Cathe Fans Part 5



  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Evening Ladies,

    Wierd day as Mr. C was gasping/choking at 3am this morning due to allergies so he came for me which led to a long stint outside for him. Unfortunately the cold air woke me up and I found myself cleaning out my closet at 3:40, drinking tons of coffee at 4:30 and folding laundry and singing at 5:45.:huh: By 7:30 the crash hit me but I could not sleep so finally I opted to do Zumba as I needed the energy. So I did Zumba and then a LB Pilates routine as jumping or loud instructions did not sound like fun.:yawn: Yesterday's Barre routine with my office chair has some major DOMS in my hip region.:bigsmile: I think that I will incorporate those moves daily instead of sitting for so long.:wink:

    Erika- Glad to see you and I hope that you follow your heart in your career choice.:heart: A pay cut may seem scary but as a SAHM as long as you dont have tons of debt it can be done quite comfortably.:bigsmile:

    Laurel- The humidifier sounds like a must in those conditions. Too funny when I read about sliding in the chair at 8:30, as that was me on Monday night as I tried to watch Grown Ups 2,:blushing: mine was just exhaustion and feeling sick not heavy weights.:blushing:

    Tami- Glad to see the same teammates are back as I can imagine trying to gel as a team can be tough during competitions. I will have to make up my workout with MM tomorrow which is the 90 minute version.:noway:

    Jessica- Sorry to see about the struggles but glad to know that you are aware of the problem and will see the doctor again if necessary. I tend to have occasional bouts but usually during the winter months as the darkness definitely affects the brain and if my insomnia is in season, it can be very tough not to sequester myself inside like a hermit. Communication is key and I remember after losing my cousin to cancer, withdrawing for 3 months and finally having my BFF do weekly check-ins at a minimum. I had to answer the phone or she would go to plan "B" and that progressed to socializing again, and even counseling for a while. Keep in contact and allow us to motivate you on those days when the spark is missing.:flowerforyou:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Insane-X did not disappoint last night! :happy: Only had to demonstrate one round and then back to my spot … Burned a bunch of cals & there was a pretty good group last night plus my legs felt great once I was warmed up and no more DOMs, so that was a bonus as well :wink: This a.m. was STS #18 Back/Bi’s, tonight will be Spinning!

    Laurel: Nice job today ~ the “Laurel HiiT Tri-Fecta” :noway: :drinker: each time you mention that you do that I am always chuckling to myself in amazement! Such a great workout to do all three of them. NICE WORK :bigsmile: I talked to a girl last night that was in the BC class and told her my hamstrings were sore. She reminded me of the plank to pike position on the sliders (feet on sliders, going down and up from plank to pike position). That may have been the culprit on top of STS Legs! Glad I’m with you on Meso 2 :wink: I would say sleep is a close 2nd to hunger as well. :laugh: My DH always looks over at me right around 9 and says … headed to bed? Of course because I was just about to head that way. That is so scary to hear that a car blew up due to static electricity. :noway: I know there are always warnings and what not but YIKES. Hopefully you get some moisture soon or maybe try out a humidifier.

    Michelle: What a morning you had! :frown: Sorry to hear about Mr C, poor little man. Hope he is doing better Great job getting in Zumba + Pilates Sometimes it’s just better to keep on going with that delirious – “I’m awake now so let’s just keep going” energy. I bet you will sleep well tonight. Enjoy your MM tomorrow :wink:

    Jessica: I know I already sent you a message on the boards there but just wanted you to know I’m thinking of you and so glad you are talking about it, getting it out there and reaching out to people. Definitely here to help, inspire, encourage or whatever you need! :flowerforyou:

    Until tomorrow ladies ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today started with High Reps which felt kind of tough...but flew by.:ohwell: I followed it with a favorite cardio duo--the cardio from Hard Strikes right into the cardio from Turbo Fire 60. I had so much fun!! I needed that today. :smile:

    Michelle, sorry to hear about the sleepless night! I hate it when I find myself cleaning in the middle of the night. :angry: Hopefully the pup is feeling better. Great job getting a workout in despite the crazy night.

