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Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,725 Member
    Hi Ladies, X10 low impact and step for me tonight. I woke up with tight traps today and it's taken me all day to the tightness out. I don't know if I was tight because last night I did XT Legs floor section and I was doing all that glute work on all 4's. Even though I'm tight I still feel hopeful that I'll be able to do the rotation soon.
    The new massage tool arrived yesterday and I tested it tonight. It's going back. It's not powerful enough for my taste.
    The earthquake in El Salvador was scary and it was 28 years after the last one which was bigger than this one. It's amazing but people just go to work as if nothing happened there. Who cares if the buildings are all cracked.
    I'm going to work tomorrow morning and will come home to do a little spinning workout before we head out. Have a nice weekend ladies!

    Laurie, good idea to make Tuesday your day off. I wouldn't want eat that late either. Our mini vacation is still on but it's going to be raining pretty hard tomorrow which is a big disappointment but any day outside of work IS a good day! OMG! We no longer have those awesome emoticons!

    Laurel, nice workout today! Is that Greatest Hits DVD a step one? I did the step portion without any risers today just to make sure my feet didn't pay for me wanting to do the step.

    Good night ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi Ladies .... Late check in for me! I have had a whirlwind of the last 24 hrs let me just say. PLUS I just typed a whole long post and one sentence posted!?!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2014
    I was offerd a promotion at work yesterday! A whirlwind because seriously my whole job description just changed you guys plus I have to move from my current "home" office to our other office bldg .... Like by Friday. So my new job is Manager of Digital Media. Currently i am in charge of all print marketing now I will be helping maintain and organize our website, social media accounts, lead management, etc. ALOT of new stuff! I'm excited for the opportunity and scared too ... Change this suddenly is hard for me. It will be great (I hope, I hope) but it will be a lot of learning and I've wished for something different for a long time ...... My wish finally came to me! LOL I was on the phone all evening with my hubby and mom last night so no workout this a.m. But did go to Spinning tonight. I'll make up STS tomorrow.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2014
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2014
    Sorry you guys .... I've typed & re typed
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,588 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Hope I don't have the same problems as Tami experienced. Will copy my message before I hit reply just in case. ;) Yesterday was Meso 2 Legs, and then I followed that up with Kelly's 30MTF Kickbox Core and her Bootcamp Stretch. That stretch was a really good one for the legs.

    Laurel, Those greatest hits are good, I don't have that DVD just will not be doing those step workouts anymore. They where some of my first Cathe workouts though. :) WTG on the back work, some days a muscle just doesn't want to do what we want them to. :D Dang those biceps, they are my favorite muscle. :D Guess they still have some bugs on this forum, looking at what Tami is going through.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout. Sorry to hear the massage tool didn't work out. Hope that the tightens you have will go away soon. I love the fall rain most of the time, it makes me want to bake. Which can be a bad thing. :D You are right these new emoticons are not very good. Very generic.

    Tami, A really big congratulations to you! <3 That is awesome, and I'm sure that you will do a great job. Is the office closer to your home or farther? Sorry to see that you had so many problems posting, that is frustrating.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,966 Member
    Hi Ladies! I did a tough cardio combo today. I wasn't sure what I felt like doing, and that is reflected in this bizarre combo. I started with the X53 premix which included the hi/lo, cardio blast (per the rotation) and fat burning sections. Then I moved into Party Rockin' Step 2! Two completely different workouts working both the mind and body very differently. I certainly didn't find my mind wondering! It ended up being 90 minutes, and I enjoyed it. I was going to do something else, but I think that is it for me today. Our weather has changed and these 'cooler' temps (low 80s) have me wanting to spend some time outside so I think I will got for a walk after lunch.

    Tami, looks like you were having a horrible time with the forum!! How frustrating! But a huge congratulations to you on the promotion!!! I know that can be scary, but what a wonderful opportunity. Sounds like a fantastic position with very valuable job skills!! But, boy, that is happening fast.

    Thelma, great workout! I hope you enjoy the trip away despite the rain. Like you said, at least it is time off work. Be safe!

    Laurie, great workout combo. The Greatest Hits DVD takes from workouts all the way back to Cathe's Intensity Series all the way up XTrain. I think that why I like it because there really are some interesting combos. Yesterday's workout started with the warm-up from Step, Jump and Pump, then went into four intervals from IMAX2, then did the cardio and cardio/legs sections from Cardio and Weights, then the push-up, sit-up combos from XTrain Supercuts and, finally, the stretch from Body Max 2. I hear you on the step and really was hoping she would do something similar with her non-step cardio workouts (since this DVD is titled Volumn 1:Step). But it doesn't look like it. Oh well.

