Cathe Fans Part 5



  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies:flowerforyou:

    We arrived home from Atlanta round 1am last night and although we are exhausted, I had to get the girls ready for their house calls with the Vet. What a weekend!:grumble: We arrived early Saturday because Kayla's plane was due early Sunday but she missed the fight and her mom could only get her back on to arrive Monday night = 7 hour drive for my hubby again or delay her arrival until next Saturday. So after contemplating I checked other airlines and bought a ticket that would have her arrival at 8pm that night, then her mom called an hour before departure to say they would not allow her to fly because of the weather in Atlanta and a potential detour to Chicago.:angry: So my husband gets on the phone and asks for the Manager, Tower control weather advisory, etc and after much debate and heated tones they put her on the plane with an hour delay. So it was a long painfully and stressful 3 hours waiting in hopes of no further delays. She arrived safely with a few other unaccompanied minors:huh: and the girls were so surprised and I was soo excited as she is like the other child, although now she is taller than the eldest at 5"4.:noway: I enjoyed a great workout yesterday morning that included football drills, circuits, and even Abs with my cousin but skipped her 300 routine:blushing: so I think that I will prepare for the Pest control to get here, go for Mr. C. and run a few errands before the weather gets any worst. Tomorrow I will be back on track!

    Tami & Laurel- Yes the birthday Pizza date was great and the last person left at 10:15, so overall my youngest enjoyed her day plus we tend to celebrate for the entire month with decorations on the assigned chair, etc.:laugh:

    Erika- Hey is everything?

    Laurie- Are you still rocking Jillian's BR rotation?

    Have a great Monday!:flowerforyou:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Well, I am probably going to be MIA for a little while...lots of stuff going on here, that requires all my attention. I usually have a relatively uneventful life (aside from sports and day to day work/home life), but that has all changed drastically in the last week. So, I need to ask for some prayers from my fit friends! I made a trip up to see my Grandpa with my brother, and all our kids, as my Grandpa has terminal cancer and starts treatment to give him a little longer to live, on Tuesday. It was a great trip, and the cousins had a blast, as did my parents and grandparents, as they had lots of time to enjoy the kids. But, before I left, I found out my husband's anxiety came back with a bang, to the point where he couldn't leave the house, go to work, or even feel safe being alone. So, I had to call his parents to come stay with him while I went and then I came home yesterday to a totally distraught husband. The docs can't find a med that works (he's off them now, due to horrible side effects) without him having some pretty severe side effects. I'm praying that the stuff they gave him this weekend will start working, as this is just a nightmare for me. Mentally he's not stable, and I'm trying to take care of him, get the kids to their activities (to keep them from seeing what is going on), work FT and keep up with day to day stuff. It's been really tough, and now I'm sick due to stress/lack of sleep.

    So sorry about the rant, but I need to get it all out. It's been a complete 180 for me in the last week, and I'm just feeling so exhausted and overwhelmed. I am trying hard to get a workout in each day, just to help with the stress. We have a HUGE project (ie our entire 3 car driveway filled with 4 feet high of rock that needs to be placed into our landscaping areas before the fence goes up this week), that I'm really hoping will count for something, as that's going to be my project each night.

    Anyway, keep up the great workouts and fun events while I'm away. I'll catch up with you all later...keep our family in your prayers, please!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Great weekend for our weather forsure! :bigsmile: I was able to enjoy that with a couple of dogs walks in the a.m. and then relaxing after my workout, which I opted for Cathe’s Total Body TriSets on Sat!! Even felt it a bit in the legs yesterday, must have done its job.:wink: House cleaning after that so that I would get it done before venturing outside into the sun. Sunday became my REST day so a few errands, and more hanging outside a bit. Today’s workout is Monday BootCamp and since it is still nice out, I’m sure we will be outside. I did some research online for a new bike this weekend. Since last week’s ride I cannot stop thinking about and thought “why shouldn’t I get a bike?” :blushing: So we’ll see. My only hold back is that it is an expensive investment if I don’t use it a lot. But I think I would ride every weekend forsure and some evenings. My mom’s cheering me on from Portland thinking I should go for it! She reminded me that my DH and his shop full of fishing equipment is way beyond a bike for expense! :laugh:

    Michelle: Good to hear from you! :smile: Sounds like it was a little “iffy” on Kayla’s arrival but glad it worked out! Your DH is a saint for driving the 7 hrs to pick her up. I’m sure he got right on that phone if there was going to be another delay. Sounds like you had a nice workout yesterday! Nice work.:wink: Love that you are celebrating for the month ~ how fun is that!

    Erika: The words “I am so sorry” are not enough to say for what you are going through. :flowerforyou: So of course sending you a BIG HUG, tons of prayers and all good thoughts your way. 180 degree shift in your life is right. Yowsa friend. The last thing you need to worry about is a workout forsure. :ohwell: Like you said, to relieve some stress when you are feeling up to it is perfect. Wish there was something I could do from here. . . . thinking about you take care of yourself and keep us posted when you can. :flowerforyou:

    Laurel – Hope you are doing well and had a great weekend!:bigsmile:

    Laurie – Missing you, hoping you are well!:flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Sorry I missed you all yesterday, but it was just a crazy day here. But it was the last of the crazy days for a little while....I hope. I am we'll into my last week of X/X2. Sunday started with X2 PAP Lower followed by XTrain Super Cuts Extreme premix. Yesterday was PAP Upper, followed by Cathe's Max Intensity Cardio and some more upper body work from her CTX series.

    Yesterday we had record-breaking heat again, and without AC, I was feeling sluggish this morning. I started with X2 Base and Back, and that got rid of the slugs! I followed it with Tabatacise and Pyramid Lower Body. My legs are trembling! But it felt good. We will be near 100 degrees again today, so I may need to find a shady spot for a nap later. :wink:

    Michelle, I am so glad things worked out with the arrival of your daughter's friend, even though it sounds like it wasn't easy. I am sure they are going to have a great time together. DH and I will be down your way this weekend as we have opted to fly into Atlanta and make our way down to our friends at Ft. Walton Beach, FL from there. I am hoping for a week of no tropical storms or hurricanes!!

    Erika, as Tami said, there is no way to adequately say I am sorry for what you are going through. I have no doubt you are exhausted. Between trying to keep life normal for your boys, working, taking care of your DH and all of the worry and concern you must be feeling.......there are no words. Please know we are here for you whenever you need to vent. I will be thinking about you and have you in my prayers.:flowerforyou:

    Tami, I am SO glad to hear you had a good time with Base and Back. It is so funny that I only did that workout once during my first rotation of the program, but, boy, has it grown on me. I hope you continue to enjoy some of the other workouts too! And I say....get a bike! They are great forms of exercise AND a great way to be outside. I know my DH really wants a bike and whenever we finally settle, I would not be surprised to see us invest, just for fun!

    Laurie, I hope you are well!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I would have to say that BootCamp was the most insane it’s ever been! :noway: We started out with 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100-OH presses, 100 squats. Then right into Burpee 1 push-up, 1 jack – this sequence up to 20 jacks. Then into the gym for 3 sets of lines. Then outside for the long hill running. Down & up 3 times, then 1 set of skipping down and skipping up. Then high knees on the grass for a minute, high knees legs wide (like a frog) and a few other things mixed in. One being frontward somersaults down the grassy hill. Ummmmm, not sure what this has to do with anything.:noway: :laugh: I got going so fast I nearly ended up in the street because I couldn’t stop. It’s funny now looking back on it but could have been bad. Yikes! I was so dizzy. My HR monitor stopped working property part way through the hour we were working out … maybe it over heated. :laugh:

    I didn’t get my workout in this a.m. due to a 1:30 wake-up call by the Sherriff dept. They were letting us know a patrolman was in our area and saw that our garage door was open. Super nice of them to give us that courtesy call … but at 1:30!?!?!:huh: When you hear “this is the Sheriffs Dept” it sends your heart right into alert mode, full awake, go into action. So by the time I fell back asleep my 4:15 wake-up got the snooze. So tonight will be Insane-X and then X2 tomorrow a.m. “no matter what!” :wink:

    Laurel: Sounds like you are ending your last week with a bang as usual! :drinker: Nice combos. They sound like lots of fun!:bigsmile: What will you be doing after this rotation? Yowsa on your 100 degree temps. I bet you weren’t ready for that at all? Probably feels even hotter to you. We are in the 70’s this week with some clouds lingering around and a breeze so it is nice. Base & Back was a surprise because I read back in your notes you had said you opted to not do this one. So I figured I would try it and see and opt out for the other one. I may still try the other one as well just to see. Looks like it has a lot of pull-ups/chin-ups as well. That Tony is in love with those exercises forsure.:ohwell: Thanks for the encouragement on the bike. I am 95% sure I will do it. :happy: Just a matter of going in and making the decision. I’m trying to not over think it, but when it’s an investment I want to make the right choice. How fun you and DH are taking a trip down to Atlanta and then FL.

    Hi Michelle, Erika & Laurie ~:flowerforyou:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I'm here but busy with the youngest in Bible Study Camp and keeping the other two challenged academically with Japanese lessons.:laugh: Unfortunately due to their love of Anime it has turned into nonstop practice during the wee hours of the morning.:grumble: Next week they will attend camp together while the youngest heads to Art camp so that should keep them off of their Ipads for at least 8 hours.:wink: Overall it was as if the two were never separated and they are totally enjoying each other.:love:

    Tami- The HR monitor probably died a sudden death in order to get out of the torture.:laugh: I'm laughing but it sounds excruciating.:noway: As for the wake up call, I had that happen when hubby was in Iraq but the officer rang the bell and my heart went into "fight or flight" mode and I refused to go downstairs or even open the door throughout the conversation. However he was sweet enough and wanted to check the garage before I closed it to make sure no one was hiding inside. I was very grateful but at those hours we always think the worst.

    Laurel- The weather has done a 360 degree change and we are Sunny with highs of 99, so the beach is sounding really great with tons of sunblock of course.:wink: Enjoy the visit and the much needed break.:flowerforyou:

    Erika- All could not be said here and hopefully you received the message I sent earlier. Hugs and prayers for the family. We are here when you need us.:heart:

    Laurie- We miss you lady so please check in.:bigsmile:

    Late start on exercise today but I feel sluggish and maybe a bit dehydrated. I have a few errands to run to get an outfit for my daughters performance tomorrow and then I can stay indoors until later when I plan to set up the volleyball net for a game with Kayla.

    Have a great day!:flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies. After blasting my lower body yesterday, I decided to do the same to my upper body this morning. I started with P90X Shoulders and Arms. Then I did the cardio from XTrain Hard Strikes then right into the cardio from Kick Max. To keep my heart rate up during those early drills in Kick Max, I upped my wrist weights. My arms were screaming! And, for good measure, to finish it off, I went back to Hard Strikes and did the conditioning drills. Good stuff!

    Tami, yowza on the Bootcamp class! Yeah, I am pretty sure your heart rate monitor decided it had enough! That sounds brutal! I am glad you were able to stop the somersaults! I can't remember the last time I did a somersault! Yeah, the weather here made a drastic turn. And now there are the fires.....again. One of the fires is only about 10 miles from where we live, and we are waiting to hear whether a friend has lost her home. They have horses and were able to get them out....but were driving through flames on the way out. The air quality is horrible. I think I have officially had enough of June in Colorado after last year's experience and, now, watching more homes just down the road from us go up in flame. Just breaks my heart. Anyhow, enough of that. After we get back from FL, I think I am going to do a rotation for three weeks (until we head out to California) like the XTrain Double Trouble rotation I made up before moving into my current rotation. I really feel like doing those XTrain upper body workouts again!

    Michelle, I am so glad your daughter and her friend are having so much fun. I love the idea of Japanese lessons for them! Not easy stuff there. Yeah, I have heard it has been hot down there! We have about three bottles of sunscreen packed and at least two sets of clothes for each day! My suitcase will probably weigh a ton!

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    HI Ladies ~ Last night’s Insane-X was a good one.:wink: We had a sub-trainer that did a great job. It was formatted into the 1-min ea at 30 exercises straight through. She even said at the end, “I forgot how tough this class is” so she had a little bit of sympathy for us.:laugh: This a.m. was X2 Shoulders & Arms, again I enjoyed this one. Tonight will be Spinning right after work.

    Michelle: Sounds like the two are having a fun time together forsure! WOW on the Japanese lessons, that’s awesome. :noway: Good plan on keeping them academically challenged vs. 8 hours of Ipad! :laugh: I’m pretty sure you’re right that it died a sudden death. :ohwell: It didn’t work last night in Inane-X either so I have a call into the HR Monitor company. Sheesh! I love those little devices when they work but when they don’t its frustrating. OMG! I can’t even imagine how bad that scared you when your DH was in Iraq and you received the knock on the door. My DH did think of that later .. what if someone was in the garage when he went to shut the door. Hope you got that second burst of energy with some H2O and errands!

    Laurel: Holy Upper Body workout!!! Yowsa lady. :noway: :drinker: You got em good today it sounds. Plus some cardio. Way to work!! How frightening for your friends and anyone else dealing with the fires in your area.:frown: Glad to hear they made it … sounds like it was very close. So sad. That sounds like a great plan with the dbl trouble workouts. I have been missing those myself. Really enjoy them. Might have to mix some back into whatever I do next after X2. :wink:

    Everything ok Laurie?!? Check in with us :flowerforyou:

    Positive thoughts to you Erika ~ :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow! Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies...just a quick drop in to say hi and that today and yesterday were good days here! Hubby is doing better,.grandpa made it through his first chemo treatment, the boys are enjoying their sports, the pups are good and our landscaping project is about half done. My workouts have been 2 plus hours of hauling rock each night. Quite the sweatfest!

    Sounds like you are all enjoying your summer activities and workouts, which is great to hear!

    I will try to check in Friday sometime. Now it is off to bed...getting late!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was another good workout day. I started with P90X Chest and Back and actually did Ab Ripper X with it....for the first time in weeks. :blushing: I followed it with Cathe's Hardcore Extreme Workout #2, which is high and low intervals. I was having problems catching my breath during the IMAX 3 intervals!! That's most likely indicative of the fact I haven't done that workout in a year. But I choose to blame it on the very smoky air I am breathing right now.:tongue: Then, because I had time, I followed it with X2 Yoga......another one I have skipped for a few weeks. :ohwell:

    Technically I am done with this rotation even though I plan on doing X2 Shoulder and Arms tomorrow. I really couldn't be happier with my results from this rotation. I have gotten so many comments on how fit I look over the past few weeks. I think much of that is due to the fact that I finally came out of my cardio funk that I had been in for several months. Instead of reaching for workouts I could 'get through', I am back to reaching for cardio workouts that push me. But I also can't ignore what X/X2 do for my upper body. While I don't love all of the push-ups and shoulders seem to! I am already thinking of doing this rotation again next spring. That's probably a good sign that it went well.

    Erika, I am so glad you checked in with us! And I am so happy to hear things are going all right for you! Yikes on hauling rock! No doubt that is a great workout!

    Tami, sounds like another good class. It must have been if the instructor was challenged. I am sorry to hear about the HRM, though. How frustrating. I know the fact that mine never worked consistently--despite being very expensive--is what caused me to stop wearing it. That and the fact I have a tendency to become a bit obsessed with the numbers. :blushing: Glad you enjoyed Shoulders and Arms again. Definitely one of my faves!

    Well, this fire near us is absolutely tragic. Last year's fire in which we were evacuated was the worst in state history in terms of number of houses lost. This new fire......just 15 or so miles away from last year's fire has now taken 360 homes. It is hard to believe. We know two people who have lost everything and countless others that have evacuated. Unfortunately the evacuation borders the north entrance into the Air Force Academy, so many people who work here live right outside that entrance. So very, very sad. I am just asking for thoughts and prayers for all impacted. :flowerforyou:

    We are off tomorrow for Florida so it will be awhile before I check in again. Stay safe and stay strong!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Great Spinning class last night! Everyone seemed to enjoy it and it was tough stuff. :bigsmile: So far today I have done Insane Abs at lunch, which was great and hope to get in my X2 workout in this evening. :wink:

    Erika: So good to hear from you! :flowerforyou: Sounds like things are going a little better, that’s great. The rock hauling is tough work, I remember when we built our house and I was helping my husband do that. A lot tougher than it looks forsure. That’s a great workout!

    Laurel: Congrats on finishing up your rotation & even more that you plan on doing it again.:drinker: :bigsmile: That is a very good sign! I’m sure the smoky air is exactly why you were having problems catching your breath. I have found during this rotation so far with X2 that cardio is tougher for me.:huh: I suppose since there isn’t any cardio in the workouts. Unlike XTrain where you are constantly mixing in cardio. Notice I haven’t even mentioned the X2 Yoga ….. yes I’m a “skipper” on that one as well lately.:blushing: I have had to plug in one of my favs to keep up my motivation lately.
    I e-mailed Polar and they suggested a new strap. I guess the electrodes wear out over time (approx 12-18 months; good to know since I have followed their cleaning instructions to a “T”) so for $15 I have a new strap coming.:smile: So I will try that and hope that’s all. In the meantime I am using my back-up one from the last time this happened and had to send them my old one; which ended up being a new strap and my old monitor sent back to me. Talk about obsessive:huh: :blushing: I am admitting I have one in first position and back-up for training! :laugh:
    So sad about your area and the fires forsure. I will be sending out good thoughts & prayers for Colorado! :flowerforyou: Have an absolute blast in Florida. Can’t wait to hear about your trip. :bigsmile:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Another quick check-in (at work this time!), and everything continues to go well. My husband is doing really well this week, and we are over 1/2 way done with our rock project. We are hoping to finish up this weekend, so we can have our fence installed next week! No workouts, I think 2-3hrs of hauling rock each night is enough! :laugh:

    Tami--Great class...yeah!!!:bigsmile: How are you liking X2??

    Laurel--Have a great time in Florida! Judging by the smoky air pics my old college roommate has been posting on FB (she is in Colorado Springs too, and her neighborhood just got evacuated), your lungs will thank you for heading somewhere with fresher air! Congrats on finishing up the rotation, I bet you are ready to show off your results on the beach in Florida!! :bigsmile:

    Hi Michelle and Laurie--Have a great weekend!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Quick Check In:flowerforyou:

    The performance went great and then I took the girls to Chill for frozen yogurt and then it was kick butt game of volleyball. Our young 4 year old neighbor came over and then run into the net and knocked everything down so that was a wrap!:huh: Today we slept in and will wait until cooler temps arrive before we head outside for a fun game of volleyball. Tonight is family movie night and the girls requested my Baked Spaghetti, so after a 3 hour grocery store trip I have not exercised at all.:grumble:

    Laurel- Safe travels and prayers to those back home in Colorado! Take pics so that we can see those results!:wink:

    Erika- Yes lifting and moving those rocks will burn way more calories for sure.:bigsmile: Glad to hear that hubby is doing great!

    Tami- Too funny on the missed yoga in the rotation.:laugh: I told the girls that we are taking them to a Japanese restaurant at the end of the 4 weeks plus her mom is Korean-Black and is excited with Kayla's attempt to speak to her in Japanese, so the pressure is on and it is a very interesting and extremely mind boggling language o study.:noway:

    Have a great weekend!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies.

    Rough weekend here, hubby had a full blown panic attack in the car yesterday and it was super scary. Unfortunately the kids saw the whole thing, so this has gone to a whole new level with the kids involved now. I'm working to find some sort of treatment for him, which is challenging, and now having to go to his appointments with him too. I'm trying my best to keep calm so he doesn't see how stressed I am, but it is really getting to me! :frown:

    No workout all week, but the rock project got completed yesterday, so I'm hoping to get something in tonight. We're on 4 day a week practices and games on Sunday's for the next 7 weeks, so between the sports and trying to take care of the hubby, I may be on a workout hiatus for awhile.

    Michelle--What a fun weekend!! :bigsmile: I bet the girls loved the special dessert, VB game and movie night with the baked spaghetti! :bigsmile: Perfect weekend!

    Laurel--I hope Florida is treating you well! :bigsmile:

    Hi Tami and Laurie!

    I may or may not be back on here tomorrow, just depends on how the day goes with the hubby....

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you on Friday! :ohwell: I was in our other office building again answering phones. At any rate, good weekend! Sat I ended up taking a REST day and then yesterday was back to X2. :wink: So I did X2 Chest/Back/Balance and followed it up with Cathe’s Hard Strikes w/ the conditioning drills. It was nice to add a fun Cathe workout after the X2 and a good compliment with the cardio and arm work + abs at the end. We went over to my in-laws for Fathers Day and it was very nice. Relaxing and beautiful weather for a backyard BBQ! :bigsmile: No workout this a.m. but I have BootCamp tonight so that ought to be another good workout. Hopefully no somersaults down the grassy hill. :huh: X2 of course tomorrow a.m.

    Erika: So great to hear from you and I’m sorry that your DH had a panic attack. Especially in front of the kids I am sure it made you feel really nervous. I hope you can find a professional that will be able to help you guys with this. I’m sure he absolutely hates feeling this way too. Understandable that the workouts will be on a hiatus for awhile. Check in when you can. :flowerforyou:

    Michelle: Sounds like you have been having lots of family fun! :smile: That is so great. What a fun thing to do with family on your movie night tonight! Enjoy. :tongue:

    Laurel: Hope you are having fun! :smile:

    I’ll check in tomorrow ~ Tami
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Checked to see if anyone was here yesterday, thought I would wait until today :wink: . . . crickets :laugh: Hope everyone is doing well.

    So just a quick check in then ~ Yesterday was Plyocide and in the p.m. I did Insane-X after work. The regular instructor was back. She did a nice mixture of exercises, and as always it was tough, but good! :wink: This a.m. I wasn’t able to do my workout due to the DVD player being down. :frown: Direct TV guy was at the house yesterday and did some “rearranging” so not sure why it won’t work. Didn’t want to wake DH up so he said he will look at it tonight. Just Spinning for today after work.
    Debating on what to do into next week .... another round of this phase in X2 or move on to the final phase or abort altogether:blushing: Really keep eye-balling other workouts. We'll see, I hate to exit my plan and only one more phase.

    Hope you are all good and having a nice week! Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Quick check-in before the family wakes up for the day...

    Not a good day yesterday. I tried to take my husband to a psychologist, and he had his worst panic attack to date, and the psychologist said he needed to get to the ER as he couldn't calm himself down. 5 hours later, and some sedatives to take home, we are back where we were at. I had to call in multiple family members to help with the kids, hubby,etc, as we are going to get him to a therapist today, and I'm going to be working on getting him a psychiatrist close to home.

    It was a very draining day yesterday, as my hubby is so upset over this all, and wants to just feel "normal." I just have no experience in this area, and no one in my family with anxiety, so I don't even know where to begin. It runs in my hubby's family, so I've been talking with numerous family members on what to do. I am really hoping the docs can get his meds figured out (everything so far has given him hives, so he's had to stop using it) so he can work on the mental health aspect of it with a psychologist.

    Wish us luck...I really need my workouts right now to de-stress, but there just isn't time, as I need to be either with my kids or hubby pretty much all day (plus work too).

    I'll check in when I am able. I hope you are all having a great week!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Qucik Check In.

    No exercises all week due to major bloating, fatigue and my body being out of it...not sure what is causing the major exhaustion.:huh: I have been running back and forth with camps, swimming, and just trying to entertain the girls and ensure that Kayla is having a good time.:yawn: It is also hot and has been storming all week except for today plus I was offered certification in a new program so I'm studying.:ohwell: I'm hoping to get my head out of the sand this weekend because I truly need a major energy supplement...any ideas?

