Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! I missed you all last week! We had a great time in Florida. I pretty much checked out of everything last week which was a much needed break for me after this hectic spring. I didn't even workout last week, and, unlike when I usually take a long break, I didn't mind the break at all. DH and I stayed active all week (we played golf every day in the Florida heat.....and loved it!) so that probably helped me not feel too badly about not working out.

    But today I was back at it. I started with XTrain Chest, Shoulder and Back Double Trouble premix! Loved it! So good to be back to Cathe strength training. I never quite know how my body is going to react to life back at 7000 feet, so I opted for a relatively light cardio workout--Cathe's Step Moves from her Shock Cardio series. I probably could have pushed myself harder as I didn't feel the altitude at all, but I love that workout so had fun with it. I finished it all off with Core 1 from XTrain. It does feel good to be back with my workouts.

    Tami, I am curious if you decided to skip the rest of X2. If not....or if you are still thinking about it.....the last phase is really easy to modify to make it both X2 and something else. The third phase are those P.A.P workouts, and he does them twice a week. I would say if you want to finish out e program but incorporate more fun workouts to do those two P.A.P. workouts once a week for three weeks. They are good, fast workouts and very different from anything else in the program. That would give you four days a week to do more strength training and maybe some cardio. But then you would also have the satisfaction of doing all of the workouts in the X2 program. Just a suggestion, of course, but that is pretty much what I did for this last phase of my rotation and it worked well in keeping me motivated to finish the rotation. Moving on, I can't believe you've been having such bad weather! We came home to more heat and dryness. I must admit, I enjoyed the rain showers we got in Florida, despite the resulting humidity.

    Michelle, I have no doubt you are exhausted!! Trying to keep three young ladies entertained in your summer heat must be draining. Don't beat yourself up about missing workouts while you have all of this going on. I must admit I was impressed by your part of the country. This was my first trip out of Atlanta thru Alabama and then down into northern Florida, and I really liked what I saw. Of course it helps that people are pretty friendly! I like that!

    Erika, I cannot even imagine what you are going through right now. Like I said to Michelle, don't beat yourself up about missing your workouts right now. It sounds like you are finally getting some help, but, goodness, I can't imagine how I would respond to this situation. Sounds to me like you are handling it amazingly well. I hope your husband starts feeling better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Well, I have a whole load of chores to get done! See you all tomorrow!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Busy weekend of swim meets both days although I skipped Sunday to review the materials and clean the house. I could definitely feel an increase in temperature so at least I burned some calories yesterday.:wink: Major storms hit this weekend although we were able to drive to the field on saturday night with our neighbors and watch their fireworks.:bigsmile: Really fun for the girls until one fell over and shot downrange towards me and went under my chair and exploded in the woods. The little ones were so afraid and immediately jumped into the nearest car.:bigsmile: Overall it was a different experience and a great night with the neighbors.:laugh:

    Erika- Glad you were able to get something new to try even if it means being the assertive one. If it was your husband it would be considered assertive and ensuring things were right so don't short change yourself because you had to do the same thing.:wink: I'm glad to hear that the family will be able to step in and take some of the load while you are juggling your schedule. Dancing is always a good stress reliever and lots of fun so go for it.:bigsmile:

    Tami- I was looking at Anytime Fitness schedule and after reading their circuit description of monkey rolls in between burpees, etc. I immediately pictured you rolling down this hill in your last outdoor Bootcamp and enjoyed a great laugh. What a trooper you truly are and I love that whatever that instructor throws your way, you just roll with it,:tongue: no pun intended!:laugh: Hopefully you enjoyed your sweats and snuggled in during the crazy weather.

    Laurel & Laurie- Ok break is over, time to come back!:laugh:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Good weekend of workouts! :wink: Sat a.m. I did STS Total Body and after waking up to some DOMs:huh: I did Cathe’s Circuit Blast yesterday. My legs are what are feeling the DOMs forsure, YOUCH! :noway: Must be the side slide and back slide lunges that did it, since it has been a very long time since I’ve done those. I have decided to do a month “Total Body ReCharge” rotation from Cathe with a few changes. So the enthusiasm is already back!! :bigsmile: :drinker: This a.m. I had to be at a dr appt early (my yearly exam) so no a.m. workout. Tonight will be BootCamp, hope I survive with my sore legs.
    I also went and “test drove” a couple bikes. I’m going to make my mind up this week and get it ordered! :smile: So excited for that. I can debate and decide forever, so want to just make my decision and be happy with it.