    Tami, glad you enjoyed your class, especially with the added bonus of not having to demonstrate the entire workout! Yeah, I can see where your hamstrings may have been tired from the STS/BC combo. That move sounds tough! :noway: I am glad the workout last night helped. My legs were pretty tired this morning still, but I think that HiiT workout gets them......that and the fact I have worked out my legs three times since Monday. :blushing: I think my body may enjoy tomorrow off! :happy:

    Jessica, i am so sorry to hear about your struggles. Just know we are here for you! I think it is very positive that you recognize some sources of the stress, and if MFP is a source, you are right to take a break. As you can see, I don't log anything into MFP anymore because I can really get obsessed about numbers. I just come in to chat with all of you. So I understand. Take care. :flowerforyou:

    I won't be able to chat tomorrow, but I hope you all have a good day and a great weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Today was High Reps Legs workout :wink: and at NOON today I did the Insane Abs class. I am always glad when I can break away to make that class, feels great! :bigsmile: She always has lots of tough stuff in there. No workouts tonight, which is probably good . . . we need some groceries so I will do that right after work. Not my favorite time to go but maybe if I zone in on my list, I won’t have to go this weekend :drinker:

    Laurel: SURPRISE, we were on the same mind set again with our workout! :laugh: :wink: That cardio combo does sound like lots of fun Great workout today! I’m sure your body will be loving the rest day tomorrow ~ enjoy! Have a great weekend :flowerforyou:

    I’ll check in tomorrow ~ Tami
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    Yesterday was Senior Muscle Mix, don't let the name fool you. My workout partner thought it was Wednesday and showed up at the gym for the 8:30 class, meanwhile I'm relaxing when she texts to tell me hurry and get there. So once I arrived and said why are we here so early the only option was to hit the treadmill or hit the weights. The class was a mixture of late 30's to late fifties and I loved it!:heart: The teacher is the Pilates instructor so the warm up was amazing and then she hit everything, similar to Bis & Tris with great arm work on the ball, bridge work on the ball and then chest on the bench concluding with Abs on the ball and planks. I can feel my obliques this morning and overall it was a solid workout, now compared to my usual class I was not in a constant interval motion because she does not do plyometrics due to her crowd but I can see next week combining the two classes for a nice carb based meal.:bigsmile: Afterwards we hit the field for a nice walk up and down the hils. Today it was an early day so I did Zumba and then headed to the Spa for a facial and massage.:bigsmile:

    Tami- Hopefully you were able to get your shopping done. I too have been avoiding the store but Mr. C needs dog food so I may have to get there NLT tomorrow morning.:blushing: I listened to my sleep audio and slept awesome and then woke up for meditation with Deepak & Oprah.:bigsmile:

    Laurel- Energizer bunny are we.:wink: Nice leg routine and three times per week just means you are focusing on lower body this rotation. I need to look into High Reps..does it require tons of equipment?

    Have a great weekend ladies!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    This a.m. was High Reps full upper body today ….. I’m opting for an in home workout after work instead of the short Spin class :wink: DH headed out for his fishing trip so I have the house/workout area to myself tonight.

    Michelle: That’s great you ended up in a class that you love! :laugh: :smile: WooHoo, another good one to attend. Sounds like a good workout and like you said, making it into a combo would be perfect with the other. :bigsmile: I’m sure it goes without saying but I hope your pampering was wonderful! I was able to get in some good basic grocery shopping and then headed home. I will get a few things this weekend but the time should be cut in half now! :wink: High Reps does not require a lot of equipment: light-to-moderate weight dumbbells, a barbell, a slide disc (or paper plate) and a medium tension stretch band.

