Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did Total Body Trisets-Upper Body Split. I loved this workout too. This is another I haven't done in a long time! I am really enjoying this phase of the rotation that I'm considering extending it.
    My legs felt a little DOMSY this morning! That makes me want to do do the XT Cardio Leg workout soon again! I could feel it in my inner thighs. I did the sumo squats holding the dumbbell as close to the ground as possible like KCM does. this always gives me inner thigh DOMS.

    Erika, you're amazing. I just don't know how you do it. I can't even begin to imagine life with kids!
    Great job finding the time to get your workouts in! Great commitment!

    I think we're done with the snow storms. The ICE program is really nice. I love those metabolic workouts! OMG that Jessica Smith workout! Don't get me going! I don't even know why she still has it available. It's not like it is inspiring. It's just simply boring!

    Laurie, great job with the RAW workout! Thanks for the info on the RAW workouts!

    Laurel, fabulous combo today!!! You might feel it tomorrow in a good way for sure!
    I could feel last night that I was going to feel that Cardio Leg Blast workout! Good stuff!

    Thanks for posting your ideas for the next phase. This will be phase 8 because we repeated the first phase because we loved it so much. I can't believe it! We might as well come up with 3 more months to make it a year-long rotation! LOL
    I would appreciate it if you posted what your ideas for this last phase are.
    I could do the Cardio Leg Blast workout during the cardio days.

    Tami, great workouts! Every time I read about your Katy workouts I think that I would not survive them! LOL.

    It is possible that I stopped doing those workouts due to my foot pain Tami. I definitely enjoyed it and I loved that I felt it this morning!
    Wow, you guys really have crazy weather! I remember when I lived in San Francisco that I could be standing at a corner and it would be sunny but at the next corner it would be raining. That was so weird to me!

    Hi linzbarker, welcome! I think Tami has mentioned the workouts you would probably love.
    Laurel is doing Cathe's live workouts so I'm sure she'll tell you about them. We love Cathe and like Tami said between all of us we probably have all of Cathe's workouts.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did KCM's Build & Burn Kettlebell Kickbox Fusion, that one has become a favorite and isn't to lengthy. This morning I did another of Kelly's RAW workout with Upper Body Blast, such a great upper body workout that really gets you to fatigue.

    Laurel, Awesome job on the workouts, those blizzard blasts are a nice add on. I really do have to remember those for when I want to tack an add-on to my morning workouts. Yep you are right, I do have Jillian Body Revolution and Bodyshred. They both do the front/back work. Kelly also created a RAW workout with front and back exercises that I can use, so I'm going to have a ton of options. I might have to look at the Hammer and Chisel workouts, some of those might qualify as front/back work. I'm sure that your legs will be okay today, it sounds like your legs are loving the spinning though. I'm going to be getting on my elliptical on Friday for sure.

    LinzBarker; I love all the options that Tami gave you, the one I like the best with all of those series is the ICE one. She gives you so many options for premixes that you can't go wrong with it.

    Tami, BC class sounds like a good one, and great job on the Pyramid workout. I'm sticking with Kelly, she doesn't really like burpees so she doesn't include them in to many of her workouts. :D On fb I inquired if she would do a raw workout that would be boxing/cardio as a finisher. She responded that she would. Now I will wait with anticipation for her creation. I was thinking of using the weight for the workout, but with those figure 8 moves, I probably would wack my leg to many times. I have problems with that move with my kb, so can't imagine what that would look like. :D

    Thelma, Nice that you really enjoyed your upper body workout, and had some doms from the leg workout. I like this rotation also, and I have so many more workouts to try out yet. I didn't realize how many upper/lower workouts that I have available. Between all my favorite instructors of course.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! Strangely, my legs are not revolting today :) , so I did a fun Cathe Live combo today. I started with Cathe Live Low Impact HiiT and Upper Body, and did the cardio only. Then I went into Cathe Live Smoking Upper Body Blast which is like RWH Upper Body Circuit but much tougher. Love this workout! At the end of that, I went back to the first workout and completed the upper body work in that, which was only about 15 minutes long, and finished with core work. Good stuff! I feel like I got some good upper body work in without overdoing it.

    Tami, sounds like another good BC class. Glad to hear your DH is still improving. I can’t believe we are almost to the end of the six months of this rotation! Amazing how quickly it has flown by. Sounds like spring has arrived with that crazy weather. My sisters have been experiencing that in Colorado as well. Snow, thunder, sunshine.....all at the same time!

    Thelma, another great workout. I love the premixes from that one. I like your idea of taking this rotation through the rest of the year! In the back of my mind, I kind of have been thinking that.....and starting it over again in October. I loved how this rotation worked through the winter for me and really want to repeat it. Here are my plans for the next two months (Push/Pull and one body part).

