Cathe Fans Part 5



  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    The weather here is rainy, gray and depressing! Yesterday people were dressed in shorts and short sleeve shirts, talk about a 360 change here.:grumble: This weekend hubby took the little one and went to Atlanta so the eldest and I hung out and I introduced her to Terminator 3 for our date movie:laugh: On Sunday I took her on a movie and lunch date to see Hunger Games since she has worked so hard these 3 weeks and brought her English grade back to a 3.5. It was a nice day and now we are prepping to head to Florida for the holiday where I hear it is hot.:noway: This weekend I did an hour run on the treadmill with my new playlist and I really need to get some upper body work in but I may have to use Push-ups and dips as my go to routine this week. Today another run on the treadmill was a great stress reliever for me.

    Tami- Enjoy your Christmas in L.A. and your travel workouts.:flowerforyou: I also created a simple routine to do at my mom's house as a part of my Squat challenge.:wink:

    Laurel- Awesome job on the baked goods and lack of desire for sweet stuff, unfortunately I'm on the recipient end of those baked goods which makes it very difficult to ignore especiallly with my morning cup of coffee.:blushing:

    Have a Safe and Merry Christmas but more importantly enjoy your time with your loved ones this year and create beautiful memories to have for years.

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I hope you all had an awesome Christmas! I realized it has been a long time since I was on here and will likely take me awhile to get all caught up on what's been going on with all of you!

    Things have been crazy in our is super busy, hockey is in full swing, the rescue is on fire (in a good way) and my hubby's anxiety is back in full force. To say I'm experiencing a lot of stress is an understatement! I'm just trying to stay well so I can manage the family right now. The boys both were sick with a flu bug a couple weeks ago, and I managed to dodge it, so hopefully I can continue on that streak! :bigsmile: I'm getting in sprints on the treadmill when I'm feeling up to it, but most nights I'm just completely exhausted from all the days activities. :ohwell:

    I'm so happy to see you are all doing well and keeping up with the workouts too! :) Way to go!! :bigsmile:

    If I missed anything big, I apologize, but I'll eventually get caught up on the month!

    Back to work...hopefully I can check in again sometime next week!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you are all well and enjoying the Holidays!! :drinker: I also wanted to make sure I wished you all a very Happy New Year!!

    All here is well. DH and I enjoyed a very nice Christmas. We are going out to dinner tonight to celebrate the New Year, but I plan on being home long before any craziness on the roads start. :ohwell:

    I have been getting my workouts in as planned, and that makes me happy. I am SO happy I sketched out a plan for last week's recovery week because it really kept me on task. I started Meso 3 on Sunday, and have done disks 25-27. As always, changing Mesocycles has my muscles wondering what is going on. I just love that about STS. But I feel really strong, which is good.

    Michelle, I hope you are enjoying/enjoyed your time to Florida!!

    Tami, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas in So Cal and that your travels went well!

    Erika, so good to see you! I am sorry to hear about your husband's anxiety returning. Kudos to you for keeping your head straight through it all. :flowerforyou:

    Laurie and Jessica, hope you are both well!!

    Again, Happy New Year!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy New Years Eve Ladies!! :bigsmile: I made it back safe & sound from LA yesterday. As always with a trip it is bitter sweet to be back but always a bit of the sads to say goodbye. I had a great time and did actually get in 3 circuit workouts from what I brought with me! Still felt like “not enough” but between planned activities, my nephews and different everything it was good. The weather was fantastic (as it would be in Calif) plus we spent two days in Palm Springs. Did a hike there in the desert. My sister wanted to expose me to a little culture as well while in L.A. so she took us to the Getty Museum. That is something to see forsure! WOW :bigsmile: I was so impressed and with her entire life being around art & artists she was like a personal tour guide there. Did a tiny bit of shopping but not much. Just a really nice time. I was very glad that I decided to pack some protein powder I have to say. Their eating is WAY different than what I am used to. It is heavy on carbs and not a lot of eating :noway: So with my protein powder and greek yogurt in between it made me not completely crash. Back to work today and then off tomorrow. Kind of a wasted day but I will be caught up on e-mails and getting some deadlines for ads in.
    Starting up with STS tomorrow and going to do a double whammy since I didn’t get up this a.m. to start. To say that I am looking forward to it is an understatement!:drinker: I am SO looking forward to a regular workout I can hardly stand it! :laugh: :happy:

    Laurel: Way to hit it hard right before our recovery week! Not surprising! It was super nice of her to give me her workouts for my trip and I did incorporate some of it into what I already had, but will save for future travels. Great job starting up with Meso 3! Like we keep saying, I cannot believe we are already into the last phase. :huh: I'm hoping I feel strong tomorrow for my workouts ... we'll see! My poor body will be shocked after not lifting anything for a week++ :frown: Sounds like a perfect plan for your New Years Eve celebration. DH and I are staying home and he is making dinner for us. It just gets to crazy being out & about. Plus every restaurant is packed to capacity!

    Michelle: Hope you are having an amazing time in Florida! I’m sure you will have some fantastic weather and even better memories.

    Erika: Thanks for stopping in and saying Hi! Always good to hear from you. Sounds like things are still crazy for you ….. I'm sorry to hear about your hubbies anxiety coming back. Hopefully that is very temporary. I really hope that 2014 brings you some nice “CALM” days so you can catch your breath a little bit. You deserve it! :flowerforyou:

    Happy New Year ~ Let’s make it a great one!!!! :drinker: Anyone have some “resolutions/goals” for 2014?!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! First day back to 'normal' schedule post-holidays, and it feels great. Today was cardio day, so I did my Hard Strikes//Rockout Knockout combo with TF HiiT 15 thrown in for fun!! Good stuff!

    Tami, so glad to hear you had a good time in LA! We have been gone from there for four years, and I still miss it. I love the experiences you can have there--like the Getty! Amazing!! I hope you enjoyed Palm Springs as well. I find that town a bit....interesting (more the people than the city itself I suppose), but it is also oddly pretty. Hope you got a good start back with Meso 3!! I did Squat Rack legs yesterday, and it didn't drive me crazy!! I still think I will only do each squat rack workout once, but we'll see. I'm known for changing my mind. :blushing: But I do like the way I restructured this week, putting all of the STS workouts on Sunday-Wednesday.. I like knowing I have a lot of options open for tomorrow's workout!!

    No real resolutions or goals for me this year. It is going to be a transition year for DH and I, so if there is a goal, it is to live in the moment, not over-think the future, and enjoy!! What about you?

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy New Years Ladies!! :drinker: I can’t even express my joy in being back to the workouts! :bigsmile: Missing the sunshine and my family is not the fun part but being back to workouts is fantastic. Yesterday as I mentioned before I did ALL upper so it was STS Chest/Back followed by STS Shoulders/Tri’s/Bi’s. Although my arms were tired at the end it felt good. I think with the 1 minute breaks it did my arms some good forusre. :wink: Feeling a few DOMS but not bad. This week due to my “late start” into STS 3 Plyo Legs was today’s workout , tomorrow will be a Cardio workout & Saturday, Total Body. Then I’ll be back on schedule. :smile:

    Laurel: Fabulous job today! :bigsmile: Sounds like lots of fun forsure. I agree with the experiences you can have in California are amazing. I really loved the Getty Museum and Palm Springs was so nice. Gorgeous setting there right along the mountains. I could have easily just hung out at the pool. :wink:
    Yes, as I mentioned above it felt great. I’m a little out of sync by missing Mon & Tues but I’ll be caught up to you Sunday. I do like the “re-structure” and might go for SR legs next week.:wink: I’m with you for right now just doing SR legs once instead of repeating though. :wink: I think that is an awesome goal and mindset for your future & unknown decisions this year! :flowerforyou: Love that. A good reminder for us all forsure. Thanks for sharing that. I don’t have any “new” resolutions for the year. . . but when I reflect that I have a brand new year ahead, I’ve decided to earnestly pursue other job opportunities; look for them vs. “wish” it could be different. Coming up on my 20th year with the company and with the current changes effective Jan 1st I am motivated to try hard to find something else so that I can feel a little better of how I spend 8 hours a day. It’s a challenge for me to figure that out :embarassed: :frown: but without trying another year goes by and nothing happens. If that makes sense!??! Make this year the year that I can figure out a way to change my circumstances . . . Fitness ~ to continue on a dedicated path of fitness & good eating …. Try some new weekly recipes so I don’t stay in the same ol same ol food regime and as always try some new workout combos . . . just for fun! :bigsmile:

    I’ll talk to you tomorrow! Anxious to hear what you came up with for your workout(s) :wink:

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    My name is Thelma and I just joined yesterday. I am a HUGE Cathe fan and have a lot of her DVD's. Tonight I did her new "Rockout Knockout" DVD using 12oz ea boxing gloves the entire time even though the workout doesn't use them the entire time.

    I need to know how to record these DVD workouts on my exercise diary when none of Cathe's DVDs appear in the database. I used kickboxing for the Rockout DVD but what about the others like the "Gym Style Chest & Triceps Workout DVD"?

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Happy Friday! :smile: Definitely does not feel like a Friday. Changed up my plan this a.m. and did STS Total Body, which I loved!!!! It has been such a long time since I did that one and I always enjoy it. Tonight will be Spinning right after work for a little cardio. Tomorrow I can get in a longer cardio session at home …. Hence why I switched today and tomorrow! Feeling like I need it. :wink:

    Thelma: Welcome to MFP and love to have another Cathe fan! :bigsmile: You know what I do is enter all my workouts in under Cardio, Add Exercise, time and calories burned. I started doing that at the very beginning to just make it work and never changed it. Works for me because I wear a HR monitor so I can enter in my cals burned with the duration and workout. Hope that helps! Feel free to chat with us here if you like and/or ask any questions. :wink: I have nearly all of her workouts and Laurel has ALL of them.

    Have a great weekend ladies! I feel like I have had 3 Monday’s this week ….. :huh: Next week should feel back to normal. Long as it may be, but normal.

    Until then . . . . Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I couldn't decide between 4DS and LIS for workouts today, so I did a combo! I started with LIS Total Body Trisets, which felt really good today. Then, for cardio, I did the premix combining both step workouts from 4DS and the core from the Lower Impact workout. Really good combo!!

    Thelma, welcome!! I don't enter my workouts into MFP, but Tami has given you some great suggestions! I hope you enjoy MFP. I joined five years ago this month and found it an invaluable tool for me when trying to lose weight. I've maintained my weight loss all these years and, without question, a large part of why is the great friends I have made here who encourage me every day!

    Tami, good job getting caught up on the workouts. But yikes on doing two Meso 3 upper body workouts back-to-back! :noway: Great job!! I did the STS Total Body workout twice during Meso 2, and it really is a fantastic workout. I don't blame you for reaching for that one. I LOVE your goal for the New Year!! You are so right that years can just start passing by and without doing something to try to change something, all you have is another year passing by. I hope you can find something. And even I you don't, you will have the satisfaction of having tried. I know I don't mind trying something and not succeeding. It is the not trying that I regret.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Thanks so much Laurel and Tami!
    I did WW before but this tool is incredible about tracking food. I'm horrified about WW allowing fruits as "free" food and MFP deducts calories from your daily allowance for them!
    It's good to know that you really don't have to enter your workouts in this tool. I've always kept track of my workouts on a word file but I was hoping I could do it in one place.

    Tami, thanks for the tip on how to enter workouts. I have a heart rate monitor and I was too lazy to figure out how to use it!
    I just went online to find the instructions and found a Youtube video on how to set it up and OMG! I'm so embarrassed! I can't believe it was so easy to set it up. I've to figure out how to set the date/time but that's OK. I just need to know my cals and to make sure I'm working within my heart rate.

    Laurel, I can't believe you have all of Cathe's workouts!

    Thank you again!!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    I just want to say THANK YOU for inspiring me to use the heart rate monitor. I used it today while doing Cathe's Cathe's XTRAIN - Ride: 30 minutes ( that's all I could stand to do! :embarassed: ) and walking on the treadmill for another 21 minutes. I feel like I'm hooked and very motivated :happy:

    Laurel, you said you've been using MFP for 5 years :flowerforyou: so I have a question for you or anyone in this group. I have a total weight loss goal of 15 lbs but in reality I'd like to lose 25 lbs. I started with a smaller goal so I wouldn't set myself up to fail. My weekly weight loss goal is set to 1.5 lbs per week. This means that it will take me 10 weeks to lose 15 lbs. Is this too much too soon?

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all had a good weekend. We finally got a decent snow storm on Saturday, so it made for a perfect day off from working out! I spent the day curled in a chair in front of a fire reading a good book! I don't do that very often....and it was wonderful!

    But I got back into action yesterday starting week 2 of our STS Meso 3 rotation. I did Chest/Back followed by Cardio Core Circuit. Today was Plyo Legs and Weights and Plates Abs for STS. For cardio, I did Cathe's Max Intensity Cardio. Tough combo!

    Thelma, I am so glad you were able to start using your heart rate monitor. That is an excellent way of accurately tracking what you are doing--much more accurate than a computer program.

    Is 10 weeks too fast to lose 15lbs? The answer really depends. Because it really does all depend on how you lose the weight. I have a tendency to over-answer questions like this, so I am going to apologize in advance for this being a lengthy reply. :blushing: But there are so many theories to weight loss that it is hard to figure out what is right or wrong. And I am not going to tell you I have the right answer. I just know what worked for me.

    In short, I lost 40lbs in about 18 weeks after I joined MFP. So you can see that is a faster rate than you might be losing. I have had no problem maintaining the weight loss, but I think that is because I did a few things when losing the weight. Regarding calories, I kept my calorie count during the first phase (the first 30lbs) of my weight loss at 1300-1400. But please know that I am 5'2" and was 43 at the time, so that was only a few hundred calories under what I would have needed to be consuming to maintain my weight. So, in other words, I didn't really cut my calories all that drastically.

    But I did a couple of things with my eating. I didn't cut out all things I knew I was!'t going to be able to leave out when I lost the weight. For instance, I love peanut butter. There is no way I can go through life without it, and I know that. So I had peanut butter every day while I was losing weight. That way, when I moved into maintenance, I didn't run to the nearest jar of peanut butter and eat it whole. And, sadly, I think one of the reasons so many people re-gain weight after losing it is because what they eat while dieting isn't how they want to eat for eternity.

    But, at the same time, I took the time I while I was losing weight to learn a lot about the American diet and I learned that there are quite a few foods out there that I used to eat mindlessly that, once I really figured out what they were, have no desire to eat again. Take chips, soda, fast food, most red meat, etc as examples. No desire to eat any of them again because of what they are. And, for me, that has nothing to do with my weight and everything to do with my health. So, for example, that previously mentioned peanut butter is still in my daily diet, but now it is natural peanut butter, not JIF. And I love it even more than JIF because it tastes like actual peanuts!! So I think understanding food is very important in not going back to unhealthy habits. And, yes, you will lose the cravings!! I am not going to takes some time to lose them completely. But I know for me, once they were gone, there is absolutely no temptation for me to eat some things anymore, especially since I know that eating it will make me feel poorly.

    But, for me, the real key to losing the weight and keeping it off has been in focusing on fitness. I have always enjoyed working out, so that wasn't a problem. But when I started losing the weight, I also started Cathe's STS for the first time. And after having worked out for years and seeing few results, I decided I was going to keep focused for that six month rotation on my eating and stay dedicated to the program to see if I could see any results. And, boy, did I see results!! I felt 10 years younger, had energy I didn't remember ever having, and the nice added bonus of complete strangers complimenting me on things like my arms!! :noway: And that has served as long term inspiration for me to keep going. At nearly 49, I feel MUCH younger than I did 10 years ago. And that is a trend that I want to continue.

    So my answer to your question about the rate of weightless is really 'no' but with a caveat. I am sure you have read and read again about making a 'lifestyle change', and while I think terms like that are over-used and often read like being on a permanent diet, the notion is actually a good one. In other words, as long as you lose the weight in a healthy manner (like not cutting your calories below 1200 and working out six hours a day), you will maintain the loss as long as you throw out some (not all) old habits. But, for me, I am so glad I discarded those habits by saying 'I don't want that' instead of 'I can't have it'. I don't do well with 'I can't'. :blushing:

    Hope that helps!! Please ask any more questions you may have!!! :flowerforyou:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Nice weekend for workouts and even a dog walk yesterday afternoon, the fresh air felt good. :smile: So Saturday I ended up doing KCM Circuit Burn, so a mix of cardio and weights! Yesterday was STS followed by X10 Hi/Low for a little warm-up before volleyball. This is our 2nd of the 3 leagues …. :smile: When I got home and showered up and visited my friend who just had a baby girl right before I left on my trip so my first time seeing them both. Really fun to see her with her new baby and of course the baby is so tiny and sweet. Took the dogs for a walk after that! So definitely an active weekend. With all of that being said, then I slept in this a.m. :grumble: so Plyo legs will be tomorrow. Even with all my great activities this weekend I slept horrible two nights in a row :frown: Tonight (as silly as this sounds) my hubby has me signed up on the college football bowl games pool. So tonight is the last game. Well, if Auburn wins I WIN the whole board. WHAT?!?!?!?! So he said, "you can’t go to your BootCamp class or you will jinx it" :huh: So no BootCamp either ….. Today will be my REST day I guess. :laugh: :ohwell:

    Laurel: Your workouts are sounding amazing (as always)! :drinker: :noway: WOW, today especially!!!! Way to work friend. Your Saturday sounds so cozy and relaxing. That’s awesome. We are not having much for snow this year at all. Minimal actually. Pretty lucky compared to the people back East forsure and then those crazy below zero temps. Thank you for your feedback on my “New Year’s” goal & your support. :flowerforyou: Exactly my thoughts, I regret wanting it to be different but not taking action so this year I will take some action and see what happens. If nothing else, it might stir things up a bit and I will just feel better in simply trying …… as you said! :wink:

    Thelma: You are so welcome! Glad I inspired you with my brief suggestion. That’s so awesome. I know how gadgets can be intimidating. I’ve been through a few HR monitors and now that I feel I can’t do a workout with one I have learned to operate them. I know what you mean about being hooked on it! :wink: It’s kind of like an instant gratification for what you just did! They are a great tool forsure and make it easy to just enter in your cals burned here on MFP. I realize all exercises are not considered “Cardio” but that’s the simplest way I found to enter in my workouts. Great job on your workout today! :bigsmile: How do you like Ride?

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    Tami, I am loving the heart rate monitor so much! I figured out today how to set the time/date which was great. It's inspiring me to workout even on Sundays when I NEVER really do because it's my lazy day. It also makes me want to workout harder to elevate the heart rate. It really is good to know how many calories you burn during a workout. It is very gratifying as you said. I don't care that the workouts I do at home are not considered all cardio but at least I have a way or recording my workouts on MFP. I always add an exercise note with a summary of my workout for the day.

    I hope you win the college football pool! I really like the "Ride" workout. I am still working my way up to being able to do the full workout. So far 35 minutes is the max I've done on the DVD. I pushed myself really hard on Saturday during that workout and my heart rate got very close to my max heart rate. I thought I was going to die! LOL. You ladies are inspiring me to workout much harder than have in years which I love. I am no where near your dedication but I hope with time and results it will come.

    Laurel, thanks so much for your reply and it wasn't long. I love detailed answers! I have to tell you that I'm no giving up the things I love either but I'm eating things in moderation and keeping my food diary current helps me stay within my food allowance.
    MFP is making me see how bad some foods can be so I understand what you're saying. I hope some day I get better about the quality of foods I consume. I know fitness is key to losing/maintaining weight. I did it before so I know. Somewhere along the way I lost my motivation and dedication and I gained weight.
    I have all these exercise programs and I've never finished a single one. I started P90X and was doing great following the program and hurt the ball of my foot doing plyo. That put me out of commission for about 9 months. I have to be very careful about my feet. You ladies are inspiring me so much and I'm so thankful I found this forum!
    I have a lot of Cathe's DVD's but not an entire series like you seem to have. I wonder if I can do some kind of rotation given the ones I have?

    I just ordered workout DVD's and was wondering if anyone here has tried them? ( I love kickboxing!) (this is a little older but needed something good for my rebounder)

    What's up with these "net calories"? I am going to be 50 next year and I'm only 4'11". I have gained weight in the last 5 years and now I'm up to 145 lbs. I feel horrible and I would love to be able to get back to 120 but for now getting to 130 is a really good goal. I have a daily goal of 1200 calories and I'm trying to stick to 1200 as much as possible. I am getting totally confused by these "net calories". Am I supposed to eat the number of calories I burn when I exercise? Every time I "Complete my entry" I am being told that I have come under my calorie goal by the amount of calories I burned. How am I going to lose weight if I keep eating what I burn through exercise?

    My husband and I seem to eat everything low fat or fat free so I'm having a hard time meeting my fat allowance. So Laurel, I've been trying to meet my fat allowance by eating low fat peanut butter. I doubt I can get my husband to give up his beloved Skippy peanut butter but I will probably go to Whole Foods to get some fresh PB.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was STS Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps and, boy, did I feel strong today!! I loved it. Yesterday I was thinking as I did Cathe's Max Intensity Cardio that that workout has absolutely no fun factor. So, today, for cardio, I went with all fun factor and did Turbo Fire HiiT 25 and Turbo Fire 60. Too much fun to be called a workout!

    Tami, I am so sorry about Auburn last night! I was pulling for them, but.......However, huge congratulations on doing so well in the pool! I hope you had fun watching the game. At least it was a decent game. And congratulations to your friend on the birth of her daughter!! It must have been nice to visit them. I remember you talking about this friend and how she was really nesting in preparation for the birth! Hopefully she feels more settled now that her daughter is here. Great job on the workouts, as always!! I bet it feels good to be back in action!

    Thelma, so happy to hear you are enjoying the HRM! Like I said yesterday, it is a great tool. Unfortunately, I haven't done any of the workouts you have listed. Have you looked them up on I usually find the feedback on that site pretty useful. Regarding Cathe's workouts, if you want help coming up with a rotation with the ones you have, let us know!! I am more than happy to help you out with that, and I know others would be as well.

    Regarding the 'net''s another long answer. :blushing: I love MFP, so I don't want this sound like a is just a statement. But MFP seems to have been set up by men. And I say that for a reason. Men burn so many more calories than women simply breathing. So a 225lb man loses weight a little differently than a shorter, not-so-young 140lb woman does. A bigger (and younger) man can burn 1000 calories in a workout without too many problems (and I know I can't!). So if they have already cut 1000 calories out of their diet, then I understand why MFP recommends that person eat those calories back or else they may not have the energy to sustain their workouts, be too hungry, etc.

    Totally different story for you and I. Like I said yesterday, I couldn't create a 500 calorie-a-day deficit (to lose 1lb a week) from cutting calories without going below 1200. In order to create a deficit big enough to lose anything, I HAD to burn calories through the workouts. So, for us, eating exercise calories would negate any weight loss!!!! I went round and round with some posters here on MFP when I was new to the program about this as they kept insisting I would go into 'starvation mode' if I didn't eat my exercise calories. That is, simply put, not the case for you and I.

    In fact, one of my motivations for working out is that, since losing the weight, my maintenance calories given my average non-workout level of activity would be 1300-1400 calories a day!!! With my workouts, I can eat about 1800-2000 calories a day and maintain. Big incentive.....especially because of my peanut butter--and chocolate--habits. :blushing:

    About fat.....don't be afraid of full fat food. Fat (as a nutrient) has gotten a bad name. The problem with fat is that it has over twice as many calories per gram (9) as protein and carbs (4). So, obviously, you can't eat as much of it because of calories. But, some fatty foods are without question some of the healthiest foods a person can eat. Nuts (of all varieties) are so very healthy. The yolk in an egg contains all the healthy nutrients (along with the fat). Olive oil is amazing for health. I could go on and on. Unfortunately, fat got a bad name, and so people went on low fat or no fat diets. But, unfortunately, in taking the fat out of some food, more chemicals were added for taste. And, honestly, that is worse for the body. So don't shy away from full fat foods. Just eat them in moderation because of the calories. That being said, I do shy away from full fat dairy......because, in my opinion, the health benefits aren't there to justify the fat (some would argue differently to that as lower fat dairy usually has more it is a trade-off). But when it comes to things like nuts, peanut butter, eggs, olive oil......I eat them in their most natural state and enjoy!

    Hope that helps!!

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well if you watched the Florida/Auburn game or saw it on the news you know that I did NOT win the big $$$ :grumble: :sad: It was such a close game and at times I was covering my eyes in complete anticipation. My hubby was laughing at me saying it wouldn’t change the outcome if I covered my eyes. My nerves just couldn’t take it. :noway: So close but not the winner. It was fun while it lasted. Happy to say that I did get up this a.m. for my early workout which was STS Plyo Legs and tonight will be Insane-X . . . I would say I will be feeling it after tonight’s workout. I hope she shows us a little tiny bit of mercy since we have all been away from that class for 3 weeks now. :huh: YIKES

    Thelma: Thanks for rooting for me to win! :wink: Appreciate that ….. I’m so glad that you are here on MFP and it’s so great to be an inspiration to you! I think that’s what MFP is all about. Learning better choices for eating/fitness and at the same time making some friends who can encourage or give helpful tips, etc… It sounds like you are already on a good path towards improving your fitness every day. Don’t worry about not doing the whole workout at any time ~ one day you will be doing the whole thing. :wink: Celebrate each workout as an accomplishment!! :drinker: You will work up to longer time frames and various workouts in your own perfect timing.
    For the videos you listed there I do have Kickbox Burn and that is a very fun KB workout! As far as making a rotation with what you have, that shouldn’t be a problem. Cathe has so many rotations posted on her site, take a look there and anything you don’t have in a particular rotation you could alternate a different one in if it is the same style of workout …. Even your others that aren’t Cathe workouts, it will at least give you a feel of what you could combine in a week for a rotation. Hope that helps!

    Laurel: Fantastic job today! :bigsmile: I bet those two TF workouts back-to-back were lots of fun for you, I know how much you enjoy them. Nice work. :wink: Yes, it does feel great to be back in action. It’s crazy how fast I feel I lost some endurance during my short break but at the same time getting it back happens quick too; my strength is still totally there. It’s cardio that I’m “feeling it” a little bit sooner than normal. May have been the different food and sleep patterns as well. We’ll see how I go tonight! Thank you for pulling for Auburn. I really thought they were going to pull it off going into the half. . . Until that Florida guy ran that one back for 100 yards and scored a TD. :ohwell: It was fun for a short time, DH was happy I was watching some games with him forsure. Unfortunately I ended up with no prize because it was based solely on points so anyone close to me who had FL passed me in points …. I had 35 on Auburn. Kind of a “go big or go home” at the end was DH’s strategy when he picked my board!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Tami,
    Sorry your team lost!

    Thanks for the nice words. I am not hard on myself for not being able to complete the workouts because at least I'm moving which is better than nothing. I do see every workout as an accomplishment.
    We've started a weight loss challenge at my gym and today was assessment day. I went there armed with my heart rate monitor and burned 646 cals. I love this! I did 25 mins on the elliptical today and I was able to see that my heart rate monitor and the machine's HRM were pretty much the same. Sometimes the elliptical was 1-2 points off but pretty close!
    Today I did some legs, chest/back and abs. I didn't have my full 45 minute training session because the assessment took like 15 minutes.

    I'll have to check Cathe's website. I've been getting her newsletters for a long time but I've never paid attention to the rotations. I looked at the rotation sent today and I know I have some of those workouts so I may do that and will use my other DVD's for the ones I don't have as you suggested. I train with a personal trainer twice a week so I only have to worry about 4 days. I have so many DVD's to choose from so I'll be all set. I just have to figure out what I want to do and will enter it on a table so I know what I'm doing

    Thanks again Tami!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Laurel,

    You had a great workout and how wonderful that you felt so strong. I did too even though I had felt exhausted earlier in the day.
    I have the old Turbo Jam workouts and those are fun. The newest stuff is way too fast and there is too much jumping involved which is not good for my knees or feet. I have flat feet and even though I have custom made orthotics I still need to be very careful.

    I have to agree with you that the net calories function was designed by men! I know how fast men can lose weight so it makes sense for them. Our bodies have more fat because women have children (I have cats! LOL). OK so I wasn't not doing something wrong by sticking to my 1200 cals. It's scary when you complete your daily diary and you get the message about not eating enough and your body will go into starvation mode.

    Thanks for offering to help me with a rotation based on my DVD's! That would be totally awesome Laurel! I will work on documenting my DVD's this weekend and will send you a list.

    Now about eating good fats - I think I'm going with low fat because I know fat has more calories bu nowt I know that I'm not consuming enough fats. I do like my peanut butter too and do eat roasted almonds but that is still not enough. I've been eating my salad without dressing because I actually have enough veggies, chicken and low fat cheese that I don't need the dressing. I should just get one of those oil based dressings to get the olive oil part. I will also add an egg to my egg whites! That should be better for me.

    I know what you mean about being able to consume a lot more calories when you workout enough to maintain your weight loss. That used to be me many moons ago! :sad:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was lower body, so I chose Cathe's Legs and Glutes Extreme premix. Tough stuff! I followed it with Rhythmic Step for cardio and the core section from Cathe's High Step Challenge. I really enjoyed this combo today!

    Tami, no doubt you were covering your eyes through that Auburn game! The last few minutes were crazy. To be honest, I never watched college football until we moved to DC. Our first two weeks there we were living In a tiny room with nothing to do, and there was a lot of college football on the TV since they showed all of the SEC games. And I enjoyed it! My DH is thrilled that I am willing to watch so much football wih him. Sometimes I need a break from it, but mostly we just have fun with it. Hope your Insane X class wasn't too brutal!! No doubt your endurance will be back where it was in no time. It usually takes me about a week to feel like 'normal' again after a break, but I am noticing that is getting longer as I get older. :ohwell:

    Thelma, great job at the gym!! That is an amazing calorie burn!! I had never done a Chalene workout before Turbo Fire, and I love them. But they are fast! I really had to buckle down and convince myself they were with learning when I started because I was very frustrated with her cuing (and form). But I am SO glad I did because they are, without question, my go-to workouts for fun. Sadly, I have heard from too many people who did Turbo Jam before Turbo Fire that they don't like Turbo Fire at all. So I have never looked into Turbo Jam because I don't want to ruin my Turbo Fire fun! Feel free to send a list of your DVDs anytime!! More than happy to help with a rotation.

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I’m happy to report I survived Insanity last night! :wink: She didn’t show us much mercy but it could have definitely been worse. The workout felt great to me. So after doing Plyo Legs in the a.m. and then that I was happy with myself being back on track. :laugh: This a.m. was STS Shoulders/Bis/Tris and headed to Spinning after work.
    We did get a little snow yesterday late in the day and overnight . . . looks wintery and gray but the snow has brightened things up a little bit. Only about 3-4 inches though so we’ll see how long it lasts.

    Thelma: Great job with your assessment day workout! :drinker: The gym I take classes at has a Biggest Loser/Biggest Gainer contest a few times a year and I know they do the same kind of thing and then get divided up into their teams. Very fun that you joined the challenge at your gym!!! Will be fun, meet some new friends and get fit along the way. Great that you have a personal trainer as well. Sounds like you are on the right path for a great year of fitness. :bigsmile: That’s a perfect way to go in setting up a rotation for yourself. Once you have it written down, it makes it really nice because then you know what you are planning for each day. You will often here me comment on here about having to have something down on paper, especially when I am not in a set rotation like STS (my current workout rotation that I’m doing with Laurel). If I don’t have something set out for myself I have a tendency at 4:30 in the a.m. to stand there wondering which workout Im going to do.:huh: Plus it’s fun to complete them as I go and/or rotate some in that I haven’t done in a while. Variety is so great!!! Laurel is amazing at putting rotations together! You’re in good hands there. p.s. I have dogs! (saw your note in there about women & kids … that you have cats) :flowerforyou:

    Laurel: I know, right?!?! :noway: On the Auburn game. Sheesh! Still feeling a bit of the after shock on that one. Your workout sounds absolutely perfect ! :bigsmile: I always feel like my legs are really “worked” in that xtreme pre-mix! Love it. Great job adding on the Step and core work. Thanks for the encouragement. After Insanity last night I did feel a little better at where I’m at. :smile: Like I mentioned above, she could have definitely made it a lot worse on us. She mixed in some easier moves into each round which broke it up a bit. I think she didn't want to scare the brand new peeps who were there last night too much. Looking at a calendar, today is one week in starting back to my regular workouts full-on . . . . So I should probably give myself a little break. :blushing: It just seems (feels) like a longer time than that.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow! Tami