Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,561 Member
    Hi ladies!
    I'm down 3 lbs! YAAAY! I was so tired yesterday after my workout that I didn't think I'd be able to do anything today but I was wrong! I only got 18 minutes on the elliptical before my PT. As soon as I saw my trainer I told her that we needed to work on upper body and that is what we did: chest, back, biceps, triceps. I did a chest press on a flat bench and was able to lift a 45lb barbell. I felt good and strong. Tomorrow I will do legs.

    Michelle, glad you're getting back into your routine! My DH and I also prepare meals on weekend for the rest of the week. I prepare my salads in containers ahead of time and as long as everything is dry the salads stay just fine for a few days. That way I just grab a container and go. I honestly don't know how people who work all day go home and make a meal at the end of the day!
    Thank you so much for the lunch ideas and the burpee modification. I will definitely modify like that. I love baked sweet potato fries. Since my DH is usually the cook I'll ask him to make some baked potato fries and a couple of turkey breast burger parties at least this way I'll have some variety instead of just salads. Today I added one tablespoon of fat free balsamic vinaigrette and the salad tasted 1000% better!
    I always workout out after lunch so there is no reason for me not to have a sandwich because like you said I'm going to burn those calories.

    Tami, you're incredible! :drinker: You sure burned serious calories in that spinning class! OMG! you didn't tell us about the burpees between sprints! WOW!
    I did do the push ups on my knees. I still don't have the strength to do full push ups.
    STS - I'm feeling a little intimidated because the program seems so advanced. I do like Tony Horton's phrase and he is right. It is essentially what I've been doing. I'm doing my best and because of you ladies I'm pushing myself harder than I've pushed myself in about 10 years! My trainer can't believe how much my mindset has changed in the last two weeks. I'm in a totally different place. Don't get me wrong though. I've had my moments where the lazy Thelma wants to talk me out of working out but I tell her to shut up! :bigsmile:
    I love your lunch ideas too. My husband makes our burgers with the leanest turkey meat we can find. He also uses that same meat to make us tacos. I've never made Quinoa before but I've tasted it and I like it. If you have a recipe can you share it with me? I can only cook with recipes because I need exacts amounts!!

    Have a good night!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    It was an early start for me as I had to wake the eldest up to finish homework as she was too tired after swim practice. Hubby slept in so it was breakfast duty, dishwasher loading and getting those girls out the door on time. Hubby suprised me and is actually off and wanted to take me to Paneras for breakfast but that was a No-no, so instead I did a 45 min Metabolic Conditioning workout in lieu of my 2 hour planned routine which included lots of planks, push-up to side planks, mountain climbers and those other fun things that I have not done in a month.:noway: Overall the heartrate went up and it was a short and sweaty routine.:bigsmile: We are thinking of heading to New Orleans for the weekend but I think I'm burnt out on roadtrips at this time.:blushing: plus I forgot to make an appt to board Mr. C.

    Thelma- Glad to see the ideas were helpful. I love salad dressings but usually stick to ranch, caesar or Pear gorgonzola...yum!:love: Adding guacamole or sliced avocado with salt and pepper is tasty with a nice grilled steak. I love to make a turkey chili and add it on my salads and then I may used a bit of sour cream or french onion dip as the dressing. Chicken breasts in salads tend to be boring for me so I usually can go for extended periods eating salads if I use red meat or ground beef or turkey. Congrats on the 3 lbs.:flowerforyou:

    Tami- Push-ups in between those lines...yowsza!: :noway: Sounds like F.I.T class which I'm dreading next week as my interval training has been non-existent since Thanksgiving.:ohwell: I had planned on jumping back in this monday with Muscle Mania & Zumba but I forgot the holiday so I will have to create my own MM routine at home.:wink:

    Laurel- Good Morning :flowerforyou:

    Ok off to check and see if my date is still sleeping.:laugh:

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! I missed you all yesterday. I did get two good cardio sessions in yesterday. The first--very early in the morning--was Hard Strikes cardio followed by Rockout Knockout. The second--late in the afternoon-was the 66 minute premix from Party Rockin' Step 1. Fantastic stuff both workouts!! Today was High Reps followed by Intensity! More fun stuff!!

    Tami, sounds like you have had some good workouts this week!! Great job. Sounds like you are fully back into your routine now post-holiday!! :drinker:

    Michelle, great workouts! I hope you are enjoying your day with DH! I haven't ordered P90X3.....yet. I probably will someday, but I am trying to avoid it for the time being.

    Thelma, congratulations on the weight loss!! And great job with pushing through with the PT!!! Doesn't it feel good to know you can do so much?!? I love that feeling, and it really translates to so many things in my life that aren't workout specific. You've gotten some great lunch suggestions!! I won't add much except to say don't be afraid of bread! Just choose the right kind (whole grain), and make sure you have some protein with it (and even a little fat) for a balanced meal. I usually eat a small sandwich with a grilled chicken or turkey breast and some cheese for lunch with a side of fruit.

    Sorry this is short, but I must run. Enjoy the weekend!! It is a long weekend for DH and I, so I will see you all Tuesday!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    TGIF Ladies! :drinker: This a.m. was STS Total Body. Headed to Spinning right after work . . . :wink:

    Thelma: WooHoo!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Congratulations on the 3 lbs down. You’ve been putting in the work and it’s paying off. Nice job. I bet that feels great. Sounds like your workout went well and the energy/strength level is up . . . always positive things! So happy for you :flowerforyou: I bet your trainer is very pleased with your new found enthusiasm and hard work. Glad that we are here to encourage you! As far as your intimidation on STS I think that is absolutely normal entering into a new program and not knowing what to expect, “can I handle it?, will it be all too tough for me?” etc. But I know if you stick with weights you are comfortable with, modify where needed, I have no doubt you will be able to do STS! Keep telling that “other Thelma” you got this girl, let’s go! :drinker: :bigsmile:
    I’ll message you on MFP and get your e-mail address. Then I can just attach some recipes for you to print out and try. I meant to say yesterday on the bread . . just like these ladies both touched on. Don’t be afraid of bread ~ whole grain bread is fine or you can change things up with WW Pita’s. Make a tuna or chicken chopped up inside. How fantastic that your hubby is the cook at home. Sweet :happy: Calorie Burn from the Wed night Spin class is always my best class for tougher/higher calorie burn. It’s all in the instructor I have found over the years! Tonight’s class is only 45 min and not as challenging. But a good end of the day workout!

    Michelle: Nice job getting in your workout even if it wasn’t the one you had planned! :smile: :wink: I hope your day with hubby is a good one. I bet you two will find something fun to do in lieu of New Orleans weekend . . . I’m sure you are a little burnt out on road trips at this point. Is this a special occasion weekend or just because it’s a long weekend for DH?

    Laurel: What a great combo to do Hard Strikes & Rockout Knockout . . . :bigsmile: I would love to try that one of these days. You are a machine my friend! Fantastic job again this week. :drinker: I’m feeling back into the swing of it completely ~ feels great. Hope you enjoy your nice long weekend with DH.

    Have a great weekend ladies! :flowerforyou:

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,561 Member
    Hi Ladies! TGIF!!!
    I see that you've all been here already! Today I did Cathe's Gym Style Legs and the medicine ball segment from the Ab Circuits DVD. I had to go easy on my legs because the lunges and the problem I have on the ball of my right foot. I only burned 390 calories so I'm trying to think about the "after burn".
    Thank you all for congratulating me on my weight loss!

    Michelle, you are one busy mom! Nice workout and good for you for getting back into your routine. I hope you had a great day with your hubby. I love avocado!! We went food shopping today so we got ground turkey and some sweet potatoes. I'm still going to have salads a couple of days but I'll have some variety now. My husband makes a great turkey chili too. I'll have him make it one of these weeks. Thanks for the lunch ideas!

    Hi Tami, another incredible workout! Thanks for the great recipes! It does feel good to be getting in shape and losing weight.
    The trainer is really pleased with my new found motivation and enthusiasm. You hit the nail in the head with the STS program. Can I do it? I should think that I should do the same thing I do with any other DVD. Whatever I can't do I modify or do some other exercise and just keep moving. I won't be afraid to eat bread anymore!
    It is really great that my hubby does the cooking. He is great!
    The right instructor makes all the difference in the world for sure. I saw Zumba classes signs around my town and I checked out their web site. There was nothing sexy about the way the class. It was so boring! I'm Hispanic so if I'm going to Zumba it has to be fun and sexy!

    Hi Laurel! We missed you yesterday too!
    You're doing some amazing workouts! Way to go!!! It really feels great to push myself beyond what I think are my limits.
    I did get great lunch suggestions and I'm going start using the ideas next week! I need variety before I get bored and go back to overeating. I won't be afraid of bread anymore.
    We are going out to dinner with my HD's brother and wife so I'm worried about not being able to behave. I'm going to do my spinning DVD before we go and will be good with my food choices during the day. The idea is not to go there hungry.
    Have a great weekend!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,561 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I'm going to make it quick because I'm running late and we have to leave at one. I just finished the Ride and walked 30 minutes on the treadmill so I burned 1000 calories!! YAAY! :drinker: So far I've only consumed 230 calories of my 1200 allowed today and I want you to know that I had a PB&J sandwich for breakfast! It was soooo good to eat bread. :bigsmile: I used whole wheat light! YUMMY!
    It's snowing here in MA. It looks beautiful! Everything is white!

    Have a great Saturday!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Weekend was good and kind of the same ol thing but that’s ok! :wink: I got in a couple of great workouts and played some Volleyball yesterday. Saturday I did Cathe’s DrillMax – the whole workout with weights & cardio :bigsmile: Then yesterday was STS Chest/Back . . . ran a couple of errands and finished up my weekend activities of house cleaning/laundry & then headed to Volleyball. We only had 3 games yesterday . . . we played the #1 team and beat them 2 out of 3. It was lots of fun, close match! Today’s workouts are STS Plyo Legs & tonight will be BootCamp after work. :smile:

    Thelma: I’m glad you are excited about the recipes! :wink: I have another few to send you (as I mentioned) so I will e-mail tomorrow. They are good lunch/dinner recipes with lots of good ingredients. They are ones I fall to a lot and don’t get tired of. So excited for you and your enthusiasm towards your fitness and healthy eating. I hope you can eventually have a good Zumba class (that’s sexy by the way) . . .:laugh: love that! I have a friend that absolutely loves Zumba. It is one thing I have never tried, I’m not good with dancy choreography. :blushing: Athletic based moves are more my thing! :wink: Hope you had a nice dinner out with your friends. Sometimes it’s tough to find healthy choices when you eat out, but I hope it was good and you didn’t worry too much! You’ve been working hard and making good choices. It’s ok to have “not so good” once and a while.

    Laurel: Hope you are enjoying your long weekend with DH! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,561 Member
    Hi Ladies, my weekend was pretty good. I was excited about burning 1000 (one thousand!) calories on Saturday between spinning and little walking on the treadmill. I totally planned ahead for our day out. When we got to my brother-in-law's his wife had fresh pineapple so I had 1 cup of that. I had gone prepared with an apple and 11 roasted almonds just in case. We then went to TGIF's for dinner and I was happy to see their menu items in MFP so I had an 8oz stake with two sides of steamed broccoli and I still had a lot of calories to spare so I had a piece of cake.

    Sunday on the other hand turned out to be deadly food wise. I knew Salvadoran (I'm from El Salvador) could be high in calories but I had no idea how high. It only got bad because I took too big of a serving. My hubby was so good! He weighed all the meat so I could enter a recipe in MFP so we'd have an idea how much I could eat. As a result of yesterday's meals I had a really "fat" day today. I tried not to feel guilty about "sinning with food" on Sunday but it was hard not to feel guilty.

    Today was a good food day. Hubby made me turkey burgers with baked sweet potatoes. I always thought he used olive oil for the potatoes but he just sprays the cookie sheet with Pam. He also grilled zucchini for me. I actually found chipotle chili power on Saturday and bought it. I remembered the turkey muffin recipe called for something chipotle! LOL
    Sunday afternoon was all about getting food ready for the week. This is pretty much how all my Sunday afternoons are spent.

    I have worked out every day since Jan 2nd which is amazing. I hadn't done that in years. I am finding the Thelma I was a very long time ago!
    Yesterday I looked at my Exercise summary for last week and it it turned out that I totally exceeded the goals MFP calculated for me and that felt great!
    Weekly Exercise Minutes Total / Goal: 442 / 270
    Weekly Calories Burned Total / Goal: 3,497 / 1,410

    Tami, I've never taken a Zumba class. I do have the program which I don't like because they keep stopping to show you the moves. If I could find a class where there is a lot of sexy Latin dancing I would have a lot of fun. The infomercials look like a lot of fun to me.

    You are a machine Tami! :flowerforyou: Do you ever rest? :bigsmile: Same question goes to Laurel.
    Did you play in all 3 games? How awesome that your team beat the #1 team! Congratulations!!
    I can't wait to check out the new recipes you're going to send me Tami! Thanks so much!

    Good night ladies!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning ladies,

    It was a great long weekend with the family and we opted not to head to New Orleans for the our little cousin's Cheer & Dance competition. On Sunday it was a fun morning which started when the city turned the water off in our subdivision so we could not get ready for the Dinosaurlive show. So I opted to do a Jessica Smith KB routine, then my need for Zumba surfaced so I found a nice segment on Youtube and afterwards it was Sprints against the dog and the little one on her scooter.:bigsmile: We have a long driveway which is conducive for chases but Mr. C kept jumping across my path and I kept picturing my body flipping over his and landing in the shrubbery.:blushing: :laugh: Then hubby came outside for a game of Speedminton which is always competitive and fun. On Monday I did Kelly Coffey Split Sessions but Upper and LB for a great workout which I'm feeling in my obliques right now. This morning I woke up with my blood pressure low, not sure what the trigger is/was so hubby had to get the kids ready as I'm unable to physically move during these episodes b/c it feels as if my head will explode. After sleeping in for several hours, my body felt better but needless to say my Michelle Dozois Cardio is on hold until tomorrow.

    Thelma- Yummy meals and a great workout, sounds like 2014 is all about finding the old Thelma and creating a new and improved you.:wink: I also only use spray for the fries or anything for that matter. Sometimes it takes some time before we realize that we have to move ourselves up on the list and I'm happy to see your enthusuiasm as you begin your new journey. Remember to enjoy the journey and see each day as another thread that strengthens the fabric that you are creating in your quest for a healthier you.:flowerforyou:

    Tami- We had planned to go there for a Cheer & Dance competition for my little one's favorite cousin but we will attend the next one in Atlanta. The good news is that her team took third and even if we had managed to work things out the copetition was so early on saturday we would of missed it anyway.
    Way to go with Volleyball!:bigsmile:

    Laurel- Good morning!:flowerforyou:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! Enjoyed a nice weekend here. We didn't do anything special....unless you call cleaning out the garage in preparation for the next move 'special'. :laugh: But I am glad we got it done! I enjoyed a day's rest on Saturday and back to STS on Sunday! Today was Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. I followed it with an oldie--Cardio Kicks. It was a nice change from some of the longer/more intense cardio I have been doing lately.

    Thelma, sounds like you really have taken things up a notch!! 1000 calories burned in a workout is amazing!! I am so happy to hear you are enjoying the rediscovery of you!! Don't fret one second about the food on Sunday. Your body probably enjoyed a few extra calories. As long as you don't do it to often, there is no harm in enjoying yourself once in awhile. So don't feel guilt!! Just enjoy it and move on.

    Tami, sounds like a good weekend. Great stuff on the Volleyball!! That must have been fun. You are really killing the workouts right now!! Have you given any thought to 'what's next' after STS? It is hard to believe we are almost half way through the last Meso!! :noway:

    Michelle, yuck on the 'no water'! But it sure sounds like you used the time well!! I love the vision of you running sprints with Mr. C!! Glad you stayed upright! :happy: Hope you are feeling better and your blood pressure is back to normal. Take care of yourself!

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ BootCamp was an entire hour of Shoulder presses combined with squats on 4 of 9 stations. :huh: Then the other stations were burpees with hands on weights + lateral raises, burpees w/ hands on weights + upright rows, sit ups and more shoulders. Holy :noway: Shoulders! The three ladies I was with had me use the “guys barbell” every station because they didn’t want to go heavy. It was pretty funny :laugh: We did all the stations 3 times but I survived. This a.m. was …. Yes, you guessed it: SHOULDERS Bi’s/Tri’s. I thought about flip-flopping my cardio day with today but just went for it anyway. :wink: Tonight is Insane-X for my cardio.

    Thelma: Holy Calorie Burn lady! :noway: :bigsmile: I saw that on Saturday and was so proud of you ~ especially reading that you were planning a day out with your family. Sounds like you made great choices and treated yourself as well! Love it that you came prepared. Good girl. Sometimes eating days can just go that way (like Sunday). Try not to beat yourself up and just get right back on track and drink lots of water! Sounds like you did get right back on the horse yesterday so no worries. So did you need to train your hubby to be such a helpful sweet man for cooking for you or he just simply enjoys it and took on this role willingly?!? You scored in the “Man Cook” dept forsure :smile: I should have mentioned on the Turkey Muffin recipe … I use either dried red chili flakes or chili paste/garlic chili paste … anything similar will work. You will see if you make that one a few times you can alternate all kinds of things in/out. You could even use a hot sauce of choice or salsa. The “base” is the turkey/oatmeal/egg whites. I’m with you on the Sunday food prep. I usually dedicate a good couple hours if I can so that I am ahead of the program for the week. Congrats on your workout regime and exceeding your MFP goals last week! That is so great & you should feel very proud of yourself. You’re working hard and it’s paying off just by how you feel! That’s what it is all about.

    :laugh: :laugh: I really do take REST days. Lately I haven’t taken a full day just because on my typical REST day I’ve just felt like getting something in. :blushing: I feel better in my entire day when I workout but understand as well that a full day of rest is necessary. When I was gone that week of Christmas to my sisters I was DYING to get back to my normal routine and so I hit it hard since then. I did take that Monday, Jan 6th off with my alarm clock error & then watching the football game with hubby….. lol Typically I do take a day a week off though. :wink: Yes, I played all 3 games; we normally play 6 games each week, but the first match the team forfeited so we only had the one team to play. It was exiting beating them in 2 of the games. We were playing really well, which makes it even more fun!

    Michelle: Sounds like a very fun weekend with your family and Mr. C! :smile: I love the sprints on the driveway and using him as your competitor! I can picture that perfectly because our dogs will do that if I decide to run down our cul-de-sac with them at the end of our walk. They both want to dart in front of me several times. One time I was tripped even :laugh: & was laughing so hard. Hope you are feeling back to normal now. Does that happen very often to you?

    Laurel: Great job with the weekend and getting your garage cleaned out! :bigsmile: Never fun but definitely feels good when it’s done! Cardio Kicks is always fun . . . nice that you reached for an oldie but goodie! I had KPC on my mind the other day ~ maybe because of the recent leg workout I did. It’s funny you ask . . . yes, I started thinking we are going to be turning that calendar page very soon and we will also be done with STS.:sad: I truly cannot believe it is coming to an end. I will probably reach for one of Cathe’s 4 week rotations and started thinking of an XTrain/Combo type rotation. Have you thought of what you are going to do?

    Hope you ladies have a good evening ~ Talk to you tomorrow :flowerforyou:

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,561 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I'm so upset tonight because I didn't have a chance to workout today. I was at work at 6:30 this AM because I had to leave at 2PM to go see my ophthalmologist at 3. He is always triple booked because he specializes in dry eyes and autoimmune diseases of the eye. He finally saw me at 5PM when the snow storm had finally started. I left the clinic at about 5:15 and got home at 7PM when it normally would've taken me 35 minutes to get home.

    Michelle, sounds like you had a great, active weekend with your family and Mr C! How many children do you have? I hope you weren't without water too long.
    I hope you're feeling better. Why does your BP drop like that?
    Thank you for those wonderful words of encouragement Michelle! I never thought I'd be able to find the Thelma I was so many years ago. I was like you girls working out all the time, making good food choices.
    My husband uses PAM on everything and he's big on egg whites too!

    Hi Laurel! I bet you're relieved to have gotten the garage cleaning task out of the way! Great workouts!
    I was scheduled to do XT Biceps and Triceps + XT Core. Tomorrow will be another day! On Saturday I knew that the "Ride" spinning workout was going to make burn 700+ calories and decided to go for 1000 by walking on the treadmill after the spinning workout. It felt great! I'm really enjoying rediscovering myself. I was able to wear a smaller size pair of pants today. That was another great feeling! I do have to allow myself a bad food day from time to time. That was the first time I ate something bad since January 2nd!

    Tami! You're really killing those workouts! You attacked those shoulders twice today! I would never make it through one of those intense BC classes!

    Thanks for being proud of me! I was a very good girl on Saturday for sure. Planning ahead is very important during a weight loss journey. Lucky for me I like to plan ahead.
    I know I shouldn't worry so much about eating bad one day but I'm still pretty horrified about how many calories my beloved Salvadoran food has. YIKES!
    I didn't train my DH to cook. When we first met I was doing the cooking but he loves taking care of me so he cooks, washes dishes and cleans up the kitchen after he's done cooking.. I needless to say let him do it! :bigsmile: . I think he took over 95% of the cooking since 2010 when I was diagnosed with Lupus. I was really sick and very tired, achy and stiff so he had to do everything. He really is great. He's also handy, when he starts a project he finishes it! The only thing I don't let him do is laundry. He's a keeper! :love:

    Good to know about the dried chili flakes or similar stuff. I've never used chili paste before. Sounds like it would be very hot!

    I really felt proud of myself for having exceeded the goals MFP setup for me. I'm going to be 50 next month so even more reason to continue with this healthy path. I want to hit 50 feeling really good about myself and hopefully at least 10 lbs lighter!

    I'm so glad to hear that you do take rest days Tami! Every day when I read about your workouts I wonder if you're some kind of super human! :tongue: I do understand what you mean about feeling great when you workout. You play 6 Volleyball games a week! WOW! You really are amazing!

    See you tomorrow!!!
  • JennBunny73
    JennBunny73 Posts: 292 Member
    I am proud to say that I worked out. I wanted to do Cathe's Gym Style Legs but didn't feel strong enough to do that so I tried my new " Patrick Goudeau -URX-MT Urban Rebounding Extreme Metabolic Strength Cardio Interval DVD" and oh boy! It got my HR pretty close to the max which was awesome. I only did the cardio part which was 30 minutes because he then got into doing things that were hurting my hands. You had to do pushups with feet on the rebounder, hands on the floor and then you went around the rebounder doing the pushups. My hands were killing me so I had to stop. I then jumped on the treadmill for 20 minutes and at the end my HRM told me that I'd burned 756 calories! YAAAY!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Hi Thelma -
    Good job with the URX-MT. I bought the set of URX-14 and they are extremely challenging. I am new to the rebounder so it is neat to find others using it. So far I love it and it is a lot of fun. I really like the URX-2 Total Body Metabolic Strength Conditioning with Gay Gasper (it is actually mostly cardio) and Patrick Goudeau's is really good too. I did the URX-4 Boot Camp Metabolic Intervals today and it was mostly stuff like push ups, plyo, etc. I am just going to keep at it and modify where I need to and hopefully build up my strength. Good Luck to you! :)
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was lower body, so I did Butts and Guts. :heart: I followed it with the Ultra Cardio premix from Drill Max. That is a workout that I just don't do often enough anymore. It is SO good! And it flew by today.

    Thelma, sounds like a tough day yesterday! Hope you aren't buried in a mound of snow right now!! Sounds like it was quite a storm. Don't worry about the workout. Your body probably enjoyed the break. The good thing about workouts I they will always be there the next day! Yep, your husband definitely sounds like a keeper!! My DH is a keeper too.....but the kitchen is a room he doesn't spend much time in. :ohwell: :wink: Congratulations on busting your MFP goals!! I have no doubt with how hard you are working and your exceptionally positive attitude that your 50th birthday will be a special one!!

    Tami, sounds like a brutal Bootcamp! Yowza on the shoulders. I am amazed you got through the STS workout!! About life post-STS, right now I am toying with doing a 30 day rotation focusing on the XTrain workouts. I haven't really thought through a rotation yet, but I am leaning that way right now.

    JennBunny, welcome!!

    Until tomorrow....

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    Hubby has started running in the mornings again which equates to our daily morning breakfast omelette, etc. After getting the girls out the door, I decided to rest for a few minutes with hubby and then an hour later I felt horrible. I'm not sure what is going on with my blood pressure but I can not find my portable kit so needless to say I may need to head to our new CVS and use their machine. Today is our eldest 13th birthday:love: , this is my academic yet snarky daughter that truly challenges me with her personality but scares me with her naivety. Unlike the 7 year old she takes everything at face value which worries us as she will head to college early. :ohwell: We opened some of her gifts this morning and I picked up her cake this afternoon, so we will enjoy a family gathering until Saturday when some friends may join us for a movie and fun date. After my errands it was Kelly Coffey-Meyer Legs & Cardio Premix followed by Jessica's Kickboxing.

    Thelma- I'm not sure in all honesty what causes it as during my pregnancy it was extremely high and my doctor was concerned about a post delivery stroke. My family suffers with high BP but like my aunt, I tend to stay in the normal to low range and unfortunately it can get a bit too low for me. I will continue to observe foods, etc and see if maybe something is triggering my reaction. Patrick always has some great tough workouts so way to go on 30 minutes. Yes your hubby is definitely a keeper.:bigsmile: I have two girls.

    Tami- Yowsza on the double upper blast. Running with Mr. C is fun but I'm trying to avoid the flipping and the crashing part.:laugh: I will continue to take him out there however as it is great exercise for him and fun time with the youngest.:bigsmile:

    Laurel- Come on over here as that is one of my future projects:wink: , donating half of the stuff we traveled with on the last move before it is time for our next move. The way the year is moving along it seems like we will be deep in boxes again. Have you guys narrowed down a retirement state yet?

    Have a great day ladies.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Wednesday Ladies ~ Insane-X was another good one (as always, so I sound like a broken record:blushing: ). She is training a girl that is new to the gym to take over her class when she can’t be there and so she did a little bit of it. I felt for her from those times she had me go up front! It was all good and a great mixture of upper & lower. Thank goodness not too shoulder intensive! :laugh: :wink: Today’s cardio day will be Spinning after work. I needed a few extra zzzz’s this a.m.

    Thelma: I understand that feeling of missing your planned workout . . . :ohwell: :wink: try not to beat yourself up too much! Easier for me to give that advice than take it for myself sometimes but truly, you have been doing so great and the workouts will be there, (as Laurel also said). :bigsmile: Glad you made it home safely, sounds like the roads must have been a disaster ~ Yikes! That is never fun. Congrats on wearing the smaller pants today! :bigsmile: That is a great feeling forsure and rounding that corner to your 50th will be a celebration of getting your “Thelma back”, how exciting! :drinker: I think it is fantastic that your DH loves cooking & taking care of you! That’s awesome. I’m sure your exercise & eating are a positive thing for having Lupus? I don’t know a lot about it but a lady I work with has it. I know for her, the medication and consistency of a healthy lifestyle help. Hopefully that is true for you as well.

    Laurel: Great combo today! Don’t you just love those two?!? :smile: Eventhough I don’t do either very often anymore. The other day when I did DrillMax it was lots of fun. I’m doing Legs tomorrow, I’m not sure why I had Cardio wrote down for today?!? I must not have changed it on my calendar when we changed up the rotation for Meso 3 :huh: I was surprised that my shoulders weren’t dying last night doing anything we did quite honestly after Monday. Sounds like we might be leaning in the same direction as far as a new rotation goes …. involving XT workouts! As I get my thoughts around what it will be I will let you know what I’m thinking. :wink:

    Hi JennBunny! Great job with your workout yesterday ~ nice work! :drinker:

    Michelle: Great combo of workouts today! :happy: Hopefully you were feeling back to normal today with the BP and all. I bet you cannot believe where the time has gone with your eldest turning the big 13! How exciting for her. Enjoy your family Birthday party.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,561 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    I was really tired today and Lazy Thelma was trying to talk me out of working out! I simply reminded myself that tomorrow is my weigh in day and down to the basement I went! I did XTRAIN - All Out Low Impact HiiT which is 38 minutes, plus walked 15 minutes on the treadmill for a total of 643 calories burned. I just LOVE my HRM!!! I live for that Review at the end where I find out how many calories I burned! :laugh: I hadn't done this DVD in a while and I'd forgotten how HIIT it was! It really got my HR going!
    I didn't sleep well last night thinking about the snow and not knowing if I was going to work from home or have to go to the office. I went for working from home just to wake up to hardly any snow! :mad: I wasn't prepared to go to the office today but since I prepare my lunches ahead of time that part was easy. It was a matter of getting ready for work while HD did the snow removal. I usually get to work at 7 and today I got there at 7:30 so not bad. Most of my teammates worked from home and I was the only one in my area. It was great! Got a lot done.

    Hi JennBunny! We're proud of you for working out too! :drinker: I love "Patrick Goudeau -URX-MT Urban Rebounding Extreme Metabolic Strength Cardio Interval DVD" too! It really is a big calorie burner. I totally hear you about those killer push ups. My hands were killing me so I quit at that point. I was doing them on hard surface which didn't help. I had carpal tunnel syndrome years ago so I am very careful about my hands. I am doing a Cathe rotation Laurel put together for me so I've not done that rebounder DVD again. I almost fell off the rebounder when he has you jump off the thing to the sides. My foot got caught on the cover. You've lost 35 lbs!!! That is terrific! Good for you! :flowerforyou:

    Hi Laurel, yet another amazing workout combo!!! Nice job! We had a weird storm. Where I live we usually get a decent amount of snow but not this time. It was more in the southern MA where they got hit badly. Sometimes people see a snowflake and all of a sudden they slow down to a crawl. since I burned a good amount of calories today I no longer feel bad for having missed yesterday's workout. I'm so glad you have a great hubby too! Thank you on the MFP goals! That little counter keeps me motivated too.

    Hi Michelle, sorry you felt sick again today! Good idea to observe your foods in case something is triggering the low BP. Your oldest is 13 today! WOW! I'm sure you're feeling as if you were changing her diapers yesterday yesterday! LOL
    How scary to hear your doctor tell you that you could have a post delivery stroke! I hope you went to CVS to check your BP!
    Sounds like your daughter will have a nice bday celebration!!

    Hi Tami, Thanks for the recipes! The gym instructor has you go to the front with her? That is awesome. You should be teaching the classes! I can't believe you actually needed extra zzzz's this morning! I hope the spinning class was fun. I'm sure you burned 1000+ again!
    I think the fact that I've been working out so hard is going to save me tomorrow when I weigh in. I do this at home on Thursdays. The gym's weigh in will probably be in early Feb. It really is a good feeling to be "redesigning" myself. My HD is really good to me for sure! I don't think the roads were that bad yesterday Tami. People sometimes freak out over a little snow as if they're not used to it.
    On the Lupus thing a healthy lifestyle is a must. When I was first diagnosed I was really, really stiff. I sometimes needed an assist getting out of bed because it was really hard. I've been lucky my rheumy tells me because I've only had that first flareup. He says Lupus is a disease of young women because hormones trigger the flareups. I had my age going for me being so close to menopause. I still take the med and it is the smallest dose they prescribe.

    Good night!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was cardio, so I did another oldie. Seems like a theme this week for me! Anyhow, I did the 90 minute all cardio premix combining Step, Jump and Pump and Step Blast. So much fun! When I chose that for cardio, I made myself promise myself :tongue: that I would follow it with some kind of stretching/yoga.....something I have been neglecting for months. So I followed it with Kari Anderson's Angles, Lines and Curves II. It felt fantastic!! Makes me wonder why I don't do it more often. :ohwell:

    Michelle, Happy Birthday to your DD!!! My niece is turning 13 in a couple of weeks, and it is such a big and important birthday for them at that age! I hope your daughter has a very special day. My niece sounds similar to your daughter in still retaining that little girl naïveté. I love that about her, but I also understand the concern. My 10yo niece, on the other hand, is quite the opposite!! Anyhow, I love your clean up goal! Mine is similar. Sadly, we are no closer to deciding where to live!! We still have four months to decide! I'm not panicking.....yet. :laugh: Hope you start feeling better soon!

    Thelma, great job with the workouts despite being tired. :drinker: I really enjoy that All Out Low Impact HiiT workout. Not too hard on the body but still a good cardio workout. I am so happy to hear your lupus is manageable! I hope it continues that way. I really wasn't aware it is a younger person's illness. It seems as I go into menopause that I am hearing menopause causes everything! So it is good to know that some things are bettered with menopause. Glad to hear you didn't get too much snow. We woke up to a couple of inches this morning--just enough to make everything pretty!

    Tami, glad you enjoyed your class! Does this mean you won't have to demonstrate again in the future because there is now a permanent sub for the class? Are you relieved about that? Just curious. I really did enjoy yesterday's workout. Like you, they are workouts I just don't do that often anymore. But I think I was falling into a bit of a workout rut and have tried to shake it up this week. And it has been fun!! I am sure I will fall back into my rut soon enough, though! :blushing: Regarding the XT workouts, I am kind of thinking about focusing on the upper body a lot for four weeks since I enjoy those upper body workouts. So I am thinking about doing something like disk 1 on Sunday, disk 2 on Tuesday, and all upper Burn Sets on Friday. Then I would do maybe Cardio Leg Blast on Monday, another non-XT leg workout on Wednesday, and cardio on Thursday. So it would look almost exactly like our current week I guess!! I am just wondering if it is too much repetition for four weeks. Maybe three weeks instead? Obviously I am still thinking it through but thought I would toss that out there.

    DH and I are headed to the mountains for the weekend. He is going to ski and I am going to read! :laugh: I will take some workout stuff with me though. I am not sure how that will feel at 9000 feet! Anyhow, I will try to check-in tomorrow before leaving, but, if not, enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Spinning went great last night, we did “hills” and sprints on hills. :wink: This a.m. was STS Squat Rack Legs, which felt pretty good lifting heavy, just those loooong breaks between sets :laugh: :huh: Tonight I am getting my hair prettied after work :drinker: :bigsmile: Will feel good to have that done.

    Thelma: Nice job talking “Lazy Thelma” into that workout today, :wink: especially with that weigh in tomorrow. Not that sometimes choosing rest over getting up is a bad thing :wink: Sounds like it ended up being a great workout and I’m sure you were happy you did it. Glad you made it into work ~ you must be in one of the hard it areas? Our instructor for Insane-X had to have knee surgery and was on crutches for a couple months. So she had asked me and a few others to be her demo person; they allowed her to teach the class from crutches but of course needed “demonstrators”. :laugh: so that was what I meant when I said I felt for the girl in training. I got over my nerves after a couple times but the first time my heart was racing:noway: I’m so glad your Lupus is manageable and that the onset of menopause is on your side! Yay for that. You are very welcome on the recipes. :smile: Happy to share, it's nice to try new ones once and a while.

    Laurel: Fabulous workout today :bigsmile: and I love it that you stayed with your promise to yourself and did the stretching! Yay, I bet it did feel amazing.:wink: She is training this substitute because she might be getting different job that will require her to be gone once & a while. Sad news for us, since I take 3 out of 5 classes a week from her. So we will see. Her knee is healed enough now she doesn’t need demonstrators so unless something else happens (God forbid) I won’t be a “helper” ~ that is ok with me :smile: It felt good that she asked me & gave me a feel for what it is like, so a good experience. I was happy I could help out when she needed it & would do it again. The XT rotation sounds like a perfect transition out of STS :bigsmile: I agree, the upper body workouts are so great, that is also why I was thinking of going that direction.

    Hi Michelle :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,561 Member
    HI ladies!
    Tonight was PT and we had a nice chest/back workout. Someone at work scheduled a meeting from 3-4 thinking it was going to be a 1/2 hour. That never happens! Needless to say she screwed up my cardio time and I was only able to do 12 minutes on the elliptical before my PT. I was happy to see that I'd burned 602 calories! I'm going to do GS Legs tomorrow.

    I got really upset with my trainer tonight. :mad: I was telling her how good I had been on Saturday when we went out to eat and that I had enough cals left for cake. All she could focus on was the fact that I'd eaten cake! She kept lecturing me about not eating that kind of fats because then my body wouldn't burn too much fat or something like that. I was really p.o'd and wanted to walk out. :explode: She told me that she was afraid that if kept having "cheat days" like that I wasn't going to be committed by the time March rolled around.:huh: I said I am NOT going to deprive myself of the things I like to eat. I am managing my calories by planning my meals ahead. I am also working out like crazy. I don't see why I wouldn't be committed. I told her diets fail because people deprive themselves of everything considered bad. I am not going to do that. she couldn't even focus on the fact that I had burned 1000 on Saturday! I just wanted to say who the heck made you an expert just because you took some nutritional training?
    Sorry for venting girls!! I LOST 5 LBS IN 3 WEEKS!!!! Why couldn't she see that? I brought her printouts from my progress reports in MFP too. How does that not spell commitment?

    Hi Laurel, "oldies but goodies" week! I have the hardest time following Cathe's step workouts so good for you for doing them! I saw that she had a "slow" step workout. I think it's called "Low Impact Challenge Step Aerobics". She seems too be going slow so it would be good to learn the steps in "slow motion". I don't own any Kari Anderson DVD's. I'll have to check her out. Why do you like her workouts? Do you only like her Yoga DVD's?

    Now where I'm seeing results it's easy to ignore the lazy "Thelma". I am also enjoying that All Out Low Impact HiiT workout. It has enough HIIT for my level right now. I am glad my Lupus is manageable. It was horrific to be so fatigued, stiff and achy. The 80 year old lady across the street would leave me behind in the dust! I lost over 10 lbs early on because I just wasn't hungry. I was lucky that the nurse I saw when I finally went to get checked tested me for lime disease and ran the tests that that tells them if lupus is in the picture. There isn't a specific lupus test but they have certain markers to check for. Even going to the bathroom was a a chore! I was happy when my doctor told me that menopause was in my favor with this disease. Even when I was so stiff I still worked out. Just little low impact, dancing workouts. I couldn't even lift my arms above my head!
    Where do you live? It was 1 F this morning when I woke up at 5AM. BRRRR! We may be getting a little more snow over the weekend too.
    I hope you and your HD have a wonderful time in the mountains!

    Hi Tami! That spinning class sounds HARD! I've never taken a spinning class I just do Cathe's DVD's and the workouts that came with the bike. I don't think I would survive a gym class! :embarassed:
    OMG! That STS Squat Rack Legs is a killer workout! Not that I've done but when Laurel mentioned it before I checked out the little video clip on Cathe's website! How long are those breaks between sets? You and Laurel make it sound like 5 minute breaks! Laurel said she was doing housework in between :laugh:

    I hope you enjoyed your hair appointment!

    I was really happy to have talked "Lazy Thelma" into the workout because as you know it paid off this morning when I got on the scale. I actually couldn't wait to get on that scale! The pants I had on today were really big on me and they were not like that a few weeks ago! the workout yesterday was good. I still can't believe how many calories I burned doing it.
    I am not in one of the hard hit areas. Not this time. I don't even think we got 3 inches. Around my job there were 9 inches which is more south of Boston. There may be more snow over the weekend but not that much. It's been super cold though.

    Now I get why you had to go to the front of you class! I bet you were nervous at first but I bet you were really good as the "demonstrator". I lucked out with this menopause thing. My period became irregular a while ago and then it just stopped.
    over a year ago. I did have some hotflashes but not too bad. I was also lucky to work with a bunch of ladies going through menopause and they had an excellent remedy for hotflashes. The stuff works! I've met two women who were having terrible hotflashes and they took this remedy and couldn't believe how it relieved this terrible fires inside their bodies.
    I can't wait to try the stuffed peppers!

    Good night!