Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had some great workouts this weekend. I got in the BB Build Shoulder workout Friday evening before we left for our car club event. I really made sure that I went light on this one with the drop sets, and increasing weights. I felt like I did a good job with it. On Saturday I did ICE Rock'm Sock'm Blizzard Blast Timesaver, then followed that up with Beast Cardio. LOVE this workout! Sagi is very good with cardio work, and that surprised me. I also was able to get in the Beast Abs also. Sunday was my rest day, and my body sure needed it. I think every part of my body was sore. :D I did manage to get in a long walk with Rocket, and we played ball/chase in the yard. Sunday was more like a recreational cardio day, just trying to get the pup tired out. :D He has a lot of energy, and I think the walk helped.

    Laurel, I'm so glad to hear that you loved the CIZE workout so much, and your other workouts sound like fun also. I think it is funny that your DH will have a tough time getting it away from you though. Of course thank him, he has requested some great systems for you to try out. Have to say that I feel that same way about my leg strength after H&C, so it will probably be even better after finishing up BB. Speaking of legs ~ I was curious as to what Rocket would do with running, so I did a little running while we walked. I'm going to keep trying with him, but the first pass was really good. He was even better than Cami, no pulling and stayed with my cadence. I might try slipping in a run every once in a while, but I will need to get some new shoes. Oh how that just breaks my heart having to go shoe shopping. >:)

    Tami, Nice workouts, and it will be bitter sweet that you are ending your H&C rotation. It isn't to bad, because I still am working out with Sagi. :D I have noticed that I really need to get in some stretching, so I'm making sure that I include it into this rotation. Even if it is only a half hour, at least I'm getting something. Might have to try using that workout scheduler to see what combo that comes up with for those Beachbody series. Might be a nice mix for me to try. LOL on those pups and our workouts! I get way to many kisses lately, and I know it is just because I'm all sweaty sometimes. Our little guy has decided that he not so scared at night, so he can lay around the house like Cami does. First night he chewed up a wood coaster, so now we make sure that nothing is available for him to get into. Last night he didn't get into anything, so I think that he may do okay. Little baby steps.

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts! Glad that you enjoyed that cardio workout. The pace is what the rest of the cardio is like in the set. I to enjoyed that they didn't go super crazy with the pace, and I know I can't keep up. Felt that same way with the Beast Cardio that I did on Saturday. You can still get your hr going even if your pace isn't as fast. Wonder how many of those containers are going to be sold on ebay after a while. ;) I will have to see about the EZ bar, I was using the dumbbells, but can see that in the future I might need to use the bar just to increase the weight. NOT as much as Sagi has though, he sure can lift a lot of beasty weight!

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. We had a nice weekend here. Nothing special but did play golf on Saturday. DH had to work both days (a few hours each day) so that limited our 'fun' time, but it was a nice weekend nonetheless.

    On Saturday, I sis CIZE Crazy 8's again. I just love it! DH was asking me on Friday if it would be safe for his students on tile and I had to give it another try, just to make sure I answered him properly. :) So much fun. Anyhow, yesterday I was back at H&C. I started with Total Body Chisel and Chisel Abs. For cardio, I did the X65 premix from Cathe's X10 workout. Today started with ISO Speed Hammer, which I followed with LIHI Back, Shoulders and Biceps, but I did the premix without the finishers. Then, for cardio, I did a good combo. I started with RWH Plyo HiiT Two right into ICE Low Impact Sweat. Felt good.

    Tami, congratulations on finishing H&C!! I hope your first Body Beast workout went well. I also hope the volleyball was good. Were you able to visit your sister when she lived in Australia? I would love to go there, but the length of the flight is pretty daunting. And I am used to long flights!! Maybe someday........but how fun she had that experience.

    Thelma, did you buy a car? I like car shopping......when I am not really interested in buying one. I find the whole issue with pricing very frustrating. Anyhow......great workouts! Glad you enjoyed your first H&C workout. Also happy to hear your shoulder feels good. And glad you enjoyed CIZE again!! I had to fight the urge to do another CIZE workout today!! Maybe tomorrow. :p

    Laurie, great workouts! Glad you were able to take yesterday for active rest. I know I was really sore (and tired) when starting up Body Beast. Wow, being able to run with Rocket would be great, especially as the weather warms up! But what a shame about the shoes. ;) I so wish I enjoyed running because there are few things better, but I just have never gotten over the 'this is so boring' phase to actually start loving it. And I forgot to answer your question about Cardio Core Circuit from last week! My bad. Anyhow, I think it is worth trying again. But if I am being perfectly honest, my issues with CCC have little things do with core strength and more with things like my knees (on that last 'roll back and then spring forward into a push-up' move in particular). If your issues were core related, I think you may be very surprised how good it feels. But if your issues are more with the fact that some of the moves are awkward and may be the same as before. I really like CCC because it is such an easy workout to do mentally and is so very effective. I just wish Cathe had altered some of the core moves a bit to make them more body-friendly. I think if she were filming that workout today, she would do more standing core moves, which would have made it fantastic. Anyhow......just some thoughts!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies and Happy Monday! Weekend was pretty good. On Saturday (as planned) I finished up my H&C rotation with Hammer Power + Hammer Plyo, loved that combo. :wink: Yesterday started the BB rotation with BUILD Chest/Tris and this a.m. was BUILD Legs. So far a thumbs up on the two workouts I have done. I think I will really like this program as you all have as well. You just have to laugh at Sagi and his “muscle beach” look at me moments because he does give good form pointers and obviously knows what he is talking about. Tonight will be BootCamp after work.

    Laurel: Sounds like a nice weekend and some really great workouts!!!! I am glad you are liking your CIZE workouts too. My first and second workouts went really good. I enjoyed both and I feel like I picked good weight on both workouts and by the time I got to heavy it felt heavy for those 8 reps, so that was good. Loved the format of the leg workout this a.m. too with the step ups and Bulgarian squats as well. Yes, I actually was able to go visit one time when my sister was in Australia, it was amazing. She lived in Melbourne. If you ever have the opportunity to go there I highly recommend it. The country is beautiful and the people are so friendly. I agree on the plane ride and being daunting; that is a good word for it. You lose 2 days flying over!!! So strange. I did well with the time change and jet lag going over, coming back I though I was soooo tired and jet lagged.

    Laurie: Awesome workouts! Sounds like BB is doing its job if you are feeling sore (but not a bad sore of course) I was wondering how you liked that Beast Cardio workout, that’s great . . . I will look forward to trying that one. Very fun that you tried a little running on your walk with Rocket, sounds like a good plan to incorporate if you enjoy it and he seems to go well with you. New shoes?!?! Darn it. Funny about Rocket being brave now in your house, however the new problem of hiding things so he doesn’t chew them up is another challenge. LOL Glad your P90X2 arrived safely as well, thanks for the message.

    Thelma: How fun that you went car shopping! Did you find something you are going to get or just starting the process? Great job with BB Bulk Back and getting in that Master’s Cardio workout on Friday! Pretty nice for a little short workout and congrats on the burpees! Bulk Shoulders and Cize sound like they were a good combo for you as well. VBall went pretty good; we won 4 out of 6 games. So that was nice. One of the ladies who is playing part time with us this season it was her first time to play in a couple years; she is a breast cancer survivor and has had a few surgeries so it was really nice to see her healthy and well, feeling good. I bet you are tempted to start H&C right after BB. I can totally relate to that feeling. I couldn’t decide which one to start when I bought both so I am happy to have gone right into BB after H&C. With all your ladies reviews I wouldn’t have been able to stand it any longer! LOL

    Have a great rest of your day ladies ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT CBS warmup, BB Bulk Chest, a timesaver from Rock'm Sock'm that was just the warm up, blizzard blast, stretch. I can't believe I'm on week 8!
    Ladies to answer your questions about our car shopping trip. Yes!!! We bought me a car. It's a used car but you would never know it. It's a beautiful 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited. Everything is electronic. It has heated everything including the steering wheel. Keyless start so I just press a button to start the engine. I don't even have to press a button on the key fob to unlock the doors. It detects the signal from the fob and knows I'm there with the fob so it unlocks the doors the moment I press the button on the door handle and much more. It's amazing! Of course right now it feels like I'm driving a tank. I have been "window" online shopping for a big vehicle for months now. I finally found a vehicle that I liked and was more affordable. Add to that the fact that we had two more months to pay on my old car loan so we had a lot of equity which made the car payment doable. We only looked at this car because I had already found it online and once we saw it and drove it was a matter of getting a great deal which we did get.

    Laurie, fabulous workouts!!! That Rock'm Sock'm timesaver is what I did tonight! I've not tried Beast Cardio because it uses weights so I was afraid it would be too much for me. After reading your thoughts I'll probably try it on Wednesday. I'm so glad the pace in the other H&C cardio workouts is similar to the one in that Master's Cardio workout. I can take that! Pretty soon those little containers will end up in a recycling center if they keep selling with all the BB programs. For me the EZ bar has been incredibly helpful. It may be that I can't lift as heavy as you can and the little plates I have allow me to increase the weight a little at-a-time.

    Laurel, glad you had a nice weekend. What an amazing workout line up!!! WTG!!! That Crazy 8's workout is a lot of fun. Laurel, by the time we got the dealership I had already an idea of what a fair price was. Homework had been done and we did go back and forth on the price with the dealer a couple of times and at the end it worked out in our favor or so we feel! LOL. I am so happy about my shoulder too. The burpees were a huge test for them! CIZE is a lot of fun. So glad you got into it!

