Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! I really thought I was going to be super sore today after yesterday’s workout, but I wasn’t at all! Well, I wasn’t until I worked out. :o So today’s workout was a mashup of two Cathe Live workouts. I started with Cathe Live Kickboxing and Barre, doing the warm-up and Kickboxing sections only. Then I did Cathe Live Boxing with Leg Blasts (skipping the warm-up), which is a nice blend of cardio and lower body strength. Then I went back to the first workout to do the Barre workout. And.....ouch! That got really tough towards the end for sure!! Because I had my Fit Tower set up for barre work and I really just felt like lying on the floor after it :p I popped in a Fit Tower workout and did the Bonus Abs. Altogether it was a really great workout.....but this one I KNOW I will feel tomorrow. :D

    Tami, glad to hear your DH is doing a little better. He really has had a tough couple of months, hasn’t he? It is encouraging that he is talking about trying to get some fitness in, though. Great workouts, as always!

    Thelma, if the snow hit hard last night, I hope they let you stayed home today. My SIL just posted a photo of their house (they live in Merrimack, NH), and they got quite a bit of snow. Hope you are staying safe!

    Laurie, I don’t know the description of your team building event made me chuckle, but It did. Sounds like lunch was a better team builder than the hockey, though. I find smokehouses really hit and miss for me. Not being much of a red meat eater, I definitely need one that has good options. But I also find some smokehouses to be really pricey. A blog on them would be great for somebody like me. Of course, I would have to come to Wisconsin to check them out but........that sounds okay to me! :) Anyhow, regarding lower/upper week, like you, my legs can take it, but my upper body gets a little fatigued. I think I am going to be using more Circuit style workouts for the upper body for one session a week and see if that helps. I will still be hitting the muscles but not to failure. We’ll see.

    Erika, hope you are having a good days.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Great Spin class last night, lots of energy and she had borrowed someone else’s playlist so the music was really good too. This a.m. was BUILD Shoulders + BEAST Abs.

    Thelma: So glad to hear you were able to just be home yesterday with that storm coming in. It is great you are given that option at times. Hopefully you guys have dug your way out of the house by now. Way to get your workouts in and having that “sleep in” I am sure felt wonderful.

    Laurie: Your “team building” event sounds like it was a good idea minus the scream fest! LOL Great job with your workout this a.m. and a nice combo. DH is feeling a little bit better last night and today, thank goodness. It seems the cough he has is deep in his chest though, hopefully it leaves soon. I feel like I am nagging/mothering/pestering him on the medicine thing but at least he is taking something. Yes, it is BEYOND frustrating on the slow hair growth. I never realized it until I was actually trying to grow it out for this cut. I told her she can never say “it’s just hair, it will grow if you don’t like it” she has tried talking me into shorter styles many times and I have been a big chicken, now I can legitimately say NO.

    Laurel: WOWSA! Some killer combos you put together today. Way to WORK. He really has had some long months lately between his back, staph infection, feeling sick, getting better and now a cold. All since mid Jan. I hope DH tries to get some fitness in. He knows he will feel better, he said it is just finding the time. {SIGH} . . . and so it goes. I will probably be doing circuit style as well in the "Upper/Lower" phase of our rotation; thinking RWH workouts are always great for that. Love getting that extra cardio factor too. :)

    Hi Erika ~ Hope you are having a good week!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi Ladies, the blizzard hit my area pretty bad. 74% was without power! Thankfully we had power except for 25 minutes this evening. We think the outage was due to repairs.
    There were downed trees and power lines all over the place including main roads. Our town kept sending messages to stay home if possible. a giant tree fell on top of a lady in my town. They say she is a bad shape.
    We had a few big branches dangling from the trees and I heard and watched when a branch broke, landed on our shed's roof and bounced off of it, finally landing on the side of the shed. The trees were covered in heavy, wet snow. DH told me that this was the heaviest snow he ever remembers shoveling.
    I ended up working from home. I wouldn't have been able to get to work even if I wanted to given the road closures.
    I got to workout twice today! In the morning I did Jessica Smith Cardio and tonight Fit Tower Legs & Abs, Treadmill, Stretching. I have to do this Fit Tower workout more often!
    Say a prayer for me, please. I'm going to get the henna done on Saturday. I hope i"m not allergic to it and I hope I like the color!

    Laurie, another team building event! Yikes! screaming kids! DH and I would've lasted 2 minutes in there!
    Great workout this morning! Glad your sinus headache went away. That insurance exam was very beneficial to you given how to motivate you are now about getting into smaller clothes!

    Laurel, wow! What a combo! That Fit Tower ab workout is good!
    I'm so thankful we are safe and have power. That was a crazy storm and apparently, it came with lightning and thunder too but I missed that part.

    Tami, great job with your workouts! DH did all the digging out. That wet, heavy snow left him absolutely exhausted! I didn't sleep in today because in my mind I was going to work but then I saw what things looked outside and I knew there was no way I was going to venture out.

    Good night ladies and have a great weekend!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Stayed late at work yesterday, so I didn't get home in time to workout. This morning was BBC Full Body, and a Jessica Smith Full Body weight workout. I'm taking a half day of vacation today, DH and I are going away for the weened with our car club. It will just be nice to get away.

