Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    TGIF Ladies!!!!! :drinker: I have a correction from yesterday’s post. I did Legs & Glutes Xtreme premix from Cathe’s BB series, not Lower Body Blast. Not that you’re all keeping notes on me, just thought I would mention it. :wink: This a.m. was High Reps – All Upper Body premix. Planning on going to Spin after work, I’m hoping it’s a good one. This is the one I’ve either missed or opted out due to her just having us “ride” for 45 min. :frown: So we will see.

    Michelle: Sounds like some awesome workouts …… you’re in the ZONE woman! :bigsmile: I have a friend that owns the TapOut series and she said I could borrow it at any time, which I may do as some add-ons. Sounds like some great moves. Good on ya for going back for more Yoga! :drinker: Thanks for your thoughts on Bernie. It is always scary. DH thinks he spotted a foreign object in one of “the piles” that is most likely his. So that may have been the culprit but between that and the meds he is 100% again. Thank goodness. Yikes is right on the class demo ….. Wed evening she said she wouldn’t make me go up in front for Spin, that I had a free pass from Tues. Phew!
    Bootcamp sounds like it was intense! Nice job …… I’m anxious for our class to go back to that format. With this rainy weather it will all be inside; not running camp.

    Hoping to get in a bike ride tomorrow with my girlfriend or might do a weekend Spin class. DH is going to start getting ready for his Fall fishing so he will be out in the shop most of the weekend. Have a great weekend ladies!

    Talk to you Monday ~ Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I'm here, just busy, but good busy! :bigsmile: I've been "promoted" to foster care leader with my rescue organization, so I am in charge of 4 people and their foster dogs. That means getting their bios updated on what adoption events they will be at, as well as any new information about the dogs. It's pretty fun! :bigsmile: We still have our foster pictured in my profile pic, but we have several adoption events this month, so I'm thinking she might get snatched up. She's all bathed and brushed and ready for today's event!:bigsmile:

    Workouts are happening, but again on an every other day basis for the most part. I'm having to restrict my workouts to those on the computer, as I have to have our foster dog within eyesight until I know she's housetrained, which means sitting on a chair next to me while I workout! :laugh: But, I'm keeping up with it, so that's good!

    Tami--I'm glad to hear Bernie is feeling better. My dogs get into stuff too, but I don't know how with a fenced in yard. Sometimes I think it's little things like frogs or toads that does it. :ohwell: How awesome that you got to demonstrate the moves for class, that would be so fun! I am sure she had her eye on you for awhile now and knew you'd be great at it! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--Lovin' the workouts you do, as usual! You are always kickin' butt and exhausting those muscles. Way to go! I hope you enjoyed your hair appt. and I'm sure you walked away beautiful as ever!

    Michelle--Girl, you are rockin' those classes, WOW! :bigsmile: I'm so jealous! I am looking at joining a gym, but the classes are mainly at night, and with hockey in full force, I don't know if I can get there. So, my home workouts will have to do for now!

    Hi Laurie!

    Off to get myself ready for 2 hours of doggy bliss! I love being able to snuggle all those dogs at the adoption events. Too much fun! :bigsmile: My hubby is secretly worried I'm going to come home with another foster dog (he says 3 total dogs in the house is enough), but I have my eye on a cute little poodle today! :wink:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Tired this morning and dealing with a sore throat but I needed to start the week off right so I grabbed some lozenges and headed to class. This morning was Muscle Mania and Zumba, totally kicked butt and now I'm working until late tonight. The instructor said she had to make up for last Mondays missed class and boy did she.:grumble: She tends to select me to maintain counts which means I never catch my breath at times but overall it was a total body blitz.:bigsmile:

    Erika- I love the morning classes and have gone to an evening class but must admit that when the girls get off the bus and homework and dinner has to be prepped I quickly lose that desire to get out the house for a class.:bigsmile:

    Tami- Did you get to go on your bike ride?

    Laurel- Any golfing this weekend? Temps here are still great for swimming but humidity and the lovebugs are overwhelming for outside activities.:grumble:

    Of off to sign in and drink my water.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you all enjoyed the weekend! I did. Saturday was a 'rest' day, though I did manage to find my way from the field to the top of the Air Force football stadium a few times for some reason! That is quite a climb. I have truly gained an appreciation for people who train by running stairs. :noway:

    Yesterday marked the beginning of week 3 of our STS rotation, which means this is the first look at the Meso 1, Week 2 workouts. Yesterday was Chest/Shoulders/Triceps, and I love this workout. I could feel it my muscles for a few hours after, but just In a nice 'I've worked my muscles' kind of way. I followed it with HiiT 30/30. Today was STS Disk 6/Legs, and I love this one too! My legs were tired from it, but in a good way. I followed it with Rhythmic Step and the core from Cardio and Weights.

    Erika, glad you checked in! Congrats on the 'promotion'. What you are doing for those dogs must be so rewarding. Good job with keeping up with the workouts, even while dog-sitting!:happy:

    Michele, you are really killing the workouts lately! Fantastic effort!! I am sorry to hear about the sore throat, though! Take care of yourself. That sounded tough! Hope you get some cooler/fresher weather down there soon. We are dropping 20 degrees from today to tomorrow--and I am ready for some fresh Autumn air right now! I am getting tired of sleeping with two fans on! :ohwell: No golf this weekend. We were at the AF football game on Saturday and had my sisters over for dinner that night for my oldest sister's birthday. So yesterday was recovering from that....and watching a lot of NFL football. Hopefully we'll get a little more golf in at the end of this month before the weather gets too cold.

    Tami, so glad to hear your pup is feeling better! Great job, as always, on the workouts. I hope you were able to get out and enjoy a bike ride this weekend. I just read Cathe's newsletter. As always, she includes some great info in it. But this week one of the articles is on 'contrast' training, or post-activation potentiation--which is what the third phase of P90X2 is all about! It was so great to see the concept explained because I never quite understood those workouts.....and now I do. Anyhow, I thought you might want to have a look at that article in case you ever go back to do that phase. I am also so excited to see we are only a few weeks away from new workouts, including her 'greatest hits' workout! I am really curious about that one.

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies! Weekend went by way to fast but it was good! Saturday I met my hair dresser friend and her co-workers for a bike ride. We rode 26+ miles round trip. It was a quick 2 hr time frame and a little cool so it was perfect. Not too hot and not too cold. :wink: Had the whole day after that so of course house cleaning, errands and a dog walk later in the afternoon. Yesterday was beginning of Week #3 for STS, as Laurel mentioned and felt great.:bigsmile: I was just about to start my “bonus” workout after the weights when my BFF called and wanted to meet up for coffee. So we did that and a couple hrs later ……. :wink: Then I got busy so didn’t make that “Part 2”. :ohwell: Today was STS Legs and debating on “Running Camp” (aka: BootCamp) or home for a workout. It is super nice outside today so I am 99.99% sure we will be outside . . . running. I like to get in a more functional workout then that, oh and I don’t really enjoy all that running, as I’ve mentioned. We’ll see how I feel at 5:00 :huh: :smile:

    Erika: Very good to hear from you & congratulations on your promotion! :bigsmile: :drinker: That is fantastic. I am not surprised as committed as you have been and working so hard. That is wonderful & I bet it feels so great. She is another darling little one in the photo there. I’m sure she will be snatched up forsure. I bet your regular full time job is very supportive of what you are doing. Thanks on the thoughts for Bernie. We’re not sure what it was and it definitely has us scratching our heads. DH thinks it’s something in the food I bought (a month ago) that maybe he has developed an allergy or simply made him sick. He wouldn’t eat his food again yesterday but had some of Emma’s just fine last night and today and acting fine. Great job with the multi tasking workout & dog watching! Doing what you can when you can is great! Nice work.:wink:

    Michelle: Sounds like a fantastic workout and I bet you are glad you went! :smile: Would have been easy to stay at home or in bed with the sore throat. Nice work and hopefully it was just a dry throat and nothing more for you. I did go for a bike ride, as I mentioned above. It was so fun. It took us around the lake a ways which is beautiful and it was just fun ladies with good conversation. I am planning on more rides with them! At the end of the month our town is having the 2nd Annual “Coeur d’Fondo” which is a bike ride around the lake. We all signed up for it to do together.:bigsmile: The route they chose (because you have several options) is 47 miles. The ranges are from 15 to 100 miles. We are doing the 47 mile route. They boat you across the lake on a local cruise boat and you ride back on your bike around the lake. Should be lots of fun! You also get a gift bag & T-shirt at the end. Here’s hoping we have amazing weather, but any way you look at it I think it will be fun.

    Laurel: I bet those stadium stairs are a complete workout! :huh: Especially with your altitude as well. Do you find that affects you there at all? Sounds like lots of fun getting to gether for your sister's Birthday :flowerforyou: Great job with the STS workouts and of course your “bonus” workouts as well! Yahoo for us on starting up Week #3 already. I will read that article forsure, I skimmed over her news letter and will go back to it tomorrow probably. Thanks! I did see the new DVDs are very close to being shipped out! I think the clips come out next week from what I saw?!? I’m also really curious about her Greatest Hits. Will be fun to incorporate these into our program forsure! :wink:

    Hope you have all had a good Monday ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Quick check in:flowerforyou:

    Tooth has been nagging me all night but the Tea tree oil rubbed on my gums did allow me to fall aslseep.. TG. My appoinment is in erly October so I really need to be careful with meals, in other words put the popcorn down. :blushing: :laugh: This morning it was JM Kickbox LB segment followed by Cross Core Combat. Geesh I actually have a rugburn on my forearms from his plank Sphinx and crazy plank work that he uses for everything.:grumble: Next week I will wear long socks to help with that issue.:laugh: Overall it was 45 mins of challenging moves but no dread factor which is pretty cool.

    Tami- Love the bike-a-thon that you signed up for with your girlfriends..awesome event! Not sure if mentally I could hold it together for 47 miles, not too mention the endurance of these thigh muscles.. I'm most comfortable sprinting so long distance anything makes my fast twitch muscle fibers scream.:laugh:

    Laurel- Awesome on the birthday party! Running stadium stairs is a great workout especially with great music..way to bring it on your "off day".:laugh: :wink:

    Ok back to work, TTYL
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hey Ladies! I took it down a notch today....just for a change. Today was cardio day, so I started with Low Max. Not my favorite workout, but I enjoyed it well enough today. For my 'yoga', I did Kari Anderson's Angles, Lines and Curves. :heart:

    Tami, yep, I can definitely feel the altitude here, especially when climbing stairs. I do feel I can perform cardio like I did pre-move to Colorado, but it took about a year for me to feel that way. Many people say they can never get to 'normal' here, so I feel lucky to feel relatively normal for my workouts. But things where I go from zero to up (like climbing stadium stairs) still challenge...and probably always will here. :ohwell: Your bike race at the end of the month sounds amazing! Sounds like you are really enjoying the new bike! Hope you enjoyed 'Running Camp' if that is what you chose to do. Maybe it felt better with cooler temperatures.....though I can't imagine running ever feeling 'good'. :ohwell: :wink:

    Michelle, those sphinx planks really get to me, and if I don't have something under my elbows.......rug burn! No fun! Sure sounds like a great workout combo, though! Hope your tooth gets to feeling better.

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Opted for my “in home” DVD workout instead of Running Camp. :wink: So I did Peak 10 Cardio Interval, it was perfect. Today’s cardio workout is going to be Insane X after work.:bigsmile:

    Michelle: Great workouts! :drinker: Love the sounds of that combo, KB with some Core Combat! Love the socks idea for the forearms. That will work perfectly I bet. I think that ride with those ladies will be lots of fun. Looking forward to it. It’s funny how on a bike I enjoy the sprints the most but can handle the long distance riding. Now running …… sprints or lines I’m in, but when we start just running for an hour, my legs aren’t happy ~ Hope that tooth of yours is better. Ouch :huh:

    Laurel: Nice combo today!:wink: I bet KA’s stretch felt really good. As I mentioned above, I chose my home workout due to our 86 degree days this week. It was a fun workout and I was glad I made that choice.:smile: DH came in from mowing the lawn just as I finished so it was perfect timing. I do really enjoy the bike riding, and it’s fun to find some girlfriends to go with. I’ve wondered about that altitude and I would imagine the stair climbing/running you would definitely feel it there. Good that it doesn’t bother you, that’s awesome.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! I took the intensity up a notch again today, and it felt good. I started with STS Disk 5/Back and Triceps and really felt strong with it. I followed it with Cathe's To The Max Extreme premix. Fun stuff.

    Tami, I can't believe you are that warm up there! I would have opted for home as well! I am glad you enjoyed it. We finally have cooled off a bit here, and it has been raining on and off since last night. A very welcome relief from the high temps of last week. Of course, this means the humidity is up, so I was a mess after my workout today. :blushing: But I love that feeling, so :ohwell: .

    Enjoy the day!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member

    Stuffy and runny nose this morning but I headed to KB & Zumba class anyway and I'm glad that I did as it energized me.:bigsmile: Tomorrow I work early in th emorning so I may use it as my Rest day and take some cough medicine and relax until Friday's Bootcamp.:wink: I'm definitely feeling my triceps this morning from those Reverse Planks with kicks not to mention my poor rugburned forearm which required a bandaid and yoga mat for some plank work during Abs.:blushing:

    Laurel- There is a Back & Triceps class that I would love to take but it is late in the evening, however with TapoutXT there is a Back and Legs dvd that will probably work great as an add-on.:wink:

    Tami- We have been sitting at 90's solid and this morning I walked out to a mass of dead lovebugs. The instructor stated with better temps Bootcamp will be moved outside but right now the heat and influx of insects is keeping us within the air-conditioned classroom.:bigsmile:

    Enjoying my afternoon off and vegging on the couch with Bones & Castle re-runs.:bigsmile:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Insane-X was a very tiny class last night. It was truly just 3 of us (the regulars) and one other lady. I told her I hope I didn’t scare people off being her demo! :indifferent: :laugh: Hoping it was just the nice weather, people were just skipping. At any rate, it was focused on upper body, shoulders mostly and then we did some lower body. It was a great workout! She mentioned that she might purchase T25 & get some moves from those workouts & incorporate them in. This a.m. was STS Back & Triceps followed by STS Abs Weights & Plates, love that core work! :wink: Tonight will be Spinning after work.

    Laurel: I can’t believe we are having this weather either. :bigsmile: Through the weekend it will be nice but cooler, which is perfect and then next week still nicer weather but only 70’s. We are just happy to have sunshine and nice weather as long as we can. We typically have beautiful fall weather …. Here’s hoping this year will be as well. Very nice combo today! Don’t you just :heart: To the Max That one and CrossFire are both such great ones.

    I did find out from another classmate that I absolutely made the right choice on Monday. She did Running Camp again. :grumble: All outside and all just back & forth, back & forth behind the gym.

    Michelle: Sorry to hear about the stuffies this a.m. Good on ya for going to class & even better that it energized you vs. wiping you out! :wink: Youch on the rug burned forearm! Get those socks on there. Tapout does seem like it has some great moves/workouts! :smile:

    Hope you ladies have a great evening, talk to you tomorrow! :flowerforyou: Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today for lower body, I returned to endurance work (after doing more strength last week) and did Pyramid Lower Body. The workout flew by! That being said, the floor work in this workout always hurts, and today was no different. I followed it with the Ultra Cardio Blast premix from Drill Max. I really should do that workout more!

    Michelle, I am sorry to hear about the continued stuffiness you are experiencing. I hope it clears up soon. But good job pushing through with the workouts especially since they make you feel better. I have been in that part of the country when the love bugs have been bad. No fun, that's for sure. All of the cars were a mess! I didn't enjoy it at all, so you have my sympathies.

    Tami, I am glad you skipped the Bootcamp class since it doesn't sound like it was at fun. I wonder why the instructor has decided to do all running. I am sure people will return to the Insane X class. I think people are still enjoying end-of-summer activities when they get the chance. We are flooding here in Colorado. :noway: We really have been going from one extreme to the next this summer. This time, though, the worst of the flooding is north of us. Looks horrible.

    Until tomorrow.

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Super quick check-in to let you know I'm here, just busy! We are taking in a Lhasa mom and her 5 babies tomorrow night, and I'm going to pick them up, a boxer, and several other dogs. Trying to navigate the details of that has consumed my week! But, it's all good.

    Workouts have taken a back burner to the rescue nightly work. I'm helping plan a fundraiser, helping run our FB page and website, and doing stuff at home...and taking care of all the dogs! Lots of work, but so worth it.

    Great job on keeping up with the workouts and really kicking ladies are awesome!!!

    I'll be back on Monday...hopefully with some cute pics of the puppies!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Spin was another good one.:wink: So glad she is able to teach that class as well from her crutches. She actually sits on the bike and just coaches us through the workout from there. Today for lower body I did the pre-mix from 4DS – All Lower Body. Great workout! Tomorrow I am doing 4DS – All Upper Body. :wink: After work we have our going away party for our manager who is leaving. Sad, I hate to see her go :cry: she is one of the “goodies” forsure.

    Laurel: Nice job today! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: Pyramid Lower Body is such a good one I think Love the follow up with Ultra Cardio Blast from Drill Max. I think I have that penciled in this month as well on one of the “cardio” days. I think the BC instructor is just being kind of “lazy” (if I’m being honest), sorry to sound harsh :frown: but I think with the nice weather days and there are a couple people who are actually runners who encourage the running. I think then she doesn’t have to think up a format/circuit for that night. Which, to me would be the fun part! So once it is nice out she will have to do the actual class portion. I don’t know, last summer we did some outside running but not every week. I heard about the flooding there on the news, yikes! Glad it is north of you guys and not hitting you directly.

    Erika: Hello busy lady! :smile: So wonderful what you are doing . . . No worries on the workouts! Talk to you soon.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today I started with Pyramid Upper Body, and decided to stay with the Intensity Series for my cardio and did IMAX 2. Great combo!

    Erika, so good to see you! Sounds like you have your hands full right now! I hope everything goes well with the puppies.

    Tami, you know I love the 4DS splits!! Good stuff there. I am glad your spin instructor is able to do some teaching. I bet that will help her with her recovery. About the BC didn't sound harsh. I was wondering if it might be that running is easy to plan. :ohwell: That's great if you like running but, to me, that's not really 'bootcamp'. Hopefully things will change when the weather changes.

    No plans here for the weekend as DH is away. Actually, I plan on reading a book! I don't get the chance to do that very often! I hope you all have a great weekend.

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,

    Stuffiness, runny nose, coughing, etc was yesterday so after work I relaxed on the couch and drank liquids. This morning I decided to skip the gym and work out with Tapout Xt Legs and Back and boy was that intense but fun.:bigsmile: I actually did his series of Plyo Push ups jacks with the band...Yeah!!!!!!!:bigsmile:

    Erika- Glad to see you stop in with a great update. Have fun with our puppies!

    Laurel- A good book sounds great for a solo weekend, maybe a small glass of wine too.:wink: Lovebug mess is here obviously!:grumble:

    Tami- Sorry about your bootcamp class, eventually someone may comment on her choices.

    Have a great weekend.:flowerforyou:

  • JessicaBR13
    JessicaBR13 Posts: 294 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I am new to the Cathe workouts, I just started her gym style series. All I have to say is wow! I admire all of you ladies for doing her workouts. She is really tough and leaves me feeling like jello every time!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you on Friday! :wink: Friday’s workout was 4DS All Upper Body! Such a thorough upper body workout, perfect for the day. Weekend was really good. I spent Saturday with an a.m. workout & was planning on a bike ride when my girlfriend called and we had made plans for the afternoon but she needed to bump up the time …. So knowing I had a long ride planned for Sunday I headed off with her.:bigsmile: Lots of fun. We went to lunch and shopping, just caught up! Then I came home and mowed the lawn, cleaned and took the dogs on a walk. Yesterday was STS Chest/Shoulers/Bi’s and then I met up with the group for a 43 mile bike ride! :smile: It was a perfect sunny day, I actually had a little bit of sunburn on my shoulders! Took the dogs for a walk when I got home. They were happy & it felt good after being on a bike that long. This a.m. was STS Legs and since it is cloudy I am planning on BootCamp after work. :huh:

    Laurel: Great job with Pyramid UB on Friday and Imax 2 for your cardio! :bigsmile: I hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed that book. Sounds like a nice relaxing weekend. We’ll see how the BC instructor goes tonight. I’m hoping it is a more “traditional” BootCamp workout. :wink: Happy beginning of Week 4 ~ STS! :drinker:

    Michelle: Hopefully those stuffy nose symptoms are all gone now! :happy: Nice job with Tapout XT Legs and getting those plyo-push ups w/ the band conquered. Nice work.

    Jessica: Keep at it! You will be amazed at the strength you will gain with Cathe.:wink: She is truly an amazing trainer and her workouts always leave each muscle “worked” forsure. Nice job starting up Gym Style, hope you are enjoying the “jello” arms so far. :laugh: :noway:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! I enjoyed a very relaxing weekend, which was much needed! Saturday was my day off from working out, and I did get to enjoy a good book! I can't remember the last time I was able to sit down and read uninterrupted. Loved it!

    Yesterday marked the start of week 4 of STS. I did Disk 4/Chest, Shoulders, and Biceps, and followed it with XTrain Tabatacise. Today was STS Disk 6/Legs, which I followed with Cathe's Body Max 2 Scrambled Eggs premix and core work. Love that I felt steong enough to follow an STS Leg workout with a long cardio that included leg work!! I am definitely already feeling stronger with STS!

    Michelle, I hope you are feeling better! My husband bought those Tapout workouts earlier this year, and you are making me curious to give them a try! Keep posting your thoughts because I hate seeing them just sit there, unused. :frown: I did preview a couple of them, and they look thorough and intense!

    Tami, sounds like a fantastic weekend! So glad you were able to enjoy some time outside! I hope the Bootcamp class goes all right tonight. Maybe indoors? I hope so. Can't believe we are already on week 4 of STS. I am loving this rotation so far. I am glad you enjoyed the 4DS Upper Body workout. One of my faves!

    Jessica, congratulations on doing Gym Style. Those are TOUGH workouts, especially that Chest/Tricep workout! :noway: I hope you enjoy the 'jello' feeling because it really is a good thing. But I also hope you aren't too sore from the workouts either!! Please let us know if you have any questions!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I was feeling better by the weekend and we headed to the city for my new glasses, lunch and then a cupcake splurge for the girls.:bigsmile: On Sunday I hosted a lunch so I did indulge in freshly baked bread but the gardening work that morning burned some of those calories off. Overall we had a great time and the girls had a fun time with new friends.:bigsmile: Yesterday was a blast from the past with Slim in 6 Tone IT Up dvd, high reps light weight full body workout followed by 2 hours of Zumba.:blushing: I can actually feel DOMS in my glutes and hips.:laugh: I'm actually excited to feel some soreness in my lower half as Muscle Mania is an intense workout especially the squat work with the barbell but it is rare that I'm sore the next day in my lower half.:blushing: Now this morning I woke up exhausted, runny eyes, sneezing and I remember hubby unwrapping a cough drop and putting it in my mouth and then I crashed. :blushing: Today is our Anniversary but it seems like our lunch date will have to take a rain check as swim practice, a social function, and an out of town Swim Meets has us very busy all week.

    Laurel- The tapout workouts are tough but fun, relying primarily on the body with the occasional use of the bands. It truly tests your strength and agility and for me it is truly forcing me to work my core which is improving my push-ups for sure.:laugh: Being able to do Plyo push-ups last week with that band was a thrilling feeling.:bigsmile: I love the constant change up of exercises usually done in 35-60 sec increments, it keeps me curious and the 50 minutes is over quickly.

    Jessica- Welcome Aboard! Yes Cathe will definitely get it done and work every muscle in your body. :wink:

    Tami- Sounds like a fun and busy weekend, always great to have a girlfriend for shopping and laughter. :wink: I hope Bootcamp was fun yesterday.

    Ok ladies I'm not sure what to do today as I'm behind schedule so it may become a Rest day or a Pilates day!:bigsmile:
