Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    Tami, congratulations on surviving the Insanity workout! Great workouts! So you workout twice a day! I used to do that but not sure I can do that now. Maybe someday.
    Today is our last freezing day here in MA. It's been incredibly cold!

    I'm excited about the challenge at the gym. I go to a place where they only do personal training so twice a week is all I can afford! LOL. The teams are per trainer. Last I checked my team is the biggest team. I don't think the team members will ever get together as a group since these are personal training sessions. I find that the personal training sessions make me accountable to the trainer, my husband (for being supportive of this expensive wish) and me of course.

    I'm really excited about Laurel putting together a rotation for me. You know I used to get up at 4 AM to workout but then my job took me for a longer commute and had to switch to the end of the day. I can see how having the printout with the planned workouts is a great idea. I've been so focused on MFP and my diet and workouts that I've gone to bed way late the last two nights given that I have to get up at 5AM to be at work at 7. I felt very fatigued this afternoon and my lazy self was trying to convince me to not workout. I am proud to say that I worked out. I wanted to do Cathe's Gym Style Legs but didn't feel strong enough to do that so I tried my new " Patrick Goudeau -URX-MT Urban Rebounding Extreme Metabolic Strength Cardio Interval DVD" and oh boy! It got my HR pretty close to the max which was awesome. I only did the cardio part which was 30 minutes because he then got into doing things that were hurting my hands. You had to do pushups with feet on the rebounder, hands on the floor and then you went around the rebounder doing the pushups. My hands were killing me so I had to stop. I then jumped on the treadmill for 20 minutes and at the end my HRM told me that I'd burned 756 calories! YAAAY!!!!! :bigsmile:
    I have my personal training session tomorrow which lasts 45 minutes. I try to get to the gym 1/2 hour early to do cardio. I usually never make it to do 30 minutes worth of cardio but I usually get in 20-25 minutes.

    Your dog looks so sweet! :love: We have 3 fur babies!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was cardio day. I had an early meeting, so I was up with the dark doing the X77 premix from Cathe's X10 DVD. That premix is becoming a favorite for my cardio days. I absolutely love the diversity in it. When I got home from my meeting, I had lots of energy, so I did TF 45 EZ. Fun!!

    Tami, good job with the Insanity class. Glad it wasn't too tough! Nice about the snow!! I would love to see more here, but we are back to dry and windy. Oh well. It was nice while it lasted. I just hope with all the dryness that we aren't in for yet another summer of fires. That would be bad.

    Thelma, great job with the workouts!! I am so glad to hear you enjoyed your new rebounder workout. And that is a fantastic calorie burn!! When I worked, I used to do my workouts after work as well. And I wouldn't even let myself sit down when I got home from work. It was right from the car to the bedroom to change and then to my workout room. I knew if I paused at all! I wouldn't do it. It worked, but it wasn't easy. That's one of the reasons I do such long workouts right now......because I have the time to do it. When I go back to will be a tough transition!! Tami has dogs, you have cats.....and I have house plants! :laugh:

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Spinning was great last night. :wink: Katy is back on the bike now from her knee surgery and doing pretty well, still not 100% but you wouldn’t know it from watching her. It was a tough class but fun! This a.m. was Legs and I did XT Cardio Legs, then for some abwork I went to the Insane Abs class during my lunch break. I’m sure I’ll be feeling my abs tomorrow!

    Thelma: Way to burn up those calories lady! :drinker: Yowsa!! Great work and I’m sure you hit it hard with your trainer.
    I think Patrick G. does a good job with his workouts, I only have the KB one (which is mostly the lady teaching the whole workout) and then Afterburn. Were your hands hurting because of the surface? I wonder if you could lay a towel on there during that move. I know sometimes doing push-ups off the step bench can kind of give my hands that “pinching” feeling and a mat or towel relieves that. Great for you getting in that extra 20-30 before you meet with your trainer.:wink: I bet it is a great workout and definitely would keep you accountable …. A. It’s an appt that someone is waiting for you B. Paying them to do so definitely makes you accountable! I do workout twice a day probably 4-5 days a week so one or two of the days I do just one workout. I didn’t always do that but because I work, I do get up crazy early to make sure I get in my “scheduled” workout and then it started out being “just for fun” when I added on my evening classes at the gym. I think it’s 4 years later now and I’m still going with that. I really love it and especially this time of year during the gray/dark short days it helps! Plus I enjoy the variety of some Spinning and Bootcamp into my routine.

    Laurel: Those X10 workouts are great, I agree! :bigsmile: Truly one of my favorites, I love the variety it offers and if I need that quick 30 min before I go to Volleyball or an add-on, it’s perfect. Good on ya for getting that X77 premix in there! I still haven’t done that one, but plan too! Along with still needing to break the seal on at least one of the Party Rock Step workouts.:blushing: I have to be motivated to go through that learning curve that I do with those. Then to add on your TF when you got home! Nice job today – I would say you hit the Cardio forsure today.:flowerforyou:

    See you tomorrow ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    I lost 2 lbs during my first week in MFP and seriously working out (by my current standards that is! :laugh: ). Is it strange that I drink 12-13 glasses of water a day and I don't spend half my day in the bathroom? I always drink a lot of water so it probably means I don't have water weight to lose. Does that mean I'm pure fat? :happy:

    Tami, it was great to see how many calories the rebounder workout made me burn. I wish he would've kept doing the cardio the entire DVD.
    Why were my hands hurting? The first reason is because he had you doing things like mountain climbers where you had to hold on to the metal frame so that was when it all started for me. I suppose I could've had a towel there. My carpal tunnel alarms started to go off with the mountain climber type of moves he does. Then yeah the pushups were being done on hard surface. I just didn't have space for the rebounder on the carpeted area. Next time I do it I'll just try to do it on the carpeted area using my step even if I don't go around the world. I'll try to think about the towel. I've had carpal tunnel and I'm always afraid to hurt my hands. I think it is that pinching feeling.

    Can you believe that I'm the most excited about the challenge at the gym? I'm the one who didn't think I could commit and I'm the most committed now! LOL
    There was a time when I worked out twice a day too. I think that once I get more fit and see results I'll try to do more. My basement is my mini gym. Because of Cathe's workouts I got dumbbells and a barbell. Then I have a treadmill, a spinning bike, step, the trampoline, ball, tubing, ankle weights, weighed gloves, boxing gloves, weighed vest and a bunch of there things plus the stacks of DVD's I have! Now if you could only get in shape by owning all those things! LOL
    There are really no big gyms where I live. It's such a terrible inconvenience. They only things like Curves which there is no way I could do.

    Hi Laurel! Thank you! Nice cardio workout today!
    I did enjoy the rebounder workout. I think I will incorporate more of my rebounder DVD's into my routines. I bought the rebounder when I was doing P90X so I wouldn't hurt my knees/feet doing the plyo. I was told years ago that I've no cartilage left on my knees so they are pretty crunchy.
    OMG! I do exactly what you used to do when you worked. As soon as get home, I go to the bathroom to change and down to the basement I go. On the 2 days when I workout with the personal trainer I take my stuff with me to work so I go directly to the gym even though it's like 10 minutes from my house.
    I have house plants too. I love violets!
    So you and Tami keep talking about STS so much that I want to get the set. I know I saw it years ago when I was doing more of Cathe's DVD's but I thought it was so expensive. I just checked and it is $159 plus I can get 15% off. I am not sure if I'm ready for this challenge just yet BUT I want to strive for this. I was watching the clips on YouTube for these workouts and I can do that for sure. My only worry right now are lunges. I was told last year I couldn't do anything on my toes after I hurt my foot due to P90X plyo stuff. I have started to gently do lunges so I with time I will be able to do them.
    Laurel and Tami, please tell me what kind of equipment do you have to do STS. I'm asking because of the chin up moves I saw on the videos. I have tubing but not hooked to the wall.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today I did Cathe's 4DS Total Body premix. I love this workout! It is too long to do too often, but I always feel so good when I do get a chance to do it. I followed it with the abs from 4DS Kickboxing. For cardio, I did Cathe's Greatest Hits DVD which absolutely flew by today!! This one has definitely grown on me since my first impression of it.

    Tami, so happy to hear about your instructor!!! That is really amazing. I bet she is happy to be back on the bike again, even if not full speed! I completely agree about the X10 workouts. In fact, I think they will make great travel workouts (except for the step one) when on a driving trip because they can all really be done with one set of weights and the disks. Love these workouts! It is so funny about the Party Rockin' Step workouts because, as you probably remember, I didn't want new step workouts when Cathe announced she was doing them. And then previewing them I was all :huh: with the look of them. And what they have done is completely rejuvenated my interest in step AND given me two of my 'funniest' workouts! :noway: Who would have thought? But, yes, they do require some patience in learning them, that's for sure.

    Thelma, congratulations on the weight loss!! :drinker: That is fantastic! I don't think there is anything wrong with your water consumption as long as you don't feel like you are retaining a lot of water. Given your calorie burns, sounds like you need that hydration!! What can I say about STS? This is the fifth rotation I have done of it. Four rotations have been six month rotation (and three of those I have done with Tami!). I never get tired of it, and it never stops working for me. I think it is the best strength training program available on DVD (and I have done both P90X and P90X2 a couple/few times as well). One plus with STS is that it is strength only, so outside of the three days a week you are doing STS, you get to choose your workouts. In addition, each week of the workout is slightly different. So it isn't as redundant as P90X, which is good for me because I can get bored with the same workout over and over.

    As far as equipment, the first three rotations I did I used tubing instead of a pull up bar. I got an over the door attachment for my tubing (you can probably find them on line), put that over the door, shut the door and on I went. The other equipment you need is more standard--weights, step/bench, stability ball, etc. it does require a variety of weights though.