    Laurel, Awesome job on your workouts, and that is quite the combo. I hope that your legs are okay today, but I'm sure that the barre work will get you. Those workouts always seem to hit on muscles that don't get hit often in regular leg workouts. We do have a lot of smokehouses in our area, which is really a nice thing. I love that they are smoking just about everything. I love the smoked salmon a lot, probably because I grew up with smoked fish. My Grandfather was always smoking the fish he caught. I'm planning on hitting the upper body with heavy weight workouts, so I like that you are going with the circuit style for that phase.

    Tami, Love to hear that your class was full of energy, always a good workout when that happens. Great job on your Beast workouts also. Hey we do have to do the nagging and smothering sometimes. My DH has had pneumonia, so he is more likely to get it again. So I know why you would be of the same mindset. They can be very stubborn sometimes.

    Thelma, Sorry to hear that you got hit so bad with that heavy snow. We once had that type of snow in May, and trees where down all over the place. Not fun. Glad to hear that your residence made it out fairly well. Nice that you had a chance to get multiple workouts in during your day. I think the one saving grace with being at the hockey game, we had some special needs young adults in front of us. One young man was having the time of his life, and was fist bumping everyone on our team. We didn't leave until after they did, and that probably was why everyone else decided to stay too.

    Have a great weekend,
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies, I can't believe it's Friday already! This week was extra busy, but I have today off with the boys, so I'm looking forward to a relaxing day! Got up early to get my oil changed and do Cathe 4DS Bootcamp. Now, time to relax before my oldest son's 2nd of 4 games this weekend and then his season is done.

    Thelma, that storm really hit your area hard! I hadn't heard a word from anyone in our home offices (Boston and Windsor, CT) so assumed it wasn't too bad. Sounds like it was even heavier snow than we got here for sure! The plus side is being able to work from home and get 2 workouts in! :) Good luck with your henna tomorrow, I'm excited to hear about it!

    Laurie, enjoy your half day and time with DH, sounds like a perfect getaway! I need to try some of the JS workouts again...I really enjoyed them when I did them, just kinda forgot about them! The team building event sounds interesting, but the smokehouse sounds yummy!

    Laurel, fun workout combos...I hope you aren't too sore after that! This winter has been a bit warmer than usual, which is why we're getting much more snow. I don't mind the snow, until it has to be shoveled. A couple inches here and there is fine, but these 8+" at a time are a little much...especially when trying to hunt for dog poo out in it!

    Tami, sounds like a fun class again and great workouts at home too! I hope your DH is feeling better! That's never fun when they are sick. As my good friend calls it...the man flu!

    Have a great weekend everyone! Next week should be a little less chaotic with 1 done with hockey until the fall and the other is on a break until the 20th! :)

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! Had a super fun, tough workout today. I started with Cathe Live PHA 3. This one was filmed about a month ago and this was my first time doing it. After one go, it is my favorite PHA workout of Cathe’s I have done (she has three Live one in addition to S&S PHA). The difference between this one and the DVD was there was no step in this one and instead of doing two sets of six exercises each repeated three times, she did three sets of six exercises each repeated twice. More variety and less repetition made this workout fly! And even without the step, my heart rate stayed up throughout. Definitely will do this one again. I took a break before my cardio to let my heart rate and muscles calm down a bit, and then I did F/S Mixed Impact Cardio into S&S Cardio Slam. What a great combo that was!

    Tami, got to love good music for spinning! In the little spin I have done, I find it makes all the difference. Glad to hear your DH is feeling a bit better. Keep nagging because, in the end, he will appreciate it! Like Laurie, I had to nurse my DH through a pneumonia once, and I never want that repeated. So at the first sign of a cough, I am all over him about hydration and rest and medication. Knock on wood but it has been 15 years since it and no repeats yet!

    Thelma, yikes on the storm! I saw some photos of trees completely overloaded with snow. I really don’t know how your DH managed to shovel it, to be honest. I think I would still be in the driveway......probably crying! ;) Bet he still feels it today. Hopefully better weather will return and you won’t be dealing with it long. But great workouts you did with your time! Good luck tomorrow with the hair appointment. I hope this works out for you.

    Laurie, hope you enjoy your weekend away! Great workouts! Surprisingly......I am not sore today at all. :o I must be doing something right with my protein intake right now because, honestly, I have had no real DOMS this week. I have recently added a handful of nuts to my evenings (I usually shy away from nuts because of the calories but decided to try them again to see if I feel the benefits of all their healthy parts) and I am wondering if that might be part of it. Anyhow, I am happy about that!

    Erika, I bet you will enjoy the break from hockey for a little while. I love that your boys are still involved with it though. So good that they are active. Great workout today. Love those 4DS workouts. Sounds like our winters have been similar. While my biceps, shoulders and core all seem to love shoveling all this snow, mentally......I can think of other things I would prefer to be doing sometimes. B) But as I have mentioned before, it does get me outside for extended periods of time, and when the temps are as warm as we have been, that’s not a bad thing.

