Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you all enjoyed the weekend. We had a cold weekend here which meant Saturday was spent doing more baking. I told my husband that if I ever open a bakery, it will be the best weight-loss plan ever for me because, right now, after all this baking, I can't even think about eating anything sweet. So no temptation here!! :drinker: I took Saturday off from workouts as I usually do. Yesterday was on to Week 4 of STS Meso 2, which started with a chest, shoulder and tricep workout. It felt really good! I followed it with Cathe's Circuit and Intervals premix from her Greatest Hits workout. Today was STS legs, which felt surprisingly easy. So I followed it with a workout I do maybe once a year--Cathe's Bootcamp. It hit those legs a little more, which felt fantastic. I really enjoyed it today!!

    Michelle, like Tami, I think a scarf is a great gift idea. Everybody loves a nice scarf with a fun pattern! I hope your temps cool off soon. We were talking to our friends in the Ft. Walton Beach, FL area last week, and they were talking about how unusually hot and humid it has been. My DH headed out to DC this morning (where it is cold) and then is headed to Alabama from there on Wednesday. He had no clue how to pack for the weather! :laugh: Hope you enjoyed a quiet weekend with your family.

    Tami, we were on the same workout page again last week, weren't we? How funny is that. I hope you enjoyed your holiday parties. Our brunch on Friday was actually very nice....calm and pleasant with good food and conversation. I like that. You are like me with the hair--I only ever do color and a light trim. I, too, am trying to wear my hair a bit longer, and I like that. I do worry about aging myself unnecessarily with my [lack of] hairstyle, but, at the end of the day, it is easy for me so I stick with it. :ohwell: We are still cold today (11 degrees right now), but are supposed to be in the 40s tomorrow. I am going to miss the snow when it is all gone in a few days. It has made everything look so pretty this past week!

    Erika, SO good to see you!! I am sorry to hear your job is causing so much stress. I really hope you can find something you enjoy doing, allows you to spend more time with your family and on yourself, and helps pay the bills. Life is too short to be spending so much time doing something you don't enjoy.

    See you tomorrow,
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    The exchange went great and I actually found a fleece throw in silver and it was a large hit and the poor person who picked it had it stolen at the end, which was very sad but she did get a nice casserole dish in red with kitchen towels. I'm actually keeping the scarf for myself as I actually do not have a leopard print pattern and may use it for one of the holiday events.:bigsmile: I relaxed on saturday, on sunday it was a 5 miler with hubby and his pace was brutal in that foggy weather. Needless to say when I came home my back was in major spasms so I did some nice stretches. This morning was a 40min Pilates dvd which was easy on my lower back but killer on my inner thighs & glutes.:blushing:

    Laurel- Well the weather here is crazy so when he reaches Alabama, he may encounter rainy but hot days or cloudy and cold days:frown: , as each day brings something new. Yesterday I had the heat on and today my windows are open to enjoy some of the fresh air. I'm glad that baking helps with the cravings to eat sweets but knowing my luck it would only happen after too many indulgences.:laugh:

    Erika- Sorry to hear of your hectic life right now, hopefully the new year will bring great things and a new job. Life is definitely too short for this type of chaos and stress.:flowerforyou:

    Tami- Hopefully your weather was not too extreme this weekend. I too have a luncheon but my dish will be baked ziti and light appetizers as I'm not that great of a baker so I will admire the goodies from some of the other :wink: ladies.

    Back to work for me.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Weekend was pretty good! Saturday was not quite what I had planned, but that ok :wink: I did get a few gifts purchased that I was feeling a little “anx” over what to get the person, one being a co-worker that has everything. At any rate, spent Sat a.m. with my girlfriend who is pregnant and due in one week! Very exciting. We went to coffee, Costco and one other stop. She is in “nesting overload” right now. She is stocking her house to the point of if she doesn’t have to leave for a month! Hilarious :laugh: Everyone keeps telling her she will leave the home with the new baby and/or have friends to bring things to her. After she dropped me off I did a bunch of housework while DH was out running some errands! Seems like I get it done faster that way. :wink: :laugh: Yesterday was STS Chest/Shoul/Tri’s followed by Tabatacise + Abwork. Felt great!! This a.m. however, I hit the snooze :yawn: so “STS Legs” will be tomorrow a.m. and BootCamp tonight after work.