    Enjoy the rest of the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I’m going to try this again. Sheesh! I had copied my messages after round 2 and pasted them and they still weren’t showing up. It was the weirdest (and most frustrating) thing! So at any rate, I had given you all kudos on your fantastic workouts. Thank you for the congrats! Its definitely an opportunity to add to my resume some new skills and abilities! I am thankful for that and I am hoping for the best. The “move” is just in the building behind the one I am in, but it still feels like I’m leaving because it is a totally different environment over there. I know I can just walk across the parking lot to come back and see all my friends here . . . . this part just is really hard right now.

    So Spinning was great last night and of course Katy called me out as to why I missed on Tues night. LOL If she only knew. I told her work had kept me late and she understood. Totally missed my alarm this a.m. (again) but I will be headed home tonight to do my workouts. Really looking forward to them.

    Laurie: Awesome job making the rotation fit what you need. Eating dinner at 9 pm would not be my choice either. Im actually headed to bed at that time usually. Nice jjob with STS Legs and the KCM add-ons! Perfect. Thank you for your encouragement and well wishes. I really appreciate it. You guys are truly a support to me and I am thankful to have you as my every day “constant” right now.

    Laurel: I was trying to type to you last night that I think your workouts have been on an amazing streak and WAY TO GO! On the push-ups the other day, that’s how we used to do the 100 reps in BootCamp (the old BC) so I get that way of doing them, truly tough though even down to the end so nice work there again!! Thanks to you too for your support and congrats! I don’t know if you remember me mentioning my New Years resolution/goal was to at least branch out and try to look for a different job. Well my wish came true . . . Be careful what you wish for. This has been on my mind for a very long time but didn’t realize it would come in the place I currently work. LOL

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ I’m going to copy and paste this now and hope it works! Tami

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,588 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I did Peak 10 Fit Test, PiYo Define Upper Body and Sweat. I like the Peak Fit Test, because it is an actual HiiT workout. ;) I'm still on the fence with the PiYo Upper body, it was very short, and lots of planks. Overall I do feel my upper body, but don't know if that was because I added in Sweat also. I LOVED the fact that she is teaching me a lot more of what I should feel. Guess I should have taken yoga classes, but now I think that I can really do a proper Vinyasa. So as far as doing proper form, I give these workouts two thumbs up. I'm sure the more I do them I will feel more comfortable with the moves. Some of them I had to watch her a few times to make sure I was doing them correctly.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts. I'm sure if you didn't pay attention to what you where doing during the step workout it could have been a disaster. I find that I really need to concentrate on all step workouts or I will trip. :D I thought the greatest hits would be from her older workouts. :o Sounds like it would be a good DVD if you get all of that variety.

    Tami, LOL that Katy called you out. She probably loves that you motivate others in the class. I know if I saw someone working hard, I would try to do my best. We humans love the competition. :D Great that you are not that far from where you are now, that will be nice. If I left this building for our corporate office, it would be in a different city in the area. Way different atmosphere there, that is one of the main reasons I want to stay here.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,966 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout combo made a lot more sense than yesterday's, that's for sure. :D I started with LIS Total Body Trisets, which felt fantastic today. I followed it with Afterburn, which was a perfect compliment to the strength training. Long workout....but good!

    Tami, how nice to be missed in class again! And I am glad you were able to post yesterday. I was actually thinking about your New Year's Resolution when I read your description on your new job! I think it is wonderful you are branching out into those areas. After the shock of last year and the changes your job/company went through, it is fantastic to get such skills......just in case. Hopefully you like it AND can stay put with your current employer for a number of years. But, like I said......just in case. Job changes are so hard, especially saying goodbye to coworkers. But at least you will be close and able to say 'hi'. I know I have continued a number of friendships for years after leaving jobs. In fact, a friend of mine came to DH's retirement. I worked with her 25 years ago.....and hadn't seen her in nearly 20 years!!! But we have stayed in touch all those years.

    Laurie, great workouts!!! Wow, I really appreciate what you said about PiYo. I admit, I was curious how she was on form. If I have a complaint about Turbo Fire, it is that I can't tell the difference between her punches. And, honestly, an upper cut should look very different from a jab! Anyhow, I am really happy to hear she focuses on form in these workouts. Now I am intrigued again!!