    Hope you ladies have a great weekend ~ we have snow in the forecast and cold temps following :ohwell: that time of year

  • JessicaBR13
    JessicaBR13 Posts: 294 Member
    Hi Ladies! Thank you so much for all of your advice and kind words. I looked through your responses tonight and it gave me the motivation to workout. :flowerforyou: I did about 35 minutes of Lean Legs and Abs. I LOVE that workout. It goes by so quickly and it is tough at the same time.:love:

    Tami- Great work today!:drinker: Snow sounds lovely, but we never get it where I live, so what do I know. :laugh:

    Michelle- Wow, your day sounded awesome today! Hard work + rewards! :heart:

    Laurel- Sounds like an awesome workout combo! I decided to stick around. I have a love/ hate relationship with logging but I think it ultimately does help me. Thank you for understanding. :flowerforyou:

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    Windy, rainy and just yucky outside today. Started my XTrain rotation yesterday, so have done Chest, Back & Shoulders and Cardio Blast Legs. Really liked both of the workouts, and I think CBL will be one of my favorites. :wink: I'm guessing that I will have sore legs tomorrow for sure.

    Finished up my Peak Fit rotation, with a 9-1/2 lb weight loss. The only measurement that I have done so far is the waist, and I'm 3 inches down. I'm very happy with the results, and with my eating during the whole process. Feel like I have finally found the right combo.

    Will try to get through some of the post so I can catch up a bit. :blushing:

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you had a good weekend! We enjoyed beautiful weather again. Saturday we spent running errands to prepare for our trip to Arizona next week. Boy was everything crowded, :noway: I guess the Holiday rush has started in full. I got a workout in as well on Saturday to make up for Friday. I did To The Max Extreme premix. :heart:

    Yesterday was back to STS starting week 3 of Meso 2 workouts. These are the double wave load workouts. Yowza! I did the Chest, Shoulder, Tricep workout and have some soreness today, I followed it with Shock Cardio Step moves. Today was Legs, and I already know I am going to be sore tomorrow. But I did manage to follow it up with Cathe's Max Intensity Cardio and the XTrain Core 2.

    Laurie, sorry to hear about the weather! We have had nothing but sunshine for a long time now, and people are beginning to get concerned about fires again. Sad. They are predicting some snow on Thursday, but it sounds like it is more a case of wishful thinking than an actual forecast. :ohwell: Hope you continue to enjoy the XTrain workouts. That Cardio Leg Blast workout also has some great premixes. Congrats on the weight loss!!! Three inches off the waist is amazing! :drinker:

    Jessica, so good to see you! Logging does help, but if you find it stressing you, my advice is take a few days off and then come back. This also teaches you to trust yourself to make the right choices. Isn't that Lean legs and Abs workout fun? Love the music in that one.

    Michelle, that class sounds good! What a nice surprise that must have been when you weren't planning on attending. Tami already answered your question about High Reps. As she indicated, it takes little equipment in comparison to some of Cathe's other workout. That's one of the reason I like it.

    Tami, yep, we were on the same page for workouts......again! :happy: Hope you enjoyed your weekend, even with your DH gone again. My break week from STS couldn't be hitting at a better time! I was thinking both yesterday and today that the second run-through of these workouts week after next will probably feel SO much better. Cathe really brought the intensity in Meso 2, that's for sure.

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ The snow came to our area but it was just a light dusting …. Cold and windy/rainy rest of the weekend. I did opt for my at home workout Friday evening and did All Out Low Impact HiiT ~ felt great! :bigsmile: Saturday I took a REST day and had lunch and a movie with my BFF. We saw The Best Man Holiday, it was a good chick flick forsure, I liked it. Lots of laughter, some tears and more laughter.:laugh: :wink: Yesterday I hit the workouts before Volleyball with STS Chest/Shoul/Tri’s followed by Hard Strikes (full workout). Then off to Volleyball. STS Legs & BootCamp for today!

    Jessica: I’m so happy you found some motivation! :flowerforyou: :drinker: Having a workout that you LOVE to do really helps so it is great the Lean Legs & Abs is the one! Great work and glad to see you here. :smile: Laurel gives great advice on taking a break from logging when you are feeling pressure/anxiety around it ~ definitely don’t let it stress you out! There is keeping you accountable & accomplished in your efforts and feeling good about that vs. keeping you stressed and anxious about your day just because of it. The latter is not what you want forsure! :flowerforyou:

    Laurie: WOOHOO! :drinker: Huge congrats on your inches & lbs lost from your Peak Fit rotation. That is so awesome. You must be clothes shopping right now with those kind of results! WAY TO WORK I love it when you find the right combo of eating/workouts that you see & feel the results, it is the best reward! Keep us posted with your thoughts on XT! I don’t doubt that Cardio Leg Blast will be one of your favorites, I love that one too.

    Laurel: Nice job getting in your errands before your trip! :bigsmile: Yes, I have noticed stores are starting to really be busy all the time lately and I don’t live in a very big area. Happens every year though . . . :ohwell: Fantastic job on the workouts!!!! :bigsmile: I bet you are getting so excited for your trip to moms for Thanksgiving!

    Hi Michelle & Erika

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was a busy combo of workouts and then work at home. I did Muscle Mania & Zumba and after a week without my usual instructor my body is feeling it this morning in my legs and chest., yes we finished with 101 push ups.:grumble: I can see why I like that class so much and the instructor is definitely a drill sgt.:laugh: Today is an early day for me and I'm sore plus it is cold.:frown: This weekend we had my DD friend for two days and we saw Thor, which was fun but not as good as the Avengers or Ironman 3, over all it was great but on Sunday it was nice to be back to our norm of 4 family members & canine.:wink:

    Jessica- Welcome back and now I have to look into that dvd.:wink:

    Tami- It was hot this weekend and yes the movies had tons of people for the Best Man holiday which definitely looks like a great chick flick.:wink: Snow flurries, yikes I just turned off the Ac yesterday morning due to a high of 76.:laugh: I skipped the grocery shopping and only bought a few essentials from Publix but as I'm hosting TG for the in-laws I have to get out there asap.:ohwell:

    Laurie- Awesome on those inches! Keep us informed on your new rotation when you can.

    Laurel- Yes, the holiday shopping bug has spread and many consumers are searching for good deals aready, even the restaurants are crowded.:grumble: I love to shop online so that helps me tons as I hate crowds.:blushing:

    Ok my break is over. TTYL
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Nice BootCamp class last night! :wink: Another with a lot of variety and the HiiT bursts. I was teamed up with two guys last night :huh: They were laughing because I was right with them or still going when they would stop:laugh: I think with the positive feedback she is continuing her efforts to make the class better. :drinker: I did find out from one of the “regulars” she had a really good Spin class on Friday. This a.m. was Cardio Core Circuit – after work will be Insane X.

    Michelle: Great workouts yesterday! :bigsmile: Your new favorite combo! Yowsa on those 101 push-ups :noway: I know how those feel at the end. We used to have to do those in BootCamp with the squats, sit-ups joined with. Tiring. 76 degrees??:huh: ??? WOW I can’t even imagine that right now. We will be getting down into the teens and twenties this week I saw. Brrrrrrr Yes, we will be hosting TG for my in-laws as well. But it’s only the 4 of us so not too over the top on groceries. But still, a venture out :frown: DH will help though. Yes, it was a really good movie :smile:

    Hi Laurel, Jessica, Laurie & Erika :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! Sorry I missed you all yesterday. I woke up yesterday with some serious leg soreness from my STS workout on Monday. I don't know what it is about that particular workout that made my legs quiver so.....but they were quivering. So I decided to do all fun for my cardio yesterday. I combined the cardio from 4DS Kickbox, the cardio from Hard Strikes, and the cardio from Rockout Knockout into one fantastic 90 minute cardio session of pure fun!