    Hope you all enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ No workout last night which is my usual “Thursday” so it was nice to enjoy the evening and not feel rushed. I usually get a load of laundry done while making dinner or whatever. This a.m. was F|S Legs and Glutes and tonight I will head to Spinning.

    Thelma: HOLY Blizzard you guys had! WOW. I am so glad to hear you and DH are doing well and only without power for a very short period. Way to go taking advantage of that time at home to crush your workouts!!! Nicely done. I am sending good thoughts your way for a positive Henna hair color appt!

    Laurie: Great job getting in your BBC Full Body + JS Full Body workout this a.m. How nice you are only working a half day and onto a fun weekend with DH. Enjoy. Thanks for the kudos on the nagging/smothering. . . . lol Sheesh these men sometimes. :s

    Erika: Sounds like you have had a very busy week and I am sure you are looking forward to a break from hockey practices/games, Mom bus, etc. Excellent job getting in another 4DS workout, that BC one is action packed and lots of fun. DH seems a little better, but when I visit with him in the a.m. he always says he feels like "*#%!" and so I am not sure if that means worse or just because it is the a.m. when often people feel worse until they get moving.

    Laurel: OMG! I think I would have LOVED, LOVED that workout. Sounds amazing. Since her current PHA workout on the S&S is truly one of my top 5 faves right now. Sounds like you really got in an amazing workout, way to go. Yes, the music in Spin makes a huge difference. Even when I try to block it out if it is bad (not often but sometimes) it just doesn’t provide quite the same energy in the room I think. Yikes on the pneumonia, I hope DH is paying attention to how he is feeling. He isn’t one to “chance” it anymore from everything that has happened the last few years but amazingly wants to dodge the meds. GO figure. LOL Good on ya for trying out some more healthy fats into your diet. I have been doing that as well for the last year or so and although it’s frightening at the calorie count I have tried to incorporate them into my macro nutrients so that I am getting adequate fats. Avacados too. YUM but hello calories. I try to focus on the benefits instead of the number. LOL

    Wish Bernie & I luck for round #2 at the Vet for the Pawdicure (as Thelma calls it ….. lol) He has his sleepy pills to take this time so hopefully we end up with all toenails trimmed instead of 2 feet partially done. Madison, the Dog Whisperer is back from vacation so we are going in tomorrow a.m.

    Have a great weekend ladies! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. I took Friday off, on Saturday I did an older Jessica Smith low impact cardio workout and today XT CBS W/U, BB Build Chest & Triceps, Walking on Treadmill, Stretching.

    I've lost track of time with the rotation again ladies. This our last week on this phase right? I've yet to put my next rotation together but thanks to you I know what workouts to do.

    Let me tell you about the henna adventure. First, the smell wasn't as bad as-as I thought it would be. I had to leave it on for 3 hours but my neighbor says I should've left it on for at least 4 hours. When I washed my hair and looked in the mirror all my gray roots were orange! OMG! I freaked out needless to say so I thought I'd apply the other henna on top but my neighbor told me it gets darker. Apparently, the oxidation process continues. My grays are a coppery orange as opposed to the bright orange I saw at first. I decided to live with it but at 9:15 tonight I decided to apply the allergy henna for 1 hour. It looks better and I think the orange is redder so it blends in better. I'm screwed but I won't agonize over it. I won't think about it.

    I learned that henna is very drying even though it's supposed to be so good for your hair. The henna was this nasty looking almost black, thick mixture. Next time (1 month) I will mix my own. My neighbor gave me her recipe. I will follow her recipe next time. So I left the salon with a clear shower cap on. Thankfully I had a microfiber hair towel that hid the shower cap very well. Am I allergic? I think eventually I will be but for now, I'm good. The more I do it the better the color will get. So it will be a reddish brown.

    I discovered the "Skinnytaste Community: What's Cooking Tonight?" Facebook group and I'm hooked and very inspired. DH has done all of our cooking but one recipe for us for a few years. This weekend I did all the cooking. I'm tired but happy with my new recipes.
    On Saturday I made the Lasagna Soup which is famous because everybody loves it. It is very tasty but I felt it needed some veggies so next time I will add baby spinach and shredded zucchini. I used raw Jenni O sweet Italian sausages. I highly recommend this recipe! You can pair that with a salad and maybe a little garlic bread.

    For tonight's dinner, I made the Make-Over Corn Casserole and the Buffalo Chicken Lettuce Wraps.

    For the corn casserole, I used unsweetened applesauce instead of the butter. The chicken was super easy to make and it is very good. So for dinner, we will have a salad with low cal blue cheese yogurt dressing, buffalo chicken and a piece of the corn casserole. YUMMY! I'm so inspired to cook now. I've actually been really good food wise this weekend. I've yet to lose the 5 lbs I gained in November/December. I think (hope) these recipes will help. Next week I will do my cooking on Saturday when I have the easier workout day.

    Remember those little containers we got with the 21 Day-Fix program? I said I would never use them. Now I wish I had more of them at least the little dressing containers and the 1/2 cup yellow containers. I'm going to have to buy another set.

