Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,705 Member
    edited October 2021
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a nice weekend. Ours was busy. We spent about 6 hours outside on Saturday working on the chicken coop. We finished phase I of our coop expansion project.

    Here is a before and after picture of our coop. The bottom picture is the before version.

    We had absolutely beautiful weather. Temps were in the 70's and It was sunny and dry.

    My workout on Friday was Zumba and yoga. My workout on Sunday was STS Disc #29 Plyo Legs/Stretch.

    Laurie, great workout!
    I hope you had beautiful weather!

    Laurel, great workouts! Was the Total Body Barre class not a XB class?
    We are done with the rain for now.
    The coop came out really nice. Now we can't wait to finish phase II.

    Have a great week!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,569 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a good weekend. Spent some time on Saturday raking up the walnuts/leaves, dang it was muggy. We still have quite a few on the giant tree. We do have one Elm that lost it leaves very early this summer, and the woodpeckers are having a blast eating the worms that must have killed it. So that tree will have to be cut down, because it is fairly close to the house. Very sad about that, because it was a beautiful tree. We are thinking of putting in a maple, but taking it out further so that it isn't as close to the house. On Sunday is was raining, but DH was able to rake up debris piles that I had made on Saturday.

    My workout on Saturday was P30 Low Impact HiiT. Sunday was a rest day for me. This morning's workout was 30MTF Strong & Lean W1.

    Laurel, Great job on your workouts. Interesting live class, but I'm glad to hear that it worked with your spin workout. Well your weather is going to be slightly hotter than ours, we are going to be in the 70's. I'm sure at some point we will be dropping into the cold weather, and it will probably happen quickly. I like the sound of maple frosting vs butterscotch. I really like butterscotch. I didn't get anything baked this weekend, but we will have plenty of winter to get something baked.

    Thelma, Great job on your workouts! Very nice expansion of the coop, the chickens will have plenty of room. They are living in a high rise. Is that Chico's head on the bottom pic. :D He is really looking at those chickens.

    Have a great day!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,705 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Monday were easy. Peloton Low Impact Ride and a Slow flow Yoga class. I spent my energy doing deep cleaning. LOL

    The chickens are enjoying their new digs. It turns out that we have three roosters and one hen! This is a risk people take by buying young chickens. The seller who is a pro at raising chickens told us we had three females! We are going to rehome the large roosters. I have someone from the Humane Society helping me find them a home.

    Laurie, I'm glad you had a good weekend and that you made progress with your yard clean up. Sorry about your Elm tree though. Good ideas to have the old one cut and the new one planted far away from the house.
    Great workouts!

    I keep saying that we built the chickens a penthouse! LOL
    Chico loves watching the chickens. He would love to 'play' with them! We call them Chico's chickies! LOL

    Have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,569 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning's workout was 30MTF Cardio Sculpt Overload, and it was a sweat fest. I had to stop a couple of times to get the sweat out of my eyes, sure do hate that.

    Thelma, Great job on your workouts, and getting the deep cleaning done. Oh my on the amount of roosters that you had. Glad to hear that you are able to get help with rehoming them. I'm guessing that you will be getting more? I can't even imagine how hard it is to determine which sex is which when they are so young. That is a great name for the coop, the penthouse. I love that Chico thinks that he would be able to play with them. Those chickens sure wouldn't enjoy that. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,947 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you enjoyed your weekend. Ours absolutely flew by in a flurry of household chores. There were so many little things we kept pushing off and I decided this 3 day weekend for DH would be a great time to catch up….and it was. So while it wasn’t at all a relaxing weekend (or much fun), it was very productive….which makes me happy. Of course we were helped by having some beautiful weather to enjoy while we were doing our outside chores.

    For workouts, on Saturday I did a 30 minute Jessica Smith walk followed by 45 minutes of core focused yoga with Kristin McGee. This was a wonderful class that I think I will do a lot. Sunday was STS Disc 28/Plyo Legs and a 30 minute spin with Peloton. Yesterday was STS Disc 27/Chest and Back followed by the cardio only premix from Fit/Split Shred Cardio and the abs from Pyramid Upper Body. Today was a 60 minute spin followed by XB Pilates Core and Booty 1, which was really good.