    Hope you all enjoy a great weekend!!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi Ladies ~

    Finally got in a workout after 3 days of all the "work situation". Did STS Chest/Back this a.m. Then went to volleyball, dog walk and house cleaning. I'm hoping I have the energy to get up each day this week to do my workouts! I haven't been sleeping good at all. But they are what make me feel good forsure right now!!

    Great workouts ladies! I'm glad you tried SWEAT Laurie and liked it! Yay

    I'll check in tomorrow, it will probably be in the evening... Moving day tomorrow :((
    Hope you all had a great weekend!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,725 Member
    Hi Ladies, last Thursday I got a little spinning done before DH and I left for the log cabin we stayed at. On Friday I did AfterBurn and my shoulders weren't too happy. Yesterday I did STS #25 back and Chest since my shoulders felt better. I did this workout using 1 and 2 lb weights just to go through the motions. Shoulders weren't too happy post workout but felt much better today. Spinning for me today.

    I'm going to see the physical therapist tomorrow for an evaluation and treatment. Since I haven't been there since August I have to be reevaluated. DH and I had a great time during our little get away. It rain most of the way to the log cabin B&B and thankfully it stopped once we got to our destination.

    Laurie, great job with your workouts! I wish I could do that PiYo workout but too many pushups for my shoulders. Thank God rain doesn't make me want to bake because I'd be in serious trouble! LOL

    Laurel, WTG with those awesome combos! Enjoy those cooler temps while you can and go outside!

    Tami, congratulations on the job, promotion and for having logged into MFP for 1000 days! I'm sure you're not sleeping well thinking about the new job and the responsibilities that come with the territory. You'll do an amazing job I'm sure. A new job is always scary and I'm sure you'll be OK.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,588 Member
    edited October 2014
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a really nice weekend, and was able to get in some great workouts. I was on a Peak Fit theme this weekend, so Friday I did Peak Fit Pure Cardio <3 , Jillian's Kickbox FastFix Workout 1, and PiYo Define Lower Body. Saturday was STS Disc 15 Back & Biceps & Bootcam Abs, and yesterday was Peak Fit Pure Strength 1, and Kickbox Fastfix Workout 2. :) I may change up the rotation a little, with doing the STS weight workouts and incorporating some Peak workouts. They are just enjoyable workouts for me. I am also surprised at how sweaty I get when doing the Jillian workouts, even though they are 20 min. they are tough.

    Laurel, Very nice combo you had there. I like how you did that combo. I found that when doing these Peak workouts, I am much stronger then when I did this rotation last year. I knew then that the STS workouts where working for strength, so now I would like to add in these Peak workouts. They seem to really help my waistline. I noticed that about the TF workouts also. Her hooks and jabs look alike. :\

    Tami, WTG on getting in a workout. I know how those moments can get in the way, and I agree with you on the workouts making your day so much better. Dang on not sleeping good, that isn't fun.

    Thelma, Glad to hear that you had a good time at the cabin, and that your shoulders are doing okay also. Yes there are a lot of push-ups that wouldn't be good to get injured on. I'm just happy that I'm able to do most of them with better form than I had previously. Now I don't feel them so much in my shoulders, but in the triceps where they are suppose to be.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,966 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a nice, quiet weekend here. Saturday was my usual day off from workouts. I really, really considered taking yesterday off as well because I felt tired. And DH offered me breakfast! I took him up on that, but later in the day--armed with more energy--I got my workout in. I did Meso 3 Chest/Back and took it about as heavy as I ever have! I followed it with Hard Strikes. Today was another good combo. I did Plyo Legs followed by Stability Ball Abs. For more cardio, I did Cathe's Bootcamp, which was actually a really nice compliment to the earlier Plyo work. I am going to have to remember this one for future workout combos.

    Tami, good luck today!! Don't worry too much if you miss some workouts this week. As Cathe says....be kind to your body. Get some sleep, rest, and when you can....workout!!

    Thelma, glad you enjoyed your time away! I watched a bit of the NFL game Thursday from Foxborough and it looked like it had been really wet all day. Glad it stopped raining by the time you got there. Good job getting in your workouts. I really hope your shoulders let up a bit for you but think it is good you are getting another evaluation.

    Laurie, great workouts!! Sounds like you have an effective workout combo going. Like you, I am feeling so much stronger right now.....stronger than I have for some time actually. I understand why you want to be testing that out with other workouts. And anything that helps the waistline is a good thing!!

