Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Nice weekend of fishing! A little slower in the “catching” so we were out there a lot longer than what I like but it was lots of fun! :wink: The couple that went with us are super great people and lots of fun. So we laughed a lot and did catch our limit of Sockeye yesterday! :tongue: Yum and I caught a nice King Salmon. The non-workouts and food being off for me made me feel so tired :ohwell: while I was there PLUS we were up by 3:45 both mornings. I fell asleep in the boat on Saturday for about 20 min. Brett called me “Weekend at Bernie’s” (from the movie) …. :laugh: So we all laughed about that as well. I can so feel it when my nutrition is off since I am on such a regimen. Note to self .. ALWAYS pack my own food. I thought he had stocked up the trailer but no. :huh: For his type of eating yes. This Thurs. I leave to go see my mom. My sister will be there on Friday. She is coming up from LA to a wedding in Portland. Yay! It will be super fun seeing them both. :drinker:
    Today is BootCamp and I am looking forward to it ~ running and all even in the warm weather. :wink:

    Laurie: Fabulous job with your workouts lately! :happy: Plus the 3.5 lbs! :drinker: Proves your hard work is paying off. Awesome job as well scheduling in the stretching/yoga. I do keep telling myself how important that is Great that your DD is enjoying the Ipad mini. I saw that you did the Chris Freytag KB workout & thought that to myself …. One of her favorites! I read the same thing about T25. They are all shorter workouts (hence the 25) and they are not nearly as tough as Insanity but not easy either. They sound like they would be great!

    Michelle: OK, the inch worm crawls had me laughing! :laugh: :laugh: As Laurel said in P90X2 it was every am. In the warm-up PLUS we do those often in BootCamp on the same grassy hill I did the somersaults on :laugh: If you changed your mind on her after that you would not like our instructor at all! That is so great to hear Michelle … :flowerforyou: glad you are enjoying the classes. It does take stepping out sometimes to find out you were really missing out on something great! Yay! Did you do the cycling class yet?

    Laurel: Your trip sounds like it will be AMAZING and probably fly by with activities! :bigsmile: Yay for your Ipod being loaded up. What workouts are you planning on? Just curious. I am bringing some HiiT workouts that I could just do outside at my mom’s and my jump rope. Since I always plan on doing something and end up not because of the lack of room I am going to try this outside. It will be nice there weather. I really don’t want to have two weekends in a row of no activity. Going to try and hit the next couple days with some good a.m./p.m. workouts as well! :wink:

    Hi Erika ~ I hope the weekend was great for you & your family! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow! Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! We are enjoying an unusually cool and rainy day here today! Amazing how being cool makes me feel so much better! Unfortunately I wasn't able to capitalize on it in my workouts this morning as I had a morning hair appointment. But I enjoyed my workout nonetheless.

    I decided to stop with the 'double trouble' this week to give my body a break. It needs it! So yesterday I did Pure Strength--all the upper body components--followed by Athletic Step. Today was Pure Strength Legs and To The Max. Good stuff!

    Laurie, sounds like you are enjoying some great workouts right now. Muscle Max is such a great workout! I hadn't looked at Shaun T.'s new workouts....until today. I was avoiding them because I really don't need any new workouts. But Tami's description of them has me intrigued. So many little time. :tongue: Hard Strikes is 45 minutes long. The cardio/kickboxing is 30 minutes with the rest being high endurance conditioning drills. I have really grown to enjoy this workout quite a bit. The kickboxing is a lot of fun for me.

    Tami, sounds like a fun weekend of fishing! But I hear you on the dietary changes and how they can impact you. Over the long 4th weekend, DH and I ate out more than I like (I like to eat out about once a month at most if I am being honest....but never more than once a week at the worst), and it took me four days to feel like myself again! And I made smart choices. :noway: My body has definitely gotten a bit picky. About the workouts I am taking on our trip, I am thinking I am going to be able to take a couple of sets of weights since we are driving, so that has shaped what I am taking. I will have Cardio Supersets, Hard Strikes, Tabatacise (I will either skip or modify the step sections), Cross Fire, Travel Fit , Double Pyramid HiiT and All Out Low Impact HiiT (again, I will modify or skip the step section) with me. I'll take my bands and discs, a mat, and, like I said, probably some light weights. So I will be set, and I will just need to be disciplined. That's not always easy when DH is usually trying to talk me out of working out. But I am going to at least try!! Sounds like you have a fun time planned with your sister and mom!

    See you tomorrow!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    Today's double trouble adventure was Muscle Mania & Zumba..the best part, I dragged my cousin who is visiting from Atlanta to join me for those two hours.:laugh: Muscle Mania was brutal but fun, Sally our wonderful instructor was like a DS and used the step, Bar, and Dumbbells to create a crazy mix of upper and lower body exercises. At one point I called her the Squat Nazi because she loves to do those as mini breaks:noway: , overall I was drenched and my cousin was nauseous and I will return on Thursday!:bigsmile:

    Tami- Once again you caught a huge fish, how awesome is that but totally funny on the 20min boat nap.:laugh: I do completely understand the sluggishness with poor nutrition as that happens when I indulge in too many carbs or sweets.:blushing: Enjoy the trip with your mother and sister and maybe some jumproping.:wink: Tomorrow is Power Cycle but the instructor may be absent, so I will know for sure by 7pm tonight.:bigsmile:

    Laurel- I'm exhausted after reading your travel route. Enjoy your travels for sure and definitely the sights along the way. :bigsmile: Her inchworms were in the middle of the circuit and after an intense football drill, then drop for push-ups intervals.:ohwell: I loved the torture well at least afterwards:tongue: and hope to improve every week. I finally caught tami and your energy bug and will ride the wave until I'm exhausted.:wink::laugh:

    Erika- & Laurie- Hello ladies:flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,456 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Well I think that my VHS player has given up. I tried putting in one of my SH workouts, and it wouldn't take it. Guess it is about time that I actually purchase that one on DVD. :blushing: I put in Pure Strength Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, and feeling the burn in the shoulders right now. Saturday was 10lb Slimdown Xtreme Kickboxing and Stretchmax Routine #3. On Friday while doing MM, I broke my green band. Had to finish up the workout with the pink one, because I don't think my triceps could have taken the blue band. :laugh: S:laugh: :laugh: Sunday was a rest day, but I was out pulling some weeds. figured that was good enough.

    Tami, Nice fishing trip, and it sounds like you where able to get a nice amount of fish. I am headed up north on Thursday, and was wondering how my family would take me hauling my own food up there. I have been doing really well with my eating, and I sure don't want to derail the progress that I have had so far. I was giving myself one cheat meal, since my nieces graduation party is on Saturday. Will have to see if I can figure something out. Sounds like you will be having a fun time with you Mom and sister.

    Laurel, Guess we did some of the same workout, though you did a bit more than I did. I don't need any new workout either, just curious if someone had tried them yet. I'm not really sure that I'm all that interested in trying those workouts again. I still have the really short one he did after Insanity, so I will just have to pull that one out if I get the itch to try one of his workouts.

    Michelle, So you are doing the double trouble now. :laugh: :laugh: Sounds like a great class. Did your cousin have fun even though she didn't feel so great at the end?

    Well getting to that time to make dinner,

    Have a great evening.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Wow, you all are on fire with your workouts!!! :bigsmile: I see lots of DOMS in your future! :laugh: I've been sticking with The Firm and some kickboxing on my end...nothing too extensive, but at least something. The tireds have settled in due to Finnegan thinking his new wakeup time is 5am instead of 6! :grumble: He is 100% energy, all day!

    Michelle--Nice Double Trouble, I bet you were wiped after that one! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--I'm sure you're missing the Double Trouble, but I bet it's a nice break at the same time. I hope you have some cooler weather in store for this week until you leave! :bigsmile:

    Laurie--Great workouts, you're really keeping it mixed up well to keep it it! :bigsmile:

    Tami--I love the new picture, and the fishing sounds like it was a lot of fun! I hope getting back to your normal workouts and eating is going well! :bigsmile:

    Back to work, have a good one!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! I know I have been saying this everyday, but it is true......I had another fun workout today! I am really enjoying this break between rotations more than I normally do. It has I started with the upper body premix from 4DS, which has long been a favorite. And, boy, did I feel strong today! I followed it with XTrain All Out Low Impact HiiT and the HiiT and Bootcamp parts of Intensity. Too much good stuff there!

    Michelle, it sure sounds like you caught the energy bug! Wow.....sounds like some incredible workouts, and it really sounds like you are enjoying them! Enjoy the energy wave as long as you can!!

    Laurie, how fun that we pulled out Pure Strength at the same time. A oldie but goodie. I must admit that I have gotten used to Cathe's slower lifting style these past few programs of hers, so PS sure felt fast to me! But that is all right too! Change is good. Sorry to hear about your VCR. Walmart still sells combined VCR/DVD players....just in case (my MIL was looking for one when we were in Florida). But I think buying S&H on DVd may be less expensive. :tongue:

    Erika, sorry to hear about the pup's time schedule. Hopefully he will readjust soon. Sounds like you are doing well with your workouts! We are still cooler today (about 75) and it feels wonderful to have the house open! It is going to warm up as we leave, but that is all right. We will close the house up and, hopefully, trap this cooler air in. And then drive off into the July. What were we thinking? :laugh:

    Tami, love the photo!! Now, that's a fish!!!

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ BootCamp was more subdued again, but great stations ~ 4 rounds of 8 stations and only a run around the facility twice for our warm-up. It was a good class with some cardio bursts in between but nothing crazy! I burned a bunch of calories, I was surprised. :smile: Today was STS Total Body and tonight will be Insane-X.

    Laurel: You are rockin through those workouts lady! :drinker: Nice job. You have put together some great combos. I think it’s so great you are having so much fun with all of them. Your workouts on the Ipod sound perfect and I am sure you will be able to get them in. Great that you have the opportunity to bring your weights as well.:smile: Love it! I am feeling back to normal, even by yesterday afternoon. I think my sluggishness was 100% lack of protein & water :ohwell: + hot sun and no workouts. Yes, I am really looking forward to my time with mom & sister. Mom & I will probably go for walks as well, she has a little 2-mi loop she takes her dog on. So my plan is the HiiT workout including jump rope and then off for a walk.:wink: I mention it so that I can report back that I stayed with my plan.:wink: Thanks for the kudos on the big fish.

    Michelle: Nice work lady! :bigsmile: I think it’s great you caught the energy bug! I’m sure you are feeling amazing. Muscle Mania sounds great, love the name in itself! :wink: I know you probably had a blast at Zumba, nice job. Thanks to you as well for the kudos on the big fish. It was fun catching it forsure. I always get a little nervous that it will get off the line at the last minute, because that does happen sometimes. :noway:

    Laurie: Sorry to hear about your VHS player! :frown: I know you have wondered when it was going to call it quits for a while now. Might need to retire her. She’s worked hard for you! :laugh: :wink: Excellent job on the workouts lately, you are just pushing through and doing amazing. I know normally if I am going somewhere I do pack some things that I know I can have as far as breakfast or snacks. When I go to my mom’s we always eat healthy with a few little homemade indulgences but otherwise I just plan on bringing my protein powder to mix into a shake at some point & she absolutely knows how I eat so we sometimes pack a little cooler in the car if we are shopping. Pretty funny, but I love it that she appreciates it.

    Erika: Great job sticking with what is working for you and calling your name right now! :smile: Little Fin, what goes through their little heads sometimes? Funny. Well, not funny to you. Hopefully he goes back to his old schedule of 6! Yes, the workout schedule & my normal eating feels great. I will plan better when I go this fall on my annual Fall fishing trip with DH in October. I seriously didn’t think we would be out on the river as long as we were last weekend or I would have planned better.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,456 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Just got finished with PS Legs & Abs, and Total Body Stretching Basic Stretch. Feeling really good right now. Have to get dinner going in a few minutes, but thought I would chat for a bit. I also did S90 Core Dynamic this morning. I am doing short 30 min. workouts in the morning, and then doing a longer workout in the evenings. This seems to be working well for me. I actually am getting in some of this weeks weight workouts, since I will be heading up north on Thursday. I can do some running up at the cabin, so I will save the cardio for then. :wink:

    Erika, Yes I'm having a great time mixing up the workouts. I was afraid that I wouldn't keep my interest going if I didn't. WTG on keeping up with your workouts.

    Laurel, 4DS was the other workout I was looking at, but with my time constraint I needed to go with a 3 day split, instead of four. I think that I made a good choice with PH. I still really love the PS leg workout. I think it is because she doesn't do low-ends. :laugh: I think that I will have to break down and get the DVD, or the download. Still trying to decide on that one. WTG on those workouts, that 4DS workout is long.

    Tami, I will have to see what I can take up there to eat, just don't like having 20 something people asking me what I'm eating.:laugh: :laugh: I'm sure that I can find something though. So you instructor was taking it easy on all of you from the sound of it. We are getting the extreme heat right now, and it sure makes one want to stay in the house. I really enjoy going down in my basement to workout now. It's nice and cool.:laugh:

    Have to get going,

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! I am kind of rotating through some of Cathe's older series lately, and today was the Body Blast series. I started with the Step, Jump, Pump/Step Blast premix that combines all of the cardio from those two workouts into one fun 90 minute workout. I loved it! I followed it with Legs and Glutes which felt surprisingly easy! :noway: I probably should have done the double trouble premix, but I didn't have time. I love feeling that strong, though!

    Tami, sounds like Bootcamp was more moderate but effective. Sounds like your instructor is really working hard at making it work for everybody. I admire her patience and dedication in doing that! Have fun with your family. I think it is great your mom is so supportive of your eating habits. My family still looks at me like I am nuts sometimes! :ohwell:

    Laurie, it is so funny that I was thinking the exact same thing you mentioned when doing PS low-ends! :laugh: Sometimes it really is nice just to do standard leg work! Sounds like a great workout schedule! Enjoy your trip!

    See you all in a couple of weeks!! Have fun!!!!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,456 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Just finished Pure Strength Back, Biceps and Abs. I will do TF HiiT 25 tomorrow morning before we leave, and I plan on doing two run/walks when I'm up at the cabin. Should work out pretty good. I'm not going to have internet up there, so this will be my last post of the week also.

    Laurel, WTG on those Leg Blast workouts. I'm planning on doing the CTX weight workouts next week, so that is another oldie. Have a wonderful time on your vacation also. I'm looking forward to a few days off. Still have to get the the store to get a present for my niece, so maybe I can drag my DH out with me.

    Have a great week and weekend,

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Evening Ladies,

    Yesterday was my certification for my new program and after four hours I passed successfully. :bigsmile: Today was another great day of double trouble and I hope to continue until we leave for Florida in two weeks. I finally feel energized and like my old self:blushing: , so I will stay the train until my body tells me otherwise.:laugh: Today in my Cardio- Kickboxing class we did drills mid-way and then practiced punches with a partner which totally worked my sore quads even more. Afterwards it was a fun routine of Zumba where the music takes me away for an hour of hips shaking and great Latin music.:bigsmile:

    Erika- For some reason on day two my DOMS kicked and going to the bathroom was painful to say the least.:noway: I think the KB class and stretches helped but tomorrow is my Muscle Mania class where those squats and that dreaded Step is used very effectively.:grumble: Hopefully Finnegan will get back on track soon Erika because an hour is major when it comes to wake up times.:frown:

    Laurel- Enjoy your vacation!:bigsmile:

    Laurie- Have fun at the cabin!:bigsmile:

    Tami- Muscle Mania should of been avoided for sure but the instructor knows me from Zumba and called me out when she saw me at the door and then I was at the front of the class:ohwell: , sooooooo I had to Bring It!:noway: I'm excited to go tomorrow but can honestly say my poor Quads feel as if I was beat with a stick or something.:laugh:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Today I enjoyed a light routine of Pilates and Tonique's Mat Side routine, my Reach dvd is not working in the PS3 so I had to sub those two in this morning.:grumble: I probably should of gone to Bootcamp! Yesterday's Power Cycle was Power crazy!:noway: I felt so out of shape and being in the front of the class because I was late..well not really but obviously I need to get there 20 minutes early.:grumble: The other thing is the class is done in a dark room with a few neon lights so the instructor set me up but visibility was limited for me to see especially during the drills. Ok between the hover taps where you hover over the seat and sit on the seat in 4 stride intervals to the music or the 85 resistance where you stand and pedal one leg at a time, this class was brutal and even some of the big guys were just pedaling during the drills. I was drenched, intimidated, and at times frustrated by my lack of ability.:blushing: The music was great but overall I think the class although beginners could modify was way too intense for a novice. I plan to attend one class per week and gradually do two, etc

    Tami- I have always admired those legs of yours and after that class, I am even more impressed.:wink: Muscle Mania was done by another instructor and she pulled out everything, bench, bar, DBs, paper plate, Ball and Elastic bands. At the hour mark we were asking her to cool down and at 1.5 hrs my body was totally exhausted. I picked the wrong day to combine Power Cycle with that class.:noway: Later that evening I actually thought about going back for Zumba.:tongue: must of been the endorphins talking.:laugh:

    Good Morning Erika:flowerforyou:

    Laurel & Laurie- Enjoy your vacation and safe travels.:flowerforyou:

    Off to Talladega tomorrow for hubby's race.:drinker: Have a great weekend!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    Talladega stormed right before hubby's group and they called the race so we have to reschedule again. The next time I will book a hotel because after the 3 hour drive and two hour track delay, getting back on the road stunk.:grumble: This morning it was Muscle Mania and Zumba, I have a love/hate relationship with this combo but we leave next week for Florida and Key West so I'm trying to get my hours in before the vacation week. Today's focus was UB muscle failure and booty shrinkage, love the latter but hate the walking lunges and gazillion squats. Overall it was a great workout that targeted everything and then Zumba followed up with a new routine that was a bit challenging but yet fun!:bigsmile:

    Tami- I hoping to try Power Cycle with my Zumba instructor this week, so hopefully I will feel a bit more confidant in class and not dread it too much.:blushing:

    Laurie and Laurel- Hoping your vacation is going well.:flowerforyou:

    Erika- How is Finnegan doing this week? Is your schedule slowing down a bit?

    Time to get tons of water in since I forgot my water bottle today.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,456 Member
    Evening Ladies,

    Well I'm back from up north, and then DH and I will be heading down to IL for a couple of days starting Wednesday. I don't know what I will do next week when I have a full week of work. :laugh: Just finished CTX Back and Triceps. This morning was the kicking and punching from KPC and one section of 10 MS Knockout Workout. The KPC premix included the abs, and I just didn't want to do that today. :laugh:

    Had a great time with the family, and got to see some of my Aunts and Uncles. Of course there was lots of laughing. Always happens with my Dad's side of the family. Really hot up there until Saturday, just glad it had cooled off for the party.

    Michelle, Great job on the workouts. It is amazing the burn that you get from those classes. :wink: Sorry to hear that the race got cancelled. That is a long drive, then adding on the delay only to be told it is not going to happen makes for a long day. How many times have you had to reschedule?

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Quick check-in tonight, as we have an extra visitor for awhile, and he's keeping us busy. I shared a pic in my profile pic spot...his name is Freddie. We decided we wanted to foster a pup to get our "fix" of a 3rd dog. It has been really fun, as he's a rescue pup from a puppy mill, so we have to start at square one, and it's fun to see him progress!

    Workouts have been good, but changed up a bit to be more outdoors in the yard, so I can have the pups out with me. They run around in the yard while I do tuck jumps, sprints, burpees, push-ups, etc! :bigsmile:

    You all have had some really fantastic workouts, keep up the awesome work!

    Time to get the 3 pups out for a walk. Have a good one!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies! :bigsmile: I had a really nice time with mom & it was fun to see my sister too :wink: She was busy with the wedding she was attending but I did spend some great quality time and good chats with all of us. I am glad to be back ~ Mostly for the workout/eating routine! :laugh: We did go for walks each a.m. and I did a quick HiiT workout on her back patio (jumping jacks, high knees, mtn climbers, push-ups, etc) along with some jump roping. She was cheering me on from inside. Was better than no workouts but I am still itching for my regular style workouts ~ Tonight will be Insane X! :wink:

    Michelle: Congrats on passing your certification! :drinker: That’s so great and Im sure you are happy to have that done. Way TO Work Woman! :smile: You have really been kicking it into high gear lately, I bet it feels great. You are really working your muscles in every direction it sounds. I commend you for sticking with the cycle class on your first go … being in the front is never something I would enjoy either! :grumble: I always have someone save me a bike Don’t worry, each time you go it will get better. The first time in cycling can feel brutal (as you described). Keep at it though! Our instructors always tell new people to come 3 times before deciding they don’t want to ever go again. Remember, you can always modify to your level of resistance so you don’t feel like you are dying. :wink: Thanks for the compliment & the kudos! :blushing: Muscle Mania sounds a lot like our BootCamp class when we stick to our regular format. Anxious to hear how your Power Cycle goes this week! I bet it will be better. Sorry to hear about the race getting CXLD. What a bummer.

    Laurie: Sounds like you are still firing up some great workouts, nice job! :happy: Glad to hear you also had a nice time with your family.

    Erika: Darling photo of your little visitor! What a face:heart: So awesome you guys are being a foster family for him. Sounds like a perfect workout you have going outside with the pups! :wink:

    I’ll talk to you ladies tomorrow! Tami
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Insane-X was a great class! Super fun last night. We did an obstacle course format, like last week. She is basing it more on Asylum these last couple weeks. Box jumps, power jumps over objects, running lines, jump rope, agility ladder with push-ups, running, etc. :wink: She also informed me & some of the other regulars in August she is having knee surgery and would like for us to be her "examples" because they will let her teach ... Which is great. That means front of the class on those days! Yikes :noway: :laugh: This a.m. was AfterBurn and tonight will be Spinning :wink:

    Hope you are all doing well! I'll check in tomorrow ........... Tami
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    The last two days have been military functions which requires my being dolled up so no workout after my hair apt late Tuesday. Today was Muscle Mania which went for 90 minutes and it was a mix of HIIT intervals and Muscle fatigue of the Tris & Bis.:noway: She then had us do sets of push-ups to failure and finished with dips.:grumble: A few of us stayed after class and did an extended Ab session on the ball and she grabbed me for counting so it made for some great laughs. I hate the fact that I'm leaving next week for Florida now that I'm enjoying my classes but I did promise to take the kids to Nana's plus we rented the townhome in the keys.:bigsmile:

    Tami- I met a spin instructor from Hawaii yesterday and he also stated, three classes to determine if it is the right fit or not.:bigsmile: I did go to bed last night with achy knees so I skipped class this morning and slept in an extra thirty minutes before heading out to MM. That insane-X sounds like the Bootcamp class here cranked up a notch or three.:laugh: Bummer about your instructor's knee surgery.

    Erika- Yikes on the three dogs but so cool on fostering puppies.:heart: I can imagine the puppies chasing you as you attempt to drop and do burpees.:laugh:

    Laurie- This will be our third attempt but we do have one year to reschedule, unfortunately I did not purchase the refund package:grumble: . I was never offered a refund package!:huh: I'm hoping to schedule him for the Labor Day weekend and make it a getaway weekend or early Anniversary weekend for us.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello Ladies ~ Last night's Spin class was another "sweat fest" but it was great! At the very end after hill climbs, sprints on a hill, sprints and ladders we did the Big Kahunas! It was a great class :wink: This a.m. was Cardio Core Circuit and tonight when it cools off I think I will take the pups for a walk.

    Michelle: Muscle Mania sounds like a really good class! Nice work:wink: Way to stay for the bonus abwork after class too:drinker: The "3-class rule" must be pretty standard then. Hopefully your knees aren't hurting during Spin? If so, make sure you are fitted properly .... but you probably already have done that!

    Talk to you tomorrow!! Tami
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Friday :drinker: TGIF!!!!! Even on a 4-day week. . . .
    Nice relaxing evening last night w/ the pups and DH. He is headed out again today for more fishing trips he will be running. So I am hoping to get in a couple of good long rides on my bike! :wink: This a.m. workout was Cathe's Athletic Training and headed to Spinning after work. :bigsmile:

    Hope you are all doing well and have a great weekend! Tami