    Tami, great workouts this weekend and congrats on your VB tournament! So glad you're giving the BB workouts you've done so far two thumbs up! He is really good at giving posture pointers.
    I hadn't mentioned anything to you ladies about the car searching I've been doing but I've looked at tons of cars online. That Master's Cardio workout is awesome. Short and efficient. Congrats on your VB win and how wonderful that the cancer survivor lady was able to play. The more I think about what to do after BB the more I want to jump right into H&C so I better find some worksheets I like just in case.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    What a beautiful day we had yesterday with temps almost hitting 60 deg. I only worked a half day yesterday, youngest dd needed someone for a facial. Oh now that is something that I couldn't resist, and it was very relaxing. After that was BB Build Chest/Tris, and I did increase some weights from the last time. I indicated on my worksheet that I needed to increase weights on certain exercises. Even though last time I did feel that I worked those body parts good, this time was even better. I then took Mr. Rocket on a 2 mile walk, because he was all wound up yesterday. I may have to add an additional doggy daycare day to that little guys week, seems Mondays are his rowdy day. Another good night for him, so I hope this trend continues. This morning was Les Mills Combat 30.

    Laurel, Sounds like a great weekend of golf and great workouts! I'm truly impressed with your combos. Of course you needed to test that CIZE workout, just to make sure. I was watching the CIZE infomercial this morning, and he really does make it appealing. Don't think that I will get that one yet, but maybe sometime in the future. I think that I can insert a run at least once a week, he really loves his walks, so every once in a while I will add in some running just to see how it goes. Oh yes now I remember that move in the workout, and I was never able to do that one the way Cathe and crew did because of my long legs getting in the way. I think that if she redid that workout to be on par with her ICE series, it would be an awesome workout. Some of the cardio bursts in that workout are to long also, kind of like the genie hops in Imax 3. :D

    Tami, Congrats on finishing up the H&C rotation! Glad to hear that you are enjoying the BB workouts that you have done also. I love his posing in these workouts, I think that he can't help himself, just a natural thing for him now. Still makes me laugh though. You will really enjoy the cardio workout, it is on par with the H&C workout that he does, but I think tougher. I used light weights for it, and really had my hr up. In fact a couple of times I was glad that he gave us a break, because I was doubled over trying to catch my breath. LOL about hiding things from Rocket, it is something that we are working on for him to leave things as they are. He is very smart, and motivated with treats.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout! I really like that Blizzard Blast, guess I can say that the Rock'm Sock'm DVD is probably my favorite one in the bunch. ;) Congrats on the new Jeep, sounds like a great purchase. We have always gotten used vehicles, and they have been great buys with lot's of extras included. The Beast Cardio uses light weights, so it is more metabolic. I used 8lb, which is what I normally use in Cathe workouts that are metabolic. LOL about the containers, I'm sure that has already happened.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started today with ISO Strength Chisel, which is such a tough workout for me. I followed it with LIHI Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, and my arms are officially done for the day. :o So, for cardio, I pulled out Party Rockin, Step 2 and did the 60 minute premix, which was so much fun.

    And just like that.....CIZE is leaving my life. :'( DH came home last night and asked if he could take it to work today. I really had to fight the urge to say 'NO!', but since that is why I bought, I thought it best not to. Hopefully I will see it back at the end of the school year. And , somehow, I will have to figure out a way of 'misplacing' it over the summer. :D Maybe his students won't like it...........

    Tami, sounds like a good weekend. Glad you are enjoying Body Beast so far. Yes, it is just best to laugh at Sagi sometimes. He just is who he is, that's for sure. I am so happy you were able to get down to Australia when your sister was there. Sounds like the trip of a lifetime, that's for sure. Congrats on the successful start to the volleyball season.

    Thelma, congratulations on the new car!! I love that you went in knowing what you wanted and armed with information. We have taken that approach with our last couple of purchases, and it makes it so much easier. I hope you enjoy it! Great job with the workouts.

    Laurie, I feel so bad for you having to miss work for a facial. :p Sounds like a really nice way to spend an afternoon, actually, and I am sure your daughter appreciated it as well. I completely agree about those genie hops in IMAX2. What was Cathe thinking? Not much favorite part of that workout, that's certain. But I don't like anything where I am on one leg for a long time. Sounds like Rocket might have spring fever! I am sure he appreciated the extra activity yesterday.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ BootCamp was “pretty good” last night. It was the “regular” instructor, Jessica again. We did normal body part stations (3 exercises/rounds each) with a cardio in between, either jump rope or burpees were the alternating cardio stations; she did have us stop in between the 3 rounds and do a bunch of shoulder work. There were only about 15 people there last night. Hint, Hint was my thought, :wink: but maybe not. LOL This a.m. was BUILD Back/Tris, another good one and enjoyed the exercises forsure! Tonight will be Katy’s return and I believe she is doing the Ab Class, should be good.

    Laurel: Fabulous combo today! I bet that felt great and of course, one off your very fun list with PR Step #2!! Nicely done. Sorry to hear CIZE has left your life, although as you mentioned, it may be temporary and/or something to look forward to this summer when it returns to your house. I want to Thank You for introducing us all to the Body Beast program ~ truly one I would have maybe never tried without your awesome reviews! I am happy to be doing it and look forward to many workouts/rotations with it as well.

