Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies ~ Good to hear from you all! :flowerforyou: Weekend was very quiet but had some quality time with my furry kids and my BFF. We had a lunch date yesterday so that was fun! I did get in a good workout on Saturday of Total Body Tri-Sets, which is always SO great! :bigsmile: Took the dogs for a walk as well, Emma seemed to do a lot better w/ her new anti-inflammatory meds. Yesterday I had planned on getting in a bike ride, but got a little sidetracked on cleaning windows at the house of all things.:frown: One of those projects you put off forever. It was time! Today will be BootCamp . . . visions of the hill near the gym is coming to my mind. That was her 2nd choice last week, so we'll see:wink:

    Laurie: Great to hear from you.:flowerforyou: I always see your hard work on the news feed of MFP and your workouts! Looks like you have been getting in a nice variety. Sounds like you have worked in a nice schedule for yourself and always good that you are matching it with the eating and seeing results! :drinker: Nice work.

    Michelle: Welcome Back! :smile: Sounds like you are right back into your routine with the workouts and nice that the instructor was happy to see you. Kudos on the clothes fitting great, everything will fall into place. I ignore the scale all year other than when I have to go to the doctor. I don’t think they let you “opt out” of the weigh in. I know I would obsess about is why :blushing: It’s always a transition after vacation forsure. Way to hit it hard and tackle the clean eating as well. Very nice that some new friends have invited you to Spin. I know for me it has been nice having friends or at least people I know in class. You will be great when you decide to go. Getting in a couple of weeks of your normal workouts will warm you up to it!:wink:

    Laurel: Sounds like your body was really needing some sleep! Glad you complied . . . but sounds like it wasn’t going to give you much of a choice.:wink: What a great day yesterday with the Cardio Blast and then golf. Very fun. Nice job today as well, right back at it! I love it that you are super excited for STS too! :bigsmile: Funny, I was on the same wave length thinking, ok now get serious about increasing your protein, which I have been doing but often start thinking more specifically of what I will eat when I get into a longer program. This week will probably be some circuit based and total body. I’m sure we can get ideas from one another about what to plug in . . . . Another bonus doing a rotation together! :bigsmile: I know forsure on the +abwork days I will be mixing in XT abs. I really enjoy them. Others too, but those to start with.

    Hope you ladies all have a nice day, great to have you back!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! Good workout today! :drinker: I started with Slow and Heavy Legs and Shoulders. I absolutely love the shoulder work in that one. They were fried! So to relax those plus hit the legs a little more, I followed it with Kick Max. But instead of doing it straight through, I added the cardio from TF 45 EZ in between the kickboxing drills and the high impact drills....just for a little more cardio and fun. So it was a long workout, but it felt great. It is so good to feel normal again after last week, that's for sure.

    Tami, I hope the Bootcamp class went well. I bet you conquered that hill! My internal debate right now on STS for next week is whether I will do endurance workouts on Thursday/Friday or whether I will try to shock the body by lifting heavier/slower. I am kind of leaning towards endurance for week one and heavy for week two, but I haven't committed mentally to that yet. I have a feeling it won't be a decision I make until after I see how I am reacting to STS (whether I am sore, fatigued, feel like I need more :noway: , etc). I agree that doing this together will give me so many more ideas than I could come up with alone. Love your idea about XTrain core/abs. I love the length of those Ab workouts as the ones with STS have a tendency to be a bit long. :ohwell:

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well I was exactly right on BootCamp. I have to say it was by far the toughest! :noway: For me anyway, because it was an entire hour of running. :huh: Not sure that she is into planning anything except running these days. We did the “hill” but we did it down and up for the entire hour. At the bottom we would do jumping jacks, then back up, then squat jumps, then back up, then split jumps, then burpees. You get the picture. AGAIN, for the entire hour.:grumble: Even the guy that always leads the class in running because he loves it, was dying. I calculated in my head and I think it was over 40 times down & up. This a.m. was AfterBurn, which felt so good! :bigsmile: I had to cut it just short at the end due to time, but was glad to get it in. Headed to an awards even tonight that my DH is speaking at. He is SO nervous. I know he will do great, glad I will be there to support him. It is at a beautiful venue right on the lake.

    Laurel: Yowsa! :bigsmile: I would say your extra sleep was all you needed to pop you right back into your normal workout regime! Way TO work today. That is a good idea/thought on alternating with Endurance based &/or heavier weights for a little shock factor. Will be lots of fun! :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Talk to you tomorrow ~ Tami
  • JessicaBR13
    JessicaBR13 Posts: 294 Member
    Hello. I am not sure where to post this question. The Cathe group seems to not have been active for the past two months. I am just wondering if anyone has found a great alternative to the step platform Cathe uses? The one on her website is quite expensive. I just purchased her Gym Style series and am unsure of all the equipment I will need. I checked out a sample video on YouTube and so far I see the platform, barbell, stretchy bands and various dumbell sizes. If I have missed anything, I would greatly appreciate someone letting me know.:flowerforyou:

    Thank you!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was Slow and Heavy Triceps and Biceps followed by Cathe's Gauntlet workout from her Terminator DVD. Good stuff!

    Tami, that Bootcamp class sounds brutal! I am not sure how I would feel about all that running to be honest. Are you looking forward to winter and being back inside? I might if I were you right about now! Hope your husband had a good time last night! I always get nervous when my husband has a speaking event, but he always does well. Hope you enjoyed it without being nervous!

    Jessica, welcome! I use Reebok's step, but I am not sure if that is less expensive than Cathe's as mine is over 15 years old. :blushing: But that is one suggestion. It isn't quite as long as Cathe's step, but I like it because the risers lock in and I am not as worried about them shifting around as I would be with Cathe's step. Regarding Gym Style, I think you have all of the equipment down. A step is good for them, that's for sure. But if you can't find one, there are ways of modifying the workout to make it effective. Please ask any questions about that if you have any! I love the Gym Style workouts, so congratulations on your purchase. I hope you enjoy!!! I have been working out with Cathe for about 16 years, and I still love her workouts. I own most of them, so if you have any questions, please ask!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    Thanks for the warm " Welcome Back":bigsmile: On Monday we did deadlifts on the stepper and it definitely worked my glutes and my back also..not in a good way!:ohwell: I was sooo exhausted that I overslept and after getting the girls out and on the bus I came home and overslept again and missed my Spin class.:blushing: Today the instructor said she was looking for me.:blushing: This morning it was Cardio Kickboxing and she added some Agility drills, some Balance moves and finished with core and I was able to hold my reverse plank with one foot elevated for a 20 sec count.:bigsmile: I could not get my leg lifted last month so I was thrilled.:laugh: Afterwards it was a fun party in Zumba and then I had to fit my nail appt in before heading home to release Mr. C for his bathroom break. Tomorrow I have lunch with hubby and then the Opening of a medical ward at theClinic so I'm trying to work out early and then get dolled up for my lunch date.:bigsmile:

    Tami- That Bootcamp sounds painful to say the least and monotonous to boot! How did the Speech go? I know when my hubby speaks at function I'm so nervous and tense that I tend to be stiff until the last note.:blushing: It's like a parent watching their child and hoping all goes well.:laugh: Post some of your meal ideas for protein if you dont mind, I'm adding in some fun Mango smoothies and of course my omelets but sometimes eating can be so boring.

    Laurel- Glad to see you feeling better and back in your groove this week! Kickmax is always a great that one! Not sure if my shoulders could handle that combined with TF 45.:laugh:

    Erika & Laurie- Hey ladies..hope all is well and the first week went well for school!:flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi! The event went really, really good! :drinker: I was so happy for him and proud that he tackled something new this year by being the Chairman of an event and it was a huge success. He surprised me by having me come up on stage to do a couple of ticket drawings. :huh: I was a little nervous but it was nothing compared to the talking he had to do so I just went with it! :laugh: Everyone called me “Vanna” after and they told him that was nice touch. Pretty funny. Needless to say the event went until after 9, by the time we got home and he settled down it was later than my norm forsure. So just Spinning tonight! But always a good workout. :wink:

    Laurel: Sounds like another amazing combo today! :bigsmile: Nice job. YES, I am so looking forward to just normal running & a set of lines in the gym or stairs in the gym compared to what we have been doing forsure! BootCamp, not Running Camp. As I mentioned above, it was so good to be there and support him. I knew he was nervous but when he got up there you couldn’t tell at all. Not even a crackly voice.

    Jessica: I have the step like Cathe but I believe I bought mine on Amazon. I added a couple risers & slanted risers as well afterwards, but you don’t need to do that. I just added on later. You may look on eBay or Craigslist, maybe find a good deal there. As Laurel mentioned, the Gym Style workouts are great! Let us know if you have any questions and feel free to join us here if you would like.

    Michelle: Nice work! :smile: Cardio KB sounds like lots of fun, good job on the reverse planks! Those can be kind of awkward sometimes. You are a busy lady as usual and glad to hear you fit in some pampering as well! Monotonous is right. As I answered Laurel, I am looking forward to just some regular running/sprint drills. This Monday DH won’t be home so I may opt for a nice pm workout at home & then a walk with the dogs. We’ll see what the weather is doing. Yes, it is nerve racking watching and waiting for his time at the podium. You have to know that this is not something he does …. I mean EVER so to stand there for over an hour straight was quite an accomplishment. I told him now that he has done that other things won’t feel so scary in the future as he volunteers for other things. :wink: He sort of agreed. I’m with you on the boring eating. I’ll post some ideas for you: Not overly exciting, but if they are different that's good:

    One of my daily breakfasts: Egg Whites w/ oatmeal. It is one thing I don’t get tired of very often. I pre-cook some oats for less than a min & then stir in egg whites on the stove. Can have it alone or with a little Almond Milk in a bowl. Berries or dried fruit for sweetness sometimes. Another breakfast is Turkey Bacon w/ Egg Whites on a WW Eng Muffin. Snack or Lunch: Tuna Fish or Salmon (since I often have lots of leftover Salmon) mixed with a little Greek Yog or Cott Cheese, cut up celery and just a little pepper/seasoning for flavor. Put this on top of some greens, quinoa or ww crackers as a snack if I’m needing some carbs.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Just a quick check in for me...busy week here! I am on an every other day workout, due to busy schedules. I have taken on additional responsibility with the rescue foundation, so I'm very busy with trying to help keep the facebook site current by posting dogs that were adopted, need a foster, etc. It's been really fun. We get our new pups this weekend...can't wait. We're getting 2! 4 dogs in our house for awhile that means!

    Laurel--I'm so glad you listened to your body and gave it the rest it was craving. I bet the workouts are all that much better now!

    Tami--I'm glad the dogs check ups went well! Great work on your workouts, esp. the bootcamp class!

    Michelle--Great to have you back, nice work on kicking your butt and getting compliments on the arms!

    Laurie--Great to hear from you, I'm glad the workouts are going well!

    Off to school assessments!

  • JessicaBR13
    JessicaBR13 Posts: 294 Member
    Thank you for the responses to my questions ladies. :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was Body Max 2 Scrambled Eggs premix followed by XTrain Legs (the 80 minute premix). It was a great combo as I have worked my legs a little every day this week with the circuit workouts. So this combo was long (2 hrs 40 min), worked my legs, but didn't overly stress them. Good stuff.

    Tami, I am so glad things went well with your DH. I bet you were proud, and how fun that he included you. Hope the Spinning went well!

    Michelle, good job with the reverse planks! Those are not easy, especially combined with leg raises. Sounds like you are definitely hitting the workouts hard again!

    Erika, great to see you! I can't imagine how busy you are right now, so I think an every other day workout schedule is perfect. Kudos for keeping up with it at all right now!

    Jesica, you are welcome! Did you get both the upper and lower body Gym Style workouts? I ask because the lower body workout requires a stability ball. And one option for a bench in the upper body workouts would be to use a stability ball as the bench. You may need to go lighter with your weight because of balancing, but the bonus is that you would be getting a great core workout at the same time. The lower body workout does require some form of bench to do leg presses on, but I know quite a few people who have bought a cheap Rubbermaid kitchen step and used that. Those are just a couple of ideas if you can't manage the step.

    Laurie, hope you are well!

  • JessicaBR13
    JessicaBR13 Posts: 294 Member
    Hi Laurel,

    I got the Gym Style legs, Gym Style Chest/ Triceps and Gym Style Back/ Shoulders/Biceps. I have a stability ball, so it seems I am only missing the step. I think I am going to go with one I found on Amazon. It has gotten rave reviews and one person said it is the same one Cathe uses.

    Thanks again!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Nice Spin class last night eventhough it was slim on the attendance. Not sure what was going on but there were lots of people gone from that class and another one that is always in the gym. This a.m. was Athletic Training from LIS.

    Erika: Great to hear from you! Sounds like you are definitely keeping busy with the fostering/adoption program. Again, SO great that you are involved and loving it so much. :happy: Such a gift to the animals! Inspiring forsure. Nice work getting in a workout when you can, that’s perfect! Hopefully everything is good with your hubby and feeling great?

    Laurel: Hitting it hard before STS! :noway: Good grief ~ Way to go woman. One thing I haven’t worked much I feel like is “legs” – as far as just a leg workout here and there. I’ve been missing that. Running up and down hills & cycling of course works the legs but not like the weights etc, so I’m sure I will be suffering from some DOMs when we start STS. Maybe not, but I’ll find out next week! Wahoo :bigsmile: Spinning was great. Katy was a little down in the dumps because it was her last “Wed Night” group to teach. Her surgery is next Wed. She did say she will also be asking the “regulars” to come sit on the instructor’s bike each week while she is out. WHAT!?!?:huh: I know she will start calling on us to demonstrate in Insanity too, but we are blended into the class not at the front. Ha Ha It’s all good. Great experience I say, right?!

    Jessica: The stability ball is a great idea that Laurel suggested. But getting the step I think you will be happy with doing those workouts. :wink: The one I got on Amazon is exactly like Cathe’s but not as much $$! You will be all set. Yay. Those workouts are great, I hope you enjoy them.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was busy running from Muscle Mania to get ready for lunch with hubby and then the opening of the Behavioral Science Dept. It was great to meet the doctors and staff and see how technology is improving and helping our warriors mental care.:bigsmile: Afterwards I went to the gym on base and met the instructors and left to meet the girls which was good because the bus was fifteen minutes yesterday. Muscle Mania was with another instructor and it was awesome! She started with Tabata intervals, then Bis & Tris with heavy weights so I used the 20#DB because she said I was doing it to easy with the 12s.:blushing: Afterwards we hit muscle failure with elevated Push-ups and Triceps using the stepper. She finished the hour with wall squats with front raises and added Abs for those who could do the 75 minutes. Overall it was tough but fun and then last night I attended Zumba with a new instructor who is a bundle of energy.:bigsmile: Geesh I was drenched when I left her class but it will definitely become a regular on my schedule.:laugh:

    Laurel- Wow on the 2:40 min round! STS will be an interesting rotation after your hardcore rotation this Summer!:bigsmile:

    Tami- Demonstrate on the bike, how cool or scary is that? Glad the speech went well especially with this taking him out of his comfort zone. My hubby use to teach and is always speaking at events, functions, trainings, etc but sometimes he can get long-winded so I always tease him about winding down his speech on time.:laugh: Thanks for the meal ideas, keep them coming! Yummy on the salmon and last night I wanted tuna but only had sardines.:huh: I need to do some after vacation shopping so that the good stuff is readily accessible.:wink:

    Erika- Glad to hear from you. Four dogs at a time:noway: , Capone and his sister drove me exhausted during our stay in Florida. It was like two additional children competing for affection, playtime, even feedings were interesting to say the least.:bigsmile:

    Jessica- Sounds like you are ready to hit it hard with Cathe! Hvae fun with her gym style series as it really does hit those muscles nicely!

    Ok off to Bootcamp and Yoga this morning.:bigsmile:


  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!!

    I am so glad it is Friday!:bigsmile: We got our newest foster, Star (we call her Ginger), last night. Definitely in rough shape, bone thin, matted and shaking like crazy. But, with a nice warm bath, brushing and lots of cuddling (and meat for breakfast), she is bouncing around like a proud pup. These puppy mill dogs really just eat up any love they can get, and they deserve it! :bigsmile: My trip to Iowa is Sunday, and I'll be taking several pups down with me (we have a vet down there that does work for us at a discount) and bringing back 11 dogs. It could be a noisy ride! :laugh: But, I have a girl from high school that I graduated with, that I haven't talked to since graduation, that found me on FB, and she's riding with me. 9 hours in the car should give us plenty of time to catch up! :bigsmile:

    Workouts have been a lot of Jessica Smith You Tube, as I can do them in our new office (carpeted) without shoes, and it's good for my busted up toenail. I try to get even a 15 minute one in each night, if I can.

    For those of you that asked about my hubby, he's doing amazingly well. He's a whole different person now, and so thoughtful, caring, helpful, etc. I didn't have that for the first 12 years of our marriage, as he said all he could think about was how anxious he was, and couldn't focus on anything else. It's kinda nice! He's all about whatever makes me happy, thus the load of dogs we have all the time at our house! :laugh:

    Tami--I'm glad you had a nice class, but what's with the attendance? That is weird! :ohwell:

    Michelle--Nice work on those classes, wowza! I bet you will be feeling those tomorrow! I bet it was neat to tour the Behavioral Science Dept...those places amaze me and what they can do for people with mental illnesses is amazing! :heart:

    Laurel--Ok, you are making my legs tired! :laugh: Way to work and push yourself! :bigsmile:

    Hi Laurie!

    Time to finish up the work day and then I've got a birthday party to prep for and 3 visiting dogs for Saturday night to get ready for!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! Last workout before STS!! :drinker: I am so excited to be starting another rotation of it now! So I decided to take the workouts down a notch today....and then changed my mind mid-workout. :blushing: :ohwell: I stated with the All Out Cardio premix of XTrain All Out Low Impact HiiT......and just felt like more at the end. So I added Turbo Fire HiiT 30 at the end! It was a good combo and did the trick for me. Then I did High Reps, which felt really good today. So another long but good workout!

    Jessica, I am happy to see you found a step!! Please let us know if you have any questions on these workouts and keep us posted on how you are doing!

    Tami, yes I thought I would take it easy this week before going into STS, and my body just wanted more. So I listened. I hope I don't wake up Sunday and say to myself 'What was I thinking?' Those STS leg workouts always give me DOMS (much like Lower Body Tri-sets), which is one of the reasons I've been pushing my legs a bit lately. I am hoping I can get through the first two weeks and still walk! :laugh: Strange about your Spinning class and the lower number of people. But I attended an event last night that had about 1/2 as many people as I would have expected so I am wondering if a lot of people are enjoying the last two weeks of 'summer' right now. I have been meaning to ask, but are you being impacted at all by the fires up there? The entire west coast and Pacific Northwest are being hit so hard. I just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you and your beautiful state.

    Michelle, oh my on the workouts!! That Muscle Mania workout sounds brutal. And to jump from 12 to 20lbs? :noway: That's a huge leap! It is funny you talk about your husband being,long-winded in speeches. My husband, on the other hand, has a tendency to be a bit brief. I know it is from years of listening to speakers who have a tendency to wander, but after some of his speeches, I am asking 'was that it?' :laugh: I guess that's better than thinking 'Finally he's done', but still.......

    Erika, love the photo of the new pup! What a cutie!! Hard to think anything so precious could be treated so poorly.:explode: So I love what you are doing not only by taking in these puppies but by raising awareness of the situation going on. :flowerforyou: I am SO happy to hear your DH is doing so well!! That is fantastic news!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies: This a.m. was Supercuts:wink: Spinning tonight and tomorrow I am planning on an a.m. Spin class with my friend & maybe a bike ride later in the day.:wink: The weather is not going to be all that great on Sunday so tomorrow would be the better of the two.

    Michelle: Muscle Mania sounds like a great class! :bigsmile: So glad you are enjoying those and getting some new workouts into your routine! Nice job. Yes, scary is right :noway: Because as you are aware, the instructor rides in front of the whole class facing everyone. In Insanity I believe she will just call on us or point to us to demonstrate a move to someone who isn’t familiar, etc. So a little more “blending in” for that.

    Erika: What a cute little pup. Makes me SO angry to know how much abuse goes on with the animals:explode: I used to watch the Animal Planet pet rescue show. I can’t watch it anymore, still have horrible images. I think it’s so amazing what you are doing and WOW! :flowerforyou: :smooched: What a trip and experience you will have. Pretty fun you have an old HS buddy going with you. Yes, lots of time to catch up. How is that sore toe doing? Do you think you’ll lose your toenail? OK what a fabulous update on your hubby. :drinker: I bet you are so ELATED with this changed man. Good for him and for both of you. I think the attendance problem is kind of what Laurel said. It was one of the last nicer days we had Wednesday and maybe people were just getting out in it a bit.

    Laurel: What a sweet thing to say and thank you so much for your support.:smile: Luckily we are in the very northern part of Idaho . . .”the panhandle” The fires are about 8 hrs away. Also fires in Central Washington, which is only about 3.5 hrs away, those are contained though. Holy Workout AGAIN today.:huh: :noway: :bigsmile: I definitely have not kicked it up this week. I think I’ve had kind of an “easy” week on myself since I missed a couple a.m.’s:frown: So I am ready to hit it hard Sunday! Can’t wait. Thanks in advance for doing STS with me again :flowerforyou: Can’t wait to see how my body reacts! Hoping to really match my diet with the hard work even more to work on some definition. We’ll see. I always feel like I’m doing well with the eating . . . . but maybe try a few different things this time.

    Have a great weekend ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Funny you guys are talking about decreased attendance whereas my classes are so packed and the instructors keep setting me up with them up front.:blushing: Bootcamp was Tabata like on Friday with Turkish Get ups, Frog jumps, Tire runs, Push-ups using 1 medicine ball, then Sprints around the room, Plank Jumps, etc Yoga was such a great stretch after that class and the instructor included a temple massage at the end of class which was awesome.:bigsmile: On saturday I attended a Woman's Day out with Chef Alli from Kansas and local vendors and it was a great four hours of mentorship, shopping, raffles and laughter, the only thing missing was a glass of wine but it was hosted by a local church.:laugh: This morning was Muscle mania with our usual instructor and she really focused on legs and cardio this morning. I could actually feel some stiffness during Zumba class so tomorrow may bring some DOMS.

    Erika- Awesome work with your rescues and continue to spread the word about those horrific places.:heart: Thank you for the update on hubby and how amazing that he can enjoy these moments without fear and anxiety.:flowerforyou:

    Tami- Glad to hear that you are not affected by the fires! Yes I'm loving my classes and would do all if I could physically.:laugh: After meeting with the instructors at the gym on post I'm excited to try some classes there too but some I will have to build up to.:blushing:

    Laurel- I bet you are excited to start STS again and the best part is having Tami to share the pain with again.:laugh: :tongue: We will be cheering you on of course and waiting to hear about those results.

    Ok off to organize the litle one's closet and create some donation boxes for the Thrift Store.

    Have a great Monday!:flowerforyou:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! Well, yesterday marked the start of STS and I am in love all over again. :heart: :blushing: I really think the reason I am so passionate about this program is because it really marked a turning point in my life when it comes to health and fitness. Every time I do it, I am reminded how much more fit I am today than when I started it for the first time some 4 1/2 years ago. I love having this kind of reminder because I never want to go back to where I was then--40lbs heavier and unable to do any push-ups on my toes!

    Anyhow, yesterday was Disk 1, Chest, Shoulders and Biceps. I felt really strong and may need to monitor my weight selections a bit because I think I may be starting this rotation slightly stronger than I did the last one. I followed it with Cross Fire for a great combo. Today was STS Disk 3/Legs. It felt good, though I know I am going to get some DOMS already. :ohwell: I followed it with Afterburn and then Coremax #3 (Med Ball Abs). It was another good combo today.

    Erika, I hope your weekend went well. I am anxious to hear about it!

    Tami, I am glad to know you aren't being impacted by the fires, but it has to be difficult to watch. There is a Parade of Homes here in Colorado Springs going on right now, and they highlight new houses in different neighborhoods throughout the city. Because DH and I are going to be in the house market next year, we decided to do the parade this year. So yesterday was our first trip into that neighborhood that was destroyed by last year's fire (where a lot of the homes on display are located). It is remarkable how many houses have been rebuilt. But it was still sobering to see how many haven't....and to see all of the burned trees and such. Just so destructive. Fire just isn't good, that's for certain. Anyhow, thank YOU for doing STS with me again. As I said above, I am loving it already!!! I am hoping to get better definition as well, and to hopefully reduce the size of my thighs. :blushing: This is the one program I have done that ever been able to do that! But I know I need to focus on my eating for that to work.

    Michelle, great job with the workouts!! You are really kicking it, aren't you? Does your body enjoy it? Or is it saying 'why?':laugh: I hope it is loving it! Saturday sounds like it was a great day too!

    Laurie, hope you are well.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Yes, as Laurel said, Day #1 STS was yesterday :drinker: :bigsmile: and feeling super excited about being in the program again. Chest/Shoulders/Bi’s felt great yesterday and I went up in several exercises. Cardio for yesterday was a bike ride and mowing the lawn. Despite little sleep last night due to some crazy thunder and lightning …. Therefore Emma panting and spending the night in our closet I got right up and headed to my workout :bigsmile: Legs + XT Abs this a.m. and planning on going home after work for my own cardio vs BootCamp (aka: Running Camp:grumble: ), since I have the house to myself tonight.

    Michelle: Your BootCamp sounds great! :bigsmile: That is similar to what our normal routine is during the months when it is too rainy/snowy for us to go outside. Looking forward to that class again :wink: :laugh: I’m so glad you are enjoying the classes & sounds like you are really working hard, getting a lot of variety. I’m sure you’ll be ready for the classes on post before you know it. Your Saturday outing sounds like a fantastic day! :smile: Very nice, you deserve it.

    Laurel: We’re here! :bigsmile: Week #1 STS I am with you on this fabulous feeling towards STS! I can imagine that this program being such a turning point in your life truly brings the passion of why you do this and love it so much. :flowerforyou:
    I was so anxious on Saturday to get up in the a.m. and do my workout. :laugh: Sounds like we are completely in sync ~ :heart: for STS, very similar goals, eating plans and already going a little heavier even in Meso #1 :wink: I feel like if I know I can handle that rep count at whatever weight I’m going to go for it. I know in the past I felt like Meso #1 needed to be a light/lighter weight. Which in theory it is & I’m staying true to that but going up and still feeling fine with that weight/rep count feels good! If that makes sense:huh: :wink: By the way, I found my old rotation from before. I decided to just re-use my sheets instead of printing them all out again. I’m just making new notes on the weights I use. I bet you saw some amazing homes during the Parade! I know when I go visit homes it makes me want a new house. . . so when you’re actually shopping for a house it’s super fun!

    Laurie: Saw your note on the news feed yesterday. Thank you! :wink: No worries on not doing STS with us, glad you are enjoying your workouts and keeping at it. Congrats on the 1 LB down too! Nice work. :drinker:

    Erika: Can’t wait to hear all about those cute pups and their new homes along with adventures you experienced this weekend!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was cardio day, and I did one of my faves--Cardio Fusion Mix and Max premix. Too much fun. So, once again, I am going to try to add yoga to my rotation once a week. We will see how long this lasts. :blushing: But I did Cathe's Yoga Max today, which felt good after the long, intense cardio and for my sore legs from yesterday's STS Leg workout. :ohwell:

    Tami, everything you said about Meso 1 makes perfect sense to me. I really think those XT workouts were really good at showing me that I can go pretty heavy for up to 16 reps. In fact, I credit those workouts for some of my strength gains. Like you, I will stay true to the program as I can only go so heavy, but I also know that I can really push some of the weights throughout if I want to. Hope you enjoyed your cardio last night in lieu of Running Camp! I bet it felt like I nice change. Yes, we saw some nice house in the Parade of Homes. Oddly, I find some of the really big and expensive houses to be completely impractical....which makes my husband happy! :laugh: But we are getting some really good ideas on what is important to us in a house. Of course, having lived in so many houses over the course of our marriage helps with that too. It should be interesting when we start shopping because there are some real 'deal breakers' for, of course, being no adequate space for a workout room! And, btw, DH ordered Shaun T.'s new workouts last night.:noway: I guess he saw an advertisement for them and think they may be great for him. No doubt I will give them a go, so I'll let you know what I think about them since I know you (and Laurie) were looking at them.

    Until tomorrow!
