Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a busy day yesterday with getting a manicure (from my dd), and then the trainer coming. Rocket really did very well, but he was a little confused as to why this other dog was in his yard. He just sat in the middle of the yard looking at this crazy dog running around the flags. He did really well, and the trainer said that he will be able to go outside by himself this winter without any trouble. With all that I was still able to get in a workout yesterday, so I did RWH Chest, Shoulders & Triceps. This morning was another new one for me with 30MTF Athletic Conditioning Vol 1. This one has one minute exercise with a short rest. The background exercisers are all young, and her son and niece are participants. Overall a good workout.

    Tami, Great job on the workout, and of course having a good time at your spin class. Hope you got in that extra workout, that is one advantage of your DH going fishing. I was wondering if you had that workout, I'm tempted to try the combined workout of that one too. These KCM workouts have been great for my morning routine. I noticed that Cathe's July rotation has shorter workout included in to too. So I'm going to incorporate some of those workouts into my evenings if I can.

    Thelma, Way to listen to your body, those workouts will be there when you are not so tired. Rocket as I stated did really well, I don't think it will take him long to learn that hearing the beep means to stop.

    Laurel, I'm sure that you are out enjoying that FL sunshine.

    Hope all of you have a nice relaxing weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Sorry I missed you yesterday. Another busy day, but I got a good workout in. I started with Build Legs then did Cross Fire Extreme premix. Today was Tempo Back and Bi's. Love these Tempo workouts! For cardio, I did Tabatacise. And we will spend another day in the Florida sun. The heat is brutal right now, so we are taking it easier. But I don't want to spend summer inside, so we endure. But people are getting cranky around here, that's for sure.

    Tami, glad the tireds went away. Great workouts, as always. Hope you DH's fishing trip goes well. Is it as hot and dry this summer? I hope not!

    Thelma, sorry to hear about the sore back/hamstrings. Good of you to take a day off and let them rest. That's funny about the X10 premixes! Glad it makes more sense now.

    Laurie, glad the doggy training went well. Good job getting a workout in with all you had going on. You are right about the Florida summers. I was talking to a friend yesterday and we were, predictably, complaining about the heat. What is so weird is this is the time of year we want to leave Florida......yet it is the time of year Florida is filled to the brim with tourists! Seems strange.....but I am okay to leave the burning sand and bath water-like ocean to them and instead enjoy things like that when it is more temperate. Thankfully we have that option.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited July 2016
    Happy Friday Ladies ~ It feels like a long “short” week this week with all the busy-ness at work. LOL Last night I headed home and did XT Xtreme Upper Body. Felt good to get a little extra upper body, not overly tough by any means but I went heavier on the heavy and heavier on the lighter as well, so that made for a pretty good burn in those 30 minutes. I didn’t workout this a.m. so I am going to head home again and get in something at home instead of the 45 min Spinning. Since I have the house to myself, I know the pups will appreciate me being home earlier too. Poor kids, always feel guilty when we are gone all day. When DH is home he can stop by and check on them sometimes throughout the day.

    Laurel: YOWSA on your combo yesterday, that sounds like a killer . . . way to work!!! Your hot weather sounds like it may be on the intense side of HOT. Glad you are pushing through and enjoying it, despite wanting to escape. Our weather has cooled down and now we have rain for several days. So to answer your question, no … not nearly as dry as last year. We have had cooler temps with a few HOT days mixed in but goes back down; sort of strange but we are all pretty happy about it. Thanks for the good wishes for DH, he did well yesterday and today so he is happy. He is going to come home for a few days and go back again later next week. So kind of back & forth but he is glad he is not staying every day right now.

    Laurie: Awesome work getting in your workout yesterday. That Athletic Cond DVD is a good one; it also has a bonus cardio workout on there that I did combined with something else and it was perfect for something quick, but effective and great for a short add-on to something as well. If I remember right, there are burpees too (not a bunch)…… you’re favorite! LOL Yay for Rocket, sounds like he is doing really well.

    Thelma: Sounds like you needed a night off. Good for you to listen to your body. We are happy to be having rain right now as well. Just been off and on but rain is good for us.