    But somewhere in that workout, my legs started feeling better. And it was cloudy outside, which is unusual. The combination of those two things convinced me to decorate the house for Christmas yesterday. :noway: I is early. But with being gone all next week and coming back to a very busy first week in December, I knew I wanted to get it done before we left for Phoenix. And yesterday feeling a little like winter seemed like a good day. Well, eight hours (!) later, in an exhausted stupor, I fell into a chair with a glass of wine, a couple of pieces of leftover Halloween candy, and watched the Biggest Loser. :blushing: :laugh: What can I say? :ohwell: But the house looks nice. :tongue:

    I woke up even more sore today though!! So today's workout was STS Disk 21/Back and Biceps, followed by the extreme premix from All Out Low Impact HiiT. That was the perfect workout to do to loosen up my tired muscles. I finished it with the STS Pilates Based Abs. Good stuff!

    Michelle, sounds like a great class! I don't know how you get through those 101 push-ups to finish a class! :noway: Hope you get some cooler weather soon.

    Tami, great job with the workouts, as usual. We are definitely reaching for similar workouts right now, aren't we? I just laughed when I saw you had just done All Out Low Impact HiiT recently too. Sorry about the snow. We are supposed to get some tomorrow, but, like I said before, it is beginning to sound more like wishful thinking than anything right now. I am definitely getting excited for Thanksgiving!!! Are you doing anything special for your Thanksgiving?

    Until tomorrow!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon ladies,

    This morning was FIT, lots of supersets and cardio intervals and I can actually feel the legs from those box jumps and skiers. Tomorrow will be interesting for sure.:bigsmile: Then a fun high energy Zumba class which included tons of squats, yes it is taught by the same instructor, my energizer bunny Becky. :laugh:

    Laurel- Too funny about the Xmas decorations, as we took a shortcut last night after gymnastics and the girls saw a home with Xmas lights on and my little one said, "I thought we waited until after thanksgiving mom ". I told her maybe it brings joy to the family to get an early start.:wink: Or maybe they are headed on vacation too.:laugh: I love how you ended your day, hubby and I had a few mini snickers from our girls bucket on saturday night.:blushing:

    Tami- Awesome that those guys were slacking at times.:wink: Our last male visitor has not returned to Muscle mania and the last time he was in front of me so she picked him for every demo, it was a great motivator to keep up with him in the class plus see him grimacing at times. :laugh:

    Have a great day ladies,

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night’s Insane-X class was tough stuff again.:noway: I think it was because she did kind of a “Pure Cardio” type rotation, where you do non-stop at one minute each. Although she changed things up quite a bit and added in burpees in between rounds, no breaks. Then about the time I thought we were done we did about 10 minutes of Insane Abs type work; mostly standing and then another set of burpees. It was that thick air in the gym again too, so it felt even tougher :huh: Not sure what it is about that class, never seems to get easier.:noway: Maybe because she bumps up the intensity so often. Today was STS Back/Bis – tonight will be Spinning.

    Laurel: For having serious sore legs I couldn’t tell from your cardio lineup! :laugh: :wink: Nice work. I know for me sometimes just moving forward into something they loosen up and feel good & then I am really glad I did it. That sounds like an amazing combo. :bigsmile: I think it’s great that you were able to get all your Christmas decorations up. There is something about the timing of that …. Being in the mood to do it and does the weather make you feel like it, etc.. :drinker: Nice work and I love the reward in the end. :wink: The little skiff of snow we received of course is gone but now are temps are just getting colder & colder. Today is a bright sunny day but cold. I love the bright blue skies, so I will exchange cold any day for the bright days. VS Gray and dark but warmer.
    We don’t really have much planned for Thanksgiving this year. My in-laws are supposed to be coming over but right now my MIL is recovering from a knee replacement surgery …. She wants to play it by ear and see how her energy level is. She is doing really, really well and ahead of where they expected her but she says she just feels tired randomly so doesn’t want to force a plan. I understand and hope she feels up to coming over but I understand if staying in her sweats feels better that day. If so, we will probably make our own little dinner for the two of us.

