900 calories and gaining weight



  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Eat up to your calorie goal and make good choices! Don't limit yourself!

    Edited to add...if you want good constructive advice, open up your diary!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    its only been 4 days...

    lower your carb intake. drink more water.

    we can't see your food log to scrutinize.
  • angeeishere
    angeeishere Posts: 89 Member
    Eat more, you're in starvation mode...
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    Never go below 1200 in the "net calories" category.... your body will NOT allow weight to go if you do.... I speak from the last 2 years!! Eat more girl!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Please eat more than that!
  • Quiing
    Quiing Posts: 261 Member
    You are going to fail with this approach.

    Starvation diets don't work.
    Because if your calorie deficit is too great, you can easily suffer from
    loss of muscle mass (slows down your metabolism) and impaired general progress.
    You have to find what is right for you but you also need to remember that your body
    is a machine and without the right type and amount of fuel there could be problems
    either with loss of muscle, loss of energy, less weight loss/plateaus, etc.

    Stick with the MFP recommendations.

    What he said.
  • Cat52169
    Cat52169 Posts: 277 Member
    You have to eat AT LEAST 1200 a day, otherwise your body will go into starvation mode and it will store whatever it gets.
    Eat good healthy food every couple of hours to keep your digestive system active and make sure you don't starve yourself.

    Please stop making things up, you're not helping anyone

    Actually your body will store fat and hold onto crap if it isn't getting enough nutrition so this is pretty accurate..............900 calories is too little. You have to burn more than you take in but that doesn't mean starvation.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    I believe Protein helps you gain muscle. You shouldn't be so worried, but at the same time you do need to eat more than 900 calories. Also, is it near the time of the month...the bloating can be doing that to you.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    no matter the explanation, just eat more.
  • KarenisPaleo
    KarenisPaleo Posts: 169 Member
    You have to eat AT LEAST 1200 a day, otherwise your body will go into starvation mode and it will store whatever it gets.
    Eat good healthy food every couple of hours to keep your digestive system active and make sure you don't starve yourself.

    Please stop making things up, you're not helping anyone

  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    You have to eat AT LEAST 1200 a day, otherwise your body will go into starvation mode and it will store whatever it gets.
    Eat good healthy food every couple of hours to keep your digestive system active and make sure you don't starve yourself.

    No disrespect to them....But have you ever seen a picture of people in concertration camps. Tell them "starvation mode" will make you fat.
  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Did you seriously just have that sweet baby in your avatar & you're only eating 900 cals? If you're breast feeding, you need at least 500 cals. Then you need another 1200 to sustain yourself to take care of that baby. You need to be eating double that 900 cals.
  • tbellamy1
    tbellamy1 Posts: 353
    You need to eat more, 900 calories it not enough to even meet your bmr. EAT EAT EAT!!!!!!
  • wyze
    wyze Posts: 248
    Yes drink more water! You could be gaining muscle though. I went from 107.2 to 110 over the last couple of days. Man does it suck looking at the number go up! YES! However I also went from 18.9% body fat down to 17.7% over the last week and lost an inch. So what does that mean??? Muscle!!! I have been eating around 900-1100 calories too... minus yesterday so eating more might not be the answer. Drink plenty of water, it actually helps you loose water weight! You are taking in ALOT of protein, you might have gained some major muscle with that. Throw the scale out.... easier said then done I know I have the same issues, and go to how you look in the mirror, inches loss or body fat %. Its more accurate. I bought a body fat tester on e-bay 6 years ago for like 25.00 with shipping the electronic kind.... SOOO worth it. Every time the scale goes up my body fat goes down so I don’t feel so bad! :) Hang in their too and power through it.... Whenever I go up eventually I go down if I don't get too depressed because of a stupid scale and remember to look in the mirror!! Remember girls cycles…. We go up and down throughout the month too depending about where we are at. :) You are doing AMAZING! Keep it up girl!

    What???? she gained muscle by eating 900 calories a day????She gained muscle by just eating protein? What????? SMH
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    You can't really gain 2 pounds in 4 days, it's probably just fluctuation. Like me, on Tuesday I was 117.6 lbs, and today I was 121.4 lbs. I didn't gain any weight it's just normal fluctuation.
  • ginaquinn2
    ginaquinn2 Posts: 136 Member
    You are NOT eating enough. Your body is doing it's job of protecting you from starvation.
    "Believe it or not, a weight-loss program that overly restricts calories will set you up for failure, as will a skipped meal. There is a point at which cutting calories will work against weight loss because consuming too few calories (or too few meals) leads to increased appetite and low satiety as your body prevents starvation. You will find it hard to implement your healthy eating goals when you’re feeling hungry and dissatisfied. And you will suffer from cravings, ultimately causing you to fall into under-eating and over-eating cycles.
    Your body will make a choice: lose body fat or lose muscle. An inadequately fueled body will choose to drop calorie-burning muscle rather than fat. Excessive loss of lean muscle mass leads to weight loss without improvement of body composition or health. This leaves you frustrated and ever-battling your weight." http://www.active.com/nutrition/Articles/Eat-More-to-Lose-Weight.htm
  • fudgebudget
    fudgebudget Posts: 198 Member
    Yes drink more water! You could be gaining muscle though. I went from 107.2 to 110 over the last couple of days. Man does it suck looking at the number go up! YES! However I also went from 18.9% body fat down to 17.7% over the last week and lost an inch. So what does that mean??? Muscle!!! I have been eating around 900-1100 calories too... minus yesterday so eating more might not be the answer. Drink plenty of water, it actually helps you loose water weight! You are taking in ALOT of protein, you might have gained some major muscle with that. Throw the scale out.... easier said then done I know I have the same issues, and go to how you look in the mirror, inches loss or body fat %. Its more accurate. I bought a body fat tester on e-bay 6 years ago for like 25.00 with shipping the electronic kind.... SOOO worth it. Every time the scale goes up my body fat goes down so I don’t feel so bad! :) Hang in their too and power through it.... Whenever I go up eventually I go down if I don't get too depressed because of a stupid scale and remember to look in the mirror!! Remember girls cycles…. We go up and down throughout the month too depending about where we are at. :) You are doing AMAZING! Keep it up girl!

    You did not gain almost three pounds of muscle in a week eating at a deficit. It's physically impossible. It's likely water retention while your existing muscles heal.
  • ZForce915
    ZForce915 Posts: 23
    You have to eat AT LEAST 1200 a day, otherwise your body will go into starvation mode and it will store whatever it gets.
    Eat good healthy food every couple of hours to keep your digestive system active and make sure you don't starve yourself.

    No disrespect to them....But have you ever seen a picture of people in concertration camps. Tell them "starvation mode" will make you fat.

    So far three people have tried to debunk the idea that your body will go into starvation mode. Two people with simple posts and this particular gem right here that I won't even begin to go into why this is so stupid.

    Anyone want to try to submit some factual reasons?
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    You have to eat AT LEAST 1200 a day, otherwise your body will go into starvation mode and it will store whatever it gets.
    Eat good healthy food every couple of hours to keep your digestive system active and make sure you don't starve yourself.

    Absolutely not true. I eat between 6 and 800 calories a day and I'm just fine and I've done this for going on 4 months now. I have tons of energy and work out almost everyday. And I'm really tired of this "starvation mode" word being flung around as a way to scare people into eating more. Yes she may need to eat more calories, it could be what her body needs but she will NOT go into starvation mode. Doctors put people on 500 calorie a day diets for months on end and they don't go into this made up word to scare people into eating more, give it up already. "starvation mode" is really just a plateau. She has something else going on.