Magic Mike vs A Gentleman's Club



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    However a little part of me will say....that it's nice to know my guy is thinking of me while we are "Cleaning the Fish Tank" rather than the lady he saw an hour ago walking down the street.

    for the sake of womankind everywhere, please do not refer to getting some action with your man as "cleaning the fish tank" good GOD that is a horrifying euphemism.
  • HellsKells
    HellsKells Posts: 671 Member
    for the sake of womankind everywhere, please do not refer to getting some action with your man as "cleaning the fish tank" good GOD that is a horrifying euphemism.

    eww....I've never heard that, but um, I think I'm glad. Yeah, don't use that. Gross. :sick:
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    I'm seeing a lot of insecurity in this thread.

    I don’t know why people have to rag on those who are against their husbands going to strip clubs as being insecure. To me it is very illogical. Many Americans were raised in pretty traditional homes, girls were taught that they would be a mommy and their husbands would only have eyes for them. Do most Americans raise their daughters to think stripping is a good job? When high school is over and they are looking for college funds do we present stripping to our own daughters as a viable option for being able to afford an education. If most American women are raised in an idea that showing all of your body to anyone and everyone is not acceptable, why would most of them all of a sudden be okay with this as adults in their marriage?

    Me personally I have taken my husband to strip clubs. Not a big deal for me, but I don’t think everyone who thinks differently than me is some sort of insecure twit. Some of us choose to hold onto all of the values instilled in us when we were growing up. Some of us let go of some of those values. Some of us, never had those values. Everyone is different and that is okay.
  • andrea198721
    andrea198721 Posts: 173 Member
    I think guys are just wanting an excuse to go to the strip club....not that there is anything wrong with that. There are hardly any movies with guys stripping but every other movie out has some form of female nudity (boobs and such).... I don't see what the big deal is....If my boyfriend wanted to go to a strip club I'd have no problem with it, I'd even go with him but I do know that nobody is gonna tell me that I can't see it lol
  • dfsnell
    dfsnell Posts: 14 Member
    I would go to the Gentleman's Club with my man. In fact I've done it before, no big deal. But I will admit, I would rather watch the male review (ahem) with my girls!
  • I wish there were MORE "eyecandy" movies geared towards women. Plot shmot, I wanna see toned, half naked men gyrating! ;)
  • sktllmdrhmz
    sktllmdrhmz Posts: 1,799 Member
    I'm seeing a lot of insecurity in this thread.

    I don’t know why people have to rag on those who are against their husbands going to strip clubs as being insecure. To me it is very illogical. Many Americans were raised in pretty traditional homes, girls were taught that they would be a mommy and their husbands would only have eyes for them. Do most Americans raise their daughters to think stripping is a good job? When high school is over and they are looking for college funds do we present stripping to our own daughters as a viable option for being able to afford an education. If most American women are raised in an idea that showing all of your body to anyone and everyone is not acceptable, why would most of them all of a sudden be okay with this as adults in their marriage?

    Me personally I have taken my husband to strip clubs. Not a big deal for me, but I don’t think everyone who thinks differently than me is some sort of insecure twit. Some of us choose to hold onto all of the values instilled in us when we were growing up. Some of us let go of some of those values. Some of us, never had those values. Everyone is different and that is okay.

    Being raised to be insecure doesn't make you any less insecure. Maybe less to blame for it.
  • mbeis
    mbeis Posts: 19 Member
    Some people's answers are so ridiculous. How is watching but not touching Channing Tatum as he strips in the movie any different than watching some girl strip and not touching at a strip club? Either way, you get turned on and go home to your significant other. If you're afraid your significant other is going to stray from going to a movie or a strip club, you probably don't have enough self esteem or trust in your companion and you need to grow up or get out of that relationship. People who have said the difference is that one body is "warm" "real" "live" etc... what exactly does that matter? They're real, so you're horny. Ladies, tell me you didn't get horny watching Channing Tatum strip? How about when you read "50 Shades of Grey"? I feel like a lot of times women are very hypocritical about sexuality. Let a man (and woman) live! As long as there are no bad intentions or actions and it's all in good fun, who really cares?!
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    the movie had a plot. minus the stripping and hot actors. there was actually a point to the story. so let's unwad our panties and relax.....

    It really did have a plot which I wasn't expecting. What I expected was to go and drool a little over the gorgeous males dancing but that's neither here nor there.

    I don't see a difference whether it's a male strip club or a female strip club. My husband gave me a lot of crap because I went to see this, and over the fact that me and a few girl friends were talking about catching the Thunder from Down Under show sometime, stating he was married and took it seriously.
    Ok.. so go to a show, look, don't touch and come home. It wouldn't bother me.

    and for those that like to say all those shows do is offer temptation.. well - sure, I guess it does.. but I'm sorry - if I'm looking for "temptation", I don't need to go to a male revue show to find it.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member

  • Redapplecandie
    Redapplecandie Posts: 171 Member
    I just can't wait for the hype around this movie to disappear. It's sad that eyecandy movies like this are getting so much attention when other better movies are ignored because they may not have "hot actors." Doesn't anyone care about the plot in a film anymore? :/

    I care a lot about the plot, and this movie just didn't have it. The naked butts were great to look at, and I love the dancing. But storyline, nope.
  • wesH
    wesH Posts: 19
    I'm seeing a lot of insecurity in this thread.

    I don’t know why people have to rag on those who are against their husbands going to strip clubs as being insecure. To me it is very illogical. Many Americans were raised in pretty traditional homes, girls were taught that they would be a mommy and their husbands would only have eyes for them. Do most Americans raise their daughters to think stripping is a good job? When high school is over and they are looking for college funds do we present stripping to our own daughters as a viable option for being able to afford an education. If most American women are raised in an idea that showing all of your body to anyone and everyone is not acceptable, why would most of them all of a sudden be okay with this as adults in their marriage?

    Me personally I have taken my husband to strip clubs. Not a big deal for me, but I don’t think everyone who thinks differently than me is some sort of insecure twit. Some of us choose to hold onto all of the values instilled in us when we were growing up. Some of us let go of some of those values. Some of us, never had those values. Everyone is different and that is okay.

    Wasnt ragging at at all. Everyones relationship and situation is diffrent. If you have a problem with your wife/husband etc. going to strip club then they need to respect that reagrdless of what goes on, regardless if it's a movie or not. You shouldnt assume things.
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    I'm seeing a lot of insecurity in this thread.

    I don’t know why people have to rag on those who are against their husbands going to strip clubs as being insecure. To me it is very illogical. Many Americans were raised in pretty traditional homes, girls were taught that they would be a mommy and their husbands would only have eyes for them. Do most Americans raise their daughters to think stripping is a good job? When high school is over and they are looking for college funds do we present stripping to our own daughters as a viable option for being able to afford an education. If most American women are raised in an idea that showing all of your body to anyone and everyone is not acceptable, why would most of them all of a sudden be okay with this as adults in their marriage?

    Me personally I have taken my husband to strip clubs. Not a big deal for me, but I don’t think everyone who thinks differently than me is some sort of insecure twit. Some of us choose to hold onto all of the values instilled in us when we were growing up. Some of us let go of some of those values. Some of us, never had those values. Everyone is different and that is okay.

    Being raised to be insecure doesn't make you any less insecure. Maybe less to blame for it.

    Is that being raised to be insecure though? Just because you don't agree with those values doesn't mean its an insecurity issue. Some people simply think it is wrong.
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    I'm seeing a lot of insecurity in this thread.

    I don’t know why people have to rag on those who are against their husbands going to strip clubs as being insecure. To me it is very illogical. Many Americans were raised in pretty traditional homes, girls were taught that they would be a mommy and their husbands would only have eyes for them. Do most Americans raise their daughters to think stripping is a good job? When high school is over and they are looking for college funds do we present stripping to our own daughters as a viable option for being able to afford an education. If most American women are raised in an idea that showing all of your body to anyone and everyone is not acceptable, why would most of them all of a sudden be okay with this as adults in their marriage?

    Me personally I have taken my husband to strip clubs. Not a big deal for me, but I don’t think everyone who thinks differently than me is some sort of insecure twit. Some of us choose to hold onto all of the values instilled in us when we were growing up. Some of us let go of some of those values. Some of us, never had those values. Everyone is different and that is okay.