    See you all tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,725 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm glad you all had a great weekend. I went for PT tonight and the PT wasn't as good as Mark or Ian. she attempted to give me a shoulder massage but she didn't have the strength the guys have. I can't wait to see Mark on Thursday for a real massage. Today I felt pretty unbalanced I could tell one shoulder was definitely leaning forward. I still feel like that but a lot less. I told the PT that one of my problems with the exercises is that I have too many and it takes forever to do the PT work so she showed me the ones that I really needed to focus on to help train the blades to stay down. Of course I'm going to talk about this with Mark on Thursday too. When I got home I did a few more of the exercises I was given before and since I got home late and had to eat dinner before my workout I did the spinning bike again tonight.
    I am afraid I won't be able to do shoulder work for a while. Overhead presses don't seem to agree with my shoulders. How frustrating!

    I just checked Cathe's FB wall and she has time breakdowns for a couple of her Plyo workouts:
    Plyo HiiT One is as follows: Warm up. 5:28, Workout 18, Stretch. 4, Total Time: 27:28
    Plyo HiiT Two is as follows: Warm up 4:37, Workout 19:00, Stretch is 3:24, Total Time: 27.01
    I hope she has premixes!

    Laurie, sounds like you had a blast with your weekend workouts! WTG!! I'm happy you're feeling the pushups in the right places!

    Laurel, excellent job with your workouts! I can't believe you actually felt tired this weekend! That chest/back STS workout is a really good one. I really liked it. I actually had never tried that DVD and it was still in its shrink wrap! It was pretty wet here last Thursday. We're about to get more rain the next 3 days too!

    Tami, I hope work went well today!
    Good night ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I'm happy to report that after my first day at my new office space and then day at work I survived! I didn't get teary/stressed and had a good conversation with my work/roommate/Director. He explained a few more things to me and made me feel a little more settled into this plan. He understood my apprehension and how hard this was but he thinks it will be great and a fun opportunity. "Day by day" is how I will approach it right now and hoping it ends up just becoming a smooth day to day operation and that we will work well together. I did also manage to get in my workout .... I came home after staying a little late to unpack a couple more boxes and did STS Legs! It felt amazing and I felt like "me" finally after getting this day out of the way. Let's hope I sleep well tonight too - I have a feeling I will.

    Laurie: great job with the workouts over the weekend! I know how much you enjoy those Peak workouts so it is great that you are incorporating them into the rotation! Plus getting great results from them is a bonus! Thanks for the well wishes and encouragement with my new position.

    Laurel: your weekend sounds like it was really nice! I know how days like that can be with thinking it's going to be a REST day and then later on the energy just kicks in! Sounds like that really happened for you and a fantastic combo! Thank You as well SO much for the encouragement and support to just rest if I need too. I can't even believe how much relief I feel after today; like I said, day by day and it is going to be challenging but I'm hoping for the best. With that being said I felt like "me" again tonight so the workout was perfect! Hope to feel energized in the a.m.

    Thelma: sounds like a amazing weekend! How fun. I'm glad your getting back with the PT to get some work done on your shoulders. You're doing all the right things and I hope you can get them balanced out soon. Great job with the workout and doing what you could do; light weights are just fine! Thanks for posting those updates on the Cathe workouts!

    Hope you ladies have a great day tomorrow - I'll talk to you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,588 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night I did Peak Fit Cardio Interval Burn, and that was a sweat fest. The only problem is it gets in my eyes, and it sure is annoying. Tonight is my night off, but I'm planning on doing Peak Fit Dynamic Stretch. My body really needs it.

    Laurel, WTG on getting in a workout even after getting the breakfast energy boost! ;) I think that you and I where on the same thought process with using the Bootcamp workout. The ab workout on that one is tough. Sometimes I would like to have a half pound jump in some of the exercises. I was really struggling on the bicep curls on the stability ball. I will see how this Meso 3 round goes, I'm hoping to be able to go up for the Meso 3 round.

    Thelma, Sorry to hear that your PT wasn't as good as you had hoped. Nice that you will have one of the guys for your next appointment. Skipping shoulder work is okay! Getting in workouts safely is more important. I saw those updates also, just waiting to see what the other workouts come in for times.