    Have a great weekend ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend! On Friday I did STS Meso, Disc 27 Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps. On Saturday Rock'm Sock'm, and today spinning. My back is doing better. I know how it happened. Last Wed I was doing legs and tried to squat with dumbbells that were too heavy for me and I felt something hit my lower back.

    Laurie, great job with your workouts! I'm so glad Rocket did well with his training and the other dog!

    Laurel, amazing workouts! I'm glad you're enjoying the heat and golf in FL! I would definitely be cranky with those hot temps!
    It was really funny about the X10 premixes. I still can't believe I never even thought what those numbers meant! I'm glad I gave my back a break but the following days I found that working out made it better!

    Tami, you've been doing a great rotation! Awesome job! Is your husband on a fishing trip? I'm sure the kids love having you home early.
    I did need a night off but the more I move the better my back gets. We finally got a little rain last night and today.

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Saturday I did 30MTF Weights 2 (Shoulders & Arms), and Pure Strength Back & Biceps. Sunday was a rest day, and just enjoying the outdoors. This morning was 30MTF Cardio Quick Fix 1. I should be able to get in a workout after work, since Rocket has doggy daycare, he will be really tired.

    Laurel, Wow on those workouts! I'm impressed that you do that Cross Fire Extreme workout, it looks pretty tough. We where in FL at the beginning of June one year, and that was hot. Can't imagine what it is like in the middle of July. I will just be happy with the hot humid temps that we enjoy around here, since it isn't as brutal. Good for you on getting out to enjoy the summer.

    Tami, Great job on adjusting that workout it make it tougher for you. I think that is what Autumn intends, since (if I remember) she doesn't go at a super fast pace. I will have to check out the other workouts on that AC1 workout, I did notice that there was a stretch workout. I'm enjoying trying out some of her workouts that I have, but never tried.

    Thelma, Nice job on the workouts! Good to hear that your back is doing better. I was testing Rocket on Saturday, like the trainer said we should. He did pretty well, just one time he received a jolt and was so much better after that. My oldest dd came over on Sunday with her puppy, and they chased each other around the yard. I told him no once, and he didn't go past the flags and onto the road when our neighbors came out. My dd's puppy went onto the road. Very proud of him for listening, because right after dd got the puppy off the road a car came by.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies ~ How do you like little Bernie?!?! My new pic. Couldn’t resist, this was how he was watching me the other day while I did my workouts. He kept coming over and laying on my workout mat so I moved his bed closer, SO funny. He was content to be right there where he could see me.

    Friday evening I did go home and did ISO Speed Hammer + Plyo Fix XT. Sat was STS Total Body, for a little added on strength work and followed it with Chisel Abs and then yesterday I did Max Hammer Strength + Dirty 30 Xtreme, then mowed the lawn. Got in some steps forsure on that part! Today’s workout will be Katy’s BootCamp Class after work. No a.m. workout today …… boy did I sleep good last night. so it was worth the extra zzzzz's. :wink:

    Thelma: Great job with your STS workouts on Friday and of course, the ever-popular Rock’m Sock’m on Saturday! Nice work and you finished out the weekend with your Sunday Spin. Sounds like your back is feeling better then and all the movement is helping, that’s great it was short lived and just needed a little rest. Thank you for the kudos on my rotation, I’m really enjoying the combo of both programs and integrating other things once and a while. Keeping me motivated and working hard, or trying to at least! DH is gone guiding right now, yes. This is his “short” season where he is gone a few days, comes back, goes and comes back. Not the long Fall Season, that is in September. Unfortunately he cannot schedule everyone on this one in one lump and get it done; so that’s why he goes and comes back. This is the area he went to last few years and they have the terrible fires. Much better this year.

    Laurie: Awesome work getting in Shoulders/Arms and then Back/Bis on Saturday; probably a good mix, hitting that whole upper body! I bet your Sunday REST Day was very nice. Rocket sounds like he is really doing well. What kind of dog did your DD get? I think those 21DFX XT workouts really do work great if you modify and go heavier; I did that again yesterday in the Dirty 30 XT. Now in the Plyo I use lighter weights, since I am jumping. LOL

    Laurel: Hope you are doing well, I am sure you are on the course today!

    Have a great afternoon/evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did STS Meso 3, Disc 28 Chest & Back. My lower back got angry again so I did massage, stretching, heat and took an Aleve. I hope things are better tomorrow. I think I went too heavy with the deadlifts. I discovered that somehow I have two Meso 3 28-36? discs. One has the squat rack workout and the other one doesn't. Don't know why I would've bought that disc separately.

    Laurie, you must have the entire 30MTF! You're inspiring me to look into buying some of those workouts!
    Thanks for the kudos on my workouts. I'm so glad Rocket did so well over the weekend with his training! He's a smart boy!

    Tami, I LOVE Bernie's picture! What a sweet boy wanting to keep you company during your workout! Awesome workout combos over the weekend! No wonder you slept good on Sunday night!
    Thanks for the kudos on my workouts! My back was doing better until I worked out tonight. I've been working on making it better and it feels better thankfully.
    I'm going to have to do a BB/H&C rotation one of these days!
    I'm glad the area where your husband is doing his guiding is in better shape this year. I hope you guys don't get any fires. I'm sure it's better for you during his short season. It must be hard to have him gone for long periods of time.

    Hi Laurel,
    Did you read Cathe's newsletter today? She'll start selling the fit tower on 7/18!
    Just in case you haven't seen this video on the fit tower:

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Work has been really busy lately with all the Interns bugging me. Got home late last night, so no workout. This morning I decided to change it up a bit, and I did a Cathe workout. ICE Rock'm Sock'm Timesaver #3 was my choice. That is the Blizzard Blast and Muscle Meltdown.

    Tami, Awesome job on those workouts? Really cute pic of Bernie. Like your Bernie, Rocket has become a fixture in my workout space also. He will sometimes get bored and head upstairs, but he usually spends the mornings with me. My dd got a rescue dog, and she is a mix of I think Staffordshire Terrier and something else. Lab maybe. She is a really sweat dog, and Rocket just loves when she comes to play. We had her over for a couple of days, and he slept for two days afterward. I agree with you on the plyo workout, you don't want to go super heavy on that one.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout! That squat rack set came as a separate DVD case, so you are not seeing things. The squat rack dvd's should be listed as discs 37-40 though, so double check on that one. Unless they are selling them differently now. I do have a lot of the 30MTF DVD's, but there are still ones that I don't have. I might be ordering more today, will just see what Amazon has for sales on this prime day. I really enjoy a lot of her workouts, and most of the newer ones are some of her best. I'm super happy with how well Rocket is doing with his training. I have had opportunities to take him off leash on our morning walks. This morning was the first time we did the whole walk off leash.

    Laurel, I'm sure that you are out enjoying the sunshine.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Fun/tough BootCamp class last night. We did upper body work again; lots of push-ups, KB swings with heavy weights and then shoulder work, bi’s/tri’s a little legs and of course cardio in between all of it. This a.m. was Chisel Agility; I have an appt. right after work so no Insanity, but depending on what time I get done I might try to get in a little something at home.

    Thelma: You are doing fabulous with STS!! How are you liking your new weights now that you have used them for a little while? I still would like to do a BB/H&C rotation one day as well; I think it would be a lot of fun and great workouts combined. Bernie is a little cutie I think too. So funny. DH is happy as well on the area being much cooler and not breathing in smoke this year. I was going to say the same thing as Laurie about your STS Legs DVD’s, so just double check on that :wink:

    Laurie: Fun workout this a.m.! I bet it felt great. Love those Blizzard Blasts and MM’s. I think I remember you talking about her rescue dog maybe once before; sounds very sweet and I bet Rocket loves the visits. I’m going to have to take a peak at Amazon tonight for their “Prime Day”. Thanks for the reminder! LOL

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did Intensity. I hadn't done this workout in a very long time. I had a hard time with the choreography in the beginning but I eventually got it.

    Laurie, sorry you're so busy with work! Great timesaver choice this morning!
    Thanks for letting me know about the squat rack workouts. I'll have to check tomorrow but I could swear that it had the same numbers as the Meso 3 28-36 case. It doesn't have the numbers on the side of the cover like the other cases do so I had to open it. i hope you can find good deals on prime day! I order an Instant Pot because they had it for $69.99 which is a 42% savings! The Skinny Taste lady uses it a lot so I wanted to try it.

    I joined Prime for this month so I could get the deal with the pot! LOL I'll cancel next month. I just can't see myself paying $99 a year. I wasn't given a chance to do a trial version.

    Are you saying the training Rocket is getting with the invisible fence is also helping when he's outside the yard boundary? That is really good about being able to take him for a walk off leash!

    Tami, great workouts Tami! Glad Katy offered a killer class for you! LOL
    Thanks so much for the kudos on my STS routine. I am really happy that I'm doing so well too. I do like the new dumbbells but I use the barbell whenever possible. I'm sure your husband is thankful to not have to be breathing smoke this year! I'll definitely have to check those STS leg workouts!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Again no workout yesterday, got home late again and since we have been lacking water around here, I got out the hose to water all the plants. Up by my parents they received so much rain that it washed out a major highway just 10 miles away from them. This morning was ICE Metabolic Total Body, this one is one of my favorites in the series.

    Tami, Sounds like a great Bootcamp class. It looks like she really makes sure that the upper body is worked good during that session. Great job on the H&C workout also. I really like the muscle meltdown's in the workout, and want to try some type of rotation that incorporates them. I'm going to be on vacation next week, so I should have some time to create a fun rotation with them.

    Thelma, Nice job getting through the beginning of that workout. The choreo is why I don't attempt that workout to often. You will have to let us know how you like the Instant Pot, because I have been eyeing that up also. You got that for an awesome price. Yes the fence is helping with Rockets other training, because when I say NO he stops what he is doing and listens to me. At first I though we were crazy to get a puppy, but he is fast turning into a really great dog that is smart and easy to train.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited July 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ Didn’t get another workout in last night when I got home, but that felt ok to me. Today is Chisel Cardio and Spinning after work!

    Thelma: Great job with Intensity, that is always a tough one! I haven’t done it in a very long time, but it is SO good! I can even do the choreography in that one ….. which makes me smile. LOL So did you end up with that fabulously priced Pressure Cooker? That’s a great deal. I looked on Amazon last night, briefly but resisted purchasing anything. I forgot to answer you yesterday about DH being gone so much. Yes, it is tough at times but I have gotten use to it over the years. It’s hard when he gets back and he is so tired and then busy on weekends cleaning and putting things away for hours; preparing for the next round. So even when he is home I don’t really get a lot of quality time with him. I guess I should have enjoyed the time while he was on the couch every day after his surgery ..... LOL although that was a stressful time, so I don't wish for it back.

    Those Squat Rack Legs workouts are great …. Only 8 reps but max weight; I use my weighted vest in those for additional weight. There are long, 90 second breaks in between sets.

    Laurie: Great work with ICE Total Body, it is a great one and I use that warm-up a lot during these H&C/21DFX workouts for a nice, but not too long all over warm-up. She does get our upper body good in that BootCamp class so far. YOWSA on all the push-ups and then weighted work back-to-back, but all good stuff. Can’t wait to hear what kind of a rotation you come up with using the BB/Muscle Meltdowns! Will you be going anywhere next week?

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Quick check-in. This is DH's last full week off this summer. Can you believe that?!! He has two days of training next week and then back to part-time the last week in July before going back full-time the week after. So we are trying to enjoy the time together as much as we can right now......on the golf course, of course! But I have also been working out each day. This is my last week of the first phase of Body Beast so, so far, I have done both Tempo workouts (which I love) and Build Legs. I have done some good cardio each day as well. Today was IMAX3, which is such a tough one! We had a golf course to ourselves this afternoon, which was fantastic! We are alternating riding and walking days during these high temps (still in the mid-90s with high humidity), but the heat isn't bothering me this week like it was last week. I think I have adapted to it. We went to my in-laws on Saturday and I absolutely froze in their AC!! That's a first!

    Tami, great workouts! Sounds like the new BC format under Katy is a good one. At least she seems to be mixing things up a bit. Love the new photo! What a cutie. I don't know how you workout with that face looking at you. I would want to cuddle him!! Glad your DH's fishing is going okay so far this season. Just after I asked about your temps, I saw the highs up there in the 60s and 70s. Much more 'normal' this year. I bet that is very welcome.

    Thelma, glad to hear your back is feeling better. Squats can be tough on it, that's for sure. Thank you SO much for posting that video of the Fit Tower. I caught the news of the presale on Cathe's Facebook page but didn't get a chance to watch the video. I am very excited about this!

    Laurie, sorry to hear work is a bother right now. But great job with the workouts. I did Rock'm Sock'm yesterday, and it is such a good workout. I think the worst thing about summer in Florida is you don't know when--or if--it will end. I could take the constant summer heat and humidity better if I knew in a couple of months it would go away. I really don't mind hot weather in summer. But last year we didn't cool off until after Christmas!! And it is still sweating in November that has me wondering if this is the place for me. We will see how this year goes.

    I will check-in over the next week when I can!!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, just wanted to say a quick hello and to tell you that you're all doing AWESOME with your workouts!
    My back is a mess! My lower back went into major muscle spasms today when I got home. It usually relaxes during the day but not today. When I got home I used the heating pad and this electric muscle stimulation thingy I have and I think it made things worse. It was so bad that I almost had a hard time walking. I managed to get myself on the floor so DH could massage me and things got better. Then I decided to stretch when I felt pretty normal and things got tight again. So I'm thinking I'll take a break from STS this week and will do this week workouts next week (hopefully).

    Laurie, that is wonderful news on Rocket's training outside the invisible fence! You got a smart boy for sure!

    Tami, I did get the One Pot! I couldn't resist that deal! I'm sure it's tough not having your DH home but work is work right?

    Laurel, great workouts and I'm sure your golf game has gotten much better with all the practice you've been getting. You would totally freeze at my house! LOL
    I am excited about the tower too and specially the barbell holder part!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did ICE Metabolic Total Body Blast, MM Chest and Icy Core 1. On that workout, there is no premix with just those items. I know that they are on the other workouts. Oh well, I just had to improvise after the warm-up. No workout this morning, I had a bad night of sleeping. Will get my workout in after work, even if I have to do it late. We have a staff meeting off site today, so I hope it doesn't go to long because the place they picked out is downtown Milw. Getting out of that area during rush hour is not fun.

    Tami, I'm sure that your workout was a good one yesterday. We are headed to TN for the Oldsmobile Nationals, and we are driving the '68 442 without air cond. Should be an interesting ride, just hope that it isn't to hot along the way. I really like the the idea of doing these ICE workouts with either the cardio in the morning or the weight work done in the morning, and the cardio portion after work. That means that I would be doing the warm ups and stretching twice a day, but so far it hasn't been to bad.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts and golfing. Imax 3 is a tough one for sure. It's interesting how our bodies adjust to temps, this summer has been hot and humid around here so a bit different than what we have had for the last couple of years. I have been enjoying it, well except for at night. Then I need the fan and a/c. Hope that the temps do go down a little. Wow that time really flew by, but then you will be getting back into a routine again with your DH back at work. This is the first time in years that I have worried about going on vacation, there is just so much going on right now.

    Thelma, So sorry to hear about your back, but it sounds like you are taking care of it. Do let us know how your One Pot works out!

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Had a great Spin class last night, despite low attendance. Looks like nobody is planning on being there on Friday evening, just with other plans, vacations, etc..... I am planning on going on a ride Friday evening with my girlfriend again after work, so that will be good. Today’s workout(s) I am doing after work, because I have the house to myself and “can” …. vs my early a.m. workout. Looking forward to it.

    Laurel: Sounds like you are having some amazing time with your DH, that is awesome and tolerating your hot muggy weather as well. Outstanding job on the workouts as always. Yes, Bernie is a doll face forsure and he looks at me with those BIG eyes …. I usually try not to look or I will have to pause and do some loves. Which just makes him anxious for more and usually then he gets on the mat again & the process starts all over. LOL

    Thelma: So sorry to hear your back is a mess, darn it …. I thought you were on the home stretch to recovery. Probably a little more rest will help. Can’t wait to hear how your One Pot goes and how you like it. My sister received one as a gift from my mom at Christmas, I think she has only used it one time. I keep forgetting to ask her how she liked it and if she has used it again. Yes, work is work forsure and he works hard when he is fishing forsure.

    Laurie: Another great ICE combo for you yesterday. I wish there was a pre-mix of all the MM’s or all the BB’s. Wouldn’t that be a great workout for either?!? Sorry to hear you had a bad night of sleep ….. I’ve been there so many time. Hopefully tonight goes better for you. Probably being worried about leaving work is not helping matters. I hope you can relax and enjoy once you are off.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! When I woke up this morning I was very stiff but nothing like Wednesday. I felt pretty good during he day but decided to go to the chiropractor. He adjusted my back and came home and walked on the treadmill. I am going back to see him on Monday after work.

    Laurie, great job putting together your own ICE premix! I hope that offsite meeting ended on time and that getting out of there wasn't too bad.
    I will let you know the One Pot. Can't wait to get it.

    Tami, awesome workouts! I hope you're able to do that ride tomorrow.
    I really thought I was well on my way to 100% recovery too but I hope to be better next week. I will let you know about the One Pot. I make bean soup once a month in the pressure cooker next time I'll make it in the one pot next time!

    Good night ladies!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Super busy day, so this may be short. Got in my workout yesterday with ICE Low Impact Sweat, BB, MM Back. This morning was ICE Chiseled Lower Body.

    Tami, Glad to hear the spin class was a good one. I'm sure that you had a great workout at home also. I was thinking those would be good premixes also. Makes me tempted to get her subscription so I can use the workout manager for that purpose. Had a great night sleep, it got down to 60 deg last night, so really comfortable.

    Thelma, Nice getting in that treadmill walk. Glad to hear that your not so stiff also. The meeting only went 7 min. over, so not to bad. As soon as it was done, I headed out the door though.

    Have a great weekend, and I should be able to chat at some point next week. I'm planning on taking yoga with me.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a great weekend. We had a busy weekend and I was babying my back. I think it's better but I'm still getting stiff. When I wake up in the morning I'm very stiff so I use the heating pad to help things relax. Things get better as the day goes on. I'm going to see the chiropractor tomorrow. I think I'm going to try STS tomorrow again but I'll use lighter weights just to test the waters.
    On Friday I did Rock'm Sock'm premix Less Kicks, LIS Yoga Relax, on Saturday Brazil Butt Lift Cardio Axe, STS Extended Stretch and today I took the day off.
    My Instant Pot came on Friday. We washed it and I used it on Saturday and made a modified recipe called Easy Crock Pot Chicken and Black Bean Taco Salad. I used ground turkey, I added green peppers, two diced zucchini, chili powder, garlic and I added a beef flavored bullion cube. I sauteed the peppers and onions and browned the meat using the saute setting in the Instant Pot. The sauteing part was what took about 20-25 minutes. Then I put the lid on an it took about 10 minutes for the meal to be ready You have the choice to manually release the pressure or wait 10-15 minutes. I can't believe how tasty it was! The food was so tasty! The little broth in the dish was very tasty. It tasted as if it had been simmering for hours. Today we used it to steam broccoli. Too one minute but this doesn't include the couple of minutes of warmup. I read on Facebook that the price I paid for this machine was the lowest the machine has ever been sold for.

    Laurie, great job getting those workouts in! So glad your offsite meeting didn't go over too long.

    Hi Tami and Laurel!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Monday ~ Weekend was pretty good. DH came home shortly after I arrived back from an early bike ride on Saturday with my friend and we had breakfast; this is my friend that has the 2 yr old and was borrowing a bike. We rode 20 miles and then yesterday I rode with my other friend who has been going with me and we are doing the ride together August 6th. She and I rode 30 miles yesterday. Both were early a.m. rides so back in time to have our whole day but boy was I tired last night. Went to bed early and decided to do today’s workout after work. Probably at home because we have a big storm coming and DH already left again back to his fishing spot. Quick trip home I know …. I thought he was staying until Wednesday and then go back but I guess not. So house to myself again. Seemed really strange to not get in my regular workouts so I am picking up tonight from where I left off. I realize 50 miles on a bike is good exercise, just different not getting in my usuals. LOL

    Thelma: Sounds like you are doing all the right things for your back and being able to get in workouts while you are still feeling the pain in your back. Hopefully the chiropractor visits can help relieve some of the tension for you. Your One Pot sounds like it worked amazingly and again, SO good on that special “one-time” price through Amazon! I love it when that happens.

    Laurie: I hope you have an amazing vacation OFF work! Enjoy and try to relax.

    Laurel – Hope you are enjoying your DH and the golf course!

    Until tomorrow ~ Tami