    BTW, the Indian lady talked me into getting my eyebrows threaded. She said their shape was terrible! LOL.
    I knew they needed reshaping since it had been years since I had them done. She shaped them quite nicely and it didn't hurt!

    We are expecting another nor'easter on Tuesday! 8-12 inches!!!! Some people in my town as of last night still had no power! I'll be working from home on Tuesday.

    Laurie, great workouts on Friday. I hope you and your DH had a wonderful mini vacation. It must have been really nice watch the special needs young adults have so much fun at the hockey game.

    Erika, last week did go by very fast! Great job getting your workouts in with your busy schedule and two boys! I hope the hockey games were good!
    The storm hit us hard last week and we're about to get hit again! It is good to be able to work from home and be able to get a second workout in!

    Laurel, that was a killer on the combo you did on Friday! Great job!
    I was worried that DH was so tired from shoveling the snow because he never complains about anything. I just thought my poor baby is getting old! I even said it to him. Maybe you're tired cause you're not a spring chickaroo anymore? LOL

    Tami, glad you enjoyed your Thursday night! Great job with the leg and spinning workouts!
    I felt so blessed that we didn't lose power more than 25 minutes during the storm.
    I hope your DH is doing better!

    Good night ladies and have a wonderful week!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Very nice to get away, but also nice to be home. I really don't enjoy daylight savings though, because my eating times are all messed up. ;) Anyway on Sunday I did BBC Chest & Abs, and Jillian's Killer Cardio Level 1. This morning was Jillian's Killer Bun's & Thighs Level 2, and KCM's Cardio Core. I will be doing a Jessica Smith workout when I get home.

    Erika, Nice job with the 4DS workout. I'm sure that you are looking forward to not having to haul your son to his hockey games, I know that I always felt that why with my dd's dance classes. It was nice not to have to go and sit there for a month or so. I love Jessica's workouts, and I'm working out via messenger. Since she has to many youtube workouts, it really has been easy to do.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts, and of course finding another live workout that you love. ;) Nice that you where not sore from the barre and leg workout combo. I love to add nuts to my afternoon snack, they are so good and have those healthy fats that our bodies need. I love the Larabar, since it includes nuts and dates. I'm a huge fan of dates, so they are always so good.

    Tami, Love the FS workout, and I hope your spin class was high energy again. Poor Bernie, hope that his nail clipping went well and he was able to relax through the whole process. These guys just enjoy the attention, that's why I think they get into the state that they do. :D

    Thelma, First off awesome job on your workouts. This is our last week of this phase, and then we move onto the upper/lower phase. OMG on your henna adventure, I'm sure that at some point you where saying to yourself "why me". At least that is what I would have done. I'm glad to hear that you have a neighbor that was able to help you with her recipe. Looks like some really good recipes from skinnytaste, I will have to try the soup. It looks really good. I like your idea of adding in some veggies. The buffalo chicken is probably a bust, DH doesn't like the buffalo flavor. Oh well. Take care, I hope that the storm misses you or that it isn't to bad.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a nice but quiet weekend. Our weather has calmed down, and we are experiencing an early ‘spring’ right now with daytime temps expected to go above freezing this week. That plus lots of sunshine means lots of melting. And I am good with that. :) Saturday’s workout was Jessica Smith Yoga Strength and Stretch. Sunday was Build Chest and Triceps followed by Drill Max Ultra Cardio premix. Today was Build Legs followed by Cathe’s Intensity Max premix. I am trying to up the weights for this last week of Build and so far so good. I am also trying to do more longer (60 minutes or so) cardio sessions to see if I can’t shake off the winter flab. DH surprised me the other day by—without prompting from me—complimenting me on how fit I look. :o Surprised the heck out of me because I can’t say I feel that way right now. But I definitely appreciated the compliment!

    Tami, hope everything went well this weekend with the Dog Whisperer! Poor Bernie. Hope he did okay. Also hope your DH continues to improve. I definitely think you would enjoy Cathe’s Live PHA workouts. She offers a lot of variety in a few similarly formatted workouts. I have been adding avocados to my diet as well. Again, I try to focus on the nutritional value and not the calories but, sometimes, I still go :o !

    Thelma, that’s kind of a disappointing report on the henna. I am glad your neighbor was able to help you, but that seems quite a lot of effort. I hope you can find a more workable solution. But yay on the cooking! I love the look of the recipes. Both DH and I love buffalo and we have been experimenting with quite a few Asian-inspired lettuce wraps over the past few months, so those wraps will get made.....probably this weekend. I certainly wish I could find some enthusiasm for cooking right now, that’s for sure. Great workouts! Stay safe through this next storm. March is definitely not being friendly to you right now.

    Laurie, glad you enjoyed your weekend away. Like you, though, I am always happy to get back home. And I agree on the time change. Once I get used to it, I love daylight savings because of the long evenings. But today.....not so much. I absolutely love the Larabars as well. If I am going to eat a bar, they are my go-to favorites. Many other bars seem to be so sweet anymore.

    Erika, hope you had a good weekend.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Friday evening was another great Spin class. Saturday I did BH Yoga Warrior and then back to lifting yesterday with an added cardio. I am really feeling like I have been missing cardio so want to try and add-on even a short session if I can. Yesterday was BUILD Chest/Tris + F|S Shred Cardio. Then I headed to the office for a few hours. Bernie and I.

    DH took a turn for the worse and went to the doctor on Friday afternoon/evening (he was there for nearly 3 hours waiting to be seen because it is so busy with sickness) at any rate, he has Bronchitis along with Strep Throat! YIKES. So heavy duty cough syrup, Z-pak and an inhaler after calling back Saturday because he couldn’t hardly breathe. So the antibiotic should be helping and he said yesterday if the cough would stop he thinks he would get better. HE was surprised at the Strep because his throat burns but not so painful you can hardly swallow. Poor guy. He is sleeping pretty much all day the last 2 days and doesn’t sleep very well at night but heres hoping today is a little better for him. I feel awful for him.

    Bernie had a good nail clipping appt. She was able to easily just trim his nails no problem, ALTHOUGH the drugs seemed to kick in full steam ahead after the appt. The rest of the day on Saturday he could hardly get up and walk, his eyes looked like a Basset Hound and he was super lethargic. SHEESH. Yesterday he was fine and hung out with me all day along with a walk. Today’s workout will be BootCamp after work unless my patient needs me for something. Our weekend through today is absolutely beautiful blue skies and in the 50’s!!! Amazing.

    Thelma: Nice job with your JS Low Impact on Saturday and starting up our last week with Sagi yesterday! Sounds like your hair is going to be great! I am sure you were very nervous at first but glad it all worked out. The eyebrows too. Thank you for the recipes!

    Laurie: Glad to hear you had a nice time away for the weekend! Funny on the eating times . . . there’s always some kind of adjustment when the time changes. I do like the extra daylight! YAHOO. Excellent workouts and nice variety! Nail clipping went good, thank you. IT was just the aftermath of the sedative kicking in so strongly for him. Poor guy. All is good now.

    Laurel: Happy to hear your weather quieted down! WOOHOO on your workouts and love the cardio. Since I am wanting to get in more cardio (somehow/someway), shaking it off as well I feel. Glad I am not the only one feeling that way. Sometimes when I am doing heavier lifting I just feel bulkier and therefor the need for more cardio. Reading about your cardio makes me envy hearing those workouts! I know I need to just make it happen … and I will feel better. The Dog Whisperer was amazing! She said the drugs definitely helped her job though. Next time she said she will paint them if he is that still. LOL

    Hi Erika

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I'm officially on "hockey break" until next Tuesday! :) The weekend was good...we had 3 hockey games and unfortunately my son got hurt Saturday with a puck to the side of his helmet and somehow the impact was so hard it sliced open the back of his ear. The medic was able to wrap it in enough gauze to keep the bleeding to a minimum so he could play in his game (he's not the type to leave and not finish the game) and then we were off to get it checked out. We were able to use the durabond instead of stiches, which my son was very happy about. Sunday's game was a little better, but he got hit and bumped his head on the ice, so had to sit out the last part of the game. I'm happy for the break from all the injuries hockey brings. Too much stress for this mama!

    Tonights workout was Ramped Up Upper Body...ouchie!!

    Tami--Bummer on your hubby getting worse, but I'm glad he went in. Sounds like what my hubby had last winter and it seems it just hung on for a little too long. Once it hits the lungs, it seems to take forever to clear out. Good thing he has Nurse Tami around to help!

    Thelma--Sounds like the henna went ok and is a learning experience for sure. I'm glad you know what to do next time and got your neighbors recipe! I love Skinny Taste! I have a few of her cookbooks and love them. My latest obsession though is my InstantPot. I've never used an appliance so much in my life. Perfect for our family as we almost always have the "oh no, we only have an hour to make something for dinner" and we can get a good meal in in under an hour. Still learning it all, but so far so good. Stay safe with the next round of weather!

    Laurie--I'm glad you enjoyed your time away. I'm the same, it's fun being away, but so nice being home afterwards. I struggle with daylight savings time too. I've found I'm more hungry the last couple days, maybe because of the times being off. I was eating dinner at 7:30 last night and in bed by 8...not a good feeling. Then, this morning I was up early and hungry again...can't wait for my body to adjust!

    Laurel--So nice to hear you're getting some sunshine and warmer weather. Always feels great to get into the springtime feeling! Hopefully it continues for awhile and you're clear of big snowfalls. We're supposed to be just above freezing all week and no snow planned. :)

    Great job on the many fun ones you all had over the weekend and today. You all inspire and motivate me...not sure how I was away from you all for so long!!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi Ladies, long day at work and I didn't want to workout but I pushed myself to do it. So I did XT10 W/U, BB Build Legs, Treadmill, Stretch. This workout always kicks my butt!
    So the snowfall was upgraded 8-14 inches but some models say up to 2 ft!!! The authorities have warned that travel will be dangerous due to whiteout conditions. My employer actually is closing the facility. This is only the 2nd time they close in 11 years and the first time it was mandatory. We have to work from home though.
    My hair looked much better this morning. I always part my hair on the left side but it was too orangy there so I had to part my hair on the right side and my hair looked different. People noticed that I had a new hair do. All I did was part my hair on the other side! LOL. The color looked very nice after I fixed it with the other henna. The Indian lady I work with who also recommended the salon told me that I looked very pretty today. A male co-worker noticed my hair and said it looked good. What a relief! I was able to fix my hair color!