    Tami, Yay on your first day! Sounds like a lot to learn, but I'm sure that you will do a great job. I think your day by day approach is a wise one. I'm still waiting for the information on her new set of workouts. She has been updating a little on FB, but not anything to do with what type or how long the workouts are. I do want some more of those Peak workouts, just think they will go really well with XTrain Burn Sets and quite possibly these new weight workouts also.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,966 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with X10 Fat Burning Cycle, and from there I moved right into Intensity with the Bootcamp portion. That was a really good cardio combo. To top it off, I did the floor work/core premix from Butts and Guts to make it a nice 2 hour workout.

    Tami, I am happy to hear the move went all right. I so understand what you are saying when you felt like you during your workout! My workouts keep me sane during times of change. When everything around me is chaos, my workout buddies (you all!) and Cathe (and others) are my stability. I hope things continue to go all right. I agree with Laurie that a day-by-day approach is a good one.

    Thelma, I am sorry to hear PT wasn't what you needed but, hopefully, that will change later this week. Thanks for the update on Cathe's DVDs. I haven't paid attention on Facebook, to be honest. These sound very similar in length to her Shock Cardio HiiT workouts. I hope they mirror the intensity of those given the workout length. We'll see! I echo your desire for premixes.

    Laurie, sounds like a great workout. I hear you on the sweat fest! Since moving, I have taken to wearing a headband (not one around my forehead like in the 80s, but a proper hair band to keep my hair off my face) and it seems to stop some of the sweat from getting into my eyes as well. Of course, I am forever washing them! I agree on the Bootcamp Abs. Actually, I think Cathe did some of her most intense core work in that series. The Pyramid Upper Body core work still kills me....after all these years!

    See you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,725 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did STS #26 Plyo Legs/Stability Ball Abs. Well Stability Ball Abs not so much as I had to modify a lot of the workout. I really liked this leg workout. Today I was still feeling imbalanced and was standing at work with my hand on my hip and I was trying to push my shoulder blade back when one of the managers whacked me in the back with a thick, hard cover notebook. He hit me right on the shoulder blade I was pushing back. My upper back went into muscle spasms for a good part of the morning and thankfully it got better as the day went on. I had to bite my tongue not to the let f's fly out of my mouth and tell him how I really felt. I was so mad this is the same moron who accused me of being insensitive.
    BTW, the reason why I saw the PT I saw yesterday expecting her not to meet my standards was because I needed to be reevaluated and I would've had to wait 2 weeks before I could see Mark. This way I get to see Mark this week too.

    Laurie, those Peak Fit workouts look awesome and a lot of fun too. Do you have her entire system? I don't sweat profusely around my face but I always have a towel near me to dry myself off. Laurel suggested wearing a headband but she also said not like the ones you wore in the 80's but I think that is exactly what you need!

    Tami, I'm so glad your first day on your new job went well. One day at-a-time is the best way to right now to adjust to your new position. You'll do great! I'm glad you were able to get a workout in yesterday.
    I am glad I decided to do the workout even with tiny weights. Just going through the motions is good.

    Laurel, another killer combo for today! I know things will be better with my shoulders after either Mark or Ian work on them on Thursday.
    Here is the time breakdown for HiiT Circuit Lower Body: Warm-up. 5:17, Workout. 35:47, Stretch. 5:43, Total Time. 46:57
    I like that she is keeping things under an hour.

    Good night ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi Ladies ~ Well I hit the snooze again this a.m. But at least it wasn't because I woke up a million times. I think I just finally slept well and needed it. So went to Insane X tonight for a killer workout! Katy came by and put her hand on my shoulder and said "stop missing any classes, I need you here!" It was her funny way of saying she misses me & she said it helps having her usual peeps in the class with all the new ones right now.... was very nice. So tomorrow I plan on doing the X10+ an add on in the a.m.

    Laurie: awesome job with Peak 10 yesterday and the stretch sounds perfect for your Tues "rest" day! Thank you again for your encouragement with my job. You guys, my workouts & family are keeping me sane through this time of change.

    Laurel: Outstanding combo! I love that idea adding on that BootCamp piece, I'm going to make a note of that forsure. I can only imagine how much you can relate to the workouts keeping you grounded and sane through all of your changes! Im preaching to the choir when I say anything about "change" compared to what you've gone though!
    Seriously. Day by day is what I am managing right now so if that's working, I'm going to stick with it.

