Cathe Fans Part 5



  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Afternoon ladies,

    Halloween was a mix of treat or treating and then swim practice, needless to say it was a late night and we were exhausted when the late alarm went off this morning.:yawn: I'm also feeling some soreness throughtout especially the obliques. It is storming here and I have opted for a lazy especially since I skipped Yoga today.:blushing: The girls came back with a load of candy, TG my sweet tooth is gone because those mini packs of M&Ms are my weakness.:bigsmile: Tomorrow we are on the road as the eldest has to be at warm up by 7:45, so we have an early morning and long day ahead, hopefully with some good results.:bigsmile:

    Jessica- Flextrain looks like fun without the dread factor. How did Butts and Guts go?

    Tami- what type of exercises do they do in your Ab class or is it a circuit base Ab class?

    Laurel- Glad to hear the weather has turned around for you.:bigsmile: The high temperatures eventually brought some wet weather so hopefully Fall will return next week for us.

    Back to my couch:tongue:

    Have a great weekend!:flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Just getting ready to go down into my basement to workout, but thought I would give a little chat before hand. Another busy day ahead of me, so I knew if I didn't get on here, I wouldn't post anything for another week. :wink: Have been keeping up with my Michelle Dozois Peak Fit workouts, and I have 2 weeks left of this challenge. I have not done measurements yet, but all of my clothes are pretty much falling off of me. :laugh: I can say that I have lost 9 lbs in the last 6 weeks, so I am very happy with that. I can see a really big difference in my thighs. That and my stomach are the hardest areas for me to take off fat, and I'm happy with what I see. Not a completely flat stomach, but it sure looks way better. After these two weeks are done, I'm planning on starting Cathe's X-Train. I'm hoping that the Cathe rotation will give me even more definition that what I have right now.

    My oldest just purchased her first vehicle! She has an older version of the Santa Fe that I have, and she put $1500 down, with a two year payment. Of course DH co-signed, but this will be a good way for her to increase her credit score.

    Youngest is getting great grades, so she inherited the old vehicle that her sister had. It will do well enough to get to and from school.

    DH and I have been busy with our parents. Mom is doing really well, and will start having her chemo treatments in the next couple of weeks. DH's dad has been having some medical issues, and just had surgery also. I think that DH has been at his parents house more in the last few weeks that ever before.

    Well sorry that this is a short update, but I have a ton of things to get done yet today. Just never seems to get slower around here. Can't believe that it is going to be Christmas in just two months. :noway: Off to get PF Pure Strength 1 and Cardio Strength 1 done yet today.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! Sorry I missed you all on Friday. I got my strength workout in (STS Total Body), then the day went crazy. :huh: So no time for a second workout or to visit with you all.

    Saturday was my rest day, so I started up with week 2 of Meso 2 yesterday. I followed the chest/shoulder/tricep workout with Hard Strikes, and did the premix that included the heavy bag work. Despite the fact I don't have a heavy bag, it was an okay addition. I kept some good weight on my wrists, and that helped. But, boy, by the end of that duo of workouts, my upper body was done. I even have some DOMS today, but nothing too bad.

    Today was legs, which felt great. I followed it with Cross Fire Extreme. Good stuff!

    Michelle, thanks for the information on asthma. It really is scary how the body changes as we age. My sister is still really struggling so back to the doctor she goes. She says she can barely get through a mile walk right now. It is really frustrating her. I hope they can do something to help her. It sounds like they have found a way to help your daughter, which is good.

    Jessica, so glad you enjoyed Flex Train! It is a good, thorough workout that's for sure. I love the core work she included in that one as well as the Lean Legs workout.

    Tami, sounds like a great Spinning class last week. This STS rotation is just flying by!! I was thinking this morning that we will be about half way through it at Thanksgiving. :noway: Seems like we just started.

    Laurie, so great to see you!! And congratulations on the weight loss!! That is inspiring!!! I really hope you get equally good results with XTrain. I am curious to hear how you like it.

    Well, must run!! See you tomorrow!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    A busy and awesome weekend for my DD. She took 1, 3rd, 2nd, 1 and 2nd out of the 9 events so we were really happy as she has dropped her times signifcantly this year.:drinker: Usually I avoid her meets due to nerves but with such great results on Saturday she asked me to come back and so I did and her last race was the best highlight in the 100m as she came from fourth and placed second, missing 1st by .05 so I'm so happy and proud.:bigsmile: This morning it was MM and those 101 push-ups ended our hour mark.:grumble: Then it was time for Zumba which is always more fun than a workout.:bigsmile:

    Laurie- Awesome results especially in those trouble areas which I too suffer with for sure.:laugh: Awesome of the new car for your DD, geesh both girls are driving already! I hope the chemo treatments go great and your FIL recovers quickly.

    Laurel- Sorry to hear your sister is affected so drastically, hopefully they find a good combo to alleviate those issues. After the meet this morning my DD sounded horrible so back on the machine tonight before practice.

    Erika, Tami, & Jessica- Good Morning:flowerforyou:

    Ok wierd short shift today so it is time to sign in.:grumble:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies ~

    Friday was Upper Body Tri-Sets, Saturday I felt like a workout and since AfterBurn had been on my mind lately I did that one, the “Bonus Burn” pre-mix! :bigsmile: Yesterday was STS #13 Shoulders/Chest/Tri’s then headed to Volleyball. We had the earlier games this week so didn't get time for my add-on. Anyone else feel the time change!??! :huh: I did this am. when my alarm went off :yawn: so will go with my rotation I did last week of bumping my leg workout to tomorrow a.m. and Insanity being my cardio in the p.m. I could not get myself out of bed. We are also having the cold temps and even some snow flurries on top of the shorter dark days. Will head to BootCamp tonight after work :wink:

    Michelle: Sounds like your Halloween was another busy day & into the evening. :smile: The Ab class on Thursday is always a mixed variety of abwork either on the floor or on the ball sometimes. She also does standing abwork, plyo work and push-ups. It was originally set up off the Insane Abs dvd and she has added to it. We do 4 moves, each for one minute then onto 4 new moves, etc. It goes by quick but great abwork and my abs were actually sore last Friday! Congrats to your DD and her swim meet! :drinker:

    Laurie: Great to hear from you and a huge congrats on your inches & weight loss! :smile: Yahoo. Hard work paying off and great job with MD Peak Fit rotation. You’ll have to check in once and a while to let us know how you are liking X-Train when you start that. It’s really got some great workouts and a fun rotation. That’s great to hear about your DD purchasing her first car. That’s so exciting.

    Laurel: Fantastic job on the workouts! :bigsmile: I had HardStrikes planned as my add-on yesterday but with the early games I had to get going ….. at any rate, I love following those workouts with a little KB style workout. :wink: Nice job today with legs and CrossFire X! That is amazing that we are almost to the half way point :noway: I truly can’t believe that. It definitely seems like we just started. I was going through Sat and writing up my month of workouts on my workout calendar & did realize I flipped back a couple pages to see my combos for the misc upper & lower days. So on paper it is definitely true … just “where does the time go?” :laugh:

    Hi Jessica & Erika ~ :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow …. Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was cardio day so I did the X77 premix from Cathe's new X10 workout. This is such a fantastic workout. Tough, tough stuff but flys by. Can't get any better than that. Last week I talked myself out of yoga-style workouts, but today I felt like one. :ohwell: So I followed it with Kari Anderson's Angles, Lines, and Curves, which felt perfect. I may try to get a walk in later, but it is chilly (35) and quite windy right now, so I may wait until the wind calms down at least.

    Michelle, congratulations to your DD on her fantastic meet!! No doubt you are proud of her! Great job with Muscle Mania and those push-ups! And Zumba! Sounds like a perfect combo of tough stuff and fun stuff!

    Tami, I am feeling the time doubt. Last night about 8:00pm, I was looking at the clock thinking surely it was time for bed! :noway: :yawn: I did last until after 9:00pm, but it felt like a long evening. This is not my favorite time of year only because I don't like the long, dark evenings. I could really do without the time change, that's for sure. Great workouts over the weekend! I love that Afterburn premix!

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ BootCamp last night was lots of fun again! She even asked for feedback afterwards and I told her it was great, loved the variety! Again I think she is trying to make the class better. :wink: She did our stations and there were some new ones again. Good mix of upper, lower & abwork and then in between we did some HiiT circuits right in the spot we were at with mtn climbers, burpees, skaters and a couple others. This a.m. was my STS Leg workout. Might be missing the Insane X class tonight :ohwell: bur for a good reason …. DH offered to cook and I said I may just come home early for that! It’s always kind of a rush when I get home and if he is cooking I want to enjoy it & spend some more time with him.

    Laurel: Fabulous combo today! :bigsmile: :drinker: I have only done the X65 of her X10 workout. The “77” premix is no doubt going to be at the tops for a fantastic cardio . . . I was feeling it in the other one. Good stuff is right! I’m glad to not be the only one on the time change … yowsa! Last night I was doing the same thing. Granted, Monday night is always my latest in getting home but still. After I ate dinner I was ready to just get into bed and sleep. It was dark when I was still at work :huh: That’s the worst! But on a positive note, in a month and a half or so we will slowly start getting longer days. I bet you are getting excited to see your mom at Thanksgiving & I’m sure she is looking forward to it too. :flowerforyou:

    Hello Michelle, Erika, Jessica & Laurie!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I had an early appt with the dentist for my youngest so I did TJ Cardio Party3 for a nice energetic start to my day, then I packed my clothes in hopes of making it to F.I.T but after droppin g my DD to school I noticed my sneakers and socks were missing.:mad: So I came home and decided on Cathe Friedrich Turbo Barre which may get me in the morning.:bigsmile: Wowsza, forgot about her high reps in that dvd.:blushing: Now it is off to work.

    Laurel- our nights have been chilly too and my heat has been used this week. It sound like a tough workout but I know you love Kari Anderson dvd for great stretching.:bigsmile:

    Tami- Glad to hear you chose dinner and quality time over the exercise, you can always burn those calories later.:laugh:

    Ok off to log in the system. Have a great day!:flowerforyou:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today started with STS Disk 18/Back and Biceps. I went heavy with it and had jello arms by the end! :noway: I think I may be feeling it tomorrow. :ohwell: I took a bit of a break and then went into To The Max Extreme premix. Yowza! I was feeling it by the end. I think tomorrow I may back off a bit. :laugh: :blushing:

    Tami, I am so happy to hear the instructor for your Bootcamp class has done a complete turn-around from the summer classes. Sounds like a great routine! I am really getting excited for Thanksgiving now. We have our hotel reservations made, and Mom and I have discussed Thanksgiving dinner so my sisters and I can come prepared to do the cooking. It will be the first time I have spent Thanksgiving with my family since 1990--back when I was a newlywed!! :noway: So it should be fun! Enjoy your dinner with your husband!!

    Michelle, sounds like you got some good workouts in despite the shoe and sock problem. I really enjoy that Turbo Barre workout. It is surprisingly tough, and I always feel it in my hips the next day. Hope you aren't too sore tomorrow! Glad to hear your mornings have cooled off finally. I love cool autumn mornings! Our friends in the panhandle of Florida have started sending us housing ads to entice us to move down there when DH retires in June. With the dryness beginning to get both DH and I again here, it is tempting, so, who knows, I may be on your side of the country this time next year!!

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Dinner was so great last night! :bigsmile: He ended up opting to take me out instead (his afternoon was a little busier than planned) so that was fine. We went to this fun little authentic Italian restaurant and it was early enough that it was quiet, great service and very relaxing. I didn’t have an ounce of guilt for missing Insanity :blushing: Michelle was right, I have many MANY opportunities to burn those cals! :wink: This a.m. was STS #15 Back/Bi’s which felt great and I will be headed to Spinning after work.

    Michelle: Great job getting in your workout, even if it was Plan B :wink: I have done that before and it is so frustrating. I now have an extra of everything in my gym bag that I just leave in there “just in case”. Yes, as I mentioned above dinner was great and we haven’t had a ton of quality time lately with him being gone and then straight into a work schedule, gone on weekends, etc. so it was nice. We laughed a lot and it was just really relaxing.

    Laurel: Great job on Back/Bi’s today and the jello arms! :laugh: Yowza is right adding on To The Max Xtreme :noway: for some cardio. Sheesh-ola! You deserve a nice break after that. Thanksgiving sounds like it will be absolutely wonderful and one for the memory book forsure! :flowerforyou: WOW, that is a long time since you’ve had Thanksgiving with them.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was lower body, so I did Lower Body Blast. :heart: Love that workout! I even added the additional barre routine at the end. For cardio, Tami put Afterburn in my head earlier this week, and I thought it sounded great after all of the impact I have done this week. I did the Bonus Burn premix, and it felt great! Just what I needed today.

    Tami, sounds like a wonderful dinner with your DH! I bet it was so nice just to catch up with each other. I am planning to take my husband out for Veteran's Day Monday so we can try to do the same. We are in a busy stretch right now but, if nothing else, we'll have lots of 'together' time in the car heading to Phoenix for Thanksgiving! :laugh: Definitely had some DOMS in my upper body today from yesterday's workout. I love that STS still gives me DOMS!!

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Great Spin class last night and I think I had one of my highest calorie burns! :smile: Good stuff there. She of course asked me where I was the night before … along with a few of the “regulars” in that class too. Good to be missed. Today was Legs so I opted for Great Glutes since I hadn’t tried that one yet. It was pretty good but of the two new lower body workouts of Cathe’s I like the other, Lean Legs & Abs better (like Laurel … surprise I know:laugh: ). Tonight I may head home and do a shorter workout in between DH getting home and cooking dinner …. We’ll see if I have time. I opted out of the ab class today because it is raining SO hard & cold so the thought of changing/freezing/sweating/changing/freezing just didn’t sound good today :frown: So maybe an Ab/HiiT workout or something to match that.

    Laurel: Great job today! :flowerforyou: I have LBB on the schedule this month. I’ts been so long since I did that one and like you, I really LOVE:bigsmile: that workout. Glad to put the AfterBurn bug in your mind … Your combos constantly do that for me! Which is great. Yes, DH & I need more times like that forsure.

    Talk to you tomorrow ~ Tami
  • JessicaBR13
    JessicaBR13 Posts: 294 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Tonight was Butts and Guts. Still couldn't get through the entire workout, but today was the farthest I've gone! :drinker: Feeling nice and worked out! I've been struggling with on and off motivation lately. :cry: I can't seem to find the right grove. I don't know how you ladies are so consistent and even doing double workouts!:noway:

    Tami-I saw that huge burn last night! Whoa! You are a machine. :bigsmile:

    Laurel- I love those killer combos! :love: How do you like Barre? It seems to be like a ballet type workout?

    Michelle- Thanks for your previous advice to use my own music durning Butts and Guts. It definitely helped me get farther tonight. Hope you are well!

    :yawn: Have a great night!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today didn't go quite as planned with workouts. :grumble: I woke up with a headache (not unusual for this time of year due to the dryness), and waited for that to subside. So when I got to my workout room, I found out the TV decided to stop working! No idea why. I tried messing with the plugs and such, but since I had already waited to workout, I didn't play with it much. So I quickly revised my plans and instead of doing XTrain upper body work and moving all of those weights across the house into another room.....I opted for Flex Train. MUCH easier to move weights for! And I enjoyed it today. Since I had those weights out, I then opted to do the Circuit premix from Cathe's Greatest Hits DVD. This workout starts with four intervals from IMAX2, then does the four circuits and compound weight segments from Cardio and Weights, and finishes with the sit-up/push-up combo from XTrain Super Cuts. Not a very challenging workout, but it got the job done today. I like the ending with the push-up/sit-up combo! So now I have to figure out what is wrong with the TV!!

    Tami, great Spinning class! I am not surprised by your response to Great Glutes...since it is the same as mine. :tongue: It is a good workout, though. Sorry to hear about the weather!! We are in the 60s today with lots of wind (hence the earlier headache). No sign of winter anywhere in our future. This is the time of year when I really start craving any moisture nature will provide as my skin is falling off! Not good. :blushing: So send the rain this way!!

    Jessica, great job with Butts and Guts!! I have grown to like barre. I have only done Cathe's barre routines so I can only speak to them....and they aren't really ballet. They are just good body-weight lower body workouts that use a chair or barre for balance and really focus on endurance. If you want to get a sweat on, they aren't the workouts to choose. But if you want to get deep into the leg/hip/butt muscles, they are. About is tough. For daily motivation, I always ask myself if I will feel better or worse if I don't workout. And the answer, invariably, is worse because I know my mind won't let it go. That answer changes only when I know that I don't have it in me physically to workout. And on those days, I know that I will feel better (mentally and physically) if I don't workout. But on days when I am just feeling lazy or rushed or whatever to make me not want to workout, I go with knowing I will feel better for having done it. But I also think it is important to have inspiration to keep with long-term workout commitments. Motivation is a daily thing, but inspiration is a life-long commitment. For me, my inspiration comes from wanting to be mobile and active as long as I can. I have, sadly, seen the effects of inactivity in people as they age, and at 48, I am not ready to give up walking in the next 20 years (as some people I know have had to do). I have also had a number of injuries that I know will catch up with me if I don't keep my body conditioned. So I really do what I can to stay active. That doesn't mean doing two workouts a day. I just do that because I can and enjoy it. But, for me, it means consciously doing something everyday that makes me a healthier person.

    I hope you all have a great weekend!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Missed you all on Friday, sorry about that! :flowerforyou: Pyramid Upper Body was the a.m. workout and I did end up going to Spinning on Friday. It was an “ok” class. This is the same BootCamp instructor who has slacked off quite a bit on the Spin class as well :ohwell: I figured it was a better workout than no workout :wink: Saturday I took as a rest day and met a friend for lunch, errands etc. Yesterday was STS Chest/Shoulders/Tri’s followed by X10 Fat Burning Circuit, which was a perfect time frame at 30 min and then I headed to Volleyball! We won 4 out of 6 games, so that was good. This a.m. was STS Legs + XT Abs. Headed to BootCamp after work tonight :bigsmile:

    Jessica: I’m sorry to hear you have been struggling lately with motivation and simply just feeling the blues.:sad: I think it is very normal to go through little periods like this … I know I have as well and can relate 100% The hard part is forcing yourself to not stay stuck there.:wink: I think Laurel hit it right on the head as far as “how to stay in the groove” or staying motivated to work out. If there are days that I am feeling a bit on the “blah” side, after a workout I always feel better and I am so glad I did it. Working out & staying active has always been a part of my life so it is natural I guess for me to want to workout. As far as the “double days” I realize they are not necessary but I truly enjoy working out and I treat the gym classes in the p.m. as a bonus workout. :smile: I started the double days several years ago and started noticing better results, which of course motivated me to keep doing it. It really helps me in the winter blues because in as much that I sometimes want to just head home after a long BORING day at work, put on my sweats and just hang out I go get the adrenaline pumping and have a great workout and then head home. Helps me. I realize it’s not for everyone though, but I enjoy it. :wink: I think finding something that you are interested in doing … your hikes or maybe even go with shorter workouts it will feel more “doable” and then as you get back into the groove of it you can increase your time frame or intensity. Hang in there friend! :flowerforyou: You have a great attitude and just knowing that you are in a funk helps you get out of it.

    Laurel: Hopefully your headache on Friday a.m. was a very temporary thing due to just the dryness :sick: and that your TV is now up and running. As you know, I have had the infamous DVD player issues …. So frustrating :grumble: Great job having a quick change of plans and getting in your workout with another TV ~ sounds like you made it all into a nice combo and really good workout! I’ll try and send some rain your way! We actually just had cold/gray days over the weekend with no rain. Snow is in the forecast though they say …. Mostly in the mountains and some light snow in town I guess. We’ll see.

    Hope you all had a great weekend! :flowerforyou: Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Quick break for me. We went away this weekend to view a Science and Math school our daughter is interested in for 10th grade and the girls and I came back coughing with sore throats, etc. So I have been relaxing all yesterday and hosting playdates with the girls. This morning I walked the park for an hour and now I'm trying to be creative and just use my office chair as a Barre for some deep isometric exercises, soo far so good.:bigsmile: Tomorrow is my F.I.T and Zumba so saving my energy for that combo.:wink:

    Jessica - I have been there and taking Zumba got me out of my ruck and back into pushing myself, another thing is buying magazines and looking at those success stories. If they can do it I should be able to and of course we are here for you too.:wink: Sometimes weighing myself and seeing no changes can affect me mentally so stay away from the scales and use your clothes as a guide also, plus the tape measure.:wink:

    Tami- Yeah on volleyball, forgot it was that time of year again.:bigsmile:

    Laurel- Bummer with the wacky start but you persisted.:bigsmile: This weekend the temps reached mid-70's, no wonder I'm sick but will drop tonight in the 20's:noway: . I hope I remember to bring my plants in from the front and back. I have been suffering with headaches all this week and maybe the heat being is causing some dryness and affecting me.:huh: Lather up with some baby oil/gel.:wink:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a very nice, long weekend here enjoying warm weather, blue skies, family time (with my sisters) and almost three entire days off for DH! That is a rarity! But everything is back to normal today. :ohwell:

    I took Saturday off of working out, as usual. Sunday started with STS Disk 16/Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. I followed it with Party Rockin' Step 2. :heart: Yesterday was STS Disk 17/Legs followed by Tabatacise and XTrain Core 1. Today was STS Disk 18/Back and Biceps followed by Rhythmic Step. I was supposed to do only cardio today, but know I am not going to be able to workout on Friday. So I pushed all of the weight work into Sunday thru Thursday so I can do cardio on Saturday before starting back with STS on Sunday. I must admit I am beginning to feel my very predictable Meso 2 fatigue right now so a week off over Thanksgiving will be very welcome!!

    Tami, the headache went away. I had issues with this growing up and it wasn't until we returned to Colorado that I figured out why I always woke up with a headache. One thing I cannot do this time of year is sleep with any heat on because that makes it worse. But, at the same time, the cold isn't so good either! My poor DH just endures because I keep the house so cold! :blushing: There is little wonder why he keeps looking for houses in Florida. :laugh: But, sadly, my TV was dead. We replaced it pretty easily, but I hated having to do that right now! Thanks for trying to send moisture this way. We had a freezing precipitation warning last night only to wake up to clear skies!! There is no hope for moisture anytime soon, that's for sure. Sorry to hear about the Spinning on Friday, but, as you say, it was better than nothing. Great job with the workouts over the weekend!

    Michelle, hope you and your daughters are feeling better! We are facing the same thing right now--warm days and cold nights. Doesn't do the body much good, that's for sure! Hope you are able to get your double workout in tomorrow!!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    This will be quick, but I wanted to say hi! Things are absolutely crazy here, but I'm managing to stay above water. I am super busy at work...unfortunately, no one understands the new Health Care Reform Law, so I am taking lots of calls from people having to explain that they don't get free coverage's pages of very detailed info to determine if they get any government assistance. Many don't want to fill it out, so call here asking me to sit on the phone and type while they read off info. :grumble: I'm not supposed to do that, so of course they get mad when I tell them I can't. Plus, they don't get coverage until January 1 and many people thought it was immediate coverage. So, we have a lot of disgruntled callers, unfortunately.

    I'm super busy with the rescue, and even considering a career change to take a position within the rescue. I still have to weigh the pros and cons, the major one being a 50% pay cut. I don't know what I'm going to do yet, but I love everything about my rescue work, so I am leaning in that direction.

    The boys are full board into the hockey season, so we usually only have 1 night a week without's going to be a lot of running, that's for sure!

    No workouts...I've been working 10+ hour days, go home to hockey and then wrap up the night with rescue work. Just too exhausted to do much. On the good side, I've lost a bunch of weight (not in a healthy way though) due to stress and being too busy to do any snacking at all.

    You all have been doing awesome, WOW!! I am super impressed! Keep up the great work. I'll be off and on for about the next 2-3 months, but hopefully things will slow down at work sometime around Feb. 1st, so I have some free time!

    Take care!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sounds like great weekends spent with family! Always a good thing. :wink: Last night’s BootCamp was the same format as last week but she did 9 stations of all core work; lots of plank variations and push-ups. Then in between repeating the stations, we did the HiiT style workouts of Burpees, Mtn Climbers, Squat Jumps, 5 rounds of each at a minute with 20 second breaks. Today is CARDIO day so I have opted for Insane X being my only workout since I hit the snooze :yawn: this a.m. I’m feeling a little DOMs in my legs today, :huh: STS Legs must have done its job yesterday.

    Michelle: Your weather sounds a little crazy! :noway: Nice on the warmer weather over the weekend but the 50 degree drop is never fun. Yes, V-ball is in full swing now until March/April. It’s nice to have our same team back this year. Most years we end up starting with a couple new people and have to get used to playing with one another, so it’s going well. :wink: Have fun with your combo of workout classes tomorrow :bigsmile:

    Laurel: That’s so great you had family time with your sisters and a bonus day with DH! :smile: Great job with the workouts (as always) and nice job planning ahead for your week. :drinker: Glad to see the “:heart: ” reference on PR Step 2. Again, I will have to give one of them a try. Maybe this weekend. DH is gone on Saturday (surprise, more fishing). . . which leaves me with more time for workouts and whatever. So maybe I’ll give that a try or at least preview it. You know what I am feeling with Meso 2 is being hungrier. I think we have talked about this in our past rotations. I’ve really increased my protein over carbs since starting STS and when I have a good day of that I don’t feel it as much. Sounds cold to have no heat on but at the same time, I don’t like sleeping in a warm room and being too hot when I’m trying to sleep. What about a humidifier? Would that help for you on the dryness? :frown: on the TV but kind of fun to have a brand new one for your workouts! It’s funny in our house the TV I use is the smallest one we own. :laugh: Even the one DH bought to have in our trailer is bigger. My workout TV just happens to be the one mounted in the corner of our bonus room so it is the perfect spot, along with my weights, equipment, etc.

    Erika: So great to hear from you!!!! WOW-sa it sounds like absolute craziness. I don't blame you one ounce for wanting a career change right now. Plus, such a rewarding one to move to I'm sure makes it hard to resist ... minus the pay cut of course :ohwell: As we have all said before, the workouts will always be there for you! Hang in there and try to take some moments to take care of you .... you don't want to get yourself sick :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was lower body, so I did Great Glutes. This workout is growing on me! I followed it with a tough cardio--my blend of all three HiiT workouts from Cathe's Shock Cardio HiiT disc. It flew by today! Love that!! Finished it all off with the core work from Butts and Guts.

    Erika, so good to see you! It sounds like things are crazy for you. I am sorry to hear about the issues with the new health care law. That can't be fun. Interesting that you are considering a career change. I understand about the money, but if you get the opportunity to do what you love and feel passionate about, I hope you are able. Check in when you get a chance as it is always good to see you!

    Tami, sounds like a good Bootcamp class! I am with you on the DOMS from the STS Leg workout. I was going to do Butts and Guts today, but my legs felt pretty tired still from Monday's leg workout! That's why I opted for Great Glutes, and I could feel that too! Yes, I remember you saying you get more of an appetite from Meso 2, while I have a tendency to want more sleep! :yawn: I remember when somebody on Cathe's site nicknamed the Slow and Heavy series the 'sleepy and hungry' series......and I feel that way about Meso 2. I don't mind it because I know it is working. And at least my DH has a good sense of humor when I find myself sliding down in the chair about 8:30 every night. :blushing: :laugh: You make a good suggestion on a humidifier. We might have to do that this winter if we don't get any moisture again. On the news this morning, there was a story about a car blowing up at a gas station near here from static electricity! We have to be really careful with our electronics this time of year. In fact, when my TV went out, that was my first thought! But I know I didn't shock it. That's funny about your workout TV being the smallest in the house. Mine was too! We went a little bigger with the new one, and it is taking some getting used to. :ohwell:

    Until tomorrow!