    Laurie: How nice you had such a beautiful weather day! I find it so refreshing this time of year to have a nice sunny day. What a great way to spend your afternoon yesterday with a facial. Very nice. Nicely done on your Les Mills Combat 30 workout this a.m. as well. The Body Beast Cardio sounds like I will definitely love it! Can’t wait.

    Thelma: Huge congrats on your beautiful new Jeep Grand Cherokee! Those are very nice and I am sure it is wonderful in every aspect. So great. Good job with your Bulk Chest + RS Timesaver workout. Isn’t it amazing how fast the time goes with these rotations?!? Yes, another BB workout done and still enjoying them; I truly didn’t have any doubt, but its great to experience it for myself now that I am in it, “Getting Beasty” LOL

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT10 warm up, BB Bulk Legs, treadmill and lots of stretching and leg massage with my hard ball! I literally kicked my own butt tonight. On the static lunge progressive set with the EZ bar I thought I was going to cry cause I went heavier. This workout always makes my calves get tight and the plantar fasciitis kicks in. I'll be sleeping with the boot on tonight. I realized tonight that I am doing the last week of the Bulk phase! Thank you all for congratulating me on my new car. We are very happy with our purchase.

    I've been looking at H&C worksheet where I can record more than one day at-a-time. Can you ladies tell me if these worksheets are what I need for the 8 week H&C rotation?

    Laurie, what a nice treat you had yesterday afternoon with that facial and beautiful weather! We're having nice weather too and tomorrow temps will be close to 70! Awesome workouts and congrats for going up on the weights. I also mark the exercises where the weight was heavy or lite. Mr. Rocket is giving some awesome workouts too by taking you on those long walks! LOL

    Laurel, fabulous workouts today! I'm sorry you had to give up the CIZE DVD's! BUMMER! You can only hope the kids don't like the program but I wouldn't hold my breath on that one! Hopefully you'll get them back in the summer OR you may have to buy yourself a new set!
    I always do a lot of research before I purchase anything. I definitely knew what I wanted and what a fair price was.

    Tami, at least the BC class was "pretty good". Hopefully one of these days someone will tell Jessica that she needs to do better. How exciting for you to have Katy back! I'm sure she won't disappoint. Great workouts!!!

    Thanks again on the congrats about the car. It really is wonderful. It is amazing how fast the time is going by with these rotations which is not something I can say about Cathe's rotations. We may have to change our group name to the "Beasty Girls" or something like that! LOL

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work was BB Build Legs, still gets me good. I then took Rocket on another 2 mile walk, have to admit that the last half mile I was feeling the legs. :D This morning I did ICE Low Impact Sweat Blizzard Blast Timesaver. I think that I have done all the Blizzard Blasts now, and they are all great. I like using them as my morning workouts, since they are short but intense.

    Laurel, Oh no he took it so soon! :o Awesome workouts even if you probably will not be doing another CIZE workout until the end of the school year. You never know with teenagers if they will like something or not, but from what I've seen of the infomercial, kids appear to enjoy these workouts too. Oh yes those hops are in Imax2! I don't like hoping on one leg for a long time either, my foot starts to hurt. I don't mind going from one to the other, or like she does in the Rock'm Sock'm workout. That I can handle. Oh I think that he does have spring fever, he was running around the house this morning up and down the stairs! I think that he missed 5 steps launching himself off of them. He has a lot of energy, but then I guess that comes with being a puppy.

    Tami, To bad that the class was "pretty good", and that the class participation is falling off. Great job on the BB workout though, the exercises are familiar, but done in a different way. I think that is what I really like about the workouts. We had another nice day yesterday with temps hitting 70, and then the rain came. I don't mind, hope it gets this salt off the roads.

    Thelma, Nice job on the workouts, but sorry to hear that you will have to wear your boot! Those worksheets look like they will work, seems to have all the information that you will need to record your weights and reps. I used to walk Cami twice a day, but when she started getting older she didn't want to do that long walk anymore. It takes some time out of my prep for making dinner, but worth the exercise for him and me. I also up my step count on my FitBit. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today I started with Hammer Conditioning, which is a good one. Then, for cardio, I did ICE Bootcamp.....but the Double It with Blizzard Blast premix. This is a 91 minute workout, and I thought I would really struggle. But once I got past the mental hurdle of the workout length (which took about 20 minutes), I relaxed in to it and really enjoyed it. I don't know if I would feel that way about some of the other 'double it' premixes she has included in this series, but because of the format of this, it wasn't bad at all.

    Tami, sorry to hear about your BC class. Hopefully whoever is in charge of classes and instructors at the gym is paying attention to the class size and will hopefully start wondering why it is down. There is hope I suppose. You are welcome on the Body Beast introduction. I will share that with DH as well since he is ultimately responsible for it all. I know I can't wait to get back to it, but I am going to stick with my planned STS rotation next. I am looking forward to it, especially with my increased strength.

    Thelma, great workout, but I am sorry about the sore foot. My PF in my left foot has been acting up since January, and I haven't had issues with that foot in nearly 7 years. I seem to be managing it all right, but I know how frustrating it is.....believe me. I think if DH's students do like CIZE that I will purchase my own copy again. We'll see how it goes over the next few weeks. I was laughing at your recommendation to change our name to 'Beasty Girls'. Somehow, I actually think Sagi would get a kick out of that. :D

    Laurie, another great workout, and some nice time spent outside with Rocket. I completely agree about the Blizzard Blasts. Actually there is not a whole lot about ICE that I don't like. It is such a versatile program between the varying intensity, the workout lengths, the bonuses, and the premixes. Very much worth the money, without a doubt.

    Until tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi Ladies! We had a great class last night with Katy’s Insane Abs. It was really great core work done in groups of 5 exercises at 1 min each; 20 sec break (if that) and then on to the next. It had lots of push-ups and planks involved as well. Not as much cardio as normal, but it was really good! She gave us a heads up that next week is her CrossFit Craziness! Someone asked me what that meant. After I explained, I don't think they will be attending. I told them they could do 25 instead. This a.m. was BB BUILD Shoulders and I really enjoyed it! Another one done and another one “thumbs up!” I always like working shoulders and this did a couple new exercises that I liked as well. Tonight I will head to Spinning after work.

    Laurel: Way to go on Hammer Cond followed by the BootCamp AND Dbl Blizzard Blast pre-mix! Great to know it is a good one. I am sometimes that way as I start into a longer workout, but then I am halfway in and I’m thinking, well I’m already halfway through, I’m good. Thanks for the support on my frustrations with BootCamp, I hope they pay attention as well but not sure that they will. Seems to be the way it has gone there since I have been attending their classes. You all remember “Running Camp”! lol Sorry to hear your foot has been bothering you after all this time. Darn it, do you think you could put a flexible brace or tape it? When I was having that pain (after Running Camp went on all summer) I taped mine with the KT tape and it helped a lot.

    Laurie: Great job with BB Build Legs and I bet that walk felt perfect after that! Awesome job getting in your Blizzard Blast this a.m. as well. I wrote down on my calendar which ones are which and how long so I could pull one out on the shorter workouts; they really are great in so many ways to use them. Cathe always does a good job with that! Tomorrow is Beast Cardio in the a.m. ~ looking forward to trying it! Fantastic about the nice warm day again and the follow up with rain probably didn’t bother anyone. Did you have any height issues doing the Shoulder Shrugs on the stability ball when you did your Shoulder workout? This a.m. I was having trouble with the positioning of my body/the ball/ and dumbbells? I couldn’t straighten my arms, so I ended up using my workout bench (aka step bench) in an incline instead.

    Thelma: Sorry to hear about your foot bothering you again and having to wear the boot. Excellent work getting in Bulk Legs yesterday and a nice stretch afterwards. WOW, last week of BULK phase, you are rounding that corner to the end. Sounds like you are having some great weather as well, that’s fantastic! Yes, hopefully one of these days Jessica gets a “hint” about it; makes me sad because I like her as a person as I have said before, just not her class being the same ol thing. LOL I love the name of Beasty Girls – that is hilarious! Those sheets look like the ones I have ~ I think mine came directly from Beach Body; Laurie had sent me the link right before I received my workouts.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    Hi Ladies, somehow I screwed up the week count and I finished the bulk phase last week! I'm on week 9. Because of the mix up I did the wrong workout on Monday. I did Bulk Chest and I should've done Build Chest/Triceps so I'm going to do the Triceps part of that Build Chest/Triceps disc on Saturday. Tonight I did XT CBS w/u, BB Build Back and Biceps. No time for cardio tonight. I can't believe how much strength I've gained when it comes to back. I also saw on the worksheet how low my weights were before I got the EZ curl bar. I started doing the bent over row with 10 lb dumbbells for the first set and tonight I started with 21 lbs for the set of 15. The only body part I can't seem to gain strength in are my biceps when I use the dumbbells. On the bicep curl using the EZ bar I've almost doubled the weight. So exciting and I feel so proud.
    We broke temp records in Boston today. We hit 75 degrees! Of course at the office the cooling system has yet to be turned on so we were so hot at work. I was dressed for it though. I wore lite pants and a short sleeve shirt. I also had a pair of flip flops in my desk drawer. My feet were so hot inside my shoes because I also had trouser socks. Gross! I was in a meeting in the afternoon and everybody was so hot that their faces were all red! It was 80 degrees inside!
    My foot is back to normal. It's just that the 50 reps of those calf lifts always make my calves tight and consequently; the plantar fasciitis kicks in. This is after I stretch and massage my calves with the Lacrosse ball. I know now how to manage the issue and I'm fine today. The key at night is to prevent the Achilles tendon from contracting and the boot makes that happen.

    Laurie, great workouts! Those walks are really good after the leg workouts. The Blizzards are really good. I don't think I've done them all. Thanks for looking at those workout sheets for me. Do you have a different set? Do you still have the link you sent Tami? Sounds like Rocket has a lot of energy. Walking is so good for you. Hopefully Rocket will want to do long walks for a long time. I can imagine it takes time out of your cooking time. Don't know how you do it! I wouldn't cook! LOL

    Laurel, wow! That was a killer workout lady! Awesome job! Have you done that ICE To the Mat: Legs & Glutes workout yet? I've not done it but it's been in my mind the last few weeks. I know what it feels like when the PI kicks in so I know it takes, calf stretches, deep massage with the hard lacrosse ball and 1 or 2 nights of sleeping with the boot on. I think you're going to need to purchase another CIZE set. Believe me I cracked myself up with the "Beasty Girls" name thing! LOL. Sagi would get a kick out of that name for sure.

    Tami, wonderful workouts! I'm sure that person who asked about the crossfit craziness workout won't be there next week! LOL. So glad Katy had a great class for you guys! My foot is back to normal today. As long as I keep stretching and doing deep calf massage I usually recover in a day or 2. Can you believe I messed up the rotation week count? At least I figured it out and it only applied to the workout I did on Monday. I went to the BB site and they only had the one day sheets. Someone had a link to a spreadsheet but when I clicked on the link it didn't work.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I changed things up a bit. Took Rocket on his 2 mile walk, and then followed that up with BB Build Back & Bi's. DH was late coming home, and youngest was eating out with her gf's. Good thing we just ate leftovers. ;) This morning was ACE HiiT Lower Body with Chris Freytag. Will see if we get in our 2 mile walk after work, Rocket has doggy daycare today. He usually is very tired afterwards. :D

    Laurel, WTG on the workouts, I don't know if I will ever be doing that premix. I can understand why it took you a good 20 min. to get over that feeling. LOL yes please thank your DH for me also, I think your reviews made the decision easy for me to purchase something that I was eyeing up. Now that I have the set, I really am glad. Just a 1-1/2 weeks into it I can see changes.

    Tami, So glad to hear that you got your Katy abs class in, and of course you have something to look forward to next week! :* One of the things that I like about the BB workouts, is that I don't dread doing any of them. With P90X I would dread some workouts because they where overkill in the pull-up chin-up. I like that he has them, but not every other exercise. That is one of the things that I dread with the first phase of STS also. Yep I had problems with that move also. My stability ball must not be as big as the one they are using, so I used my bench at an angle.

    Thelma, Dang on the workout confusion, but sounds like you will be able to get back on track. Also glad to hear that you were able to get your foot back to normal. That is great that the EZ bar is working for you so well. I noticed yesterday that Sagi was telling us to keep those dumbbells even when doing certain exercises. I used the worksheets that they have on the team beachbody site, but the ones you found are way better. I will have to start advance cooking on some things if we continue to do our evening walks. Guess I should start planning our dinners more in advance than I do now.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I did a weird mix of workouts today. I started with ICE Metabolic Total Body. This is only the second time I have done this workout, and I completely forgot it had a decent cardio element to it. I really enjoyed this workout, but it didn't exactly mesh with what I had planned to do for cardio. So I took a long break, thought about changing my cardio plans, couldn't come up with anything, so.......for cardio I went with RWH Upper Body Circuit (which is very similar to Metabolic Total Body) into Chisel Cardio. I really, really liked this combo and am glad I stuck with it, even if it was overkill because of doing Metabolic Total Body earlier.

    Tami, sounds like a great class. Thanks for the input of my PF foot. I have never tried the tape. Right now, like Thelma, I seem to be managing it with good stretching, especially for my foot, ankle and calf. I find if I end my workouts if I do a stretch where I am in a squat position (all the way down) with my ankles raised, I get a good stretch through my foot and calf, and am good to go. But when I don't do that......not good. But I will keep the tape in mind because that would be a great option for times when I can't get a good when I am walking a golf course!! So thank you for that idea. About those bent over shrugs.......I couldn't do them on my ball at all, so I did them like Cathe did in her CTX series.......with a slight forward flexion. I figured it targeted the muscle differently enough to be effective. No doubt I could go heavier doing it that way than the way Sagi does, though. But I just didn't have another option I could get to work.

    Thelma, sorry about the rotation confusion, but you have a good plan in place. Congratulations on the increased strength!! I bet it feels fantastic to look back on those sheets and see how much you have moved forward. I am glad your foot feels better. I have done To The Mat, but only once. It was good. It was tough but not brutal, and I liked that. I am not a big fan of floor work, and I am definitely not a big fan of painful floor work. I always think if I am going to be working to the point of pain, I would rather be on my feet and burning calories while doing it. :p But To The Mat did hit some muscles very differently, and I felt it the next day. I am hoping to revisit it once I start my STS rotation to give it another try. Enjoy that warm weather!!

    Laurie, sounds like another good workout. I will pass on your thanks to my DH. You absolutely highlighted one of the reasons I loved Body Beast so much......there weren't endless pull-ups and pushups. As a result, I had no dread factor at all for the workouts, because while I am fine with pushups, I don't like endless pushups. And I don't like pull-ups much at all.

    Until tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Fun Spinning class last night. This a.m. I did Body Beast Cardio and really enjoyed it! It was shorter than I thought it was going to be, but packed a punch in that timeframe! It worked out anyway, because I hit snooze a couple times . . . so it was great. No workouts tonight.

    Laurel: That was quite a total body action packed workout you had today! Nice job. I am glad your choices worked out and you enjoyed it. You’re welcome for the KT Tape idea; I know it helped me tremendously. I went on YouTube to learn the best way for that type of injury, super easy and effective if you get to that point. I am glad the stretching is helping though, hopefully short lived. Thank you for that on the Shrugs. That is exactly what I was thinking I could do as well, working those same muscles. I am glad both of you had the same thoughts/results with the ball. Thought I may be doing something wrong. LOL I am absolutely with both you and Laurie on the P90X thoughts.

    Laurie: I bet the walk was so nice again with Rocket. Great job getting in Build Back & Bis afterwards and this a.m. with HiiT Lower Body. I feel exactly the same way about this program, I look forward to the workouts instead of dread factor. All the push-ups/pull-ups were just too much and too much the same thing. Thanks for your info on that shoulder move; again, glad I had you guys in the same boat.

    Thelma: That is crazy about your temps! WOW I bet that was so nice. Spring Fever forsure. Glad you caught the rotation week before too long … no worries! I bet you were surprised though. Great job with Build Back/Bis and so good that you are seeing/feeling the strength gains! Congrats on that. This Body Beast program has been amazing for you in so many ways it sounds. That’s awesome. I’m happy to hear your foot is back to normal as well; I’m sure a huge relief for you.

    I will check in with you ladies at some point tomorrow …. DH goes in for his knee surgery tomorrow bright and early so I have the day off to be with him. Fingers crossed it is all that I have promised him it would be (aka: you will feel the difference). He is scared it won’t help and of course nervous, because it’s a surgery (naturally). But I will be “hanging out” with him and have my computer so I will give you ladies an update.

    Have a great Friday tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight was cardio night so I went for a fun workout: Rock'm Sock'm. We had a very rainy day today. It's still raining tonight. Spring is definitely here.

    Laurie, great workouts! Isn't that Back & Bi's workout really good?
    I am glad I caught my mistake on the rotation on time. Luckily it was the last week where Sagi has workouts from both the build and bulk phases. Thanks for looking at those workout sheets for me. I'm glad you think they are good.

    Laurel, another winning combo! Great job!
    I still can't believe how much I've been able to increase the weights I use in BB. It does feel wonderful. I think the pain part is the reason why I haven't tried that To the Mat workout yet. That KT tape Tami suggested for your foot really works. I used it almost 2 years ago after Tami suggested it and it worked. There are great videos in You Tube that show you how to apply it.

    Tami, great workouts! I didn't realize your DH was going to have knee surgery! I hope everything goes well and that the outcome is for him to feel much improvement. I don't blame him for being scared. Is it knee replacement? I heard from someone who had knee replacement that the therapist showed up at her house a week after the surgery to start her rehab process. Please keep us posted!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work was BB Build Shoulders and Beast Abs. I was thinking the same as Laurel with that shrug move from CTX, so I did the shrug standing and it worked out just fine. I will have to say that seeing Sagi doing the move, with his back toward you, really makes me understand what muscles should be moving. ;) I think that having that roaming camera person is probably a benefit for things like that. No walk with Rocket, just a little ball throwing, and he was happy to lay down and rest. This morning was a different story, it is really hard to lay still in corpse pose when you have a puppy trying to play with your hands. I did Eoin Finn's Power Yoga for Happiness, and did the Daily Dose of Bliss workout. Will probably get in our walk after work, but that will be it. This is suppose to be my rest day, so I will keep it as recreational cardio.

    Laurel, Awesome combo of workouts! It has to be fun just trying to figure out what workouts will work with each other. In Pure Strength Cathe does shrugs and says to go light on them, and then in later workouts she goes heavier. I think that she says that large trap muscles don't look good on women in the PS workout. I always wondered what to do, so I tend to keep that weight light because I do have broad shoulders and don't really want to look huge. I still feel it just using the light weights. LOL yep I can do better push ups in these workouts than most others, and I think it is because I'm doing less of them but with good form.

    Tami, I'm glad that you enjoyed Beast Cardio! Hope that the surgery goes well for your DH, it will be painful at first, but well worth it when he isn't in pain anymore. Like I said to Laurel above, you can do as she indicated it works. I was more comfortable doing it this way, because I truly have monkey arms. They are just so long that I always have problems with moves like that. Probably one of the reasons that I don't enjoy push-ups, because I have a long way to go down.

    Thelma, Nice that you did a Rock'n workout! :D Hope that she does more kickboxing workouts just like that one. I have noticed that you feel these workouts a couple of days after doing them, so I am still feeling my back muscles today. So I know that I have been using a good weight for the exercises.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. Today started with Total Body Hammer and 10 Minute Ab Hammer. Love both of these workouts. For cardio, like
    Thelma, I went for fun.....and did Rock'm Sock'm Kickbox too! I did the double premix, which is 81 minutes long, and really good. These double workouts really are too long to do too often, but I wanted to give a couple of them a try to see how they feel. Thumbs up definitely if you have the time.