    Push/Pull (starting April 15)
    Sunday-Cardio (all four weeks)
    Monday-F/S Push (all four weeks)
    Tuesday-F/S Pull (all four weeks)
    Wednesday-Cardio (all four weeks)
    Thursday-Week 1 XT Burn Sets Chest, Shoulder, Triceps premix mix skipping the rear delt flies in Shoulders and XT Legs start (post warm-up) to side slides with disc; Week 2 LIHI Chest, Shoulder and Triceps (no finishers premix) and Pyramid Lower Body start (post warm-up) to deadlifts; Week 3 4DS Chest, Shoulder and Triceps premix and 4DS Kickboxing Lower Body work; Week 4 Body Blast Push/Pull Push Only premix tripled
    Friday-Week 1 XT Burn Sets Back and Biceps and XT Legs Rear Delt Bonus Abs Legs from side slides thru fire walkers; Week 2 LIHI Back, Shoulders and Biceps (no finishers) and Pyramid Lower Body deadlifts thru end; Week 3 4DS Back and Bicep premix and calf work from 4DS Lower Intensity Step; Week 4 Push/Pull Pull Only premix tripled

    One Body Part (starting May 13)
    Week 1 (endurance)
    Sunday-RUUB Chest x3 premix
    Monday-RUUB Backx3 premix
    Tuesday-RUUB Shoulderx3 premix
    Wednesday-S&S Total Body Trisets Lower Body premix
    Thursday-RUUB Tricepsx3 premix
    Friday-RUUB Bicepsx3 premix

    Week 2 (hypertrophy)
    Sunday-STS Disc 13 Chest Only
    Monday-STS Disc 13 Shoulders Only
    Tuesday-STS Disc 13 Triceps Only
    Wednesday-STS Disc 14 Legs
    Thursday-STS Disc 15 Back Only
    Friday-STS Disc 15 Biceps Only

    Week 3 (strength)
    Sunday-Body Beast Bulk Chest
    Monday-Bulk Back
    Tuesday-Bulk Legs
    Wednesday-Bulk Shoulders
    Thursday-Bulk Arms
    Friday-Lower Body workout of choice

    Week 4 (endurance)
    Sunday-Muscle Meltdown Back
    Monday-Muscle Meltdown Shoulders
    Tuesday-Muscle Meltdown Biceps
    Wednesday-ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast
    Thursday-Muscle Meltdown Chest
    Friday-Muscle Meltdown Triceps

    To be honest, I think I am going to want to do that one body part month twice (in other words, for two months). Another month I would like to consider is incorporating Total body workouts, but I haven’t gotten to looking at how that would work yet! Hope this helps!

    Laurie, great workouts! Sounds like we’re on the same page with the upper body blast workouts! I am really surprised not to be more tired in my lower body today.....but it is a good surprise. Seems like I found a better balance this week. I will be curious how you put together your Push/Pull week’s next month. Like I mentioned to Thelma yesterday, I have never done anything like it, so I am curious how the body (and mind!) will respond.

    LinzBarker, welcome! Congratulations on the weight loss. That is terrific. The other ladies have given you some tremendous options, so I will just say I agree with what they have said. But if you aren’t wanting an entire series and you like workouts where you do cardio and weights together, all of Cathe’s Bootcamp workouts are fantastic (you do a cardio sequence followed by three strength moves back to cardio). She also has a number of circuit workouts that are similar in format. If you like to separate cardio and weights but keep your workout under an hour, I would highly recommend her new Fit/Split series. Each of the four discs has a shortish cardio and some form of strength training. So many options with this program. Please ask if you have any specific questions. If you get a chance to do her On Demand free for a week (I think she offers that at times), you can do any and all of her workouts that she has on DVD. And, honestly, if you are really interested in her workouts, you can get On Demand for just one month, try the workouts and then decide what suits you. You would just have to let them know at the end of the month you want to cancel (if you want to cancel). I find her customer service really good with this. Again, let us know if you have any questions!

    See you tomorrow!


  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ No workout last night. I headed to the store to get “Bernard” some food and a few things at Costco. Much more enjoyable to go there on a Tuesday at 5-ish vs. Sat or Sunday let me tell you. Headed home and made dinner. This a.m. I had hit the snooze one too many times so I only had time for a quick lower body/legs workout so I quickly picked 21DFX Xtreme Lower Body, which was great. I will try to get in a little extra lower body maybe on Saturday to make up for it. Tonight I am headed to Spinning. We will see if that group of ladies gets the back row again and we are stuck up front. Not so bad just like “our usual spots”. ;)

    Thelma: I LOVE that workout and definitely on my list for Upper-Body for the remainder of this sequence. I almost did the Tri Sets Lower this a.m. since it is short but thought the 21DFX XTreme was quick and no equipment other than weights and a band. Sounds like we are both very surprised we are nearing the end of this rotation! WOW. I too am very happy to see what others have for a plan. I wondered if that was why you had stopped doing that Cardio Leg Blast was due to your foot pain. Just thrilled that you found it again and love it! Maybe I will do that one on Saturday. Yes, our weather could very much be like that on a certain day. Sometimes it is raining in one part of our town and a few miles away it is sunny. WEIRD is a good word for it but after living here almost my entire life I just expect the weird this time of year. LOL

    Laurie: Great job with KCM B&B! Those B&B workouts are so quick and good. Excellent work with your RAW workout this a.m. as well. Great idea with Hammer & Chisel moving forward as well. SO many to chose from, that’s why I always love the “plans” you ladies share. I can write them down and make modifications or not but at least I have something to start with other than 100 DVDs staring at me. :D

    Laurel: All of the amazing names of those workouts on her LIVE program I don’t know how you decide?!?! You must have a giant notebook handy to make notes of favorites. Excellent workout today. I seriously can’t believe we are nearing the end of this 6 months either. WOW. Thank you for posting your plan in advance. Gives me some great ideas moving forward. As I mentioned to Laurie, I hate floundering or staring at my collection wondering what I should do next. At least having a sequence that makes sense and I enjoy is what I aim for. So again, THANK YOU.

    Have a great afternoon ladies ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did KCM 30-MTF Lower Body Split Sessions, Walking on Treadmill, Stretching.

    Laurie, great job with the RAW workouts!!
    One thing I like about this rotation is that we're using workouts we hadn't done in a while. I wonder what other KCM workouts I can use. Are there others similar to Split Sessions?
    I have that Body Revolution workout too. Were you thinking of using it as add-ons?

    Laurel, great workouts! I can't believe your legs weren't sore!

    I'm glad you like the idea of continuing this rotation too! Wow! An awesome job designing the next two phase! OMG, I didn't realize that starting May 13 you had week-long rotations! Fabulous!!
    I can't figure out what RUUB is though! Thanks, Laurel!

    Tami, great job getting the leg workout in! I hope you got a bike in the back of the room!
    I wanted to do Total Body Trisets Lower Body tonight but it was a little too long for the time I had so I did KCM's Split Sessions Lower Body.
    If you haven't done Cardio Leg Blast in a while you should do it Saturday.
    I'm sure your weather is simply normal to you, having lived there most of your life!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work yesterday I did KCM's Body Design Kickboxing with Light Dumbbells, this was short and sweet. This morning was KCM RAW Boxing & Sculpting, it really gets you in the core with the boxing moves. Added bonus for the arms and shoulders with the boxing. Don't think I will get in a workout tonight, have to get to church.

    Laurel, Nice to hear that your selections of workouts this week is working! Love the title of the live workout, your combo sounds like it was a good burn. The only thing that is different between our front/back week is the workouts it appears. :D I want to do some longer cardio workouts on Sunday when I have more time, so will be on the same schedule as you. I'm really looking forward to the next phase, it really has been fun changing up the workouts. I love the sound of your one body part, it looks really good. Of course I may do the RUUB workouts only x2, but may change my mind. Where would Cathe's Burn Set one body part land in this? Strength?
    Thinking of doubling that one. Here is what I'm doing for the next phase. The only reason I'm doing the opposite sides on Th/F is because Kelly made her workout that way. She created it on one video, so you can do it as a full body workout also. I may incorporate the Body Rev workouts also, but have not decided yet, could tack those on to my evening workouts on M/T.

    Sunday: Cardio
    Monday: F/S Push
    Tuesday: F/S Pull
    Wednesday: Cardio
    Thursday: Body Rev Workout Back (even #'d workouts) & KCM RAW Back,
    Friday: Body Rev Workout Front (odd #'d workouts) & KCM RAW Front
    Saturday: Yoga

    Tami, Great job getting in a workout, those snooze buttons shouldn't have been invented. :D Hope that you where able to get your usual spots in spin class too. I love the B&B workouts also, they are really good for my evening workouts since none of them are over 30 min. I usually don't have that much time in the evenings. I will start looking at the H&C workouts to see if any of them can be used too. There has to be some in all of those workouts.

    Thelma, Awesome job on your workouts! Off the top of my head I only know of the Build & Burn workouts having an upper/lower. (I don't think that you got those right?) She has premixes that incorporate that concept. Body Design has the upper workout that you could do twice or three times through, and a lower body that is about 25 min. Lean Body Circuits has some premixes that incorporate weights with cardio. I think that is about all I can remember. The body rev workouts I was thinking of add-ons or the first workout. KCM doesn't really do very good warm-ups in her RAW workouts, so that is my though for using them at the beginning or as my evening workouts.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tried a couple new Live workouts today. Seems to be my theme for this week. I started with Cathe Live Oh My Glutes. This one was filmed about a month ago and was absolutely fantastic! There is little equipment (10-15lb weights and one disc) and no mat work. :D It is five blocks of four exercises with each block repeated once. Moved quickly, got the heart rate up with no impact and really hit the bootie good! Definitely one to return to. Since my heart rate was up, I took a break. Then for cardio, I did Cathe Live Timesaver Step Grooves which is 30 minutes of pretty low intensity step into Fit/Split Shred Cardio. I really liked doing a step routine before Shred Cardio. I find the short warm-up on Shred Cardio (something like three minutes) right into squat thrusts and two footed jumping on the step doesn’t quite work for me. This ‘seasoned’ body prefers a bit more of a warm-up before jumping right in to that high impact. It felt much safer today, so I will keep doing something like this with it because Shred Cardio is too good not to do from time to time.

    Tami, definitely understand avoiding Costco on the weekends. Not a fun place to be when everybody else is there for sure. Choosing workouts anymore is tough since I have so many (too many maybe....? :o ). And I just bought two new sets—one from KCM (Build and Burn) and one from Jessica Smith (Walk Strong 3). :o:o Yours and Laurie’s reviews of the KCM workouts convinced me on those, and 2Lazy convinced me on Jessica. I really think I will benefit from starting to get more variety in my program and maybe something not quite as intense but still challenging. So.....more choices in the future!

    Thelma, great workout. RUUB is S&S Ramped Up Upper Body. There are premixes for doing each body part either two or three times that include the warm-up and cool down. I love these premixes. Well, I love the whole workout!

    Laurie, another great set of workouts. Well, our next month looks the same because I copied from you. :#;) I would put Burn Sets into strength. I just decided to go back to Sagi because I love those workouts. The other series I toyed with was Gym Style. I would actually put those in the second week and go with STS Meso 2 workouts in the third week if I were using them, though. Because of the pace of Gym Styles, I find them an interesting blend of strength and endurance. I know because of that, I can go much heavier with STS, which is why I would put those in strength.

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hi Ladies ~ Good Spin class last night and we were all in our normal spots! LOL This a.m. was RWH Upper Body.

    Thelma: Awesome job getting in a nice Lower Body workout, short and to the point! Yes, the back of the room was nice to be there again.

    Laurie: Sounds like a perfect after work workout you got in and them some more KB & Sculpting this a.m. Looks like you have a wonderful plan in place as well. I will definitely be taking notes from both of you for ideas.

    Laurel: Excellent combo again today! Sounds like a lot of fun and hard work. Way to go trying out some KCM B&B! I will be anxious to see what you think. They are definitely short workouts, but great to add on and they are all low impact as well. She just has a good way of incorporating lots of moves into a short workout. Which is great. Really enjoy her for that. Glad Laurie and I could help add to your collection!

    Have a great evening ladies ~ might get to take Bernie for a little walk. It’s pretty nice this afternoon and now that we have daylight after 5:30 it’s wonderful! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi Ladies, no workout for me tonight. I was just too tired.
    Not sure if you saw this but I just read a post on the skinnytaste FB wall. The MFP accounts were hacked and everyone needs to change their passwords.

    It occurred to me today that we must be scaring people off because members who stop by our group never seem to stick! LOL

    DH and I will be trying a new skinnytaste recipe this weekend. Fish & chips in the air fryer. I also want to try a dessert recipe Gina just posted with last week's menu called Strawberry Crisp. I might pass cause I might be the only one eating it! LOL. I will be making the bagels again. I had an avocado bagel sandwich for dinner tonight. It was really good.

    Laurie, great workouts! I just checked on YouTube the RAW workouts and she seems to have at least 6-8 of them. Watched a little bit of one that seems to be called simply RAW. Seems to be mostly boxing and her brother looks like he's about to die! LOL
    Thanks for posting your rotation ideas!

    You're right, I don't have that KCM Build & Burn, I have one that is called muscle definition, slim sculpting, home gym intervals which I've never done.

    Laurel, wonderful combo today!!! I have to warm up, cool down AND stretch with every workout. I love Cathe's warmups.
    OMG! I couldn't figure out what RUUB was!!! LOL, That is definitely a great workout! thanks!

    Tami, glad you got your normal spot at the gym! Great workouts!

    Good night and a wonderful weekend ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I didn't get home until almost 9 last night, and hadn't had a chance to eat. So I stayed up a bit late after I ate, didn't want to go to bed with food in my belly. This morning was a tad hard to get up, but I got down in that basement and did KCM's RAW 888. Truly love this workout, it hits almost every part of the body, but I tend to feel it in my lower body more. I followed that up with Body Design Strong Leaner Lower Body.

    Laurel, Those workouts sounds like they where fun, great job. I agree with you on warming up the body, it really is something that I need too. Even though Kelly doesn't have great warm ups in these RAW workouts, her first moves is usually not high impact and that helps. Congrats on your new purchases, I really do love your choices. I have the Strong 3 workouts, and I'm hoping to do those with my sister at some point. You will love adding those B&B workouts onto other workouts. My favorite one is the Cardio Core. Some of the premixes on those DVD's are a ton of fun too, and I haven't even tried them all yet. :D Oh now you have me wanting to do the GS workouts too, those are some great workouts. I would have to do one of the premixes for the leg workout, but even those are tough. I was thinking about the total body week. I think that one would be nice to try metabolic. Look at the metabolic rotations that 2Lazy has on her site, let me know what you think.

    Tami, LOL about getting your spots in the spin class, and I'm glad to hear that it was good class and that you got in your upper body workout too. I'm so enjoying adding in the kettlebells, it just adds a nice way to up the hr. I received my 20lb weight, and boy it sure is heavy! :D Can't wait to try it out.

    Thelma, Dang on the workout, but if the body says no way then it is good to listen to it. I did hear about the breach, and was surprised that I didn't receive an e-mail or something. Guess the hacker will now know what I eat for breakfast. LOL about scaring people, you could be right. I would eat the Strawberry Crisp with you :D . Have fun with the new recipes. My co-worker has the air fryer and loves it. I'm making those bagels this weekend too, so will let you know how the family liked them. Home Gym Intervals is one of my favorites, it really is a good workout. It moves from your gym equipment to weights, and I get sore from that one. The Muscle Definition one actually has separate body parts in the premixes, that could be add-ons or done twice.

    Have a great weekend and Easter,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! Another fun workout today. I started with another new-to-me Cathe Live, this one from last month and it was called Pumped Upper Body. It was a really rapid and thorough upper body workout. It was perfect for these upper/lower weeks, no doubt. For cardio, I started with F/S Boxing Bootcamp (cardio only) and then into F/S Mixed Impact Cardio (cardio only). So good and so fun!

    Tami, glad you had your regular spots back for spinning. I am sure the class felt more ‘normal’. Great upper body workout as well. What you said about KCMs B&B workouts is exactly why I decided to give them a try. I may try the upper and lower workouts next week as part of this rotation. I will keep you posted. When you mentioned that you were staying light until after 5:30pm, I really had to do a double take. And it just made me remember how quickly our seasons turn. We have light in the sky until about 10:00 now! I can read without a light on until about 9:00pm. Isn’t that crazy?

    Thelma, glad you skipped the workout if you weren’t up to it. I heard about the breach yesterday as well, and I got an email last night. All my passwords have been changed. Sadly, I think this is just going to be life from now on. :/ Like Laurie, I would join you in eating the Strawberry Crisp. In fact, I am going to the airport later today to pick up DH. I am sure he wouldn’t mind if I tossed him the car keys and got on a plane to Massachusetts. :D Okay, maybe he would..... :p Enjoy!

    Laurie, that’s a late time of night to eat. Good job having the mindset to get up this morning. And a great workout on top of it. I love the idea of a month focusing on metabolic workouts. Actually, if we do two months of the single body part, that will take us to mid-July. And a month right then of the shorter metabolic workouts would be absolutely ideal for houseguests (my in-laws) and summer time activities. I will spend some time on 2lazy’s site, but I am already a ‘yes!’ on it!

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a nice Easter! On Friday I did Jessica Smith Knee Friendly Total Body with Weights, Lite Cardio, Abs. This JS workout was really good! I was working out in our bedroom and I didn't have weights so I used two jugs of fabric softener. LOL
    On Saturday Jessica Smith Power Walking, Feel Good Fusion and Abs. Today S&S Ramped Up Upper Body.
    I didn't make the strawberry crisp because I was afraid I was going to be the only one eating it. Instead, I made the Skinnytaste Blueberry Banana bread. It is really good. I also made the bagels and this time they came out better. The dough was moist but not sticky so I was able to roll it into long sticks so my bagels looked more like bagels. I made two everything bagel and 2 with diced, sweetened, dry cranberries. I'm in love with the cranberry ones! DH made us the Skinnytaste Fish & Chips in the air fryer and it was delish. I used our new mandoline to make cut the potatoes into chips. Scary tool but it did a nice job cutting the potatoes.

    Laurie, great job getting up on Friday and doing those awesome workouts!!
    I found the MFP in my bulk mail folder so you should check. The hacker may become a Cathe fan from going through our data!

    We got a Cuisinart convection oven, regular oven, toaster and air fryer appliance. We are learning to use it. It definitely is much warmer than our old toaster oven. We laugh because sometimes we stand in front of it watching the food cook to make sure it doesn't burn! LOL
    The bagel recipe calls for 11 minutes in the air fryer. It takes about 6 minutes in mine!
    Did you like the bagels? Did you find the Greek cream cheese?

    Laurel, your Friday workout sounds like a fun one! Great job! Congrats on your new workouts! Funny you got the JS workouts because on Friday when I was doing one of her workouts the promo for her program came up and it looked good. Needless to say, I am feeling very tempted to get it because it looked like fun.

    Like I said above, I didn't make the strawberry crisp, but if I knew you were coming to visit I'd gladly make it for you!
    I agree with you that data breaches are a part of life these days. Scary stuff!
    I like the idea of a month of metabolic workouts!

    Hi Tami!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yoga on Saturday was from Chris Freytag's 10lb Slimdown Extreme workout. I had forgotten I had this set, and it has an upper an lower workout that where really good, so I might switch out some of my workout so I can do them this week or next. Sunday I didn't workout, I took the day off from just about everything except making Easter dinner. This morning was KCM's Split Sessions Upper Body and I followed that up with 10 Min. Solutions HiiT Upper Body. I was surprised that I would get my hr up for the Hiit workout, but good moves of cardio/upper without weights. Hope to get in some short cardio after work.

    Laurel, Awesome combination of workouts you had with the upper and then your cardios. I'm good with doing the one body part for two months and then moving into the metabolic rotation. That will be good for the rest of the summer. Glad that you are a go for the metabolic. ;)

    Thelma, Love the workouts! I think the blueberry banana bread was a good option, but the crisp would have been awesome. All those recipes sound great, so will have to investigate. That is a fast cook time with your convection oven, the blueberry pie I made this weekend would have cooked in half the time. I wasn't able to make the bagels, and you hit on the reason why. I think that I may find the greek cream cheese at Meier's. I have to head there for some dog treats, so hopefully they will have some. I think they will, since they carry a lot of odd things that other grocery stores in the area don't seem to have. I didn't look at Aldi's either, they sometimes carry those type of things too. LOL about watching your food cooking, I probably would do the same thing.

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I thought I'd pop in and say hi before the day gets away from me! I enjoyed Thursday/Friday off of work with the family and had a lot of downtime/relaxing, which was great! Continued on with the Cathe workouts, and got in some that I've not tried before or it's been awhile!

    Laurie, thanks for the info on GHUTV. I enjoy Chris a lot, I'll have to check out some of her free videos. Right now, I'm trying to limit my online paid access to just a couple, so may need to table the subscription to later if I like the workouts. I'm curious to try Cathe's and Kelly's first and foremost!

    Tami, ooh, fun bootcamp! Glad hubby is continuing to improve...I want to say it was almost a full 2 months before my hubby was feeling "normal" again. It was gradual, that's for sure. If he didn't already, he might want to ask about a pneumonia shot. I guess once you get it, you're much more likely to get it again and again. My dad gets the shot and hasn't had pneumonia again. My hubby didn't, and has had it twice since. Not as bad, mind you, but still got it again and had to go on meds to clear it out.

    Laurel, thanks for the Cathe breakdown. I am going to check into that trial for sure. I don't mind bringing my DVD player/DVD's when I travel, but I like the idea of variety with Live for sure and On Demand might be a nice option to have (or add later). I have a feeling your legs will be sore tomorrow with that combo! Sounds fun!

    Thelma, hope you are well. We have another snowstorm hitting us today/tomorrow with 10" expected. I'm hoping it doesn't end up coming your way, like many of the past storms have!

    LinzBarker: I second Tami's comments. The series she has mentioned above are ones I find I do over and over again. She has many great DVD's, but these sets contain everything and you can rotate them to get the variety needed. She does provide rotations on her website ( each month, and if you have her monthly subscription, you can just pull the workouts that she has set up. If you have questions at all, just ask!

    Talk to you all later! Erika
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! Happy Easter! We had a nice, quiet weekend. DH got home safely from Korea and after sleeping for 13 hours Friday night, he seems to be doing fine with the jet lag. Aside from some shopping, though, we had a quiet weekend and enjoyed a nice Easter dinner at home last night. For workouts, on Saturday I did Jessica Smith’s Deep Stretch from the Walk Strong 3 series. As usual with Jessica, it was a nice, basic and effective stretch. Sunday I started with Leaner Legs and followed it up with Cathe Live Birthday Blast. Today was the CTX Upper Body combo, which has long been a favorite of mine. For cardio, I tried something different. I started with Cathe Live Move It, which is a workout alternating cardio blasts with strength segments, most of which are focused on the core. Then I went into KCM’s B&B Cardio Core workout. Absolutely loved this combo! Really enjoyed the KCM workout and am looking forward to trying more of them.

    Thelma, great workouts! I will let you know what I think of this Jessica series as I do them. So far, I have done the Deep Stretch and the Yoga Strength and Stretch workouts, and they are both standard Jessica, which is good. I am looking forward to trying her non-yoga workouts, though. Hopefully next week I can get in a couple. Sounds like some good food at your house this weekend!

    Laurie, great workouts. Thank you for pointing me in the direction of that Cardio Core workout. I love how she used the step in it. Not too much, but enough to get the heart rate up. Really enjoyed it. I don’t know why I didn’t click with her when I tried one of her workouts before, because I really liked her personality in this workout. Sounds like we have a rotation plan at least until the middle of August! Yay!!

    Erika, glad you got to spend some time with your family over the long weekend. I certainly hope the 10” of snow they are predicting misses you. We woke up to snow yesterday, but only a few inches. I can handle that this time of year. But 10” is too much! Glad you are still enjoying your Cathe workouts!

    Tami, hope you had a good weekend.

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Quick check in because I only have about 20 more minutes and my trainee is back from her lunch break. Yes, I am training someone that will be helping out in our department so I can take on more! It is great but super strange that I am doing some training. I am amazed how much I do know as I speak out loud to someone showing them. She will be in the cubicle next to me.

    So I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend. I got in a great S&S BootCamp workout on Saturday and then yesterday DH took me out for Easter breakfast and then yes, I came into work for a couple hours. Wanted to get some files finished before training someone and feeling nervous they weren't done. I know, Easter and all but DH was resting and Bernie and I needed an outing. Plus OT hours are always nice on the paycheck. Relaxing day after that. DH is still really struggling to stay awake and have energy throughout the day. Poor guy.

    No workout this a.m. but will head to BootCamp tonight.

    Great workouts ladies! I will be able to have a more normal check in tomorrow but really wanted to say Hi since I missed you all on Friday too.

    Thelma: Hope that snow misses you guys! YIKES. It has been snowing off and on here to day but nothing sticking. Just one of those strange days.

    Laurie: Sounds like a busy weekend for you and great workouts! Way to go.

    Laurel: Fabulous job! That is AMAZING about how long it stays light out for you. I am sure you did a double take about the 5:30 pm celebration for me that it is still light out. LOL Anxious to hear your thoughts on KCM Build & Burn workouts and how you will use them as well. Also that new Jessica Smith, I didn't realize those were stretching workouts from her Walk Strong 3? YAY. Maybe those would be something I would enjoy. I do really like here.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did ICE Chiseled Lower Body, Walking on Treadmill and Stretching.
    We got a little snow this morning and things turned white but by the time I got out of work the dusting had melted.
    OMG, there was a magnitude 6 earthquake in El Salvador tonight! My family is safe thank goodness!

    Pictures of my baking this weekend.


    Laurie, awesome workouts!
    The banana blueberry bread was definitely good. It really is amazing how fast food cooks in the convection oven/air fryer. So far we have the air fryer part figured out. DH is trying to figure out the right temp/bake time for his weekly banana bread loaf. Temps are much hotter and like I said cooking time is much shorter. His first loaf came out looking like a pregnant bread. LOL! There was a big mound in the middle and the sides were really low! LOL
    Laurie, this is the cream cheese retailer list. There is a link on the left side to request a retailer. You can also check them out on FB under Greek cream cheese! OMG, they sell it in NC and GA!!! SWEEETTT!

    Hi Erika! Good job getting your workouts in! Glad you got some time to relax!
    I'm doing well, thanks! OMG, that's a lot of snow! I really think we're done with the winter.

    Laurel, amazing workouts!!! Great job! So glad your DH is back home!
    I can't wait to read more about your review of the JS workout program! Is she alone or does she have 2 or 3 other women with her? The one I saw it looked like they were standing on a roof somewhere and there were 2 or 3 other women working out with her.

    Tami, wow! You are now the trainer! Way to go Tami!
    Great workouts! Sorry your DH is still struggling with his health. Do you think it is a lack of oxygen?
    The snow totally missed us! What a relief!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did 10 Days to a Better Body Upper, that one is always good and fun. This morning I did KCM's Split Sessions Lower and 10 Min. Solutions Rock Bottom HiiT. The 10MS was a good workout for add-on purposes. ;)

    Erika, Sounds like you had a very nice weekend, and of course keeping up with your Cathe rotation. Glad that you are enjoying revisiting her workouts, and in some that you have not tried. I am with you on the paid subscriptions, I only have the GHUTV and Kelly's RAW. I also only want to have two at a time minimum. Anything over that and it would get really expensive. Everyone seems to be going that route though.

    Laurel, Glad to hear that your DH is home safe, and that he was able to sleep that long. Great job with the workouts, and I'm very happy to hear that you enjoyed the Cardio Core workout. Kelly is fast becoming my favorite instructor, it must be because she is my age and doing her workouts for us. Of course her workouts where a big part of my recovery so I guess that is why I enjoyed the workouts. Now I'm ready to see how you enjoy the kettlebell kickboxing one. That is my second fav of the workouts. :D

    Tami, Great job on the workouts! Totally understand going into work to make sure that you don't get behind while you are training, plus you are getting OT too. I love that you can bring Bernie with you, that would never happen around here. Of course I'm right in the middle of the shop floor, so way to unsafe for the pooch. ;) Hope your BC class is a good one.

    Thelma, Thanks for the link, some of the stores I stopped at may not have that cream cheese yet. They are listed though. Great job with your workouts! After seeing those pics I now want some blueberry bread, everything looks delicious. Very glad to hear that your family is fine after that earthquake. I'm heading out tonight to do some shopping, so will have to check out one store that I think might actually have greek cream cheese. I voted this morning, so don't have to worry about doing that.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hi Ladies! Tried all new workouts today, and it was fun. I started with Cathe Live Low Impact Leg Blasts and Ball Upper Body, and did just the leg blast section. It was about 25 minutes long and alternated cardio and strength. Then I went right into KCM B&B Lower Body Tabatas. I really liked this combo. I am not certain either workout alone would have made me feel I had much of a workout on their own, but the combo was really fantastic and perfect for these upper/lower weeks. I took a bit of a break and then hopped on my spin cycle for Cathe Live Pedal to the Metal. So fun!!

    Tami, sounds like a busy time at work.....and you are going to take more on?!? Wow. I am sorry your DH is experiencing such fatigue still. But I bet it was nice to get out a little bit on Sunday with him. I have done two of the KCM B&B workouts so far, and two thumbs up from me! I really like her no nonsense approach in these workouts. Good stuff. Yes, the long days are here! There is light in the sky when I go to bed at 10:00pm and when I get up at 5:15am now. So no more complete darkness for me until sometime in August! In about four weeks, even night owls won’t get any darkness.

    Thelma, your photos made my mouth water! Everything looks SO good. Glad your family is safe. That’s a pretty significant earthquake. One of the JS workouts I did she was alone; the other had two women with her. These were both filmed by a pool over looking a water passage (which is very clearly Florida!). I think some of the others are filmed in a studio, though. I will keep you posted as I hope to do the upper and lower body workouts from this series next week. Great workout! Hope your snow is almost over for the season. I was surprised this morning to see we dropped below zero last night! :o But the sun is shining, so I will take it!

    Laurie, great workouts! I previewed a bit of the kettlebell workout yesterday and am so excited to have a workout where I can use my much-neglected kettlebell. Looks like a great workout for our metabolic rotation. :) Speaking of which, I looked at 2lazy’s metabolic rotations, and I really liked what I saw. One thing I want to do is add in some Hammer and Chisel workouts. For some reason, that is a program I am kind of itching to do again right least in part. But looking at her suggestions has me really excited to do that month! Thank you for the suggestion!!

    Erika, I imagine you are back to a busy week! Hope all is going well.

    See you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi Ladies, no workout for me tonight. I just had no energy all day long.
    We had a rainy day today and tomorrow will be in the mid-60's!

    Laurie, great workouts! I hope you're able to find the Greek cream cheese!

    Laurel, those workouts sound like a lot of fun! Great job!
    It was a significant earthquake. They've had lots of aftershocks. Thankfully my aunt hasn't felt them.
    Are the JS workouts 30 minutes long? Does she offer pre-mixes?

    Hi Tami and Erika

    Good night ladies!