    Thelma, great workouts! I love the chicken coop. That is alot of work! But I am sorry to hear three of your chickens are roosters. :o I am glad they will be re-homed and, hopefully, you get chickens in their place. No doubt Chico wants to play with them, though. That barre class I did on Friday was from Cathe, and it was not at all like the barre classes from Xtend Barre. It was more like a total body workout that used a barre for some of the lower body work. :)

    Laurie, great workouts. I am sorry to hear about your tree, though. Getting trees removed is not alot of fun. I spent about 90 minutes on Saturday trying to get some of the nuts out of the grass, and then a gust of wind hit and… was like dodging hail stones. :D And all my work was undone in a second. I will probably try to get out there again but, honestly, it is an impossible task. In 90 minutes, I filled up my bucket 3 times, and didn’t get away from a patch of grass that was about ten foot square. In a half acre…..that is not much. :| But I will do what I can. So I tried to find that maple recipe….and no luck. I am so sorry, but I think it was a recipe from the internet and I must have saved it to an older computer because I can’t find it. I can send you the recipe for the Butterscotch Apple Cookies, though, if you are interested. I am so sorry that I can’t find this recipe, though. But, thinking back, I think it was an experiment I did when I was baking cookies by the dozens when DH was still in the military. And that’s been a long time! :o But now that I have the craving, I may just try experimenting again this year. :)

    See you tomorrow.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,569 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning's workout was Jillian's Kickbox FastFix W1. Have to say that I really enjoyed this one, and loving the combo of mixing the instructors.

    Laurel, Glad to hear that your weekend was so productive. Great job on your workouts, and the Kristin core yoga must be a good one if you intend to do it again. You are right about the tree removal, it can get expensive. Since this one is so close to the house, they would have to be careful about removing it. Dang on your experience with all the nuts, it sounds dangerous! All I need is a hardhat, but yours sounds like you could get multiple bruises. ;) How frustrating that had to be. I would greatly enjoy having that Butterscotch Apple Cookie recipe. I can handle finding a maple frosting, since I have used one in the past for my cinnamon rolls. I may try out that frosting on my pumpkin cookies also.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,947 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was STS Disc 38/Squat Rack Legs followed by Cathe Live Love Me Some Cardio Kickboxing. It was a great blend of boring into fun. :)

    Laurie, great workout. I am glad you are enjoying the change-up in instructors. Just a slightly different approach can make all the difference in the world. I will gladly send you that recipe. I will send it later in a private message. The cookies are a little bit of work, but so very worth it. DH and I have gone back and forth about redoing our deck on the back of the house. It is a covered deck, and we both would like to have an uncovered section. But….it would mean taking down two trees that are very close to the house. And I think we have talked ourselves out of that. If the trees weren’t healthy, that would be one thing. But I hate taking out healthy trees, then add on the cost and concern about the house….and our deck as is is just fine.

    See you tomorrow.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,947 Member
    Hi Laurie. Here is the recipe for the cookies. I tried to send this as a message, but it wouldn’t let me. Anyhow, you aren’t going to believe this, but when I pulled out the recipe book to look at it, I found a maple frosting recipe on the same page. I have no doubt this is what I used. It is always the last place to look, right? So included are both the butterscotch and the maple frosting recipe.


    2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
    2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
    1 teaspoon baking soda
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1 1/3 cups packed brown sugar
    1/2 cup (1 stick) butter or margarine, softened
    1 large egg
    1/2 cup apple juice
    1 2/3 cups (11 ounce package) butterscotch morsels, DIVIDED
    3/4 cup (1 small) unpeeled grated apple
    3/4 cup chopped walnuts, DIVIDED

    Combine flour, cinnamon, baking soda and salt in medium bowl. Beat brown sugar and butter in larger mixing bowl until creamy. Beat in egg. Gradually beat in flour mixture, alternately with apple juice. Stir in 1 1/3 cup morsels and 1/2 cup walnuts. Drop by slightly rounded tablespoon onto lightly greased baking sheets.

    Bake in preheated 350 degrees oven for 10 to 12 minutes or until lightly browned. Let stand for 2 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool completely. Spread with butterscotch (or maple) glaze. Sprinkle with remaining walnuts. Makes about 3 1/2 dozen cookies.


    Melt remaining morsels and 2 tablespoons butter in small heavy saucepan over lowest possible heat. Remove from heat; stir in 1 cup sifted powdered sugar and 1 to 1 1/2 tablespoons apple juice until smooth.


    1 tablespoon melted butter
    1 cup powdered sugar
    1/4 teaspoon maple flavoring
    2-3 tablespoons milk

    Whisk together all of the ingredients in a small bowl. Drizzle over cooled cookies.

    NOTE: These cookies are very moist, so I like the glaze to be a little runnier so it goes on earlier. I also think I might have added some pure maple syrup to the maple glaze and played with the milk content accordingly. Like I said, it was an experiment. Hope you enjoy!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,705 Member
    Hi Ladies, somehow my post didn't post last night. I probably forgot to hit Post!
    I had a chiropractic treatment on Tuesday. My back has been acting up and I could feel something was getting compressed. I do have disc degeneration. Thankfully just one. I also have something that I forgot to ask the doctor to write down for me that I'd never heard of before. One vertebrae has gotten out of alignment and I don't know that it can't be fixed.
    The other issue is my never ending IT band issue on my left side. It turns out I was born with a slightly shorter right leg so the left leg is compensating for that. It seems this will explain why my IT band doesn't seem long enough and I thought it was tight.