    Erika: I hope the weekend went well for you and things are improving day by day! :flowerforyou: That’s what you can hope for right now, like you said “baby steps” Thinking about you friend. Maybe you got in a dance session this weekend!

    Laurel: Welcome Back! :flowerforyou: That sounds like so much fun and I’m glad you were happy with your golfing/walking everyday & loved it. Sounds perfect. Way to hit it hard today with the Dbl Trouble, LOVE that one along with your cardio and abs, sounds great. :bigsmile: I decided to move on :blushing: …… kind of like I had told Michelle and she had suggested, I can always go back to it and try X2 again. Just needed to get my motivation scale back up there. So for now I am just doing a one month rotation, just to have something to shoot for each day. Would like to sub in some others as I go so that is where the modifications will be. Thank you for the info on P.A.P.

    Michelle: Sounds like you had a fun filled and busy weekend! :smile: That is funny that you thought of me rolling down the hill. A few of the “regulars” in class talked about that even into last week. I did enjoy my relaxing evening last Thursday forsure. Luckily the weather is improving, slowly but improving. This Thurs – Sun is supposed to be amazing so I am excited for that. Sunny and 80’s!!! :bigsmile:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! I kind of did a double trouble workout today.....sort of. I started with Cathe's Body Max 2 Scrambled Eggs premix which combines the cardio with the leg work. Then I did Gym Style Legs so I got a decent 'double' leg workout in today. They both felt really good.

    Michelle, yikes on the firework! But it sounds like a fun weekend. I actually lost a bit of weight while we were away. No doubt all of that heat and humidity made me burn more calories even though I wasn't doing much. This morning I met my husband to attend a ceremony, and as I walked up to him he says 'You look really fit and tan.' Made me smile. Florida was good for me I guess. :smile:

    Tami, I am glad you're finding your motivation again. I am sorry X2 and you didn't click but, as you say, you can always give it another try down the road. Sounds like you have a great rotation planned. So I was looking at the calendar yesterday, and I am thinking of starting STS around Aug 25. How does that work for you? Let me know because I am flexible. I just chose that date because it make the week of Christmas an 'off' week, but that isn't a necessity by a long shot.

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night was BootCamp and it was our more “traditional” mix of stations + a little bit of running. Was a nice break from the current craziness we have been doing :wink: (including somersaults down a hill … :laugh: ). We did a lot of upper body and core with a little bit of cardio & abs stations. It felt great and loosened me up a bit. This a.m. was Cathe’s Pyramid Upper Body. It was really fun since it has been longer than I can remember since I did this one and the straightforward pyramid style training felt great.:bigsmile: Tonight will be Insane X after work.

    Laurel: What a great compliment from your DH. :smile: I’m sure it made you feel fantastic. Another great combo today, nice work!! :drinker: :bigsmile: I bet it feels good to be back into your routine of workouts. I’m looking forward to some leg workouts myself. One thing I was missing forsure during X2. No worries on X2 :wink: Not sure why it wouldn’t click with me, and I actually started thinking it was “growing on me”. But when I had a few days in a row of dreading my workout I thought I better go back to something else for a while. :wink: August 25th sounds perfect to me! I am going to be doing just a couple short rotations so I can start STS whenever!:bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: I am looking forward to it. Great planning by the way on an OFF week being during Christmas! I’m kind of leaning towards an Undulating rotation but would be easily swayed to a traditional rotation as well, I enjoy them both. Not that we need more choices or more workouts but did you see BB released Shaun T’s new program? Of course it looks good :huh: :smile:

    Talk to you tomorrow ~ Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,456 Member
    Evening Ladies,

    Yes I'm still alive! :bigsmile: Major changes going on at work, they put different security in place so there are more blocked sites. I usually don't look at my computer when I get home. I didn't do the last month of Jillian workouts, just felt I needed a break from her. I can always do the last month of her workouts another time. I started a Kelley Coffey-Meyer rotation for the next six weeks. Last week was my first week. Yesterday was 30MTF Lift Power Sculpting workout, and I really enjoyed that one. First time I had attempted that one. It was a weight workout that really got your HR going. This morning was 30MTF Cardio Blast Plyo. I really love that one. She doesn't do the plyo work at a frantic pace. :wink: Still dealing with a lot of changes at work, and it isn't slowing down. They are trying this Total Productive Maintenance, and incorporating this way to quickly. This will probably crash, and the problem is that my boss is the one that will have the fallout when it does. All I can do is support everyone, and hope all goes better than I anticipate.