    CIZE was a success with most of DH's students. He said the kids in the morning were having so much fun with it. In the afternoon......not as much. But the morning kids want to do it more often. So that is good news, I suppose. I guess DH did it with them!! :o I would have paid good money to see that! :p

    Tami, I hope the surgery goes well. Please keep us posted. I know there are few things worse than sitting in a hospital waiting for surgery updates. I am thinking about you. Glad the bent over shrugs worked for you! I will definitely be looking at those YouTube videos for KT tape and PF. Thanks again for the suggestion.

    Thelma, great minds think alike, especially when it comes to fun workouts. And that is such a fun workout. Sorry about the rain, but I suppose it is better than snow. We, once again, are back to record breaking heat, but at least we had a couple months away from it. I don't mind it right now, but we are going to my in-laws tomorrow to re-do their entire front garden. I may be complaining then!

    Laurie, I laughed at your 'monkey arms' comment. I swear, the only thing on my body that is long are my arms!! There was a time when I was still growing that I couldn't find shirts to fit for anything. And, like you, I am fairly broad shouldered, so I am sure that doesn't help. I think Cathe made that comment about traps because some guys with over-developed traps have no necks, and I don't think most women want that. But I think she realized between PS and CTX that a couple of sets of shrugs with moderate to heavy weight isn't going to make that happen for any woman!! Great yoga workouts!! Bet that felt good on the body.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a great weekend. On Friday I did XT CBS w/u, BB Build Shoulders, XT Low Impact. On Saturday CIZE You Got This! and on Sunday Spinning.

    Laurie, great workouts! Are you talking about the shrugs he does on the inclined bench? I think I'm going to try the standing shrug next time! I would be laughing the entire workout if I had a puppy trying to play with my hands. My cats are not allowed in the basement because part of it isn't finished which is a good thing because they would want to play with me too! LOL. It really sounds like you're using the right weight for your BB workouts if you're feeling it a couple of days after the workout!!
    I really hope Cathe does more fun kickboxing workouts too. She really did such a great job with all those premixes in her ICE program.

    Laurel, killer workouts on Friday! That Rock'm Sock'm double premix is a long one! Good for you for doing it! I knew CIZE would be a hit with your DH students! Sounds like you're going to have to get your own set. If it hadn't been for your husband wanting to buy the program for his students, Laurel (the non-dancer) would've never
    found out that she could dance! LOL I really love that Rock'm Sock'm workout! Rain is better than snow for sure! We're going to have cooler temps this the first half of this week and then in the 60's toward the end of the week. It will be rainy but I don't mind that. It's good for the garden. I saw tulip plants in our yard yesterday and that is great! I'm sure you felt the heat yesterday while doing all that garden work! Is it going to be super hot from now on until the fall?/winter?

    Tami, I hope your husband's surgery went well. I think it did since you worked out this weekend. I hope his recovery is a speedy one!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I don't know if I'm quite awake yet, I do wish that they would stop this daylight savings time. It really does a number on your sleeping/wake cycle. Anyway we had rainy weather this weekend, but I still managed to get the pup walked all weekend. On Saturday I did BB Build Chest/Tri's, and then followed that up with X10 Cardio Blast. Sunday was BB Build Legs, and followed that up with 10lb Slimdown Xtreme Cardio Kickboxing. This morning was ICE Low Impact Sweat Cardio 1 Timesaver Premix. I was able to up my weights on most of the exercises, I only went up 1 lb on the chest/tri's, but went up 5lb increments on the legs. I know that my legs can handle more weight, sure was tough on those step ups though. Was out of breath on those. :D

    Laurel, Great job on trying out those double workouts! I would think that those can be a bit daunting when you first see how long they are. I know at this point, I don't have the time to try them out. Glad to hear that the kids really enjoyed the CIZE workouts, well almost. Funny how different the students took to it though. Have to wonder if it is a morning thing, and after lunch there just isn't as much energy? Thanks for the reminder for those shrugs, I will slowly up my weight on those and see how it goes. My dd's both have the very long arms also, it sure wasn't fun for them in school. If they wore shorts to school, the bottom of the shorts had to come to the tip of their fingertips. I once had to bring in a different pair of shorts for my youngest, and the shorts I had to bring her were almost to her knees. They always blamed me for shirts not fitting them. ;)

    Thelma, Sounds like a fun combo of workouts for you this weekend! Yes those are the shrugs I'm talking about, and the way Cathe does them works perfectly. You hit that muscle just the way Sagi is intending without having to get into a strange position on the ball. Sometimes Rocket will be with me and sleeping or chewing on his rawhide. Other times he is roaming all over, and getting in my way. He just looks at me like he is saying "what, you wanted to play right". :D

    Tami, Hope all is well with your DH!

    Have a great day!