3.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. Today's workout started with Bulk Legs which, no doubt, I will be feeling tomorrow. My legs were feeling a bit rubbery after, that's for certain. For cardio, I pulled out an old, tough one, though. I did the IMAX Extreme workout from Cathe's Terminator DVD. It felt good to do a long (74 minutes) tough cardio today.

    Tami, great job on the bike ride!! Sounds like a lot of fun, though I am sorry your friend didn't enjoy it more. Sounds like next year and 60 miles is something to plan for!! That's fantastic!

    Thelma, great workout! Are you repeating Meso 2 again? Not a bad idea if you are!! Love those Meso 2 workouts and, for me, they are the most effective of the bunch. Sorry about the confusion on your week off. A week off work is way more fun!! Hope you enjoy it.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night’s BootCamp was a good one. We did a workout she had us do in her Insanity class a long time ago. It was 100 Jump Ropes, 25 Heavy Squats, HandStand for 60 seconds, Push-Ups, Shoulder Presses, Crunch-Leg Lifts and then repeat but more reps are added each round. Once you were done with the 4 rounds she had us do 100 weighted side-to-side abs, 50 burpees and 25 mtn climbers. It was good and I was happy to have a workout that you could actually finish because the reps weren’t so out of this world! LOL Tonight is Insane-X and we are doing “Filthy-50” which is obviously from the name, “50” of whatever she puts on the board. I am sure there will be running involved as well. Although its rainy today, so most likely sprints or stairs.

    Thelma: Another great day with STS and your Treadie walk. Still liking your Bowflex weights?

    Laurel: YOWSA! That IMAX Xtreme workout is a tough one + after Bulk Legs you had to be feeling the results of that combination when you were done. Nice job. Yes, I am hoping to do the 60 next year and I guess there are a few more rides coming up in our area. Not sure if I will do them with Kelly or some peeps from the gym maybe who told me about them. We will see.
    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi ladies, tonight I did Rockout Knockout. Such a fun workout!

    Laurel, another killer combo! That IMAX Extreme workout sounds like a tough one!
    I am doing Meso 1 Laurel. That was a typo.

    Tami, that BootCamp class was a killer class! I'm sure Insane-X will be tough one too!
    Still liking my Bowflex weights. Incline biceps is one exercise I can't do with the Bowflex

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. Another good workout today. I started with Bulk Arms, which is one of my favorites in the BB set. I followed it with another oldie--Cathe's Max Intensity Cardio and then, to finish, her core work from Muscle Max. Felt good.

    Tami, sounds like a terrific BC class! Are the other attendees enjoying the change to Katy? I hope so. Sounds like she putting in enough variety in each BC class that there is something for everybody. Glad you have a few people you can do those long bike rides with. Sounds like so much fun.

    Thelma, one of my favorite workouts, no doubt. Okay, that makes sense about Meso 1! Hope you enjoy it more this time. Just think you can do anything for four weeks!!

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Ladies, if you're interested in purchasing an Instant Pot, Amazon has it for $70 today

    Will post my workout later on tonight
  • the_summer_belle
    the_summer_belle Posts: 353 Member
    Hey I have just discovered Cathe on Youtube and her Lift It Hiit It workout program looks amazing. I love lifting weights and have been doing the Bodybeast program. Although I feel stronger the program is made for men, and I need a little more cardio i rekon. I love workout DVD's so I've asked my brother for the Lift It program for my September birthday. I am hoping Adding the Hiit component will get rid of stored fat and reveal the muscle ive been strengthening. I'm really excited and can't wait to start next month.
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did STS Meso 1, Disc 1 Chest, Shoulders & Biceps and the spinning bike. Great STS workout. I did the best I could with the pushups but I felt them. The ones I couldn't do were the bootcamp pushups. I did those on my knees. My arms were pretty fried at the end of this workout. When was the last time you heard me say that my arms were fried? Never right? LOL. I thought the Meso 1 phase was going to be easier but I've found it more challenging. I am loving it because I still have tricep DOMS from Monday's Back & Triceps workout.
    Did you ladies see that you can now pre-order Cathe's next series Strong and Sweaty?

    Laurel, another killer combo! Great job!
    I was playing with the hybrid rotation tool and tried a BB & H&C rotation. The criteria I selected generated a rotation that included mostly the Bulk phase and Lucky Seven. I've never done the Lucky Seven DVD. Sounded pretty good because I loved the Bulk phase.
    I know I tried The STS Meso 1 workouts before but so far I don't remember either of the ones I've done this week.

    Hi the_summer_belle, the workout you're talking about is part of the program Ripped with Hiit. It is a wonderful program! We all love it!

    Hi Tami and Laurie!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. Shorter workout for me today since it is time to get my hair taken care of. :o Looking forward to that, that's for sure. I found out yesterday that we have set a record here in Melbourne, FL for the most consecutive days over 90. I can't say I love being a part of record-setting heat in places that are famous for being hot! Anyhow, time to get what little hair there is on my neck off of it. So for my workout, I started with Bulk Shoulders, then did XT Tabatacise and Core 1. Good stuff.

    Thelma, great job with that tough Meso 1 workout!! So happy you enjoyed it this time. I found those Meso 1 workouts perfectly brutal after doing Meso 3 since they focus so much on endurance. But by the second week, they got better. Hopefully you experience the same thing. I am aware that the pre-order is up and running for Cathe's new workouts. Just haven't done it yet. On my list of things to do though. I am looking forward to them. Sounds like an interesting BB/H&C rotation. I don't have that Lucky Seven workout. I would be interested in your impressions when you do it, though.

    the_summer_belle, welcome!! Glad you found Cathe on YouTube. I have been doing her workouts for about 18 years :o and she still finds new and unique ways to challenge me. Her Lift It Hit It workouts, along with the other workouts in the Ripped With HiiT series, are fantastic. I am currently doing Body Beast as well (second time through this program) and Cathe's approach is very different. I like the counterbalance between her style and the more 'masculine' approaches of Sagi or Tony Horton (P90X, etc). If you have any questions, please ask!!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hi Ladies …. I know this sounds like a broken record lately but “sorry I missed you” I worked right through lunch yesterday and stayed until 6:30! Loving the OT but it was a long day. Needless to say, I had to miss Spinning. I did do Chisel Cardio yesterday a.m. and this a.m. I was missing Cathe so I did the ICE Metabolic Total Body workout.

    Thelma: Great job busting through Meso 1 so far and the added Spin last night. There is truly a lot of push-ups throughout Meso 1 but it sounds like you are doing what you can and making it work for you! I am sure you are doing amazing; even modifications are good. I did see the Pre-Order is available! I am going for it FORSURE. Looks right up my alley. Did you get your rotation put together from that website that I created mine from as well? That has every Beach Body program listed in it? Cannot remember the name of it right now. :blush: I have the Lucky 7 DVD but still haven’t tried that one; with the other additional one I purchased I ended up rotating that in during BB but never made it around to Lucky 7. Will look forward to hearing about it and then I am sure trying it out. LOL

    Laurel: Sounds like a perfect workout today! Sounds like you are enjoying BB as much as ever. :wink: Yahoo on getting your hair prettied ….. I have been doing some “creative hair styling” the last week++ and finally getting mine trimmed/colored on Sat am. And I cannot wait. I think I went 1 extra week this time and it started bugging me even earlier than normal; so a battle it has been and trying not to wear a pony tail every day. LOL

    Summer Belle: The ladies here already mentioned how great RWHiiT is and I agree 1 million%! Would be a great Birthday gift for yourself. Feel free to hang out with us here or ask any questions! We have all been doing Cathe workouts for quite some time now and they are all amazing. RWHiiT definitely gives a good circuit feel to it along with great weight work; you can modify of course going up or down in weight and with the added cardio on a lot of the workouts it truly fits the bill!

    Hi Laurie :blush:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, Slide & Glide for me tonight. I have mega upper body DOMS! When I was doing the warm up part of the workout Cathe does chest presses and those were painful! WOW! I can't believe the DOMS I have! My left side is better but my right side is still pretty stiff.

    I recently purchased an insulated water bottle and it's working out very nicely during this hot weather for me. I find that I am drinking more water now that I have iced water all the time. The key to this bottle is to add cold water with ice cubes. As long as I start with cold water the ice cubes last a long time. Now I spend my days in air conditioned buildings so I haven't tested it out in the hot weather long enough to have a good opinion. I left it in the car while I went food shopping last Friday and it was very hot. The water remained very cold. LOVE IT!

    Laurel, another winning combo! You've had a heatwave! We were officially declared in drought watch yesterday given that we've had the driest 4 months in many years. It's been pretty steamy here too. You go out and you get hit by a blast of hot air. It's like walking into an oven.
    I haven't ordered Cathe's new series yet either. I haven't had a chance to read about the series.

    I really have enjoyed this meso 1 phase so far. It really is challenging because you're working on endurance so I'm finding I have to lower my weights a lot more than I thought I would in some cases. Specially when she does those 1.5 moves. I hope the soreness goes away soon. I am enjoying the Meso 1 challenge and I actually have thought about doing this phase back-to-back!
    I'll have to go to that hybrid rotation site and rebuild the rotation I talked about the other night because I didn't save it.

    Tami, sorry you missed your spinning class but great job working out at home!
    I remember you ladies saying there were a lot of pushups in Meso 1 but I honestly thought there would be more than what it had. I nearly hurt myself doing the pushups on the ball though. I didn't know how to get off the ball in that position and my left leg just went to the side and I landed pretty hard on my knee. Thankfully I have a floating floor! I was worried about my knee but it's fine.
    I got the BB/H&C rotation from that website we looked at before which has all the Beach Body programs. I got the Lucky Seven DVD free too but I haven't done it either.

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today starts with Bulk Chest, and I took up the weights a notch. This is the toughest workout for me in the set, so I am excited to finally be upping the weights. I don't move as quickly with that heavy weight as Sagi does, so I did have to pause the DVD a couple of times just to move around the weights, but it was good. For cardio, I did the X41 premix into LIHI Legs. What a great cardio and weight combo! Really enjoyed going into the leg workout with an elevated heart rate.

    Tami, sounds like some long days at work right now! Great job getting your workouts in, though. I understand the hair driving you crazy thing, for certain. I walked into the Salon yesterday and the stylist went 'Wow! Your hair has grown so fast!! You must be super healthy!' I liked that statement, but I was like 'Get it off my neck!!' She cut it super short this time, which I am learning to love. And all those pesky grays are hidden for a little while again. B)

    Thelma, great workout. I get major DOMS from Meso 1, especially the leg workouts. Endurance is not my strong suit (no pun intended!). But I love the way it makes my muscles feel.......that 'fried' feeling you mentioned the other day. Hope you keep enjoying it! Thanks for the info on the insulated bottle. We have a cupboard full of them hear in Florida. Inside, I can keep a glass of cold water cold-ish for about 4 hours in a standard no lid Tervis glass. But outside......different story. In our lidded Tervis glasses which we use when golfing, I can keep ice for about 90 minutes. We just bought some Yeti's, which are WAY expensive, to see if they are any better. But keep me posted on how this one works because I like the size of it......and the cost!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Nice evening at home last night. Felt good to not have much going on. A group of us from work were going to go see Bad Moms at the theater but it ended up being just 3 of us so we rescheduled for when more can go. This a.m. was Chisel Endurance and headed to Spinning after work.

    Thelma: That is a great water bottle! I have seen the one Under Armour sells but the price of it is more than the one you got. They work amazing for keeping your water cold. On the ball push-ups are your referring to the “Elmo” push-ups as Cathe calls them? If so, until I got the hang of the balance of that I pushed the ball toward the wall so it wouldn’t roll quite so far. That is the same website I used …. It’s so good for Beachbody rotations.

    Laurel: Another great day in your workout room! Yowsa ….. I don’t know that I would have wanted to do legs AFTER X41, but good on you for doing it. Sounds like your hair is the perfect length for all that heat/humidity you are getting. Can’t wait for mine tomorrow. We have some nice warm weather coming for another week and then it will cool down again. It’s been pretty mild for us with some scorchers mixed in.

    Have a great weekend ladies ~ Tami
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi ladies, I am not sure if you are ok with others joining you. I am a former Cathe workout person and looking to start again. It's been a few years since I have done her videos, and I am about to do her Power Hour video. I am hoping to get at least 3 of her workouts in every week. May I join your discussions to help keep me motivated? If not.....keep up all the great workouts you are doing.
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a nice weekend. We had a nice weekend and had scary thunderstorms Saturday and Sunday. The storms allowed me to verify that my cats are NOT afraid of thunder! We got a lot of rain on Saturday night. Thank God!
    On Friday I did STS Meso 1-Disk #3 Legs, Saturday Cross Fire and today spinning. I hadn't done Cross Fire in a very long time. Great workout!

    Laurel, what a winning combo you came up with on Friday! I'm glad you also have to pause the videos from time-to-time!
    I can never keep up when it comes to weight training. A 50 minute workout may take me 80 minutes if I have to keep adjusting my barbell and adjustable dumbbells.
    The leg workouts didn't give me DOMS but that is because I did deep massage after the workout. I have a collection of Camelbak bottles but now that I have discovered the Temp Saver bottle I may retire two of those bottles.
    I went out for a couple of hours on Friday and it was HOT! The temps were in the high 90's and I think it felt like 150 degrees. I left the bottle in my hot car while I went to the stores and the ice didn't melt. I think this bottle would be good for your needs on the golf course. What I am doing is keeping a jug of water in the fridge so I always have cold water. I add 4 cups of cold water to the bottle and fill up the rest with ice.
    I know I have a haircut coming up and I'm going to say get it off my neck too. The difference for me is that it's more of a bob haircut with the short back. I'm not ready to go short, short yet. On the picture on your MFP profile you have shoulder length (or maybe longer) hair. How short is it now compared to that picture?

    Tami, great workouts! Your rotation sounds really good! Hopefully you ladies will be able to go to the theater soon!
    The water bottle is really good as long as you start with cold water and ice! It's been a learning process for sure. I love the size of the bottle although I can only add 24oz if I'm going to add ice.
    Thanks for the pointer on getting off the ball! I think they're called prone pushups on the STS worksheets. I've never heard Cathe call them Elmo pushups. That's cute!

    Hi smile_laughter. We'd love to have you join us! What is your real name? I don't have Power Hour but I'm sure it's great. This group is a great source of motivation so you've come to the right place!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Thelma - thx for allowing me to join. My name is Becky. Since I have not been doing Cathe workouts for awhile, do you all have a set of cds that I must order? I have Power Max, Slow & Heavy, Body Max, Timesaver, and Maximum Intensity Strength. I can't do high impact due to my knee (but I can modify.....I don't do the jump when doing burpees).
    I know Cathe has tons of stuff, and I wasn't sure which to order.....I need something to add to my small collection.

    From what I've read, you ladies are tough!