Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I can't believe all the progress I'm making with H&C in the last couple of weeks! Tonight I did X10 w/u and Total Body Chisel. I went up on all the exercises except for biceps and now I know I could've increased my weight but I didn't push myself. With the incline flyes I started with 10lbs and I was able to do 15lbs today. The bench press was sort of the same in the beginning I was doing 12lbs and tonight I went for 18 lbs. That is huge for me! I did irritate my shoulder a little but I know that my pecs are tight and that is the problem. Applying heat and took some Aleve. Anyway, I'm excited about my new found strength. Had to dig out socks, a sweater and a lite jacket for today! It was cold! Now that we've gotten used to warm weather dropping into the upper low 40's feels pretty cold. It was very windy and that is what made it feel extra cold.

    Laurie, congrats to your DD! So glad she did so well! Great workouts! I can't believe you had frost and snowflakes!
    Thanks on the congrats Laurie. I can't believe how all of a sudden I'm more comfortable with upping the weights. I definitely want to revisit these two programs. I want to an STS rotation for a little while and then I think I want to do a BB/H&C hybrid rotation.

    Laurel, glad you had a nice weekend and that it helped put your mind in a better place. What a great combo you put together today! Congrats on going up on weights and keeping up with all those pushups!
    Thanks so much on the congrats. I really have improved and I'm very happy about that.

    Tami, OMG! I'm so happy you guys won the grand prize! That is too funny about your husband's perfect time to decide to get up to stretch his legs! LOL. Congrats! It's a good thing you have all that time to use the trip! I'm happy about Emma's bloodwork too! Great workouts too!

    Thank you Tami for the congrats on conquering Chisel Balance. It definitely moved to the non-dread column! AWWWWW! on the baby Lab! I bet it was adorable! Can't wait till we retire so we can have a dog. My co-worker just adopted two dogs from somewhere in the South. I guess some people there are not very kind to dogs. One of the dogs was shot and she walked around like that for two weeks until someone found her and paid for her veterinary care. she is the sweetest dog too! So glad she found a good forever home.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work was BB Bulk Arms and that was all the time I had to get a workout in. Rocket and I (well me really) decided to go to Petco to just take a look around, and we picked up some food and a new treat. This thing is great, and I highly recommend it for a dog that loves to chew. Star Mark Everlasting Treat. Rocket was occupied with this thing all evening trying to figure out how to get the treat out. :D He carried it down stairs this morning, and was busy while I was working out too. This morning was 30MTF Your Best Body Workout 1.

    Laurel, Awesome job on the workouts! I'm always surprised how much better push ups are after one has tried heavy weight work. The form is better, and they don't seem to be as hard. I'm impressed with you adding in those Hardcore workouts also. Having the barbell will be nice, it gives a nice variety from lifting just dumbbells. For chest and back work it sure is nice. When I have a chance to do another STS rotation, I will try it that way. Sure seems like it would be a lot more effective.

    Tami, Congrats on winning that trip! You both really deserve having a vacation like that. Great job on the workouts! This is the first short haircut that I have liked on me, the others just didn't look good. The morning routine sure has change for the better, hardly have to do anything with it. Glad to hear that Emma test came out well. Got to love those pups.

    Thelma, Congrats to you for again upping those weights! I'm so glad that the H&C workouts have a place in your workout regime for the future. I know that it was one of the best rotations that I have done in a while. Following them up with STS is a great idea, I'm guessing that you will do the Meso 2 first like Laurel did? Sounds like you got some of the weather that we had on Saturday. Lot's of dogs come from the south, they don't have no kill shelters down there. Our humane society get a lot of dogs from states like that. Rocket is from Missouri, and they don't have enough space in the few no kills that they have down there.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Another good workout today. I started with STS Disk 2/Back and Triceps. Cathe's pace in this workout is SO much better than it is in Disk 1 (which I think she filmed in fast forward :p ) so I was really able to take the weight up a notch. It felt fantastic. I followed it with another Hardcore Extreme workout, this one combining IMAX3 and High Step Challenge. I am happy I revisited all those Hardcore Extreme workouts because while they are a bit long (70 minutes) they are really good. With the humidity rising here as rain moves in, I was drenched by the end of my workout today.

    Tami, congratulations!! That is amazing!! My sister and her family have really enjoyed their time in Cancun. That will be so much fun!! Great workouts this weekend. I am happy that Emma's blood work went well. I do have a really good set-up in our house for my workouts. My in-laws think we are slightly crazy for having based a house purchase in part on a workout room but my DH is more than supportive in it. I am very fortunate with that, that's for sure.

    Thelma, great job with your workout! I am so happy your opinion on H&C turned around. I had the absolute same experience where at first I was pretty lukewarm on them then all of a sudden----bam!! Like you, I had such great improvements that I couldn't help but love them. Let me know if you have any questions about STS. I was thinking about you Sunday when I did Disk 1, remembering that you kept repeating injuries with this one. It is no wonder since Cathe moves a super high speed in it. I still definitely recommend starting the program some place else than there.

    Laurie, nice workout. Sounds like a fun trip to Petco too! Now Rocket has something to do while you workout. I really am looking forward to getting a barbell. I like using mostly Dumbbells, but sometimes the different hand positions that a barbell allows would be nice. I also think I could go heavier with a barbell in some areas, so I am anxious to try that. I may even try to get one before the tower because, based on what Thelma said about her experience with a barbell in Body Beast, I would like to have one for my next BB rotation. My birthday is next week, so maybe that will be one of my birthday presents to me. :p

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Another great Leg workout this a.m. with BUILD Legs. I think the BB Leg workouts feel tough since they are only 1 time a week. H&C will be an eye opener for my legs when I start doing those again. Tonight will be Katy’s Insane-X class; I’m sure it will be a toughy.

    Laurel: Fabulous job again today! Sounds like those HC Xtreme workouts are tough ones! Great job taking the weights upThanks for the congrats! Super fun that we won that. Still seems like it didn’t happen. I absolutely LOVE that your DH is so supportive of that workout room. So great. Thanks for the feedback on Cancun, we have never been to Mexico so good to hear nice things!

    Laurie: Darling that you took a special trip to PetCo and found just the perfect chewie treat. I will have to try and find those. Our dogs inhale treats of any kind; Emma a little slower on them now but still. They are gone within a short period of time for the $$. Nicely done getting in Bulk Arms as well and 30MTF this a.m.

    Thelma: WOW! Only a couple more weeks of H&C. Sounds like you are ending it in strong form and enjoying it now! I am so glad. Going right into STS will be a great plan of action for you. I bet with all your strength gains you will enjoy it more this time. I cannot wait to do some more H&C real soon for myself. OMG on the poor dog and thank goodness your co-worker could adopt them. I would adopt so many animals if I could. Breaks my heart when I hear stories like that.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did Rock'm Sock'm w/u, Blizzard Blast, ISO Speed Hammer. I upped some of my weights on this workout too.

    Laurie, sounds like you found a great solution so you can do your yoga workouts now with that chew toy for Rocket! LOL It must've been so funny watching him with that toy. Was he good at Petco? Great job with your workouts!
    Thanks so much for the congrats! I'm glad the H&C workouts have earned a place in my heart! LOL. I will start with Meso 2 for sure. I didn't realize there weren't enough no kill shelters in the south. My co-worker was telling me people there don't treat pets like family like in other parts of the country. So sad!

    Laurel, fabulous workout! High Step Challenge! WOW! Great job! How much water do you drink during your workouts?
    I'm glad I feel so much better about H&C too. I will definitely ask you if I have questions on STS. Whenever I get to STS Disc 1 I will have to use lighter weights and pay attention to form. I will start with Disc 2 as you suggested before. I was just looking at what I thought was a "rotation design in progress". All I had was a spreadsheet with STS worksheets. I need to work on a rotation ASAP. Laurel, I highly recommend that EZ curl barbell!

    Tami, great workouts! I'm sure Katy's insane class was a toughy one! I am happy with my progress with H&C. Next week is my last week! WOW! I can't believe it!
    It breaks my heart to hear animal abuse stories. I cried at work when my coworker was telling me about the dog.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work was Beast Cardio! This morning was 30MTF Kickbox Workout 1. Rocket spent most of the day with his new treat toy, and finally finished the treat that was inside. He did have most of the day to work on it, because youngest was home all day. He was carrying around the empty toy and looking at me, guess we will have to go to Petco again to get some treat inserts.

    Laurel, Again awesome job on those workouts! Looks like you have hit on a really great way to do STS since you are able to up weights. I have a straight barbell, but I think I would go with the kind that Sagi uses, and the one Thelma bought. Probably easier on the wrist with that option. Sounds like a really nice birthday gift to yourself. So I have changed my mind again, and I'm thinking that the Jillian workouts would work so much better with P90X2, just by looking at the rotation and workouts. I'm going to do H&C next mixed in with Cathe and other instructor workouts. I have only two weeks left of BB workouts, so we will see how that works out.

    Tami, Great job on the leg workout! Those H&C workouts really work those legs, so you probably are right on having a different feeling when you start doing those. Those treat carriers are expensive for the large dogs ($20 ea.), but it really does provide endless enjoyment for our kids. We usually give Rocket a Kong with a couple of treats and peanut butter in it. He drops that on the floor, and then the treats come out. It was funny to see him dropping and dropping this treat, and the results where not what he wanted. Those kids are so funny to watch while they figure things out.

    Thelma, You are rocking those H&C workouts! Again great job on upping those weights. You are right, he will be occupied for my yoga workouts, I never even thought of that. Now I will have to make sure that I start incorporating them again, because I had stopped after he started walking under me every time I was in down dog. It's hard to hold a pose, when you have a pup licking your face! He was really good at Petco, so we are going again on Thursday. I just want more of his shyness out, and bringing him places was one recommendation. I just have to find more places that allow dogs, so he doesn't start thinking that going places equals treats. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. Because I only have three weeks to do the four weeks of Meso 1 (since we are headed back to Phoenix in a few weeks), I jumped right into week 2 today with STS Disk 4. I felt really strong for the first part so really took the weights up......and then paid for it in the second half of the workout where I struggled! :o But it felt good. I also promised myself to do all of the STS Ab workouts during this Mesocycle, so I followed it with STS Stability Ball Abs. For cardio, it was back to the Hardcore Series and Low Max. This one really challenges my patience because I find it boring, but it was the right workout for today after those tough Hardcore Extreme workouts the last few days.

    Tami, hope Insane X wasn't too insane last night! Hopefully you didn't have to carry a 35lb kettlebell around this week. I haven't been to Mexico in 40 :o years, but my sister has been down there quite a few times with her family. They have spent quite a bit of time in both Cozemel and Cancun. Next time I talk to her, I will try to remember to ask her if she has any insight. But since you are staying at the Westin, I would think you would be perfectly happy enjoying what that resort has to offer (if it is a typical Westin). Sounds like a perfect winter getaway!

    Thelma, great workout! Love to hear you continue to feel comfortable upping the weight. That has to be a good feeling. I don't drink too much water when I workout, to be honest. I drink more during strength training than cardio, but I always keep it to light sips regardless of the type of workout I am doing. But right after my workout I drink a lot!! I would say in the hour after completing my workout, I consume about 1/3 of my daily water intake. That's what works best for me because I don't really like working out with a water-filled tummy. And, btw, if you are going to start with Meso 2 of STS, I think you will be starting with Disk 13 (you mentioned Disk 2, but Meso 2 is Disks 13-24 of the series).

    Laurie, great workouts. Thanks for the input in the EZ Bar vs straight bar. I think I will look into that because it has the added benefit of being shorter than most standard barbells. That helps with the storage issue I have. Sounds like a good plan for your next rotation. I am toying with starting Body Beast earlier than I had planned so I can get a month of H&C in (in some format) before P90X2. I think that would help with all the core work that starts that program. I guess I need to get to figuring it out soon because STS is going to be over before I know it!

    See you tomorrow.


  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hello Ladies ~ Last night’s class was not “over the top insane”, but it was a good class! Kind of nice to not be brutal every time in my opinion. It reminded me more of a Cross Fit type workout. We did handstands @ 45 second holds 3 times, or you could do plank holds; i chose the handstands. Jump rope @ 50 revolutions 3 times, squats with KB snatches @ 3 sets of 10 (HEAVY), then squats to overhead press, push-ups, and abwork, this is 1 Round. The last things I mentioned went up in reps each round. We did a total of 5 rounds at our own pace, but we had to move quickly. This a.m. was Body Beast Total Body and tonight I will head to Spinning for a little cardio.

    Laurel: Great workout this a.m. Sounds like you will be packing a lot of STS into the next several weeks before you leave again. How’s your mom doing? To answer your question ….. YES on the 35 LB kettleball, however this time it was squat and snatch at your chest as you come up, so 2-hands was helpful! LOL Thanks for asking your sister on Mexico. Yes, I think in any country, the Westin’s are usually very nice so we probably will stay right there. OF course DH will be checking out a fishing trip while there. It will be a perfect winter getaway forsure!

    Laurie: Fabulous work on Beast Cardio! That one flies right along forsure and another good one this a.m. sounds like. Love that the treat for Rocket lasted that long. Can’t believe we are narrowing down on this BB rotation. Sounds like we will continue doing a similar rotation of workouts with H&C and “others”; as I mentioned the other day I will definitely do the 21 Day Fix XT with H&C and see what that workout rotation manager site comes up with for me! Should be good. I will probably plug in some Cathe here and there if I can as well.

    Thelma: Do you feel like you have gained core strength through the H&C series, along with legs and endurance? I’m so happy to hear that the program was one you grew to love. Great job getting in ISO Speed Hammer and going up . . . AGAIN! Can’t even wrap my mind around pets not being family. No matter what kind they are. I would have cried too. I get teary on the AHPCA commercials on TV.

    Have a great evening ladies, talk to you tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did X10 w/u, ISO Strength Chisel. Today I was also able to up my weights which was great.

    Laurie, nice workouts! Glad Rocket is enjoying his new treat so much! I can't believe you didn't associate the treat toy with being able to do yoga! LOL
    Hopefully you'll find other places that you can take Rocket to besides the "treat" place!

    Laurel, wow! Amazing workout and strategy to get the weeks of STS into 3 weeks!
    It really feels good to be able to up my weights. I always drink about 3 cups of water during my workouts. Thanks for clarifying where I need to start with Meso 2: disc 13. Now I understand why the workout sheets I got start with disc 13!!! LOL. All I could think of last night was why do my sheets start with disc 13?

    Tami, glad your insane class wasn't too hard last night. It still sounds like a tough workout!
    I feel that I have gained a little core strength but my abs still need serious work. My legs are stronger for sure.
    I can't even begin to imagine pets as anything but family members.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Have to really pay attention to the rotation on this phase so that I do the right workout :D . After work was Build Shoulders, and I upped the weights by a half pound. This morning was Bulk Chest, don't know if I will be able to get in a workout after work so decided to do my weight workout this morning. Then if I do have time, I can do whatever I feel like. Was looking at the web last night and found this Body Beast rotation, and it really looks good. I have the Weider workouts that are listed, and have been wanting to use them in some type of rotation. This one looks like it might be fun. Will put this one down for a future rotation. Like that there are Cathe and Piyo workouts in it also.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts! The LowMax is a step workout that is my pace. :D , but then you are used to the Extreme workouts (which I will never do)! Can't believe you are so close to being done with your current rotation. Looks like all of us are at the end of our current rotations. I have calculated that I can do a month of the H&C workouts, and then some more heavy weight workouts. The above rotation just might be a good one to try out. Really have enjoyed all these BB workouts.

    Tami, Sounds like a good class, and nice job on the BB Total Body workout. I'm planning on doing that one also, have not tried it yet. That sounds like a solid plan with H&C and the workout scheduler. I've been thinking of using that option for the next 4 week session. Might plug in some of the other workout systems that I have, and see what comes up. Sounds like your vacation is going to be a good one.

    Thelma, Congrats again on upping the weights! The next rotation will now have to include yoga, just to see how Rocket may or may not be distracted by his new toy.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today started with STS Disk 6/Legs, and it felt really good. So, for cardio, I did IMAX3, which is just a killer for me. But I enjoyed it today, despite being drenched in sweat throughout. But I am wondering how my legs will feel tomorrow. :o:)

    Tami, that sounds like a really good class. At least the return of the 35lb kettlebell wasn't quite so bad as last time. Thanks for asking about my mom. She is doing okay. My BIL was down there Monday and Tuesday and got her back to her house for a few minutes to pick up some things. She has her good days and bad days, but at least she hasn't had the same breathing problems she had while we were there (knock on wood). She gets lots of visits from her friends, and that makes me happy. And she is happy in her group home (loves the food they serve!). So, all in all, better than I expected two weeks ago today when I thought we were going to lose her. I am anxious to get back down there, though.

    Thelma, great workout. You drink a lot of water through your workouts!! That is really good for you. Glad I said something about the STS Disks!! I can imagine you looking at your rotation wondering why you were starting a rotation on Disk 13! So maybe your rotation is better planned than you originally thought.

    Laurie, great workouts. Thanks for the rotation. It has a lot of variety in it, which I like. I have saved it because I might try something similar this next time I do BB. I don't have the Weider workouts (though I have read they are fantastic), but I want to incorporate Insanity Max 30 and T25 into my next program, and with the format of this rotation, I think I can sub them in quite easily for the workouts I don't have.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did ICE Low Impact Sweat Cardio 1, Hammer Conditioning, Stretch. For the low Impact Sweat workout I did the warm up in the beginning, then Hammer, then the rest of the low impact cardio then stretch.

    Laurie, congrats on upping your weights! Great job! I can't believe you found the 2lazy4tym website! I was looking for an STS rotation and found that site too! It does look like a good rotation! Can't wait till you try a yoga workout to hear about Rocky's behavior. Hopefully he won't be bored with the toy by then!

    Laurel, great workouts today! I'm so glad your mom is doing better and loving her new home!
    So I was looking for an STS rotation (I actually had an undulating rotation BTW) and found that lazy4gym website. It has descriptions of each of the STS workouts and it has a rotation idea at the bottom. I think I can use that rotation as an idea because I don't have all those workouts.

    I am concerned about the length of the STS workouts given my limited time. I hope it's not bad to two STS back-to-back days on Friday and Saturday.
    I am really glad you mentioned that I had start on Meso 2 not Disc 2!

    Good night ladies and have a great weekend!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited May 2016
    Morning Ladies,

    Didn't get in an additional workout yesterday, just got home to late. This morning I had the urge to do a step workout. :o I couldn't believe that I was in that type of mood, and the workout that appealed to me was X10 Step. Really do enjoy that one for short, easy step routine, but dang hard. We are told that it is going to be a very nice weekend, hope that happens.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts! Can't imagine how you did a leg workout, and them an Imax! That Imax is really tough! So glad to hear your Mom is enjoying the group home. LOL about enjoying the food, that is a bonus. The variety is what appealed to me also with that rotation, I need that to keep me motivated to do workouts. Plus it gives me a chance to use some workouts that I don't pull out to often. I think subbing the Ruthless workouts with Max 30 and T25 would be a great sub, since those Ruthless workouts are all body weight.

    Thelma, Nice combo of workouts! Way to funny that you found that web site also. I wonder if she just recently posted those rotations, so that is why they showed up when I goggled Body Beast rotations. I did see that she has the rotations for each two week stretch, and then also has a rotation that she uses a ton of different DVD's that she has. She has one that is glute focused. I don't have a lot of the workouts she has on there, but I'm sure that just reading her reviews, would give you an idea of what type of workout to sub in. This morning Rocket had his new toy, and his rawhide downstairs. He started chewing on the new toy, and then as I'm doing the warm up, he puts the toy on the step. :D Before I was done with the warm-up, he headed upstairs with the toy. He came back down without the toy, and proceeded to chew on the rawhide. Go figure! :D

    Tami, Hope all is well with you!

    Have a great weekend,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I finished the week with a good, tough workout. I started with STS Disk 5/Back and Triceps. I was able to go up in weight on all of the exercises! :o I was very surprised by that, especially since I have done both weeks 1 and 2 this week. I am absolutely loving doing Meso 1 to finish the program, that's for sure. Anyhow, for cardio, I put together my own 'Hardcore Extreme' workout. I started with the warm-up from High Step Challenge, then did all of the cardio segments from that workout, then did the Interval Only premix from IMAX3, then did the cardio blast section from Kick Max (and the cool down/stretch as well). All totaled, it was slightly under 60 minutes but TOUGH!! I followed it with STS Pilates Based Abs which felt perfect after the tough cardio.

    Thelma, great workout!! I am going to share some unsolicited thoughts on STS if you don't mind. The workouts are long, especially some in Meso 2, ringing in at 70 minutes. If you need to in Meso 2, you can cut the workouts down into 2 parts. It is the only part of STS this works for because it is the only section that works each body part separately. In other words, you do all the exercises for one body part and then move on to the other body, so it is easy to make it a one body part (or 2) workout, similar to the Body Beast Bulk Section. My recommendation, though, is to try to do the rotation this way: Day 1/STS upper body; Day 2/Cardio; Day 3/STS Leg; Day 4/Cardio; Day 5/STS Upper Body; Day 6/Cardio; Day 7/rest or whatever non-weighted workout you choose. Of course you can move it around, but the idea is to have one day between each STS workout and legs in between the upper body workouts. I suggest this because it puts the longest workouts (which are the upper body workouts in Meso 2 and 3) on opposite sides of the week so one may fall on a weekend (if you have more time on the weekend that is). It also gives you a lot of choices for cardio workouts, breaking up the sameness of STS. It looks to me like the rotation you posted put the two STS workouts on consecutive days so she could do a second strength-based cardio circuit workout during the week. I do the same thing now. However, my first time through with STS, I did it like I posted above and it worked miracles for me (and, no, I am not exaggerating!). I really think you will find you don't need more strength work than this, at least initially. This, of course, doesn't mean you can't follow some of the cardio options listed in the rotation. But where she has a circuit workout that focuses on using weights, I would suggest a purer, non-weighted (or lightly weighted) cardio option. If you are struggling choosing cardio, I also recommend what I have been doing which is choosing a program for each week. For instance, you could choose XTrain for your first week, and your three cardio workouts would be Hard Strikes (cardio section only), Tabatacise, and All Out Low Impact HiiT. The next week may be RWH. I know you don't like the Plyo HiiT workouts in that series, but you could do the two low impact HiiT workouts and on your third day, do one of the premixes combining the two. You could do the same with ICE and whatever other workouts you have. If you only have 3-4 weeks you can do problem. Just repeat. What I like about this is it gives me variety but it also limits my choices each week (so I am not staring at my DVDs for hours). Again, just some unsolicited thoughts. Hope you don't mind. :)

    Laurie, great workout. That step workout is no joke. It is such a tough one, especially since she takes her bench height up to 12" for the weight section. I have a tendency to go to 10" instead, which is plenty. Good stuff! Hope you have some good weather this weekend. We are hot and surprise there! :p But I like it.

    Tami, hope you are well.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited May 2016
    Where did my post go from yesterday?!?!!? :neutral::neutral: Luckily I had it saved:

    Hi Ladies ~ Last night was Spinning and it was unusually warm in that room last night; Katy even commented, which I was glad it wasn’t just me and then the guy next to me said something. At any rate, despite the muggy-ness it was a good class. Going to get in my BB workout after work tonight for today’s workout.

    Laurel: Fabulous job! I bet your legs were feeling it at the end. Those IMAX workouts are tough! I’m glad to hear your mom is having some good days along with better breathing and I bet she enjoyed going out and getting a few more things from her home. Great that she likes the food! That is a huge bonus. I bet you are very anxious to see her again.

    Laurie: This phase really does mix it up doesn’t it!?! I am enjoying the variety forsure. Thanks for posting that rotation, I will copy it down for future rotations as well. I like how there are a few workout systems mixed together. I liked that BB Total Body workout yesterday, that was my first time with it. The time flew by.

    Thelma: Another day down with Strength Chisel and upping the weights! That’s fabulous. Glad you are feeling the strength gains forsure. Getting all ready for STS, anxious to hear how it goes for you this time, again I am sure it will be a much better experience for you.

    Here’s today’s message to you all ……

    Happy Friday! Last night's workout didn't happen. I actually got all the way, was changing and had to go back to the office. By the time I got home again there was no time. So . . This a.m. was BULK Back followed by Cathe’s Tri-Sets Back/Bi’s/Core section from that workout. This was a great combo. I will head to Spinning tonight after work.

    Laurel: Fabulous job on STS Back/Bis’ today; especially going up in weights on all. Sounds like a very TOUGH, TOUGH cardio this a.m.! Yowsa . . . nicely done and you always amaze me!
    Laurie: Way to go on getting in that X10 Step workout this a.m.! I bet it felt great since you were in the mood for some step.

    Thelma: Sounds like you put together a nice combo last night. Way to go!!!! I think Laurel gave you some fantastic advice on STS. Make it work for you Thelma.

    Have a great weekend ladies ~ talk to you on Monday! Tami
    (p.s. hope this all posts this time)
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a nice weekend. We had a nice, quiet and busy weekend. I pushed myself really hard this weekend with my workouts. Went up in weights too. On Friday I did XT10 w/u, H&C Chisel Cardio, on Saturday I did XT10 w/u, H&C Total Body Hammer. Today I actually did X10 w/u, Chisel Endurance! I am hoping I can finish the rotation on Friday morning before we go away for the long weekend. I've been working on my STS worksheets. It's taking me forever but I won't have to do it again since I'll have them on a massive spreadsheet. I am going to use the rotation that the 2lazy4thegym website has. I have to modify it though to add my own cardio.

    Laurie, WOW! I can't believe you felt like doing a step workout! Great job!
    Funny about that 2 lazy 4 the gym website. I love the website! I've been using this website for to create my STS worksheets and I'll modify the rotations she has after each 3 disc page. Sounds like Rocket let you do your workout without interruptions!

    Laurel, you put together a killer combo on Friday! Great job and congrats for going up on all the exercises!
    You read my mind Laurel! I was going to ask you if I could split the workouts! Thanks so much for your advice! I copied your post to my spreadsheet so I can use it as reference. I will definitely have a pure cardio day between STS workouts. I love the idea of using the cardio from a given the program each week. This STS rotation is 3 months long!! I hope I can do it this time! I'm going to start with meso2 workouts.

    Tami, you guys must've been drenched in sweat during that spinning class! I am definitely stronger as a result of BB and H&C. I hope I can do STS this time.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This is going to be super short. I'm in a lean event again this week, so will not be posting until this is done. From what I understand this isn't all week, so I'm hoping to be back on at some point later this week.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. We had a nice weekend here. Definitely getting a summer feel to it, that's for sure. But I don't mind since we enjoyed a perfectly wonderful spring. I guess it is time for humidity to return, though. I took Saturday off from my workouts, but Fitbit had Saturday as a 'goal day' competition, so I did at least walk my 15,000 goal steps. I also bought myself a new barbell!! First time I have had one in ages, so I will have to get used to it again. But I am looking forward to the variety. I ended up getting a standard barbell and 100lbs of weights because the local sports store was having a great sale. We got it so cheaply that I don't mind if I need to look into an EZ bar later.

    Anyhow, I returned to my workouts yesterday. I decided to pair STS with a combo of workouts from Cathe's Intensity and Body Blast series this week. So yesterday started with Legs and Glutes followed by Step Blast. Lots of fun on both, and my legs are feeling Legs and Glutes, that's for sure. Today was STS Disk 7/Chest, Shoulders and Biceps (with my new barbell on biceps), followed by the IMAX Extreme workout from Cathe's Terminator DVD and STS No Equipment Abs. I know I mention this every year, but it serves as a constant reminder of why I do what I do with workouts. Ten years ago on my 41st birthday, my 'workout' for the day was to walk 1/4 mile on a treadmill at the physical therapist as part of my recovery from my dislocated/frozen shoulder. Having my arm hanging at my side while I walked (which was the purpose of the exercise) nearly killed me it was so painful. And I promised myself that every birthday after, for as long as I could, I would workout. So today was my 10th Annual Birthday Workout, and it was a good one! So thankful to be in a better place than I was 10 years ago. Having a hard time believing I am 51 though. :o:)

    Tami, nothing worse than a muggy gym to workout in. Good job getting through the spin class. What a pain to have to go back to work when getting ready to workout! Good job getting your Friday a.m. workout in, though. Can't believe how close you and Laurie are to finishing Body Beast! That flew by!

    Thelma, great workouts this weekend!! You really are pushing through on these H&C workouts. Glad my STS thoughts were helpful! Just this morning, Cathe's newsletter includes an article about strength training frequency saying (summarized) once a week (per muscle group) is enough if you are working high volume. STS is definitely high volume!! Hope you come enjoy it!!