    Wasnt ragging at at all. Everyones relationship and situation is diffrent. If you have a problem with your wife/husband etc. going to strip club then they need to respect that reagrdless of what goes on, regardless if it's a movie or not. You shouldnt assume things.

    I don't have an issue with strip clubs. I do take issue with whenever this subject is brought up on these boards that people get insulting to women who do not care for strip clubs.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    Some people's answers are so ridiculous. How is watching but not touching Channing Tatum as he strips in the movie any different than watching some girl strip and not touching at a strip club? Either way, you get turned on and go home to your significant other. If you're afraid your significant other is going to stray from going to a movie or a strip club, you probably don't have enough self esteem or trust in your companion and you need to grow up or get out of that relationship. People who have said the difference is that one body is "warm" "real" "live" etc... what exactly does that matter? They're real, so you're horny. Ladies, tell me you didn't get horny watching Channing Tatum strip? How about when you read "50 Shades of Grey"? I feel like a lot of times women are very hypocritical about sexuality. Let a man (and woman) live! As long as there are no bad intentions or actions and it's all in good fun, who really cares?!

    This is what I was saying.... If its good for the goose, why not the gander?

    And for the record I'm doing a direct comparison. You dont have to interact with the dancers or pay for extra dances or any of those things... Its been many years since I have even been in one. so this was strictly for an interesting conversation. Its clearly obvious the women are OK with their little piece of fun but not when the same thing comes around for guys....but this is exactly as I expected.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    Most clubs may have no touching rules, but (1) that is customer to dancer, the dancer can often touch the customer, and (2) rules aren't always followed. (Yes, I've been to "gentleman's" clubs.) Assuming the person in question didn't get lap dances, and didn't get touched sitting at the stage, I'd consider it the rough equivalent.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    That said, I could use a few singles right now. Maybe I should set up a paypal account on MFP.

    Funny, I was having the same thought, although you seem to have a nicer body than I do.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    Some people's answers are so ridiculous. How is watching but not touching Channing Tatum as he strips in the movie any different than watching some girl strip and not touching at a strip club? Either way, you get turned on and go home to your significant other. If you're afraid your significant other is going to stray from going to a movie or a strip club, you probably don't have enough self esteem or trust in your companion and you need to grow up or get out of that relationship. People who have said the difference is that one body is "warm" "real" "live" etc... what exactly does that matter? They're real, so you're horny. Ladies, tell me you didn't get horny watching Channing Tatum strip? How about when you read "50 Shades of Grey"? I feel like a lot of times women are very hypocritical about sexuality. Let a man (and woman) live! As long as there are no bad intentions or actions and it's all in good fun, who really cares?!

    This is what I was saying.... If its good for the goose, why not the gander?

    And for the record I'm doing a direct comparison. You dont have to interact with the dancers or pay for extra dances or any of those things... Its been many years since I have even been in one. so this was strictly for an interesting conversation. Its clearly obvious the women are OK with their little piece of fun but not when the same thing comes around for guys....but this is exactly as I expected.

    well, one difference I see is that your wife can't go to the strip club alone. Generally, there's a no unescorted woman rule... meaning that the, uh, experience may vary.

    where the film is the same regardless of who goes there. They don't check your gender at the door now, do they??

    another difference, the girls at your local strip club live in your town.... so that's also a little weird. It's not whever he is from wahtever movie that is. It's the girl who also takes her kid to the same school as yours...or the girl who makes your coffee in the morning...

    other than that,
    I don't care. I think both are stupid as all holy hell.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    my personal thought is men who go to "gentlemen's clubs" and think their wives should be ok with it shoudl be ok with their wives working at a gentlemen's club when he's not around.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Many years ago in New Orleans far away from family and friends as well as our stellar reputations, my wife and I went to a co-ed strip club with both male and female "dancers". We were both young - mid-20's.
    We talked about it before going and knew what we were getting into.
    All I will say is we had a great time and fulfilled some interesting fantasies. And though neither of us have any regrets, we both agreed afterward to never do anything like it again.
    We still laugh about it from time to time.
    But we will not be seeing Magic Mike or Magic Connie or anything of the sort.
    Been there - done that :drinker:
    It was fun then but quite boring and uninteresting today.
    But you folks enjoy.....