    I asked the doctor if I was a mess (LOL) and she said no because I'm active, exercise, stretch a lot and have a pretty normal weight. Exercise for my has been a matter of health for a very long time. I know I need to move or things fall apart.

    The good thing is that my back and leg have felt really good since I saw the chiro. She also gave me shoe lift to put under my orthotics' heel. It feels a bit strange but it's a matter of getting used to it.

    Anyway, On Tuesday I did Zumba and STS Disc 28 Chest and Back and Wed I did a Peloton low impact ride, abs and a mobility flow yoga class.

    Laurie, great workouts! I am glad you're enjoying the mix of instructors during this rotation.

    Having too many roosters is an issue. Thankfully only one is crowing now. We will eventually get more hens but we're afraid to end up with more roosters if we get them too young. The chicken farm people swear they are able to sex chickens. Obviously not very well!

    Chico begs us to let him go play with the chickens. It will never happen! We do let him watch them from a distance when the chickens get time outside though.

    Laurel, you had a busy weekend doing a lot of hard work! The weekend flew by for us too and DH had a long weekend too. He was glad he had the extra day because we got a lot of chores done too. It just never ends!

    Great workouts!! Sorry Cathe labeled the workout as barre when it wasn't. I really hate those workouts that came with the tower. It isn't fun to be adjusting the bar height from exercise to exercise.

    I'm glad you liked the coop. It took us forever to get the base done but it was worth all the hard work DH put into building the base and preparing the ground and making the big sandbox. It has made cleaning a breeze.
    We will eventually want to get more hens but I need to research the chickens I'd like to get. I want different colored eggs and thought I had 3 colors! The next thing would be to figure where to get them.

    Thanks for sharing the butterscotch apple cookie recipe!

    See you tomorrow ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,569 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This mornings workout was 30MTF Strong & Lean W2, this one was the kickboxing. I used my egg weights for the extra boost.

    Laurel, Thank you so much for the recipe! I would probably use the syrup since that is what I usually have in my fridge. I'm going to make them with apples that we have gotten from the orchard. Awesome job on your workouts, and I love that you went from boring to fun! :D I would have a hard time taking down a tree that wasn't diseased also. That is one reason that we have so many walnut trees. When we first started to build they wouldn't allow us to cut any trees that where over a certain height. The lady that had previously owned the land was the subdivision committee. She fought us taking down trees just to put our house in on the lot. If we did it her way, the tree line would have been right out the back door of our house. :) Hey we kept the really really old walnut that is in the front.

    Thelma, Love to hear that you where able to get to the chiro for some relief on your back. Hopefully you will adapt to the lift in a short amount of time. My Dad had a shorter leg, because of a bad reset on a broken leg. I remember him having a lift in the heel. For sure the exercise is great for all of us. Great job on your workouts! LOL about the farmers having such confidence in the identity and giving you so many males. Don't blame you for being leery of getting more. We should probably be really thankful that Rocket has squirrels and bunnies to chase. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,947 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a 45 minute HiiT and Hills ride, Xtend Barre Core 1 and 20 minutes of floor focused yoga from Peloton. This was my 200th yoga class with Peloton! I am still so happy that I found a program that makes me actually want to do yoga. :)

    Thelma, sorry about the missing post. That has happened to all of us. I am glad the chiro appointment went well. I have one leg shorter than the other as well, but ditched the lift after a few months. B) This happened about 20 years ago, and I found stretching far more helpful (and comfortable) than the lift. But, back then, I also wanted to be able to wear shoes that wouldn’t have been possible with a lift…..a silly fashion thing that I am paying for these days with my feet troubles. Hopefully the lift works for you. Great workouts!

    Laurie, sounds like another fun kickboxing workout. Great job. I hope you like the recipe. I would have a serious problem taking down a healthy tree, that’s for certain. And, like you when you moved in, we would need permission to do it. It is so strange in this development that some lots, when they build on them, they cut out just enough space for the house (our lot is like that), and others…..they practically level. At first I thought it depended on the type of tree on the lot, but that doesn’t seem to matter. I love that our lot is so treed (even with all of the nuts!) because it does make it feel less like we are in a neighborhood than it would otherwise feel. But there are times I wish the trees were just slightly further away from the house.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,705 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Thursday were Gina B's 2000 steps, pickleball and STS Disc 30 Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. I am so looking forward to recovery week!

    My former private yoga instructor sent me a hello message the other day and I told her that she was missing a big business opp here in BR with the over 50 class since my yoga studio moved to another town. She couldn't understand why she couldn't attract the over 50 crowd. I actually knew why because one of my friends tried her classes and was intimidated by the young bodies. Long story short, I convinced the studio's owner to offer a free class for my friends and I. Hopefully she'll be able to incorporate a couple of classes a week that will get these ladies to attend the classes. We are all super excited about taking a class together again. The class will be on the 26th.

    We are going to NC on Saturday to the Punkin Chunkin Festival. We went two years ago and it was so much fun! They have these giant catapults to thrown the pumpkins as far away as possible. I'm also getting my hair trimmed.

    Laurie, great workout!!

    Surprisingly I've adapted to heel rapidly. It felt weird at first but not because I felt a height difference but because my heel felt like it was on a very hard surface. The best part is that I've not had the IT band problem on my left leg. Amazing! Exercise is a matter of health as far as I'm concerned.
    I'm glad Chico is a small dog and is always on a leash. He would probably chase the wildlife too.

    Laurel, great workouts!! WOW!!! Congratulations on your 200th Peloton yoga class!

    I feeling weird about having a short leg but it sounds like it is something common. I wear sneakers 90% of the time now and the lift hasn't been an issue. It's very thin so the change was very subtle. Women do crazy things in the name of fashion, like wearing pointy shoes!

    Have a great weekend ladies!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,569 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning's workout was RAW SlimSculpt. This one was a lot of fun, and I was able to use fairly heavy weights.

    Laurel, Congrats on the 200th class! That is a great accomplishment. Great job on your other workouts also. That is the way I feel about the walnut trees. I will deal with the nuts, because the trees are so nice. I can't even hug the old walnut that we have, and I have very long arms. I would hate to see that one die. That is the one that drops the most fruit though. :D We have those neighborhoods that where built in what was previously a corn field, and I really feel sorry for the people. They don't have any shade. I will let you know what the cookies where like, I'm planning on making them this weekend. We had temps in the 40's this morning.

    Thelma, Awesome job on your workouts! I love that you are able to get the gang together again to have a yoga class. I hope that it will be a regular class again. Have a wonderful time at the festival, I know that is something that DH and I would love to go to. Chico and Rocket would probably have a great time together.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,947 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was STS Disc 29/Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps followed by Perfect 30 High Impact, Low Impact and Bonus HiiT Mish Mosh premix. I love this workout. Like Thelma, I am glad next week is recovery. With all the work we have been doing on the house and yard…and these heavy workouts….I am feeling it in my arms. So for recovery week, I am going to attempt to do just lower body workouts (and cardio and yoga and core….). We’ll see how my legs respond to that. :D

    Thelma, great workouts. I love that you convinced your instructor to give your group a yoga class! I hope it works out that you can get back to a routine class in person. Your weekend outing sounds like so much fun! I got my hair cut last week, and it felt so good to get that done again. It had been too many months. :#

    Laurie, great workout. I hope your walnut tree lasts forever. They are so beautiful when they are that size. Our neighborhood in Alaska had no trees. They just bulldozed them all down when they built the neighborhood. And Alaska is very forested, so I compared living there to living on the surface of the moon. It annoyed me to no end to turn off a beautiful tree-lined road into our flat, barren neighborhood. I will never understand why the builder did that. But after living in one of his houses for 18 months, that is just the tip of the ice berg when it comes to things about that builder I will never understand. B) I really hope you enjoy the cookies! We are supposed to have lows in the 40s this weekend too, so maybe that will put me back in the mood to bake. :)

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,705 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend! Ours was great but busy.
    The Punkin Chunkin festival was a lot of fun. It rained pretty hard on Friday night and early Saturday. Thankfully the sun came out in the afternoon which was perfect for the festival. There were only 4 catapults but it was still a lot of fun. There weren't a lot of people either. Everyone had lawn chairs to watch the pumpkins fly out into the air.

    We tried a famous Cuban restaurant in the area. The owner is famous for her Paella and it just so happened that it was the weekend's special! It was delicious! The lady only makes it five times a year. The next time will be Valentine's weekend. I already setup a reminder to call for reservations! The Paella dish was big so DH and I split it and I let him have most of it because I wanted desert! They had sweet fried plantains with flan ice cream! OMG! It was sooo good!

    Sunday was busy with house chores, cooking and farm chores.

    It's been pretty windy since Saturday and tonight we have a chance of frost and possibly Monday night too. We brought the plants I want to save into the garage and covered my mums with tarps.

    My workouts on Friday were a Peloton ride, a Mobility flow yoga class and pilates abs.

    My workouts on Sunday were a Peloton ride, Xtend Barre Legs, stretching.

    Laurie, great workout on Friday!

    Getting the old gang together for a yoga class will be great. I hope they do show up at the yoga studio! I'll message them a couple of days before to remind them.

    I am sure Chico would love playing with Rocket!

    Laurel, great workouts! I am thinking of doing more Xtend Barre classes this week. Any Cathe strength workout I do will be done with lite weights. For some reason these STS workouts are killing me energy wise.

    I really hope we can get this new studio to come up with a class my friends feel comfortable with.

    It is always such a good feeling to get a haircut! I've been getting a haircut every 6 weeks but this time I am going for 8 weeks.

    Have a great week ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,569 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a busy weekend, but did get a chance to make some cookies. They where super yummy. We had really nice, but cold weather.

    I didn't workout on Saturday, Sunday was a very long walk with Rocket. This morning 30MTF Sculpting Rx W1 was my choice, and this was a total body strength workout.

    I had my hair done on Sunday, and dd informed me that she is now a Master Stylist. I'm so proud of her, and that means that she is eligible for benefits. Of course my bill was $20 more because of it. :D

    Laurel, Awesome job on your workouts. I'm sure that your legs will have some interesting recovery workouts to try out this week. I did make the cookies this weekend, and DH just loved them. I did put some in the freezer so that we can have them again in a few weeks. Now he wants me to make a pie with the remaining apples. Have to stop at the orchard again to get some more. I'm sure it was way easier for that builder to take bulldoze everything, just very unfortunate that there where no trees to block the wicked wind that I'm sure could pick up in a winter in Alaska. We had temps in the 30's this morning, and I had to put a heavier blanket on the bed. I usually have a light blanket, plus a smaller one. DH just has the light blanket. He requested the additional blanket, so he was cold. :D Of course he also said that he isn't turning on the heat, so I'm going to have to dress in a lot more layers.

    Thelma, Great job on your workouts! Glad to hear that you had a good time at the festival. The food you had at the Cuban restaurant sound absolutely delish! My mouth watered when you mentioned the desert. Sounds like a very busy Sunday.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,947 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you enjoyed the weekend. Ours was very nice. On Saturday we went furniture shopping. I have two cabinets in our living room that we bought back in the 90’s….and they show it. Not only are they dated, but all of the moves we have made have taken a toll. And I finally found cabinets that I wanted to replace them with. We also have a new coffee table and end tables coming. So it was a very productive—and expensive—day, but I am so happy that we did it. Yesterday was spent on chores. We keep chipping away at things we have neglected for too long, and with every passing weekend, I feel better about it. Our weather was breezy and chilly on Saturday, but yesterday and today have been picture perfect for fall. I finally have all the windows open, and I am hoping the AC is done until spring.

    For workouts, on Saturday I did XB Pilates Cardio Fusion 1 and 45 minutes of yoga focused on the hips. Yesterday was a 45 minute climb ride with Peloton followed by Xtend Barre Booty 1. Today was Cathe Live Glutes and Thighs, followed by F/S Mixed Impact Cardio only premix and a really good 20 minute core segment from Peloton.

    Thelma, great workouts. I am glad the Punkin festival was good fun. And the Cuban food sounds amazing. Like Laurie, my mouth is watering. I am not quite as tired by Meso 3 as I was Meso 2, but, boy, am I feeling it in my joints for some reason. All of my planned strength workouts this week will be Cathe Live workouts, which means the weights will be relatively light. And I plan on my fair share of XB workouts as well as yoga. I keep telling myself ‘Just four more STS weeks!! You can do it!’ :) But, if I am being honest, I think it is amazing that both of us have done these workouts for the last seven months or so. When I think about that, I know I will push through to the end….and celebrate!

    Laurie, great workout this morning. I am glad you were able to enjoy a long walk with Rocket this weekend. DH and I walked both days, and it just is so pretty this time of year. I am glad you and your DH enjoyed the cookies. I think if I had an apple orchard nearby I would be there all the time this time of year. I seem to crave apple everything in the fall. :D We got down to 39 degrees this morning…..which is getting close to perfect sleeping weather for me. :D Unfortunately this is the coldest morning predicted for weeks, but at least the lows in the 70s are behind us for awhile.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,705 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Monday were Gina B 3000 steps, KCM "RAW" Upper Weights & Legs followed by 15 of Xtend Barre Total Body Stretch. I love, loooove Andrea's stretching routines! I also took Chico for a walk up/down our road. He's been wearing his fleece vest! So cute!

    Temps got cold last night but we didn't have a frost. The lowest temp I saw was 37 degrees early this morning. It was cold all day and there was northern wind that didn't help!

    DH turned the heat on yesterday and today AND this isn't the first time this month.

    Laurie, I'm glad your cookies were yummy! Good workouts! Walking is a workout!
    How exciting about your daughter becoming a Master Stylist! congratulations! she's going to put you in the poor house with those hair styling charges!

    The Cuban restaurant is definitely one of my favorites now. There are two really good Cuban restaurants in that town. We'll be going back with a group of friends on the 29th. Hopefully the other dishes are tasty too.

    Laurel, sounds like you had a great weekend! Congrats on the new furniture!
    We are having the same type of weather. I hope we are done with the AC too.

    Great workouts!
    It's been decades since I last had Paella. I can't want till Valentine's 2022 weekend to have it again! LOL. I would've never thought of pairing sweet, fried plantains with ice cream. I'm glad someone thought of it because it is a winning combination!

    I don't know why Meso 3 is hitting me so hard. We have to keep the weights lite on recovery weeks in order for our bodies to really recover from the previous two weeks.
    I can't wait to be done with this rotation! We are so close to the end now; which is very exciting!

    Have a great day ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,569 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning's workout was 30MTF Step Boxing #1. I used my 1# egg weights.

    Laurel, Fun weekend even though you spent a bit of money on replacement cabinets. Every home needs and update once in a while, so totally understand the other purchases also. Great job on all your workouts. Interesting that your joints are feeling the heavier weights. I really notice my bad knee doesn't like a lot of leg workouts, and I think that is why I enjoy Kelly's workouts. We have three orchards around us, so it is really nice. One of the orchards had Bobby Flay at their establishment. He lost to them. Guess his pie, baked in a paper bag, wasn't as good as the guys that own the orchard. :D I do find that I sleep so much better when the temps start to get down into the 30's to 40's.

    Thelma, Nice workouts and getting Chico out for his walk. I'm sure that he looks adorable in his fleece vest. We have not had to put that on Rocket yet, but he is wearing his reflective vest when we go for our morning walk. That one is in total darkness. LOL about dd putting me in the poor house. I don't know if I should wish for my head to go totally gray faster, or just be glad that I get to enjoy her company when I get my head pampered.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,947 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a 75 (!) minute spin followed by 20 minutes of yoga….all floor stretching. I also enjoyed a nice walk as our weather is just gorgeous again today.

    Thelma, great workouts. I bet Chico is so cute in his vest. I will have to try Andrea’s stretching. I know she mentions how much she loves and values stretching in a few of the workouts I have done….which I really appreciate hearing from an instructor.

    Laurie, great workout. I forgot to pass on my congratulations to your DD yesterday! That is a wonderful accomplishment…and probably worth the extra money just knowing she is doing well. That’s funny about Bobby Flay losing an apple pie contest to a local orchard but, honestly, the people who work with apples all the time are probably the best at knowing how to highlight the apple and not do anything too fancy. I think my issue with Meso 3 right now is doing Meso 3 and doing a lot of arduous yard chores at the same time. My shoulders and elbows are both screaming for a break. But the question is whether that is Meso 3 or hours and hours and trying to pick up nuts with a nut roller. :D Hopefully a week off from all of that will help.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,705 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Tuesday were Gina B. Latin Pop Dance Cardio, Pickleball, Heart Opening Flow Yoga, Xtend Barre Stretch.

    We had a beautiful day here in BR. It was sunny and in the upper 60's.

    Laurie, great workout!

    I can't wait till it gets colder so Chico can wear his winter coat! LOL

    I think you should enjoy your DD's company and head pampering as much as possible!

    Laurel, fantastic workouts!!

    Chico does look adorable with his little vest. All he needs is bowtie! LOL
    Andrea's stretching routines are just wonderful and you should try them. She does the kind of stretching I used to do in one of my favorite yoga classes at the studio. I'm so happy I tried them.

    Have a great day ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,569 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning's workout was ACE HiiT Vinyasa Flow Yoga & Ab Blast. This is the one with Chris Freytag as the instructor. Most of her ab work is pilates, and of course I really love her yoga even with all the Vinyasa's.

    Laurel, Great job on your workouts and walk. It has been wonderful weather, can't beat fall for that aspect. I hope that is the case with your yard work and doing Meso 3. As I'm getting older the joints just don't appreciate the really heavy weights. I do see these older women lifting very heavy weights, so I may just be a wimp. Of course they may not have participated in sports like volleyball and basketball in their youth. All I know is that I'm happy when my right knee isn't the size of a cantaloupe, and so far Kelly's weight workouts have the best option for that.

    Thelma, All of your workouts have a great title to them, and sounds like fun. Can't beat a sunny day, we had that yesterday also. Even though some people think it is silly to put coats on dogs, they sure do seem to like dressing up. Like Chico, Rocket doesn't have that really thick coat like a golden retriever or like our german shepherd had. He doesn't like the super cold that we get.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,947 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast doubled premix followed by XB Pilates Hit The Mat 2. And a nice walk.

    Thelma, great workouts. I will definitely try Andrea’s stretching classes. I can’t thank you enough, again, for introducing us to Open Fit. I won’t do a fraction of the workouts, but what I am doing is so worth it right now. I was looking at some of the foam rolling workouts this morning, and I want to try those too. I am going to suggest something I am not quite sure about yet, but…..I am thinking about taking a week off after this rotation. Maybe even two weeks. I will probably still do some light cardio and yoga or stretching. But, honestly, I am thinking I might just want an entire week (or two) without any significant weighted or even body weighted strength moves. I haven’t taken time away from strength training for over two years (since DH and I went to Hawaii in 2019), which is kind of crazy when you think about it. And I actually want to know how I would feel. :) I have a decent draft for our next rotation, so if you want to press forward, you can. But I just wanted you to know what is playing around in my mind right now.

    Laurie, I love the sound of that workout! Pilates style core work really is my favorite kind of core work. I think I am crossing a line right now in the aging process that I am resisting with all of me right now. :D I absolutely love lifting heavy. It is my favorite style of lifting. But I think I might need to re-think how often I do it. Like I was saying to Thelma, it has been over two years since I took any break from fairly strenuous strength training, and coming to the end of this 8-9 month STS rotation….I am feeling it. I am thinking I can still lift heavy, but during the recovery weeks I should probably skip any form of strength training. Luckily I don’t have a joint that swells like your knee (yet), but I also don’t want one. I don’t think you are a wimp at all for how you are approaching for workouts because they are working for you. That is the most important thing in my view. It is not worth risking a long term injury when what you are doing is effective and enjoyable. And that is what I need to get through my own stubborn head right now. :DB):#

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,705 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts today were ICE Metabolic Total Body, XB Barre and stretching.

    We had another gorgeous fall day here today. It started out in the high 30's but it warmed up into the low 70's.

    Laurie, great job getting a yoga practice into your rotation!

    People really come up with great name for yoga practices. OpenFit has some yummy sounding names such as Zen Flow, Mindful flow, refresh and flow, etc...

    DH is the one who said we should get a coat for Chico because of his thin and short coat. He didn't have to tell me that twice! I was all over that buying stuff for Chico! LOL. I want to buy him onesies pj's! LOL

    Laurel, great workouts!

    You are so very welcome about the OpenFit suggestion. I was really happy when I found the site because of the XB programs.

    I am totally for doing two recovery weeks. Meaning no weights, no crazy Cathe cardio. I think we should do easier cardio, pilates, yoga, stretching and even band work. I feel that I need to do this kind of training on recovery weeks for my body to actually feel rested. I must be getting old! LOL
    I know this will be very hard for you to do. You may go through serious weight lifting withdrawals but you should a good recovery week.

    Thanks so much for working on the next rotation.

    See you tomorrow ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,569 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning's workout was 30MTF Sculpting Rx W2, totally fun metabolic workout.

    Laurel, Got to love those workouts! I'm sure that you are really enjoying the chance to do the metabolic workouts during your recovery week. It was a bit hard for me to realize that I needed to do more of the total body type workouts. The first thing I noticed with not doing just strictly lower body, my calf muscle started to look more defined. I have very large calf muscles, and it was a surprise for me that they actually looked better doing less. So I guess that was something that I probably should have been doing a lot sooner, and of course my knee really appreciated it also. I have been doing this type of rotation for three weeks, and it has been very enjoyable. Love my rotation so far. :)

    Thelma, Nice job with the workouts! Your weather really does sound like ours. Of course this morning it looks more like it will rain. Sure do love having these windows, the leaves are starting to change. The trees are in a small courtyard, so they appear to be more protected and taking longer to turn. Have you tried to put winter booties on Chico yet? Of course you don't get as severe cold as we do. I have to put those on Rockets paws, he can't take the really cold weather. He would go outside and start crying because his paws where frozen. Now that we have the rubber booties, he can go out without any problems. Even though he doesn't enjoy having to put them on. :D I have not seen the onesies, don't know how Rocket would feel about that.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,947 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a 60 minute spin followed by that wonderful 45 minute core focused yoga class from Kristin McGee. I really enjoyed both workouts today.

    Thelma, great workouts. Two weeks of recovery sounds like a wonderful plan!! We will do whatever feels good for those weeks. I am really looking forward to it, and so is my body. :) I will put the finishing touches on our next rotation over the next few weeks so that is all done before the holidays hit. I would love to see Chico is his onesie. :) That will be too cute for sure.

    Laurie, great workout. One of the things I have noticed in just the five days off from upper body work is how much thinner my arms look. So I think there is something to be said about ‘less’ being better. I think my increasing fondness for yoga and my love of Pilates is also changing how I want to workout. I don’t ever want to stop using weights, but I sure could handle more yoga in my life…..which is a statement I never, ever imagined I would make!!! I am glad you are enjoying your rotation. It seems to have quite a bit of variety in types of workouts which is always good.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,705 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Wednesday were Jessica Smith Fat Burning Cardio and Openfit Zen Flow Yoga. I really enjoyed this yoga flow. One more Openfit program I love!

    We had a mostly cloudy day with a few showers but tonight the rain finally came down with thunder and lightning.

    Laurie, fantastic workout!

    It sure sounds like we're having the same weather! The dogwood trees already dropped their leaves and now the poplars which leaves turn yellow. We're not seeing colors across the valley yet.
    DH tried booties on Chico but he was afraid to hurt him so gave up within a few seconds.
    Can you give me the name of those booties you Rocket please. We definitely don't get your kind of weather but we would like for Chico to wear booties. I was just looking at them on Amazon as a matter of fact!

    I started to look at the onesies but gave after reading the bad reviews for some of them. I'll keep looking though because I know he'd let us put it on him.

    Laurel, great workouts!! I really think our bodies will totally appreciate those two recovery weeks.
    I still haven't selected a onesie for Chico but hope to soon!

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,569 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning's workout was 30MTF Step Boxing #2. Temps in the low 30's this morning, so it is really time to start the layering. DH has requested an apple pie, so I will be doing some baking again this weekend.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts. I don't blame you for needing the yoga in your life. I am going to make sure that I get more into my rotation from now on also. If I put it into the middle of the week, like I did this week, then I will do it. If I wait for the weekend, it doesn't seem to be as attractive to do. Go figure. Like you said before, the pilates really works the core. I like mixing the heavy and light weights during my week, and I think that is why I like Kelly's workouts. She seems to incorporate at least one heavy and a light on her DVD's.

    Thelma, Love the workouts! We had the thunder and lightening yesterday evening. So I guess that you can look forward to the really cold that we had this morning, if everything stays in pattern. :D The botties that we get for Rocket are the PAWZ. They can be a little difficult to put on, but they don't fall off. I always insert my finger and thumb into the bootie, and then place Rockets paw in between. The bootie usually slips on fairly well after that. It is better if the dogs nails are not super long also.

    Have a wonderful weekend,

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,947 Member
    edited October 2021
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Cathe Live Legs Express-Moderate Weight followed by Cathe’s live class from yesterday which was Cardio Kickboxing and Core. She used her Pilates/playground ball for the core work, and it was very good. I hope she does more workouts using that little ball. I got my ball when I bought Jessica Smith’s Walk Strong 3 and never have gotten much use out of it. But Cathe in two of her recent Live workouts is proving it to be a pretty useful workout tool.

    Thelma, great workouts. I am going to have to try the Open Fit yoga. It sounds like there might be a little more variety in styles than Peloton has. We had the same rain, thunder and lightening last night. It came down in buckets! But today is clear though significantly cooler….which I like.

    Laurie, great workout. I love the idea of mixing heavy and light strength workouts into each week. So I have a question. When Cathe does ‘light’ workouts, she reps the heck out of them. The first ‘Live’ workout I ever did with Cathe started out with dumbbell presses using 15# but she did either 40 or 48 reps with them….and did that for two sets. Now I know that is great for endurance but, honestly, I find that kind of high reps not to my liking. Give me 30# dumbbells and 15 reps, and I am much happier. Or give me more compound or metabolic moves and I am happy. But doing static single muscle moves for 30-50 reps makes me want to poke my eyes out. :# So my question is….how does Kelly program her lighter workouts? Enjoy your apple pie!!!

    Have a good weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,705 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. Ours was busy but good. We went to a flock swap event and found homes for our roosters. Thank God! A lady who took one of our roosters is going to give us a couple of her young hens which is great. We'll have to quarantine them for 30 days to make sure they are not sick. One of the chickens will lay dark brown eggs and the other one blue eggs.

    My workouts on Friday were S&S PHA Basic Premix, core and stretching.
    My workout on Sunday was STS Disc 32 - Plyo Legs and stretching. I just love these plyo workouts!

    Laurie, great workout on Friday! I love apple pie!

    We actually warmed up at night and we've been in the low 40's and 50's at night. Saturday started out cool but it turned into a beautiful sunny day with temps in the low 70's. Perfect for the flow swap which happens outdoors.

    Thanks for the name of Rocket's booties! Those things look like balloons! The guy on the video makes it look so easy! I think these will be easier for Chico to get used to. Now I just need DH to help me measure his paws!

    Laurel, great workouts! I'm so glad you liked the yoga ball being used in core work! Those balls are really are good tools!

    I hope you'll find OpenFit yoga classes you like. They have levels 1, 2 & 3 and some classes don't have levels. I love the stretchy type of classes and they have plenty of those.
    Sounds like you also had the same storm we had last week. There are chances of rain on Tuesday.

    Have a wonderful week ladies!