    Laurie, great job with your workouts! I hate daylight savings. I don't even know why we still need it. A few states including MA are trying to get rid of it.

    Thanks for the kudos on my workouts and for confirming this is the last week of this phase. The henna was a serious adventure for sure! I was pretty horrified when I saw the bright orange roots! I don't think I went 'why me'. I was just disappointed that I wouldn't be able to cover my gray. Even though is a painful process I would gladly do it if it covers my gray. I really like the color now that I fixed it. I hope that next time it works better with the longer 'cooking' time.
    I still can't get over how tasty that lasagna soup is Laurie. The buffalo chicken was a bust with DH. Dinner time came and he didn't what I made and it was then when he said he didn't like the flavor. I was like "now you tell me!". As far as I'm concerned the recipe is a keeper! :)

    Laurel, I hope you're really getting an early spring. We thought we were too and the early spring flowers were already sprouting and now they're about to get hit with the 3rd nor'easter!
    Awesome workouts!! I just cant' believe that there is any flab on your body. You're a workout machine! Listen to your DH!
    The henna results were disappointing. Hopefully, with my neighbor's recipe and recommendation for keeping the henna on longer than 3 hours, I will get better results.
    Those recipes look amazing and the best part is that they are very tasty. I think that if you follow that skinnytaste FB group you might just get inspired into cooking.

    Tami, awesome workouts! I also feel like I've been missing out on cardio but I just don't have the time. I've been doing a little Cathe style 5-minute warmup routine every morning and that makes a huge difference in any stiffness I may have.
    OMG, your poor DH!!! No wonder he was feeling so sick! I hope those antibiotics kick in soon.

    Sounds like Bernie got a very high dose of that medicine. I would tell the vet the reaction he experienced. At least his pawdicure went well.

    I'm going to miss Sagi. I think his workouts are my favorite workouts.
    Once I fixed my color failure my hair color looks good. The eyebrows were a big success. The lady does have a very good reputation with her eyebrow shaping technique. I think I would leave people without eyebrows! LOL

    Erika, awesome workouts!! OMG, with your son's ear getting sliced by the puck! How scary! It sounds very painful too. Thank God he didn't need stitches!

    The henna went OK. I guess I expected that sort of result. I think I was glad I had orange and not green roots! LOL
    I have an instant pot too and I love that thing. We used it twice this weekend but I've not gotten adventurous with it. I use mostly for sauteing and soups, beans, and steaming veggies. I found a 'recipe' on skinnytaste for making hardboiled eggs in the instant pot so I had to print it and will try it one of these days.
    I just ordered a Cuisinart convection oven, toaster, air fryer combo machine because a lot of the skinny taste recipes use an air fryer. DH has become allergic to fatty foods and I think he misses his french fries so we can't wait for the oven to get here. It's due to arrive tomorrow but I have my doubts due to the storm.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I got home and did Jessica Smith 30 Min Total Body Strength. This morning was BBC Shoulders & Back. My sister told me yesterday that her knees are feeling better, and squats and lunges are easier. <3

    Laurel, So glad to hear that you are into the warming process, that really has to be nice to see. Rocket is now chasing robins, so I know spring is coming. :D Great job on all your workouts, and of course getting that stretching in. How nice that your DH told you that, and we are probably more critical of ourselves that what other see. It should only take me a couple more days to get used to the time change, it is just the getting up an hour earlier that is hard. I'm upping the weights on these workouts this week also, and boy did I end up with failure and having to go down in weight. Loved it though.

    Tami, Great job on the Yoga with Bob! I'm so sorry to hear that your DH was so sick, but glad to hear that he has his medication to take care of it. If that medication that they gave Bernie is the same that we used to give Cami when we traveled, then it does take a little while to take effect. Glad to hear that he has clipped nails, and is back to his normal self. Sounds like everyone is upping the cardio now that spring is in the air. :D

    Erika, I'm so sorry to hear about your son and his injuries. I can see why you where glad to take some time off from hockey. Great job on your Upper Body workout! That one is so good. That hunger thing was what surprised me, and the fact that we didn't eat until way late on Sunday. I was doing my usual knitting, and looked at the clock as it read 7pm. We usually are eating before that time.

    Thelma, Great job with your workouts! I love that everyone noticed your new hair style, and of course gave you compliments. I sure hope that you don't end up with all that snow, but nice that your employer isn't requiring everyone to drive into work. I'm glad to hear that you are loving your hair color, guess a little change is a good thing. Funny how our DH's don't like the buffalo flavor, I actually like it so I only order things like that when we go out to eat.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout started with Build Back and Biceps. I upped the weights throughout and yowza! I am still feeling it. Definitely pushed my limits on this one today, but I liked that. For cardio, I did a fun, 70 minute Cathe Live combo of Cardio Quick Fix and Cardio HiiT Metabolic. Good stuff.