    Erika- I'm so sorry to hear of the recent occurrance but remember that once a trigger occurs the mental pysche is more apt to react frequently until medication or therapy provides stablizes the person for a while. Unfortunately it does run in some families and although it skipped me, my eldest deals with it with picking the skin, primarily her face which has led to therapy and scars. It is an ongoing battle and sometimes life it great and other times she comes to the table with a fresh set. It is so frustrating, emotional draining because you can only pray that one day it makes sense to them and they wake up cured. Don't worry about the exercise, if you can great but if not try to give yourself five minutes of silence everyday to breathe deeply and ask for strength to deal with another day. We are here for you and will continue to pray for him!:flowerforyou:

    Tami- Sorry for the MIA but as I have been lazy, I feel so guilty posting without exercising.:blushing: :blushing: I think right now you are mentally ready for a change so give yourself permission to walk away from something that is not the right fit for you now. Maybe later this year it will feel right but your time working out should be exhiliarting and exciting, not dreadful and unmotivated. The beauty in being older is being comfortable in saying, "Yes or No" for yourself, not for others.:wink:

    Laurel- I hope the beach is wonderful!

    Ok back to studying ! Ugh!:grumble:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Spinning was lots of fun last night. Due to our horrible weather right now all the classes are busy so it provides a good energy in the room! :smile: No workout this a.m. but I went to Insane Abs for my lunch break! Headed home right after work and I’m really looking forward to getting into my cozy sweats. It has been pouring ALL day long :grumble: so it’s just one of those days you want to snuggle up! Make dinner & we will watch the Spurs & Heat square off again tonight.

    Erika: I am SO so sorry to hear about your hubby having another attack.:cry: I am also praying for you both. That the doctor’s can find the right combination of treatment, (medication, counseling, whatever helps him). I agree with Michelle, totally fine to be missing workouts right now. If the moment grabs you and you feel like it, go for it! Maybe even one of your dance sessions, shaking off some of that stress:laugh: and moving that exhausting energy out of your body:wink: . . . otherwise be still and center yourself. We’re here for you friend!:flowerforyou:

    Michelle: No worries …. :wink: I know you are all busy and sounds like you have been Mom of the Year with your girls and Kayla. Which is so great! :bigsmile: I’m sure the running you ragged has a lot to do with your energy level. Sheesh, I feel tired hearing about all you do. Plus, stormy weather on top of it. What about a B12 liquid? I have heard that the actual tablets lose their potency, vs a liquid. Something to try that is natural. :smile: You are a wise, wise woman! Thank you for your advice to me on X2. I agree, I am unfamiliar with the feeling of not looking forward to a workout. Maybe going back to it one of these days it will be different. :wink: I need to get back to that “can’t wait for my a.m. workout” feeling again. Sometimes when I set a goal for myself (like completing a rotation) I feel bad to walk away from it. Just because it's not my favorite. But truly, it’s still there in the DVD pckg. I can try it again one of these days if I choose. If not, there are so many workouts I haven’t tried or love to do over and over. :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Laurel – Hope you are having a fabulous time and great weather as well! :bigsmile:

    Thinking of you Laurie – Hope things are ok with you and your family.:smile:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ WooHoo, Friday!!!! :drinker: Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Another quick check-in! Things are improving at home, I had to get a little mean with some doctors yesterday, but I was able to get my hubby on a med he had used in the past (but had to switch because it stopped working as well, but there were no side effects), and give it another try since he hasn't been on it for 2 years. Everything else gives him hives. I was able to get my FIL to stay with him and the kids today for a few hours so I could come to work and get a few things done, and then my in-laws will be at our house with him most of the week next week, as I have a crazy work schedule!

    I was able to get him out of the house (right now agoraphobia had hit hard, so he can't be around other people) for a walk with the dogs, which seemed to help, and this morning he drove himself to a dr appt close by our house on his own (only had to stop on the side of the road once to calm himself down). Baby steps...

    Hoping for a good workout tonight, I need it!

    I hope you all have an awesome weekend, and have some good weather...we're muggy, stormy and hot!

    Michelle--Sounds like you are exhausted from a full schedule, and the weather like we are having. I'd be feeling lazy too...all that running is a workout in itself!

    Tami--I'm pretending I'm in class with you (or at least imagining it), sounds like an awesome stress reliever! I'm thinking a dance session is a great idea...for the whole family! :bigsmile:

    Hi Laurie and Laurel--I hope you are both well!

    I'll check in at some point next week.