    Erika: Very good to hear from you and I’m SO sorry things have not improved on the work front. :cry: Sad that the job you loved so much has become the last place you want to be right now. Again, I’m sorry. If you can swing it and go to the PT job, that would be wonderful. I’m sure you would feel so much better & have extra time for all the boys activities … maybe even be able to get in a workout again! What a plus that would be I’m sure. :flowerforyou:

    Laurel: Awesome job on the workouts! :drinker: I can’t even believe we are rounding out the end of Meso #2 already as I put in that workout yesterday. Very fun that you did more holiday baking and glad you aren’t tempted. I understand what you mean on after all that baking, smelling, etc. you sometimes just don’t want ANY of it. You’ve inspired me to make some cookies so I did get the dough made, now it’s in the freezer. :blushing: We’ll see how far the project goes but I would like to give some as gifts to our neighbors. Glad you enjoyed your brunch the other day, it sounds like it was very nice. Our temps have reached a high of 20 today, which feels so much warmer than the weekend. We were in single digits and zero or below during the night!!! Needless to say I was happy to get home from our parties Friday evening and let the kids in. I felt so bad they were out in it. Eventhough they have plenty of cover and heated beds, etc. I just worry about them.

    Michelle: Nice that you found a good gift! :bigsmile: plus scored a scarf for yourself in the process :wink: I have the same kind of gift exchange next Monday with our staff party. I went with a silver/white fuzzy fleece throw. It was at Costco and very nice. My girlfriend bought one too for her party. Nice job with the run yesterday and hopefully your legs aren’t hurting too much tomorrow from the Pilates. We were into some crazy cold temps as I mentioned to Laurel. :huh: Yikes! We have just a skiff of snow staying right now and supposed to get some more later in the week. We’ll see, seems too cold to snow. The air is very dry too.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was cardio day, and I did one of my favorite combos again--Intensity (with Bootcamp premix) combined with All Out Low Impact HiiT. :heart: I even did XTrain Core 1 to finish it all.....just because. It was a great workout today.

    Michelle, so glad your gift exchange went well! And, as Tami says, what a bonus in finding a scarf you like in the process! I hope your back is feeling better. Sounds like a tough run!! I can't run with my husband. We don't even remotely have the same stride/pace. One of his friends once said about my DH that he has two speeds when it comes to running--fast and stop. :laugh: Needless to say, I don't have the same two speeds....though I will say I have mastered 'stop'. :blushing:

    Tami, sounds like a nice day on Saturday with your friend. No doubt the cold weather you were experiencing is aiding her 'nesting' instincts! Hope it warms up soon. We are over freezing today!! We had another front come through with a huge blast of wind last night. So while we are warmer, the wind is brutal! :noway: Hopefully that stops soon. Like you, I can't believe we are this far through STS right now. Seems like we just started!! I am starting to think 'what's next' already! :tongue: But I have to give it some thought because our lives are about to become very uncertain, so I am not sure if I will do a long rotation. I may look at Cathe's site and pick a few 30 day rotations that look good. I know she just did another lower body focused rotation that interested me. So....we will see. I have some time to figure it out! :laugh:

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ BootCamp was pretty good last night. She did her old format of just stations. We didn’t do any HiiT training in between but instead did the stations 3 times through non-stop. Which included some Spiderman push-ups, burpees, side planks, core work and bear crawls across the room and back. Today was STS Legs which felt good :smile: & cardio tonight will be Insane-X! :wink:

    Laurel: YOWSA on the cardio today! :noway: :drinker: Fabulous job (as usual) I know what you mean on already thinking of “what next” I think there are so many awesome 30-day rotations, that is a perfect and fun way to go. I often copy & paste rotations and save them in a folder for later that I think look good just for moments like that when I don’t know what kind of a rotation I am going to do next. What do you mean - “Lives are about to become very uncertain”? :huh: Are you guys moving again soon?