    Tami, great workouts! I am glad to hear the appointment with Bernie went okay, but I am sure it wasn’t much fun to have such a drowsy pup after. And yikes on your DH. I am so glad he went to the doctor. Neither bronchitis or strep are to be messed with.....and to have them both? Poor guy. Hope he takes time to heal and just rests for awhile. I admit I am enjoying the extra cardio right now. Usually I slim down with heavy weights, and I have to some degree with these Build workouts. But already I am feeling the benefits of the little extra cardio. Honestly, I really don’t know how all of you get in the workouts you do with your busy lives. You all impress me every day with your dedication.

    Thelma, I hope the storm is not as bad as they are predicting, and I am so glad you can stay home, though. Glad to hear you like the look of your hair now. My stylist keeps trying to get me to change the side my hair is parted on, but I just can’t seem to get used to it. But after hearing the reaction you got.....maybe I should try. :)

    Erika, I think those hockey injuries would be so stressful! But I am glad your son is okay. The break, though, will be nice for you. Love that Ramped Up Upper Body workout. That one really sneaks up on me. I am thinking ‘this is easy’.....and then the shoulder section starts. :o Always gets me. Glad you are back with us! I really don’t know where I would be without my daily dose of accountability, motivation and inspiration.

    Laurie, great workouts! Got to love that push to failure every now and again. Love hearing the updates on your sister. So inspiring knowing she is pushing through some of the growing pains of returning to fitness and coming through the other side feeling better. So many people give up, and she hasn’t. Having you with her is probably the biggest help she could ask for. Great stuff. Robins?!? Wow, that is a sign of spring. Send some our way! :D Actually, though, I can’t complain about the timing or pace of how we are coming out of winter. I didn’t expect this for another month, so it is all good.

    See you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi Ladies, long work from home day so I didn't do my BB workout. I was just too exhausted so it's a good thing that I took 1/2 hour this morning to do some Jessica Smith cardio. I worked from 7:30 till almost 8 PM.
    My poor DH spent close to 6 hours clearing the snow. He did it in stages though. He thinks we got anywhere between 18-20 inches! YIKES!

    Laurie, great job with your workouts and excellent news about your sister!!

    I was really surprised that anyone noticed my hair but the color is a much lighter, redder brown than I normally have.
    Funny both our DH's don't like buffalo flavor. I thought the chicken was very tasty. It definitely is good for a salad topping.

    Laurel, congrats on upping your weights! Great combo!
    You really should part your hair on the other side next time you get your hair done. It wasn't my intention to do that but I had no choice. It was the only part that wasn't orangy!! LOL

    Good night ladies!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    Late afternoon workout for me yesterday...lean legs and abs. The Abs are hurting this morning!!

    Thelma, yikes...that is a lot of snow! Where are you located? I'm shocked no one in our home office (Boston) has said a word about the snow and no corporate weather announcements either (which is odd). Maybe exactly where our home office is was fine. Good job getting some cardio in with Jessica and letting your body rest last night. Those long work days really get exhausting! Love all the compliments you got on the hair, and the parting a different way sounds like it was perfect!

    Laurel, fun workouts! I only tried BB once and could handle the pace (too fast for me in most of the workouts). I do like the moves though, so may end up re-visiting that one again. Another great one is Hammer and Chisel...if you like Autumn. Nice mix of the 2 trainers.

    Laurie, great workouts! Everytime you ladies mention Jessica, I get the itch to pull up to do them! Hopefully you are starting to adjust to daylight savings time...I finally am after a couple nights of going to bed early and making myself sleep in a little longer. Finally feeling human again!

    Tami, hope you are doing well!

    Have a great day!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did Jillian's Killer Abs Level 1. This morning was BBC Arms & Abs. Will be doing a 30 Min. Fat Burning Indoor Cardio workout of Jessica's after work.

    Laurel, Awesome job on the weight workout, and your live cardio. I just love the way the titles of the workouts sound. ;) Sounds like your additional cardio is working with upping the weights. I'm super happy about my sister also, and that she is still doing the workouts. She told me that on Sunday she was helping her DH hauling some wood, so she changed up her Monday workout since her muscles where sore. I was glad that she changed it, and made it work for her. We are still pretty cold around here, but I sure am enjoying the fact that the sun is shining alot more.

    Thelma, That is a lot of snow! Glad that your DH handled that in stages. Nice job with your Jessica workout. Where you working that long from home? I don't know if I could have done that, but I'm sure that it was all very productive.

    Erika, Great work with your workout, no matter how late you get it in. I enjoy the relaxing attitude that Jessica has with all her workouts, and then to have the bonus of Peanut in them too. :D I think that I'm getting used to it, the falling asleep is still a problem. I'm sure that I will be okay by the start of next week.

    Tami, Hope your day went well.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today started with Build Shoulders, and I upped the weights again today. Felt great! Since this is our last Body Beast workout for awhile :'( I finished it with Beast Abs. Since I have done all of Cathe’s Spin workouts on DVD now, I turned to Cathe Live and started with Cycle 1. Loved it! I was a sweaty mess at the end, which is always a good feeling for me on a snowy day. Looking forward to doing more of her Live spin classes. I think she must have 8-10 of them (I have never counted), so doing one a week will take me awhile to start repeating.