    Lets see, the oldest is home and has a full time summer job watching three girls. She also will be training at a local grocery store tomorrow, this will be a part time job for her. It has been a bit different having her home all the time, but nice having both the girls home. Youngest did pass her drivers test, so we now have a teen driver. :huh: She did go to the State track meet, and they got 13th place. Not to bad, and all the girls want to go back next year. Good thing that the relay team didn't have a Senior on it. :laugh:

    Hubby and I have been busy on the weekends cleaning up our much neglected yard. The house is all painted (we hired someone for that), and I have been getting a lot of brush stumps out of the tree line. I will try to post some pics of what we did. Don't know if I have the tech knowledge to accomplish it though. :laugh: :laugh:

    Tami, Thanks for kicking me in the butt and getting me back on the site. I get so dang lazy at home in the evenings. Oldest dd wants me to train for a half marathon with her. I told her I could probably do the walking part. :laugh: Glad that you are enjoying that bootcamp class, I don't know about the sumersaults though. :laugh:

    Laurel, STS in Aug! I have been thinking of doing STS again, and it would probably work out with me also. I will probably do the traditional rotation, but you both can do whatever strikes your fancy. It is motivating to have someone else doing the workouts with you though. :wink:

    Michelle, That was a bit scary with the fireworks! We have been getting a lot the t-storms, and they all seem to be coming through in the middle of the night. Had one last night, and it was very difficult to get up this morning.

    Hi Erika!

    Uploaded photos to my profile if you want to take a look. Let me know if you can't see them.

    Have a great end of the day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! More double trouble today. I started with XTrain Bi's and Tri's and did my own double trouble premix. Doing that workout as a 'double trouble' really is killer. I followed it with Cathe's Afterburn Bonus Burn premix. Good stuff! That workout felt tough after doing all that upper body workout, but it was a good combo.

    Laurie!!!!! I am SOOOOO happy to see you! I admit....I've been worried about you. I am glad it was 'laziness' keeping you away and not something serious. Sounds like you've been keeping up with your workouts, though. Are you feeling better? I hope so. I was able to see all of your photos, and your yard looks beautiful! No doubt the transition of having your oldest home again is a bit different. But it sounds like she is gainfully employed and has some good plans, so that should help out. Sorry to hear about the situation at work. I hope it gets better. And I would LOVE it if you joined Tami and I in our STS rotation. We are planning the six month rotation.

    Tami, glad to hear the Bootcamp class was more 'sane'. To be honest, I haven't looked at the new Shaun T. program. I have no doubt it is good but really feel like I don't need more workouts right now, especially with Cathe filming again. So I am avoiding it. We'll see how long that lasts! :blushing: Regarding STS, I was leaning towards a traditional rotation but could be persuaded the other way. Should we do a coin toss? :bigsmile: Yes, my husband's compliment made me feel good. But yesterday afternoon I was attending an event, and this guy walks up to me and tells me I have inspired his wife to workout! And I have never even talked to her about working out! I can't argue with the results I got from that X/X2 rotation. Probably some of the best results I have ever had from a rotation. Of course it probably helped that I cleaned up my bad eating habits.....a bit. :blushing: But that was a completely unexpected compliment, and it really surprised me.

    Erika, I hope things are going all right for you this week.

    Michelle, I hope you are well and continuing to enjoy your summer with your girls and their friend.

    Until tomorrow.....

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Insane X was tough last night, but as always good and felt good when we were done to know I survived! :huh: She changes it up so much anymore you don’t ever get “used” to it. This a.m. was Cardio Supersets and tonight will be Spinning, which always feels relaxing after two evenings of craziness (normally). :laugh:

    Laurie: I’m so glad to hear from you and thank you for the message back …. :flowerforyou: I’m glad I gave you a “nudge” I was hoping all was well and missed having you here. That does make it tough when you can’t get on the computer at work forsure. Sometimes the last thing you feel like doing or have time for when you get home for your “2nd job” as mom, cook, wife, etc….. :ohwell: Good to hear you are doing well and keeping busy. Fun that you started a new rotation with KCM! I bet it will be a good one. It would be so great to have you join us in the STS rotation! :drinker: :bigsmile: Yay Traditional is absolutely fine with me.

    Laurel: What a fun combo you did today! :noway: TOUGH stuff forsure, nice work. No coin toss necessary, let’s go with the traditional and just plan on it! :bigsmile: :wink: Funny, as I was trying to fall asleep last night I thought of that and thought, maybe we should just do the traditional afterall. Seriously! So that is great and it sounds like Laurie may join us, which is another vote for traditional. What a great compliment! :happy: I know when a gal had told me that in one of the classes that I inspired her to work harder I was shocked. Like you, I hadn’t really talked with her other than we were partners at bootcamp once I think and then she told me that weeks later. Good on ya! :drinker: The hard work does pay off but I think we see ourselves differently (I know I do) and so you may not notice. I know what you mean on looking at another workout program. I peaked but didn’t look too long at it …… staying away since I also have Cathe’s “new” ones already ordered. It’s a sickness:blushing:

    Hi Erika & Michelle :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ super excited for our Summer weather to hit again. Starts tomorrow and just gets better & better. The rain is supposed to be over.
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,456 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well I had this whole thing typed out, and somehow I hit the back button or something and it wiped it all out. I did KCM's Muscle Definition Workout 2 yesterday, and her Kickboxing workout 2 this morning. Sure do love those workouts.

    Laurel, I'm actually doing really well health wise. Weight wise, it has been a struggle trying to figure out what my body is doing right now. Seems I sneeze and gain weight. I know that I just have to find the right thing for my body, but it can get frustrating when you are trying to do something right and you get derailed. That is why I think I changed to KCM, and I'm feeling lots better the last two weeks.

    Tami, I'm looking forward to August. Will probably do the 3 month rotation though. Don't know if my rotation ADD will let me go for longer than that. :laugh: Youngest was on the computer last night playing Sims. She is a lot like me, wants to be by everyone. I asked why she wasn't upstairs playing her game, and she just said I don't know.

    Have to get going!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! I did a very difficult 'double trouble' workout today. I don't think I will do it again. :laugh: But I wanted to give it a try. Anyhow I started with XTrain Cardio Leg Blast, then I followed it with the cardio-only premix.....and did that twice (no warm up or cool down, of course). Then I did the strength only premix.....twice. So, in essence, I did Cario Leg Blast three times. :noway: Don't know what I was thinking. I was spent by the end of it, but it ended up only being about 2 hr 15 min, so it wasn't the length of the workout as much as the intensity that got me. My legs were quivering! Curious how they feel tomorrow. :blushing:

    Laurie, I am so glad to hear you are feeling all right. I'm sorry to hear about the weight frustrations, though. They seem to go with the territory at our age, and that is no fun. Hopefully you can find an eating and workout formula that you are happy with. I hope you still join us for STS, even if we are on different rotations!!

    Tami, sounds like your Insane X is the 'ultimate shock your body' workout! It is good that she keeps changing it up, though I suppose some nights it would also be nice to know what to expect. I really am looking forward to our upcoming STS rotation. Do you still want to add the additional total body workout each week like we did last time? I am also curious to figure out how to work Cathe's new workouts into the mix but hopefully we'll be getting more info on them as she films. I am looking forward to seeing what she has thought up this time!

    Erika, I am thinking about you.:flowerforyou:

    Michelle, hope you are having fun!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Another great Spin class last night. :wink: Speaking of cycling, I am going to look at a bike tomorrow that I am pretty sure I will buy! :bigsmile: Pretty excited, especially with our nice weather and I’ve been invited for another 30+ miler on Sat during a very gorgeous sunny day! I’ll keep you all posted if I get it. Pyramid Lower Body this a.m. Here’s hoping my legs don’t get the DOMs like they did last Sun. just from a "partial" leg day doing STS Total Body :huh: No classes tonight, so DH and I will maybe BBQ tonight, depending on what time he gets home. Work has kept him really busy lately. Which is a good thing though. He said he wants to make me a nice dinner tomorrow night …… not sure why, but I’ll take it! :drinker:

    Laurie: Great job with KCM! Glad to hear you are enjoying them & feeling better with your workouts.:smile: These must be her new workouts?! Sorry about the weight gain though :ohwell: Maybe it’s partially due to stress as well from your busy workload, etc. I think we can all relate to figuring out the right combo of things sometimes. Like me with X2. It was just not clicking with me…. Yay for STS in August then! :bigsmile: I am looking forward to it as well & no worries on doing the 3 mo. It will be great.

    Laurel: OK friend, I’m on the verge of speechless!:noway: :noway: I would say it was a Trifecta Amped up a notch! Yowsa. Way TO WORK. I bet your legs felt like noodles forsure …. Quivering may be an understatement. :laugh: I am really looking forward to STS as well! I would definitely like to incorporate a full body day and if there is a way to mix in her brand new ones that will be great. I’m anxious to start reading about the updates and of course see the clips when those become available. The only one that has me a little nervous is of course the “dancier step workout” :blushing: but I will preview and decide from there. Her creativeness behind the design of workouts is always amazing to me and she has definitely developed a talent for incorporating them into each other as far as mixing and matching rotations! :smile:

    Hi Erika & Michelle ~ Hope you are both doing well:flowerforyou:
    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,456 Member
    I think I hate this laptop! I did it again, wiped out all my wonderful, inspiring comments :sad: . I did KCM's Bootcamp Strenght Premix this morning, and really am feeling it in the shoulders right now. Having lots of fun though. The girls are not letting any dust get on my equipment, they both are down there working out everyday too. If I have done one thing right in my life, it is getting both of them to understand that you need to exercise and of course eat right to stay in shape.

    Laurel, I'm totally surprised that you where able to walk after all of that! But congrats on doing it, just to prove to yourself that you had the strength and the will. How did you incorporate the total body into STS? I want to do the STS Total body workout also, and was wondering how to incorporate it.

    Tami, It could be all of that from work, it sure is different. Sorry to hear that X2 didn't click with you, I have had those experiences with some workouts. Kind of gets frustrating, because everyone else loves them so much. I'm looking forward to the STS rotation also, just have to look over my weight sheets. It has been a long time since I tried one, so the weights might need to be adjusted some.

    Have a great day! TGIF
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!! :bigsmile:

    What a week! :ohwell: I am SO glad it is Friday! This has been my busiest work week since I started here, coupled with the busiest sports week for the boys, and then also hubby is not better yet, and TOM, I'm on the verge of a breakdown! :sad: I've unfortunately had to give up workouts for the last 2 weeks, and possibly longer, as I'm left with working, running home to pick up the boys and then running them to sports until bedtime. My hubby isn't seeing enough improvement to go out in public much or go back to work. :ohwell: We did get him seen by a new doctor and therapist, which we love, but they switched his meds again, and it takes approx. 2-3 weeks for the effectiveness to show. He's pretty much terrified of his own shadow right now, which means lots of phone calls to me to calm him down, during this busy week. Also, not being able to rely on him to help with the kids much. On a positive note, the busier he stays, the better, so my house is immaculate! :bigsmile: Cleaning and cooking have been his only activities this week.

    I'm hoping to get into some workouts this weekend. I had an awesome VF'er do a trade with me, and she sent me half of The Firm Slim in 30 set, as she just didn't want it. I am excited to try it!

    Michelle--Wowsa on the fireworks, storms and all the activities! I hope you are getting some time to relax this weekend!

    Laurie--Welcome back! Sorry that work is so busy, that is tough to deal with. I can handle a lot, but extra work stress wears on me fast. Hang in there and enjoy those KCM workouts! Nice work on teaching the girls that exercise is important!!!