    Talk to you tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was back to STS with Back and Biceps. I love these Meso 2 Week 4 workouts because they are short and intense. And I feel really strong on them! I followed it with Cross Fire Extreme premix, which felt almost easy today.:noway: I don't know why my workouts are feeling easy this week, but I am enjoying it!!!

    Tami, sounds like a decent Bootcamp class. I think I would like the HiiT additions, but it sounds like you had some tough moves in maybe not. :laugh: Yes our lives will be thrown into turmoil in six months when my husband retires from the military. We know for sure that we will be moving out of our current house since we are living on the Air Force Academy. We have debated back and forth between trying to settle somewhere (like here in Colorado Springs) and hoping he finds a job, or finding a job and settling In whatever location that might be. Right now, we are opting for the latter. If he doesn't find a job.....I don't know. But at that point we may leave Colorado Springs anyhow and move somewhere (like northern Florida) that is military-friendly, less expensive, has better tax laws on military retirement, a better climate, friends, etc. So there in a lot of uncertainty. But, to be honest, our entire lives in the AF have us well trained for rolling with uncertainty. :happy: So, really, the only time it bothers me is when I am trying to plan a long workout rotation. :tongue: :blushing:

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi! Last night class as Pure Cardio format for our Insane X class. :wink: Then she added on a few extra’s at the end. The BootCamp instructor was in the class for the very first time EVER! I was in the front so I couldn’t see her with my back to her but at the end she was dripping sweat. I think Ive mentioned she doesn’t participate with us in the class, so it was good to see her “feel the pain” a bit. :laugh: :blushing: Mostly I mention that from our running camp all summer as she yelled from down the street what to do. We’ll see if she makes it a weekly event. Today was STS Back/Bi’s and tonight will be Spinning. Which will feel great since I missed both classes last week. I also signed up for the annual Spinning for Tots like I did last year. You bring a toy to the early a.m. spin class on Saturday per hour you are spinning; I signed up for 2 hours. :bigsmile: Should be fun. My same friend from work is doing it with me again and her husband. They rotate instructors ever half hour so you get something “new” thrown in there.

    Laurel: Another fabulous day in the workout room for you!! :drinker: :smile: Nice going. Absolutely love Cross Fire Xtreme. I don’t know that I will ever say that pre-mix feels easy though :huh: …. Awesome work! Yes, I was missing the HiiT additions she has been doing in the BC class. I don’t think she was really prepared so just having us do stations was easier.
    I wondered if that’s what you meant about your lives being thrown into turmoil. I knew he is retiring soon. It just seems like that has come right up …. Wow, only 6 months:noway: I’m glad to hear you don’t feel too bothered by it all and have definitely learned to roll with whatever happens …. Plus you must be a professional mover by now! In the time I’ve known you here on MFP I think you’ve moved 4 times or so. I was laughing at the very last sentence …. “It only bothers me when I am trying to plan a long workout rotation” :laugh: :laugh: LOVE it! I saw an e-mail today from Beachbody. P90X3 is out now. Is this something you will be looking into? I didn’t read much about it other than the main page and it looked like the workouts are only 30 min long.

    I’ll check in with you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was lower body. I did XTrain Cardio Leg Blast extreme premix, then did the strength only premix from that workout. Good stuff! To feel like I completely hit the legs, though, I finished it all up with the Firewalker and floor section from Lean Legs and Abs. That was a fantastic combo!

