Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started today with Build Shoulders and then F/S Legs and Glutes. My legs are still screaming at me from Build Legs on Wednesday, but I think the F/S section helped ease them up a bit. For cardio, I did Cathe Live Cardio Mish Mosh. Snow and wind over night have left about a foot of snow in sections of our driveway......after I shoveled it all clean yesterday. So that is something to look forward to this afternoon. :/ DH is headed to Florida next week to see some of his former students who are getting ready to graduate and visit his parents. I was whining about the snow last night and he said I could join him. I joked back that if he got me to Florida right now, I would probably chain myself to a post in the Orlando airport when he tried to get me on a return flight. :p I think after today.....that might not be a joke. ;)

    Thelma, that’s horrible going from hot meetings one day to cold meetings on the other. No wonder you had no energy for working out. It is probably best you didn’t. That yo-yo weather from 70 to sleet is no fun either. Hope things improve over the weekend.

    Laurie, that is great news about your sister. I love how she seems to be focusing on how it makes her feel because that feeling is what keeps me going for sure. My eating habits are so weird. I am very strict with my daytime eating. Breakfast and lunch are clean and I very rarely snack (only when I am shaky hungry will I snack). Dinners are usually good too. But then comes my nightly cup of tea and my sweet tooth just kicks in to overdrive. You would think the hot flashes would convince me not to give in to it.....but, apparently, I prefer chocolate to sleep. :D I could probably try to give up the tea, but on these cold Alaskan nights, that’s a hard sell too. So......I try to be patient knowing I can and will change things up when I am ready to change things up. At least my weight is steady, so that helps. But I could look a little better! Oh well.

    Tami, hope you are well!

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited February 2018
    Hi Ladies ~ Happy Friday! WOW what a busy day I had yesterday. :p The week was going along very smooth for a shorter week and then all the Title Officer's files came in at once. They were busy bees in their offices so I had a full box all afternoon along with several “RUSH” situations. I loved it but I didn’t get time to even check in with you ladies or eat a normal lunch, I was typing and eating as I worked. LOL All good though. So workout yesterday was BUILD Shoulders and the day before that was BUILD BACK/Bi’s ….. hello DOMS on the BI’s I was feeling it yesterday. Love that shoulder work as well but not sore today. Today was F|S Legs and tomorrow I will do a Total Body/cardio + Stretch.

    Thelma: Your office sounds like ours right now with now heat …. At least this a.m. it was no heat and blowing cold air. This afternoon it is fixed so it is warming up. We are still into teen temps so BRRRRR. Luckily I wore a thick sweater today. Supposed to start snowing again around 4:00 through the weekend. Thank you for those instructions, my 2 devices arrived via Amazon yesterday, so I will follow what you said and see if it works! Great job with your BUILD workout and stretch. I can imagine all you wanted to do last night is get warm after that day in the office and freezing rain. YIKES. Stay safe and have a nice weekend.

    Laurie: Great job with your workouts! YAY on feeling some results and hopefully the tireds will go away soon. Your body is definitely working through all of it I am sure and with the constant variety you are probably shocking your system in a good way. That midsection will follow! I’m so glad your sister is feeling a difference. That gives a person the motivation they need to keep going forsure. Great to hear. Yes, the distraction on Tuesday evening was something a few of us laughed about the next night before Spinning started. I’m positive Katy had on a brave face …. Know her style too well to know that she thought that was fun. Yes, being busy in our business is a very good thing. The alternative of busy for us gets scary …. Layoffs and such can happen and we don’t want that. All flows with the real estate market and the forecast still looks good for quite a ways out; always takes a dip down but fingers crossed not for a while.

    Laurel: Fantastic combos as always! I agree on how that Back/Bi’s makes your arms feel. Hence the DOMS I was feeling yesterday. Thank you for posting again your “plan” through the weeks. It does help. THANK YOU. I did have the Metabolic Conditioning penciled in but for some reason I was thinking it was a “total body” workout at the end of each week. I wouldn’t mind a little cardio add on tomorrow forsure. I would definitely want to go to Florida for a little visit, but I can see what you are saying. IT would be all too familiar and wonderful sunshine to want to ever leave again.