    Laurel--Welcome back to you too! Sounds like your vacation was wonderful, and you've come back with boatloads of energy to do those double (or triple) trouble workouts! I hope you are getting some much needed rain in CO.

    Tami--Ooh, a new bike, how fun! I got one last year (cheap one), so I can go on rides around the neighborhood with the kids and occasionally a long bike ride. It's a nice alternative to walking or running! Enjoy dinner with the hubby!

    Time to get back to work. I'm hoping to leave early as I've more than put in my full work week...

    Have a nice weekend!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! Late check-in today. To put it mildly, I was feeling yesterday's workout a bit this morning. :blushing: In fact, I was feeling it too much to workout first thing today. That will teach me a lesson! Anyhow, after trying to workout this morning and ending up back in bed instead, :yawn: I ended up feeling wonderful this afternoon. So back to the workout room I went. I started with XTrain's Burn Sets (doing the upper body premix with core 1), and followed it with my 'double trouble' for the day....the cardio from XTrain Hard Strikes followed by the cardio from Turbo Fire 60. Lots of fun with those! I am glad I decided to go ahead with a workout because the DOMS I was suffering from is much better. But I am definitely going to take the workouts down a notch next week! It has been fun this week......but sanity is good too! :laugh:

    Tami, congrats (early) on the new bike! I bet you will have so much fun with that. I started reading some of the updates from Cathe's filming on her Facebook page, and it looks like there is a less dancy version of that step workout. YAY! I admit to being frustrated trying to learn Cathe's more recent step workouts, and I don't usually suffer too much from her choreography. So I am glad she is giving us this option. Sounds like she is going to keep a short filming schedule so we should see these workouts in a couple/few months! I am looking forward to them.

    Laurie, I am sorry about you losing your posts! That is SO frustrating. I have gotten to the point where it happened to me so often that now I save my text before posting! Silly.....but it saves time when I lose everything. About STS, what Tami and I did last time was do the three STS workouts on Sunday, Monday (or Tuesday) and Wednesday. The first day was upper body, the second was legs and the third the other upper body. We took a day off I between the leg workout and whatever (either the Sunday or Wednesday) upper body workout that included back since Cathe does deadlifts for both body parts (legs and back) throughout the series and I don't like to do that many deadlifts on consecutive days. Then we did a total body workout on Friday. I really enjoyed the rotation and working both upper and lower body twice a week. Let me know if you have any questions! And great stuff about your girls! They will, no doubt, be thankful you taught them well throughout their entire lives!

    Erika, no doubt you are on the brink of a breakdown! My goodness you have so much going on. I am glad you checked in with us. Keep us posted on how you are doing when you get a chance. Glad you got some new workouts to look forward to when things calm down a bit!

    Michelle, hope you are well!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This is McKayla's last week and both girls decided they only want to attend camp day on Wednesday, so that they can spend their time with each other. That is music to my ears as they plan to swim daily, do some art sketches and watch Anime.:bigsmile: Compared to the last three weeks of non-stop activities and late nights, I'm excited to just read and relax on the couch.:blushing: Hubby is out of town this week for a few days so the girls and I have scheduled a Spa date tomorrow and a Yoga class and then Laser Tag and roller skating on Wednesday. Today is laundry day so I have tons of loads to fold and hang and then relax at the pool while the girls swim this afternoon.

    Erika- Hopefully this week is not as crazy and a clean house and cooked meals is not a bad trade-off to me.:wink::laugh: Forget the workouts for now and just focus on fueling your body during this stressful and crazy routine.

    Laurie- Welcome back:flowerforyou: I have missed you but I'm glad to see that all is well and those backyard pics are great. :bigsmile: The girls are just about as tall as both of you and are gorgeous. The KCM rotation sounds great but right now my KCM dvds are not working in my PS3 player, only Your Best Body which I love:love: but don't want to burn myself out on either.:grumble:

    Tami- Awesome news on the bike so that you can be a frequent rider with the group.:wink: Hopefully dinner was awesome!:bigsmile:

    Laurel- Welcome Back and how was the trip?, any major storms? Great compliment from hubby, you know they say our body actually reshapes when we take that break and obviously it did.:wink: Ughh you lost weight on your vacation, if only more of my vacations ended that way!:laugh: Awesome job on jumping back into the swing of things with that crazy combo:huh:

    Ok my loads are ready for folding and time to get the girls prepped for the pool!

    Have a great Monday!:flowerforyou:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hey Ladies! I had a fun weekend with my DH. We golfed both days despite a weather forecast calling for lightening and hail. We did get both on the golf course.....and got called off twice. And ran off once when it started to hail. I call it 'cardio golf'. :happy: But no harm done and lots of fun. DH even talked me out of working out yesterday morning saying he wanted to take me to breakfast. That's the bad side of not being in a rotation....I can get talked out of my workouts a little too easily. But I also enjoyed the very rare leisurely Sunday morning with my husband.

    But today I was back at it. I started with my 'double trouble' workout. This time I did Cathe's Gym Style Chest and Triceps....doubled. Killer. Good....but killer! Especially all of those push-ups at the start of the workout. But I got through all of them. I followed it with Cathe's IMAX Extreme workout from her Terminator DVD. It is a combo of Cardio and Weights and IMAX 2, and I really enjoyed it.

    Michelle, your summer with your daughters and their friend sounds like a kid's dream summer! I imagine it has been a lot of work for you, but I bet they've had a blast and will fondly remember it for years to come. I really enjoyed our trip! We didn't really get any beach time as we were on the move a lot, but we had fun seeing new areas of Florida. We golfed every day too, which was fun. The heat and humidity didn't really bother. I was able to finally enjoy some real Southern cuisine, which wasn't at all good for me......but tasted SO good.:blushing: DH and I were really scoping out the area as a potential place to move when he gets out of the Air Force in a year (after what will be 30 1/2 years!), and I definitely prefer northern Florida to central Florida (where my in-laws live), and it is definitely a place I would consider living. But we've said all along that we will go wherever DH finds a job, so the question still remains whether he can find a job down there.

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you all on Friday, I was kind of scrambling so I could leave early to go get my bike. :wink: I actually woke up Fri a.m. excited about getting my bike. :blushing: Felt like a kid. Friday’s workout was CrossFire! Lots of fun, I’ve missed that one forsure.:bigsmile: I LOVE my new bike! I met up with some cycling people from the gym and a lady I work with and we rode 40 miles on Sat. It was lots of fun and my bike was perfect for me. We saw a moose and her baby (tiny little thing) and two deer along the way. It was super windy so it felt at times like I was cycling in place:laugh: of course I wasn't but it was that way both directions. Yesterday was a REST day with errands, cleaning and lunch with my BFF. Today’s workout is STS Total Body which I am going to do when I get home in the A/C. It’s 100 degrees today and decided I would do that instead of running outside for BootCamp on the hot pavement. :huh: :blushing: We have high nineties – hundred until Wed and then down to normal 80’s. I am thankful for summer sun and I won’t complain about the heat since it is always temporary in our part of the country. :smile:
    Thanks for your excitement on my new bike ladies ~ I will post a photo of me on it, helmet and all when I get one! :bigsmile:

    Laurel: Youch on Friday’s DOMs forsure but sounds like they left quickly and you were able to get in another amazing combo workout! :smile: Nice job. I read that too on Cathe’s new workouts & I am very thankful there is a less dancy one, :blushing: great for me. I'm always glad to hear when you can relate to the choreography. :wink: I am really looking forward to these new workouts as well. What a great time of golf and just time out with your hubby it sounds! :bigsmile: I love it that he talked you out of your workout to spend time together, that’s so good. :flowerforyou: Way to hit it hard again today! YIKES:noway:

    Michelle: Can I just say I wish I was one of those young ladies and having that kind of summer fun!:bigsmile: They are lucky little ladies forsure to be doing all these fun activities. A summer to remember forsure.

    Erika: Hope you are well and hanging in there ~ thinking about you!:flowerforyou:
    Laurie: Great job with the workouts! :drinker:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ What is everyone doing for the 4th?
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi Ladies! Another good workout today. I started with Cathe's Body Max (the original) and did the cardio and power circuit/legs sections, and then repeated the power circuit/leg section for today's double trouble. It has been forever since I did that workout, and I had lots of fun with it. Then, to hit the legs harder, I did Gym Style legs. I really enjoyed this combo. Tough but not too tough!

    Tami, congrats on the bike! I am so glad to hear you are enjoying it! I hope you get a chance to do many more rides like that this summer. Sounds hot up there! We had that last week, but it has cooled off very nicely the past couple of days. Without AC, I really find myself dreading days where the temps are much over 90. It's a shame because I actually enjoy heat! No big plans for the 4th here. We are giving some of our furniture to a friend who lost everything in the most recent fire here in Colorado Springs, so I think we will be rearranging parts of the house on Thursday to fill in the gaps. DH and I have wanted to 'downsize' anyhow before we move again next year, and what better opportunity than to give to people who truly need something. But we will grill that night, and I am thinking of trying to make an angel food cake so we can enjoy some strawberry shortcake! I always crave it this time of year. We'll see about the angel food cake, though. We may end up with just strawberries.....which would be fine too! :tongue:

    Enjoy the day!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Just a quick check-in from work today...the weekend was good, and so far this week is too. Either my hubby is just not telling me he's feeling anxious or he's actually starting to feel better. Either way, I've been able to go about my day like normal (ie, go to work, leave to go to the grocery store, etc) and not feel like I've got a 3rd kid I have to take care of! :bigsmile:

    Workouts have been great...I'm really loving the Firm Express workouts...A LOT! Speaking of, I have a couple cardio and a couple cardio+sculpt DVD's that I was gifted (I bought the whole set the other day), if anyone would like them. The workouts are 20 minutes, with four 8 second bursts throughout...think TF type moves peppered throughout. I really like them!

    Laurel--Sounds like you really have been pushing your body to new extremes with the double trouble workouts this time around! :bigsmile: Sounds like the perfect combos for you! The weekend sounds great, despite the wacky weather!

    Tami--Your weekend sounds great too, and now with that new bike, you'll be able to enjoy the outdoors even more!! Sounds like you have the heat we had last week...near 100 every day and muggy! This week has been perfect..low 80's and dry! :bigsmile:

    Michelle--I want to be your daughter! :laugh: What fun times those girls are having this summer, and yet I'm sure you manage to make it look like planning it all (and running the household, working, etc) is easy! I will always remember the fun days at the pool from my childhood, and hope I can provide those to our boys too (first I have to find a community pool!). I'm a bit bummed that we won't be making any summer travels due to my hubby's anxiety about leaving the house, but I'm hoping I can at least take the boys somewhere as they have been begging to do something besides sit at home. :ohwell:

    Laurie--Hi! :flowerforyou:

    Time to get back to work. I'm probably not going to be on this week as tomorrow is the last day of work and then I'm off until Monday. Have a happy 4th of July!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ As planned, I went home after work and did STS Total Body instead of BootCamp (aka: running outside on hot pavement). It was a nice workout! :wink: I’m sure the regulars who I see on Mon/Tues will give me a bad time tonight for not being there. This a.m. was Cathe’s Pyramid Lower Body workout, tonight will be Insane-X after work.

    Laurel: Yowsa lady! :noway: You are hitting it hard, nice job again today. Sounds like you have been reaching back into the DVD’s for some that you haven’t done in a while. Very fun! :bigsmile: What a thoughtful thing you two are doing for your friends. That is so great. Sorry they lost everything in the fire. Your 4th sounds like it will be a nice relaxing time planned with DH. Yum on the strawberries. I LOVE strawberries so much. Angel Food cake is a bonus of course with them but I can have just the berries and be happy too. We don’t have any plans either, we try to stay close to home since Emma (the Golden Retriever) is so frightened of the fireworks, thunder, etc….. I might give her something to calm her nerves a bit this year. With the heat and stress on her it can’t be fun at all for her right now. :ohwell:

    Erika: Great news that your hubby is doing better! Fingers crossed that it continues and he is on the right track now. Yay. So glad to hear you are enjoying the Firm Express workouts, I bet it feels great to be able to get back to a normal routine, including your workouts! It does sound like we received your weather forsure. We are supposed to be going back down this weekend into the 80’s which is perfect. :wink: Hope you have a fantastic time off and enjoy your family time! :happy:

    Hello Laurie & Michelle :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow! Tami