    Michelle: Sounds like you had quite the workout combo with FIT and Zumba! :bigsmile: Nice job. It was pretty funny …. Our instructor seems to pick on the guys way more in the BootCamp class than the women. So of course she was calling them out and saying, “I don’t see Tami stopping, keep up with Tami". It created some good laughter and of course then I was even more motivated as well! :laugh:

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon/evening ~ talk to you tomorrow! :flowerforyou:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! My body is feeling closer to normal today after the severe soreness earlier this week. So to knock out the last of the soreness in my legs.....I worked my legs! I will never understand why that works, but it does. I did Butts and Guts. It has been forever since I have done that workout, and I really enjoyed it. It still kicks my butt.....but I think it is supposed to. :wink: I followed it up with Party Rockin' Step 1, which was so much fun today I wanted it to continue!! I think I am about ready to try some of the premixes that combine the two step workouts as I feel I have a good read on both now. I'm thinking I will love the premixes!

    Michelle, sounds like a tough combo of workouts! Hope you are able to move those legs today! :laugh: about the Christmas decorations. We always waited until after Thanksgiving too! It feels odd being so early, but at least we will be gone a week so I won't get too tired of looking at them! I am thinking they will come down the day after Christmas this year, though. :ohwell:

    Tami, thanks for sending snow this way!! :drinker: It was so nice to wake up to a dusting of snow. Moisture.....I have missed it. :tongue: But it is just a dusting. Oddly, though, we are supposed to get another storm coming from the south (instead of your way) tonight that may bring more snow. I hope! But, like you, it has turned suddenly very cold. It is only 19 degrees right 11:00am! Big change!! Your Insane X class sounds tough....and very much like Insanity in that it never gets easier. I hope your MIL continues to improve. It is always nice to share Thanksgiving with family, but my husband and I have had most of ours alone. We like that too. So whatever happens, I hope you enjoy.

    It was 25 years ago today that I met my husband! :noway: I have officially known him more than 1/2 my life. Where does the time go? No celebration planned since the Air Force Academy is hosting UNLV in football tonight. But that should be fun too......cold, but fun!

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Great Spin class last night (as always with Katy) . . . :wink: she was actually able to sit on the bike and peddle one revolution with her knee! She is getting closer & closer to recovery. This a.m. was Great Glutes, which I enjoyed a lot more today. It felt perfect this a.m. :wink: I was a little tired when I got up. No workouts planned yet for this evening but I may have the house to myself so might get something in! We'll see. :smile:

    Laurel: WOW! Happy 25 years :drinker: That is truly something when you think of how long you have been with someone over your lifetime. How great though. Have fun at the game!
    Great job getting in B&G!!! :bigsmile: That one always gets me …. Her “low ends” throughout that entire workout make me just go :noway: seriously! Every time. Glad your DOMs were gone so you could get in this workouts. I know I’ve said this before, but I am so glad you are liking those step workouts. I bet the pre-mixes will be lots of fun as well. I feel like I’m moving very slowly through my stack of new DVD’s :blushing: The step ones I want to be in the mood to figure out choreography. :laugh: You’re welcome for the moisture! Yes, our high is 34 and then it’s getting down to 19 tonight. Another clear blue sky day though. I’m happy you can relate to a 2-person Thanksgiving. Seems kind of quiet but sometimes quiet is perfect! What day are you guys leaving next week?

    Talk to you tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! Felt really good this morning, so I decided to push the workout a bit. I started with an upper body combo, doing XTrain Disc 1/Chest, Back and Shoulders, and then went right into XTrain Disc 2/Biceps and Triceps. These are fantastic stand-alone workouts, but as a makes the absolute best upper body workout! It is the second time I have done this combo, and I don't have time to do it too often, but if will definitely do it again. A real plus is I could really tell that I have gained some strength doing STS because some of my weights felt a little light! Good stuff. I followed it with the Greatest Hits workout which is really growing on me. Then, to wrap it up, I did the core work from Step, Jump, and Pump.