    Tami, how fantastic that your Bootcamp instructor took a class! Maybe she will get some ideas for summer from it so you aren't running all the time. Sounds to me like she might be finding a renewed interest in fitness after what sounds like a tough few months this summer. I suppose we all go through those stages....or at least I know I do. :ohwell: I have looked into P90X3, but it isn't something I am considering right now. I think that program, like Shaun T.'s T25, would be perfect if I didn't have much time to workout......but I do have the time right now. And rightly or wrongly (probably the latter), while I know shorter workouts can be VERY effective, mentally I still feel better doing longer workouts. :blushing: But it is something I will keep in mind for sometime when maybe I feel differently. Yep, DH and I are pros at moving. I was looking around the house the other day and marveling at how much it needed a deep clean. And it dawned on me that this is the longest I have lived in a house since we left Germany in 2006. :noway: In other words, it is time to clean the oven--something I normally do when moving since we seem to move every year. :blushing: Boy, living someplace permanently is going to take some getting used to as DH will probably frown at the idea of moving every time I need to clean the oven! :laugh: :tongue:

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Today’s workout was Great Glutes. Felt pretty easy …. Both her “new” leg workouts to me seem to feel easy. The time frame I had, it worked into perfectly though. Nothing planned for this evening for workouts.

    Laurel: Your workout today does sound absolutely perfect!:smile: I wish I had more time in the early a.m. workouts do add-on. That’s awesome. I know, I love it that she was there and hopefully she will pick up some ideas/thoughts/creative pieces to add. :wink: I agree, just because she is a “trainer” doesn’t mean she doesn’t go through stages. I think she has a lot of things on her plate and works full time (actually at the Title Co. my husband works at … small town, I know) and so she is busy and sometimes just not into it. T25 is still one that intrigues me as well. Your hubby has that one right? That is a pretty funny thing to know you have lived on one place for a long enough time that you now need a deep cleaning & the oven cleaned too! I’m sure living in one spot and settling down in that space will be hard to get used to but a great feeling once you guys are there. :bigsmile: Any special plans for the weekend? Do you have all your cookies baked? I did get some dough made up last weekend and will bake some cookies this weekend, plus we are giving our managers gift baskets with homemade goodies like we did last year. I may do some homemade granola or maybe cookies :wink:

    Talk to you tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was upper body, so I started my day with XTrain Burn Sets Upper Body premix followed by Core 2. :heart: This workout was a great complement to the STS workouts this week. For cardio, I did Cathe's Greatest Hits DVD. This workout has really grown on me since I first did it. It felt wonderfully challenging today!

    Tami, I agree with you about the new leg workouts. I actually like them, but I also feel that I could be challenged more. That being said, on some of these tougher STS leg weeks (like week 3 of Meso 2 is for me), I think they are a perfect second workout. So there is definitely a place in my cabinet for them, but still.......I am not overwhelmed either. DH does have T25, and I admit to not having looked at it. :blushing: But when he was doing them, he liked them. I figure they are similar in length/intensity to Cathe's T10 workouts. Someday I will give them a look, but like I said yesterday, I am currently enjoying the longer workouts. No plans for the weekend. DH gets home tomorrow, so I get to make a trip to the airport. I am hoping to have my baking done this afternoon so all I need to do is put together our little gift baskets over the weekend so DH can take them to work on Monday. I have a couple more things I need to make up before Christmas for Christmas Eve with my sisters and a potluck Christmas Party, but the bulk of my baking is done! :drinker: I am looking forward to having my freezer back for real food! :laugh: I hope you enjoy your baking this weekend!!

    Have a good weekend!!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Sorry about the long MIA! Last week I finished my contract but then jumped into a family readiness training program for grieving families. On Friday it was my DD fundraiser at CHILL yogurt, then Saturday morning her swim-a-thon was cancelled but the youngest had a 2 hour Brownie meeting. On Sunday it was Christmas Caroling with Girl Scouts at the Nursing home and then working on a project with the eldest.:yawn: On top of that my fractured root canal has grown a huge abcess on the gum so I'm not a happy camper with this swollen mouth. I have been working out mainly Running and Barre/Pilates routines and after yesterday's sample of Rockin Models after my run, my glutes are talking to me. It seems using a stick instead of a Bar or stable structure in that segment really forces you recruit some additional fibers as we performed the routine on our toes.:ohwell: I found a cool new running App for my phone and my armband arrived so I will probably hit the treadmill later this evening and follow that with Windsor Pilates.