    Regarding the lunges.....there is no harm in modifying! I am always modifying my workouts to be honest. For example, the first time I did STS, I modified ALOT! I had a bad shoulder injury back in 2006 that left me without much use of my left arm. So when I started STS, my left arm was significantly weaker then my right. So I lifted different weights with my arms. I couldn't do straight legged push-ups, so I only did one kind of push-up the entire rotation (Cathe does a variety of push-ups in the series) and those were bent knee push-ups. I couldn't reach the ground with my left arm for some of the leg I kept my weights up. And I still had fantastic results!! And with each rotation, my strength got better and more equal, and now I don't modify. But it took a lot of time and patience. So if lunges don't work for what does work for you. Yes, I do love STS. Can you tell? :blushing: :laugh:

    Hope you all have a great weekend!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Total Body Tri-Sets was this a.m. workout and headed to Spinning after work. :wink:

    Thelma: WOOHOO! Huge congrats on the 2 lbs gone! :drinker: That has to feel great from all of your hard work. I see what you are saying now on your hands hurting .. sorry, I was thinking your hands were pinching (like I described on a step bench for example) so was just trying to offer a suggestion. :wink: It was truly a lot of work with your wrists/hands forsure it sounds like! :huh: I bet in time the strength will help with your carpel tunnel. I think it is fantastic that you are excited about your challenge at the gym! I bet your enthusiasm will rub off on others as you go through the process as well. :smile: WOW! Sounds like you have a home gym to be envied! :wink: Sounds perfect. I think it’s so awesome you have absolutely commited yourself to this process, especially if you don’t have very sufficient gyms close to you. I began working out at home because I didn’t like the atmosphere of a big gym :frown: and felt I was getting a WAY better workout doing my own weight training at home. No interruptions or waiting on equipment. The gym I go to now for Spinning, BootCamp, Insanity, etc. is perfect for the classes but I don’t think I would ever use it for weight training … unless I had too.
    Yes, if we could just look at our equipment and stacks of DVDs and reach our goals it would be WAY easier, I agree! :laugh: I ditto everything Laurel has said about STS! It is an amazing program that provides such a complete total body strength training. Absolutely love it every time . .:bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile: this is my 4th round!! As far as equipment …. I have SelectTech weights, step bench and a pull-up bar like Cathe has. This is not a must, I just wanted a bigger challenge for chin-ups, pull-ups. The tubing you can use in a door, which is what I did for two of my rotations and that works just fine. There is a little strap that you can look for online that loops through the door jam. I had one from when I did P90X. Throughout STS as long as you have a variety of weight to lift and a flat bench you are good. I don’t use a barbell either and have not felt like I’m missing out. It would be very nice to have but not a must.

    Laurel: You have put in some serious work and time this week on your workouts!!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: Fabulous job again today. I don’t know why I always forget about that 4DS Total Body Pre-mix … it is a great one. But you’re right, it’s some time involved, (maybe that’s why). That’s pretty funny, I do remember you not necessarily waiting at the mailbox for the step workouts but you’re your enthusiasm in them since they’ve arrived keeps making me want to crack the seal on mine. :blushing: I know I keep saying that . . . maybe I will take a look at the PR Step workout tomorrow, even if I just preview it. . . . Enjoy your REST day tomorrow!

    Have a great weekend ladies!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Thanks on congratulating me for my weight loss Laurel and Tami. Today my workout didn't feel so intense. I did Cathe's Gym Style Legs but only the standing section. Lots of lunges so I was very careful and tried to use light weights because I wanted to focus on form. I was worried about my right foot which is where the injury happened last year and the doctor told me could happen again. I really need a spotter! When I first started with the training sessions last year I couldn't do anything that put me on my toes so we've stayed away from lunges.
    The ball of my foot was hurting and it felt that something was hyper extending. I tried to modify by resting my foot over a step to relieve what I was feeling. The problem with this is that my left leg is working out harder.
    I will definitely have to modify and listen to my body. I have learned to listen to my body because I've hurt myself in the past.

    OMG Laurel! You're a super woman doing all those workouts in one day! Amazing! :drinker:
    I don't think I am retaining water so it must be that my body needs the hydration.
    5th STS rotation for you and 4th for Tami! WOW! I read one of the reviews on Cathe's website that if you go into her workout management site (I forgot what it's called!) you can enter your workout for a given day and this site tells you what weights to use next. Did you ever do that?
    I really do love Cathe's workouts. Even when you use the old DVD's they're still good as in they never go out of style like others do.
    The door thing won't work for me for the tubing because I won't be able to see the tv at all where the door is at.. I'll have to figure out a way. I'll see if my husband can nail something to wall with hooks to attach the tubing to.
    I will definitely need to get more dumbbells. I have 1, 3, 5,6, 8, 10 and 12 lb. I will need to get 15 and 20 lb. I think my barbell is 20 lbs and I have enough plates.

    Tami, I do have a home gym. I have a small area in the basement dedicated for my workouts. I used to workout at gyms in the past but you really don't get a good workout when you're doing it on your own. This is why I like Cathe so I agree with you that you get a better workout at home that at the gym. Definitely no distractions and no waiting with home workouts!
    Interesting that you have the Selecttech weights because I was looking at the adjustable kind online and wondered how long it would take me to change the weights. I know what you mean about the barbell not being necessary. There have been times when I've only used the dumbbells.
    I'd love to get a flat bench but I don't have that kind of space anymore. I'll just have to use the step as my bench. I also need to get a smaller balance ball. I think mine is way too big for me.
    I need to a good cardio workout tomorrow. I only did legs today.
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I worked out really hard this weekend! Yesterday I finished for the first time Cathe's "The Ride" workout! I felt like I was going to puke so I slowed down for a few minutes and kept going. 770 calories burned!
    Today I thought I was going to take it easy and I walked for 25 minutes and did Cathe's Pilates Circuit from the Ab Circuits DVD. THEN I read Tami's workout for today and I felt guilty about my easy workout so I workout again! I did 34 minutes of the Rockout Knockout workout using 12oz boxing gloves even thought they're only used for the second portion of the DVD. My back and arms are feeling it. Total calories burned for the day: 626
    I am tired but a good tired.

    Tami and Laurel thanks for motivating me!!
    Have a great week!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Happy New Years Ladies:bigsmile:

    I'm back from my extended vacation and back on the wagon. My mom celebrated her 60th birthday last Tuesday so we drove up the weekend prior and suprised her at the end of her shift. I took her and her good friend on a cruise to the Cayman Islands and Cozumel but the storm re-routed us to Jamaica so we had a great time dancing, swimming and building sandcastles on the beach. My mom even enjoyed a massage on the beach and my daughter had her hair braided. Overall it was our best time there thus far and I'm excited to go back in the near future. I think I gained 5lbs with the late dinners and minimal water intake but I was in the state of "No worries mon" so I will focus on that this month.:wink: This morning was KCM Your Best Body followed by Rockout Knockout, love those glove drills.:love: My hectic schedule is over and I took all Christmas ornaments down early this morning so it will be a quiet day for me until the girls arrive. As this was a recuperative cruise for me I feel great unlike our usual cruises where we return even more exhausted due to too many activities, so I'm hoping a contract surfaces before I go crazy with my free schedule.:blushing:

    Thelma- Welcome aboard:flowerforyou:

    Tami- Glad to see the New Year has you going as strong as usual, love the new avatar.:laugh:

    Laurel- Happy New Year and hopefully you did enjoy your rest day.:tongue:

    Off to hit the shower and enjoy that delicious breakfast hubby made this morning.:bigsmile:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all had a great weekend. Saturday was my off day, but yesterday, it was back to STS. I did Chest/Back followed by the 60 minute premix from Party Rockin' Step 2. It felt great! Today was Plyo Legs, and I followed it up with the Hi-Low Interval program from Hardcore Extreme and the Stability Ball Abs from Butts and Guts. Good, tough stuff!!!

    Michelle!!! Welcome back! What a wonderful surprise for your Mom!!! Sounds like you had a great time, and I am really glad you let yourself relax and enjoy it. Sounds like, after the busy holidays and everything else, it was exactly what you needed to re-energize. I am with you on Rockout Knockout!! I love that one....a lot!

    Tami, love your new 'photo'!!! So very, very true!!! Hope you enjoyed a good weekend of workouts. I am feeling SO strong this Meso! :noway: I must be doing something right, because even the intervals I did today from IMAX 3 felt easy--and this was after doing Plyo!! :huh: But I also think this is the first time in awhile that I have done STS without having to move in the middle, and that could explain why I feel I can go so much heavier. Whatever it is.....I am enjoying it!!

    Thelma, fantastic job with the workouts!!! And it is good to listen to the body. I had plantar fasciitis a few years back, and I so remember how pain in the feet is so very! very painful. So you have my sympathies! Regarding STS, Cathe recommends you use her workout manager to figure out your one rep max (how much weight you can lift for one rep for each exercise). To figure this out, you do each exercise to failure and record, in the workout manager, your weights and reps. It then figures your one rep max. And then the program calculates, on spreadsheets, what you need to lift for each exercise throughout the program. It is an amazing tool, and doing this really helped me the first time I did STS. I could lift far more than I thought I could, so I was more challenged than I would have been otherwise. I highly recommend it, but, again, it takes some time and patience to do.

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I had a great weekend of workouts! :bigsmile: I decided to not take a REST day on Sat and was feeling like a good circuit w/ cardio so I did KCM Circuit Burn. Didn't get the Party Rockin Step out :blushing: as I had hoped but soon! Yesterday I did STS Chest/Back followed by HardStrikes and then it was off to Volleyball. :wink: All felt great and I had tons of energy & felt strong. We only won 3 out of 6 games but it was still fun. his a.m. was STS Plyo Legs and headed to BootCamp tonight! After Spin on Friday the instructor was making sure I would be there tonight …. She said she has missed me! Funny. Hopefully she has a good class planned for tonight! :wink:

    Thelma: Fantastic job on the workouts this weekend!!!! :drinker: I’m glad I was able to encourage some good workouts from afar but please don’t ever feel guilty about what you’re not doing ….. :laugh: I know how you meant it because Laurel often has that effect on me! :wink: :laugh: In a good way of course! :bigsmile: Way to go with what you are doing!! :drinker: You are getting stronger and more fit every day! Very smart to listen to your body too, it is never fun to have an injury. I love having the adjustable weights if you are still looking into those. As you get used to them they are really fast to change from weight to weight. I also use my step bench as a weight bench. :wink: Works great and for my smaller area it is one less thing I "need" to acquire. :laugh:

    Laurel: Thanks on the new pic! :smile: I thought that was so perfect. Fun to change it up once and a while. Waiting on some Calif pics to come my way from my sister. :wink: At any rate, I saw this and thought it was so “me” :smile: Fantastic job on the workouts! Picked up right where you left off on Friday. Very nice I’m sure doing STS without a stressful move in between is a whole new concept with you mentally and physically! I have been feeling strong in this Meso as well. Due to the “only dumbbells” situation it is sometimes hard to lift them up even though I want the heavier weight. :laugh: if that makes sense?!? Feels great though. I don’t feel like I’m missing anything (so far) on no SR Legs workouts. I like adding in something else for the variety & doing a day of Total Body is a nice compliment to this! Thank You for refiguring it for us. :flowerforyou:

    Michelle: Welcome Back lady!!!! :bigsmile: What a fabulous vacation ….. What an amazing surprise for your mom for her 60th! WOW. Sorry to hear about the storm though. Sounds like you guys had an absolute blast and I’m sure tons of laughter! Great job getting back into the workouts!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you had a great weekend!

    Today I did XTrain Chest, Back & Shoulders. I'd forgotten you have to record what you do so I wasn't prepared to do that but did the workout anyway. I used small weights compared to what the DVD recommended. I have to build my strength back up. I only burned 271 calories and that part didn't feel so good. I just didn't have time for cardio. I think I'm going to do lots of cardio on weekends because on weeknights if I do strength for an hour I won't have time for cardio.
    Even though I used small weights I felt the workout. I felt it in my chest and the Y area. I had to massage my entire Y area after that because I was afraid the muscles were going to get too tight on me and that is when I get hurt.

    Michelle, welcome back and thanks for welcoming aboard! Sounds like you had wonderful vacation! I love Rockout Knockout and Hard Strikes!

    Tami, you had an amazing weekend long workout! After I finished my 266 calorie workout on Sunday I felt a little guilty but after you posted your calorie burn then I took myself down a mega guilt trip! I told my hubby: damm! I'm going to have to workout again! :laugh: It felt good to do it. I was tired but a good tired. So thank you! I feel like I have to keep up but this is a good thing as far as I'm concerned. This is what I needed and I just can't tell you how thankful I am to have found you ladies!!
    I am definitely feeling stronger. Thanks for the encouragement!
    I checked out the adjustable weights and decided they were too expensive given that I've spent a lot this month. I bought the STS program, a new step because I hate the one I have, a new medicine ball and a new sonicare toothbrush because my old one died. I decided to go the less expensive route with the dumbbells. I bought a 15lb set and a cheap adjustable set. The kind with the plates. At least I have enough to build up to a 20lb set but in the mean time it can be the set I use to build up to 20lbs. I also use the step as a bench.
    That KCM Circuit Burn workout looks AWESOME! I want it now! Only have one KCM and it's called 30-Minutes to Fitness Muscle Definition. I like her.

    Laurel: I still can't believe how hard you workout! Great workouts! Thank you for the encouragement, for explaining what rep max is and for putting together a routine for me! I think I will definitely use the workout manager.
    I was wondering if I could find anywhere the detailed breakdown of these XTrain workouts. I am hoping to find the list I can print out so I don't have to write them down. I guess I could just view the DVD and fast forward to the beginning of each move in order to document them.
    I have foot and hand problems. It's insane. I was diagnosed with lupus in 2010 but I've always had soft tissue problems. I think the lupus thing was brewing inside me my entire life. Thankfully I've only had one flareup. The doctor told me that Lupus is a disease of young women because hormones can trigger it. I'm post menopause now (yaay!) so I lucked out I got it in my 40's.
    Good night!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was STS Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. I followed it Cross Fire Extreme premix. Good stuff!

    Tami, sounds like a great weekend of workouts!! Glad you are enjoying the volleyball! How nice that your BC instructor missed you! I hope she is back into the swing with her workouts and you aren't headed towards another summer of run camp! I totally understand what you are saying about lifting dumbbells instead of a barbell. I really think I may break down and get a barbell once we are settled for good. I really like how dumbbells make you work both sides of the body equally, but sometimes having all that weight balanced on a barbell would be so much better!! I have Squat Rack legs scheduled for tomorrow! We'll see if it makes it to the DVD player or if something else will mysteriously take its place. :wink:

    Thelma, great job with XTrain. The series came with a book that breaks down each DVD and shows each exercise so you can record what you lift. It sounds like you didn't get that if you didn't order the whole program. Maybe you can send an email to Cathe's customer service to see if they can send out a book. I don't know if that is possible.....but it might be worth a try. I have always had good response from her customer service. Regarding weight training and calorie burn......don't be misguided by it!! You may not burn as much during the workout, but strength training has much longer lasting positive effects on the body than cardio. So don't pay too much attention to that number on your HRM! It is really the strength training that is going to allow you to consume more calories in the long run than the cardio. I do cardio every day for the stress relief and because I enjoy it. But if I had to choose strength or cardio, I would choose strength! Especially at my age......

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ BootCamp was absolutely packed full last night. :huh: She did a good variety of things but it wasn’t overly tough. We didn’t really have enough room for much cardio and I think the gym was full. Fun to see a few of the peeps I haven’t seen in a while. This a.m. was STS Shoulders/Bis/Tris and tonight will be Insane-X for some cardio. :wink:

    Thelma: Great job on the XT workout. :drinker: As Laurel mentioned don’t worry about the calorie burn. The same thing happens to me on upper body workouts. Much less cals burned than any other workout. Your body is still burning even after the workout, don’t you worry! I agree, if you contact Cathe’s customer service they can probably get you hooked up with one of the XT books that lists all the workouts in that series, the weights used in each, etc. It’s a great tool. :wink: I’m so glad you have joined us here too. It’s so great to be able to chit-chat about our workouts and motivate/encourage each other as well. Sounds like you have made quite a few purchases, I understand completely on holding off on the adjustable weights. :laugh: They were quite an investment & it took me a while to bite the bullet. I was at a point of needing a lot more weight(s) so that was why I went that route. Now 5 or 6 yrs later and as much as I use them, save space I’m glad I did it. So maybe they can go on your wish list for one of these days. I did the same thing, slowly purchased things to add to my “in-home” workout area. Look on Ebay too. I have about 5 of KCM workouts and the Circuit Burn is one I always go to for a fun workout filled with a lot of variety. I have a couple new ones of hers as well which I haven’t tried yet but couldn’t resist her New Years Sale. :blushing:

    Laurel: What a perfect combo today! :bigsmile: Nice job. I’ll be anxious to hear if you went with SR legs or a mysterious “other” - I’m pretty sure I will go one more week without. Yes, BootCamp was good and she even threw in some Kettelball work which she has never done & band work. She asked me how I liked the class afterwards. I can tell she is definitely still trying to improve it. But I do think as we head towards summer it will turn into “Running Camp” :frown: unless a few people suggest otherwise. I think that’s just her way of doing that class in the summer because she wants to be outside. We’ll see. We have a ways to go . . thank goodness.

    Hi Michelle :smile:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ enjoy your afternoon/evenings! :flowerforyou:

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    Today was my personal training session. We did lots of squats and step ups with weights so this was a lot harder than we have done in the past. We did abs and some triceps. I told the trainer that every time I go there I'll tell her what I've worked on the day before so she can redesign the workout as needed.

    I had my yearly mamogram today and everything was normal! Thank God! I need to share a note to myself with you girls: NEVER EVER do a chest workout the night before a mamogram! Can you believe I did this? I was so excited about my workout that the mamogram never even crossed my mind! :laugh:

    Nice workout Laurel! That Squat Rack leg workout looks very challenging! You really should have a barbell for that DVD. I prefer to do that type of squat with a barbell.

    Great suggestion to contact Cathe's customer service! I only bought a few DVD's from that program. I looked online and the book is called XTrain User Guide. They have a digital download available for sale but I think I would rather have a hard copy.
    Thanks for making me feel better about the lower burn on my upper body workout. I'll have to keep reminding myself of the "after burn!". The rotation you put together for me is GREAT!!!! Thank you!

    Hi Tami! Great workout today! Too bad your BootCamp class wasn't challenging enough for you but you had some fun doing it! I hope you suggest less running in the summer time!
    I'm still sore from yesterdays workout which is good really good! I'm so glad you mentioned that your also burn less calories on your upper body workouts too.
    I really enjoy chatting with you ladies, sharing our workouts and the encouragement is so good!!
    It never occurred to me to check eBay for workout DVD's or the weights! I am definitely going to add those adjustable dumbbells to my wish list!
    I will be doing Slide and Glide tomorrow per my new rotation!
    See you tomorrow!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I stuck with my plan and did Squat Rack Legs today. It was okay. I still find myself wandering off during the breaks though. :blushing: But today I tried to stay focused on doing some relevant activity during the breaks and not doing housework as I have done in the past. :ohwell: That seemed to help. I followed it with a tough cardio--the IMAX Extreme program from Cathe's Terminator DVD. I was definitely feeling some leg fatigue by the end. To finish it all up, I did the ab work from Cardio and Weights. Whew!! :laugh:

    Tami, was your class so full because of Biggest Loser competitions and the New Year? Just curious, but it doesn't sound like much fun being so crowded. I am glad the instructor modified to take into account the packed room. If she keeps asking for your feedback like she did after this class, maybe you can help her come up with some good outdoor ideas for Bootcamp that isn't all running!! There is always hope, right? Well, I have made it through SR legs twice now!! Looking forward to something else next week, though. But I must admit, I do like seeing how I respond to really heavy weight sometimes. Whenever I get to he heaviest segment of squats (next time I do SR Legs), I get some sick pleasure from knowing I am lifting just a little less than my body weight!! I guess anything I can use as motivation to do these workouts works, right? :blushing:

    Thelma, hope you enjoy the new rotation!!! Again, let me know if you have any questions! Yay on the mammogram!! Not my favorite thing to experience, that's for sure. It is funny that you mentioned have a barbell for Squat Rack Legs. I must admit that I've never paid much attention to what Cathe is lifting for these workouts until this rotation. And for the bulk of the program (deadlifts being the exception), she is lifting significantly less than I am.....and I know she is much stronger than I am!! But I think that is because she uses a barbell, and getting anything heavier than 50lbs over her head would be too much. I use my dumbbells but leave them at my sides, so I don't have that issue. So there is that benefit to dumbbells that I just figured out! :tongue:

    I will be out most of the day tomorrow so will probably miss you all! Have fun!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ So Insanity last night was a little more on scale for her “normal”. :huh: We did the entire hour and then she had us run 3 sets of sprints at the end! I was happy with myself though, regardless of the pain I ran hard and finished in the top 8 people! There were some young peeps there too!:wink::laugh: Nothing competitive about me is there :blushing: This a.m. was Legs and I opted for Legs & Glutes from Cathe’s KPC workout! :bigsmile: Love that leg workout. Tonight I am headed to Spinning.

    Thelma: Sounds like you worked your legs good today as well! :smile: Nice job. Great to have her design it around what you are doing on your own. I love it that you were so excited about your workout that you forgot about your mammogram! :laugh: Always good to get “normal” results on any of the lady tests we have isn’t it! :drinker: Very nice. Yes, as it gets closer to summer I will definitely be encouraging a more traditional BootCamp class instead of last summer’s format. How did you like Slide & Glide?

    Laurel: Great work sticking to your plan! :smile: I will probably do SR legs next week as to not throw off the STS system too much. I know what you mean as well on lifting heavy and feeling so strong. Gives you a bit of satisfaction that you have worked this hard to get to the heavy weights and it pays off. :wink: Yikes on your follow-up workout! That is a tough one from what I remember. YOWSA ~ I bet your legs were happy for a break after that. It is full because of the New Year Resolutions forsure yes. After January it usually drops off. I think the next Biggest Loser starts pretty soon. I think I may write down some ideas for her . . . I think she would be open to that since she keeps asking for feedback.

    Until tomorrow ladies ~ Have a good evening! :flowerforyou:
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies!!
    I was able to finish the Slide and Glide DVD. I can't do those burpees to save my life. There was no way I could do those with the discs. I had to modify anything burpee related. This is a pretty innocent looking workout but my inner thighs and hamstrings are killing me. I'm afraid to even think what I'm going to feel like tomorrow. Tami, I did like the DVD. I hope some day I develop the core strength I need to do burpees.

    Tami, Amazing workout! Lifting the barbell over your head gets pretty hard if the weight is too heavy so yeah holding the dumbbells by your sides allows you to hold a larger weight. You are super strong though! WOW!
    I always pay attention to what Cathe says she's going to lift because I know that I have to go lower that whatever she is using.

    I was going to do The Ride workout on Saturday and Legs on Friday but there is no way I'll be able to do legs on Friday at least not the way my legs feel now. So most likely I'll be doing The Ride on Friday.
    My STS program arrived today. I know that I can't start it right now. I want to go through maybe a month or two of rotations with what I have so I can get my body used to working out this way and to get stronger.
    The personal training sessions would also get on my way right now as I bought a couple of months worth of sessions.
    I'm scared about doing STS.
    I can't believe how much Cathe bulked up for that program! I don't remember seeing her arms like that before.

    Tami, you're another strong woman! Good for you for finishing the sprints in the top 8! I think you definitely write up some ideas for your instructor as Laurel suggested.
    I thought you were doing the Insanity program at home but now I see you're doing at the gym. I wish we had a good gym near me!
    Ladies, I'm having a problem with my lunch choices. I'm pretty much a routine type of person and don't mind eating the same thing every day with one exception: salads. I can't say that I love salads but I eat them when I have to. I don't know why but I'm feeling like I've swallowed a brick after I eat the salad. I've not been adding dressing which is incredible to me. I've been fine eating it the salad w/o dressing. I'm going to add some dressing tomorrow to see if that makes the salad eating experience a better one. I normally would take a sandwich using lite bread. My personal trainer gets on my case if I eat bread but I'm ODing on the salad and this week one of salads. I'm afraid that if force myself to eat something that is not making me feel good about what I eat I'm going to binge on my favorite sweets. I'm exercising so I would think that two slices of lite bread at 35 calories each should be "affordable". I'm always so busy at work that I prefer to have something quick like a sandwich. The salad is time consuming.