    Have a great weekend ladies ~ talk to you on Monday! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! DH and I had a good weekend. We celebrated my bday a day early on Saturday. I had a huge pizza craving so we actually had pizza. I think it's been years since we've had pizza! It was soooo good! :)
    My workouts were good too. On Friday I did Fit Split Shred Cardio/Just Push Day Premix, Walking on Treadmill, Stretching. Saturday: Jessica Smith Cardio, Feel Good Fusion. Post Workout Stretch and today I did XT CBS W/U, BB Build Chest & Triceps, Walking on Treadmill, Stretching. I actually went up on some of the chest exercises and that was great! I am loving workout out with Sagi again!
    Going for my yearly mammo on Tuesday. I'm going to work from home in the morning and will take 1/2 day off in the afternoon because I see the doctor at the breast clinic after the mammo.

    Laurie, good job getting your workouts in on Friday. Great news about your sister!

    Being in the cold building last Thursday was hard but the 4-6 meeting in with the AC blasting over me did me in. We got rain this weekend and are expecting temps in the high 40's - low 50's. Thanks for letting me know about the Split Sessions workout. I do have it!

    Laurel, great workouts! OMG, that is a lot of snow to shovel! You're amazing! I would've had DH get me a snowblower by now!
    You're too funny about changing yourself to a post at the Orlando airport if you went there now.
    I hope we don't have insanely cold days at work this week!

    Tami, your Friday sounds like a super busy day! Great workouts!
    I don't know exactly what happened at work with the AC blasting so hard but I hope we don't more days like that! All I wanted to do was sleep when I got home.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had another good weekend, did have some issues with my knee. I think it was the change in temperature, because this morning it didn't hurt at all. On Saturday I did the JS Recovery Stretch, I like that one. On Sunday I did Barry's Bootcamp Chest & Abs, plus 10 Min. Solutions Rapid Results Kickboxing. This morning was Barry's BC Butt & Legs.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts, and working through those leg DOMS. LOL about chaining yourself to the airport, I think I would do the same if I was enduring all that lovely winter weather. We have the cold, but no snow. I like it that way, but that wind is probably the worst we had it on Sunday. I too am very happy that my sis is focusing on how she feels. She messaged me this morning on her knees making noises during the leg workout that we have scheduled for today. I will be doing that workout when I get home. I too had creaking noises like that when I was heavier, so do understand what she is going through. I have a love for my wine, so that one is really hard to give up. I just make sure that I factor that glass into my macros when I want to have a glass.

    Tami, Nice job with those workouts, and feeling the effect in your biceps. Guess that you may have to up the weight for the shoulders. ;) I to hope that tired feeling was only for that first week, I don't know if I could endure another 3 weeks like that. :D I'm glad that the real estate is going strong, keeps my dd employed also.

    Thelma, Happy Birthday! Glad that you had a chance to celebrate your day, and you have to splurge once in a while. Great job on your workouts also. I'm sure you will do fine with your exam, I got my post card in the mail to set up my scan. Glad I could give you another workout to use during the upper/lower weeks.

    My youngest is loving her new job with Ulta, she had non stop appointments yesterday. She was tired, but very happy to be so busy.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a quiet weekend, which was nice. The shoveling on Friday was brutal, with some drifts at over two feet :o so I was exhausted and sore on Saturday. Thankfully DH got done what I couldn’t on Saturday.....just in time for more snow today. This is turning out to be my least favorite winter in Alaska with all this snow. I much prefer -40 to this! I keep taking photos of our neighbor’s disappearing mailbox. This is from this morning....and, yes, their box has a post :p


    Anyhow, on Saturday despite being tired, I caught up with the rotation by doing F/S Low Impact Cardio and Metabolic Conditioning. Actually, this was a really good workout for loosening things up. I followed it with Jessica Smith’s Yoga for Back Pain which was absolutely perfect for Saturday. Yesterday I did Build Chest followed by RWH Plyo HiiT Two and One premix. Today was Build Legs followed by a Cathe Live cardio combo of 80s Cardio and Low Impact HiiT into Cross Fire Quick Fix. Fun stuff.

    Tami, sounds like work is busy! But, as you say, that is a good thing in your business. I am already feeling stronger with these workouts this week and didn’t notice any DOMS from yesterday’s workout despite increasing the weight. Hope I will be able to say the same tomorrow with these legs! The leg workouts seems to hit me the most.

    Thelma, Happy Birthday!! I am glad you celebrated and enjoyed it. I hope yesterday was a nice day as well. Great job with the workouts! Hope everything goes well with your appointment tomorrow.

    Laurie, sorry to hear about your knee, but I hope it was just temporary. But it sounds like you got some good workouts in. My knees crack and creak all the time, and I have been told it is normal as long as there is no pain. Hopefully your sister wasn’t feeling pain with the cracking. I don’t envy you that wind! I hated the wind we had in Colorado, but at least we had dry air there. Wind and your damp cold!! Glad your daughter in enjoying Ulta!!

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Very quick weekend but always enjoy it. :) Saturday I did the FS Metabolic Conditioning and Low Impact workout to catch up on our rotation and followed by a 20 minute Jessica Smith total body stretch. Then it was off to get Bernie’s nails trimmed. Once again, only half are done. They gave me some pills to sedate him (slightly) and I will go back a week from Saturday when the girl he seems to do pretty well with is back from vaca. Sheesh! Such an ordeal he just goes into panic mode, poor guy. But he is slipping a lot on our wood floors so it is a must to get done.

    Yesterday was BUILD Chest/Tris and then I went into work for just a couple hours; Bernie joined me of course. No workout this a.m., but I will head to BootCamp tonight after work.

    Thelma: Happy Belated Birthday!!!!! Yay for you for going for what your heart was desiring the most. Yum. Great job with your workouts and going up in weight again.

    Laurie: Excellent job on the workouts! Sounds like the knee was short lived and I hope it stays that way for you. IS this the same one you had a few problems with before? Thanks for the kudos on my workouts last week. Looking forward to another strong week with Sagi. How is your DD liking her job at the title company? So great your other daughter is loving her new job at ULTA. YAY!

    Laurel: WOWSA on all that snow! We have not had snow like that in a while which I am thankful for. IT feels like it’s never ending. I think a snow blower might be a must if I lived there forsure. Sounds like we had a similar Saturday workout session. Way to go on all your workouts! I will be doing BUILD Legs tomorrow a.m. since I missed this a.m. and will do BUILD Back/Bi’s (or is it Shoulders?, whichever is supposed to be in the a.m.) tomorrow night. DH will be gone to Vegas for a “Work Trip” with clients so I will have the house to myself for a few nights.

    Have a great evening ladies! Talk to you tomorrow. Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did ICE Low Impact w/u, BB Build Legs, Walking on the treadmill, stretching. I tried a different strategy in order to go heavier. I paused the DVD so I could do the exercise at a slower pace without feeling pressured to keep up with Sagi and crew. It was great being able to do the moves at my own pace. Because I went heavier my heart rate was high so I had to take longer breaks. Good stuff.
    Thanks so much for the bday wishes. DH lets me sleep in on the weekends. On Sunday he finally came back into our bedroom to see if I was awake and he wished me a happy birthday. I smiled back and I said: one year closer to retirement!!! Yaaay! LOL

    Laurie, great job with those workouts! I'm glad your knee is feeling better!
    I hope my exam result is normal. I will know my results tomorrow which is great.

    Laurel, awesome workouts and an awesome job doing all that shoveling. That is seriously hard work! I used to have to do my own shoveling and there was one winter when it snowed almost every day. It was hard!!! It looks like you have snow to last for a long time! Your neighbors won't be able to ‌find their mailbox pretty soon!

    We really don't do much birthday wise but the pizza craving had been around for a couple of weeks and I just had to allow myself to eat it.

    Tami, great workouts! It seems this weekend was pawdicure weekend! We did our cats.
    I hope Berni's pawdicure went well.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I got in the JS #FITIN15 Legs Lower Body Blast and 10 Min. Solutions Carb Burner Slow & Steady Burn. This morning was Barry's BC Shoulders & Back, and I added on 10 MS Carb Burner Carb Killer. This 10MS DVD has Michelle Dozois, so it was fairly easy to follow along.

    Laurel, WOW on the amount of snow, it almost looks like upper Michigan. ;) Dang on having to shovel all of that though, that is really a full body workout. Good job getting in your workouts along with that. It appears that it was just temporary knee pain, because I have not felt the pain again. I don't think that my sister felt any pain with her knees either, because she went on a 2 mile walk also. She is doing so good, and I'm happy that the messenger on our phones works so great for communication. Love and hate technology, but this is a love situation for me.

    Tami, Great job on your workouts, it appears that JS was a favorite for stretching this weekend. :D Oh poor Bernie, he sure doesn't like those nail clippings. :/ Yes it is the same knee, so at first I though oh no. But the next day it was fine, so I attributed it to the weather. It was cold, damp and windy. My oldest really loves her job at the title company, and likes all the people she works with. Enjoy your evening alone, it can be very nice to have those once in a while.

    Thelma, Awesome job on making the workout yours! You are really making these workouts work for you and upping the weights. I am making sure that I record my weights for these workouts, so that I can go up or down. Putting on my weighted vest for the leg workout is a must for me, that way I don't have to have such heavy weights in my hands. LOL on the one year closer to retirement, that is a positive way of looking at our bday's at this time. ;)

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Woke up with tons of energy which is so strange! DH left for FL in the middle of the night so I was up texting with him and tracking his flight much of the night. I was worried he wasn’t going to get out of here because the wind and snow last night were horrible. More drifts in the driveway today, but with this bizarre energy I have, I feel ready to tackle it! Ask me how I feel this afternoon, though. :D So for my workout, I did Build Back and Biceps, and went heavier today in every category. For cardio, I did XTrain Ride which, so far, is my favorite Spin workout. It was tough.....but I loved it today!

    Tami, great workouts this weekend! We definitely were on the same page. Poor Bernie and the nail clippings. Hope he is calmer next time with the girl he likes. I am doing Shoulders last in the Build week (after Back and Biceps) since we are doing Push or Pull for two of the weeks on the next day. I know both workouts include Shoulder work, but only ‘half’ sessions, and I figure I can adjust the weights better on those shoulder moves and still get a good workout than I can on the other muscle groups. This week I am doing Pull on Thursday and will see if it is too much on the shoulders. I chose Pull over Push because the pace is a little slower and I find I feel I use my shoulders less on back and bicep work than I do chest and tricep. So....we’ll see if it works!

    Thelma, great workout! I kind of did something similar today doing the bicep work. He has such short breaks during that part of the workout, and I was really trying to challenge myself. So I slowed down, went at my own speed and was able to lift a little heavier. Great job making the workout work for you!

    Laurie, great workouts! I am so happy to hear the knee pain was temporary. Sounds like your sister has really found her groove with working out! I love that. I agree with you about technology. There are few things that irritate me more than people walking and driving everywhere with their phone right in front of them. But, that being said, it has become one of the best ways for me to stay in contact more regularly with my sisters and even DH when he is away. But I can also go days without touching my phone! B)

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Good BC class last night. Another “tough” one with AMRAP’s again. It was a mix of weights and cardio too later into the workout and of course her favorite “BURPEES” for days! I felt bad before class because I went up to her and asked how she was feeling and doing, etc. because at Spinning on Friday she said she had to take it easy. Well, she nearly burst into tears (this is a woman that rarely cries I would imagine) and told me that this surgery has played a huge toll on her Estrogen levels which has made her feel nearly post-partum symptoms, along with many emotions. That she was really struggling with it all. Awwww, I felt so bad but she appreciated me asking. Of course as she lead our tough BC class you could never tell. She does however not do a lot of the exercises right now because her chest is soooo sore.

    This a.m. was BUILD Legs and tonight I will do BUILD Back/Bi’s. Its cold and snowy so I am glad to get home to Mr. Bernard. DH made it to Vegas safe and sound. He will be back on Thursday evening.

    Thelma: Great workout with BUILD Legs . I understand you doing that with your workout on the DVD pause. I do that in a few exercise with legs as well. Doing the step ups and step back I like to go heavy but not as fast as they are going so I can go deeper into the move. So good job I say that we both did that! LOL Part II of the Pawdicure will be Saturday the 10th with his Dog Whisperer friend Madison. He will have some sleepy pills this time though. Just gets too stressed and tries to jerk away.

    Laurie: Great combo of workouts last night and this a.m.! Way to work and as always, great variety!! I am glad the knee pain was short lived for you. Believe me, I will enjoy a couple nights of quiet forsure. :)

    Laurel: Fantastic combo of workouts today!!! Love that you woke up with that much energy after being up in the middle of the night. I hope the meds work for Bernie next time too. Poor guy. He comes out as happy as can be but from the sounds of it, he is not thrilled to be back there with them. He has always hated having his paws touched even so I can imagine this is completely in the “un fun” category for him. Great plan for the Pull and Push …. I will be following suit. Thx!

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, this morning I did Jessica Smith-1 Mile Walk, and tonight XT C/B/S W/U, BB Build Back & Bi's, Treadmill, Stretch. I was able to increase some of my weights which was great.
    My mammo was normal! Thank God! It started cold but by the afternoon it was sunny and in the 50's.

    Funny dog video:

    Laurie, great workout combos!! How heavy is your weighted vest?

    Laurel, another killer workout day! Great job! I am so happy I thought of pausing the DVD because it allows me to go heavier at a slower pace to make sure I use proper form.

    Tami, great job surviving another killer Katy class and with your BB workouts!! Wow, poor Katy! I hope she's getting treatment.
    That Bulgarian squat is one where I really had to pause the DVD. I'm all wobbly with this workout so I couldn't use more than 10 lbs going at Sagi's pace. At least this time I was able to use 15lb dumbbells. Then the step ups/back! The pause button has become my best friend! LOL
    OMG poor Bernie! Do you think it would help if you massaged his paws/toes at home so he gets used to his feet getting touched? Does the sound of the nail clipper freak him out? Think about things you could do at home frequently to help him get used to his pawdicures. I don't know anything about dogs so my advice was based on my experience with cats! LOL

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did the #FITIN15 Barre for Beginners, and did a short 10 min. stretch of hers. I just picked one at random. :D This morning was Barry's BC Arms & Abs, I then followed that with Jillian's One Week Shred Cardio.

    Laurel, Glad to hear that your DH made it to FL safe and sound. Awesome that you have so much energy, I have been feeling that way too. This mornings cardio was fun. :D It might be the fact that we are finally getting some sun, and warmth. Or that I saw on the calendar that spring is only 21 days away! :) Great job on your workouts, and I hope that the shoveling didn't leave you feeling tired today. The on the phone constantly is what irritates me too. Apparently people are on their phones to much at work, and they want to take them away and use two way radio's. They don't realize how much those are going to cost them though. :D

    Tami, Great job on the workouts, and I'm glad to hear that your DH also made it to his destination safe also. My DH will be in Vegas around April, so I will be home alone for a week during that time. I'm so sorry to hear that Katy is having to go through all those emotions, I'm sure that is super tough. I didn't have those post-partum symptoms, but the emotions do crazy things to your body during that time. Hope it eases up for her quickly.

    Thelma, Glad to hear that your mammo when well, and nice job with the workouts! Enjoy your temps, I know that I'm going to enjoy our warmer weather. Thursday is suppose to be the end of this, and back to normal Feb temps with maybe some snow. :p I purchased a 12 lb vest, but they do also have 8lb ones. I like wearing the vest for legs, so that I don't have to hold super heavy weights. Cute video.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Build Shoulders followed by Cathe Live Fitness Fusion, which is one of my favorite Live workouts. Good stuff. We have blue skies and sunshine today!! So pretty! Unfortunately we had another night of snow and high winds which left our driveway completely blocked by snow. But I went out early to clear that, and it really felt good to be in the sunshine while doing it.

    Tami, sounds like a killer BC class. But that is so sad about Katy. I hope she talks to her doctors about it. I can only imagine that the stress of the surgery combined with the surgery itself and all those hormonal effects is really taking a toll. She’s quite a trooper, though, keeping up with the instructing. Glad your DH made it to Vegas safely. I know you, like me, will be happy when he is home......but also enjoy the few days of alone time. B):)

    Thelma, great workout! Enjoy those warm temperatures. We got below zero last night for the first night in a couple weeks. But we aren’t supposed to stay this cold for too long.....thankfully. Of course, warmer temperatures mean.....more snow. Hopefully things will turn in the next month or so and some of this white stuff will start melting!

    Laurie, great workouts! Like you, I think having some sunshine makes all the difference. Our daylight is now stretching into 12 hours a day, which makes SO much difference too. In about eight weeks, we will stop having complete darkness at night. So crazy how fast it changes! Two way radios are not cheap. I would imagine they will let people keep their phones at work if that is the option.

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Quick check in because my day is almost done here. WOWSA it went quick. All good and I learned some more to my list of "new" things today as well.

    Last night I did BUILD Back/Bi's and this a.m. was BUILD Shoulders. Going to try and get in a nice shorter cardio tonight when I get home.

    Fabulous job to all 3 of you on your workouts yesterday/today!

    I will check in tomorrow forsure. :smile:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Ladies!! I've been gone way too long...I feel like I need to re-learn how to post! Can't wait to catch up on some posts and hopefully get back to checking in regularly! Hope you are all well!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, quick update tonight. Long day at work so had to force myself to workout and I did XT C/B/S w/u, BB Build Shoulders, stretch. I didn't have time to finish the full workout because it was 9:30 and I hadn't finished. So I finished about 80% of the workout. I also had to go with lower weights because my shoulders were tired during the warmup. I was using 2lb weights for the w/u!

    Ladies great job with your workouts! We continue with warm temps but on Thursday night we'll get the beginning of a nor'easter and it will go into Saturday! WHAT! I think it will be mostly rain. I would think it's too warm for snow but we may get some. High winds of course.

    Hi Erika! Nice to have you back!

    Good night ladies!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies!

    This morning was X10 Hi/Lo. I'm following one of Cathes monthly rotations. I made it to day 39 of 80 day obsession earlier this week (filmed much like Cathes STS) and ended up deciding to move on. There are a lot of complex moves with bands, sliders or weights and I was starting to see some old injuries re-surface. Decided I was better off going with what I'm comfortable with!

    Laurel, did I read correctly, you're in Alaska?? I have an aunt and uncle that live there as well as a cousin. My all time favorite place I've ever visited! I'll bet you're extra sore with tough workouts and snow shoveling!

    Thelma, great job on the workouts despite the long day at work. I'd say 80% is great for how late it was. Kudos to you for pushing to get a workout in!

    Laurie, I'm liking the sounds of your workout mix! Sounds very fun!!

    Tami, those BUILD workouts sound tough! I love hearing about your classes too...still never found any fun ones around me!

    So great to be back! Have a great Thursday!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I was able to get the JS FITIN15 Full Body Burn done last night. My sister said that the barre workout we did made her butt sore. I told her to love the burn, it is those muscles working. This morning was JS FITIN15 Standing Abs, Buns & Thighs followed by KCM's RAW Cardio Finisher. Hope to get something in after work, it will probably be some type of cardio. Might venture onto the elliptical. ;)

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, and getting in your fav live! What happens in the summer when you don't have the snow shoveling workout to deal with? :D Your body is going to be so used to that shovel max workout that it will crave it. I'm glad to hear that you get to enjoy a nice sunny day, and that you already have so much sunlight. It sure is quick to thing that you are close to that 12 hour mark. ;)

    Tami, You are rocking those workout, and nice that you had a chance to check in.

    Thelma, I love that you are making your workouts work for you, taking it down on the weights when your muscles are fatigued is what needs to happen. You have had shoulder issues, so no need to push it. ;) We have "normal" temps today and damp. I really did enjoy the two days of sun though.

    Erika, Very nice to have you back in the mix. Great job with the X10 workout. I have seen the 80 day obsession workouts, and they do look good. Nice that you realized that the workouts where making old injuries resurface. We don't need to be out of exercise routine just to finish up a rotation. Right now as a group we are on a 4 week rotation that are supersets. I'm doing the Barry's Bootcamp workouts, and the others are doing the Build workouts from Body Beast. This is my rotation.

    Chest & Abs
    Butt & Legs
    Arms & Abs
    Shoulders & Back
    Full Body (bodyweight)

    We are in week two of this rotation, and our next four weeks will be upper/lower. It has been a fun way to mix up our workouts.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had a super fun workout today. I did Fit/Split Pull followed by the Mixed Impact Cardio.....then right into Cathe’s Live workout from this morning which was called Move It. It was very similar to Mixed Impact but added in some compound moves. What I really liked is these compound moves seemed to focus on core, so it was almost like a random Cardio Core Circuit. Loved it! All together it was 90 minutes and has me feeling really energized.

    Erika, so great to see you!! Welcome back!! Yes, DH and I moved to Alaska almost a year ago. We lived here 2006-2008 so it is a return for us. Can’t say I have loved the winter after three “winters” in Florida, but it is beautiful and peaceful, which is nice. We are living near Fairbanks. Where is your family up here? Laurie did a good job of explaining what we are all doing right now workout-wise. I, too, have looked at the 80 day obsession, and that is interesting feedback about it. Better to move on and not injure yourself. Bet your boys are growing up fast!!

    Tami, quick days at work are good days! Hope things don’t get too busy though.

    Thelma, great workout. Taking it down in weight in the shoulders is very smart. I did the same thing today in the Pull workout and still felt I fatigued them. If your shoulders are still tired tonight and you are planning Push or Pull as well, it might actually be best just to skip the shoulder sections. Working the shoulders so much this week (even though I am the one who suggested it :) has been a concern of mine. So please don’t hurt yourself doing my poorly thought-out plan!

    Laurie, great workouts! Yes, that ‘burn’ is a good thing. :) It’s funny you ask about what I am going to do this summer when I am not shoveling....,because I have actually thought the exact same thing!! As much as I complain about it, it is good time outside and great core work. I am thinking I might just overrule DH (it wouldn’t be the first time >:) ) and take over the mowing duties. We have 1/2 an acre and no grass catcher, so we rake up the clippings.....which is also good core work. Maybe I can make a deal with DH.....I will do the lawn if he cleans the house. Somehow I don’t think he will go for that! :p

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Decided on doing today’s workout when I get home tonight. I may be doing Fit|Split LEGS instead of Pull I decided just to get in that extra lower body work! DH will be home at like 12:30 p.m. or something like that so I have time to get my workout in forsure when I get home.

    Thelma: Way to get in what you could last night. …… that is so late, I would have definitely chose bed instead. But I go to bed early as you know. LOL Good choice to not push the heavier weight being tired. Amazing with your warmer temps. We have warmed up slightly and a snow storm missed us last night, so that was good.

    Erika: So great to hear from you! Welcome back. ;) I am sure you have been a very busy bee with your boys and good for keeping up with your workouts and creating a variety for yourself. I have been looking at the “80 Day Obsession” and thought it looked really really good. I currently don’t have BB On Demand but thought of trying it for that and many other things I could try from these ladies suggestion. LOL. Did you like it up to the point of old injuries flaring up? I have the 21DFX Xtreme workouts and really like them and enjoy Autumn so much; along with her in the Chisel series with Sagi. Thank you for the kudos on my workouts. Have been enjoying this rotation we have been doing so much because the variety of switching in BUILD workouts, Cathe workouts, I also use KCM (Kelley Coffey Meyer too).

    Laurie: Fantastic workouts! That’s funny your sister said that and your response was perfect! I always love the burn even if it is DOMS because I feel like something is happening there. LOL I was glad I was able to check in as well. I couldn’t believe how fast the afternoon went. But sometimes my supervisor will have a free moment and come by and show me something “new” to add to my list; which I love. Yesterday was one of those days.

    Laurel: Another amazing performance in your home gym! Way to WORK. Yes, as I explained to Laurie it was a quick day but learning moments too so it was great. As busy as we are our boss mentioned we are behind in numbers (order counts) from last year. That was kind of a “Kill Joy” since we have all felt like it has been so busy for this time of year. But he did also mention he was happy, etc. . . . So you spotted that “80 day Obsession” as well?!? This was also why I was interested in trying some “online” action with my Ipad. I thought it might be one I would like to try one of these days; when I have no idea but really think they look good I thought but haven’t read many reviews yet since it is such a new release. :)

    Have a great afternoon ladies ~ Until tomorrow! Tami