    Tami- Cool about the instructor coming to class and your Spin for Tot sounds killer.:bigsmile: I should check the gym on the base to see if they will host a Zumbathon also, although we wrapped and passed out gifts to families last week as Santa's Helpers, that will be a fun way to accumulate some gifts for the kids.:bigsmile:

    Laurel- Wow 6 months until retirement, how exciting and scary at the same time.:laugh: Some AF friends of ours from Texas who returned from Italy this year and retired was commenting on FB that he attended his first Xmas party as a civilian and it was different.:bigsmile: I laughed because I can imagine my husband feeling the same way but hopefully your husband will find a good job to transition to in a VA friendly state. USAA recently sent their list of the best places for retiress, three cities in Texas were listed, VA, OK, & two cities in Florida.

    Off to get a move on it as I have nothing for today and I cleaned the house yesterday, so today I will wrap some gifts for the Christmas tree.:bigsmile:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope everybody had a good weekend! Mine was good....busy, but good. Saturday was my usual day off from working out, but yesterday was back for the last week in Meso 2! :noway: I did the Chest, Shoulder and Tricep workout, which felt even better this week than last. I followed it with the all cardio premix combining Cathe 's 4DS Kickbox and Bootcamp cardio. Today was STS legs followed by Kick Max--just to hit the legs a bit more. Good stuff!

    Michelle, sounds like you had a crazy weekend! Great job fitting workouts into all of that!! Yep, retirement is kind of scary, but I really feel ready for it. My DH....not so much. :ohwell: I think it will be quite a shock to him, but I understand that since this is all he's done since he was 18!!! USAA has been on speed dial lately :laugh: as we talk to them about house loans and such. I just love how patient they are with us. :blushing:

    Off to get my hair prettied up for the Holidays!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you on Friday! :ohwell: Our company party was nice that evening and we stayed for the perfect amount of time. Home early and watched a movie :wink: Since I was getting up early it was perfect. Weekend was good. Sat a.m. was the Spinning For Tots and I did the 2 hours as planned.:smile: It was a lot of fun and kept the pace going by having a new instructor every half hour. That way it was new music styles too. I think next year I will stay for the whole 3 hours!! :wink: After a nice shower & food I headed out for a little Christmas shopping. Yikes! Busy, busy out there. Yesterday was STS Chest/Shoulders/Tri’s which felt good at the time, with all the things I felt like I needed to do yesterday plus meeting my friend for lunch I decided my usual add-on cardio was not going to work. I should have started earlier in the a.m. I did wake up this a.m. with a very sore chest muscle on one side. I am not sure that this is even in the muscle. :huh: It has happened a couple times before; different times, one being when I played my first set of volleyball games. That was my shoulder; It hurts all the way through to my shoulder blade and feels like something’s preventing me from breathing deep. WHAT in the world? I took three Ibuprofen this a.m. and it feels WAY better now but if I breathe in deep, I can feel it? :grumble: Needless to say, picking up weights would not have been in the cards this a.m. Tonight is our staff “white elephant” gift exchange and potluck. {I made a Quinoa Tomato, Chickpeas & Avacado Salad with a lemon, cumin & spinach dressing! Right up my alley! It’s a new recipe} So needless to say, no workouts today ….. hoping to hit it tomorrow and be good to go! :smile: Last time this happened it was better the next day and then a couple more days, no pain or “pinch”

    Laurel: Great job with the workouts ~ as always! :bigsmile: :drinker: I’m definitely feeling like a slacker after reading your line up.:ohwell: That is awesome you got in BC & KB workout along with KickMax today! Yowsa!! Energy galore. :bigsmile: Very nice. I agree about her new workouts being great “add-ons” but not for a regular Leg day unless of course you are looking to go lighter. So I did end up making some sugar cookies that I stuck in the freezer for neighbors and friends. Then for our manager gift baskets I went with a really easy goodie. Graham crackers covered in a "toffee" like filling and chocoloate with candy canes sprinkled on top. Very easy (20 min tops) and I think they will like them. The idea of the cookies sounded good at the time, that’s a LOT of work! Good on ya for doing that year after year in the amount you do as well. I don’t feel very Christmas like at our house :frown: Since I will be gone, DH decided he won’t put up a tree for us because he will probably go over to his parents and friends. Therefore, we don’t even have decorations up. It’s kind of a sad scene at our house.
    I did decide for next week when I am in California I would bring my jump rope and resistance band along with Travel Fit and then do some full body type drills outside as well. Put little circuits together.

    Michelle: Congrats on finishing up your contract! :drinker: Great job keeping up with the workouts despite your busy schedule and aching tooth! OUCH. When will you see the dentist again? I really enjoyed the Spinning for Tots again this year. Such a great cause and everyone is getting in a workout yet it’s very casual atmosphere. They did play some Christmas songs too. A Zumbathon would be fantastic and I’m sure your participation would be amazing! Think of all those toys. People could either bring a toy per hour or donate cash is how they work this one. Which armband did you get?

    I’ll talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ hopefully reporting in that my “pain in the chest” is gone and I got my workout in :wink:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was cardio, so I did Cardio Fusion Mix and Match premix. It felt great today despite the fact I was having an 'I don't want to workout' morning! :blushing: But wouldn't you know that just as I am finishing that tough 80 minute workout, I got a phone call asking if I could help with a Christmas project here on base tomorrow. I couldn't say no because it's Christmas. So, somehow, I am going to have to muster the energy and find the time to get my STS workout--scheduled for tomorrow--in today. :ohwell: I don't mind as I like helping out, but I wish I had known before I did the long cardio! :tongue:

    Tami, glad to hear you had a good time on Saturday! Silly thinking yourself a slacker when you did Spinning for two hours on Saturday AND went Christmas shopping!! I don't think so. I am so sorry to hear about the chest muscle!! I remember when you experienced this before as I have had similar sharp and unexplainable pain which carries all the way to the back. I am really hoping it feels better today!! Sorry to hear your house is lacking Christmas right now. :flowerforyou: We have had years like that due to moving or traveling, and it is tough. Good job getting the cookies done this weekend. I sent off 20 gift boxes with DH on Monday so that part is done!! I have another batch of cookies to make for a party on Friday, and then some for our Christmas Eve family gathering. I told my DH over the weekend that I am developing a very strong dislike for my kitchen right now! :wink: Sounds like you have a good plan for workouts next week!! I tried to sketch out a plan for next week as well since I have a tendency to feel lost on recovery weeks. I have also revisited our Meso 3 rotation, and I think I am going to change it up a bit. I have decided I am going to try to do the squat rack legs for one of the two weeks we do each workout. But I am going to re-order the week a bit from what we had originally planned. This is what I am thinking right now:

    Sunday-Chest and Back
    Monday-Plyo Legs
    Tuesday-Shoukders, Biceps and Triceps
    Wednesday-Squat Rack Legs/other leg routine
    Friday-upper body or total body

    Hopefully I don't change my mind about this too many more times! :blushing:

    I will be missing you all tomorrow but enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello! I’m happy to report that my salad was a HUGE hit last night! :bigsmile: Normally the majority of the staff thinks I eat “strange” things and at the same time appreciate that I am healthy but I figured there were only a couple who would try it. Everyone tried a little and loved it. Always feels good to make something and get good reviews! Also, my shoulder blade/chest pain is better today. Still a bit of a pinch at times. Example, just when I think it’s better I bend down to put on my socks this a.m. and it was a huge pinch and spasm feeling, then went away. Makes me know it is just a muscle situation and annoying but for it to be a lot better today I am super glad. Currently just feels like I need to have those muscles between my shoulder blades pushed on. :laugh: This a.m. I did STS Legs and tonight will go to Insane-X. I think she mentioned last week it is going to be more of a leg night ….. so it should be ok. I'm sure we will have some burpees or push-ups in there somewhere though.

    Laurel: Fabulous job on the workout today despite not feeling like it! :drinker: That would b a tough one for me to pull out of the stack if I didn’t feel like working out, good on ya!! That was very nice of you to say “yes” to the Christmas project. I’m sure they figured you would say yes. Hopefully its one of those things that you will be glad you did it once it’s over. I would be absolutely not be liking my kitchen about now if I was you. YOWSA on the cookie baking :noway: That’s so great. Nice job getting something sketched out for next week. I am the same way and then not even being home to have access to “misc” style workouts even. Thanks for posting the “change” I was writing down January’s calendar the other night and penciled in Squat Rack legs/Other as well. This sounds perfect and compliments my p.m. workouts nicely!

    Talk to you tomorrow ~ Tami
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Evening ladies,

    Late day as I have been up since early to finish up my Baked Zitis for the Christmas party for the Research facility, and I was unsure of the count so it was interesting makeing such huge batches without my double oven.:frown: Yesterday it was running around with the dog to his appt and then I enjoyed a late run, then gymnastics with wet hair because of how crazy things became and finally a test review with the eldest before swim practice and then a few minutes of silence before dinner prep, etc.:noway: This morning it was Amy Dixon Breathless Body Vol 2 which was perfect for my time restraints and then I spent all day at the Holiday Potluck. By the time we grabbed our plates the selection was very limited but I had a fun time with the researchers.:bigsmile:

    Tami- I hope your pinched muscle/spasm is better now. My mom actually gave me a remedy and it has reduced the swelling by half the original size. My appointment is next month as we leave for vacation next week so the thought of an achy tooth from stitches may of been a better option compared to this swollen tooth.:blushing: In all honesty it feels better and it's steadily decreasing or else I was going to visit my local dentist here for him to drain it if he could, so now I 'm happy to report that all is well.:bigsmile: Glad to hear the salad was a hit!:wink:

    Laurel- USAA is amazing and we have been with them for years.:love: I can imagine your husband being a bit nervous because this will be a new chapter in his life as a civilian which seems to affect retirees differeently. I know transitioning from active duty to a civilian job was frustrating at times and my service was a drop in the bucket compared to his.:laugh: I think the hardest part will be choosing the state to call home because we have to choose based on accessibility, benefits, plus the job market.

    Ok I have 45 minutes before the girls get here so I will enjoy a cup of coffee and some silence before duty calls.:wink:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well I made it through Insanity last night and it was a tough one so I must be cured! It was a few sets of lines to start :huh: jump rope in every round and yes as I suspected, a lot of burpees. This a.m. was STS Back/Bi’s which I could still feel some tender moments but not like Monday a.m. so each day is better (obviously). Tonight I am headed to Spinning after work. :wink:

    Michelle: Sounds like you are having a busy week! :noway: Great job as always getting in your workout! :drinker: How did you like that workout? Thanks for the well wishes. I think it is better. It is just such a strange feeling and to have it pinch when I breathe in deep or sneeze is odd, but since it is improving each day I am happy. Surviving Insanity last night I think I am going to be just fine :laugh: Glad your tooth infection is doing better. Where are you guys going for your holiday vacation next week?

    Hi Laurel ~ Hope your event went well today! :flowerforyou:

    Until tomorrow ~

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I missed you all yesterday, but I had a great time getting Christmas cookies together for our airmen. I feel I am drowning in sugar this Christmas, but the good news is the more I am around it, the less I eat anything sweet! So yesterday was definitely a win-win for me! :drinker: I did get a good workout in yesterday--Tabatacise and XT core. Shorter than normal....but good and tough! Today was lower body, so I did Gym Style Legs. I followed it with After Burn Bonus Burn premix. My legs are feeling a bit shaky after that combo. I enjoyed it.:smile:

    Michelle, hope you tooth continues to get better! Sounds very painful. Good job getting the workouts in despite a very busy schedule. About retirement, my husband is a pretty easy going guy, and I think that will help him a lot in his transition. My concern is, oddly, how he is going to handle the 'casualness' of civilian life. He is so used to rank that he always knows where he--and everybody else military--fits in to the structure. That's not so easy in the civilian world. And I think that is going to take some getting used to for him. Where he and I differ is I can't wait to get back to a world where we are just people and not a rank first.

    Tami, glad to hear you are doing better!! Sure sounds like you are given your tough workouts the past couple of days. And so glad your salad was a hit!! That's always such a nice feeling. When do you leave for California? I really hope you have a great time with your family though I can also imagine it will be difficult being away from your DH. :flowerforyou:

    See you all tomorrow,

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello ~ Today’s workout was Insane Abs at lunch :smile: It was a really great class and I was so glad I made it there today. I was able to wish Katy (the instructor) a Merry Christmas and she gave me a big hug thanking me for working so hard in her classes. She printed off some of her class workouts to do while I’m in L.A. I was telling her my plan and she thought it was perfect …. Very sweet of her to pass those on to me :wink: So backing up to early this a.m. – I missed my a.m. workout due to my alarm being tweaked slightly … :grumble: not sure what happened but at any rate I didn’t get up. Maybe I turned it off or nudged the time in the wrong direction?!?! :angry: I’m thinking tomorrow I will get in a full body/circuit of some sort and then on Saturday a.m. do Tri-Sets Upper & Lower! Sunday will have to be something good too ---- “Last Chance Workout” before my trip on Monday.

    Laurel: So great to hear you had a great time yesterday! :bigsmile: What a fabulous thing to do for them and I’m sure they enjoy every little bite when they receive them. Awesome job with the workouts! :drinker: I bet your legs were feeling it after that workout today. I know when I have done any workout and follow it up with AfterBurn I feel it. Good stuff there! :wink: Yes, I’m glad to be feeling better too. Monday was not a good feeling at all :frown: and now today I feel 100% again! :drinker: Yahoo. I leave for California on Monday a.m. DH is going to take me to the airport bright & early. It is a weird thing to be away from each other at Christmas time forsure. He did mention having some friends over that afternoon for a little pre-Christmas card party and lunch/dinner for them. Mostly business friends it sounds like. I am anxious to get into the sunshine and as always my mom & sister I have such a great time with.

    I will check in tomorrow :wink: and be checking in while I’m gone to see if you ladies are here & wish you a Merry Christmas as well.

    Until tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was my last day working out before a recovery week, and I pushed it! I started with Gym Style Chest and Triceps. And then did Gym Style Back, Shoukders and Biceps. Yowza!! My arms are going to be feeling this all day. Such good and tough workouts! For fun, I followed it with Party Rockin' Step 1. And it was so much fun!! I could have gone on forever the way I was feeling.....but I didn't. Because I still had core to do, and I did the core section from Muscle Max. Just a fantastic workout today! Now I am all energized and ready to head out to my last Christmas Party of the season. :drinker: Well, I have to shower first. :blushing:

    Tami, how wonderful that you got some travel workout tips from your instructor!! That was really nice of her to help out. Sorry about the alarm. I have done that too many times, to be honest. :ohwell: I hope you have a wonderful Christmas in California!!! Safe travels! :flowerforyou:

    I probably won't be checking in until after Christmas, so I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!
