Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Very busy last night, so no workout. This morning I did L2BF Chest & Back, Shoulders & Abs then I followed that up with Jessica Smiths #FITIN15 Jump Start Cardio. I'm ending this phase with the L2BF workout, because I'm planning on using the Push/Pull workouts for my front/back phase. The JS workouts that I'm going to be doing are the ones that my sister and I will be following. I think that I can get a workout when I get home, I'm taking off early today to get my hair done. The youngest is interviewing at some salons, and she has progressed to the point that the manager wants to see her skills. So I'm going in for a color, highlight and cut, and my sister is going to do the other salon that she interviewed with. Very proud that she had two interviews and they both want to see her skills.

    Laurel, Wow on the heavy snow, that is the worst to have to shovel. I'm impressed that you where able to do the workouts you did, even though you where tired. I'm sure that your Saturday stretch/yoga day will feel really good this week. ;) I think that after the one body part, I'm going to try out my new Build & Burn workouts for a rotation. But I want to incorporate some type of extra weight work. I will have to think about that one.

    Thelma, I'm sure that you will be able to get your workouts in soon, glad to hear that you are not trying to push yourself when you are tired. We will be doing Jessica Smith's #FITIN15, they are 15 min. and she has 15 workouts. So I think that we will do this, and then progress to another series that she has.

    Tami, I hope that you had a great day yesterday!

    Hope everyone had a nice valentines day! We didn't do anything special, because it was Ash Wednesday. But DH got me some truffles, so that was very nice of him.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    edited February 2018
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Fit/Split Shred Cardio warm-up and Push/Pull premix. For cardio I did Cathe Live Solid Cardio and HiiT. And more of Shovel Max coming up in a few minutes. :/

    Thelma, I am glad you skipped the workout if you weren’t up to it. We are doing the Body Beast Build rotation you posted for Tami a week or two ago.....the one where we do the Build Workouts Sunday thru Wednesday and then do Fit/Split Thursday and Friday. So this Sunday’s workout starts with Build Chest/Triceps. Hope that helps!

    Laurie, great workout this morning. I am so happy your sister is continuing this with you. Too many give it up after a few days. Good for her! And congrats to your DD on her interviews. Hope she gets in a salon she enjoys.

    Tami, hope you are well!

    Off to Seattle before dawn tomorrow! I will be back on Tuesday playing catch-up with your Ladies. But, boy, am I looking forward to a weekend away right now. Enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited February 2018
    Good Morning Ladies ~ Happy “belated” Valentine’s Day! Hope you all had a nice day. The day was very busy yesterday and once I thought I was going to be able to check in it got busy again. LOL Again, all good just steady busy. Yesterday’s workout was LIHI Legs and this a.m. was LILHI Back/Bi’s/Shoulders. I didn’t go to Spinning last night because DH was making dinner…. I thought it was a little more thoughtful to not show up flying into the house at 7:00 to hurry and eat his nice dinner. He made me Blackened Ahi Tuna, Salad and a baked potato. He had steak instead of Tuna.

    Thelma: It’s good you are taking the rest you need from all these late and long days. I know it’s hard but your body and mind are probably thanking you. Thank you for telling me what I need for the Ipad connection with my TV because I am really thinking about doing that to try it out! So just plug in the adapter to Ipad, the HDMI connector to that and then the HDMI adapter part goes into the TV right? Great job with your workouts!!

    Laurie: Great job with your workouts! Im going to be doing the Fit\Split Push & Pull combo tomorrow. Sounds like you are having a busy week as well. Thank you for the insight on the online workouts; yes, I love 2Lazy4Gym and read her reviews, etc. all the time. So maybe I will check out Yvette Bachman too.

    Laurel: Excellent combinations you keep putting together on top of all that snow shoveling “Max”! Way to torch those calories. LOL Love the advice you ladies are giving me on how to make that work. I think I will definitely give it a try and see. I think you are right on getting the one like Thelma, charging it while it is playing will be a bonus, especially if some chew up the battery life. Have an absolutely wonderful time away in Seattle! I hope you enjoy every moment. Talk to you soon.

    Have a great evening ladies! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a wonderful belated Valentine's Day! Thank God tonight's workout was a short one because I had to drag myself to the basement to workout. So I went with KCM 30MTF L2BF Chest & Back, Treadmill. I was able to increase my weights in a couple of exercises.

    Laurie, great job with your workouts today and great job to your sister too! How exciting that your DD has progressed to the point where managers in two salons want to see her in action. I'm sure she'll impress those managers with her work!

    Thanks for letting me know about Jessica Smith's #FITIN15 workouts. I've been doing a mini 5-minute workout before work this week and I'm liking it.

    Laurel, great workout combo! Did you get more snow or are you still shoveling out from the other day? Temps here were in the low 50's today and tomorrow more of the same. I would've like more snow days!
    Thanks for letting me know we're doing the BB routine I posted the other day. The way you ladies were talking made me think we were doing something else but perhaps you were talking about the last phase.
    Have a wonderful time in Seattle!!!

    Tami, great workouts! How sweet of your DH to make you dinner. I think you did the right thing by going home instead of the spinning class.
    Tami, you also need an HDMI cable which plugs into the TV, then the other end of the HDMI cable into one end of the adapter which has a little tail that goes into the iPad. The adapter has another port where you can plug in the iPad's charging cable.

    Good night ladies and have a great weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well this morning I'm sporting a really cute haircut! The manager at this salon hired her on the spot. I told dd to continue with her other salon appointment until she gets the official information in hand. The manager was impressed with her foil work, her razor cutting and only had one critique with the hair cut. It was a minor pin cut in the back, which dd was glad that the manager caught so that she could improve her skills. She is tending to this salon more than the other one, because the other stylists are younger and the salon is more up to date.

    Anyway I got in Jessica Smith's Kickboxing Circuit Workout after I got home. This morning was Jessica's #FITIN15 Body Weight Basics, which I included some weights with. I also did L2BF Workout 2, Legs & Glutes (used the weighted vest again) and Bi's and Tri's. Looking forward to the next phase on Sunday.

    Thanks for the kudos for my sister, she did yesterdays workout all low impact. She enjoyed doing it though, so I'm glad about that. We will see how she does on this body weight workout. I really do love how Jessica is so informative with these, they are perfect for someone, like my sister, who hasn't worked out in a while.

    Laurel, Have a wonderful time in Seattle, and great job getting in those workouts before you had to leave. Hope there isn't anything to shovel when you get home. :s

    Tami, Nice job on your workout. I would have gone home too if I was getting the meal that you had. My DH did cook for me to, but nothing that fancy. ;) I was just glad that he cooked, I think that he is wanting to help more in the kitchen now that it's more or less just the two of us in the evenings. The youngest is usually at home too. I can see you and Laurel enjoying some of Yvette's workouts. ;)

    Thelma, Great job with your workouts, and increasing your weight. I'm actually really loving doing the Jessica workouts before my weight work. It is a great way to warm up the body. This body weight workout was perfect for this mornings L2BF segment.

    Have a great weekend!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I had a good one and got great workouts in. On Friday I did KCM Muscle Up L2BF Shoulders, Arms & Abs, Walking on Treadmill. On Saturday Jessica S. 1 Strong mile, KCM L2BF Legs & Glutes, Walking on Treadmill, Jessica S. Yoga Stretch. I went heavier on some exercises and I had little DOMS on Sunday. At the end of the yoga workout, Jessica has you on your back on the floor with your eyes closed. I could hear something that sounded like snoring and I thought she had fallen asleep but it was Peanut's snoring what I could hear! LOL

    On Sunday I did: XT CBS w/u, BB Build Chest & Triceps, Yoga for Shoulders, Stretching.
    I went much heavier than I've ever lifted for this workout on all exercises. I chose my weights based on the heaviest I've been lifting for a given exercise lately. I was very happy with myself because for this workout I had never lifted as heavy as I did today. This is the yoga workout I did

    Laurie, I knew you DD was going to impress the salon owners! Congrats to her for getting hired on the spot and for giving you a haircut you love!

    Great job to you and your sister with your workouts! Jessica's workouts are really great as warm up before lifting weights.

    Hi Laurel and Tami!

    Good night ladies and have a great week!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I had a really good weekend, and dd is now hired at Ulta Salon. She is at the highest grossing salon for Ulta, and is in a nice area. I think that she will do just fine. She went in on Saturday to fill out all the necessary paperwork, and today she goes in for her first day of orientation.

    My workouts for Saturday were Jessica Smith #FITIN15 Cardio Party and then I followed that up with a Chris Freytag Yoga Flow. Sunday I started the next phase with Barry's Bootcamp Chest & Abs, and a 10 Min. Solutions Rapid Results Fat Burner Power Sports Drills. Wow talk about a fried chest & abs. Each exercise is done for 60 sec. I went as heavy as I could, and did get to failure and had to go down in weight toward the end. This morning was Barry's Bootcamp Butt & Legs, and I followed that up with 10 Min. Solutions Rapid Results Low Impact Fat Blaster. I'm going through each of the 10 Min. Solution workouts to see how I like them. I'm not a fan of this low impact one. :D Really surprises me how each of these phases makes the muscles have DOMS in different ways. Totally loving this.

    Laurel, I hope that your weekend to Seattle went really well and you had a wonderful time.

    Tami, Hope your weekend was a good one.

    Thelma, Awesome job on getting all those workouts in, and that you went your heaviest with the weight. Congratulations! LOL on Peanut snoring in the yoga workout. She was sleeping in the cardio party workout that I did on Saturday. I will be doing the next workout tonight when I get home, since my sister and I took Sunday off from Jessica. Well I didn't take a day, but my sister did. ;) Thanks for the link to the yoga workout, it will probably be a good one to use this weekend.

    Have a great day!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT CBS w/u, BB Build Chest & Triceps, Yoga for Shoulders, Stretching. I went heavier in a lot of the exercises. I also had an "aha!" moment when it comes to the number of risers I use for this workout. I wasn't able to hold heavy weights on the step ups/back lunge combo or the Hungarian squat. My step was too high! I was using 4 risers simply because Sagi is stepping up onto a workout bench. It occurred to me tonight that I should just try 3 risers. That was exactly what I need for my height so that I could increase my weights while keeping proper form.

    Laurie, how exciting about your DD starting a new job! Good for her!
    Great job with your workouts!!! You would like that yoga shoulder workout.

    I'm really excited to see that I've gotten stronger since last May when I did the BB Build workouts. So this rotation has been very beneficial for me. I also think that I may have been playing it safe back then. Now I want to go for fatigue.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I was able to workout after work, so I did my #FITIN15 Total Body Strength. I then followed that up with Jillian's Killer Lower Body. This morning was Barry's BC Arms and Abs, was surprised that I started out with 12lb's, and ended with 8lbs. :D These are high rep workouts, and I did realize that I wasn't able to lift 15 or 20 lb weights like I did with Kelly and Cathe, but only 8lbs! I did fry those muscles though. I followed that up with Jillian's One Week Shred Cardio.

    Thelma, Great job on your BB workout, and adjusting your step. I usually have my step height lower than the instructor, it is usually better for me too. I'm glad to hear that you are able to up the weight because of that. It is all about adding strength to those muscles. ;) I think that going to failure has made a huge difference for me, so you have the right idea.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a wonderful time in Seattle. It was so nice to be someplace different. The weather was mixed, but that didn’t bother us a bit. We walked everywhere and just enjoyed being outside and walking on something other than ice. I even got a workout in each day other than Friday. Just a short cardio each day (F/S Mixed Impact Cardio, Tabatacise, and Rockout Knockout) and even did my Yoga Saturday (Mountain Warrior) after walking the city and before dinner. Thankfully it didn’t snow much here while we were gone, though I do have a couple of inches to take off the driveway later today. But snow is predicted every day for the next 10 days. Just one of those strange weather patterns. Flying over Alaska yesterday, it was completely clear all the way over until we got right in the Fairbanks region where the cloud cover was perhaps only 1000 feet from the ground. Looked like it was all nestled in to our valley and planning a long stay.

    So I started Body Beast Build today with Chest/Triceps and am already loving being back with Sagi again. For cardio, I did Cathe Live Mixed Impact HiiT and Core.

    Tami, sounds like a wonderful Valentine’s Day with your DH.....and a very nice meal. My DH has taken to cooking one night a week, and it is SO nice. He is enjoying it and has made some great meals. I get so stuck in a rut with cooking that I am enjoying the fact he is introducing new meals choices into our home.

    Thelma, yay on the improved strength!! Sounds like you are enjoying being back with Sagi too. :) I completely agree with how this rotation has been good for increasing strength. And, like you, I have started taking that step down a bit on those lunges and it makes them so much more effective for me as well. Thank you for the yoga video! That is one I am going to remember if we get snow again like we did last week. My shoulders were really screaming at me after all that shoveling.

    Laurie, that is excellent news about your DD. I have been an Ulta patron since we moved into our home in Florida. I was so happy they had moved one up here a few years ago. Both the stylists I have had loved working for Ulta. They were young but given so many opportunities for advancement. I hope she loves it! And your haircut sounds wonderful! Great workouts! Sounds like these Barry Bootcamp workouts are really working you differently.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited February 2018
    Hi Ladies ~ Feels like forever since I chatted with you. I was going to check in yesterday and then got busy running some errands, etc. Plus I don’t always have luck responding on my Ipad to you all . . . as you have witnessed in the past. :( So work was busy Friday and then we had a 3 –day weekend, however I came in and worked Saturday (during a complete snow storm) for 4 hours. Bernie came with me and my supervisor was here too. Saturday was Fit Split PULL followed by PiYO Core, Sunday was BB BUILD Chest/Tris + Fit Split Abs and yesterday was BB LEGS. Today’s workout will be Insane-X after work. Couldn’t seem to get up after that 3-day-er. LOVING being back with Sagi as well. My hamstrings are sore today even. :#

    So all my talk about our weather being lovely …… well it was the calm before the storm literally. It has turned to bitter cold single digits after lots of snow fell. So now it is an icy/crunchy snow filled area again. Cannot believe it. Well, yes I can it is North Idaho. It can snow in April here. Nothing compared to what you all are having I am sure. Just not expected I guess.

    Thelma: Fabulous job on your workouts . . sounds like you are really seeing some strength gains all the way around!! Congrats I am glad you figured out on the 4 risers to 3 risers situation; I would imagine it makes all the difference. YAY Thank you for the additional info on the HDMI Cable. I have ordered the Ipad connector along with an HDMI cable. I looked (finally) at the name of that instructor you asked me about last week for my STRETCH I did (last Saturday - 2/10); it is Linda Woodbridge. I have a few of her DVD’s now and trying them out, little by little. I read about her DVDs on 2lazy4thegym site. Did you get some of those new hair products for your hair?

    Laurie: Congratulations to your daughter being hired at ULTA! That is wonderful. I bet she is super excited as well. Sounds like you are getting in some great variety of instructors and training methods trying out all these dvd’s! Way to go. Love that your daughter created a darling haircut for you. I bet it feels amazing and she is probably so happy you love it.

    Laurel: So happy to hear you had a nice time in Seattle. Despite the weather probably not being super fabulous it was a “change of scenery” like you said. I was wondering what it was doing there since we were getting high winds and snow like crazy. Fabulous job with your workouts!!! Good on you as always for getting in the workout you want even being out of town, you are so amazing at that! I’m loving being back with Sagi as well. He has a way of working those muscles doesn’t he?!!? That’s wonderful your DH is cooking one night a week ….. DH has offered to do that but it just doesn’t seem to work out that way. He gets “busy”. LOL Plus, I don’t push the issue or ask.

    Have a great afternoon ladies ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, another amazing workout for me tonight: XT C/B/S W/U, BB Build Back & Bi's, Treadmill, Stretch. I kicked my own butt on this one. I upped my weights on all exercises except for the rear delt flies. I had to take longer breaks to recover because I'd gone heavier than ever before so I was a little fatigued on the first set. I chose standing exercises instead of seated. I managed to go much heavier as a result. I am enjoying working out with Sagi again! I can't believe how much strength I've gained. My one arm rows used to be 15.5, 17.5, 18.
    Tonight: 18, 20, 22.5. On the 1,1,2 biceps last year: 6, 7.5, 10. Tonight 10, 12, 12.5. I'm happy with my progress needless to say!

    Our temps hit the low 60's today! Tomorrow we may hit 70! CRAZY!

    Laurie, awesome workout combos! Great job!
    Lowering the step really helped me keep proper form. Given that I'm short I should've realized that I needed a lower step than the instructors!

    Laurel, welcome back! So glad you had a great time in Seattle! Great job getting your workouts in while on your mini vacation!
    The lower step does make a huge difference. I think you will love the shoulder workout. The instructor gives you the choice to sit on a yoga block. I sat on the block because it helped me with my posture.

    Tami, great workouts! We all seem to love workout out with Sagi.

    Thanks for the name of that instructor! I was just checking her out two nights ago on 2lazy4gym!
    You'll enjoy being able to connect your iPad to the tv. The only thing that bugged me about the iPad is that I couldn't hide the browser tabs so I had to learn to ignore it.
    I didn't get the hair products yet. I have my hair cut appointment on Thursday and I will ask the lady if they could order those products for me.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout last night, I had a teeth cleaning yesterday. I didn't get into my appointment until almost 15 min. after the appointment time, so I didn't get out of there when I thought I would. I then had to do my civic duty and vote. Well it appears that everyone decided to vote at that same time, and the ladies where not ready to handle that many people. I guess they had to get more ballots because they had more than expected vote. Which is good, since this was a primary and only one thing to vote for.

    This morning I did Barry's BC Shoulders & Back, this one was a little longer so that was about all I could get in this morning. Next time I will be upping the weight on the back work, and some of the moves in the shoulder. I just didn't know what to expect for the first time round. I'm going to do a workout when I get home. ;) One thing I have noticed since starting these workout, I'm way more tired. I'm not having the hungry feeling, just really tired and getting some great deep sleep according to my fitbit. ;)

    Laurel, Glad to hear that you had such a nice time on your mini vacation. Even though the weather was "Seattle" weather, you still could enjoy it without having to worry about snow and cold. Awesome job getting in your workouts while on vacation, and getting right into the Sagi workouts. I'm sure that you will have a great time with him. I think that my dd will do just fine with Ulta, and one of the major reasons she chose this one is because the other stylists where her age.

    Tami, Dang on being so busy, but I'm sure that Bernie enjoy's being with you during that time. Great job with your workouts, all of you will have fun with Sagi. You got a real nice variety of workouts in. So far I'm enjoying these workouts, and each of them has a different instructor. I'm glad it will only be for 4 weeks, since the music might get annoying after a while. It is a techno beat, and seems to be on repeat. :D I'm not going to complain though, because they are working my muscles in a different way. LOL on your DH being to busy to cook, mine always says that I'm a much better cook. :D

    Thelma, Great job on your workouts, and upping your weights! That is awesome to hear that you are able to lift so much more than your previous time. We didn't get to your temps, but we did have a large amount of rain fall these last two days, and now we have cold weather. I'm just glad that we didn't have really bad icy conditions this morning. Enjoy the warm weather while it lasts.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout started with Build Legs. This workout always gives me DOMS, and I am expecting it to be the same tomorrow. I am feeling the Chest/Tricep work yesterday, so Sagi is definitely hitting my muscles differently. For cardio, I did Cross Fire Extreme.

    Tami, great workouts! Glad you are enjoying Sagi again as well. Sorry to hear about the cold, snowy weather though! The weather in Seattle on Friday was typical rainy Seattle. They predicted the same for Saturday, but by noon the skies had cleared so we had beautiful sunshine but it was very windy. Sunday started with sleet/snow, but, again, in the afternoon the sun came out and despite the wind, it was beautiful. More of the sunshine/cold/wind on Monday. I can’t complain because three days of even partial sunshine in Seattle this time of year is amazing! After all the gloom we had here the week before, that blue sky was beautiful to see. B)

    Thelma, yay! Sounds like you have definitely kicked things into a higher gear. That is amazing! Great job!

    Laurie, visiting the dentist and then voting doesn’t sound like the most fun evening ever....,but at least they are both done for awhile. It never ceases to amaze me how much strength training can effect my energy/sleep. I have noticed doing this rotation that first week of every new month I can expect pretty good DOMS and to be sleepy! I like that because I take it as the body saying ‘you are shocking me into something new’ which is good! I am learning so much doing this rotation.

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Good Insane-X class last night. Very traditional “Insanity” style format. In & Out Abs, Side-to-side push-ups, burpees, x-cross jacks, tuck jumps, lunge step together kick, etc. At any rate it was 4 sets of exercises at 45 seconds each (x3) then rest for 30 seconds and new set of exercises. All was good but there was a really young kid in our class, (probably 16-18 age?) I think it was one of ladies sons and he was so distracting …. LOL he was dancing to the music at random moments and talking loud, joking with Katy, etc. I was just laughing under my breath knowing Katy was probably ready to scream.

    This a.m. was BUILD Chest/Tris and tonight I will head to Spinning.

    Thelma: Congrats again on the weight increases! So good and I bet you are thrilled. YAY. The browser tabs don’t sound like a great option, I will have to see how it goes when I get my chords and try it out.
    I did notice on our “new/old” tv that I am using that there is an additional HDMI plug in right on the side. Its named: HDMI2 and our current cable is plugged into #1. Will I just plug that new chord into that second HDMI or ? thank you in advance. Yay for your hair appt on Thursday. That will be great if she will order that for you.

    Laurie: Not jealous of your evening last night I have to say. LOL Sounds like you wanted to just accomplish a couple things and it took WAAAAAY longer than planned. Glad you were able to get in your workout this a.m. It was good to go in on Saturday because she had asked a couple of us and to do some policies which we are always behind on. I do the majority of them on a day-to-day basis but with everything else it can still be small amounts each day. Well the other girl who is supposed to be doing them a lot more really isn’t; don't know why? So it goes ….. but at least I did a big stack. Every bit helps. We don’t want it to be like last summer was forsure. Currently we are on pace for another repeat of last year. WOW! Bernie loved it. He is so funny at the office and my supervisor loves to see him. She calls him our mascot.

    Laurel: Fabulous workout combo today! CF Extreme is never easy. Isn’t that crazy about our weather? Today is beautiful and sunny but in the teens and down to single digits again tonight. Nothing like your weather but just unexpected. I bet seeing the sunshine (even if briefly) was so nice when you were in Seattle. What workout do you have planned for Friday? From reading the notes it looks like we are doing a “total body” style workout? Is that correct?

    Have a great afternoon ladies ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight's workout was XT CBS w/u, BB Build Shoulders, Treadmill, Stretch. I've also gained strength in the shoulders!
    We were in the low 70's today. Our building was so hot today because the heat is still on even though the temps are in the 70's. I was in meetings from 11-4 today in conference rooms where the thermostat temps read 80 degrees. It was horrible. I just wanted to take a shower so bad. Back to the 30's tomorrow.
    Thanks to all of you for kudos on my much-improved strength!

    Laurie, great workout and good for you for doing your civic duty and vote!

    Laurel, great workout combo today!
    I don't have these workouts: Pyramid, Leaner Legs, Pure Strength, 4DS CTX. Any suggestions on what I can substitute for those?

    The following is what you posted for the next rotation phase.

    Sixth Month/Upper & Lower
    Sunday-Pyramid Lower Body
    Monday- Pyramid Upper Body
    Tuesday- one per week of: RWH Lower Body Circuit; Fit Split Legs and Glutes; XTrain Cardio Leg Blast; ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast
    Wednesday-one per week of: RWH Upper Body Circuit: Fit Split Metabolic Conditioning; XTrain Super Cuts; ICE Metabolic Total Body (or Chiseled Upper Body)
    Thursday-one per week of: Pure Strength Legs; Leaner Legs; S&S Total Body Giant Sets Lower Body premix; 4DS Lower Body premix
    Friday-one per week of: Pure Strength Upper Body (doing both upper body workout in one workout); CTX Upper Body Split; S&S Ramped Up Upper Body; 4DS Upper Body premix

    Again, this is subject to change. Some of those Thursday and Friday workouts are over an hour long, and I may want something shorter than that depending on how my body is feeling at that point. But I also want to incorporate as much variety as possible, and doing those workouts would mean including most of Cathe's non-STS, non-Total Body workouts in this rotation.

    Tami, great workouts! Congrats on surviving another killer Insane-X class! That kid must've driven Katy and the rest of the class nuts! Sounds like he was very distracting.
    I'm pretty sure you would just plug your HDMI cable into the HDMI2 port.
    You will have to change your input selection using your remote control. My cable remote control has a button called a/v and right below it says tv input. Click the button and you will see a menu on your tv screen with all the menu options. HDMI 1 will probably be called Cable. HDMI 2 may say computer and this will be your iPad. Select HDMI2 and then you will see the iPad screen on your tv. When you want to switch back to the cable just press the a/v button and select HDMI 1. I was wrong about my hair appointment. It's next week!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I did Jillian's Killer Body Core, and the our #FITIN15 Chair Yoga. The yoga was actually a really good workout. This morning was Jillian's One Week Shred Cardio and #FITIN15 Kickboxing 101.

    Laurel, Nice combo of workouts! I'm really loving the changes that have been happening to my upper body with this rotation, so I know that if I clamp down on my eating it should help with the midsection. The eating portion of this journey is the hardest one for me. I have seen some changes to the midsection since I started adding in some of the Jillian workouts though. I don't know what it is about her workouts, but it really affects me in the middle. So I'm going to continue with some of her workouts too. Hopefully the tired feeling will lesson until the next phase. :D

    Tami, Sounds like a good class, but dang on the distraction. I'm sure Katy was putting on a brave face, I know I would be annoyed if that was happening in a class I was trying to teach. Good job with your Build workout also. I guess being busy in your business is actually a good thing. At least the office mascot probably gets a lot of love and attention that he craves like mine does. :D

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts! That is a problem with buildings when the temperatures climb like that. It takes a couple of days for the chillers to change over to summer cooling, so the people in facilities will not do the change over until the weather officially changes. It can be uncomfortable though. I'm probably going to do some Kelly upper/lower workout during the next phase. ;)

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Another good workout today. I started with B.B. Build Back and Biceps. Love how this one makes my arms feel! For cardio, I started with the warm-up and Blizzard Blast from Rock’m Sock’m then went into Cathe Live Jabs and Abs, which was a fun combo.

    Tami, sounds like a tough class, though I have to admit I don’t do well with distraction. Good on Katy for just pushing on. I am a little off schedule this week because of our weekend away. But my original plan was to do the Build workouts Sunday thru Wednesday (for all four weeks). Then, on Thursday for two weeks I was going to do F/S Legs and Glutes, and the other two weeks I was going to do F/S Pull. On Friday for two weeks I was going to do F/S Metabolic Conditioning, and the other two weeks I was going to do F/S Push. This week, because I am two days behind, my Friday workout is going to be B.B. Build Shoulders and F/S Legs. On Saturday, I will do the Metabolic Conditioning. And then on Sunday I will be back with you all and planning on ending the week with Pull/Push. Hope that helps!!

    Thelma, great workout despite what sounds like a bad day. I don’t do well in heated buildings like that at all, especially in meetings. Glad it is going to cool off a little bit.....but 30s is quite a drop! Some easy substitutions for the workouts I suggested would be the LIS Trisets workouts, doing the upper body in place of (as an example) the Pyramid Upper Body and the Lower Body workout in place of Pyramid Lower Body. You could also do the upper and lower body premixes from S&S Total Body Trisets and PHA Training in place of CTX/Leaner Legs and 4DS. One thing I love about the Trisets premixes in particular is you can choose how many times you want to repeat each Triset, giving you some options based on time. A final recommendation would be to do STS Total Body using the upper/lower premixes. I am planning on doing the Pyramid workouts all four weeks because I am planning on using them as a ‘marker’ for my strength. But, honestly, the rest of the week, I am just going to pull out whichever upper or lower body workout I feel like on any given day. So it is your choice if you want a ‘marker’ or not. If you do, choose the program/workout that you think would be best for you given your schedule. And after what you want. :) Hope that helps!!

    Laurie, great workouts! I am so with you on the eating thing. Some days I am fine.....other days :# . I keep telling myself that today is the day I pull everything back together.....and then I find a piece of chocolate just smiling at me. :p Hopefully once the season turns, I will find my willpower again. But this snow every day thing we’ve got going on isn’t the best thing for my mood. >:) That’s interesting about Jillian’s workouts, though. Anything that helps the midsection is a good thing!

    See you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, no energy for a workout tonight. I sat in a boring meeting from 4-6 where the AC was blasting. We were so cold today at work. Temps outside were in the low 30's but inside the AC was blasting all day. I had a long sleeve t-shirt, and two fleece jackets on. I also had a sweatshirt wrapped around legs. Yes, I keep 3 jackets at work for days like today! LOL. We had a little bit of freezing rain and snow tonight. The commute home was fun... NOT!

    Laurie, great workouts! How much jumping does Jessica do in that #FITIN15 Kickboxing 101 workout? I did one of her kickboxing workouts a while back and there was way too much jumping for my taste in it.
    Good to know you'll do KCM workouts in the next phase. I can keep them as backups for those days when I don't have enough time for Cathe's longer workouts.

    Laurel, great workout combo! It does sound like a fun one! Thanks so much for the suggestions for the next phase! That is really helpful and I can start designing my rotation worksheets because I don't have any for XT or LIS workouts. I use the to find out which exercises/reps are done on the workouts so it's easy to put a workout sheet together.

    Hi Tami!

    Good night ladies and have a nice weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout after work, I actually had nothing scheduled. ;) This morning was Barry's BC Full Body, this one just uses bodyweight so a very metabolic workout. I followed that up with JS #FITIN15 Workout #8 Upper Body. Update from my sister, she said that she is feeling so much better and stronger. After these fitin15 workouts we will look at doing some of the 20 min. workouts that Jessica offers. I'm super proud of her.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts, and I love the sound of the Jabs & Abs workout. :D It sounds like fun just from the title. Okay so I'm not the only one that does terrible eating at times. I really do very well, and then that temptation is just looking at me. I'm a salty/crunchy sort of person, so that can be really tough. The major thing I notice is where the natural waist line is, my measurements have gotten smaller. This makes me want to do them all the time. :D Hopefully that snow will stop, we are having rain right now.

    Thelma, Sorry to hear that you had to endure the cold in your meeting, that can make your body very tired having to get warm. Dang on the freezing rain, I'm glad that our temps are warm enough to not form ice. The Kickboxing 101 workout doesn't have any jumping, it is mostly low impact with a few shuffles. When she does the hi/lo punch, she does do a jump in there. KCM has the Split Sessions workout that I really like. I don't know if you have that one, but the workouts are split between upper and lower.

    Tami, I'm sure you had a busy day, so I hope your weekend is a good one.

    Have a great weekend,