    Tami, such good news about your instructor!! I bet she is happy, but also anxious to get back into action. Sounds like she is doing everything she needs to do to recover properly. So impressive! I didn't end up going to the game last night, which was fine with me. Long story as to why, but given the temps, I was more than happy to sit home in front of the fire. I did watch a bit on TV, and it was brutal out there. I think we had maybe 50 people in the stands. Kinda sad, but to be expected on a cold winter's night with a team not performing well this season. :ohwell: About the step workouts, I keep meaning to tell you that I really benefitted from previewing them first. And not in my usual way of 'previewing' which is to put the disc into the DVD player, and then fast-forward through it! :blushing: I really actually watched these workouts and tried to figure out footing during the preview a bit......and I can't believe how much it helped. I was thinking yesterday during the workout that for being complex choreography, it felt very intuitive for me. And this was the workout that I was thinking may be impossible to do!! But, that being said, it is very complex choreography. We are leaving on Monday for Phoenix and will make the trip in a day (we usually do it in two). My oldest sister will be with us on the way down, which should be fun.

    So, that being said, I probably won't have a chance to check-in next week. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! See you all in December!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    Early morning start with Turbo Fire Hiit 25 followed by TJ Punch, Kick & Jam, it was a nice sweatfest and then I enjoyed a nice Yoga based stretch routine...perfect! My DOMS in my LB is officially gone but my obliques are still sore from those standing crunches combined with a Db punch. The temps here are increasing and it looks like storms are moving in to the area but with a new contract starting tomorrow I have no outside plans.:bigsmile: I was able to get my grocery shopping in this morning so I think that I'm ready for next week's dinner.

    Laurie- Glad to see some moisture has arrived and the thought of a fireplace and a great book sounds awesome! Enjoy your Thanksgiving with your family, way to rock those workouts!:wink:

    Tami- Glad to hear that your instructor is back in the seat and you were able to have a great class. Funny how we get attached to specific instructors.:bigsmile:

    Have a great weekend!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I'm off of work this whole week, decided to take some vacation time. :bigsmile: Into my second week of XTrain and really loving the workouts. I have only done one of the Burn Set workouts, but I really LOVE that workout. I'm following the 90 Day Undulating Rotation, and I think that it does have some great variety. I stuck with the Peak rotation through the whole thing, and I'm planning on doing the same thing with XTrain.

    Speaking of the Peak Challenge, I was the winner of the body transformation. :noway: I still can't believe it, but yes it is true. I am getting a years subscription fitnessglo, workout wear from WOD, free custom shoes from Rebock, t-shirt and water bottle. I see now how important that eating is to getting results, because I really stuck to my eating plan during the whole process. I didn't follow the plan that Michelle had for the system, I find it is way to hard to follow those recommended diets. I really think that this challenge is something that I needed to knock some sense into what I wanted to achieve. I've got about 12 more lbs before I reach my goal weight (want to get to my pre-baby body).

    Michelle, Sounds like you where having some fun with Chalene! We have snow right now, and I'm so glad that I don't really have to go out into it just yet. Do have to get some grocery shopping done for Thanksgiving (turkey), and have a hair appointment later today.

    Laurel, I will have to try that combo at some point. I think these are some of the best weight workouts that Cathe has put out. Will be interested in how you are combining the STS and Xtrain workouts. I'm not able to do double workouts on some days, because of my schedule, but think that those two would make a great combo. I don't know that I would ever het the Low Impact series, that one workout in this series is not my favorite. I am giving it a go through this whole rotation though. I'm not a fan of the disc exercises, maybe I just have to get used to them though. :laugh: First time through didn't go very well with the disc. :laugh: Congrats on the 25 years, I know how that time does fly by. :wink:

    Tami, One of my greatest fears is getting an injury. I gained so much weight when I was sick last year, so I really don't want to go back to that. I was also not eating very well either. :blushing: Glad to hear that your instructor is still able to give you all a great workout even though she isn't able to participate in the way she probably wants to. Thank you for all the encouragement during my Peak rotation. I have been posting most of my stuff from my phone app. So glad that I have that.

    Have any of you noticed that myfitness is screwed up with the exercises and food information. I have entered Xtrain workouts and then do a search on them and nothing appears. They show up after I have put them on from the app though. Just something I noticed.

    Have a great day everyone!