    Laurie, wow......another Lean class?? That doesn't sound like any fun at all. Hope it is a short one this week.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Weekend went by way to fast. However I did get some good workouts in both days, so that was nice. Saturday was BB Cardio followed by 21DFX Cardio Xtreme, which I loved. It flew by and was a perfect addition to the shorter BB Cardio workout. After that, I showered up and did a few things around the house before meeting my BFF for her Birthday lunch & movie that I was treating here to. IT was fun to catch up and the weather was terrible so good to be inside. Yesterday I did BB BUILD Chest/Tri’s followed by the LIHI Chest/Tri’s Pre-mix (#2 without Shoulders) . . . was feeling those muscles at the end forsure but I love doing those add-ons. Today will be BootCamp ~ Katy is subbing tonight! WooHOO. This is my last week of Body Beast, cannot believe it is already at the end, I’m ready to move on to my next venture however!

    Laurel: Happy Happy Birthday to you!!! :smile: :smiley::smile: As always, what an amazing workout combo to celebrate how far you have come in your fitness lifestyle. WOW. Congratulations and you are way further than the majority of women (and men) your age! It’s only a number …. That’s what I tell myself too! So glad to hear your weather is so beautiful. We are getting hit hard with rain the last few days, but we need it so I am not complaining one bit. Congrats on your new purchase as well of the barbell set up. I bet it feels really good to have that, how fun! I can’t believe we are at the end either of BB. This is my last week. I haven’t written down or printed out a new rotation yet, but hoping to get it down this week.

    Laurie: Hope your lean class is shorter than anticipated! Good Luck and hang in there.

    Thelma: Fabulous job this weekend pushing through your H&C workouts! You are almost there and really giving it your all it sounds like for this last little bit left. Sounds like you are all prepared for STS and have a good plan in place with Laurel’s help. That’s so good. Yes, we were definitely sweating in the spin room on Wed, Friday night was way better . . . so not sure what was going on. It is often a warm room because it is pretty small and cramped with sweaty spinners. :neutral:

    Have a great rest of your day ladies ~ talk to you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did X10 w/u, Hammer Max Strength and again I went up on weights. I'm on the last week of this rotation. I can't believe it! Thanks ladies for the kudos on my H&C workouts.
    I'm going to miss Sagi and "his sweat" LOL and Autumn making my butt sore. I hope I can do STS this time around given that I've gained strength and learned proper form. I was reading some of the STS workout breakdowns and it didn't sound like she had the kind of warm ups I prefer in all the workouts. There was one where she started lifting a barbell. That will not work for me. I will have to start warming up with something else in that case. If doing one of these shorter workouts takes me over 1 hour an STS workout is going to take me 3 hours!

    Laurie, another Lean week! I hope it's not the whole week and that you can get your workouts in!

    Laurel, glad you had a good weekend. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You are such a great example for women out there with your workout discipline and the way you transformed your body through exercise. As an added bonus you healed that frozen/dislocated shoulder! You must have the body of a 20 year old in good shape. It would be great to be able to know what your age is based on your health and physical shape. The Biggest Loser contestants are told their age based on their health/physical shape for a shock factor.
    Interesting article on Cathe's newsletter. I've not had a chance to read it today but good info as always. I will definitely be doing more volume than I've ever done with Cathe this time around. I really hope I can do it. If I can do the program it would be a huge accomplishment for me.
    Love that you got a barbell! I got my EZ bar via and it was less than $30. I have a straight bar too and I'll probably use it with STS but if I can just use the EZ bar I'll be very happy.

    Tami, weekends are soooo short! Great workouts this weekend! Congrats on getting to last week of BB! I'm sure you had an awesome BC class if Katy was subbing.
    I'm sure you'll pick an awesome rotation to work on next.
    I've been pushing myself extra hard with the H&C workouts. I've been tight all over the place as a result. I am getting there with my preparation for STS. Just working on the actual rotation now. I still have to work on the worksheets for Meso 1. I have Meso 2&3 ready but totally forgot Meso 1. That's not urgent right now since I won't get there any time soon! LOL. I bet there was something wrong with the AC at the gym last week.

    Good night ladies!