    Thelma: awesome job with Plyo Legs and abwork tonight! Very nice. I bet you wanted to SCREAM when Mr. Helpful did that with the notebook! Good grief, I'm sorry Thelma. What a dork .... He must have seriously just been not thinking and like your "one of the guys" I can picture the whole scene but not knowing about your shoulder pain ....
    YOUCH! I'm happy you will get to work with Mark/Ian for some true therapy work on Thurs. Thank you as well for your encouragement and I know you also have gone though some challenges with your work. It's so nice to share with you guys and know I'm not the only one. It's how it kind of feels when your in the middle of it.
    I hope to do a great job no matter what happens! I think it will benefit me in the long run - staying or leaving.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow! Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,588 Member
    edited October 2014
    Morning Ladies,

    My rest day was yesterday, and with all the road repair/traffic jams/car accidents yesterday I wasn't even able to get the stretching in. It was a crazy ride home. :)

    Laurel, Great job on the workout combo. The BG abs are a good one also. I have tried the headband, but I think that I need to get one that stays in place better. For some reason they don't seem to stay in place for me. I must be putting them in the wrong spot. :D Oh yes the Pyramid abs are a good one, and of course we have talked about the Muscle Max abs also. I enjoy the ab work in the separate workouts vs her Core Max in the Hardcore series.

    Thelma, OUCH! Some people just don't understand personal space. WTG on the Plyo Leg workout, I love all four of those. I'm behind all of you on the rotation, so this is kind of fun to see how all of you are enjoying the workouts that I have coming up. :D Yes I have the entire Peak Fit system, and really enjoy every workout except the Anytime Anywhere and the Core workout. The AA workout is sometimes to intense when you are tired, so I have to do that one when I have a ton of energy. The core workout is good, but she incorporates the band in some awkward ways. Yes I think you are right that I might have to wear the sweatband in the 80's style when doing these workouts. :D

    Tami, LOL I told you that Katy needed you there for the motivation. :D You probably motivate her to make the classes enjoyable. You have been there for a long time, so she can see if you are able to do an exercise then eventually the others will get it also. ;) I'm glad that we are here to help you when you need it.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,966 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with STS Disc 27/Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. I felt really strong throughout the workout and ended up going up in weight on all exercises! I followed it with the Extended Stretch since it has been awhile since I have done any dedicated stretching. For cardio, I did Turbo Fire HiiT 20 right into TF 45. Fantastic combo!! I will admit, I am getting a but burned out on cardio right now, and these TF workouts are perfect for days when I am feeling particularly burned out. No dread factor and lots of fun factor!

    Thelma, I can't believe that guy hit you!! What was he thinking?!? Anyhow, I am glad your muscles calmed down after a bit. Those Plyo Leg workouts are really great. Thanks for the breakdown on another new workout!!

    Tami, no doubt you needed some sleep! I love that Katy needs you!! You must bring a lot of energy to the class and that, no doubt, helps her energy as well. I hope your days continue being 'okay' right now.

    Laurie, sorry you missed your stretch! I know you said your body was looking forward to it. That is how I felt this morning doing the extended stretch. It felt good!! I definitely agree with you about Core Max. While the workouts aren't bad, they are too long......especially when I feel like I get as good a core workout in something like Muscle Max in half the time. I did read that Cathe has two core routines in this new series, each about 10 minutes. Sounds similar to what she did for the XTrain series. Always enjoy new core work!

    See you all tomorrow,

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,725 Member
    Hi Ladies, we're in the middle of a nor'easter! Thank God this is rain and not snow! Very rainy, windy and raw. Tonight I did X10 Premix 49 warm up, step, low impact, cardio blast, stretch. I only used one riser because when I go higher is that the plantar fasciitis kicks in. I feel that it kicked in a little but only because I did some step yesterday too and lots of jumping. So a little too much. I iced my feet and they feel better. My shoulders started out not so good but as the day went on they felt pretty good. I know my left shoulder is still pointing forward. I can see it which is kind of freaky. The X10 workout had some burpees, pushups and shoulder presses which I didn't do. I modified because I didn't want to push my shoulders. I also did my jumping on the trampoline.
    I'm going to PT tomorrow after work and will do spinning after.

    Laurie, I'm sure you'll catch up with your workouts. Some people really don't understand personal space and I don't know why he does that. I think he sees me as one of the guys as Tami says but still he is a manager you'd think he'd have more of a clue.
    I was searching last night for the Peak Fit system and found the official site that sells them but there was no description of what the workouts in the package are. Very strange and poor marketing. I know that Michelle's workouts had to be pulled off the market a while back but this is her new company.

    Tami, glad you made it one of your favorite classes. Katy is too funny. You're so lucky to have a good instructor and fun classes too! You needed your rest for sure. Glad you were able to sleep. I hope day 2 went well!
    I really wanted to scream at that guy. I'm just happy that my back was able to calm down and tonight I'm feeling pretty good which is great. Being put in a new position overnight when you didn't see it coming is pretty shocking and scary. At least you wanted your new job so enjoy!

    Laurel, nice job today! You've been feeling pretty strong lately. Those TF workouts are a lot of fun for sure.
    Don't know what that guy was thinking but that is the problem he doesn't think much. I thought the Plyo legs workout was going to be like the P90 Plyo workouts where that's all you do so I was pleasantly surprised by this STS workout.
    Good night Ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies - Well I did the X10 Fat Burning Circuit this a.m. and Spinning tonight!
    Felt like a good day in my workout world.

    Laurie: Sorry you weren't able to get in your stretch yesterday. Sounds like a hectic afternoon in traffic forsure. Looks like you got your workout in today though, that's awesome.

    Laurel: Awesome job with STS and your add on of TF! It's always nice to know there are those workouts when you need them! Just plug them in and fun factor kicks in.

    Thelma: Nicely done with X10!!! Way to use the risers for your comfort level and not push it with your feet, having the PF kick in again. Katy is pretty funny forsure.
    I don't know that I wanted this new job but the responsibilities that I am gaining will help my resume.

    I'll talk to you ladies tomorrow - Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,588 Member
    edited October 2014
    Morning Ladies,

    Yep I did get my workout in with Meso 3 Chest & Back. That is about all I did, since DH arrived with dinner. :) I felt super strong with upping the weights. I was doing the same weight from three weeks ago, but not struggling as much with the weight. :o Makes one not want to stop using these STS workouts. ;)

    Laurel, Another great combo! That is great that you can use the TF workouts to add in some fun. That is what I did with the Peak workouts. Looks like we all are feeling the strength from this second round. I hadn't seen the length of the core workouts, that is really good to know that they are 10 min. I find that to be about all I can take of core work some days. ;) I was so busy yesterday that I didn't have time to check out if there where some new posts about the workouts. Will have to check that out later.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout. I guess they are now calling it the Peak 10 system. The descriptions of the workouts are toward the bottom. She does have them as downloads also, which do have a clip if you go to the more information button. They are high impact, but do have somewhat of a modifier in them.

    Tami, LOL about the good day in your workout world, you sure did get a great burn on that one too. I think that I was okay with the non stretch, sure was glad that the drive home yesterday was smooth.

    Have a great day!

    Thelma here are the descriptions of the Peak Fit system peak10.michelledozois.com/
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,966 Member
    Hi Ladies! I looked at the rotation this morning and decided to combine today's and tomorrow's workout into one workout today. This frees up tomorrow for another upper body or total body workout which I like to do on Friday when I can. So I started out today with the 61 minute premix from Lean Legs and Abs. Then, for cardio, I did X10 Step right into PRS1. I must admit, I wasn't sure how I was going to like these X10 combos when I first saw them on the rotation. But I love them! I think this is actually a great way of using the X10 workouts.

    Tami, glad you got a good workout in. I hope you are settling in a bit at work. Are you? I am sure your days still feel very 'off'. No doubt any and every workout helps with that.

    Thelma, great job with the X10 workout! I only use 1 riser on my step most days as well because of my foot issue too. It doesn't like the 8" step very much at all. I can use the higher step still for the weight work in X10, but for cardio......I am on 6". Just better that way.

    Laurie, I smiled when you said that feeling so strong this round of STS a makes you not want to stop using the workouts. I couldn't agree more!! This is the first time I have done back-to-back STS rotations, and like I said before, I have rarely felt stronger. I am sure that mentally I will want a break from them (since I can practically recite what Cathe is going to say word-for-word as it is), but I know that I don't want to lose the strength physically! Oh well.

    See you all tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,725 Member
    Hi Ladies, PT and spinning tonight. Remember one of the PT treatments I got before was the skin scraping technique that left me like I was bleeding under my skin. Well I got another one today BUT it's pretty close to the top part of my shoulder so I have to hide it because it almost looks like a hickey! Mark was good and didn't scrape me like Ian did before. I have to wear a top that will cover around my neck really well.

    Laurie, great job with your workout! I'm glad you we able to squeeze some "me" time into your busy schedule. I'm so happy for you for going with your weights. I would love to get those Peak 10 DVD's but like you said they are high impact.

    Laurel, WTG with those workouts and for combining two days worth of workouts in to one! I really like how the lady who put this rotation together uses the X10 segments throughout.
    My feet feel like I irritated the PF a little from the step workouts so even the 6" can be problematic for me if the routine is not low impact. I was going to try PRS1 this weekend but I am not going to given how my feet feel. I didn't realize you were using 6" too for your cardio. I do remember you had problems with your feet if the step was to high but I thought you only lowered the step if your foot was acting up. Best to play it safe!

    Tami, I'm glad you're back doing your workouts. I hope work is going well. I know the new responsibilities will look good in your resume. My problem is that the responsibilities I have will only position me for management or lead type jobs and I don't want to do that. At least right now at work things are going well for me but I don't want more responsibilities. Of course you do a good job and you get rewarded with more work! LOL

    Good night ladies!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi Ladies - Today's workout was STS Shoulders/Bis/Tris! Felt great end the theme we are all feeling of stronger was true! I'm also glad to report that today was the best day so far in my new role. The guys doing our new website came in and this is the first time I've met them, they were both very creative thinkers and interesting to talk to. This is a piece of my "new role" that I am anxious to learn and be doing so I know with that being said, is why it was better today.

    Laurie: Great job with STS and the extra strength plus feeling like you don't want to stop doing the STS workouts! Always a good sign I think. I'm with you on the a work being 10 min! yahoo. I love the XT a work due to the variety and length....sounds like she may be doing that again for time frame.

    Laurel: Outstanding combo today!! That was a great way to make room for a total body workout tomorrow. I was thinking STS Total Body was sounding really good in the near future ... We'll see, still have some catching up into Sat but maybe I will sneak it in. I agree on a fantastic way to use the X10 workouts. They are such a good workout even in the short versions. Thanks for asking. Yes, it is still a very strange feeling to be in a different building, finding simple things & just figuring out where I eat lunch every day. They don't have a break room, strange but true. There is a kitchen area but nowhere to sit. So I've been trying out empty offices.. Feels a little lonely but today someone I really enjoy working around was in his office across the hall so we visited while I ate. I haven't unpacked anything other than necessities but that's ok for this week. As I get "settled in" a little more, my personal stuff will find there way out of the boxes into their own spots again.

    Thelma: great workout with the Spinning! That scraping treatment sounds SO painful. OUCH! I can picture what the skin looks like & I would think it would be very tender. I hope it is effective in fixing your problem. Thx for your comment and encouragement again about getting back to my workouts! I laughed when I saw your post "she's back and on Fiya" LOL it's truly what will always make me feel "normal" with craziness going on. I'm happy to hear work is going well for you right now, that's fantastic and I'm sure feels WAY better.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow! TGIF
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,588 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was Plyo Legs Disc 25, and overall I think that one is my favorite. Maybe because she only uses the step once for the plyo work. :D I followed that up with an Ab Hits workout #12. I'm okay with lots of crunches. ;) My abs are feeling it this morning, so they have to do something right for the body.

    Laurel, I was wondering about the X10 workouts in this format, now I may incorporate them more and more into the rotation. I was kind of avoiding them. I do like them, but seem to have a slight dread factor for me. Maybe I just have to bite the bullet and try them in the format given. LOL about the word for word, you have done many more rotations than I have, so you probably could do these in your sleep.

    Thelma, I just can't imagine how that must feel for you to go through that scraping, but I'm glad if it is helping you. I'm going to have some more me time tonight. I have been having more and more of these Friday nights to myself. DH has to work tonight. He isn't confident sending their TV remote truck with the person that is assigned. Guess there where some problems just last week. So that means I can do just about anything that I want tonight. :D

    Tami, I'm glad to hear that you are in the feeling strong club too! It has been a surprise to me how I'm lifting so much weight this week, and it seems like I could go heavier. Of course I'm not going to, because I don't want to injure myself. Glad to hear that you had a great day with the new job. I remember seeing something about a body building rotation on the forum, and it was something that I might consider. It started out with the whole STS 3 month rotation, then you did two weeks of the LIS workouts then one month of Gym Styles. It just seemed to be something that I might consider, but then use the new workouts first. Will have to see what type of rotation Cathe comes up with for those.

    Have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,588 Member
    edited October 2014
    So here is what I found about the body building rotation, and you can stash this away or use it however you want. Just looks really interesting.