    Thelma, wow on the snow! My SIL again posted a photo from their house yesterday, and they were getting slammed to. I can’t believe your DH managed to shovel it. This time of year, it had to be SO heavy. I am glad he took his time with it, though. Good job getting a workout in.

    Erika, great workout! I agree about the pace of Body Beast. This is my 3rd or 4th time around with these workouts, so I am pretty familiar with them. I have all the exercises logged (with my weights), so I have a tendency to do a warm-up from a Cathe workout and then start the strength training when Sagi is starting the warm-up. It only gives me about 2 extra minutes, but I find it long enough in most of the workouts to get the rest I need, move the heavy weights around (I am much slower and more careful with my weights than Sagi!), and lift at a comfortable pace. Sagi and I always seem to end our workouts at the same time though! I also agree about Hammer and Chisel. That one was sneaky good at increasing strength and stamina.

    Laurie, great workout. Again, I love how your sister is approaching this......thinking about her workouts in the context of her daily life and what will work. It would have been so easy for her to say ‘I hauled wood. I don’t need to workout.’ Instead, she still worked out but found something that worked. Love it! We are back to snow today (and I have a snow headache to prove it :s ), but we hit 40 degrees yesterday! I actually opened up the windows in a couple rooms (my workout room being one) just to get some fresh air. It was so nice!

    Tami, hope everything is going okay!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you yesterday! A very busy day at work so I barely even stopped to eat. At any rate let’s see. So Monday’s BootCamp was really good, just a very traditional style with strength exercise and Katy’s usual pattern of 1 minute of each exercise; often it feels like overkill but is a good workout. We did 15 minute segment if felt like, upper body, lower body, upper body and lower body. Tuesday was BUILD Legs, no workout in the p.m. but took Bernie for a walk because it was GORGEOUS outside. 62 and sunny! Unreal. Today is cloudy and in the 40's with rain off and on. Today was BUILD Back/Bi’s + X10 Fat Burning Circuit! Tonight I will head to Spinning.

    So back up to Monday evening ….. DH called in a favor to a doctor (that he gave fishing advice too a couple years ago and had his cell) since his doctor is out of town all week. He was still struggling to breathe even with the enhailer; The doctor took his call and saw him immediately Tuesday a.m. @ 7. Well, he has pneumonia! YIKES. So the doctor was very happy he came in, was so gracious to see him and take such good care of him and gave him a new kind of antibiotic, even stronger + a steroid and told him he should be feeling better in the next few days but to still take it easy; a day or two more he would have probably been hospitalized! SO he is still recovering but at least he knows his not able to breathe was due to something other than strep and bronchitis.

    Erika: congrats on being on a Hockey Break! So sorry to hear about your son getting hurt . . . I am sure as a hockey mom you are used to injuries but still scary, glad he is doing ok w/ NO stitches! Great job getting in RU Upper Body, love that one. Yes, DH should be on the mend now finally after a week of ongoing symptoms, poor guy.

    Thelma: Way to get your workouts done the last couple days! Cannot believe the amount of snow you all have been getting. WOW! I bet you are beyond sick of it and your DH too. So great you have been able to stay home with that weather. Yay on the compliments you have received and that your hair is doing beautifully with the new Henna color. I bet you are so happy. Again, glad I am not the only one on feeling the “missing cardio” pieces to my workouts. It is hard with so many things you want to do an so little time. I guess we just do the best we can, right!?! I do love Sagi’s workouts forsure. I think next week with the upper/lower starting I will start out with RWH since it has a cardio factor to it with the pace. I will definitely let the vet know how groggy Bernie was for next time and also how long it took to take that kind of effect.

    Laurie: Excellent workouts you have put together this week! Glad to hear your sister’s knees are feeling better. I love the extra daylight, but yes I’m with you on getting up. It always messes me up in both directions despite gaining or losing an hour. LOL We are all on the cardio wagon forsure! Probably does have something to do with Spring and again, sometimes when I am feeling like I am doing a lot of heavier lifting I just feel I miss the cardio, despite what I am doing at the gym after work. SO trying to get in even shorter sessions if I can fit it in, like this a.m.

    Laurel: Way to go on your workouts!!!! WOWSA on the Live Cardio workouts you did yesterday! 70 minutes of straight cardio …. Nicely done. I cannot believe tomorrow will be my last BUILD workout for a while. Always bitter sweet to end a segment of this rotation. It definitely wasn’t fun seeing poor Bernie like that. I took him for a short walk again last night since it was so beautiful out. He was just strutting along like his same old self. Love that it wore off by the next day. Thanks for the well wishes for DH. Now that he has all the meds in him he needs I HOPE and HOPE and PRAY that this is now the road to recovery. He is still resting a lot and sleeping a lot but his body has been through a lot in the last week so it is good he is sleeping so much.
    AWWWW very nice of you to say that ~ I am impressed daily with all of you as well! Amazing group of strong women we have here.

    Have a great afternoon ladies ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami