Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies :bigsmile: getting ready to head out for my fishing weekend! Yesterday was busy getting everything done at work since I don't have a "back-up" person really :frown: at any rate, I did and it feels good to be OFF:bigsmile: yesterday was LIS Tri-sets Lower body + XT standing legs as well. This a.m. I did the LIS Upper Body :wink: Felt great and then I had to go pick up some necessities that DH is needing... Pack, etc.. The weather is forecasted to be mild and in the high 60's! Sounds good... No rain:smile:

    Laurel: amazing job on the workout combos! THANK YOU for the reviews so far on the new workouts, from what you have said they sound fabulous:drinker: plus "doable" on the one step workout. Rock out Knockout sounds like a lot of fun! Flex Train too! I'm hoping mine arrive today/tomorrow. Very nice to hear your hubby isn't being affected in his job or at least too much:wink: that's good news but I'm sure stressful for everyone!

    Michelle: :noway: :grumble: :noway: I'm SO sorry to hear about your pending oral surgery. Does not sound fun but it will be great to have it fixed and on the other side of this for you :sad: you'll be out and not feel a thing! Fabulous job on the workouts again this week! Bootcamp sounds like it was really good:bigsmile: Nice combo of workouts too! sounds like you have a fun Friday night planned with the family and pizza night:drinker: I'm glad to hear your DH isn't being affected either.

    Jessica: Hope you have an amazing weekend of rest! I'm sure that is exactly what you need... Not just physically but mentally too! Enjoy the outdoors & hikes! Thank you for such a wonderful compliment .... You are getting more fit & stronger every workout! You'll soon be pushing right through those GS workouts! :wink: Anxious to hear how you like MMA Boxing, keep us posted!

    Hi Erika & Laurie :flowerforyou:

    Have a great weekend ladies, talk to you Monday!
  • parias1126
    parias1126 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I'm new to Cathe workouts. I just purchased Xtrain, STS, Low Max with the step, Athletic Training and Supersets! I am working on my 1RM to start STS here very soon. I just finished up Body Beast so I started a recovery week 3 days ago for a week. It feels strange not to exercise at all as I'm used to exercising every single day. I can't wait to start STS! I would love to have some Cathe Fans as MPF friends. Feel free to add me! Is there an MFP Cathe group or just this ongoing thread?
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you all enjoyed the weekend, we had a wonderful autumn weekend (again) with blue skies and pleasant temps. Loved it. Saturday was my day off from workouts, which I enjoyed after that long set on Friday. Yesterday was STS disk 10/Chest, Shoulders and Biceps followed by another new Cathe workout.

    I did the X52 premix of her X10 workouts. The X52 premix included the warm-up, the Low Impact X10 section, the Cardio Blast X10 section, and the Fat Burning X10 section, plus the cool down. It was 52 minutes long (hence the name). It was a great workout. Each section is meant to be a workout on its own (each last about 25 minutes with warm-up and cool down) so there was very little down time in this premix. It was easy to learn but challenging. I think the 77 minute premix including all sections will be tough. The two sections I didn't do were step and hi/lo. Each section except the cardio one includes some form of weights to increase the intensity. Good stuff. I love the options available with this disk from short intense workouts to workouts up to 77 minutes long of all variety of lengths and combos. Highly recommend this one,

    Today's workout was STS disk 12/Legs followed by CrossFire Extreme premix. It was nice to do something familiar today!!

    parias, welcome!! I don't know if there is a Cathe group on MFP, but you are more than welcome here!! Sounds like you've made some great Cathe purchases. Tami (2BLean) and I are working our way through a six month STS at the moment, so if you have any questions on STS (or any of the other workouts), let us know. I am so glad you are doing the 1RM for STS as I think it really helps, especially when just starting the program. I can't say enough good things about STS!! Looks like you have been doing some great work for yourself!! Congratulations on the tremendous weightless success!!!!

    Michelle, regarding Rockout Knockout, the lower body work (kicking) is about equal to most of Cathe's kickboxing workouts, which means I would put the workout at about 75% upper body and 25% lower body. Let me know if you have any questions--if you haven't already purchased it that is!! Sounds like you did some great workouts on Friday!

    Tami, now that is a FISH!!! Great photo!!! I hope that means this weekend was a success! And look at that blue sky!! :drinker: I am loving these new Cathe workouts right now. They are very good and very classic Cathe but with some new twists. Three more to preview. I previewed the Greatest Hits on Friday, and I will have to try it to decide how I like all of the segments she used put together. I will probably do that later this week.

    Erika, Jessica and Laurie, hello!!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well the Pizza party turned into a sleepover and boy I dod not remember acting that way at that age.:grumble: I actually had to ask one of the siblings to leave as neither my daughter or the other girls knew her but her mom brought both of them to stay for the night. I have never met this family before and it was just so strange and chaotic when they arrived an eventually I had th egirls vote and just said No. It was a long long night with only 3 hours of sleep for me and then it was off to grocery bagging for the eldest as a prt of her volunteer work with her Swim team. Then both girls had a swim party to attend and TG hubby took them to that one. We relaxed on Sunday and vegged all day while it rained and this morning I woke up coughing, achy and tired. I actually fell asleep on the couch after putting the girls on th ebus and remember hubby covering me with a throw. I woke up on time to get prepped for work, the beauty of working from home.:wink: Right now my head hurts and my appetite is gone and I think my worker partner who was sick all weekend may have passed this to me on Friday.:grumble:

    Tami- If that is this weekend's catch, oh my that is awesome! Bootcamp was fun and I could feel my inner thighs from those Dragon crawls as I can get a bit competitive and over do it at times.:blushing: :laugh:

    Laurel- Your weekend sounds great! I bid on her dvd on Ebay as it is still out on Amazon but did not realize the ending date was on Thursday.:grumble: I really like the music in that one and I can't wait to hear your reviews on the others. Right now I'm interested in the Lean legs as I have too many Glute dvds right now so we will see which one gets to me quickly.:bigsmile: I read that the X10 dvd was awesome but due to Step segments I'm not sure if it is worth it for me.

    Erika, Jessica & Laurie- Good Morning:flowerforyou:

    Parias- I think we are the only group per se but Welcome and Awesome progress.:bigsmile:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Yes, that is this year’s biggest catch of the two days! :bigsmile: We had a lot of fun and the weather was gorgeous – thanks goodness! It was very cold in the wee hours of the a.m. when we hit the river but once the fog cleared and sun came out it was nice. I didn’t make it home in time to do all I had to do plus my STS workout . . . ran out of steam pretty early into the evening so I went to bed early and starting my STS week off today! STS #10 Chest/Shoulders/Biceps! :wink: Felt great to get back into it! :wink:

    Parias: Huge congrats to you on your tremendous weightloss and HARD work! :drinker: :bigsmile: WOW, that is so great. You are going to love STS! Feel free to chat with us here, ask questions, etc. Great group of ladies here to get some encouragement or just a daily check in if you would like. :wink:

    Laurel: Thanks for the kudos on my big catch! :smile: Yes, the weather was great. I was so glad for that, I did catch the biggest one of the weekend! :laugh: Not that we keep track but it did become a joke that I caught the biggest one. We had a really nice time and I don’t know if I had mentioned that my step son and his girlfriend came with me so I picked them up in Spokane and they fished with us for the weekend. They are here visiting from Alaska. So it was great to spend a little time with him and meet her PLUS catch some nice fish. :wink: Thanks for another review of one of Cathe’s “new” workouts. . . . I checked my mailbox right away yesterday and still no workouts :frown: Hopefully today. Fantastic job with your workouts yesterday and again today! :drinker: I bet your legs were feeling it a bit after CrossFire extreme was over.

    Michelle: Your Friday night sounds like it was a very looooooong night ….. :grumble: sorry to hear they were not the best of kids to have over it sounds. I’m sure the lack of sleep and busy day Saturday and another long day did not help for the sickies you have now acquired. Sorry to hear that and hopefully it passes quickly!:flowerforyou:

    Hello Erika, Jessica & Laurie ~ Hope you are all doing well!:smile:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies :flowerforyou:

    This a.m. was STS Legs #12 ..... Felt good and I went heavier on some of the exercises forsure! Headed to Insanity after work for some cardio :bigsmile: I am planning on continuing my regular rotation now and just add in a good cardio on Thursday evening! :wink: That way I am not doing upper body back to back on Sat & Sun. I'm sure I will feel the need to do something Sat. anyway.

    Laurel: Still no DVDs in the mailbox :sad: Do you have your Rest/Recovery week planned out? I can't believe we will be going into that here pretty soon. :noway: Loving STS :heart:

    Hope you are all doing great ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was another 'divided' workout for me as I was up before dawn for the early part, then co-hosted a brunch for 15, and then felt like more workout. The early workout was my Intensity/All Out low Impact HIiT duo, which I really love.

    The second workout was Cathe's new Party Rockin' Step 1. This is the choreographically challenging one. I previewed it yesterday and thought it was not do-able. :huh: Then I read some reviews on Video Fitness and there were quite a few who said they didn't have any issues with it. So I thought I would give it a try. IS do-able. :drinker: That being said, I really had to pay attention. But I would say I got about 80% of it with no troubles! I don't think anybody who doesn't like turns would like it, though, because there are a lot of turns. I am going to have to try it a few more times to see how I like those turns, but I was impressed that it wasn't as impossible as I thought it would be. Like the other cardio workouts in this series, I would rate it 'moderate' in terms of intensity.

    Michelle, I hope you get to feeling better soon! Your Friday night sounds like a bit of a nightmare. I hope that doesn't happen again. I can't imagine dropping my child off at a house for the night without an earlier agreement with the parents. Regarding X10, there is only one section that uses step, leaving four sections without. I think of all the new workouts I have seen/done, X10 impresses me the most, but I think that is because it is the one that delivers the intensity I like. But I haven't looked at the lower body workouts yet!

    Tami, congratulations on that catch! That really is amazing. I am glad your weekend went well. Regarding the 'rest' week......I don't quite know what to say. But, for me, I may not take the rest week as I may be headed to AZ to see my Mom for Thanksgiving. Very unfortunately, we found out in August that her cancer has returned. This didn't come as a huge surprise as we knew they weren't able to get all the cancer when she had the mastectomy two years ago, and, at that time, she opted for no further treatment. is back and in her lymph nodes. So she has asked my sisters and I to come down for Thanksgiving, and that is the plan. She started chemo last week, and I am wondering if she will be up to having us all there given that, but, as things stand, I think I am going to push through right into Meso 2 anticipating a week off during the middle of that Meso. You and I will be off for a few weeks, but right back in synch when I get home. I had thought about taking the rest week, and then doubling up on weeks later on. But I am more comfortable pushing on right now than I think I will be when I am lifting heavier weight. And Meso 2 always makes me feel a little worn out, so I am thinking a week off in the middle may not be a bad thing. Sorry to spring this on you, but things have been in a state of flux with my Mom for a number of weeks, and I am just trying to ride it out as calmly as I can. That isn't always easy. :ohwell:

    See you tomorrow.

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    This is going to be a quick check in, as it's way past my bedtime already! My grandpa is still hanging on, although now it's just the wait it out game. My mom and her brothers and sisters are with him (as is my grandma) and working on keeping him comfortable. This is day 10 with no food and little water. The nurse can't believe he's still hanging on, but his vitals are strong and it's just the fluid in his lungs that is getting to him. At this point, we all are just praying he passes soon, as the pain is starting to get to him. :sad:

    On a happier note, I was able to convince my hubby to keep Sylvester (now Sullivan)! :bigsmile: He is almost 11 years old, but in great health (aside from a heart murmur that is common at his age to develop). He has brought so much joy to our house, and outweighs all the naughty stuff Finn and Lily have been doing lately (I'll save that for when I have a lot of time!). We love him to pieces! :)

    No workouts, but I'm just letting that be for now. Work is busy, and home life is busy (hockey has started), so I am just letting sleep and relaxing take priority over workouts right now.

    You all are doing great on the workouts, keep up the good work! Hopefully sometime soon I can get back to checking in each day so I can keep up with you all! :bigsmile:

    Take care, I'll probably be back on next week sometime.

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I met my workout buddy from Bootcamp and we met at the park for some running drills with push-ups, dips or step ups at the rest stop benches. We did approximately 4.25 miles and I could definitely feel my hammies talking to me wih those hills. Today I headed to our new class FIT? and there was no one there so I left and came home to Michelle Dozois More Cardio Interval and that was a sweatfest...forgot how that one can be.:bigsmile:

    Erika- Stay strong and Congratulations on Sullivan.:wink::laugh:

    Tami- Yes I'm feeling better after some quality sleep. Yes, my husband and I spoke to our eldest last night about the one particular young lady's behavior and blatant disrespect. The worst part was her mother was there and said nothing to neither daughters.:angry: At this stage we thought it was best to advise her to wean away from that girl and we provided ample examples and reasons that we felt that way about her. We have never done that before but at this age and the way this girl was able to influence the other two girls behavior, I thought it was for the best and her dad agreed 100% and he is the laid back parent.:bigsmile: Sorry tto hear of your missing dvds, I'm still waiting to see if I won mine on Ebay!:grumble:

    Laurel- Sorry to hear of your mom's continuing battle.:flowerforyou: Thanksgiving sounds like a great time to be with her and I think she will enjoy the company especially with the chemo treatments. Glad to know about the X10 as many people rated it highly.:bigsmile:

    Laurie & Parias- Good Morning:flowerforyou:

    Back to work for me.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today started with STS Disk 11/Back and Triceps. This workout felt fantastic this morning. I love the combination of exercises in this workout. I followed it with Cathe's Greatest Hits DVD. I finished it off with the abs from Butts and Guts. :heart:

    Here are some thoughts on the Greatest Hits. It is all step, and lasts about 65 minutes (including warm-up and cool down). It starts relatively easy with the first 21 minutes being the warm-up and step portions from Step, Jump and Pump. Then she moves right into combo 2 from Body Max 2, which took the intensity up a bit. But, at that point (about 27 minutes into the workout), I was really questioning Cathe's thinking behind the workout. But at that point, she put in the cardio from drill 4 of Drill Max, and that (finally) really increased the intensity. I find that the toughest of all the drills in Drill Max. From there, we went into the last four intervals from IMAX 2, and the intensity was up there! To finish the workout off, she added the final run through of all sections of Athletic Step and the drills which close out the cardio of that workout. That section, when done with the usual routine of Athletic Step, isn't too tough, but it felt tougher after the IMAX 2 intervals!! I can't say I found this workout particularly fun, and I still kind of wonder how Cathe put it together. To be honest, I think she picked parts (SJP and body Max 2 in particular) for the music more than the work being done. But all of that being said, this isn't a bad workout for a step workout.

    Erika, so good to see you! Congratulations on the new member of your family. What a lucky pup to have finally found a loving home. :flowerforyou: I am sorry to hear about your grandfather. My thoughts are with you and your family.

    Michelle, those running drills sound tough! Great job! Must be fun to have a workout partner to do those with. Thanks for the good wishes for my Mom. Her days are limited, but she is going to be 84 in January. I feel lucky to have had her this long. And she has a great attitude about it all, which helps. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving and hoping she is up to it. It will be the first time both my sisters, me and Mom have been together since 2006. Kinda sad that!! I hope to preview the new lower body workouts today and do one I will let you know about them soon!

    Until tomorrow,

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night was Insanity, which was great (as always). :wink: This week I didn’t have to lead the warm-up but she did have me come up front to demonstrate one of the rounds :embarassed: Today was STS #11 (Back/Bi’s), tonight will be Spinning. Planning on getting in some extra Abwork tomorrow ...... Insane Abs @ Noon! :wink:

    Laurel: No need to explain your change in STS plans during the Thanksgiving holiday :wink: I’m SO sorry to hear about your mom. I was thinking about you guys recently in fact and meant to ask ….. Your Thanksgiving time together will be very special I’m sure.:flowerforyou: Big hugs for you friend and sending you calming thoughts …. I know it’s very hard.
    Fabulous job on the workouts yesterday & today!:bigsmile: Loving the continued reviews ….. I researched on and I don’t think mine have even been sent yet:grumble: At any rate sounds like Party Rockin Step 1 and the Greatest Hits will be the last on my “to try” list …… only due to my choreography lacking brain!:blushing: I’d rather have some success and :heart: moments towards the other workouts first! :laugh: Keep those reviews coming ……

    Erika: Sorry to hear about your Grandpa :brokenheart: Very sad and tough to lose him …. Hoping you & your family can have peace & comfort during this time. :flowerforyou: I’m so happy for your family that you have Sullivan now! :bigsmile: Yay. He sounds like a super addition to the mix and maybe his good behavior, being more mature and all will rub off on Mr. Finn & Ms. Lily! Check in when you can. Thinking about you :wink:

    Michelle: Sounds like you got in a great workout with your BC buddy! :bigsmile: Yay, great job. Those Peak workouts do kind of sneak up on you don’t they?! Lots of fun though I think. Way to go home and get that workout in after the "no shows" at the class. That’s so great you were able to communicate with your daughter about little Miss Sass-a-Frass! Crazy that her mom was right there. Imagine how she is at home? :huh: YIKES. Supposedly the DVD’s are “processing” so I assume that means they are still in the warehouse? They will arrive eventually I’m sure. Not that I don’t have many others, just anxious to try them out! Which ones did you bid on? Good Luck, hope you won!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today started with Cathe's new Great Glutes workout. I did the Extreme premix. I followed it with a cardio combo of Hard Strikes and Rockout Knockout. Still really enjoy Rockout Knockout. I wish it was a little more intense, but it is fun so that is good too!

    Regarding Great Glutes, it looks like Cathe, for whatever reason, has really decided to move away from using heavy weights for her leg workouts. So this one is similar to XTrain Legs....but better (thankfully). She uses one set of 8lb weights for the workout. The first section is compound exercises of legs and cardio, with some upper body work thrown in for the heart rate. For instance, the first exercise are plie squats with upright rows. She then moves into a non-weighted exercise (hammer punch lunges like in Butts and Guts). And so on back and forth for about 20 minutes (a little less). This section was all right. Not tough, but I MUCH preferred to the standing legs portion of XTrain Legs, and I think that is because at least my heart rate was up a bit. The second section was all disc lunges (side, back, etc). This section felt easy to me. I will probably add weights if it can on at least one of the moves. Then I did the Chair/Firewalker section, which is a bonus. This starts with calf raises. These got my muscles burning (finally!). Then it was toning work with the Firewalker band similar to moves in Turbo Barre. Not too tough but okay. Then came the ball work. The hamstring roll-ins really added up and my muscles were talking, that's for sure. She also does some inner thigh work. This is followed by floor work which consists of fire hydrants and pizza presses, and I will admit.....I felt my muscles quite a bit by the end. So, all in all, I felt worked out when I finished it, but I still miss some heavier leg work. From my preview of Lean Legs and Abs, it is the same format with different exercises.

    Tami, I hope you get your workouts soon! I know they have said they shipped all of the pre-sales, so you may want to contact them to see where they are. It has been a week since I got mine, and you don't live that far away from me!!! Thanks for the good wishes for my Mom. :flowerforyou: Like I said yesterday, she has a fantastic attitude, so I am trying to maintain one as well.

    Off to get my hair prettied up! Boy does it need it. :blushing:

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello Ladies ~ Spinning was pretty good last night. We had a sub instructor who I have never had before. I thought she did a good job. It was shorter/easier than my normal Wed night but it’s all good stuff! :wink: This a.m. was Butts & Guts for my bonus leg day and then at noon I went to the Insane Abs class! Lots of fun :bigsmile: My favorite instructor was leading it ……the one on crutches. She used me for a demo again :embarassed: Hoping to get in some cardio tonight at home!

    Laurel: Sounds like you got in a great workout this a.m.:bigsmile: Thanks for the review and I’m glad you added “but better” than XT Legs! I was thinking, dang it until I read that part. Sounds like the entire workout ends up to be a good combo for the legs. I’ll be anxious to give it a try :wink: ….. speaking of. I did contact them and I'm glad I did. They had my order but for some reason it never processed through PayPal. So she gave me her direct number at the warehouse, we got it all worked out with my CC number and she sent them today! :drinker: Cathe’s people are always so great to work with! Hope you had a nice hair appt. :smile: Mine is next week

    I couldn't resist posting this photo I took of Emma this a.m. While I was getting things set up for my workout she decided to plop down and have a snooze on the mats. :noway: She's so funny!

    Talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Evening Ladies,

    A long day for sure.:yawn: I met my friend at the park and we headed to Muscle Mania and wow was she on fire. Our resident guy came to class today and at the end we were still pushing up from the floor but we were drenched. It was 1 hour and 15 mins of hitting every muscle interspersed with football and basketball cardio drills. I loved it and I ' m glad I was able to attend class today.:love: afterwards it was grabbing both girls to head to the dentist. Well several cavities later and a headache it was a quick stop to grab going away gifts for our neighbor's kids. Tomorrow is Bootcamp with my favorite instructor who is leaving and then off to the school to practice math with my daughter's 3rd grade class. There was a threat at my eldest school tnis week to be carried out to tomorrow and although a tip led to his arrest many of the students and parents are concerned about sending the kids and I'm definitely concerned and still undecided. Ugh....parents should not have to worry about these type of things in the school system!

    Tami- glad to hear that Spin was good even with the Sub, some of the ladies here are complaining that the Sub here never provides form tips but tends to stand throughout the workout. i'm definitely avoiding Thursday's class.:laugh:

    Laurel - that sounds like a great combo! Thanks for the awesome review as I always avoided Butts & Guts due to the required equipment. I may have to look at that one again as it sounds like a good mix without the dread factor.:bigsmile:

    If I don't get a chance to check-in have a great weekend!:flowerforyou:

  • JessicaBR13
    JessicaBR13 Posts: 294 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    You are some of the hardest working women on MFP! :yawn: Just reading about all your workouts makes me exhausted! Well I got back Monday from my weekend getaway but was pretty much wiped out from allergies until yesterday. :grumble: I did try the MMA Boxing today. It was pretty intense but fun. Those boxing slides made me dizzy! :laugh: Surprisingly my legs are sore, even though there didn't seem to be much leg work.:noway: I couldn't get through the whole dvd, only about 30 minutes. I admire you ladies so much! :flowerforyou:

    Michelle- Wow, sorry to hear about that threat. I am not a parent myself, but I can only imagine how scary that is. I agree, you shouldn't have to worry about those things! On another note, that Muscle Mania sounds like an incredible workout!

    Laurel- I am so sorry about your mom. :cry: I hope you enjoy the holiday with her and your sisters.:flowerforyou: Your workout combinations sound amazing and I can't wait to add to my Cathe collection.

    Tami- Killer workouts as always! I am in awe that you wake up at 4:15! How do you like the butts and guts? I was thinking of ordering that one.

    Hi Erika and Laurie. :happy: Welcome, Parias. I am new to the group also. :flowerforyou:

    I am planning to wake up at 4:30 am tomorrow and get in a Gym Style workout. I really hope I stick to my plan!

    Good night. :smooched:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! I was feeling pretty low energy this morning due to lack of sleep. :yawn: We had quite the wind storm last night that kept both DH and I awake much of the night. This morning when I got up, the first thing I had to do was go find our lawn furniture! :noway: :laugh: It hadn't gotten too far away....thankfully. So, given that, I really couldn't decide on what workouts to do. Since the leg workout wasn't really weight-based yesterday, I finally decided there was no harm doing some leg work today, so I settled on one of my oldie goodies for strength--Maximum Intensity Strength. :heart: After all these years, I still love the upper body work in that workout. For cardio, I decided to give Party Rockin' Step 1 a second try (the challenging one). Well, as much as it pains me to say this......I was wrong about this workout. :ohwell: When I saw the previews, I thought it would be miserable. When I previewed the entire workout, I thought it was undo-able. Well, it turns out this workout is so much fun!! :noway: :drinker: I am so happy to say that on the second go-around, I have all of the steps figured out. Now I just need to remember the sequence. While this workout isn't very intense, it gets the blood moving, and on a low-energy day like I am having today, it really lifted my spirits!! Good stuff!!

    Tami, love the photo!! What a sweetheart, though I don't imagine that made your workout any easier! :laugh: So glad to hear you contacted Cathe and are going to get your workouts soon! I have always had great responses from her people. They seem to go above and beyond to help, and I really like that.

    Michelle, yikes on the school!! I agree that is something parents shouldn't have to be worried about. Makes me mad and sad for our society. That Muscle Mania workout sounds terrific!!! But killer! :noway: Glad you enjoyed it.

    Jessica, welcome back! I love the new photo! Glad you were able to give MMA Boxing a try. Don't be frustrated with doing 30 minutes of it because I think that's terrific for a first try at Cathe cardio. She is never, ever 'easy', so be proud of what you did. My legs often get tired with new cardio, so I understand that. I don't know why, but they do. So let them rest a bit and give it another shot when you can. I like to give a workout five attempts at least to learn steps, master moves, remember sequence, etc. After the fifth attempt I try to start working on the intensity. Some workouts need fewer attempts. Some (like step) require a few more. But that is my benchmark to keep me pressing on with new cardio workouts.

    Erika and Laurie, hope you are well.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies & Happy FRIDAY! :drinker: Today’s workout for the bonus upper body was Body Max 2 Dbl Upper Pre-mix! I have never done this pre-mix but it was great for an upper body workout. Tonight will be Spinning after work. :wink:

    Michelle: Great job with the workouts! :smile: MM sounds like so much fun. Hopefully your final BC class today was lots of fun …. Sorry to hear about her leaving. I know how that goes. Yikes on the school threat. :frown: You’re exactly right, not something you should ever have to worry about.

    Jessica: Welcome back and glad to hear you enjoyed MMA Boxing! :bigsmile: I think anytime you work your muscles in a new way it will definitely cause some DOM’s! KB workouts always have a tendency to do that … kind of sneaks up on you because they are fun and at the time you might not be feeling the “burn”. Give yourself kudos for doing the 30 min! Don’t worry about what you didn’t do :wink: I think it’s so great that you are expanding your workout collection and trying some new things! :drinker: Thanks for the kudos on the workouts ….. really enjoying my rotation of STS and throwing in some other misc. as well. B&G is definitely on my list as one of my favorites. She works every portion of your legs & butt forsure! The abs section is great and she does incorporate a balance ball with this one which I enjoy. Both for glute work and abs. There are some good pre-mixes on this one as well for shorter or longer workouts.
    4:15 is very early …. Everyone at work looks at me cross-eyed the first time they find out that’s when I get up. Once it becomes a habit it is easier. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely have “hit the snooze” mornings …. Especially if I go to bed too late or don’t get good sleep.:yawn: Doesn’t work for everyone though I know. So if you have troubles with this time, maybe start a little later if you have room to play with.

    Laurel: Another fabulous combo regardless of the low energy …… your low energy days are usually a good day for most! :wink: Nice to hear you got the steps down already & had lots of fun with it. One of these days I will hope to report the same thing. When I previewed it online I thought :huh: ummm the wrapper is not even coming off this one! :blushing: But I will try the other one first, get my mind set right and give her a go.

    Planning on getting in a workout tomorrow . . . . feel like I owe myself a cardio that I missed this week :wink: and then I will probably meet up with my BFF for lunch. Fingers crossed I can get the lawn mower working ….. DH is still gone you know so I am responsible for all these jobs. :noway: :laugh:

    Have a great weekend ladies! :flowerforyou: Tami
  • JessicaBR13
    JessicaBR13 Posts: 294 Member
    Happy Saturday Ladies! :drinker:

    I did the 36 minute premix Gym Style Back, shoulders and biceps today. It felt amazing after a week off. I was able to lift heavier on some of the reps. I even kept up with Cathe on some of her weight selections. (Only 8lbs :blushing: , but still, it's an improvement!). I also added in C25K today. I need some cardio conditioning to go with my weight training. :bigsmile:

    Laurel: Thank you for the encouragement on the MMA workout. :flowerforyou: Wow, I've never experienced a windstorm like that! You must be exhausted. :yawn: I'm so glad you enjoyed Party Rockin'! It sounds fun. Way to get your workouts done, even when tired!

    Tami: Thank you for the encouragement on the MMA workout as well. :flowerforyou: I may just have to order Butts and Guts! I especially need the gut work! :laugh: I love how you combine workouts. Upper body in the am, then lower body work in the pm! That is such a great way to breakup one long workout. I hope you enjoy lunch with your BFF. :smile:

    Hi Michelle, Erika and Laurie. Hope you are all having a great weekend. :bigsmile:
  • Petjen16
    Petjen16 Posts: 3 Member
    Hiya ladies.

    I'm new to MFP, but have been working out with Cathe since 2006 . Love, love love her. :heart:

    Today I did, Burn Sets C, B and S and Tabatacise premix # 1.

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I'm finally starting to feel like I'm making my way back into "normal" life again! :happy: As much as we loved fostering dogs, we have come to realize it was really exhausting/stressful for our dogs and the whole family. Now that we adopted Sullivan, things are feeling much more "normal" in our house! We still will foster for weekend needs or overnight, but no more worrying about if our dogs will get along with the foster, if the foster is house trained, if it will sleep or bark all night, etc. Sullivan is a little spit fire and makes me laugh all the time. He only has 6-8 teeth, but will act like he's about to devour our dogs if they come anywhere near him when he's snuggling with me, my husband or kids. It cracks me up! So far though, he gets along best with Lily, which is something new. She normally does not get along with foster dogs, Finn does. But, Finn is a huge ball of energy (even after being neutered last week...I think his energy level is even higher :grumble:) and annoys Sullivan!

    Enough about the dogs...I haven't started back up with workouts, but hope to tonight. The youngest is on a break from hockey for a couple weeks and the oldest got his team schedule, and it's manageable, so now I have no excuses! I am planning to get back into it with The Firm Express and go from there.

    Tami--Nice work on the workouts, and class sounds wonderful! I love the pic of the pup! :bigsmile:

    Michelle--Great workouts, I'm jealous of those classes, they sound fun! Scary about the school threat, I don't think I'd be able to send my child, but yet we have had numerous threats and I eventually had to just trust that the school knows what they are doing. Super scary though!

    Laurel--Great job keeping the workouts going strong, but bummer on some of those Cathe workouts being so up and down with the intensity. I would probably end up skipping to the tough parts! :laugh: Sorry to hear about your mom, but great that you can all get together for Thanksgiving to be with her. We had a very similar run with my Grandpa...he had had bladder cancer for about 10 years and they were always able to remove it, but then it spread and he started chemo. His body couldn't handle chemo though, and that's what ended up taking him down. But, we had multiple chances to spend time with him when he was still doing ok, which was his wish, so we made it happen. I hope you enjoy your time with the family and enjoy some laughter together!

    Jessica--Welcome (maybe you've been here for awhile, but I just haven't!). Great job on the workouts! Sounds like you eased back into them nicely! :bigsmile:

    Jennie--Welcome to you too! Nice job on the workouts! :happy:

    Time to get back to work. Have a great day! I won't be back on until next week, so enjoy the week too.
