Cathe Fans Part 5



  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I have been on the road all day with dropping off the dog, an award ceremony, then I took the eldest to the Nail salon and then lunch after her award ceremony and hopefully the Vet will call me to pick up Mr. C. The weather here is great with a nice breeze after those humid temps.:bigsmile: I did Tracy Mallet F.I.T. yesterday and OMG why did I sweat so profusely during the Leg portion. :blushing: My quads were hurting pretty good last night from Bar Method SS and the glute & hammy area was soooore with Tracy's unique moves.:bigsmile: I'm loving this Pilates and Barre mix rotation combined with the 2x Cardio sessions.

    Tami- Thanks for the great tip! :bigsmile: I thought about using the end of my chaise lounge but I just ordered a new ottoman for the family room and it is the perfect size for incline and side positions, plus it is very padded. :wink: :love:

    Laurel- Happy Birthday...the forties is the new late twenties so keep up the great work of inspiring the younger folks like myself to keep "Pushing Play".:tongue::laugh: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Send me some o those chill temps as my AC is on full blast at 76 degrees everyday again.

    Erika- Rest, relax and listen to the doctor.:flowerforyou: Yes it is the last day of school and now the hectic part of my year starts especially being here in such a small town.

    Laurie- Oooooh earrings sound like a great option.:bigsmile: My biggest fear is losing a stone in my anniversary ring because years ago I lost two stones in my original set and due to our location and the unavailability of that Jewelry company it was never fixed and eventually became an eyesore. :grumble: Now as soon as I walk in the door I take off my ring and tend not to wear it at home due to hits, etc. Congrats to DD final results, my eldest had her first meet and had her pride bruised with her results, hopefully this will energize her for the next Swim meet. As for the clothes in the hallway enjoy having a full house again. :laugh:

    Ok I'm off to go and collect my 4-legged son.:bigsmile:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Had a great Friday workout. I started with X2 Base and Back which has really grown on me these past three weeks. Then I moved to the cardio from XTrain Hard Strikes and then straight into the cardio from Cardio Kicks. Great kickboxing combo! My legs were tight from the Legs and Glutes Extreme workout on Wednesday, so I finished with the standing legs from XTrain legs which really flushed the DOMS out. So strange that that workout has turned into a great recovery workout for me.

    Michelle, great job with the workouts. Really sounds like you have found a rotation that works for you! Thank you for the birthday wishes!! I don't mind being 48 at all......maybe because I know I could kick the behind of the 18 or 28 year old me! :blushing: I wish I could send our cooler weather to you. We didn't get out of the 50's yesterday. :noway: But we are supposed to hit 80 today. That will be nice as we have a formal dinner tonight and the sleeveless gown I am planning on wearing would be chilly at 50!

    I hope all of you enjoy a fantastic Memorial Day weekend. I will probably be gone all of next week, but I will be thinking about you!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Memorial Day Ladies! I have missed you all & been thinking about you. I ended up getting busier at work than I anticipated with taking the 4 days off so wasn't able to check in with you all :ohwell: But it has been great being off work for more than 2 days:bigsmile: We ended up staying home due to very unpredictable weather. It's been nicer than we thought but going to the in-laws property the weather would have been windy & cold for camping. I finished up Phase 1 (Fri was a combo of Total body followed by Balance &Power) X2 & started up Phase 2 yesterday. X2 Chest/Back& Balance. Lots of pull-ups in this workout so Im glad I have Cathe's tower for assisted pull-ups.:blushing: Today was supposed to be Plyocide & I just really felt like doing something else so I did Afterburn with the Bonus burn. It was what I needed on my lower motivation day. Tomorrow will be Plyocide to stick with my schedule. Anxious to try Shoulders/Arms on Wed am. :wink:

    Laurel:Happy Happy "belated" Birthday!!! :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :drinker: This week I have 4 special people with Bdays!!! You, my BFF, my good friend at work &my nephew. all in that order:bigsmile: You are truly an inspiration to twenty something's, thirty something's & forty something's :bigsmile: You amaze me every day week after week with your commitment & "Tri-fectas" as I refer to your workouts so often :wink: Sounds like you've continued having great workouts & you have a good plan in place before you go on your trip too! Thanks for the encouragement on Phase 2. I'm looking forward to this new phase. Trying it "as is" this week (well, minus my add on today:blushing: Not sure what is up with my motivation lately ... i think its wanting that feeling of success with something familiar :ohwell: ). So as the program is written & then next week I think I will try the other bonuses just to compare. Ther was a pull-up move that I have no idea how to modify with my set up?!? :noway: You are using the tower too right or bands? The Lever is the name of it. I opted for the pull-ups in that moment or I was afraid the whole stand would rock over. If you recall this move, any ideas?

    Michelle: :smile: Love that the chair idea is going to,work for you! Yahoo. Sounds pretty comfy, I was thinking more like a card table chair:laugh: but I am glad the lounge is going to work. Your workout plan you have going right now sounds like you are definitely liking it & feeling it! :wink: Hope you had a nice weekend with your family& of course Mr C!

    Hello Erika & Laurie - Hope you are doing well:flowerforyou:

    Talk to you tomorrow, Tami
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies :smile: Where are my peeps?!? :wink:
    Just checking in ...... Plyocide (a.m.) and Insane-X tonight after work.

    Hope you are all doing well!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!!

    I'm here and well (finally)! :bigsmile: I didn't attempt a workout until Sunday, as my body still had some residual pain and even a walk with the dogs was too much on Friday. But, I'm back to 100% now, and just have TOM to deal with now! :grumble:

    Workouts have been light, but good. Busy, busy around here, but not the typical sports, rather family stuff and then we are getting our property fenced for the dogs, so lots of prep work for that this upcoming weekend.

    Tami--It sounds like you had a nice long weekend, and had the same unpredictable weather we had. Ours ended up on the cool side, but the rain they predicted only happened on Monday. But, too cool to do much besides a quick potty trip out for the dogs (it was in the low 50's and windy). Interesting Insane-X class...bummer it was more modified, but sometimes I guess that's ok. Nice work on finishing up Phase 1 of X2!

    Laurel--I hope your birthday was wonderful, and I love the promise to challenge yourself on your b-day...what a great idea!! :bigsmile: My legs are sore just reading your workouts! :bigsmile:

    Michelle--You've had a lot of running around to do lately, but hopefully your weekend was relaxing and you got to enjoy some down time. Funny how summer actually ends up being more running than the school year, but it is nice to have a break from the strict homework schedules and early bedtimes!

    Laurie--I'm glad your wrist got better so you could move into your next workout. I am right there with you right now, any type of program that should take a month is taking much longer for me. My issue is that I can't stay committed to one thing right now, I am all over the board. I start something and then move into something different and then back again. Oh well, as long as I'm staying active I guess! :bigsmile:

    Time to get ready for work! This little bugger (Finnegan) has been pretty high energy come 5am each morning, so I'm dragging. But, he made it through the work day yesterday without any accidents in his kennel. Now, Lily being ok with him is a whole other story. They truly fight like brother/sister to the point where we have to break it up! Eventually they'll be best buds!

    Have a good one!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    We had a great sun filled beach weekend in Florida but it was nice to head back home away from the new graduates and crowds.:blushing: Traffic was a mess and hubby was stuck for an hour after running to the store to buy a canopy after the umbrella went caput.:grumble: We are planning for July already in Destin but the thought of the crowds and traffic has me anxious. :blushing:
    Yesterday it was KCM Your Best Body which I'm truly enjoying combined with Pilates, today it was KCM Premix Legs & Cardio combined with Inner thighs. The weather is beautiful here with some wind today..TG! So far the girls are enjoying the Summer but their internal clocks had us awaking to bickering in the early hours this weekend, so hubby and I are still recuperating.:bigsmile: on a fun note my new Keurig arrived and I have been like a kid in a pastry store, :blushing: I ordered 3 cases of flavors for variety and
    so far love the Macademia Cookie and plan to try the Chai Latte next.:bigsmile:

    Tami- Your Peeps are here, tired and thinking of all of you. Sorry to hear of the change of plans and lack of motivation for the program. We tend to resist change in any facet of our life and hopefully adding on your favs will create a happier medium for you to be excited about again.:bigsmile:

    Laurel- Continue to keep on rocking those workouts! Although it sucks that your energy is not contagious it is definitely inspirational. :wink: I'm not sure that I will ever go back to that phase of double duty workouts but seeing you kick butt everyday tells
    me it is possible if I so choose.:wink: Hopefully the weather cooperated for that sleeveless gown and some pics would be nice.:wink:

    Erika- Bummer on TOM, finally it is over for me this week but Tracy's F.I.T. burpees did aggravate my LB. Funny on those two fussing like siblings as they look so peaceful in their pics. :laugh:

    Laurie- Good Morning, hope your long weekend was a fun-filled one with the family.:flowerforyou:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night’s Insanity class was the new format again, but she had some tough stuff in there so it was good!:wink: Lots of shoulder work, burpees, push-ups and abwork at the end. This a.m. was X2 Shoulders & Arms! It felt like a great weight workout and all the moves were familiar.:drinker: Although balancing while doing curls or tricep extensions was different. Still, I enjoyed it. Tonight is spinning after work. It is rainy and windy here today but supposed to improve so that will be good! Fingers crossed.

    Erika: Cute little pups in the photo! :smile: They do like pals already …. I’m sure the adjustment period is still going on though as you mentioned. Glad to hear you are back to 100% Minus TOM of course:grumble: That’s great your are getting the yard fenced, that will really come in handy I’m sure. I can’t imagine not having a fenced yard with dogs but we have BIG dogs so that is different forsure. Thanks for the well wishes on X2! I’m really trying to give the program a fair chance. Really glad to be in the next phase.:wink:

    Michelle: I’m jealous of your sunny filled beach trip and sunshine at home too! :bigsmile: That’s so great you guys had a fun time. I’m sure you are enjoying your weather on your new patio area, sipping on your fabulous coffees/teas:wink: Workouts sound fabulous!! :drinker: Nice work. Yay on the Keurig. I absolutely love mine. My favorite for just a dark roast coffee is the Tully’s French Roast. If you like a darker blend.:wink: Macademia Cookie sounds like a treat forsure! Yum. Great advice ~ thanks Michelle. I truly want to give it a chance and believe the “change” is what my mind is resisting,:blushing: being a creature of habit of course. So as I mentioned above, being in this next phase should help! Also, mixing in a few favs when I feel the need too.

    Hi Laurie & Laurel – Hope you are both well!:flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies :bigsmile: hope you are all doing well. Plugging away at my workouts with X2! today was Chest/Back & Balance. Yesterday I was invited on a very fun bike ride with a lady I work with, her boyfriend and a few people from our Spinning class. I didn't have my own bike so one of the guys let me use his daughters "brand new" bike! It was so nice of him & I had a fantastic ride. It ended up being 30 miles round trip..... I seriously felt like I could have kept going! Loved my time.:smile:

    Errands and a little food prepping for this afternoon. It's rainy today:ohwell: supposed to clear up this week.

    Michelle: Thanks for the comment yesterday :laugh: made me laugh & smile:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Tami
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    I have been working a short contract since Saturday and searching for another beach hotel for July 4th weekend. Geesh the prices are 900.00 for two nights at some condos and the reviews are not great.:huh: Hmmn with Sequestration the holiday will only be that day anyway so maybe we will go o the Lake here ad enjoy some tubing.:bigsmile: My new dvd this week is Ballet Beautiful and OMG so deceptive and painful to the glutes...arghhh those 32 reps per exercise will remove any cellulite. :tongue:

    Tami- Glad you were able to enjoy the ride and borrow new bike too.:wink: My husband loves to ride but we gave away all of our bikes during the move and this neighborhood is perfect for riding, unfortunately we are currently bike less but hope to purchase some new ones soon.:bigsmile:

    Erika- I hope you are feeling better and getting some quality sleep with the new addition.:bigsmile:

    Laurie & Laurel- Hopefully your schedules are not too crazy this week and you are able to check in.

    Hopefully the storms are not affecting or causing too much havoc in your area, we are currently dealing with torrential rains ad lost some power last night but overall all is well again.

    Have a great Monday:flowerforyou:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!!

    Good weekend here, and Mr. Finnegan listened to me and slept in on Sunday morning (and today too!). So, he's not such a bad boy after all. After the week we had last week, I was ready to ship him off! :grumble: He's only managed to get one shoe almost chewed up, otherwise he chews on Lily constantly...her ear, tail, leg, nose, etc. I think Lily must enjoy it, as she knows Finnegan can't get up on the couches, but still continues to stay on the floor. We always have to be on the watch for the little "wrestlers" rolling along the floor in a choke hold! :laugh:

    I didn't workout Friday or Saturday...too tired/busy with other stuff. Yesterday I did a new Jessica Smith workout, which was fun. I just love her mix of high impact/jumping and low impact work.

    Michelle--The visit to Destin sounds heavenly (aside from traffic)! I'd be looking for another trip back just for the lovely beach, but wowsa, those are some steep prices for a beach hotel/condo. I really would love to get away with the family this summer, but with gas so high, and a new addition, I think we'll be sticking to the cabin visits with our families. Great work on the workouts, my legs are burning just thinking of it! :laugh:

    Tami--How fun to go on a long bike ride with friends! :bigsmile: I just bought myself a bike last summer, as the boys randomly will want to go for a ride, so I figured I better have one just in case! I'm glad to hear class was a bit more challenging! :bigsmile:

    Hi Laurie and Laurel!

    Back to work...hopefully I can get in a nice workout tonight...hoping for a run if the rain holds off.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Great to be back after a hectic week last week. But everything went well, and our cadets are graduated. DH and I headed out of town the day after graduation for some much needed down time in the mountains. It was stunningly beautiful (we went to Telluride), and very relaxing.

    I kept up with all of my workouts last week. So today I started with the second week of the final phase of this hybrid rotation. Today I did P.A.P. Lower from X2. These P.A.P. workouts are very different, but they fly by. So I followed it up with Cathe's To The Max and the lower body premix from Cathe's High Reps. Good stuff.

    Tami, I am sorry to hear you are struggling with X2! I hope this phase is going a bit better. I really wonder if I hadn't been able to add some Cathe to my rotation if I would have made it, so I understand where you are at. I know I am at the stage in my current rotation where I am ready for something else too...and I have enjoyed this rotation! But I am more than ready to get back with Cathe. I think I will do a month or two of a variety of her workouts.....and then maybe STS again in the fall. I am ready for that and think I can work the new workouts into STS. Regarding that one pull-up (the lever), I am actually using a bar that is drilled into the door frame. But I also use an 'assist' so I think with that one I just do standard pull-ups. He does some crazy pull-ups in X2, so I do what I can.....and forget the rest!

    Erika, I am so glad to hear you are feeling better! Another great photo that made me smile. What a cute pair of pups! Your description of their fights cracks me up. i am sure they will be friends soon. i also ike what you said the other day about not being able to stick to a routine. I have always felt that as long as I am doing something......that is all that matters. I never dreamed I would be able to stick to a rotation until I did STS 4 years ago. Before that, I had probably done 2 or 3 30 day rotations.....and changed those significantly. Other than that, I just did what I wanted, and it worked for me. So just do what you want if that works best for you!

    Michelle, I am happy you had a good time in Florida. DH and I are headed down there in two weeks. Like you, we are hoping to avoid crowds. We are staying with friends in Ft. Walton Beach (near Destin) which helps with the cost. And, of course, we will be seeing my in-laws near Orlando too! I am just hoping to survive the heat as we still haven't quite warmed up yet. Today is in the 80's, but the high on Wednesday is supposed to be 60! So I am thinking Florida is going to be a bit of a shock! Sounds like you are getting some great workouts in!

    Laurie, hope you are well!

    See you tomorrow!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you are all well. More good workouts for me today. I started with X2 P.A.P. Upper Body. I followed it with Cathe's 4DS Kickboxi/Bootcamp premix and added on the bicep/tricep work from the 4DS Bootcamp workout....just for fun. Good workout! I really love 4DS sometimes!

    Off to enjoy a cooler afternoon!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you yesterday! :wink: I was pretty busy and didn’t get a chance to check to see if you were all here! Yay. Yesterday was BootCamp and it was a pretty tough one. We ran to the building across the way from the gym, ran stairs up & down 2 sets each about 4 or 5 times. We took our jump ropes as well and did that along with sprints and running on the roof. Today is just going to be Insanity because I hit the ol snooze button.:yawn: :blushing: X2 tomorrow a.m. though! :smile:

    Michelle: Sounds like you are keeping busy as usual and doing great with some lower body workouts!:tongue: Hope you guys are able to get some new bikes again one of these days! I can really see why people love it so much.

    Erika: Great to hear from you and to hear that Mr. Finnegan is doing well. Sounds like he and Lily have become great pals already and she is very tolerant of him. :wink: Nice job on the JS workout, sounds like it was just what you needed.

    Laurel: Good to hear your hectic week is over but that everything went well! :bigsmile: What a fun way to end the week by getting out of town for a little R&R in the mtns. Very nice. Fabulous job keeping up with the workouts as always! Sounds like you are still at it with the trifectas and working hard.:noway: You are the Queen! Thanks for understanding my struggle a bit with X2.:blushing: I am liking this phase a little better, the warm-up has me a bit like :huh: “again??” I am really craving and looking forward to a straight forward weight training … Yes STS!!!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: It would be great as the summer goes to see where we are at and join you on a rotation! :smile: You would not have to twist my arm at all. I’m glad to hear you do some modifications on the pull-ups as well. Thank goodness, I was feeling like such a wimp. Good grief, he does a lot of them! Try do do what I can and forget the rest. I do a lot of the other moves right along with them, except for having 3 or more balls I don’t; only have one so I do the modifications with the guy on the floor. Nice job with your workouts today as well, sounds like lots of fun!

    Hi Laurie – Hope you are doing well!:flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow, Tami
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Early start as I had to get to Publix early to grab the birthday cake and ice cream for the newly minted 7 year old. :heart: Unfortunately this contract is moving so slow even though it the majority of the workers are upper leadership. :blushing:, so I'm working on her birthday and we will celebrate tonight and this weekend in Atlanta. Last night I did KCM Your Best Body....I really do love this dvd and its various Premixes. I doubt will get a chance to workout but with the Bubble Wars, Kickball, and Nerfwars I should get a great workout.

    Erika- Glad to see training is going well and the integration of Finnegan is working for everyone.:bigsmile: Is this a recent JS release as she has definitely created a nice blend of workouts in her new dvds.

    Tami- Yowza on that BootCamp.:wink: The snooze was greatly needed after that kick butt routine.:laugh:

    Laurel- Ooh the weekend in the cabin sounds like my cup of tea.:wink: Glad that you were able to get some down time with hubby.:bigsmile: I also looked at Fort Walton Beach area too but so far nada.:grumble:

    Laurie- Good Morning.:flowerforyou:

    Ok back to work for me.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was P90X Legs and Back, and I went right into the Leg Blast premix from Cathe's Butts and Guts. :noway: Don't know what I was thinking with doing that because it was tough! But I must have felt like tough this morning because I finished it off with Cathe's Intensity. Yowza! But these tough workouts are doing something because even though my weight is where it has been for a few years now, people keep telling me it looks like I'm losing weight. I guess that's a good thing. :huh: I think it just illustrates that fitness means more than weight.

    Michelle, Happy Birthday to your little one! Sounds like you have some great fun planned. And I definitely think 'Nerf Wars' makes a great workout!

    Tami, sounds like another tough Bootcamp class! Yikes! Like you, I don't have three medicine balls, so I do the modifications. I'm not sure I'd try some of the moves he does on medicine balls even if I had them! I am thinking I would want somebody to 'spot' me while trying them. Yep, the warm-up is tough to get used to. But it does change for the third phase. I don't know if that warm-up is better, but at least it is different. I realized today that I have hardly done one of the X or X2 Ab routines this entire rotation. I just can't bring myself to do them. I've been doing core workout throughout, but just not those ones. So I am all about making the routines/rotations work, even if it means skipping parts. So maybe you can just ditch the warm-up and do your own thing? I thought about it many times when doing X2 the first time. About STS, I am thinking about maybe a September start. That gives me two months of 'doing whatever' before starting another rotation. I'd love it if we were able to do another rotation together! I am definitely wanting to do a six month rotation with it but am not sure whether to do a rotation like we did last time (standard with extra total body work) or another undulating rotation. Any thoughts?

    Laurie and Erika, hope you are well!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ We are having some gorgeous weather this week :bigsmile: so great! With that being said, only 5 people showed up to Insanity last night so she took the 5 of us outside to the tennis courts with mats and we did an Insane Abs class instead. It felt great; she is going to start teaching the Thurs noon class so I am going to make it a priority to go to that whenever I can.:wink: She is creating her workouts a lot from Asylum lately along with the ab work. This a.m. was X2 Shoulders & Arms. I would say this and Balance & Power are two of my favorites so far. Tonight will be Spinning right after work. :wink:

    Michelle: Happy Birthday to your 7 year old! Sounds like it will be lots of fun had by all with Bubble Wars, Kickball & Nerf wars either before or after cake. :smile: I’m glad to hear you are liking your KCM Best Body DVD! She seems to always put together great workouts and a nice variety with the pre-mixes. Yes, YOWZA :noway: was the word that ran through my mind a few times running those hospital stairs on Monday.

    Laurel: Another great job today! :noway: YOWZA is right. I think you put my BootCamp running stairs to shame today. Way to go lady! That’s great feedback, I’m sure the combos you have been doing week after week are truly doing something. That’s probably an understatement. Great to hear I’m sure. I am planning on doing a leg workout tomorrow, so really looking forward to that. I’m with you on the medicine balls. Balancing my limbs on all 4 of them and doing push-ups? Not sure that I want to be quite that much of a weable wabble. :huh: The modification seems good to me! I have started doing my own warm-up forsure. I even did one of Cathe’s the other day, just because I HAD to. :laugh: September sounds like it would be just perfect for me as well. I can finish up X2 then do something else for a little while and then head into STS. I will look back at my sheets on Undulating vs. Standard STS and see.:wink: I know that Undulating was pretty excellent when we did that as well. I’ll let you know ……. But definitely a 6 month for me - I'm inll! Yay!!!!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker:

    Hi Erika & Laurie ~:smile:
    Talk to you ladies tomorrow, Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today I went a little lighter after the madness of yesterday's workout. I started with P90X Chest, Shoulders and Triceps and followed it with Rhythmic Step.....which I hadn't done in a long time. It felt good. I finished it off with the core work from Cardio and Weights.

    Tami, great news on STS! :drinker: That will be fun! I am ready for it again. I think it has been a year since our last rotation ended. Where has the time gone? :noway: I am glad you like the X2 Shoulder and Arms workout. I think that may be my favorite of the program. It is funny that you mentioned Asylum because I have been thinking I need to get back to those workouts. I have enjoyed this break from Insanity and Asylum, but I think I might be pulling out some of those workouts this summer....just for fun. I don't want to do another full rotation least not right now. :happy:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Legs this a.m. and went to Insane Abs at lunch today. It was a quick 40 minute class but felt good. I hope to start making that class again.:wink: Nothing for tonight …. It’s pretty warm today (85) so may do a big salad of some kind and eat outside tonight. See if DH is up for taking the dogs to the lake later. We’ll see. :smile: X2 in the a.m.

    Laurel: Sounds like a nice workout today! I’m sure it felt much lighter after yesterday’s & many other workout marathon’s you have done lately.:noway: :laugh: Where has the time gone is right? WOW I am already looking forward to STS and again, I will look over the Undulating vs the Straight Forward rotation we did last time and it will jog my memory of what I liked about the format of each. :wink:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Happy Friday! One more week of X/X2. Hard to believe how quickly this rotation has gone. Today was P90X Back and Biceps followed by Cathe's Cross Fire Extreme premix. Good stuff!

    Tami, I am glad to hear you are enjoying some lovely weather. We still have some lingering rain, but it is really going to warm up going into next week. I am looking forward to it right now. I remember liking both the undulating rotation and our last rotation a lot. What I liked about our last rotation was adding that extra total body workout each week. I think we can do that regardless of whether we are doing a standard or undulating rotation, so I am good either way!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    TGIF Ladies! Hope you have all had a good week. :smile:
    This a.m. I did X2 Back & Base. Maybe the program is warming up to me …. I like this one. Pull-ups/chin-ups then Plyo, back and forth in that format for the hour. I did modify the warm-up again and made it my own. Eventhough I feel a bit wimpy:ohwell: doing my modified pull-ups with the tower it felt like a good workout. :drinker: Yay! Didn’t have enough time for Abs but with a 45 min class yesterday I didn’t feel like I cheated myself out of it too much. Tonight will be spinning after work for a little more cardio and my usual ending to the week. I am thinking about a good total body or circuit workout for tomorrow.

    Laurel: Love the sounds of the combo you did today, awesome job AGAIN!!!!:bigsmile: I truly can’t believe you only have one more week left. Again, where does the time go?!? :huh: I am hoping after today’s workout the program is “growing on me” as you said it would. Maybe today was the day?!?! OR just a good day but either way it felt nice. :wink: I’m with you, I do love incorporating the Total Body workout into STS each week, so whichever we decide I think that would be good to do as well.

    Hope you all have a good weekend ~ Tami