    Personal training tomorrow!
    Good night!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    Of course there is always something to do here so Tiesday was restock the pantry & freezers with monthly grocery shopping then later that night it was the Swim Team annual dinner and award ceremony. On wednesday they needed some extra hands for the contract so I had scheduled myself in December which they authorized that night, so it was an early work day for me yesterday. Today I so wanted to sleep in after getting the girls on the bus as my nights have been plaqued with wierd dreams and little rest but the phone kept ringing. Apparently some of my online shopping may have been compromised via Neiman's so my CC company is sending out a new card as an extra safety measure.:ohwell: Today I decided to organize, dust and clean in order to do my annual House Blessing to start off the New Year, then of course I decided to cook some bulk meals and snacks to get my eating back on track as far as carbs and that addiction for them can suck me in.:blushing: So I just pulled some Pigs in a blanket out of the oven for my little one, then I made some Spinach & Mushroom Mini Quiche for the week. I also have some Mesquite chicken wings marinating with Asian Ginger coleslaw for dinner. I also have some Chicken breasts ready for the grill. Tomorrow I have a nice Santa Fe Beef & Sausage Chili to prepare so I'm ready to get back into the game.:wink:

    Thelma- Modify your burpees by stepping back in lieu of jumping or jumping into a wide stance which helps with any knee issues. Slide and Glide is a fun workout, one in which I have totally forgotten about in my library of dvds.:blushing: As for bread and a total of 70 calories, why not eat a sandwich if salads are not too palatable. If you eat it midday those carbs will be used up earlier in the day. I'm not sure when you workout but if you do workout prior to lunch then enjoy your sandwich as your post workout meal. I love salads when I can walk around a table and create one but lunch for me is usually a protein and steamed veggie meal, a bowl of soup/chili, sweet potato baked fries and protein or a large greek yogurt and fruit on a light day.

    Tami- Were you competing with the young people or testing yourself?:laugh: Way to rock it as usual! I remember last year you had this same problem with packed classes but it will thin out by February for sure. I have not been to the gym yet but plan to get back on schedule by February especially before work picks up in March.

    Laurel- Did you order P90X3?

    Ok off to test taste one of my mini quiche as it looks so delish.:wink: Also need to work on my water intake.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Great Spin class last night.:wink: It was another FULL class! I burned some major calories . . . it’s not that it was that much tougher than her usual. I think because we did a lot of “bursts” even if we were climbing hills. At any rate, good stuff! Today I went to her Insane Abs class and it was another good one. :smile: Will be doing my other workout when I get home . . . DH is at a meeting tonight so I should have time to get that in.

    Thelma: Great job on getting through Slide & Glide! :drinker: Glad you enjoyed it. On the discs is a great way to incorporate that core strength forsure. Don’t worry! As you get stronger the burpees will come. Michelle offers a great modification there on your discs. Even go to your knees for the push up portion as well. :wink: I do have the Insanity program at home and have done the whole thing a couple times But yes, this is a class at the gym based off of those workouts. Plus she ads her own twist of things into it. Like the sprints w/ burpees at the end of the evening! :huh: What part of STS makes you feel the most nervous? Maybe we can help ease your mind a bit :smile: One thing to keep in mind always on any program/workout and it is the beauty of owning them. You can make them your own . . . modify where needed! Whether that be lighter weights, push-ups from your knees, etc. As you get stronger you can push more weights or do a few push-ups on your toes, etc. Don’t be scared! :wink: As Tony Horton would say . . . Do your best and forget the rest! You will be amazed at what you will accomplish with the program and it will carry you into other workouts nicely! You’ll have the strength to do other moves, etc. Like Burpees!

    Happy to share any lunch ideas/recipes I have with you. I know what you mean about being a routine person. I kind of do that too but between boredom on food and simply wanting my body to have to digest something different once and a while/ “shock my body” I try to change it up. Mid a.m. and afternoon snacks not so much but lunch definitely. I usually make a batch of cooked ground turkey w/ veggies and have that over Quinoa, brown rice or even in a whole wheat tortilla. I do the same thing with Chicken breasts. Pre-cook them at the beginning of the week and either chop them up into one of the above or eat steamed veggies on the side w/ a grain of some kind. I will do salads as well but when I get burned out on them I give them a break but try to make them interesting. I do Quinoa salads as well that can be really yummy as a side with a protein too. If you can pre-make some lunches and just have them in containers to go you will not reach for that same ol thing! Hope your PT session went well today!

    Michelle: Sounds like you are a busy lady at your house (as usual) way to get that frig/pantry stocked up and back on track with that. :smile: Yum on your foods you are preparing! :tongue: When we ran the lines I was actually on the side that had some “older” people just because you tend to line up by the people you know. Usually guys in this class but at any rate, I pushed myself for me but sometimes set a personal goal to at least come in at the same time with someone else or ahead of them. :laugh: Just so that I focus on that instead of being tired! I forgot to mention the 20 burpees in between each set of lines too. Yowsa! It sounds like you are getting right back on track and I’m sure your friends at the gym will be anxious to see you again! Yes . . . it is always crowded this time of year in every class. Our noon class today couldn’t have fit one more person/mat in there. They are planning on some renovations and expanding the rooms for classes. But that is a plan down the road a ways. But should be really nice.

    Hi Laurel ~ Hope you had a great day!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ :flowerforyou:
