Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was IMax Extreme from Cathe's Terminator DVD. It felt surprisingly easy today :noway: . Well, it did until the last interval which is interval 9 from IMax 2. That one always gets me. :blushing: After all of the talk about the Low Impact Series this week (thank you,debraran!!!), I did Lower Body Tri-sets. The good news is I am still walking. The bad news may come when I try to get out of bed tomorrow. :laugh: I have a feeling I am going to have some sore glutes tomorrow...again. :ohwell:

    Tami, glad you enjoyed the class! Sounds like a good one. How great that your instructor is thinking ahead of her surgery to make sure you all still get a good workout! I think some people would only be thinking about e surgery! Thanks for the encouragement for this weekend. I know it will be fun, but I also know I will be happy when it is over. :blushing: :yawn:

    debraran, congratulations on doing After Burn! That isn't an easy workout, and I am glad the plates worked....well, as much as your pup would allow.:laugh: That's just too cute! Don't be discouraged by the learning curve! I know I feel that way a lot with new workouts, but stick with it. I give myself 5-6 times with a new workout before I feel I should know it. Sometimes it doesn't take that long. Sometimes it takes longer. But I find the longer it takes me to learn a workout, the more I end up enjoying it (usually, but not always). Cathe says in one of her workouts something in about how mastering it the first time wouldn't be any fun. And she is frustrating as it is. As far as recommendations, I would suggest Cardio Supersets from that series if you are looking for a cardio-only challenge. Do you have a workout step? If so, I would equally suggest XTrain All Out Low Impact HiiT for a pure cardio challenge as well. Ask any questions you might have about any workout!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Great Spin class last night & this a.m. was Cathe’s Intensity. :bigsmile: I can’t even remember the last time I did that workout so it was lots of fun but I had to refresh my memory on a couple step portions even & then it came back to me. Sheesh! It felt tough this a.m. :huh: No workout tonight but I did offer to mow the lawn since it is CRAZY long. Thought DH was going to get to it and he is just too busy this week. Lots of meetings and things going on. So that in itself will be another workout! The bag will be heavy and it’s pretty warm out today.

    Laurel: Sounds like a TOUGH combo today! :noway: :wink: Yikes. I was feeling it today with just INTENSITY. You’re a star forsure! I know that lower body workout usually gets the DOMS going for you doesn’t it?! Hopefully it’s not too bad tomorrow. I know, she (the instructor) is pretty amazing. I know she is very nervous but a TRUE athlete and so she wants to make sure we are still benefiting from her class. The gym was kind enough to let her keep teaching, even on crutches. So she doesn’t want anyone being disappointed ….. that’s just how she is. Pretty great!

    Debraran: Nice work on AfterBurn! :drinker: As Laurel said, don’t worry about the learning curve …. It happens with all new workouts, especially if you aren’t used to the instructor/style of workout, etc. Keep at it. I think it will be a favorite. :smile:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    Thanks ladies, I do still have a step with 2 levels, might just use the lower level at first if I get a DVD with it, give my knees time to get used to it.
    I understand I can't just delve in like with my old favorites, but my mind wants too. : ) For some reason I didn't expect her to be so nice and encouraging, maybe less so in her more intense workouts but I think that's nice...and I like how she says, "next time, you'll know what to do, workout while I'm chatting". Some people complain when they know a workout, they don't like the explanations, but no one is forcing you to wait. lol

    I will check out those titles for cardio on collage video for clips. Thanks!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    TGIF Ladies! :bigsmile:

    Whew, this week has flown by! I've been on kind of an every other day workout schedule this week as we had sports 2 nights, a girls night, a much needed mowing the lawn night and then plain old tired mixed in! :ohwell: But, with all this craziness, I'm finding I have less time to mindlessly eat, so I've been noticing some changes in my body, which is nice. I find if I have extra time on my hands, I want to snack. Last night was my power lawn mowing workout and man was I sweating (and it was in the 60's, so not due to the temp). I realized I had the auto propel on full speed, plus I was still pushing it even harder...I could have jogged, it was moving so fast! :laugh:

    We are still enjoying the puppy fostering program, and I'm so happy that spreading the word has resulted in a co-worker adopting from our rescue and I have another co-worker that is looking for when she moves into her new home in a couple weeks. I have so much networking opportunities, that I think this is the perfect fit for me! I have FINALLY found something that I'm am passionate about (aside from exercise/eating clean) and can pour my volunteer hours into.

    I did get more info about the puppy mill rescue trip. We have a lady in Iowa that actually goes to puppy mill auctions and buys the dogs that no one else wants (usually due to how matted they are, maybe not perfect teeth, maybe really skinny, etc. All things we can change with some time and love. She keeps them at her home and boards them until we are able to get down and get them (once a week someone goes down). Then, we bring them back to MN and take them where they need to go (sometimes to the vet right away, sometimes to a boarding kennel until the vet is open, etc). So, I won't see these dogs in their roughest place, but still they won't be in the greatest shape, I'm sure. I'm very excited to be able to make the trip and do something good for these dogs. I do imagine it will be a loud and smelly trip back though. I guess a lot of them vomit on the 4 hour ride home, just due to never being in a car before.

    Tami--Nice work on your workouts, esp. the lawn mowing! :bigsmile: I always forget how great of a workout that is!!

    Laurel--Here' to hoping your transport out of bed went well...I bet those legs/glutes are screaming! That Trisets workout gets me every single time! :bigsmile:

    Debraran--I'm glad to hear you are enjoying your new workouts with Cathe! I had to laugh about your dog trying to steal the plates, as I run into that in my house. Usually my dogs are trying to take my firewalker bands! :bigsmile:

    Hi Michelle and Laurie!

    Have a great weekend! We are in the rink all weekend, with 3 extra kids in tow (my brother and sis in laws kids). It will be adventurous! :bigsmile:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! :grumble: Yes, I am starting out with a grumble. As you know, I have doing some tough workouts lately. Double Trouble arms, double trouble legs. Just Tuesday I did two leg workouts. So how is it I am sore from LIS Lower Body Trisets? :noway: Again. :laugh: Actually, I'm not grumpy about it at all. It made me smile this morning. Why that workout hits me so differently than others......I don't know. But it will forever be in my library of workouts because of it.

    This morning I did the upper body Tri-sets work, and really enjoyed it. I followed it with the kickboxing from Hard Strikes, right into the cardio from Turbo Fire 45, then back to Hard Strikes for the conditioning drills. I had lots of fun! And it worked a lot of that soreness out of my legs, which is good.

    Tami, glad you enjoyed Intensity again! I love that workout. But I understand having to re-learn it a bit. I had that issue the other day when I did IMAX Extreme. I was like :huh: for part of it. :laugh: Maybe that's why it felt easy. :tongue: Yep, the usual DOMS with the LB Trisets. Go figure. But at least it is manageable. Your instructor sounds wonderful! I hope all goes well with her surgery.

    debraran, familiar workouts are like comfy clothes, aren't they? I know what your saying because I have a lot of days when I don't want to think about what I am doing during my workouts. Those are days I definitely pull out the familiar. Regarding your step, Cathe uses step for about 10 minutes in her XTrain All Out Low Impact HiiT. The moves are very basic (no choreography). If you are comfortable using your step (even with no risers), I think you might like that workout. I really like Cathe's personality in her workouts, including her more intense workouts. She pushes and encourages without making it sound like she is trying to kill you. Her approach seems less 'I want to make you hurt' and more 'I want you to push for your best' to me, and I respond well to that. I hope you continue to enjoy her.

    Erika, some more great info on the puppy mills. It sounds like an interesting and well thought out process in working towards getting these puppies healthy and safe. I really admire everybody who dedicates their time to this.....including you! You are making a difference not only for these pups but for the families who will soon have them in their homes. Warms my heart. Good job keeping up with the workouts through everything. Glad you are enjoying the nice effects of less snacking! That's got to make you feel great.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night I headed home after my eye appt (it was my 6 mo check back from Lasek surgery) seeing great by the way! :smile: Then I headed straight for the yard and was able to get all of the front done, a small portion of the back and then couldn’t get it started. DH said he will finish it up today but was very happily surprised that I had done what I did. I told him I know how it feels to have too much on your plate and if just a portion is taken away it sometimes feels a little better. He appreciated it. Today was KCM Circuit Burn. Felt like doing a circuit workout and hadn’t done this one in quite a while either. A lot of fun! :bigsmile: I’m debating on heading straight home tonight instead of Spinning. If I’m being honest, this instructor’s class on Friday has become my least favorite . . . I think it’s her “not really into it” teaching approach lately. :frown: We’ll see how I feel at 5. It's been kind of a LOOOOOONG slooooooooooooow day . . tick-tock-tick-tock:grumble:

    Erika: What an inspiration you are! :flowerforyou: I absolutely love it so much that you are dedicating this time and energy into helping these poor pups. I have often said to myself I want to get involved but don’t know where/how to go about it OR I say, I don’t know if I could do it because of the tears I would cry day after day.:sad: :blushing: I think it is completely amazing and has to feel like you have won the lottery emotionally. Thank You for doing what you are doing. Great job keeping in some workouts as well. I know, the lawn mowing was definitely a workout. I was sweating like crazy in the hot sun and having to carry the heavy bag back & forth from front to back, dumping it over our fence. My pups follow me and then lay in the shade and then follow, it’s hilarious. :laugh:

    Laurel: Is it not the craziest thing ever when you can do workout after workout and no DOMS then one little 30-min action gets in there good and you’re sore.:noway: I’m with you on smiling with DOMS only because I know I worked something differently to get them! Must have loosened up a bit with the workout today, you did quite a combination today didn’t you?!?! :huh: :bigsmile: Way TO Work! :drinker:

    Hope you ladies have a great weekend! :flowerforyou: Hoping to enjoy my time at home, get caught up on a little cleaning, get in a nice workout or tow, a bike ride and some time with the pups. Being gone last weekend really made me feel guilty leaving them AGAIN so I hope to take them swimming tomorrow a.m. Early while nobody is at the lake, they can run and go in & out freely! Summer will be winding down soon, so want to take advantage.

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies! :bigsmile:

    Well, I survived the weekend of hockey and an extra 3 kids...just barely! :laugh: I love my niece and nephews, but wowsa is it a lot of work to have 3 extra kids while running back and forth to hockey games an hour away! I managed to still get my workouts in and everything done around the house that needed to be done, so I feel very accomplished! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--What is it about that LIS workout? The legs gets me every single time too...I just can't figure it out, but I think it must be those lunges forward to pick up the dixie cups! Nice work on the DOMS! :bigsmile:

    Tami--YAY on the vision checkup going well! I bet your hubby was happy about the lawn getting mowed...mine sure is when I do it (esp. because none of the women in this neighborhood would ever step foot behind a mower!). I hope your Spin instructor gets her butt in gear and steps up her game!!

    So in the 2 minutes that I stepped away from my computer, I managed to stub my toe (which hurt when I did it, but not horribly) and realized I bet I messed up my new pedicure. Well, when I looked down, I ripped my big toenail away from the skin, right down the middle. Does that mean I'm going to have to take a workout hiatus until it's starting to hurt now that I put a bandaid on it to hold the nail on! :grumble:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! What an exhausting weekend! We had nearly 30 for dinner last night, and while the evening turned out okay, I must say it was a bit of a nightmare for me. :ohwell: We planned the party for outside and kept watch on the weather all day. While it was cloudy, the forecast didn't really call for much rain. Well, it didn't until about 45 minutes before the party started when I see a weather alert for heavy rains. I no sooner told my husband that we needed to pull the party inside when it started raining. Hard. So DH and I are running around trying to protect everything we had set up while, at the same time, trying to figure out how this was going to work inside. Right before this, I had cut my finger pretty badly cutting tomatoes, but I didn't have any time to think about that, so I slapped a band-aid on and carried on.

    So I wasn't even dressed when the first guests arrived.:noway: Dinner wasn't ready. So I busily get myself and dinner ready as it rains and rains and rains and more guests arrive. I finally look down and realize my band-aid is nasty with blood, and I don't want my guests to see it. So I take the band-aid off. Stupid. Really stupid. The cut was much worse than I thought, and there I am, standing in the kitchen with a house full of guests and blood literally gushing from my finger on to the kitchen floor. I start feeling a little light headed so I grab paper towel, wrap it around my finger and, as discreetly as I could, located my husband to tell him I need his help in the kitchen.....which now looks like a war zone. So, in typical military fashion, we decide to put two band-aids on it and carry on with the evening (after cleaning up the blood!). Everybody seemed to have fun and loved the food, which was great. But all the while, my finger is just killing me. After everybody was gone, DH helped me wrap my finger in gauze and tape (it was still gushing), and that seems to have worked. I just took the bandage off and no new bleeding. But not my favorite night, that's for sure. But the good thing is I don't think anybody here had a real clue of the chaos behind the scene, and I am happy about that.

    So I am tired today. I did get workouts in both days this weekend (Cross Fire Extreme on Saturday and Cardio Core Circuit yesterday). Today I had an early event to attend, but I managed Body Max 2 before that. My goal was to come home and do more, but the event lasted much longer than I anticipated, and time with a book sounds SO much better. So that is what I am going to do.

    Tami, congrats on the eye appt! I am glad everything is going well for you there. And how nice of you to handle that much of the mowing. Lawn mowing is a killer workout! Well, at least it kills me. :laugh: I have no doubt your husband really appreciated it. I am sorry to hear your Friday Spinning class hasn't been great. Maybe your instructor is just going through one of those burn-out stages. It is just unfortunate that it is apparent in the class.

    Erika, sounds like you had a crazy weekend too! Good job getting in your workouts! Yikes on the toe!!!!!! I hope it is okay. I have never torn off a toenail before, but I would say if you can't protect the area well from your shoes and/or it is too painful to wear shoes, a few days off working out may be in order. Hope you are okay!!:flowerforyou:

    Off to find that book!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Weekend was pretty good. :smile: The weather ended up being way nicer & warmer than what we thought so that was a surprise. I took the dogs for walks, got a couple workouts in: Peak 10 on Sat. & KPC was yesterday’s workout, love the ab section on that one. I also met my friend for breakfast that I haven't seen in a while, so that was fun to catch up with her. Today will be BootCamp!

    Erika: Let me first say OUCH!!!!!! :noway: :noway: If I could bold that and put it in ginormous size font I would. Youch on the big toenail. Keep it covered when you have shoes on forsure and then I would say let it air out a bit when you’re at home. Giving the family warning so nobody bumps into it.:huh: I hope it is doing a little better, but painful. Nice job surviving the weekend and all the kids. Sounds like a lot of work, but I bet they had a blast. PLUS getting your workouts in on top of it. Nice work lady! Wonder Woman:drinker: I know, on the Friday night instructor. What’s strange is it’s the same gal that does BootCamp on Monday night and nearly kills us. I think she is going through a bit of a rough patch personally ??? but not sure & maybe she has long, tiring weeks and by Friday she is out of steam. I don’t know.:frown: Yes, hubby was SO happy and appreciated it very much.

    Laurel: The pouring rain would have been very disappointing but then your finger. :noway: Sounds like you handled your crisis’ in a true “perfect hostess” style …. Never let them see you sweat! :smile: Nice job. I’m sorry about your finger though, I bet it was throbbing like crazy. Heart beat in the finger action. OUCH (ginormous bolded font for you too). I think you deserve an afternoon with your book forsure! Nice job getting in your workouts over the weekend. I’m sure they were good pre & post stress relievers. As I told Erika, I think she is going through a bit of a rough patch, so trying to definitely have patience/grace with that, but at the same time feeling a little frustrated on the “take it or leave it” style. If that makes sense.:ohwell: Thanks on the eye appt, I don’t ever feel like there’s a problem but it’s good to have great check-ups! I saw on the news this a.m. about the huge mud slides, was that near you at all? How scary.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow! Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! I decided today would be a day off from working out because I haven't taken one off since we got home from our trip a couple of weeks ago. But the sun was shining this morning, and I just felt like doing something. So I did Turbo Fire 60 which, for me, is just too much fun for it to really be counted as a workout. I also went for a 90 minute walk, which felt fantastic. It was nice to just have a quiet, relaxing workout day and not be pressed for time as I feel like I have been so much lately. Tomorrow I will get back to more intense workouts to finish the week.

    Tami, that is so strange about your instructor. From Monday to Friday and all of the difference in the world. I hope that trend ends soon for both her and the Friday class! Great job, as always, on the weekend workouts! Regarding the flooding, it isn't too far from us (15 miles). Manitou Springs (where the flooding has been) is on the south side of the burn scar from last year's fire, and we are on the north side of that burn scar. It is just sad as that community relies SO much on tourism (it is really the gateway to Pikes Peak), and this isn't helping it at all. I just wonder how much one community can take to be honest. Makes me sad. Anyhow, I haven't forgotten about our rotation starting in a week from Sunday. I hope to work on it the next day or two. I am thinking about not 'assigning' specifc workouts to our non-STS days (we did list specific workouts the last time) but, instead, just saying 'lower body strength' or 'upper body strength', and leaving it open to both of us what we feel like on any given day. Given our habit of doing the same workouts so often, I don't think we'd be far off each other! :tongue: Would that work for you? Please let me know.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ If it could be any tougher, BootCamp was last night! :huh: Let’s see we started out with running back & forth in a parking lot then sprinting, lunging, running, shuffling, you name it. Then we went to a grassy area & did planks, push-ups, etc for a while. After that we ran the parking garage, ran stairs and then sprints along the rooftop of the hospital. We ended with long jumps into burpees along the rooftop as well. So imagine the length of that …. A lot of burpees! I think due to the HEAT it made it all feel even tougher. :noway: My face was bright red for a good 2 hrs after the workout even. DH was up at 2am this a.m. to drive and pick up our trailer where he had it fishing for the last month. Needless to say, it woke me up, couldn’t go back to sleep until about 3 something and when my alarm went off I hit SNOOZE :yawn: … no workout this a.m. I should learn to maybe just get up when he gets up but 2 was a bit on the crazy early side of things ….. Insane-X is tonight, so that’s good.

    Laurel: Sounds like a nice relaxing combo for you. :wink: I agree that mentally it probably felt like a REST day for workouts but still a good amount of activity! Nice job.:smile: That sounds absolutely perfect on the STS rotation! Thank you:flowerforyou: I agree, we will probably often go for the same workout on those days!:laugh: That is very sad about the community going through so much, especially relying on tourism, that has to hurt a lot for them. Sorry to hear that and at the same time I’m glad it isn’t dangerously close to you.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi all! Today was back to a more normal workout routine. I started with Cathe's Hardcore Extreme workout #2 (high and low impact intervals) and followed it with Power Hour. Good stuff! I did the cardio before weights (I normally do it the other way around) because I thought I could pre-exhaust my muscles a bit as I still am having some issues with my finger cut so don't want to lift too heavy. It worked! My muscles were shaking throughout Power Hour. I do enjoy that feeling. And I had no issues with the finger.

    Tami, I am getting ready to do the STS rotation so, hopefully, you will have it later today. Sounds like Bootcamp was brutal!! I bet a little extra sleep after that workout and being woken up at 2am was much appreciated by your body. I agree that 2am is a bit too much on the early side of things to get up!

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Last night’s Insane X was another great one.:wink: She has put a lot of thought into the last couple of weeks with which exercises she wants to use for our lower or upper body emphasis. Last night was SHOULDERS. In the first round we did hooks, followed by diamond jumps, walking planks w/ push-ups, burpees w/ push-ups and then plank punches, along with side-to-side punches. So you can see the theme. We did 3 rounds and then went onto the next set. We ended up with 4 different rounds of 3 and then 5-min killer abs again. :smile: This a.m. was Supercuts and tonight will be Spinning.

    Laurel: Holy workout! :noway: :bigsmile: Yes, I would say you pulled off a “Laurel” workout today! Love it, great job!! :drinker: Nice job with exhausting those muscles and I’m glad your poor finger is ok with lifting. Especially with STS right around the corner. YAHOO! I’m super excited to start, thank you for the rotation.

    Talk to you tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Tami, sounds like a tough class! You are welcome on the rotation! I am very excited about starting up again!

    Today was an interesting workout combo. I started with Cathe's Max Intensity Cardio (an oldie but goodie) and then moved into Athletic Training from the Low Impact Series. It was a surprisingly tough combo! I think this is only about the fifth time I've done Athletic Training, but it felt good today.

    Laurie, Erika and Michelle.....hope to see you all back sometime soon!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello! :bigsmile:

    Still around, just been busy with stuff...I was approved to do home visits for the rescue organization I volunteer with, as well as the adoption paperwork/process, so I have been involved in those, and have Hershel's adoption tomorrow! :bigsmile: It will be weird having a night without a 3rd dog, as we've had 3 consistently for the last month. But, it will be good and we'll pick up our next foster on Saturday.

    Workouts are happening when I have time, although the kids' activities and my volunteer work is coming first, if I must be honest. I also have to modify quite a bit due to my ripped toenail, so the workouts I'd normally do are off the table. I've been making up my own cardio/weight workouts that do not require putting any weight on that foot (for fear of the nail ripping further).

    Tami and Laurel--You guys are killing it with your workouts! Wow!! :bigsmile: Way to go!!!:bigsmile:

    Michelle and Laurie--Hello! :flowerforyou:

    Back to work. I hope to have an updated profile pic of the newest rescue sometime this weekend. I likely won't be on here tomorrow, so have a great weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Spinning went great and today’s workout will be after work! I am taking the kids to get their shots. (I uploaded a photo of the two of them). DH has two different meetings he has to go to so can't help out. It's always an event when I have both in the car, both into the doors of the vets office! :noway: :laugh: There is always someone on hand to take one of them to the back while the other is attended too though. I am going to ask him about Emma and her aches & pains that I am noticing more. :frown: Makes me sad so I want his thoughts. I’m hoping it’s not time to start her on medication but maybe it is once and a while, not sure. Plus a few little bumps that worry me. Fingers crossed that it is just me being overly worried about things. :blushing:

    Laurel – Athletic Training was one I did a couple weeks ago and I really enjoy that one! It’s a good all around workout. :wink: Nice job AGAIN today. Yes, I started printing off my STS sheets today, getting all ready.:bigsmile: I can tell I am excited to start. I really like the look of this rotation adding in an extra day of lower body & upper body workout. I am going to start writing down some ideas to plug into those each week so I have them ready. Plus, when the “new” workouts get here which should be soon that will be another asset to this rotation! :smile: As usual, we will both have additional cardio’s as well. I think it’s going to be such a great rotation.

    Erika: Grea to hear from you and to know that you are having success with your adoptions! :smile: So great :drinker: I will look forward to seeing your "new" foster pup. Sorry to hear that toenail is still very tender. Once the skin kind of heals up near the tear it will feel a little better. Just takes time. Good job staying active with what you can do!

    Hi Laurie & Michelle ~:flowerforyou: Hope you are both doing well.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello . . . . . Happy Friday!! :bigsmile: The appointment went well for "the kids" and Emma has checked out just fine, which made me sleep better last night. After x-rays and the exam she doesn't have arthritis or anything so we are going to try her on some medication (Rimadyl) for her limping, aches & pains and hope that helps so she can continue to go on walks . . . longer walks :wink: Bernie checked out great, needs a little tarter control, so we'll work on that. :wink: Needless to say after juggling them both and doing more tests than I anticipated we headed home and I got dinner going.

    This a.m. was CrossFire + Abs :wink: Really enjoy this workout and I forgot how much I enjoy the ab portion, it's only 10 min, but a good one.

    Hope you all have a great weekend! :flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,456 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Just letting you all know that I'm still working hard. Very busy at work, and at home. Can't believe that the summer is heading toward fall so quickly. I have been keeping up with my workouts, and I think that I have found a good combo. I workout a half hour in the morning, and then another half hour in the evening. I find that this gives me time to stop after work, and still get in a workout. Then I get going on our dinner. Have been eating really well, and am seeing the scale move in the right direction. FINALLY! Finding that I'm back to my endurance level prior to the health issues. That makes me feel really good. I am going to be doing KCM workouts, and adding in other workouts that I enjoy or find interesting. I have done a few youtube workouts, and those have been fun. Have a beautiful day here today, to I want to get outside. :bigsmile:

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    I have been back for a few days but my mom drove back with me so between Orientation and hubby being away at a conference in Ft. Lauderdale, she has been a great help this week. Yesterday she left for home and this morning was back to school for the girls. This morning was Muscle Mix followed by Zumba so I'm nicely drenched and my muscle fibers are twitching like crazy:bigsmile: . The instructors were happy to see me and even said my arms look really great:blushing: . I can honestly say that I did nothing in Florida, exercise wise but was busy traveling and then the local swim team Coach invited my eldest to practice with them daily, so that kept me busy.:bigsmile: This weekend I hit the treadmill as I'm trying to try distance running versus sprints to lean out these legs especially with all of the squatting and lunges in the Muscle Mix class and also did KCM Your Best that one:bigsmile: . Overall I feel good and clothes are fitting great but I need to focus on calorie intake as most days I'm not hungry and I need to feed my muscles after these dual classes. My scale is on the verge of being thrown away and I know that everything will fal into place if I stay focus and eat clean 90% of the time.:tongue:

    I love all of the new avatars. :bigsmile:

    Laurel, you look great!

    Erika- what an adorable face and wonderful work you are doing with those four-legged humans.:laugh: I tore my big toenail last year and had to glue it together because one side was off but the other was firmly attached and it was such a dreadful process until it finally died and fell off. My nail tech actually told me I should of told her because then she would of put an acrylic nail on it to protect the nailbed as it grew back in. Thank goodness it happened during the Fall so I could wear bandages and shoes versus sandals.

    Laurie- Glad to see that health is great and the scale is moving, send me some of the fairy weight dust.:laugh:

    Tami- Awesome workouts as usual, thinking of Spin tomorrow morning as some new friends of ours are into Spin and has been inviting me to their class.:noway: I'm not at their level as the husband use to teach Spin..Yowzsa but I promised to start attending in September so I have two weeks to train.:laugh:

    Ok off to indulge in a cup of Chai latte and the quiet house.:flowerforyou:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! Good to see you all!!! I am sorry I was MIA on Friday. I did my strength workout (Cathe's Max Intensity Strength), and my body finally hit a wall. I was so exhausted (TOM definitely didn't help). I just went back to bed and slept all day which is so very unusual for me. I was well enough to go to dinner that night as we were hosting a visitor. But, even then, I was in bed by 10pm and slept for another 9 hours. :noway: But I woke up on Saturday feeling much better. I really could feel the fatigue all week last week, so Friday should!'t have been a surprise.

    Yesterday's workout was Cardio Blast which I've rarely done. DH and I also got a great round of golf in, so there was four hours of walking there which felt fantastic. Today I am all back to normal so I started out the day with Slow and Heavy Chest and Back and followed it with Step, Jump and Pump. That double arm work had my arms shaking for a good two hours after! Love it!! :heart:

    Tami, sounds like quite a trip to the vet, but I am glad it was all good news! I am so excited to start STS!! I am even planning my diet! Well, I am planning on trying to fix my diet :blushing: . STS seems to inspire me to do that. I am just pulling out any old workout this week because I am thinking so much about next week already! Like you, I am trying to figure out what to put in those extra strength days, and, like you, I think that option will make this a really fun and, hopefully, effective rotation. I am all ready! Love the avatar!

    Erika, I am so glad your latest pup has found a home. I bet you miss him, but it must be so satisfying to know he is safe and loved. I hope your toe continues to heal! No fun.

    Laurie, so great to see you! I am glad to hear you are feeling back to normal. I must admit I was thinking about you on Friday and wondering if how I felt was anything close to what you were experiencing in the winter. Is it our age? :blushing: I must admit that I am beginning to experience more (albeit still very mild) symptoms of peri menopause. Ugh! But at 48, I guess that's to be expected.

    Michelle, welcome back! Sure sounds like you hit the ground running (literally) on your return! Good job with the workouts. I have a tendency to lose my appetite a bit when I am working out harder too which is one of the reasons I keep myself on a regular eating routine. I know my body needs the energy because if I don't feed it, eventually it will tell me just that. And that isn't usually a fun thing to experience. I hear you on the scale! I use mine simply as a guide anymore. I focus on whether my weight is changing more than I do on the number it says.

    See you all tomorrow!
